Study Elastic and Plastic Bending of A Sheet Blank
Study Elastic and Plastic Bending of A Sheet Blank
Study Elastic and Plastic Bending of A Sheet Blank
Omsk State
Technical University,
The work analyzes the technological process of rolling a sheet blank to obtain a
cylindrical shell of large diameter. The analysis was carried out on the basis of
strength calculations of elastoplastic bending of a sheet blank, taking into account
the springing effect. Calculation of springing was carried out on the basis of the
existing ratios of the energy of plastic and elastic deformations formed in the
material of the sheet workpiece. Conclusions are drawn and practical
recommendations are given that can be used in the process of adjusting the
technological parameters of rolling machines.
Key words: cylindrical shells, elastic and plastic deformations, radius of curvature,
energy of formation of elastic and plastic deformations, technological parameters
of rolling.
Introduction.Currently, in various Industrial sectors Sov M.I. et al. systematize and generalize research on the
widely use technological processes associated with cold processes of forming parts made of sheet metal and
metal forming, and in particular with sheet stamping. profiles, using the obtained analytical dependencies to
This method of material processing is based on the determine the curvature and movement of the neutral
process of plastic change in the shape of the workpiece, layer of a plastically curved element under various
which is: a sheet of metal obtained by rolling; strip or loading schemes. In publications [9, 10], the authors
tape rolled into a roll. Sheet stamping in combination present calculation methods for determining the power,
with welding makes it possible to obtain thin-walled tuning and programmable parameters of bending
structures of various sizes and shapes that cannot be equipment intended for the manufacture of parts from
produced by other methods. Such components have high sheet and profile materials, taking into account the
manufacturing accuracy together with high quality of geometric nonlinearity generated by the bending
roughness and surface cleanliness of the part. process. In works [11–15], the authors consider individual
issues related to the technology of milling and
subsequent rolling of wafer shells based on various
methods of material processing that exclude
However, to apply such technological processes, it is deformation of the workpiece in non-rigidly fixed places,
necessary to solve various scientific and technical taking into account the shaping of a given geometric
problems associated with determining the parameters of shape of the processed structural elements.
structures of minimum mass with the required load-
bearing capacity. In [1], the issues of designing shell
structures of minimal mass with the choice of materials,
design schemes, safety factors, material efficiency This publication will discuss issues related to the
criteria, as well as the strength of these thin-walled power calculation of the technological process of rolling
structures are considered. In works [2–4], the authors smooth plates. In particular, the effect of springing will
consider various cases of complex resistance, curved be considered. The designations of physical quantities
rods and shells, stresses in thick-walled and thin-walled adopted in this article are given in Table. 1.
vessels of various types. Volmir A.S. in work [5] studies
various cases of calculating the stability of compressed Formulation of the problem.For the manufacture of
rods and rod systems, as well as shells, taking into cylindrical Metal sheets of various thicknesses are used
account various situations of load application. Grigolyuk for large-diameter or conical workpieces. By large
et al. [6] consider non-classical theories of vibrations of diameter we mean product diameters greater than 1.5
rods, plates and shells. In works [7, 8] Ly- m.
To form a cylindrical surface, a flat rectangular sheet
44 of metal is placed on the two bottom rolls of a three-roll
Table 1 Continuation of the table. 1
Notation in formulas
1 2 3
1 2 3 Mg Magnesium
The force of pressing the thrust roll against the HB Brinell hardness
F 1+Δ N
workpiece, taking into account springing
σpc Material proportionality limit MPa
Torque rotating the feed rollers
T N∙m Ultimate strength (tensile
σV MPa
strength) of the material
Radii of the corresponding roll numbers
ri m Hardened carbon tool steel
Current radius of curvature of the sheet
ρ(z) m Partially Annealed Tool Steel
stock M2
Distributed load bending a sheet blank
q N/m
M3 Annealed Tool Steel
R,0R, Reactions of sheet stock support and M4 Duralumin, Russian analogue of D16
RB lower rolls
Aluminum, Russian analogue of ADS
h Sheet thickness m M5
(technical aluminum)
Distance between centers of lower rolls M6 Pressed lead
l m
Energy of elastic deformations during Rice. 2. The process of rolling sheet metal using a
A J three-roller rolling machine
workpiece shaping
Energy of plastic deformations during
A layer J
workpiece shaping
(Fig. 1–3). Rotational motion during the operation of this
C Carbon
machine is communicated only to the two lower work
Mn Manganese rolls 3, which can horizontally move closer to each other
or move away from each other to change the distance
between the longitudinal axes of the rolls. This is
L -(z) - r1- E1 E2 -
technological errors when rolling such workpieces can
lead to costly product defects.
To determine dimensionsbuse data physical
properties of materials given in publication [17] and in
46 In this work, to compensate for the effect of springing table. 2 and table. 3. We will use hardened carbon steel
during the rolling of sheet blanks, as the material for the rolls.
table 2
M1 2,041 937.7 1245 0.286 60-64 HRC C 0.90 Mn 1.20 Cr 0.50 W 0.50 V 0.20
M2 2,041 489.5 970 0.286 17-32 HRC C 0.90 Mn 1.20 Cr 0.50 W 0.50 V 0.20
M3 2,041 206.8 655 0.286 6-12 HRC C 0.90 Mn 1.20 Cr 0.50 W 0.50 V 0.20
M4 0.731 365.4 477 0.33 74 HB Cu 0.90 Mn 1.20 Mg 0.50 – –
M5 0.731 82.7 132 0.33 24HB No data
M6 0.237 8.3 9.03 0.45 No data
tool steel (M1). As a workpiece material, we consider all Thus, it can be noted that the width of the zone of
types of materials given in Table. 2. action of contact stresses during rolling of cylindrical
shells of large diameter is small compared to the
1. M1 and M1. geometric dimensions of the workpiece and rollers.
Therefore, in theoretical calculations of sheet bending
2 -104 0.32 -1.5 processes, the force effect on the workpiece from the
4 (1.5 - 0.32) side of the thrust roll can be assumed to be concentrated
b-2,256 - -0.118 mm.
-1 - 0.2862 1 - 0.2862- under the condition ρ >r. 1
- -- - - To determine the support reactions, transverse forces,
-2.04 -10eleven 2.04 -10eleven--
bending moments acting on the workpiece, as well as to
calculate the values of its deflections and angles of rotation
2. M1 and M2. of the sections, it is necessary to draw up a calculation
diagram for the bending of the workpiece (Fig. 6).
2 -104 0.32 -1.5 When calculating, we will make the following assumptions. 1.
4 (1.5 - 0.32) At the considered stage of rolling the bottom
b-2,256 - -0.118 mm. The rollers do not rotate.
-1 - 0.2862 1 - 0.2862-
- -- - - 2. As is known, stressed and deformed
-2.04 -10eleven 2.04 -10eleven-- the condition of the workpiece during bending depends
3. M1 and M3.
4. M1 and M4.
reaction equations of the supportsR, shear forceQand use well-known mathematical expressions [18].
bending momentM, using known methods of strength of
materials, [16].
(l-a) a - -dY-2-
R0-F , RA - F . (2) -1 - - --
l l - -dz- -. (12)
ρ(z) -
For the condition0 -z-awe get the following results: dz2
For the condition0 -z-ainsert the expression (7) in (12).
Q(z) -F . (3)
ρ(z) - -
(l-a)z . (4) F(l-a)z
M(z) -F , (13)
- -
- -1 - -
For the conditiona-z-lwe get expressions of the form: - 36E22J2 2xl -
a Lh3 . (14)
Q(z) - -F . (5) Jx -
l 12
- 2Jxl -
F(l -a)l23 - (l-a2-3 )
f(z) - - -1 -
- l 2 --
27EJ x - -
For the conditiona-z-lat0 -a-llet's introducea- χl,
l2- (l-a)2 Where0 - χ - 1. Then let's write downa-z-l,χl-z-l,
z- . (9)
3 z 1 z , Where 1
1- - . Let us introduce the notation ξ - -ξ- .
χl - χl χ
The values of the maximum rotation angles of the Then expression (16) can be rewritten as follows:
F(l-a)a E2J x 1
θ-- (a-2(l-a))atz=0 (10) ρ(z) - -
6EJxl Fl χ(1 - ξχ)
48 Fa - F2l4 -
χ2-χ2- 1 - 3(1 - ξχ)2-
θ-- 2
- -1 - 36E2 2 -. (18)
- J
2 x -
Expression (8) will take the form: When bending, as in the case under consideration, the
calculation is carried out using normal stresses distributed
Fl3 (19) divided unevenly along the height of the section (Fig. 7).
Y(z) - χ2(1- ξχ)(χ - 2ξ - ξ2χ).
6E2Jx In the usual case, the permissible bending stresses
Rice. 7. Calculation of normal bending stresses
information shows that the change in bending radius Let's transform expression (33):
depends on the ductility of the metal, the thickness of the
(1 -n )
workpiece, the bending angle and other factors. -A- -A- layer
. (34)
In this work, it is proposed to use the energy nlayer
approach to calculate springing. Absolute and relative
- (1-n layer ) -
E2J x 1
ρ(z) - -
Alayer-A-ncontrol A layer-n Fl (1 - 0.5)0.5 - 1
-n layer , layer. (32)
A-- -A- A- 3
- F 2l 4 -
(1 - 0.5)20.52-2 - 0.5-1 - 3 - 12--
- -1 - -
A-nlayer-A-ncontrol - 36E22Jx2 -
50 -n layer . (33)
A-- -A-
Table 4
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F1-- -4 . (43)
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