Tugas B.inggris
Tugas B.inggris
Tugas B.inggris
Nim : 30902100241
Kelas : B
1. At the Hospital
Typically, the doctor will ask about your symptoms, your medical history, and about
medication which you're taking.To ask about your symptoms, the doctor might ask
1. 'Do you have a fever?
2. ''Do you have a cough?'
3. 'Do you have a sore throat?'
The doctor might ask more questions about a specific symptom.For example:
1. 'How long have you been feeling like this?'
2. 'Is this the first time you've had a problem like this?'
3. 'How severe is the pain?'
If you're describing your symptoms, it's common to use the present perfect tense,
especially for a problem that appears repeatedly.For example:
1. 'I've been having really bad headaches."
2. I've been having some stomach problems.'
3. I've been having a lot off problems getting to sleep.'
You could also add a time period, as in: 'I've had this cough for a week now.To describe
more stable symptoms, use the present simple tense.For example:
1. 'I have a swelling in my right knee.'
2. 'I have this rash on my arm."
After you describe your symptoms, the doctor might do some basic checks on you. For
example, he or she might want to take your pulse check your blood pressuret or listen to
your heartbeat or breathing using a stethoscope. Next, the doctor will suggest further
treatment, and possibly prescribe medicine for you to.