ChE 211 Topic 2

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Republic of the Philippines


(Masbate State College)
College of Engineering
Mandaon, Masbate

MODULE in ChE 211

(Chemical Engineering Calculations)

Compiled and Edited by:

Engr. Gian Carlo R. Malto

Faculty, Chemical Engineering Department
ChE 211- Chemical Engineering Calculations
2. Fundamentals of Material Balances

Topic Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the features of open, closed, steady-state, and
unsteady-state systems and given a process in words or
pictures, select the appropriate categories for the process.
2. Given a process description, (a) draw and fully label a
flowchart; (b) choose a convenient basis of calculation; (c)
for a multiple-unit process, identify the subsystems for
which balances might be written; (d) perform the degree-of-
freedom analysis for the overall system and each possible
subsystem; (e) write the equations you would use to
calculate specified process variables; and (f) perform the

Topic 2 – Fundamentals of Material Balances Page | 2

2.1 Introduction

Material balances are important first step when designing a new process or analyzing an existing
one. They are almost always prerequisite to all other calculations in the solution of process
engineering problems. Material balances are nothing more than the application of the law of
conservation of mass, which states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed. Thus, as an
example, you cannot specify an input to a reactor of one ton of naphtha and an output of two tons
of gasoline or gases or anything else. One ton of total material input will only give one ton of
total output, i.e. total mass of input = total mass of output.
A material balance is an accounting for material. Thus, material balances are often compared to
the balancing of current accounts. They are used in industry to calculate
mass flow rates of different process streams entering or leaving chemical or physical processes.

2.2 Process Classification

A. Based on manner of delivering process streams

Batch process

The feed is charged into a vessel at the beginning of the process and the vessel contents
are removed some time later. No mass transfer across the boundary between the time the
feed is charged and the time the product is removed.

Example: Rapidly add reactants to a tank and remove the products and unconsumed
reactants sometime later when the system has come to equilibrium.

Continuous process

Inputs and outputs flow continuously through the duration of the process.

Example: Pump a mixture of liquids into a distillation column at constant rate and
steadily withdraw product streams from the top and bottom of the column.

Semi batch process

Any process that is neither batch nor continuous.

Example: Allow the contents of pressurized gas container to escape to the atmosphere;
slowly blend several liquids in a tank from which nothing is being withdrawn.

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B. According to variation of the process variables with time

Steady state

The values of all process variables (i.e. all temperatures, pressures, compositions, flow
rates) do not change with time. For example, batch or semi batch processes.

Unsteady state or transient

Any of the process variables change with time. Continuous processes may be either
steady-state or transient.

2.3 The General Balance Equation

Figure 2.1: Process balance

A balance on a conserved quantity (total mass, mass of a particular species, energy, and
momentum) in a system as show in figure 2.1 can be written in the following general way:

Input + generation - output - consumption = accumulation [2.1]

Input - enters through system boundary
Generation - produced within system
Output - leaves through system boundary
Consumption - consumed within system
Accumulation - builds up within system

Example 2.1

Each year 50000 people move into a city, 75000 people move out, 22000 are born, and
19000 die. Write a balance on the population of the city.

Input + generation - output - consumption = accumulation

50000 + 22000 – 75000 – 19000 = - 22000

Therefore, the city’s population decreases by 22,000 people each year.

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Two types of balances:

A. Differential balance

➢ Balance that indicates what is happening in a system at an instant in time.

➢ Each term of the balance equation is a rate (rate of input, rate of generation, etc)
and has units of the balanced quantity unit divided by the time unit (people/yr,
➢ This is the type of balance usually applied to a continuous process.

B. Integral balance

➢ Balance that describes what happens between two instants of time.

➢ Each term of the equation is an amount of the balanced quantity and has the
corresponding unit (people, barrels).
➢ This type of balance is usually applied to a batch process, with the two instants of
time being the moment after the input takes place and the moment before the
product is withdraw.

The following rules can be used to simplify the material balance equation:

➢ If the balanced quantity is total mass, generation = 0 consumption = 0:

Input - output = accumulation

➢ If the balanced substance is non-reactive species, generation = consumption = 0:

Input - output = accumulation

➢ If a system is at steady state, accumulation = 0:

Input + generation = output + consumption

2.4 Balance on Continuous Steady-State Process

For continuous processes at steady state, the accumulation term in the general balance
equation, (Eq 2.1), equals zero and the equation simplifies as below:

Input + generation = output + consumption [2.2]

If the equation is on a non-reactive species or on total mass, the generation and

consumption terms equal zero and the equation reduces to the equation as below:

Input = Output [2.3]

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Example 2.2

One thousand kilograms per hour of mixture of benzene (B) and toluene (T) containing
50% benzene by mass is separated by distillation into two fractions. The mass flow rate
of benzene in the top stream is 450 kg B/h and that of toluene in the bottom stream is 475
kg T/h. The operation is at steady state. Write balance on benzene and toluene to
calculate the unknown component flow rates in the output streams.

The process can be depicted schematically as follows:

450 kg B/h
m1 (kg T/h)

500 kg B/h
500 kg T/h

m2 (kg B/h)
475 kg T/h

Since the process is at steady state there can be no buildup of anything in the system, so
the accumulation term equals zero in all material balances. In addition, since no chemical
reactions occur, there can be no nonzero generation or consumption terms. For all
balances, Eq 2.3 are apply here:

Input = Output

For Benzene balance:

500 kg B/h = 450 kg B/h + m2
m2 = 50 kg B/h

For Toluene balance:

500 kg T/h = m2 + 475 kg T/h
m1 = 25 kg T/h


Total Mass Balance:

1000 kg/h = 450 kg/h + m1kg/h + m2 kg/h + 475 kg/h
1000 kg/h = 1000 kg/h

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2.5 Integral Balance on Batch Process

Ammonia is produced from nitrogen and hydrogen in a batch reactor. At time t=0 there
are n0 mol of NH3 in the reactor, and at later time t f the reaction terminates and the
contents of the reactor, which include nf mol of ammonia are withdraw. Between t0 and tf
no ammonia enters or leaves through the reactor boundaries, so general balance equation
(1) is simply generation = accumulation. Moreover, the quantity of ammonia that builds
up (accumulates) in the reactor between t 0 and tf is simply nf – n0, the final amount minus
the initial amount. The same reasoning may be applied to any substance participating in a
batch process to obtain the following equation:

Accumulation = final output – initial input (by definition)

= generation – consumption

Therefore, equating these two expressions for the accumulation yields:

Initial input + generation = final output + consumption [2.4]

Example 2.3: Balance on a Batch Mixing Process

Two methanol water mixtures are contained in separate flasks. The first mixture contains
40 wt% methanol, and the second contains 70 wt% methanol. If 200g of the first mixture
is combined with 150g of the second, what are the mass and composition of the product?

The process can be depicted schematically as follows:

0.4g CH3OH/g m (g)
0.6 g H2O/g
x (g CH3OH/g)
(1 –x )(g H2O/g)

0.7 g CH3OH/g
0.3g H2O/g

Observe that the input and output ‘streams’ shown on the chart denote the initial and final
states for this batch process. Since no reactions are involved, the generation and
consumption terms of Eq (4) can be omitted so that all balance have the simple form
‘input = output’.

Total Mass Balance

200g + 150g = m
m = 350g

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Methanol Balance:

200g  0.4gCH 3OH 150g  0.7gCH3OH m (g)  x (gCH 3OH )

( )+( )=( )
g g (g)

x = 0.529 g CH3OH/g

2.6 Integral Balance on Semi-Batch Process

Integral balances can also be written for semi-batch and continuous processes. The
procedure is to write a differential balance on the system and then to integrate it between
two instants of time. In most cases the required calculations are more complex than those
we have seen so far. However, some problems of this type are relatively straight forward

Example 2.4

Air is bubbles through a drum of liquid hexane at a rate of 0.1 kmol/min. The gas stream
leaving the drum contains 10 mole% hexane vapors. Air may be considered insoluble in
liquid hexane. Use an integral balance to estimate the time required to vaporize 10m 3 of
the liquid.

The process can be depicted schematically as follows:

0.1 kmol /min n

0.1 kmol C6H14/kmol

0.9 kmol air/kmol

We begin with a differential balance on air. Since we assume that air neither dissolves in
the liquid nor reacts with hexane in the process unit, the balance reduces to input =

0.1 kmol air 0.9 kmol air n kmol

= 
min kmol min
n = 0.111 kmol / min

We next write an integral hexane balance, proceeding from time t=0 to t f (min), the time
we seek to calculate. The balance has the form accumulation = - output. The
accumulation term, which is the total change in the moles of liquid hexane in the system
during time tf, must be negative since hexane is being lost from the system. Since the

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total number of moles of hexane evaporated occupied a liquid volume of 10 cubic meters
and the specific gravity of liquid hexane is 0.659, the accumulation term equals:

0.659 𝑘𝑔 1 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙
∆𝑛 = −10𝑚3 𝑥 𝑥 = −76.45 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐶6 𝐻14
𝑚3 86.2 𝑘𝑔
The output term in the balance is the rate at which hexane is leaving the system [0.1n
(kmol C6H14/min)] times the total process time, tf (min). The balance (accumulation = -
output) is therefore;

- 76.45 kmol C6H14 = -0.1n tf

n = 0.111 kmol /min
tf = 6887 min

2.7 General procedure for material balance calculations

1) Choose a basis of calculation an amount or flow rate of one of the process streams.
➢ If no stream amount or flow rate is specified in the problem statement, take as a
basis an arbitrary amount or flow rate of a stream with a known composition.

2) Draw the flowchart of the process, using boxes or other symbols to represent the
process units, and lines with arrows to represent input and output streams.

3) Fully label the chart when it is first drawn with values of known process variables
and symbols for unknown variables being written for each input and output stream.

4) Do the degree-of-freedom analysis.

5) If the problem is solvable, the starting balance should be an equation with minimum
number of unknowns, preferably with only one unknown.

6) After the one unknown in step 4 has been calculated, use that value to give an
equation with one variable for another unknown.

7) As each unknown variable is determined, its value is filled so that the chart provides
a continuous record of where the solution stands and what must still be done.

➢ The maximum numbers of independent equations that can be derived by
writing balances on a non-reactive system equal the number of chemical
species in the input and output streams.
➢ The additional equations can be written from the fact that the component mass or
mole fractions of a stream adds up to 1.0 (Σ xi = 1.0).
(You can use these constrains to reduce the number of unknowns in the flow
chart (step 2 above) to a minimum.)

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➢ If you are given that the mass of stream 1 is half that of stream 2, label the masses
of these streams m and 2m rather than m1 and m2; if you know that there is three
times as much nitrogen (by mass) in a stream as oxygen, label the mass fractions
of O2 and N2 y and 3y rather than y1 and y2.
(This can also reduce the number of unknowns in step 2 above, or can
provide additional equation needed for solution.)
➢ Balances are not normally written on volumetric quantities. If a volumetric flow
rate is given, it is generally useful to calculate the mass or molar flow rate for the

Example 2.5

An experiment on the growth rate of certain organisms requires an environment of humid

air enriched in oxygen. Three input streams are fed into an evaporation chamber to
produce an output stream with the desired composition.

A: Liquid water, fed at a rate of 20 cm3/min

B: Air (21 mole% O2, the balance N2)
C: Pure oxygen, with a molar flow rate one fifth of the molar flow rate of stream B.

The output gas is analyzed and is found to contain 1.5 mole% of water. Draw and label a
flowchart of the process, and calculate all unknown stream variables

The process can be depicted schematically as follows:

0.2 n1 (mol

n1 (mol air/min) 0.015 mol H2O/mol

y mol O2/mol
(0.985 – y) (mol N2/mol)
0.21g mol O2/mol
0.79 mol N2/mol
20 cm3 H2O/min
n2 (mol H2O/min)

Notes on the labeling:

1. Since the one known flow rate (20 cm3 H2O/min) is given on a per minute basis, it
is most convenient to label all stream flow rates on this basis.
2. Once the variable name (n1) is chosen for the air flow rate, the given information
about the ratio of the air and O2 flow rates may be used to label the O2 flow rate
3. The mole fractions of the components of any stream must add up to 1. Since the
mole fraction of H2O in the outlet stream is known to be 0.015, once the mole

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fraction of O2 is labeled y, that of N2 must be 1 – (y + 0.015) = (0.985 – y) (mol

The quantity n2 can be calculated from the given volumetric flow rate and the density of
liquid water:
20 𝑐𝑚3 𝐻2 𝑂 1 𝑔 1 𝑚𝑜𝑙
𝑛2 = 𝑥 3
𝑥 = 1.11 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐻2 𝑂/𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑚 18.02 𝑚𝑜𝑙
The three remaining unknowns (n1; n2 and y) can be determined from balance, all of
which have the simple form input = output for this non-reactive steady state process. The
balances are easily written by referring to the flow chart.

Water balance:
n2 (mol H2O/min) = n3 (0.015 mol H2O/min)
n3 = 74 mol/min

Total Mole Balance:

0.2n1 + n1 + n2 = n3
n1 = 60.74 mol/min

Nitrogen Balance:

n1 mol 0.79 mol N 2 n3 mol (0.985 − y) mol N 2

 = 
min mol min mol
 0.79 n1 = n3 (0.985 − y)
y = 0.337 mol O2 / mol

Exercise 2.1

In the steady state flow process shown in the figure below, a number of values of m
(mass fraction) are not given. Mary says that nevertheless the problem has a unique
solution for the unknown values of m. Kelly says that 4 values of m are missing, that you
can write 3 component material balances, and that you can use 3 relations for ∑m i =1,
one for each stream, a total of 6 equations, so that a unique solution is not possible. Who
is right?

Topic 2 – Fundamentals of Material Balances Page | 11

F = 10kg P = 16kg

m1 = 0.175
m1 = 0.01 m2 =?
m2 =? m3 =?

A = 6kg m1 = 0.30
m2 =?
m3 = 0.20

(Answer: Stream F, m2 = 0.90; stream A, m2 = 0.5; stream P, m2 = 0.75, m3 = 0.075)

2.7 Balancing a process

Consider the following process flowchart for a separation unit at steady state:

Number of unknowns = 7
Number of mass balance equations:

4 component balances: F x = D x + W x for i = A, B, C, and D

iF iD iW
1 overall balance: F = D + W
3 mass fraction constraints of streams: Σ x = 1.0, Σ x = 1.0, Σ x = 1.0
iF iD iW

Total number of equations = 8. They are not all independent, because the summing of the
four component balances and then using the mass fraction constraint of each stream
results in the overall balance. Thus the number of independent equations = 7.
Since number of unknowns = number of independent equations, the problem is solvable.
Then how will you solve the problem in the easiest way?

Topic 2 – Fundamentals of Material Balances Page | 12

Example 2.6

An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide contains 20% NaOH by mass. It is desired to

produce an 8.0% NaOH solution by diluting a stream of the 20% solution with a stream
of pure water. Calculate the ratios (liters H O needed / kg feed solution) and (kg product
solution / kg feed solution).


Basis: 100 kg of 20% feed solution

Step 2:

Step 3 (in conjunction with Steps 1 and 2):

Degree of freedom analysis:

Number of unknowns needed to be solved = 2 (V in terms of m , and m )
1 1 2
Since it is a nonreactive process and involves two species,
Number of independent equations = 2
So, degree of freedom = 2-2 = 0. Thus the problem is solvable.

Step 4 (solution procedure):

Number of mass balance equations involved: 2

The balance equation that contains only one unknown is NaOH balance since it is not
present in pure water stream. So choose it.

NaOH mass balance: 100 x 0.2 = 0.08 m2

m2 = 250 kg

The remaining two balances (H2O and overall) contain 2 unknowns, and simplest of these
is overall balance, so choose it.

Overall mass balance: 100 + m1 = m2

So, m1 = m2 – 100
= 250 – 100 = 150 kg

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Volume of diluents water, V = m /ρ = 150 kg x 1.0 liter/kg = 150 liter
1 1 w
V1/100 kg = 150 liter/100 kg = 1.5 liters H2O/kg feed solution

m2/100 kg = 250 kg/100 kg = 2.5 kg product solution/kg feed solution

Exercise 2.2

A solution composed of 50% ethanol (EtOH), 10% methanol (MeOH), and 40% water
(H2O) is fed at the rate of 100 kg/hr into a separator that produces one stream at the rate
of 60 kg/hr with the composition of 80% EtOH, 15% MeOH, and 5% H2O, and a second
stream of unknown composition.
(a) Sketch and completely label a flow chart of the process.
(b) Calculate the composition (in %) of the three compounds in the unknown
stream and its flow rate in kg/hr.

Answer: (a)
100 kg/hr 60 kg/hr
50 % EtOH 80 % EtOH
10 % MeOH 15 % MeOH
40 % H2O 5 % H2O
A kg/hr

x % EtOH
y % MeOH
z % H2O

Answer: (b) A = 40 kg/hr; x = 5%; y = 2.5%; z = 92.5%

2.8 Balances on Multiple Unit Processes

Plants in the process industries are comprised of many interconnected units. However,
you can easily apply the same techniques discussed in the previous sections to solve
material balance problems in such plants.

List and count up the number of variables whose values are unknown, making sure you
do not count the same variable more than once, and then list and count up the number of
independent balances that you can make, making sure that balances for one unit do not
render formerly independent balances for another unit into dependent balances.

If the number of independent equations equals the number of variables whose values are
unknown, at least for a set of linear equations, you can generally solve the equations for a
unique answer.

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If you ignore all the internal streams and variables within a set of connected subsystem,
you can treat the overall system exactly as you treated a single system by drawing a
boundary about the entire set of subsystem.

A flow chart for a two unit process is show as below.

Feed 2

Unit 1 D Unit 2
Feed 1 Product

Product Product Feed 3

Five boundaries drawn above portions of the process define systems on which balances
can be written. Boundary A encloses the entire process; the system defined by this
boundary has as inputs Feed Streams 1, 2 and 3 and Product Stream 1, 2 and 3. Balances
on this system are referred to as overall balances. The stream that connects Unit 1 and 2
is internal system are referred to this system and so would not either into overall system

Boundary B encloses a feed stream mixing point. Feed Streams 1 and 2 are inputs to this
system and the stream flowing to Unit 1 is an output. Boundary C encloses Unit 1 (one
input stream and two output streams). Boundary D encloses a stream splitting point (one
input stream and two output streams). Boundary E encloses Unit 2 (two input streams and
one output stream).

Example 2.7

A labeled flow chart of a continuous steady state process is shown below. Each stream
contains of two components; A and B, in different proportions. Three streams whose flow
rates and compositions are not known are labeled 1, 2 and 3.

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40 kg/h 30 kg/h
0.9 kg A/kg 0.6 kg A/kg
0.1 kg B/kg 0.4 kg B/kg

100 kg/h m1 kg/h m2 kg/h m3 kg/h

0.5 kg A/kg x1 kg A/kg x2 kg A/kg x3 kg A/kg

0.5 kg B/kg 1 - x1 kg B/kg 1 – x2 kg B/kg 1 – x3 kg B/kg

30 kg/h
0.3 kg A/kg
0.7 kg B/kg


Overall Mass Balance:

(100 + 30) kg/h = (40 + 30) kg/h + m3

m3 = 60 kg/h

Overall Mass Balance on A: (kg A/h)

(0.5)(100) + (0.3)(30) = (0.9)(40) + (0.6)(30) + x3 (60)

x3 = 0.0833 kg A/kg

Mass Balance on Unit 1:

100 = 40 + m1
m1 = 60 kg /h

Balance on A in Unit 1: (kg A/h)

(0.5)(100) = (0.9)(40) + x1 (60)

x3 = 0.233 kg A/kg

Mass Balance on Stream Mixing Point:

m1 + 30 = m2; m1 = 60 kg/h
m2 = 90 kg/h

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Balance on A in Stream Mixing point: (kg A/h)

x1 m1 + (0.3)(30) = x2 m2; x1 = 0.233 kg A/kg

m1= 60 kg /h
m2= 90 kg /h

x2 = 0.255 kg A/kg

Quiz 1

A labeled flow chart of a continuous steady state double effect evaporator is shown below.
The system of evaporator is designed to reduce water from an incoming brine (NaCl +
H2O) stream from 60 wt % to 20 wt %. If the evaporator unit is receiving 12000 lb/hr of
NaCl (along with 60 wt % H2O), determine:

(a) The product rate (P2) of brine in lb/hr.

(Answer: P2 = 6000 kg/hr)

(b) The water removed from the brine in each evaporator (V1 V2) in lb/hr.
(Answer: V1= 3272.73 kg/hr; V2= 2727.27 kg/hr)
V1 V2
H2O 1.00 H2O 1.00
12000 lb/hr I II
NaCl 0.40
H2O 0.60

P1 P2
NaCl 0.55 NaCl 0.80
H2O 0.45 H2O 0.20

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1. Classify the following processes as (1) batch, (2) flow, (3) neither, or (4) both on
a time scale of one day:
(a) Oil storage tank at a refinery
(b) Flush tank on a toilet
(c) Catalytic converter on an automobile
(d) Gas furnace in a home

2. A continuous still is to be used to separate acetic acid, water, and benzene from
each other. On a trial run, the calculated data were as shown in the figure. Data
recording the benzene composition of the feed were not taken because of an
instrument defect. The problem is to calculate the benzene flow in the feed per
hour. How many independent material balance equations can be formulated for
this problem? How many variables whose values are unknown exist in the

3. A liquid adhesive, which is used to make laminated boards, consists of a polymer

dissolved in a solvent. The amount of polymer in the solution has to be carefully
controlled for this application. When the supplier of the adhesive receives an
order for 3000 kg of an adhesive solution containing 13 wt % polymer, all it has
on hand is (A) 500 kg of a 90 wt % solvent, (B) a very large quantity of a 20 wt %
solvent, and (C) pure solvent. Sketch the flow charts for the scaled processes and
calculate the weight of each of the three stocks that must be blended together to
fill the order.

4. An evaporator is fed continuously with 25,000 kg/h of a solution containing 10%

NaOH, 10% NaCl, and 80% H2O. During evaporation, water is boiled off, and
salt precipitates as crystals, which are settled and removed from the remaining
liquor. The concentrated liquor leaving the evaporator contains 50% NaOH, 2%
NaCl, and 48% H2O. Calculate:
a) The kilograms of water evaporated per hour
b) The kilograms of salt precipitated per hour
c) The kilograms of concentrated liquor produced per hour.

Topic 2 – Fundamentals of Material Balances Page | 18

5. A waste solution of acid from titration process contains 33% of sulfuric acid
(H2SO4), 36% of nitric acid (HNO3) and 31% of water (H2O) by mass. 98% of
pure sulfuric acid and 78% of pure nitric acid have to be added through the waste
solution of acid to produce final mixed solution of acid which contains 40%
H2SO4 and 43% HNO3.
(a) Draw and completely label a flow chart of the process.
(b) Calculate the quantity of waste solution of acid and pure acid that’s
needed to be added together to produce 1500 kg of mixed solution of

6. A labeled flow chart of a continuous steady state triple effect evaporator is shown
below. The system of evaporator is designed to reduce water from an incoming
brine (NaCl + H2O) stream from 75 wt % to 3 wt %. If the evaporator unit is to
produce 14,670 lb/hr of NaCl (along with 3 wt % H2O), determine:
(a) The feed rate (F) of brine in lb/hr.
(b) The water removed from the brine in each evaporator (V 1 V2 V3) in

V1 V2 V3

H2O 1.00 H2O 1.00 H2O 1.00

Brine I II III
F lb/hr
NaCl 0.25
H2O 0.75
P1 P2 P3 14670 lb/hr
NaCl 0.33 NaCl 0.50 NaCl 0.97
H2O 0.67 H2O 0.50 H2O 0.03

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1. Felder, R.M., Rousseau, R.W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes,

Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
2. Frank P. Incropera and David P. De Witt, Introduction to Heat Transfer,
Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
3. Frank P. Incropera, David P. De Witt, Theodore, L. Bergman, Adrienne S.
Lavine, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Fourth Edition, John Wiley
& Sons, 2007.
4. J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, Ninth Edition, Mc Graw Hill,2002.

5. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, Second Edition, Mc

Graw Hill, 2003.

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