Nature and Properties of Light

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What is light?
This question has been debated for
many centuries. The sun radiates
light, electric lights brighten our
darkness, and many other uses of
light impact our lives daily. The
answer, in short, is light is a special
kind of electromagnetic energy.
The speed of light, although quite
fast, is not infinite. The speed of
light in a vacuum is
expressed as c = 2.99 × 10 m/s.

Light travels in a vacuum at a

constant speed, and this speed is
considered a universal constant.
Two key properties of light
interacting with a medium are:
• 1. It can be deflected upon passing from one
medium to another (refraction).
• 2. It can be bounced off a surface (reflection).
Dual Nature of Light
• Scientists build models of physical processes
to help them understand and predict behavior.
So it is with light energy. It is through seeing
the effects of light that the models are
developed. Scientists have observed that light
energy can behave like a wave as it moves
through space, or it can behave like a discrete
particle with a discrete amount of energy
(quantum) that can be absorbed and emitted.
Concept of a photon
• The particle-like nature of light is modeled
with photons. A photon has no mass and no
• It is a carrier of electromagnetic energy and
interacts with other discrete particles
(e.g.,electrons, atoms, and molecules).
A beam of light is modeled as a
stream of photons, each carrying a
well-defined energy that is
dependent upon the wavelength of
the light. The energy of a given
photon can be calculated by:
Photon energy (E) = hc/λ
Photon energy (E) = hc/λ

where E is in joules

h = Planck’s constant = 6.625 x 10-34 J•s

c = Speed of light = 2.998 × 108 m/s

λ = Wavelength of the light in meters

Photons in a pale blue light have a
wavelength of 500 nm. (The
symbol nm is defined as a
nanometer = 10-9 m.) What is the
energy of this photon?
Wave Model
• The particle-like model of light describes large-
scale effects such as light passing through
lenses or bouncing off mirrors.
• However, a wavelike model must be used to
describe fine-scale effects such as interference
and diffraction that occur when light passes
through small openings or by sharp edges
The propagation of light or
electromagnetic energy through
space can be described in terms of
a traveling wave motion. The wave
moves energy—without
moving mass—from one place to
another at a speed independent of
its intensity or wavelength.
Characteristics of light waves
• An electromagnetic wave is made of an
electric field and a magnetic field that
alternately get weaker and stronger. The
directions of the fields are at right angles
to the direction the wave is moving, just
as the motion of the water is up and
down while a water wave moves
The maximum value of the wave
displacement is called the amplitude
(A) of the wave. The
cycle starts at zero and repeats after a
distance. This distance is called the
wavelength (λ). Light
can have different wavelengths, such
as the blue light and red light shown in
the Figure .
inverse of the wavelength (1/λ) is
the wave number (ν), which is
expressed in cm–1. The wave
propagates at a wave speed (v).
This wave speed in a vacuum is
equal to c, and is less than c in
a medium.

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