Cold Call Ebook v3
Cold Call Ebook v3
Cold Call Ebook v3
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 4
Of all the topics I have written on, what I have written about cold calling has always struck a nerve,
eliciting strong opinions— either for or against. Much of the email I receive is for advice and ideas about
how to be more effective at cold calling, or it is to remind me that Sales 2.0 has replaced cold calling (an
idea with which I am vehemently opposed with every fiber of my being).
I collected a few posts on cold calling here to serve as a guide for those who would endeavor to improve
their cold calling skills. I hope you find it useful in improving your effectiveness and that you adopt these
ideas into all of your prospecting activities.
Master Cold calling NOW
Lack of Ability to Differentiate Conclusion
Master Cold calling NOW
Cold Calling C-Level Executives Why Do C-level Executives Take Your Call
There is no reason that you, as a professional Who do you think has the worst case of
salesperson, cannot pick up the phone and call insomnia in your prospect’s company? No one,
C-level executives, providing you have great and I mean no one, has bigger problems with
ideas (and you do have great ideas!). There is more at stake than C-level executives. No one
no reason you cannot pick up the phone and wants to make sure their initiatives succeed
say: “Hi Tom. This is Anthony with The Sales like C-level executives. C-level executives
Blog. I just read an article about your new are charged with achieving their company’s
initiative, and I have some ideas that I believe strategic goals and objectives.
will helpful to you and XYZ Company with this
project. I’d like to invite you to grab a cup of Where those goals and objectives rub up against
coffee and a quick discussion on two of these market realities are where problems are found.
ideas. I promise it will be 20 minutes that will Where problems are found is where there is an
be worth your while whether you use us or not. opening for you to create value.
What does Thursday morning look like?” Does
What’s Expected of You
this require that you have the ideas? Absolutely.
To get the opportunity you have to be a couple Conclusion
things. You have to be supremely confident that
Let’s not forget that C-level executives are
you can solve their problem or help them with
human (well, I have met a few that may not be).
a competitive advantage. You have to have the
They usually have more experience and greater
business acumen to be able to speak to them in
competencies which has led them to a position
their language, and the language of business is
of responsibility.
often financial or strategic.
Master Cold calling NOW
can hope for, based on your request, is that they Effectiveness in cold calling and appointment
might get to visit with a really nice salesperson setting is built on differentiating yourself and
with nothing very valuable to offer. your offering and by proving you can and
will help your dream clients produce better
Your Call Confirms That You Lack business results.
Business Acumen
Your dream clients have business issues,
business problems, business challenges, and 1. What does your script suggest about your
business opportunities for which they require intentions for the first appointment with
outside help.
your dream client?
Master Cold calling NOW
In order to gain their attention, you
3. You Have to Prove You
have to differentiate yourself from your
many competitors. A lot of companies
Are a Value Creator.
treat all of their providers and partners
Not a Time Waster.
as commodities, which means one of us
Your dream client has allowed her time to
is as good as the next—even when this is
be wasted by salespeople in the past. Your
not true! During your call, you only have
call is already suspect; your dream client
two tools that you can use to differentiate
believes that you will waste their time and
yourself from your competitors:
that you are not a value creator. You have
one chance to make a first impression,
1. The language choices that you make
and you have to say something that
proves that you know that it is your job to
2. What you personally bring to a call
help them achieve a better outcome than
If your language choices are the same they are presently getting. You have to say
as all of your competitors, you are not something that indicates that you know
going to be perceived as being different. that you own that better outcome. If you
If the way you say what you say makes say: “I’d like to stop by and introduce
you sound like you are not passionate, myself and my service,” you have said
like you are not excited, like you are not nothing that indicates that you intend to
interesting, and like you do not have the create value. If instead you say: “I’d like
ability to make a difference, you will not to sit down with you for fifteen minutes
differentiate yourself. Your competitors to see how we might be able to help
are trying to sound professional. You reduce your overall cost of _________
need to sound different. Being real, being and improve your __________ results,”
conversational, and being authentic will you sound like a value creator.
help you differentiate yourself. If you do
not sound like you are passionate about 4. You Are Already Using a
meeting with them and helping them, Script. Write a Better One.
how do you expect them to be passionate
Even if you don’t use a written script,
about meeting with you and giving you
chances are, you are saying about the
their time? You still need to have the
same thing on every call that you make.
business acumen to talk about your dream
client’s challenges in a meaningful way,
Improving your script improves your
but authenticity and professionalism are
results. It is tremendously helpful to go
not mutually exclusive. Authenticity is
through the act of writing down what you
enabled by confidence. Be yourself (and
intend to say before you say it. It helps
be a confident you).
build the language into your nervous
Master Cold calling NOW
system; it makes the language part of have. I’ll make sure I am prepared to show
you. Writing down what you intend to you how we put these six ideas to work
say also prevents you from having to read for our clients. What does next Thursday
it from a piece of paper. By writing your afternoon at 2:00 PM look like?” If you
script, utilizing it in practice, discerning answer the questions without leading the
what works and what doesn’t, and then conversation towards committing to an
re writing your script, you build greater appointment, you are arming your dream
confidence and competency. You should client with the information they need to
also write down all of the common say no. You are giving them enough to say
objections and concerns you hear from that your answer isn’t enough for them
your dream clients so that you can have to want to change right now. You cannot
prepared, effective language choices. sell without first understanding your
client’s needs and their dissatisfaction.
5. Your Goal Is an However, the cold call is not the place
Appointment. Nothing Else. to conduct that needs analysis. The
more questions you ask, and the deeper
Your goal is not a conversation. Your you get into a conversation, the less it
goal is not a needs analysis. Your goal is becomes necessary for your dream client
not a presentation. Your goal is simply an to meet with you. In B2B sales, always
appointment, nothing else. All questions be closing is problematic; especially
that would lead to a conversation need when not enough time, trust, or value
to be responded to in a way that instead has been created to deserve the close.
leads to an appointment. You hear: “what But when it comes to cold calling, always
makes you different?” You say: “we be closing is the rule. In order to create
have six fundamental things that make an opportunity, you have to first get in.
us different and that make a difference
for our clients, including a couple of
proprietary service offerings that only we
6. You Are Going to Have Conclusion
How to Crush It, Kill It, And Master Cold Calling Now