cc. of the molybdate more than was used in the first trial.
Result=8.36 per cent. P 2 0 , equal to a difference of 0.08 per
T h e following tests show that it is not necessary to remove
silicic acid by evaporating to dryness before precipitating with
the ammonium molybdate.
A sample of Florida phoshate rock contained :
Per cent.
( I ) P,Oj silica r e m o v e d . . ......................... 31.21
( 2 ) P,Oj silica not removed ....................... 31.21
Another sample of the same rock was also tried :
Silica removed. Per ceut.
(I) P,Oj ....................................... - 30.5
(2) p,03 ....................................... - 30.7
Average E’,Oj.. .................... = 30.6
Silica not removed. Per cent.
( I ) P,O, ......................................... 30.6
(2) p,o, ......................................... 30.7
Average P,Oj ......................... 30.65
When silica is not removed the filtrate from the yellow pre-
cipitate has a yellow tinge.
T h e relation between the P,O, in the precipitate and the
potassium hydrate was established by determining the strength
of a solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate by precipita-
tion as the ammonium magnesium salt, and also by testing it
by this titration process. T h e phosphate of soda solution was
weighed (riot measured), and the magnesia precipitate, after
filtering, was dissolved and reprecipitated with ammonia.
(Gooch, Am. Clzem. I.,
I,405.) T h e results are given in
Table I , the last column giving the amounts of P,O, obtained
on a basis of ten grams of the solution:
Weight of Weight of Equal Grams
Ka HPO m5?pzo, to P,O, in
sollution’ obtained. P,O,. IO grams
Grams. Grams. Grams. of solution.
I...... 75.824 1.2471 0.7956 0.10494
XI...... IOI .167 1.6637 I .&14 0.10492
111...... 101.622 1.6733 I ,0676 0.10gog