Example 18 Intro Heat Transfer
Example 18 Intro Heat Transfer
Example 18 Intro Heat Transfer
The heat transfer between the person and the air in the room will be by convection (instead
of conduction) since it is conceivable that the air in the vicinity of the skin or clothing will
warm up and rise as a result of heat transfer from the body, initiating natural convection
currents. It appears that the experimentally determined value for the rate of convection heat
transfer in this case is 6 W per unit surface area (m2) per unit temperature difference (K or
°C) between the person and air away from the person. Thus, the rate of convection heat
transfer from the person to the air in the room is;
Example 5
rad A s T s - Tsurr
Q 4 4
Q hA (T - T )
conv s s
(0.95)(5.67 10 -8 W/m 2 · K 4 )(1.6 m 2 )
(6 W/m · C)(1.6 m )(29 - 20)C
2 2
rad A(T1 - T2 ) (1)(5.67 108 W/m ·K4)(1 m )[(300 K) - (200 K) ] 368 W
4 4 2 2 4 4
Q total cond rad 219 368 587 W
The heat transfer rate in reality will be higher because of the natural
convection currents that are likely to occur in the air space between the
(b) When the air space between the plates is evacuated, there will be no
conduction or convection, and the only heat transfer between the plates will
be by radiation. Therefore,
Q total 0 Q rad 0 368 368 W
Example 6
(c) An opaque solid material placed between two plates blocks direct radiation
heat transfer between the plates. Also, the thermal conductivity of an
insulating material accounts for the radiation heat transfer that may be
occurring through the voids in the insulating material. The rate of heat transfer
through the urethane insulation is the voids in the insulating material. The rate
of heat transfer through the urethane insulation is
Note that heat transfer through the urethane material is less than the heat
transfer through the air determined in (a), although the thermal conductivity
of the insulation is higher than that of air. This is because the insulation blocks
the radiation whereas air transmits it.
(d ) The layers of the superinsulation prevent any direct radiation heat transfer
between the plates. However, radiation heat transfer between the sheets of
superinsulation does occur, and the apparent thermal conductivity of the
superinsulation accounts for this effect. Therefore,
Example 6
T 2 300 - 200 C
Q kA (0.00002 W/m · C)(1 m ) 0.2 W