August, 4th - at The Pharmacy
August, 4th - at The Pharmacy
August, 4th - at The Pharmacy
At the Pharmacy
● Now match the items to the health problems. There can be more than one answer
for each problem.
1. Example: a cough cough sweets/syrup
2. a temperature
3. a headache
4. an insect bite
5. a cut
6. a sore throat
7. an earache
8. a stomachache
Role Play
● Work with a partner. One person wants to buy some medicine at the pharmacy. The
other should be the pharmacist. Use the questions and answers from the previous
exercise to have a conversation. Then change roles. You can start the conversation
like this:
● Can you think of any other questions that you might want to ask a pharmacist?
5. What does the pharmacist ask the customer to do with her card?
a. To put it in the machine
b. To touch it on the machine
c. To give it to her