Lead Small Team LO4
Lead Small Team LO4
Lead Small Team LO4
Helpful Roles
The Expert - A knowledgeable subject matter expert who can clarify technical
The Summarizer - Often, a "big picture" person who helps to sum up items.
The Bridge Builder - Experienced negotiators who can help bring opposing views
Set clear time limits for making decisions and remind people often of
the time - Jokers and Blockers are less likely to intrude or delay if
they are regularly informed of the time and process.
Clarify expectations - Get team buy-in up front for the work to be
done. Agree by consensus that everyone will accept responsibility for
any extra work. If the Busier Than Thou person begins to complain,
remind that person of his or her agreement
In general - Individuals disrupt meetings for myriad reasons. Skilled
facilitators will acknowledge the fears or anxieties behind the
behavior, and then move on.
Remember this...
Team members must commit to the success of the group and promise to
A supervisor should attempt to encourage norms (rule) that positively affect the
formal organization's goals, and to alter (correct) those that are negative. If this is
accomplished, the informal group/ team will direct its energies toward desired
How can a supervisor bring about a positive change in a group / team's norms?
Once a group / team have developed its norms, they are strictly enforced until
changed. But norms change frequently because the group / team must be
responsive to changes in its environment for self-protection. When a perceived
change occurs in the environment that affects the group / team, it tightens, eases, or
changes its norms.
There are three stages to fostering group / team / team norms that are congenial
(agreeable) to the organization.
First Stage
The first stage involves determining what the group/ team/ norms are, and then getting group/
team members to recognize their existence (survival) and influence.
This can often be accomplished by observing the behavior patterns of the group / team,
interviewing group / team members, or asking the group/ team to identify its own norms. As
noted earlier, people frequently respect and follow norms unconsciously.
This instrument has ten predetermined dimensions; these are (together with definitions,) as
2. Teams can have unofficial, informal roles too. Some are helpful and some
are not so helpful.