Assesment Dan KIE Preskripsi

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1. Assalamu’alaikum/Good morning, I’m ...(nama apoteker) , I’m a pharmacist in here. Can

I help you?
2. Sorry, can I ask for it in about 5 minutes to ask about this recipe? And I will to recap the
patients in here
3. Please sit down miss/sir
4. Are you mr./miss ...(nama pasien) , ...(umur pasien) years old?
5. Where’s your address?
6. What do you feel?
7. When do you go to a doctor?
8. What do you get informed from a doctor?
9. Are you traveling somewhere before?
10. How does the pattern of your life? Do you have a pets?
11. Are you eat different before?
12. What action has been done?
13. Sorry, there's another disease that affects?
14. Is there any medicine that are being consumed?
15. Allright, miss/sir. Please wait for minutes, I will check the availability of drugs. Please
sit down. Excuse me.

Konfirmasi Harga

1. Are you mr./miss ...(nama pasien), ...(umur pasien)?

2. You got ...(jumlah obat) kinds of medicine.
3. (Sebutkan jumlah harga masing-masing obat)
4. Do you agree with the price?
5. Please wait for minutes, I will prepare your medicine and write a payment recipe.


1. Excuse me, you got ...(jumlah obat) kinds of medicine. (jelaskan nama, jumlah, fungsi,
efek samping, cara pemakaian, cara penyimpanan)
2. You have to increase drinking mineral water, keep of cleanliness of the house, avoid
exposed to the sun directly on it if out of the house using a mask, and keep your healthy
3. Do you understand, miss/sir? Can you repeat the explanation of me?
4. I've given you a brochure about your diseases had to read.
5. You can pay for it in the cashier. Get well soon. Thank you
– Dexametasone. Berkhasiat untuk mengurangi inflamasi dan nyeri. Lama terapi 6 hari.
Diminum 3 kali sehari (3 hari), 2 kali sehari (2 hari) dan 1 kali sehari (1 hari). Disimpan
pada suhu ruangan bebas cahaya matahari.
– Cetirizine. Berkhasiat untuk antialergi. Lama terapi 6 hari. Diminum 1 kali sehari.
Disimpan pada suhu ruangan bebas cahaya matahari.
– Ungt zinc oxide. Dioleskan pada kulit secukupnya. Disimpan pada suhu ruangan bebas
cahaya matahari.
– CTM. Berkhasiat untuk antialergi. Efek samping mengantuk, disarankan jangan
berkendara sendiri setelah mengonsumsi CTM. Disimpan pada suhu ruangan di tempat
yang kering, bisa diletakkan di meja kamar, hindari cahaya matahari langsung

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