Yoruba Content 21

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Ori oro (Chapter Title): AWON ISE OWO

Arrangement: 6
Ise ni awon oyinbo n pe ni work. This means the word ‘ise’ is known as ‘work’ in
English language.
Iran Yoruba koriira ki eniyan maa se ise tabi ki o maa se ole. Eni abuku ti ko niyi
rara ni won ka eni to ba n se ole kun. Nitori idi eyi, ise sise o se pataki fun awon
Yoruba. This translate to “the Yoruba tribes despise a person that doesn’t work
or a person that steals. They count such a person as a useless person. For this
reason, ‘ise’ is very important to the Yoruba tribe.”

Orisirisi ise – owo ti o wa – types of ise – ona (work)

Ise agbe: agbe ni won maa n pe eni to ba n se ise agbe. This means ‘a person that
does ise agbe is known as ‘agbe’, also called farmer in English language. Awon
agbe lo maa n se ise oko. Won a da oko, won a gbin ohun ogbin lati pese ounje fun
awon eniyan. They are people that work on the farm to plant all kinds of food.

Ise ode: awon eniyan to ba n se ise ode ni won maa n pe ni olode. This means ‘a
person that does ise ode is known as ‘olode’, also called hunter in English
language. Awon ode maa n de igbo lati pa eran. Won a tun maa so ode ni ale ki
awon ole ma baa ri aye ja ole. Awon ode naa lo maa n ja ogun ni aye atijo. These
people go into the bush to hunt for animals. Sometimes the work as guardmen
that guard household from thieves.
Ise ona: awon to n se ise ona ni won maa n pe ni gbenagbena. This means ‘a person
that does ise ona is known as ‘gbenagbena’, also called craftman/artist in English
language. Awon gbenagbena lo maa n gbe eere. Awon naa lo maa n gbe igi oko,
ada, aake, akoo ati awon ohun elo miiran to n lo igi. Oruko miiran ti won n pe awon
gbenagbena ni agbegilere. These are people that craft status with trees,
cutlass, hoe and so many other things that is made from tree. Another name for
gbenagbena in Yoruba is agbegilere.
Onigbajamo: awon to maa n fa irun ori ati irun agbon ni awujo Yoruba ni won pe ni
onigbajamo. A person that cut or shave someone’s hair or beards is called
onigbajamo in Yoruba. Abe olukondo ni won maa n lo lati fi fa ori laye atijo. They
use an equipment called ‘abe olukondo’ to carry out their task.
Ise agbede: Alagbede ni won maa n pe eni to ba n se ise agbede. This means ‘a
person that does ise agbede is known as ‘Alagbede’, also called blacksmith in
English language. Awon alagbede lo maa n ro irin lati fi se onirunru ohun elo bii,
oko, ada, obe, aake, gogo, ati onirunrun ohun elo ti won maa n fi irin se. These
people make and repair things such as knife, hoe, cutlass, and so on with iron
known as ‘irin’.

Irun didi: onidiri ni won maa n pe awon eniyan to ba n di irun. A person that
makes peoples hair is called ‘onidiri’, which is known as hairdresser in English.

Ise aso hihun: ahunso ni Yoruba n pe awon to n se ise aso hihun. A person that
does ise aso hihun is called ‘ahunso’, which is known as tailor in English. Awon
ahunso lo maa n hun aso ti awon eniyan n wo lawujo. These people design cloth
worn by others.

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