Square Thread
Square Thread
Square Thread
22 22 22.5 19 284
24 24 24.5 21 346
26 26 26.5 23 415
28 28 28.5 25 491
30 30 30.5 27 573
32 32 32.5 29 661
Fig. 17.1. Types of power screws.
(34) 34 34.5 31 755
pressure on the nut. It is difficult to cut with taps and dies. It is usually cut on a lathe with a single 36 36 36.5 33 3 1.5 1.75 855
point tool and it can not be easily compensated for wear. The
(38) 38 38.5 35 962
square threads are employed in screw jacks, presses and
clamping devices. The standard dimensions for square threads 40 40 40.5 37 1075
according to IS : 4694 – 1968 (Reaffirmed 1996), are shown 42 42 42.5 39 1195
in Table 17.1 to 17.3. 44 44 44.5 41 1320
2. Acme or trapezoidal thread. An acme or trapezoidal (46) 46 46.5 43 1452
thread, as shown in Fig. 17.1 (b), is a modification of square 48 48 48.5 45 1590
thread. The slight slope given to its sides lowers the efficiency
50 50 50.5 47 1735
slightly than square thread and it also introduce some bursting
pressure on the nut, but increases its area in shear. It is used 52 52 52.5 49 1886
where a split nut is required and where provision is made to 55 55 55.5 52 2124
take up wear as in the lead screw of a lathe. Wear may be (58) 58 58.5 55 2376
taken up by means of an adjustable split nut. An acme thread
may be cut by means of dies and hence it is more easily 60 60 60.5 57 2552
manufactured than square thread. The standard dimensions (62) 62 62.5 59 2734
for acme or trapezoidal threads are shown in Table 17.4
(Page 630). 65 65 65.5 61 2922
3. Buttress thread. A buttress thread, as shown in Fig. (68) 68 68.5 64 3217
17.1 (c), is used when large forces act along the screw axis in 70 70 70.5 66 3421
one direction only. This thread combines the higher efficiency Screw jacks
of square thread and the ease of cutting and the adaptability to (72) 72 72.5 68 3632
a split nut of acme thread. It is stronger than other threads because of greater thickness at the base of 75 75 75.5 71 3959
the thread. The buttress thread has limited use for power transmission. It is employed as the thread for (78) 78 78.5 74 4301
light jack screws and vices.
80 80 80.5 76 4536
Table 17.1. Basic dimensions fforor square thr
square eads in mm (Fine ser
threads ies) accor
series) ding
according (82) 82 82.5 78 4778
to IS : 4694 – 1968 (Reaf
(Reafffir med 1996)
irmed (85) 85 85.5 81 4 2 2.25 5153
Nominal Major diameter Minor Pitch Depth of thread Area of (88) 88 88.5 84 5542
diameter diameter core 90 90 90.5 86 5809
(d1) Bolt Nut Bolt Nut (Ac) mm2
(92) 92 92.5 88 6082
(d) (D) (dc) (p) (h) (H)
95 95 95.5 91 6504
10 10 10.5 8 2 1 1.25 50.3
(98) 98 98.5 94 6960
12 12 12.5 10 78.5
Power Screws n 627 628 n A Textbook of Machine Design
d1 d D dc p h H Ac d1 d D dc p h H Ac
(125) 125 125.5 119 11 122 (58) 58 58.5 49 9 4.5 5.25 1886
d1 d D dc p h H Ac d1 d D dc p h H Ac