10 Heat Flow in Welding

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Introduction •
The main purposes of studying the heat transfer during welding are:-
a- To predict the minimum heat input to form a weld of any
given width.
b- To control the heat and cooling rates in the weld heat affected
zone and weld metal
c-To control the various microstructures in the weld metal and Heat
affected zone (HAZ)
d- To predict the welding conditions for the production of defect

. free-joints

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
the influencing factors The ** •
arc the in changes temperature
as summarized be can welding
A-The energy input from the heat source.
B-The initial plate temperature or preheat. -
C-The welding geometry including thickness
of base metal.
D-The thermal characteristics of the material.
E-The electrode size.

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Thermal cycles in the heat affected zone (HAZ)
in arc welds

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
The following three characteristics are illustrated
for the above thermal cycles

1- The peak temperatures decreases rapidly with

increasing distance from the weld center line.

2-The time required to peak temperature increases

with increasing distance from the weld center

3- The rates of heating and cooling decreases with

increasing distance from the weld center line

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Thermal cycles in different welding

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Weld cycles in repeated passes

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Effect of joint type on heat flow

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
)Net heat Input (Hnet
For butt welded joints
= [(E.I)/v]ɳHnet
=efficiency of heat transferWhere E=Voltage, I=Amperage, η

For fillet welds

Fillet weld “corner-T-joint” = [2/3 (E.I)/V]ɳHnet

In root pass Hnet=[3/2(E.I)/V]ɳ, S effective =(3/2)S plate

= [0.5(E.I)/V]ɳIn Cruciform Hnet

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Cooling rates
With carbon and alloy steels, the temperature at
best is ) which cooling rate is calculated (TC
on temperature “nose” pearlite the near taken
= 550 ºC.CTdiagram TTT-the

According to the plate thickness we have two types

of heat transfer
a)- Thick plate, three dimensional heat flow
b)-thin plate, two dimensional heat flow

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Heat flow according to plate

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Cooling rate for thick and thin

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Determination the type of plate

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Seferian Method for calculating the preheat
To create a quality welded joint we need to find and use the
suitable parameters for the used welding technology and
also the necessary preheating temperature. During the
technology process planning, we need to calculate the
carbon equivalent by finding alloy chemical composition
with the appropriate steel group equivalent equation
With the carbon equivalent, the combined sheet thickness .
and the welding process heat input, we can calculate the
welding parameters. This calculation is not a simple
method because the process heat input depend on the
welding process and the welding speed. Also it is very
important to know the heat transfer type (2D or 3D) and the
.used gas or gases
Prediction of Preheating
temperature (Seferian Method)

Prof. Dr. Hassan Megahed

Interaction of Preheat and Composition

CE = %C + %Mn/6 + %(Cr+Mo+V)/5 + %(Si+Ni+Cu)/15

Carbon equivalent (CE) measures ability to form martensite,

which is necessary for hydrogen cracking
CE < 0.35 no preheat or postweld heat treatment
0.35 < CE < 0.55 pr e he a t
preheat and postweld heat treatment CE> 0.55
Preheat temp. increases as CE increases and plate thickness

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
Why Post-Weld Heat Treat?

The fast cooling rates associated with welding often

produce martensite
During postweld heat treatment, martensite is
tempered (transforms to ferrite and carbides)
-Reduces hardness
-Reduces strength
-Increases ductility
-Increases toughness
Residual stress is also reduced by the postweld heat

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed

Cooling Time

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed
In case of thin plate

Prof,Dr.Hassan Megahed

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