The Gottman Institute - November 2022 - Monthly Download - 4H
The Gottman Institute - November 2022 - Monthly Download - 4H
The Gottman Institute - November 2022 - Monthly Download - 4H
Fortunately, each horseman has a proven positive behavior that will counteract negativity,
which Dr. Gottman terms “antidotes.”
Use this download as a guide to understanding and addressing the Four Horsemen in your
relationship. Read through each of the horsemen and consider whether you or your partner
use these negative patterns in your conflict discussions. From there, you can begin to
implement the antidotes and find healthier communication patterns.
1 Criticism
You may have complaints about the person you love, but complaints are
different from criticism.
Complaint: Criticism:
“I’m upset that you didn’t “You never help me
help me clean up before VS around the house. Why are
our guests arrived. Could you so lazy? What’s wrong
you help me next time?” with you?”
Gentle Startup
A gentle start-up begins with “I feel,” leads into “I need,” and then respectfully
asks to fulfill that need. There’s no blame or criticism, which prevents the
discussion from escalating into an argument.
2 Contempt EXAMPLE:
Contempt is the worst of the four horsemen. It is the most
destructive negative behavior in relationships. In Dr. John
Gottman’s five decades of research, he found it to be the
number one predictor of divorce. “You’re ‘tired?’ Cry me a river.
I’ve been with the kids all day,
Contempt goes far beyond the first horseman, criticism. While running around like mad to
criticism attacks your partner’s character, contempt assumes a keep this house going and all
position of moral superiority over them. It is a form of disrespect. you do when you come home
from work is flop down on that
This horseman includes mocking, eye-rolling, sneering, sofa like a child and play those
name-calling, and hostile humor. In whatever form, contempt is idiotic video games. I don’t
poisonous to the relationship because it conveys disgust. It leads have time to deal with another
to more conflict rather than reconciliation. kid. Could you be any more
Contempt, simply put, says, “I’m better than you. And you are
lesser than me.”
3 Defensiveness EXAMPLE:
Defensiveness is self-protection in the form of righteous
indignation or innocent victimhood in an attempt to ward off a
perceived attack. It’s typically a response to criticism. When a
person feels unjustly accused, they look for excuses so that their “Did you call Betty and Ralph
partner will back off. Unfortunately, this strategy is almost never to let them know that we’re
successful. Excuses just tell their partner that they don’t take not coming tonight as you
their concerns seriously and that they won’t take responsibility promised this morning?”
for mistakes.
Take Responsibility
By taking responsibility in your part of the conflict, you can prevent the conflict from escalating.
Having acknowledged that you have some role in the problem, you are accepting responsibility for a part
of it. From here, you can work towards a compromise and have a real dialogue with your partner. You
become a team working through the problem together.
Stonewalling Physiological
Withdrawing from an
interaction to avoid conflict Take a break and spend that
and convey disapproval, time doing something
distance, and separation. soothing and distracting.
4 Stonewalling EXAMPLE:
Stonewalling occurs when the listener withdraws
from the interaction, shuts down, and simply
Shutting down during an argument, looking
stops responding to their partner. Rather than
away, tuning out your partner, not listening,
confronting the issues with their partner, people
“the silent treatment”.
who stonewall can make evasive maneuvers such
as tuning out, turning away, acting busy, or Stonewalling during conflict leads to…
engaging in obsessive or distracting behaviors.
A decrease in the ability to process
This horseman usually arrives later in the course information (reduced hearing, reduced
of the relationship than the other three and may peripheral vision, problems with shifting
show up as a response to the other horsemen in attention away from a defensive posture).
a partnership. When discussions begin with An increase in defensiveness.
harsh start-ups and criticism and contempt are
frequent in conflict conversations, one partner A reduction in the ability for creative
may turn to stonewalling to tune out their problem-solving.
partner and avoid dealing with conflict. A reduction in the ability to listen and