Warren 1982
Warren 1982
Warren 1982
Retativety pure UrnpleA of the minerals casaitcrite and tourmake were separated from
a tin OPB, and were usedto prepare ~uspensfona containing partick between 2 and 8 pm
diameter. Them suspsnstona wets stirred in a baffled beaker under various cowiitions and
ihe chwges in the ltate of aggregatiun measured with t photosedimentometer. Zeta-
potentlab of th- prrtkrler we*e a!so’measurrd. It was found thkhath minerals coagulated
rpo~kneoudy In the pH range of interest (pH 4-9) but that the degree oP ag_yatIon
coufd be incraawd by the shear-ftoti:ulation effect to produe larger, stronger CIQES, The
shear-ftoccuttfon step was made sekctive hy using sodium ftuorositicate aa a selective
dfsperranttoetouranalin~.The mechanbn of the shear-Swculatton effect Ls diwussed and
compared with that of eoagulatiair under shear.
One of the pekistent pkabLek in the processing of tin ores is the selective
recovery of the fitiest p&icles oP c&site&e (SnO,). We are investigating a
methqd of improving eovery in which the first step requires aggregation ‘of
the $assiteyite in ttie prbtice .of valueless accesso& mine&Is whfch are kept
dispersed. The ,cas&erite’ flctcs axe then recovetid by flotation [1,23..
Our id.m hi the Cork~iiported in this paper &IS to d&is& a systeni for selec-
tive aggregation of cassiterite from tourmaline, which is one of the key
accessory minerals. The method used was shear-ftoccuIation, which is a\1effect
whereby fine particles suspended in an aqueous solution of a surfactant me
made to aggregate by applying a shear field of sufficient magnitude [l, 31. The
surfactant needs to be one which renders the cassiterite surface hydrophobic
and for this purpose reagents nogm_@ly used as fXotat@n collectors are o-n
suiM$& W&. i&+& &d &IO $&tii’olleiAtir3i:‘&e ‘ctiboxyiic’ &id derivative
‘66 3903’S ‘and’~~~~~~~‘~ho’sphonid i&id.-Th&‘&hird’&b* field k& gei!&rat&
by stirring in a baffGd tank of appropriate geometry- The &die& Were rxuried
out on separate suspensions of the two minerals and form,a basis for further
experiment-s .with mixtures or with cassiterite ore.
and the suspension bft standing overnight to ensure rewetting of the particle
surfaces and then-dispersed with dttasound (1 min, 20 kHz, 160 W). The pH
was adjusted, reagents added, ad_ the final votume brought to 2UO ml. Tha
solids content was then 0.08 wt%.
A frame with six glass baffles (6.3 mm wide) was inserted in the beaker
(diameter 63 mm) and the suspension dispersed by ultrasound just before the
start of stirring. The bafffes were required to prevent vortex formation and
air entrainment when the suspension was stirred at high speed, A stainless steel
paddte (26 tim diameter, 16 mm high) was inserted and located about 2 mm
above the base of the beaker. Stirrer speeds of at Ieast 270 rpm were required
to keep the particles (2- 6 pm) suspended. The suspension was insulated
against fluctuations in room temperature by encbsing the beaker in foam
plastic. Drops of suspension were withdrawn periodically and the degree of
wgrel:ation observed with a binocular microscope.
At the end of the chosen stirring time, and with the stirrer stifl running, an
aliquot of suspension (30---IO0 mf) was removd in a gIass tube and transferred
to a photosedimentometer for measurement of the size distribution. If iG was
necessary to diIute the suspension to obtain a suitable initial light trmsmission,
a sotution of the same composition and temperature as that in the test was
ReproducibIe results were obtained only by careful control of the procedure
for preparing the suspension, adjusting the stirrer geometry and withdrawing
the sample of suspension for size analysis.
Size distributions of the initial and the stirred suspensions were determined
by following the change in turbidity with time for a sedimenting suspension
E, 6J.
The sine distribution was charactetizeci by: (1) dSO,the equivalent Stokes
diameter (esd) corresponding to 50% by weight undersize, (2) the weight per-
cent of the sampte present in the size ranges <3 pm, 3--6 &rn and >6 pm, (3)
the wt% of t.he sample which is present as f&c8 in the size ranges <3 Hrn, 3- 6
pm >6 pm. (The method of c&dating this is described Mow.) The repro-
ducibUity of~the dSOmeasurements was about + 0.2 pm.
The specific grauity (s.g.) of the particles must be known in order to calcurate
the size distribution._ For dkpersed suspensions, the s.g. value measured by the
s.g. bottle metI@ .ye used(6.35 for ceiterite II, 3.1 for tourmaline). How-
ever, in aggregated suspensions the floe densities are not known and there is no
simpIe,way OE correcting the calculations to aMow for this. It Was assumed,
therefore, that &,fI~.s had t@c! same s.g. as the.disa+e particles, an assumption
which. .wiil tend fo underestimate the actual fIoc sizes, (fn one experiment we
determined w_e_ayerage cross-sectional size of Rats from microphotographs
and found_.. that w.+,~e,most f&qqentIy ocF+ring f&c cross-section was
about 13 pm, the.correspond_ing esd of the most frequently occurring ffoc-siie
was about 6 pm. This result fvas not used to corrkct all the size distributions
mearx&d bjq pbottisediinetitometry because tht?‘fIoc density was observed to
vary withreagent type,stirrerspeedandst~ngtlnie.) .'
M~tiurrement of zeta-putenfb&
The particles used In the aggregation tests were too Iarge to be used In the
HamiItolr Stevens mic~electrophoresis cell [fl Wwhich required that while
particles were moving horIzontaIly under the influence of the appIied field,
they did not settle ve&xIly under gravity. 1
U!trafine cas&erite (< 1 pm) ‘was prep- by grinding cassiterite II In m
agak mortar in a cIeti cabinet, Th& powder was stored wet In a phtic beaker
for several days befor& measurements wvar&made. Uttrafine tour-fine
(< 2 pm) was obtained from the Cnes removed during beaker decantation of
the 2-6 Nrn towm&ue sample,
Solutions of the appropriate pH and reagent concentrations were prepared
and sufficient stack suspenaitin (e.g.; 1 mg &‘I) add@d to give a distinct
opalescence. If necessary the suspension was dispersed by ulksound before
measuring the electrophoretic moblities. The ionic strength was normally
O.UOfand the zeta-patentIaIs were caIcuIated from the Smofuchowaki
formula [It].
2 3 4 S 6 7
Pig,. 1, Varfatbn with pH of the degree of aggregation (4) and the zeta-potential (0) of
cadterite 11 suspensions. ZMa-potentUs measured in 0,061 W KNO, with ~1 pm
particles- Aggrwattan measured after 60 min at 400 rpm.
Fig: 2. Variattoa with pH of’the degree of aggregation (I) and the zeta-potential (m) of
~urmdInesurpenatoM,Zeta-patRntiatsmeuuredinO.OOl~f KNO,wfth<2rmpartictes_
Aggregation measured before rtfrring.
0 20 40 60 eo IO0
0 200 400 sao 600 tmo.1200 ‘. Stirring
time (mm)
Turrnmline: degree of agmkation of tourmaline suspensionswas increased
by adding small amounts of the reagent S 3903 and stirring above a certain
minimum speed (- 3UO rpm, se* Fig. 3) for longer than a certain minimum
time (- 30 mix, Fig. 4). The qxed and time required depended on the pH.
The way in which the weight of ilacsof various sizes ch,wged with stirrer
speed is shown in Table 1 for taurmaline at pH 4.2 in 0.014 g/l S 3903. A cdm-
parison is made in the same table with the behaviour of the Eusgension in the
absence of S 3903 at pH 5.8.
The zeta-potential of tourmake became more negative as the concentration
of 8 3903 was increased, as showerin Fig. 6. The effect of styrene phosphor&
acid was much kss. however.
_J I I I I I I I I I !
0 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.10
Pig. 6* Variation of the zeta-potential of tourmaIine with reagent concentration at pcf 6.0
and 0.001 Jf KNO, (experimental srwx -2 nlV)_ l S 3903; = stytene phwphonic acid.
_.:’ .’ I_-..
.- :
. \-.- :-.
Cl .
PI kf9, sodium oleata (0.016 g/l) 3.3 10-8
PiIf 4, sodium Iauryi sulfate (0,016 gD) 4*4
PIII 4.8 3903 (0.02 91) 4.4 %I:
PIx 4, s 3803 (0.02 gjl) 3*1 7.4
PI3 1. CA Ed0 (0.663 gll)
PI 3 4, AP 864 (0.003 g/l) ::: z-z
+I4, MIMf 3 (0.01 &l) 3:6
2 kI7, Styrene phoaphonic acid (0.01 glfl 3.9
magnitude of the shear regime in a stirred tank and the effects of increasing
shear rate on the stability of a suspension of charged partictes.
A practical tionsequeuce is that, in mixtures* the tendency towards hetero-
coagulation of the cassiterite and tourmaline particIes wili make clean separa-
tions of the two miner& more difficult_ Also, any aggregation due to the
shear-flocculation effect will be additional to the aggregation caused by
“natural” coagulation of the particles, and will need to he clearly distinguish-
able from such coa&ation. Ways of making this distinction ere discussed be-
low, including looking at the differing effects of increasing stirrer speed (Pig- 3)
and stirring time (Fig. 4) on the aggregation of suspensions by coagulation and
Having established that the degree of aggregation of cassiterite (and
tourmahne) could be increased by the shear-flocculation effect to produce
ktrger, stronger flocq experiments were carried out to improve the seIf&ivity
of the aggregation, e.g., Fig. 9, and to find the optimum physical and chemical
conditions, e.g., Fig, 6, These experiments are discussed in more detail below.
The system of paddle stirrer in a baffled beaker was chosen because of its *
similarity to stirred tank reactors that might be used in practice and because
of its simplicity of operation. Unfortunately, stirred tank reactors produce
comphcated turbulent flows which are difiicult to cfrar..zterize and which vary
with the dimensions of the hnpeller, bafffes and tank, and the positioning of
the impeller and baffles within the tank [81. Camp et al-[9] have suggested
that the bregular turbulent flow condition can be characterized by the aver-
age energy dissipa&d ifi the fluid per unit volume, e, and that an average
velocity gradient, or shear ratr?,G, may be defined by
G = (Z/u)” (I)
where Y is the kinematic viscosity. For tanks which are broadly similar, but
different in detail; to the one we have used, Camp finds average shear rates
of about 1006 s-* for impeller speeds of 360 rpm. Van ‘t Riet and Smith (163
measured average shear rates in the trailing vortices behind the blades on a
turbine impeller and found a range of 256- 300 s-‘.at 800 rpm.
-We may. expecf, therefore, that the average shear rate in the baffled beaker-
paddle stirrer.system will-be of the order of 206-1000 3-l, and that the average
shear rate.wiRiricrease with increasing stirrer speed. S&ce, in stirred tanks,
VO: W (see, e.g., ref.-[8] ) it follows ~~CII-II eq. (1) that G 0: N3’= and that when
N.is increased fr?m 300 to,,1200rpm, Q will increase to ha of the order .
160(?3QCW sl$.All thesefiguresmust be regarded as, order-of-magnitude
approximationsonly. .’ . .I ’ _.
In a stirredtank the local dissipation of energy is greati& in the small zone
nearthe’rtitatirg impeller tip and islowest in the bulk of the fiuidaway from
the impeiIer..T!lmi ind Bagster. [II] suggest that Iocal values of e range from.
50 times F in the 0.5% of tank volume near the impeller tip to 0.25 ? in 90%
of the tank volume. This ZOO-fold range in E implies, by eq, (11, a 1CfoId
range in G at any given stirrer speed, It may be that the reiMiveIy small voi-
ume of high shear near the impelier tip is the key factor itiIuencing the degree
of aggregation of suspensions, but we have not yet been able to confirm this.
Into this irregular turbulent flow with its wide distribution of shear rates
wo intro&ce cassiterite or lhumdine particles of averagesizeabout 3 flrn,
The range of particle sizes is such that 92 wt% of the particles have diameters
between 2 and 6 pm, and just a~ the highest and lowest shear rates may have
different effects on the degree of aggrc@ion, so too may the largest and
smallest particles in the size fraction respond differently to a given stirring
rcgi :nr .
Mcause of the complexity of the system, and because we have chosen to
measure fiocculation in krms of the equivalent Stokes’ diameter of the floes
rathlx than their cross-sectional diameter and their porosity, fundsmentaI
anai:Gs of the mechanisms of coIlEon, adhesion, floe growth and fIoc break-
up is not possibte. However, it is possible from our results to distinguish
aggregation by the shear-fioccutation effect from that due to cosgufation,
and to determine chemical conditions for the selective shear-flocculation of
cassiterite and tourmaline,
Fig. 10. Variation of the height of the DLVO energy bankr between spherkal charged
partlctea with the diameter of the particles_ Cdculatio!xs murrxe conatant aurfaco potential.
Curves calculated for zeta-potantiak trom 10 to 50 mV.
Pig. 11. Shear coagutation domain far 1 pm diameter particles as a function of shear rate
and zeta-potenttal constant 3 x 10dl* J, etecttolyte concentration O.OOt M).
o suspenrbn rtabb; 0 coaguhtion into secondary mInimum; V caagufation Into primaw
Quartz-water--quartz 1.68 I6
C~iterite-water-caiter~te 4.54 16-18
Cassiterite-water-cassiterite 4.63 16.18,19
Scheelitewater-scheelite 4.15 16.19.20
Scheetite-wate~cheelite 4.29 16,ZO. 21
flow regime prevailed, but it is not known whether this is a major collision
mechanism. There is one other factor which may make the Van de Ven and
Mason theory inappropriate; namely, t4at the size and specific gravity of the
paticles aru both sufficiently targe to give the patticcles a substantial momentum,
large enough that inertial effects on the collision process cannot be ignured.
For cassiterite particles with a v&city of 6 cm s-l in the stirred tank, the
kinetic energy and the energy of interaction due to stirface forces are of similar
magnitude for 1 pm particles but for 3 pm particles the kinetic energy is an
order of magnitude larger, Thfs suggests that collisions which lead to attach-
ment through “inertial impaction" [22] will: be more likely for 3 than 1 pm
particles, which is consistent with our results. If inertial effects were important,
it might explain why cassiterite aggregates formed over a wider pH range and
again& hig4er electrostatic potentials than did tourmaline (40 mV cf. 30 mV)_
The difference might then be attributed ta the increased inertia of cassiterite
particles arising from their higher s-g. (6.35 cf. 3.1).
as ffocs > 6 pm increased from 5 to 26, and at pH 4.2 from 9 to 68, when
8 3903 was present,
(2) The resuits also show that Blocs formA by shear-flocculation aze more
resistant to the high shear rates generated at high stirrer speeds, Thus, whereas
the optimum speed for coagulation of tourmatine was 273 rpm, when 43 wt%
coagutated, the optimum speed for shear-flocculation was 800 rpm when 97
wt% IIoccuIated (Fig. 3, Table 1). The strength of the floes, especially those of
escl3-6 pm at 1200 rpm is evident in Table 1.
(3) As was observed previously during work on the shear-flocculation of
uItra.Cne schee1ite [l] , the ftocs are stow to grow, especialty if the reagent-coat-
ed particles are highly charge& For example, for tourmaline at pH 6.5 in
O.OL4 g/l S 3903, the weight of large floes (> 6 pm esd) increased almost ird
proportion to the time oP stirring, with growth still occurring at 90 min where-
as there was virtually no further growth of Iarge coagula (> 6 pm) after 60
min (Fig. 4).
(4) Perhaps the key feature of shear-flocculation is that increased aggregation
with increasing stirrer speed only occurs if the particles are fil?rtm&e hydco-
phobic by the sorption of a suitable reagent which, in this case, was S 3903.
This is best seen by comparing suspensions of highly charged particles. Tour-
maline done 8t pH 10 (I = -+-37 mV) did not aggrE_gati at 400 rpm (Fig. 4)
whereas in the presence of 0.014 g/i S 3903 at pII 6.5 (g = -59 mV) about
half the sample was flocculated (Fig. 3).
The de of the hydrophabic surfaces appears to be twofold: (1) the forma-
tion of agmegates is favoured by an energy of ‘*hydrophobic assaciation” which
comes into effect if the collisions rcsuft in direct contact between the hydro-
phobic particles, and (2) the resistance to thinning and removal of the water
layers separating the approaching particles is tess for hydrophobic particles
than for hydrophilic particles 11).
Pashtey and Israelachvili [24] have shown by direct measurements of the
forces between two mica surfmes in aqueous solutions c;f hexadecyltrimethyl-
ammonium bromide (<=TAB) that when the mica surfaces were coated by a
monolayer of CTAB and were hydrophobic, there was an apparent additional
attractive force between the surfaces which was at least three times iarger than
the expected Van der WaaIs fmce. The resuIt of this effect was that as that mica
surfaces approached each other, they jumped into final adhesive contact from
a separation of 9 n.m instead of from the separation of 4 nm expected from
DLVO theory. In shear-flocculation we are evidently caking advantage of this
extra attractive ‘.*fo~e” between hydrophobic surfaces, which allows closer
approach ,qf surfaces with fairly high zeta-potentials.
The strength of hydrophobzc interactions has been measured by Shchukin
et al. [ZS] . In their experiments, the force necessary to break contact between
two 1 mm diameter methylat& glass spheres was measured and related t4~ the
areal free energy of adhesion. For methylat& glass spheres in water the rfd-
hesion energy was about 40 mJ m’*, which for a contact area of IO.00 nm*
co&responds to an energy of about 10,600 kT.This is of the same rrder of
the surfactant molecules facing the sotution and making the surface hydro-
phobic, the polar head groups are oriented outwards and make the surface
hydrophilic. Shear-fXoccuIation will be less likely since the hydrocarbon fds
on opposite particles can no ionger easily overlap and the energy of hydro-
phobic association will be small.
Concenfmtbn ofdSspersurt: For the same particte size (3.3 ,WII) and S 3903
concentration (0.01 g/l) the degree of aggregation at pH 6 was greater for
cassiterite than for tourmaline (Fig. 3,6). At pH 4 both minerals were equally
well aggregated. However, the slight selectivity at pH 6 is unlikely to be suffi-
cient to achieve selective flocculation in practice.
Sodium fhtorosilicate proved to be an effective dupersant for stirred tour-
maline suspensions but had no effect on the degree of aggregation of cassiterite
suspensions [Table 3) At concentrations below 0.1 g/l, sodium fluorosilicate
h extensively hydrolyzed, forming sihcic acid and hydrogen and fluoride ions
[281. Sines sodium silicate, at pH 4 or 6, did not disperse tourmaline whereas
sodium ffuorkie did, we concluded that it was the Ctuoride ion which was
selectively adsorbing on tourmaline, hut not an cassiterite, This is consistent
with the observation that the aeta-potential of tourmaline increased from
-15 to -30 mV in the presence of 0.Q4 g/l NaF at pH 6.6, The aluminium
and/or boron sites in taurmaline may be responsible for the specific adsorption
of fluoride,
The selective action of sodium ftuorosilicate was maintained in stirred
suspensions to which sufficient S 3903 had been added to promote good shear-
flocculation. This may be deduced from Fig. 9 and from a test on cassiterite at
pH 6.5 with 0.002 g!l S 3903 snd 0.6 g/l NaxSiFa, for which the dxO was 6-l
pm. Thus cassiterite could be aggregated at the same concentration of fluoro-
silicate which dispersed taurmaline.
Our best results were obtained by adding just enough S 3903 (-0.01 g/l)
to aggregate the cassiterite (Fig. 6) and just enough sodium fluOrOSJ!icate
(-0,3 i’J1) to disperse the tourmaline (Fig, 9). Selectivity was better at pH 6
than 4 (Figs. 3,6). An intermediate stirrer speed (400-800 rpm) and a fairly
long stirring time (30-60 min) were required for goad flocculation (Figs. 3,
4). On the basis of these results for single-mineral suspensions, selective shear-
flocculation in mixtures should be possible.
(2) The degree of aggregatiiinin stirred suipensiong of th& two minerals was
increased in the presence of sodium oleate, sodium laurjr1sulfate iandthe. ; I .: I
Cyanamid xeagentS 3903;This is caused bJi_th& she&fio&ufation effect; thich
produced h~er;stronger Rots: At high reagent doncentrations there was no :
aggregation, apparently because of the adsorption of a second, oppositely orient-
ed and therefore hydrophilic layer of surfactant.
~(3) .The reagent styrene phosphunic acid; which is reported to be a’good
flotation collector for cassiterite, did not induce sh&r-floctiulation of cassiterite
or tourmaline, probably because of its short hydrocarbon chain and weak
adscrption. i-.. -. - :. . I
(4) Sodium fluorcsiricate was found to absorb selectively on tuurmaline. The
active ingredie-atin the ffuorosilicate appears to be the fluoride ion. Tests on
separate suspensionsindicat& that selective shear-fhxculation of cassiterite
from tourmaline should, other things being equal,-be possible In mixtures of
the two mtierals and in natural cassitetite ore,
The work was supported in part by Abetfoyle Ltd. The author thanks
Mr D.J. Strihley and Mr A.H.D.- Couchman for carrying out most of the ex-
petiental work; Dr T.G.H. Van de Vaii and Dr.-K. Takamura for helpful
discussions and assistance in cabdating shear coagulation domains and Dr
L.R. white for asPistancein calculating Hamaker constants.