FATE - Amber
FATE - Amber
FATE - Amber
Imagine being born into the ruling family of the multiverse. You can visit any imaginable world,
because they all coexist, mostly unaware of one another, as alternate realities called Shadows.
Two true worlds, Amber and the Courts of Chaos, each exist on opposite ends of the Shadow
continuum. All of the infinite worlds in between are Shadows of the two true realities.
The royal families of Amber and Chaos are godlike, nearly immortal beings gifted with
superhuman strength, endurance, magic, and the power to travel among the Shadows to find
any world they might desire. They also tend to delight in Machiavellian plotting and tweaking the
family balance of power in their own favor.
This is a rough adaptation of the Amber Diceless RPG by Erick Wujcik (based on Roger
Zelazny’s Amber novels) for the FATE system. Each player creates a character with the blood of
Amber or the Courts of Chaos, with access to infinite realities and vast cosmic power. Even so,
they are not invulnerable, and they will occasionally meet with threats that cannot be overcome
with brute force or even easily identified.
Skill changes:
New skills: Pattern, Logrus, Sorcery (each requiring a corresponding stunt for use at +0).
Ride, Sail, and Fly. Resources should not be needed. Starting characters have a skill pyramid
up to +5.
Blood of Chaos: Same as Blood of Amber. In addition, you may assume Chaos form (see
Shapeshifting). Taking both Blood stunts is subject to GM approval.
Pattern Imprint (Requires Blood of Amber; allows +0 Pattern use): Amberites “unlock” their
latent power over Shadow by walking Amber’s Pattern, one of the two metaphysical poles of the
universe. The basic imprint allows traveling through Shadow. You must begin walking (or
running, driving, riding, etc.) while focusing on the Pattern and exerting your willpower to
gradually change your surroundings one detail at a time. Each change takes you to a different
Shadow, and by accumulating changes you can eventually reach the desired Shadow.
Logrus Imprint (Requires Blood of Chaos; allows +0 Logrus use): Chaosites “unlock” their latent
power over Shadow by traversing the Logrus of Chaos. You can use the Logrus to reach
through Shadow to a desired item and summon it to you, or you can walk through Shadow
yourself to the item’s location. Surviving the Logrus requires the ability to shapeshift.
Shadow Finesse (Requires Pattern Imprint or Logrus Imprint): Once you have reached a
desired Shadow, you may be forced to deal with adverse conditions there, because changing
anything with basic Pattern or Logrus skill actually means traveling to a similar but distinctly
different Shadow. With this stunt, you can pay a Fate Point to “nudge” a Shadow in minor,
plausible ways without traveling to a different Shadow. For example: finding enough change for
bus fare in your pockets, having your number come up on the roulette wheel, encountering a
stray horse in a rural area when you need fast transportation.
Pattern (or Logrus) Magic (Requires Pattern or Logrus Imprint): By meditating on the Pattern or
Logrus for about a minute, you can improve your defenses against magical and mental attack
for as long as you maintain concentration. As a side-effect, such concentration heightens your
senses (+2 to Notice and Investigate) and allows you to perceive the normally invisible signs of
magic in your vicinity. If you know Sorcery, you can use the Pattern or Logrus to “hang” a
number of spells up to your Will rating without using a physical spell focus.
Advanced Pattern (Requires Pattern Imprint, Shadow Finesse, and Pattern Magic): Reflects
deep understanding of and connection with the Pattern. By paying a Fate Point, the advanced
initiate can alter Shadows in major or implausible ways, bend the physical and magical laws of a
Shadow, or even destroy a Shadow. Only advanced initiates can travel to the Primal Pattern.
Advanced Logrus (Requires Logrus Imprint, Shadow Finesse, and Logrus Magic): Logrus
adepts have extensive power over Shadow similar to Advanced Pattern. Also, they can use
Sorcery to bind and control creatures of Chaos. Summoning Primal Chaos is also possible, but
inadvisable. Using Advanced Logrus costs a Fate point.
Icon Artistry (Requires Pattern or Logrus Imprint, allows +0 Artistry use): Grants the ability to
create Icon images which can be used to communicate directly with the subject pictured or to
travel instantly to the place depicted. Using an existing Icon takes a minute’s concentration.
Creating a new Icon requires firsthand knowledge of the subject, appropriate art media, and
spending a Fate Point.
Advanced Artistry (Requires Icon Artistry): Especially skilled artists can remember and use
Icons without access to the physical image, obstruct or spy on Icon sendings, and
create/identify trapped or disguised Icons. Also allows “caller ID” when receiving an Icon
contact. Using Advanced Artistry costs a Fate point.
Sorcery (allows +0 Sorcery use): Traditional magic with all its various effects, as practiced by
wizards everywhere. Allows the user to “hang” a spell by pre-casting most of it, with the goal of
later unleashing the effect with a few words and gestures. Using Sorcery without a prepared
spell is possible, but very slow. Each spell hung costs a Fate point and at least an hour. Spells
are expended upon use.
Spells are customized to specific local magical laws and will not work reliably under different
conditions. In some Shadows, Sorcery doesn’t work at all. A sorceror is limited to one
memorized spell at a time, but spell focus items can hold more (also see Pattern/Logrus
Sorcery). Hung spells that go unused tend to decay in a day or two.
Shapeshifting (requires Blood of Chaos): Anyone with Blood of Chaos can assume Chaos form,
a demon-like, armored "battle form" that can survive in the hostile environments of Chaos. With
Shapeshifting, you have learned greater conscious control over your physical form. Also, in
stressful situations your body may shift automatically to deal with threats.
Make a note of how your skill ranks are assigned to each form you know (Will remaining
unchanged across all forms). You can change your shape, but you cannot change your mass.
Shifting to your personal human or Chaos form takes only a few seconds, but assuming other
familiar forms takes a few minutes. Familiarizing yourself with a new form requires a few days of
practice and prolonged, firsthand study of an appropriate specimen.
Maintaining a human form other than your natural one requires a great deal of concentration; if
you lose focus, your body will begin to return to its natural shape. If you spend too much time in
a form or attempt to imitate a mentally powerful individual, it is possible to confuse your own
personality with that of your assumed form.
Excessive use of shapeshifting inflicts massive stress on your body and puts you at risk of
infection with Primal Chaos, a progressively debilitating condition that is curable only by lengthy
and painful treatment by specialists in the Courts of Chaos.
Power Words: A limited form of magic that works even where Sorcery doesn’t. Power Words
take only a moment to invoke. Each Word can be used once per scene. A Word is less
effective when used on a target who knows to expect it, making surprise essential.
Although they are called Power Words, they need not take the form of actual words. Instead of
speaking, a character may choose any type of quick invocation: hand gestures, whistles, singing
a particular note, etc.
This stunt can be taken multiple times; each stunt imparts knowledge of three Words. Some
Momentarily boost or dampen a natural process, like fire or motion. Counter or dispel a Sorcery
effect. Revive an unconscious character. Disrupt an active Icon contact. Inflict a sudden, fleeting
pain. Disrupt someone’s concentration. Create a small flame, a loud noise, or a bright flash of
light. Weaken a normal object so it malfunctions.
Setting notes:
Amber’s landscape is mostly primeval forest, sparsely populated except for the city of Amber
itself. Because this city represents ultimate reality, working with Shadow is impossible here.
Those seeking to depart into Shadow must first travel a significant distance away from the city.
Due to contact with various worlds, the city displays many different architectural styles. Its
harbor holds ships from dozens of nearby Shadows. The city spans a series of hills leading up
to the mountain Kolvir, on which stands Castle Amber. Built by King Oberon millennia ago, the
castle has been expanded and renovated many times. Surrounded by gardens, it contains
throne rooms, dining halls, offices of state, armories, private suites for the royal family,
numerous works of art, and several mysteries, but its most important feature is the Pattern.
Deep in the dungeons beneath the castle, the Pattern is inscribed into the smooth stone floor of
a vast chamber in blue-glowing curves and lines. Stepping on it is instantly fatal to anyone who
lacks the blood of Amber. Even to Amberites, walking the Pattern takes a serious investment of
energy, but from its center one can travel anywhere in the universe instantly by an act of will.
At the opposite end of the multiverse, the Courts of Chaos are a collection of shifting, bizarre
“worlds” perpetually circling the Abyss, a great bottomless pit. Light, space, time, and gravity
behave in unpredictable ways here. Mountains float through the air. The sky brightens, darkens
and changes color without apparent sources of light.
The Logrus of Chaos is located near the Abyss. Multidimensional and constantly changing, only
natural shapeshifters can pass it, and even those who survive must endure temporary insanity.
The royal family of Chaos is even larger and more Byzantine than Amber's. The heraldic symbol
of Chaos is a serpent; Amber's emblem is a white unicorn.