Exam2020 Final

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Wiskunde voor chemici 3

Bachelor Scheikunde (joint degree)

Date: 19 October 2020
Time: 8:30-11:15 hours
Number of pages: 3 (including front page)
Number of open questions: 16
For each question the maximum number of points is indicated.Total number of points:


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• Tools allowed: Scrap paper, Calculator (non-graphical), Self-made formula
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• You are obliged to identify yourself at the request of the examiner (or his
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• You may take this exam paper with you when you are done.

Good luck!
Wiskunde voor Chemici 3

Monday 19 October 2020

The number of points associated to all subquestions (marked by letters (a), (b), ...)
is indicated as a superscript inside square brackets.

1. Consider the following matrices

1 i−2 −1 3 − 2i 2 − 3i 1
A= , B= , C=
i + 2 −3 3 + 2i 11 5 2 + 3i

   
  1 −2 1 1 −2 1 − 3 i
1 −2
E= F =  −2 3 6  G =  1 + 3i 0 i 
2 0
1 6 0 −i −2 1

a) [0.5] Which one(s) are hermitians?

b) [0.5] Compute the eigenvalues of matrix B.
c) [2.5] Compute the eigenvectors of matrix B and normalize them.
d) [0.5] Write a unitary matrix U such that U † B U = D, where D
is a diagonal matrix. Write the matrix D.
e) [0.5]Write the matrix exp(−D).
[1.0] i
f) Write the vector v = in the basis of the normalized
eigenvectors of B.

2. Evaluate the following integrals

a) [1.5]

∞ ∞ ∞ 2 2 2
e−2(x +y +z )
dx dy dz p
−∞ −∞ −∞ x2 + y 2 + z 2

b) [1.5]

Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ 1

x2 +y 2 +z 2
dx dy dz z 6 e− 2
−∞ −∞ −∞

c) [1.5]

Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ 1

x2 +y 2 +z 2
dx dy dz x6 e− 2
−∞ −∞ −∞

3. Consider the following operator acting on the space of one-dimensional

square-integrable functions in (−∞, +∞),

Ĥ = − + 4 x2 .

a) [0.5] Explain what square-integrable means.

b) [1.5] Show that Ĥ is an hermitian operator in the space of one-
dimensional square-integrable functions in (−∞, +∞). To get
the full score you have to explain why the boundary terms are
c) [2.0]Consider the function ψ(x) = x e−x . Show that ψ(x) is an
eigenfunction of Ĥ and compute the corresponding eigenvalue.

4. Consider the function

f (x, y, z) = 1 − x2 + y 2 + z 2

a) [1.0] Compute the gradient of f (x, y, z)

b) [1.0] Compute the laplacian of f (x, y, z).

5. Consider the 3 following functions in (−∞, +∞).

x2 x2 x2
e− 2 , x e− 2 , x2 e− 2

a) [1.0] show that they are linearly independent.

hint: Remember that a necessary condition for linear dependence
is that the Wronskian W is equal to 0 for all values of x. This
means that if you show that W 6= 0 for just one value of x, this
is enough to show that they are linearly independent.
b) [3.0] use the Gram-Schmidt method to construct an orthonormal
basis φ1 (x), φ2 (x), φ3 (x) from them.

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