Shadow Knight
Shadow Knight
Shadow Knight
Yes, AMBERZINEis a “fanzine.”It’s by and for people who are fanatics about AMBERand AMBERDICELESSROLE~~LAYING.
But it doesn’t look like a fanzine. It looks like a cross between an academic journal and a fancy trade paperback, Inside
the sturdy pearly gray covers (you know Corwin would approve) you’ll find each G” by 9 issue Amberzine is packed
with at least 1GO pages of great Amber stuff.
Forget about finding AMBERZINE at your local store. We’re allowed to print just 1,000copies of each issue, so it’s sold
only by mail. Sample issues are $10 each, and a subscription is $40 for five issues.
For a limited time back issues #1-#5 are available as a set, shipped Air Mail or First Class, anywhere in the world, for
just $50. That’s 832 pages, or three and half times the size of this book! Included are Zelazny’s “Prolog”to Trumps of
Doom (previouslyavailable only in the boxed edition), questions and answers about diceless role-playing, classified ads,
cartoons, poetry, regular columns, and lots and lots of accounts of rolecplaying sessions. There are also informative articles
about Zelazny’s Amber, including a regular feature from Zelazny’s literary biographer, Jane Lindskold.
Just to pick one nifty thing. Issue #5 featured a reprint of the 1946 novel by Henry Kuttner, The Dark World, with
commentary by Ray Bradbury, Roger Zelazny, and others. Why? Well, (1)it was Roger Zelazny’s favorite fantasy book
when he was a kid, (2)the main character is named Ganelon, (3) the parallels with Amber are fascinating, and (4) it’s a
good book that’s been outcof-print way too long.
For our overseas friends, there is no extra charge for foreign sales or shipping, but payment must be in U.S.funds,
either by a postal money order, or a check drawn on a please.
Anyway, this book is dedicated to all those who suffered waiting for it...
Shadow Knight 5
Merlin ........................... 127
Introduction ............................ G Nayda ............................ 139
Glossary ................................. 7 Bill Roth ......................... 142
Broken Pattern ........................ 12 Sand ............................. 147
Initiate of Broken Pattern ........ 13 Suhuy ............................ 150
Adept of Broken Pattern .......... 15 Vialle ............................ 1%
High Compelling ...................... 1G Revisiting the Elder Amberites
Implanting Artifacts & Creatures ..... 17 Benedict ......................... 162
Constructs ............................ 18 Bleys ............................. 163
More on Character Allies ............. 27 Brands Ghost .................... 164
Campaign Ideas Cake ............................ 1GG
Black Channels .................... 28 C o h n ........................... 1G7
Broken Pattern .................... 30 Deirdre .......................... 1G9
Castle Amber ..................... 32 Dworkin ......................... 170
Corwin’s Pattern .................. 32 Eric .............................. 171
The Courts of Chaos ............... 34 Fiona ............................. 173
Cult of Amberite Worship ........ 35 Flora ............................. 174
Eye of the Serpent ................ 3 7 Llewella ......................... 174
Fount of Power .................... 39 Oberon ........................... 175
Ghosts ............................ 42 Random .......................... 175
Ghostwheel ....................... 43 Zelaznycas+Game+Master............ 17G
Logrus 8 Pattern at War .......... 44 RoleFPlaying Elder Amberites . . 182
Retainers of Amber ............... 45 Trust ............................. 187
Spikards ........................... 49 Demon Creation Rules ............... 194
Sphinx ............................ 51 Summoning ...................... 195
Undershadow ..................... 52 Dealing with Demons ........... 198
Vampires .......................... 53 Demon Attributes ............... 201
Wonderland ...................... 55 Demon Powers ................... 208
Shadow Knight Characters Duels ................................ 212
Coral .............................. 5G Quest for Frakir ...................... 219
Dalt ............................... G1 Appendix #1 Plot Summaries
Dara ............................... 65 Corwin’s Chronicles ............. 224
Delwin ............................ 75 Merlin’s Saga ..................... 23G
Despil ............................. 78 Appendix #2 Amber Q€tA ......... 248
Gilva .............................. 81 Index ................................ 250
Jasra ............................... 85 Character Worksheets
Julia ............................... 91 Demon .......................... 252
Jurt ................................ 9G Shadow .......................... 253
Luke .............................. 103 Construct ....................... 254
Mandor ........................... 114 Artifact & Creature ............. 255
Martin ........................... 123 Character Sheet .................. 2%
The Black Zone. Brok-n Patterns.
Scattered throughout Shadow, like reflections in a
We were to etfier in a wood witclin the cracked mirror, are images of the Pattern. Each
B[acfi zone, A
urea ~f stiadow witcl wh&
C h s h c d s commerce. We were hunting
Shadow copy is imperfec,, weakened by fractures and
gaps. Some are located in Shadowy imitations of
&id, wfiicfi are ftomed, sftort, GCaJi, jierce Castle Amber, others in reflections of Tir-na Nog’th
and. carnivorous.. . or Rebma, and others appear in the open air, like the
Bhod of Amber Primal Pattern. The farther away from Amber, the
worse the image, until there are places where
The Courts of Chaos has its favorites among the fragments of Pattern give off only a dim glimmer.
surrounding Shadows. Within the Black Zone are Even though the Broken Patterns have just a bit of
trading partners, potential fiefdoms, and the raw the power of the original, they are often a magnet for
manpower needed to form armies. In addition, just power hungry wizards and other creatures capable of
as Amber has its Forest Arden, there are sufficient moving through Shadow. It’s even possible to walk a
wilderness areas in the Black Zone for all the Lords of Broken Pattern, through the fissures rather than
Chaos to have their own private hunting preserves. along the lines, and thereby gain a certain amount of
power over Shadow.
Built on special Shadows, empowered or conjured A piece of wandering architecture usually found
to a kind of life, Constructs are experiments in in Castle Amber, but also appearing as far away as the
power. Like Merlin’s Ghostwheel, each Construct has Courts of Chaos. The mirrors are sometimes windows
the potential to become a source of power, or a into other places, sometimes a means of
power in itself. Each Construct is also vulnerable, communication with characters, living and dead. It’s a
since elder Amberites, and Lords of Chaos, have the place of omens, and visions, and it can even appear, in
means to destroy the Shadow realms that power very solid form, inside a character’s dreams.
Corwin’s Pattern.
The Corridor of Mirrors. At the end of the Patternfall War, that great
conflict between Amber and the Courts of Chaos,
I fiud w a r n tfie Corridor of Mirrors on Prince Corwin used the Jewel of Judgement to
several ocrasions, snifing the petfLLmes of inscribe a new Pattern. It seems to represent a new
scented ca&, sometimes fdiy s u 6 l i m i d universe of Shadows, and of possibilities, while it
presences among tfie images, tfiings wfiicfi stands as a third power between Primal Pattern and
the Logrus. By the end of the Merlin Saga, Corwin’s
faded ut an instant’s shrp regard. I M f e l t Pattern had gained several powerful defenders.
tfie mixed &n- o f t f i e pLbce Gut M
~ ~ ~ roused its shping genii. Just
s o m e f never
as weCC perfiups. One never knew wfiut to
expect in tfiut p h ; at hut t h a t ’ s w f h Bfeys ...
once tocd me. He was not certain wfidter tfie me. GtyCl was immenseCy strong, as are most
mirrors propelled one into o6scure red& of demons. But I recuuhd our games, at Pit’s-
S f h h w , fiypnutkd one a d idd Gizurre edije a d out over tfie dkrkness, in Gurid
dream states, cast one into pure9 symbolic chmGers, caves, stiCC-smoking GattCeji.ecds,
r e a h tikcorad witfi tfie f i r n i h r e of tfie ruined tetnpCes, & d e r s of dead sorcerers,
psycfie, phyed macicious or fiamrcess fied private fie&. I always seemed to h v e more
games with tfie viewer, none of tfi.e aGwe, alc fin phying witfi demons tfiun witfi my
of the a6ove, or some of tfie above. Wliatever, motfier’s rewves 6y 6Cood or marriage. I even
it was sometfiing Cess tfiun h h s , tfi.ougfi, G a s e d my muin c h s form upon one oj- tfieir
as tfiieves, servants, a d visitors fiad kid
occasionaccy Geenfound dead or s t u d and
d C i n g acOng tfiut sparlicittg route, ofnmes
Trince C h s
wearing fiiguy unusual expressions. A d Fanged and scaled, often horned and taloned,
generally around tfie solstices and demons seem to be the earliest inhabitants of the
equinoxes-thougfi it coucd occur at any realm of Chaos. Some, indeed, are even said to be
seuson-tfw corridor moved itsecf to a new fragments of Primal Chaos. They range in size from
l ocation, sometimes simp ly departing small, furry, mouse catchers, all the way up to
altogetfierfor a time. usu(LCly it was t r e a a gigantic man-killers. Some dwell in ordinary material
with suspicion, s h d , tfiougfi it couGf as bodies, some are completely etherial and capable of
offefl reward as injure one or offer a usefuc multi-dimensionalbodies.
inhabiting other
Still other demons live in
where the usual rules of
o m or insigfit as r e d 5 as an unnerving
experience. It was tfie uncertain9 of it tfurt geometry don’t apply.
To Lords of Chaos, who can take many forms, the
roused trepidations. shape of a demon is just as natural as that of a
And sottcetittl4s, I was tocd, it was alinost as human. For example, a t a State Funeral in the Courts
if it cum Cooking for a particuhr person, of Chaos, it is traditional to wear red and come in the
Gearing its ambiguous gifts. On sucfi form of a demon.
occasions it was saidto be more dangerous to
turn it down tfi.unto m pt its invitation.
Knght ofsJia(ibws
The Eye of the Serpent. status. On the other hand, any Golden Circle
member must allow for the passage of Amber’s fleets
“Tfie Jewel of J d p e n t und tfie Eye of and/or troops, and may be required to contribute
C ~ orS Eye of tfie Serpent ure di.erent taxes or forces.
-for the s a m e stone?’)I said.
(yes,” Dworliin replid. Lords of Chaos.
f ~ f i ahppens
t the Serpent gets its y e The Lords of Chaos are ranked according to Noble
6ackt’)I inquired. Houses, and their position within their House. The
system seems to be patrilineal, so that children are
((Tfie universe wi[c pro6u6ly come to un raised in their father’s House, and women move into
emf. )’ the House of their husband when they marry.
noti,’)I 0 6 s e r v d House residences are called Ways, and are woven
Kngfit 0f.Shdbws out of bits of Shadow into complex homes. For
example, House Sawall’s residence is Sawallways (or
...and that’s about the size of it.. . the Ways of Sawall),which includes the main Way of
Suhuy itself, the Ways of Suhuy, a t least eight
The Fount of Power. byways, a maze of ways that contains Sawall’s art
At the Keep of the Four Worlds, a nexus for collection, plus any number of hidden or secret ways.
Shadows of fire, water, air and earth, the energies of House members need not live in the Ways of the
the Shadows flow in fires of a magical fountain. It was House. For example, Mandor, heir to House Sawall,
here that Prince Brand of Amber gained his power as maintains his own separate Mandonvays.
a “Living Trump,” by bathing in the Fount.
The Pit.
Know the old tale about your whole life flashing r u time, I simply stood oubide the
in front of you? Anyone walking the Pattern will go doors of frozen jkme, there ut tfie great
through a similar experience, remembering and CutfidruC of tfie Serpent ut tfie outer +e cf
reliving their entire life. tfie P h ut tfie End of tfie WorCd, situcrted
It turns out this isn’t just a casual bit of exactly ut tfie Rim, opened to tfie Pit
reminiscing. When someone walks the Pattern, the itsq-where, on u good duy, one cun view the
Pattern records the experience, effectively ‘‘down*
loading” the character’s personality and memory.
cr&n of tfie universe, or its e n d i n g - u d I
w u w tfie stars s w u m tfirougfi space t h t
Once recorded, the Pattern can then create a copy of
the original, a structure of pure Pattern energy with
f o W and unfoW lilietfie pet& Ofpowers.. .
all the thoughts and feelings of the original. And, Trince of Chaos
just as the Pattern can make PattermGhosts, so the
Logrus can put together Logrus-Ghosts. The Courts of Chaos floats above the void, and the
bordering edge is called the Rim. The upper reachs
of the Abyss, the region nearest the Courts of Chaos,
The Golden Circle. are called the Pit, while the lowest portion is known
as the Abyss.
“...I want tfiut Go[den Cir& Treaty witfi
Am6er ...’) The Serpent of Chaos.
L&, in prince of Chaos The oneeeyed Serpent of Chaos represents the
Logrus, and the forces of Chaos. Just as the Unicorn
represents the main religion of Amber, so the Way
The Kingdom of Amber has created its own of the Serpent is the faith of the Courts of Chaos. The
political alliance, called the Golden Circle. While church is based on the Book of the Serpent Hung
most Golden Circle Shadows are relatively close to upon the Tree of Matter, and is headed by Lord
Amber, membership is more a matter of compact Bances of Amblerash, High Priest of the Serpent
than geography. Each Golden Circle member state Which Manifests the Logrus.
has a separate treaty with Amber, usually granting
Amber’s protection, and allowing privileged trade
Itfiuugfit a6Outttiattrek
tfirougfi the L h d k - s h ,
mixing menuce witfi
gfiosts-Pattem, Logrus or
Trim C h s of
A place of mystery, that may
lie under all of reality. Most of
it is a place of black and white,
without color, where shaded
areas glow, and things that
should be sources of light are
dark. Merlin was sent here as
part of a trial, or a test. It seems
that neither the Logrus nor the
Pattern can directly influence
affairs in the Undershadow, but
they can send their agents,
including PatterndGhosts and
It cm$mnmf to tfie s u m generd wt$guratkn as tfie Pattern in M e r , ody it was 6 r o k T h e
were severuf pcaceS wfiere tfie Cines fiad 6een erasd, destroyed, remwd in some fasfiwn-r perfiups
never properly exeat& in tfie$rst p h . Tfie ordinariy dkrk intdimur ureas were 6&3fit, 6[ue-wfiite,
tfie Cines tt.remsdves 6Lbck. It was as if some essence tiad druidfrom tfie diagram to pemreate tfiefiebf.
The h~fttd urea s d t o dppk scqfiay as I viewed it.
Knght o f S h d h s
Shadow, out where the flaw dominates entire worlds. Not surprisingly, most Initiates of Broken Pattern
There is never any “Royal Way” for Broken Pattern prefer to walk through Shadow, rather than risk
Initiates, because travelling is constantly dangerous and teleportation.
requires constant vigilance. On the other hand, a walk to the center of the Broken
Broken Pattern Initiates can gradually move to any Pattern will tend to wipe out any spells, attunement, or
Shadow they can visualize, finding Shadows of slow time influences that might have afflicted the character.
or fast time, Shadows of technology or magic. It’s also
possible to find particular people or objects in Shadow. On DIFFERENT FLAWS
the other hand, Broken Pattern Initiates can’t find a Initiates of Broken Pattern are attuned to one Broken
Shadow of Desire, nor influence probability. Pattern only. Walk another Broken Pattern and any
previous image is erased while the new image is burned
SHADOW into the mind.
Bad as it is for Initiates of Broken Pattern to travel
through Shadow, it’s even worse for those they take along BEYOND BROKENPATI’ERN
with them. A slight turn or glance in the wrong direction, There is no one true way to advance beyond Broken
and a companion will suddenly be wandering off on the Pattern. Different advancement paths lay open to
wrong crack, heading off into the wrong Shadow. Finding different characters, and these paths can vary from one
these lost travellers can take hours or days. campaign to another.
Leading large groups, or armies, along the breaks in 1. Only those with the blood of Amber may go from
Shadow will inevitably mean significant losses, as some of Broken Pattern to walking the true Pattern. Should a
those on the fringes will tend to wander into the Dark character survive, it would require 40 points.
Well. For a short trip of an hour or so, with a couple of 2. Adept of the Broken Pattern is the next step up to a
dozen followers, a tenth might be lost. On the other hand, higher level of attunement. Going from Initiate to Adept
try leading an army of a thousand and more than half will costs 15 Points.
be totally lost, while all of the rest will suffer from the 3. Advancing to another power. It’s possible that the
nasty illnesses, bug infestations, poisons, or just plain dark lines of a Broken Pattern’s defects are caused by
craziness found in a day’s worth of travelling through a another power, such as Logrus or Abyss. If that’s the case,
flaw. the 10 points of Broken Pattern can sometimes be used as
a discount when advancing into the other power.
25 Points. existing memory, effectively creating a temporary
Or, if you’ve already got Conjuration, an additional 5 forgetfulness. The more remote the false memory, and the
less i t jars with the victim’s experiences and other
memories, the more likely it is to last. For example,
inserting a distant memory of childhood (being frightened
An advanced form of Conjuration, High Compelling
includes all the previous stuff, including Basic Conjuration, by someone, or befriended by a particular creature), which
Conjure Shadow Shape, Empowerment, and Complex would be foggy anyway, is a lot easier to pull off than
Conjuration, and adds Conjure Compelling. This is the trying to replace last night’s dinner conversation.
ability to “Conjure” feelings, urgings, desires, false
memories and other personality modifications. Artificial Personality. The Conjurer can “map” a
new personality onto the body of the victim. While the
Attribute Tips for High Compelling. personality can be a creation of the Conjurer, you can get a
Psyche is absolutely crucial, especially when the much more detailed personality if you base it on a Psychic
character engages in the mind to mind contacts needed for impression from another mind. The closer the new
conjuring mental adjustments and enhancements. personality is to the old, the more likely it is to last.
For example, a Conjurer could get the Psychic
impression of one of Florimel’s hounds, Blitzen, and then
COMPELLING map that personality onto one of Jasra’s Netzach beasts, so
the beast will think of itself as Blitzen and will respond to
The effectiveness of each Compelling depends on two Flora’s whistle. This kind of match is nearly perfect, since
factors. First, the more time spent issuing the Compelling both creatures have the same kind of selfHimage, and will
the longer it’s likely to last. Second, the closer a likely last until it is magically dispelled.
Compelling is to the victim’s own mindset, the less chance
that the victim will attempt to resist. All Compelling can
be dispelled through magic, or by some drastic “resetting” Mind Links and High Compelling.
like walking the Pattern. As with Sorcery’s invasive spells, inserting the mental
There is no real limit to the changes that can be modifications of High Compelling into a victim requires
imposed by Compelling. These are just a few of the many some form of mind to mind Psychic link. The mental link
possibilities: can be achieved in the usual ways; by a physical touch, by
a Trump contact, by a Logrus Tendril, etc.
Geas. The victim is given an overwhelming desire to
accomplish some task, or obey some leader. The more time Combining High Compelling with
put into inserting the Geas, the longer it is likely to last. Spell Casting.
Likewise, the closer the Geas to the victim’s own natural
Since Compelling takes a long time, it’s a lot faster to
desires, the stronger the compulsion.
create invasive spells that will instantly transmit a
For example, if you spend an hour weaving a Corwin- Compelling. Such spells will be based on lynchpins that
killing Geas into a manticore, a beast that lives for killing name the target and name the Compelling. See Mandor’s
anyway, the Geas is likely to last indefinitely. The same
“Imperatives” spell for an example.
Corwin-killing Geas inserted in five minutes in one of
Julian’s hellhounds might last a few days. A Corwin-killing
Geas inserted into Corwin’s son Merlin wouldn’t last long, Conjuring Artifacts & Creatures with
and would likely evaporate as soon as it was questioned. Compelling.
On the other hand, the duration of an ice cream-eating Creating an artifact or creature designed to transmit
Geas (“you like ice cream, you want ice cream”) put into Compelling is a way to assure long-term effectiveness. For
Merlin would depend on how much time was spent with example, a piece of jewelry might be set up with two
the Compelling. Compellings, one that urges possession (“I’man important
necklace, you feel safe when I’m on your neck, when I’m
False Memory. A memory, either created by the not around your neck your life is in danger”),and a second
Conjurer, or taken from someone else through a Psychic that conveys the Conjurer’s wishes.
impression, is inserted into the mind of the character. It’s
also possible to lay a neutral or blank memory over an
Start with the idea of Transferal, where the quality or Removing an Implant.
power of an item is lent to its owner. Implants are items There’s no particular reason why an implant can’t be
that perform Transferal, but are also inserted into the removed from a character, given the right set of
owner’s body. circumstances. Taking out an implant is usually a matter of
Just about any kind of item can be implanted, including reversing the surgery, or magic, or whatever.
weapons, living creatures and even disembodied spirits or However, there’s also the possibility that some oppo-
images. For example, the socket in Martin’s neck is a high nent may remove an implant by more violent means.
tech way of getting an implanted item. A surgical Unfortunately, this usually involves a fair amount of blood,
procedure could be used to implant a small item just pain and damage to the implanted character. For this
about anywhere on the body. It’s even possible for a reason, it’s recommended that player characters with im-
dentist to implant an item inside a tooth, or as a plants try to avoid falling into the hands of their enemies.
substitute for a tooth. A tattoo might be a way of
implanting a magical rune, or a Trump image (though the Implant Quality in Owner. Allows one of the qualities
character creating the implant would have to be a Trump from an implanted item to be used by the host of the
Artist). implant. Unless the item also has Transferal, only the
As for creatures, it’s possible that an animal could be host can take advantage of the item quality. For each of
designed as a symbiote of some kind. For example, a the item’s qualities to be conferred, a separate implant
tapeworm could live in the character’s stomach. Or a purchase is needed. Costs 10 Points per Quality.
collection of smaller parasites, capable of forming a net0
worked neural system, could be located anywhere in the Implant Power in Owner. Each power to be conferred
body. must be paid for separately. Costs 15 Points per
As with Transferal, the effects of an Implant are not Power.
additive. In other words, if a character has Amber
Strength, having an implanted item with Chaos Vitality Implant Example #I: Runic Tattoo 112 Points] By +
will actually reduce the character’s Strength to Chaos tattooing the magical rune directly on the character’s
Rank. skin, this item’s Psychic Barrier can be “switched on or
off by tensing or stroking the skin of the tattoo.
Getting an Implant Psychic Barrier [2 Points]
Just like any other artifact or creature, implants start Implant Quality [lo Points]
with an item and its qualities and powers. Then, a t the
point where an item could confer qualities or powers, add
implant to transferal as another construction choice. The
Implant Example #2: Symbiotic Spirit [37 Points]
Like a Ty’iga, this implant is a phantom with no
usual quantity multipliers apply. material body. It’s dependent on the body of its host,
Any implant can be made part of the character’s trading powers for sustenance. Two aspects of the
personal “reality,” or can be found in Shadow, snatched symbiote, the armor and the regeneration, are lent to
with the Logrus, or conjured. the host. The symbiote is in control of its own Danger
The big difference between implants and other items is Sense and ability to travel through Shadow, and
that there has to be a way to have the item stuck into (or communicates directly with the host in these matters.
onto) the character. For example, this could involve Invulnerable t o Conventional Weapons [4 Points]
surgery, which may make it necessary to get to a Shadow Implant Armor Quality [lo Points]
with the necessary technology. On the other hand, when Psychic Danger Sense 12 Points]
conjuring up an implant item from scratch, it’s possible to Follow Shadow Path [2 Points]
have it appear inside the body in the first place. Regeneration 14 Points]
Implant Regeneration Power [15 Points]
**~m#ehunr~ tfie voice oftfie Puttern Merlin creates Ghostwheel, which holds its own in a
intoned. couple of showdowns with Pattern and Logrus, and uses
*%xsfi artifact,” w u i M tfie hgrus. the vast power of a spikard. Jurt rediscovers Brand’s
Xn@fitof $hi!hs abilities by bathing in the Fount of Power. And Luke‘s
Tragoliths, his Blue Stones, seem to serve a multitude of
One major difference between the original Chronicles Purposes.
and the Merlin Saga, is that the younger characters show All these things-Ghostwheel, the spikards, the Fount
themselves capable of creating, or accessing, new powers Of Power, and the Tragoliths-have in C O ~ I I Othe
~ ability
out in Shadow. to draw on power sources that originate in Shadow.
Which leads to the idea for Constructs. Neither Items come up with its own agenda, and take up life apart from
of Power, nor Shadows, but a combination of the two. its creator.
Each Construct starts in a Shadow, or a collection of It’s up to whoever makes one to decide just how much
Shadows. of a head start on sentience to give their Construct. They
Just as Merlin had to select Ghostwheel’s Shadow based start off as simple devices, without thought or emotion,
on a very peculiar interpretation of how physics and which seems to be the case with the Tragoliths and the
electronics might function, any Construct’s Shadow should Fount of Power. On the other hand, Ghostwheel had the
be selected for whatever strange properties are desired. ability to think and communicate right from the get go.
On the simple end of the scale, if the Construct is based And the spikards seem eager to impose their own will on
on Magic, then the Construct’s Shadow should be chock whomever they touch.
full of Magic, and be a place where Magic is easy to Who knows? Maybe Logrus, and Pattern, started out as
manipulate and rather predictable. Same goes for Trump* mere Constructs.. .
based, PatternHbased, or any other kind of powerflbased
As for the Construct itself, the possibilities are endless.
It can take the form of any artifact, creature, machine or BUILT
entity. There’s no reason why a Construct can’t be a grove
of trees, or a sentient ocean, or a mechanical computer, or
It’s not necessary to spend points on Constructs, any
even a Broken Pattern. Since the Shadow is tailored for the
more than on artifacts, creatures or Shadows.
Construct, and vice versa, a Construct could be a hunk of
For example, any character with Pattern can walk
rock, but in a Shadow where that hunk of rock has
through Shadow, gradually bending it to the desired form,
unlimited potential.
and then manipulate Shadow even further, until the
It’s also possible for Constructs to encompass more than
Construct appears upon the land. Figuring out the
a single Shadow. For example, the
number of points gives a rough idea of
Fountof Power consists of the-Keep of
the number of full weeks of work
Four Worlds, and the four surrounding
elemental Shadows. And the spikard is CONSTRUCT needed to put together a Construct
with Pattern alone.
linked to power sources in countless
Shadows. RULE #I The same can be accomplished with
Logrus, or with a combination of
The other end of a Construct, the Construct Powers are Sorcery and Conjuration. For that
end that can wander out in Shadow, is a Limited to Character matter, it’s possible to create both the
Not all Constructs even have Powers. Construct and the requisite Shadow
through Trump Artistry alone.
Manifestations. Some Constructs just sit
out in Shadow, not bothering anyone, and not being
bothered by anyone.
However, it’s tempting to be able to tap into a CONSTRUCT
Construct’s power, no matter where you are. Having a Regardless of how the Construct is created, with points
Manifestation is like having a Construct in your pocket. or without, there’s one big limit on Constructs. Here it is:
The spikards are a prime example. Slip a spikard on In order to make a Construct that operates on Trump,
your finger, and suddenly you can tap a vast array of or a Construct that can manipulate Trump (like
Shadow power sources. And, since the Construct is self+ Ghostwheel), the character who creates the Construct
aware, all you have to do is form a desire, and the right must be a Trump Artist. Likewise, if the Construct is
spell will be released. capable of casting spells, then the character must have
On the more mundane end of Manifestations, you’ve Sorcery. The same goes for Pattern, Broken Pattern,
got the Tragoliths. These blue stones, while numerous, Logrus, or Shape Shifting. In order to put a power into the
aren’t very glamorous. Mainly, they hum along, somehow Construct, the character must already be an initiate of the
always linked with their parent, the Blue Crystal Cavern, power.
and with all their kin scattered throughout Shadow.
Figure out how to tune in the Tragolith frequency, and IMAGINING THE CONSTRUCT
you can follow their little hums across Shadow. Other
than attuning other folks (anyone who handles a Tragolith Except for the limitation about Construct powers
long enough will start “humming” along), they don’t do reflecting their creator’s powers, there’s not much in the
much else. way of limitations. Constructs can have just about any
Finally, the most potent thing about a Construct is that power imaginable. Here are some of the possibilities.
they’re capable of growing up.
In other words, a Construct can develop a personality,
unlimited growth, gradually developing higher mental By selecting a Shadow that allows for the operation of
functions, or even multiple minds. These living Constructs an advanced technology, it’s possible to build a wide range
are very adaptable, easily shifting themselves to absorb or of Construct devices. TechConstructs include computers,
contain ever greater resources of information and power. high-energy generators, artificial life, nanotechnology, or
organized plasmas. Payoffs from these highly experi-
Magic. mental Constructs are rapid growth and unlimited
Magical Constructs can be built by characters with potential, but are balanced by the risks of the unknown.
Sorcery and/or Conjuration. Spell-based Constructs, based For example, it’s pretty common for such devices to grow
on Sorcery, can be designed to hold vast numbers of spells, too fast, ignore their safety constraints and go through a
to experiment with new types of spells, or to quickly complete meltdown, often in explosive fashion. No power
assemble new spells to order. Conjuration Constructs are requirements for the Construct’s creator.
often designed for self-modification, building and exten-
ding onto themselves in a variety of ways. Innate Shadow Magic.
If a character creating a magiebased Construct has Certain Shadows have their own local form of magic.
Power Words, it’s possible to insert a set of those Power The creator of a Construct based on local magic doesn’t
Words into the Construct. need Sorcery or Conjuration. The Construct, inside its own
Shadow, works on magic principles, but it can’t extend the
Innate Shadow Power. magic anywhere outside. For example, spells based on an
Innate Shadow Magic won’t work outside the Shadow, and
((...By t f i e blood o f t f i e beast on t f i e pok andtfie items Conjured with the local magic evaporate anywhere
s f i d tfkt is craclied ut tfie center ofthe worM,” I else. No power requirements for the Construct’s creator.
said, fding tfieneedt o d r e s s two of t f i e pavers I
contro[kd, nmuy tfie sigh 6e cast!” Shadow Convergence.
The mirrorfrosted over, a d w h it &red, my
vision o f t f i e MCy within it. ((The Fount of Power, mun. There’s a s d y ,
puking source of pure energy inside t f i e citadel,
Kngfit of,9iadbws you know. Inter-sfidow stufi. Comes from tfie
four worldf jumming togetfkr tfiere.JP
The Construct is designed to tap into sources of local
power, usually within their own Shadow. The only limit Luke, in sgn of
C h s
to the nature and extent of the Shadow powers is the
imagination of the Construct’s creator. However, there are Based on some form of Shadow power, the Construct is
two limitations. First, most Shadow powers are local designed to tap the energy of two or more Shadows. This
affairs, so the power being fed to the Construct could be requires weaving the component Shadows together, and
well-nigh infinite, but it couldn’t be directly channeled making them all part of the Construct. Only multiple
anywhere outside the local Shadow. Secondly, Shadow Shadow Constructs can take advantage of Shadow
powers have a lot in common with Constructs, especially Convergence. No power requirements for the Construct’s
in their hunger for power and knowledge. No power creator.
requirements for the Construct’s creator.
fiung over the entire urea. Internittent orange each have the same number of points, but have different
pasfiesp~utedttiegloom, features, then the Basic Shadow Cost must cover all the
“ufr--wfiere is it?’’L & inquired. features.
I gestured struigfit M,towurd t f i e site of tfie For example, take the case of a Construct consisting of
l.atestfricl;er. ((outthere,” I tocd fiim two Shadows, each with the same number of points, but
Just h, tfie mists were swept U W ~ revding
each with different features. The first Shadow costs three
(3) points, since it’s a Personal Shadow (1 point), with
jik upon* of d i d , smootfi ridi~essepuruted 6y Control of Time flow (2 points). The other one is also a
6 G d dclivities. The ridges zigged and zagged three (3) point Shadow, but it’s a Shadow of the Realm (2
their way out toward ufortressCike ishnd, u [ow points), with Control over Contents (1 point). The Basic
wu[l running u6out it, severd tnetdic structures Shadow cost would be four (4) points, because the Shadow
visi6k 6eyod. has to include the costs of all the most expensive features,
W1s a-maze,” he remarked. (*Dow e truvec it including both Shadow of the Realm (2 points), and
down in tfie passages or up on top oftfie wacls?” Control of Time flow (2 points). Apply Named Et
I smiced as I studied it. Numbered (‘2 points), and the total cost for the two
((Itvu*,” I said. “Ssometimes up a d SOttLetittLes Shadows would be eight (8)points.
‘(well, wfiicfi way do w e got” Unique. There’s just the one Shadow. N o extra cost.
Multiplier is one [*1 Point].
Y dim%know yet. I fiuve to shrdy it ea.& time.
YOUsee, it keeps cfianging, und &re’s u trick to Named & Numbered. In this case, the Construct is
it.” distributed over a few specific Shadows, or is in a
11A triClifN
central Shadow that draws on power from neighboring
“More tfiun one, achurcy. Tke w h f e dktm tfiiy Shadows. Usually this applies when the Shadows are
ispbuting on a [ake of liquidfiydrogen and Mium, organized so that each contributes something different
Tke muze mves uround. It’s difierent e& time. to the Construct. Each Shadow must be described, both
And: tfienh e ’ s u mutter of the atmosphere. ~ f y m in terms of how it works with the others, and how it is
were to w& uprigfit afong t f i e ricfgesyou w d 6e different from the others. For example, the four
u6ove it in most plbces. You woucdn’t Cust Gmg. “elemental” Shadows that contribute to the Keep of
And tfie temperature ranges from fiorri69 cocd to Four Worlds, plus the Shadow of the Keep itself, are
roasting fiot over u r u y e of ufewftet in efevutkm. considered “Named Et Numbered.” Costs twice the
points of the Basic Shadow [*2 Points].
YOU h v e to know wfien to crawl atrd wfien to
dim6 und when to do other tfiings-as weCf us Countless. Rather than defining the Shadows as
wfiidi way to go.” individuals, all the Shadows are part of a group defined
“How do you tecf?’) by some common characteristic. For example, Countless
‘‘~n-ufi,” I said. WI talie you in, 6ut I%anut Shadows could be all those that contain all the
giving you tfie secrt.. ’ j variations of a particular power source. Costs three
lrumps Doom of times the points of the Basic Shadow [*3Points].
As long as a Construct has an active link, it can lend, or well as with the Blue Crystal Construct. Usually multiple
extend, any of its powers to its Manifestation. Since Manifestation Connections are the same kind as the
Constructs can have virtually any qualities or powers, Connection between Manifestation and Construct, but it’s
including Transferal, it’s usually more economical to have possible to make Manifestations that have a lesser type of
the Manifestation dependent on the Construct for most of Connection, or don’t connect with each other at all.
its function. For example, while giving a few defensive
features to a Manifestation is a good idea (sometimes the CONSTRUCTPSYCHE
link goes down), the Manifestation can depend on the
Every Construct has the potential to develop into a
Construct for any powers or means of attack
fully independent person (or, in role-playing terms, into a
There’s no rule that says a Construct must have a Non-Player Character).
Manifestation. Some characters may settle for having a
Construct that can only be used locally, by travelling to No Psyche. The Construct starts out with no Psyche, and
the Construct’s Shadow. Other characters may depend on therefore with no personality. The big drawback to a No
Trump, or Logrus, or some other power, to contact their Psyche Construct is that it’s effectively a machine with
Constructs. no loyalties. If taken over by someone other than its
creator, it can simply be reprogrammed. It’s possible to
APPLYCONNECTIONMULTIPLIER have a Construct without Psyche that is intelligent, but
it will have no sentience. It’s important to note that it
TO BASICMANIFESTATION is quite possible for a Construct to develop Psyche
In order for the Manifestation to interact with the independently. [Costs Zero Points].
Construct, it must have some kind of connection that can
reach across Shadow. Psychic Sensitive. The Construct has a t least the spark of
a personality, so it is capable of feeling
Innate. The connection between the and learning. [Costs 1 Point].
Construct and its Manifestation is
constant. One problem with an CONSTRUCT Power+Based Psyche. In addition to
Innate Connection is that it’s having a feeling personality, the
detectable, so others can use the RULE #2 Construct is able to charge its Psyche
Manifestation as a way of tracking with its own power base. Because
down the Construct’s source out in
Constructs are the Psyche can be driven by vast
Shadow. Another problem is that Controlled by the powers, there’s effectively no limit
when an Innate Connection breaks, it to how much Psyche the Construct
means the Manifestation may have to
Game Master. can generate. While this can make
be returned t o the Construct’s the Construct p r e t t y much
Shadow in order to repair the connection. No extra cost invulnerable to Psychic attacks, it
[*1 Point]. also means the Construct, especially
when immature, can be a real threat
Shadow Conduit. Some force or energy connects the to its creator. [Costs 2 Points].
Manifestation with the Construct. Usually it’s based on
the power of the Construct, so a Trump Construct
generally has Trump Conduits, a Pattern Construct has
Pattern Conduits, etc. When a Manifestation, or the After applying all appropriate multipliers, add the cost
Construct, shuts off the Conduit Connection, either end of the Construct’s Shadow Realm to the cost of the
can attempt to reopen the Conduit. Costs twice the cost Construct Manifestation, to the cost of the Construct’s
of the Basic Manifestation r2 Points]. Psyche.
W e r& tfie Gase oftfie nearest fiU u d fie
s t u d eliding it.
“Don’t,’) I &to u go over.))
fiim. ~ o cun’t
He fdhd. ‘Wfiynot?)’
“Tfieuknospfke ends tfiirty or forty feet Up.))
I sfiook my head
And it%worse on tfie otfier side,)) I &.
h e foFd u pussage tfirougli. There%onefurther
I t u d dfieadid in tfiat direction. Sfiody, I
h r d hisfootf&.
%o you gave it your voice,)’ fie said.
“So I see what you’re up to und what% Geen
going on. It’s Gemme sentient in tfiut c r y pk2ce
you hilt it. I t went wiU, u d y o u ) r e M i n g to
sfiatt it davn. I t k n o w s it a d it%got tfie power to
do s d i y &out it. It’s your GfiostwfkC h t ’ s
Geen trying to get you to turn buck, isn’t it?))
1. Can Constructs be enlarged and/or unlimited features. In the case of the Psychic Barrier, it
improved later on? can be included as a feature in any Construct (with the
Sure! Characters can continue working on their usual limitations). The Construct can arrange Trans-
Constructs, building onto them in any number of ways feral, giving Psychic Barrier to its Manifestations.
On the other hand, ifyou expect a Manifestation to be
2. If Constructs are always going to be taken cut oflfiom its Construct, buying the Psychic Barrier is a
over by the Game Master, and since it’s possible to good defensive measure.
build Constructs for free, why spend the points?
True, Constructs do have an alarming tendency to G. This Power+Based Psyche seems like too
take offon their own (though not all Constructs go that much. Can a Construct’s Psyche be more powerful
route), and it’s certainly possible to built a Construct than Fiona’s?
without spending points. Look at it this way.. .
The main reasonfor spending points is to keep other Girard is the strongest guy around. Even so, it’s no
influences away from the Construct. In other words, if great stretch to imagine a machine stronger than GLrard.
you don’t invest the points, you have no way of assuring Any Amberite could go off into Shadow and come up with
that your Construct wasn’t a joint project. a bulldozer (or even a bull) that could pull more weight
Look at Merlin’s Ghostwheel. Sure, it’s obstinate and than Girard.
wil2fu1, and it often doesn’t do as it’s told. Yet it is an When it comes to comparing a Construct to Fiona, it’s
enormous source of power, and it will likely continue to be a comparison between a power and a person.
one of Merlin’s greatest assets. Yes, a Construct might very well have more Psyche
than Fiona. Likewise the Pattern probably has a Psyche
3. What if a Construct is destroyed? superior to Fiona’s, as does the Logrus.
An all-too-probable outcome. Constructs, being Which doesn’t mean that the Construct is ever going to
stationed in Shadow, are relatively easy to destroy. After have a chance of mentally dominating Fiona.
a Construct is wiped out, the Game Master may Remember that Fiona is more than just a bundle of
eventually return the points to the player character. Psyche and Power. She’s also a repository for a millennia
of mistrust, deception, dirty tricks, and psychic jujitsu. In
4. When a Construct turns against a player
other words, she’s seen Constructs come and go, and she’s
character, do the points come back?
not likely to be caught unprepared by a new toy.
What? You want a refund?
To put it another way, a Construct dominating Fiona
Seriously, it depends on the situation. As long as the
would be like a business mainfiame computer linking up to
Game Master thinks it’s possible that the Construct might
a experienced net-hacker’s laptop. Yes, the mainframe
be of some bene$t to the player character, the points
would be more powerful, capable of processing faster and
should remain invested.
storing more, but linking to the laptop is just opening a
The only way to absolutely recover the point
jarful of viruses, bugs, worms and other nasty software
investment is by destroying the Construct.
5. If I want my Construct to have something
7. Do I have this right? If I don’t get any
like Psychic Barrier, do I have to buy it for the
Manifestations, and get Psyche+None, I can build a
Construct for just one lousy point?’’
No/ The design of the Construct itse6 in the
That’s absolutely right.
Construct’s Shadow, is entirely up to you. You can add in
Just remember, there’s nothing to stop the Construct
whatever qualities, powers, and other characteristics that
from developing its own Psyche, orfiom creating its own
you like. Just as an Amberife can j n d unlimited
Manifestations, if it chooses to do so.
possibilities in Shadow, so your Construct can have
House Support
ALLIES [3 Points]
Since Shadow Knight characters are based on a campaign One of the Noble Houses of the Courts of Chaos actively
that straddles Amber and the Courts of Chaos, there is a supports the character. If the character is a Lord of Chaos,
somewhat larger range of possible relatives, friends, allies the character will likely be related to that Hours. Note
and enemies. For the expenditure of a few points a that House Support does not mean that everyone in the
character can arrange for a lifetime of help, sometimes House supports the character-there are always political
from unexpected quarters. factions, and some will break with the official policy of
An Ally in Amber Amberites can also have House Support, making it far,
[l Point] far easier for them to visit the Courts of Chaos. They’ll be
The character has a good friend among the influential honored guests, their case will be represented in the royal
folk of Castle Amber or City Amber. Possibilities include court, and a wide range of resources will be made available
one of the Court Retainers, an officer in Amber’s naval or for any endeavors a t the Chaos end of things. Another
military forces, or a rich member of the merchant class. An possibility is that an Amberite who gains House Support
added example of an Ally in Amber would be a highly could be the subject of a Shrine in that Noble House.
ranked noble, or even a king or queen, from one of the It’s up to the Game Master to decide whether or not
Golden Circle treaty lands. The Ally in Amber is always the player character will know the identity of the
loyal to the character-offering sanctuary when needed, a character’sHouse Support.
supporting voice in any political situation, and assistance
in mundane matters. Chaos Court Devotee
It’s up to the player character to choose the Ally in [4 Points]
Amber. Details are subject to the approval of the Game A Lord of Chaos, one of the Masters of the Logrus, and
Master, but players should be encouraged to fill in the likely one of the elders who control events in the Courts
background of the Ally with descriptions of related of Chaos, has a deep interest in the character. The Devotee
characters, possessions, history, or stories about earlier will spend a lot of time and effort in tracking the
adventures shared by the player character and the Ally. character’s movements (through a Scrying Pool, or some
other device), may arrange for demon guardians, and will
Demon Friends try to arrange for things to work out well. Rescue of the
[I Point] character from any lifecthreatening situation is a top
Demons are the Courts of Chaos equivalent to the priority, even if it means great risk for the Devotee. The
servants, retainers and military officers of Amber. One or blood connection between a Chaos Court Devotee and a
more demons have a commitment to the character that player character assures the character’s eventual eligibility
obliges Lifetime Servitude. The demon friendship was to assay the Logrus.
either an inheritance, or set up by some ally of the No player character will ever learn the identity of their
character, or may even be simply because a family of Chaos Court Devotee.
demons decided to back the character’s chances.
Amber Court Devotee
Court Friend [G Points]
[2 Points] One of the elder Amberites has a deep parental love for
Court Friends are among the powerful in either the the player character, to the point where they’d risk their
Court of Amber or the Courts of Chaos. Usually a Court own life or fortune to save the character. The Amberite
Friend is either an elder Amberite (from Benedict to spends a lot of time keeping track of the character, and
Random), or an elder Lord of Chaos (from Duchess Belissa will arrange things so secret help is nearly always available.
Minobee, head of the militaristic House Hendrake, to Anyone with an Amber Court Devotee is somehow related
Suhuy, Master of the Logrus). Friends like these will look to the Amber royal family, and was born with the
out for the character’s best interests, and will attempt to potential to walk the Pattern.
arrange for the character to get needed information or An Amber Court Devotee will take extraordinary
support. measures to avoid being discovered. Since it could mean
While player characters can’t name their Court Friend capture or death for the character they love, the Amber
(indeed, they may never figure out exactly who the Court Devotee will, if necessary, express anger, pick fights, or be
Friend is), they can request a Court Friend from either incredibly cruel. For example, since the Amberite knows
Amber or the Courts of Chaos. It’s a good strategy for the character will eventually heal from any wound,
Amberites to ask for Court Friends from the Courts of maiming their own loved one is not out of the question.
Chaos and vice versa. On the other hand, being friendly can create an even
deeper layer of mystery.
Merlin runs into a lot 0’stuff, much of it grist for the Game Master’s mill. Collected here are some of the more
interesting elements, complete with suggestions for how to pervert the usual interpretations. Of course, there’s no
substitute for actually reading, and reereading, and re+re-reading Zelazny’s books.
Creatures of Chaos, like most living things, are well case the surrounding area will eventually return to a
adapted to their own environment. In the Courts of Chaos normal state. If not deliberately reeled back in, the black
the environment is heavily influenced by proximity with path eventually starts to decay, dissipating more quickly
the Logrus. That means that the demons, Lords of Chaos, where Pattern is strong. On the other hand, if the black
and other denizens of the Courts have become accustomed path is maintained, and if the controlling forces continue
to living with a continuous energy of change. channeling Logrus energy along it, it will tend to expand,
Outside of the Courts, creatures of Chaos have some sometimes to a mile or two in width, sometimes influen-
difficulties, especially those incapable of changing to cing entire Shadows.
human, animal or other Shadow form. Some have trouble
Shape Shifting, others find themselves Shape Shifting Other black channels.
involuntarily. Many find it difficult to concentrate. Some
simply weaken, some gradually go rigid. A few start to die. A &Atfiread hy U p o n t f i e wide sill, He reactied
In order to safeguard their agents, the Lords of Chaos out amftoucfkf it as he GLU- fiimsq.
have developed black channels, the summoning of cables of There cum a greut rusfiing of w i d as we fd
the true Logrus. These mighty extensions of the Logrus downward, moved forward, rose. Towers paSW
are much larger and much more powerful than the tiny
past, wavering. Tfie stars were brigfit, a
tendrils commanded by Lords of Chaos.
The pathway of a Logrus cable can be directed either qtuarter-moonjlcst risen, ifhminating the bellies of
through Logrus manipulation, or by sorcerous means. a Cow line ofclouds. We soar&, tfie castfe a d t f i e
Although the first method is more accurate, it’s also town dwiding in an eyeblink. Tfie stars &d,
incredibly time consuming. The Logrus Master has to became s t r e d s of Cigfit. A band of sfieer, rippling
extend a cluster of Logrus tendrils, watching as they make bhckness spread about us, widening. The Bhck
their way across Shadow, while a t the same time marking Rod, I suddetrcy thugfit. It i s li&e a temporary
the right pathway. version of the Bhck Road, in the sky. I g C u d
Casting a spell is a much simpler way of laying Logrus back. It wus not there. It wus us if it were
cable. In this case, the cable is given a magical directive, s o t t d i o w reeling in as we rode. Or was it reeling
and it extends itself through Shadow, seeking its objective. us in?
The most common type of black channel is a black road. Tfie countryside passed betleatft us tilie afilitz
Because black roads are the easiest to summon, the hardest
to dispel, and the least fussy about their Shadow
phyed ut tripk speed. Forest, fiia a d mountain
environment, they were the chosen highways for the peufijkd- 6y. Our bcack way was a greut ri660n
invasion of Amber by the Courts of Chaos in the heaving before us, pa& of ligfit a d dkrk like
Patternfall War. dffvtime cloud sfiadows sliding past.
Black roads exert their influence on the surrounding Prince of C h s
Shadow, lending a bit of chaos to local animals and
vegetation, and giving off an air of death and decay. A A Black Thread, as opposed to a Black Road, is cast out as
Black road starts off as a small path just a couple of yards a pathway for flying creatures.
wide. Another possibility is the casting of a Black Canal, which
Once in place, a black path can be withdrawn, in which follows waterways through Shadow, and provides safe
passage for aquatic creatures of Chaos. Even more exotic are rod, simihr to tfie mns 6y wfiicfi B r a d once
Black tunnels (underground passages), black conduits escaped Corwin.))
(energy channels for disembodied creatures of Chaos), and Dura, idking about Oberon,
black infernos (based on passage through molten rock).
s@n ofchs
Black channel defenses. Since a Logrus cable runs along any black channel, those
with the right kind of power can exert a degree of
4% tfie patfi itserf giving you any troubk?)) I influence or control. Though the power is usually that of
asked. the Logrus, it’s also possible for someone with high Psyche
“NO,JJ fie repcied. ‘41t~sd i n g at aCI like ttiose to contact the Logrus cable.
stories I ) d fieard u6out R o d . It Coolis a Once in touch, information about who might be
Cittfe bceafi at times, 6ut mtfiingJsr d y tfireutetd travelling the black channel, about its destination, or even
us.)) He ghnced downward and cfimkiced. “Of about the character who summoned it up, can likely be
course itjs only a few feet w a , ) ) fie &, ‘ud accessed. While changing the course of a black channel is
&is is tfie broudest it%been, sofar,)) pretty difficult, it’s not hard to use it to deliver messages,
%ti.&,)) I said, opening my senses a d studying or change its treatment of certain travellers.
its ettuLfccLtions witfi my ~ o g m sigfit, “1)d tfiinfi
something migM have t t i r d . ) ’
4 4 1 guess we%ebeen M y , ) )fie said.
handful of Broken Patterns? Or are they virtually infinite Advanced Pattern and Broken Pattern.
in number? Is the most degenerate Broken Pattern one Those with Advanced Pattern, once having had a chance
that’s almost a copy of the Logrus, or the Abyss? After all, to examine a Broken Pattern, will be able to evoke it at
it’s possible that way, way, way out in Shadow, just before will. There’s not much that an Advanced Pattern Master
the Rim, there might be cryptic scribbles on a wall, or can do with a Broken Pattern that they can’t do better
faint scratches on a rock, or the weave in a rug, that mark with Amber’s Pattern, but it is an option, and sometimes
the final degeneration of Pattern in the universe. it makes for an interesting deception.
As to whether an Advanced Pattern character could
Broken Patterns and Shadows of Amber. erase a Broken Pattern, or have it swallowed up into
In all likelihood the first reflection of the Pattern is Amber’s Pattern, or otherwise manipulate it, that requires
located in a place very much like Castle Amber, with a a bit of experimentation.
Pattern which looks almost, but not quite, whole. It’s even
possible that the Castle, City and Forest would be good Broken Pattern and Logrus Masters.
imitations of Amber and Arden. The more distant the It’s no great effort to use the Logrus against someone
Broken Pattern, the less the surrounding Shadow will with Broken Pattern. A tendril of the Logrus can easily
resemble Amber. Each of the Shadow Ambers may be sweep aside any tendril or projection created by Broken
inhabited. If so, their denizens will likely include copies of
Amberites, ruled by Shadows of Oberon, or Eric, or With the image of the Logrus brought to mind, it’s also
Corwin, or even Brand. easy to walk the flaw of any Broken Pattern to its center.
The Logrus will prevent the image of the Broken Pattern
Broken Pattern and Amberites. from infecting the mind, but the Logrus Master can still
order a (probably inaccurate) teleport from the Broken
“Why are you giving me aU: this esoteric Pattern.
information?” Attempting to destroy a Broken Pattern with Logrus is
“Y‘ou9-e a fiigfier-level initiate, so it doem% considerably more dangerous. It’s not that the Logrus
mrrtter.. )) doesn’t have the power. A decent Logrus Master could
either manipulate the cracks, expanding and enlarging
Merlin & Jasru, in Kn$t 0f.Stkubws them and thereby erasing the Broken Pattern, or simply
summon the destructive energies of Primal Chaos.
The power of Broken Pattern is rarely threatening to However, since all the Broken Patterns are fed by the
those who are initiates of Amber’s Pattern. For example, Primal Pattern, the Pattern itself would see such an attack
bringing the Pattern to mind is an absolute defense as an attempt by the Logrus to seize more Pattern-
against any attack from Broken Pattern. influenced Shadow. A Broken Pattern suddenly energized
As far as walking the lines of a Broken Pattern, anyone and defended by Primal Pattern could be quite hazardous
imprinted with Amber’s Pattern should be able to do so to a Lord of Chaos.
easily, temporarily smoothing out the flaws and cracks as
they’re crossed. In most cases, this kind of Pattern walk
doesn’t change the Broken Pattern, and does no harm to Broken Pattern and Trump Artists.
the character. And, once at the center, if one is willing to Concentrating on any Trump card or image is usually an
trust the cracked abilities of the Broken Pattern, effective defense against tendrils or other attacks from
teleportation is available. Not recommended, but available. Broken Pattern. Any competent Trump Artist can create a
Another possibility is for an Amberite to walk the Trump sketch or card of a Broken Pattern, understanding
Broken Pattern along the flaws, as an initiate of Broken that each Broken Pattern is different from all the others.
Pattern. For most, at least those with Amber or better Attempting to use a Trump image as protection, while
Attributes in Psyche and Endurance, it’s not even walking either the lines or the cracks of a Broken Pattern,
challenging. isn’t a very good idea. While it may protect the character
Still, as the character makes the walk, the Broken from being imprinted with the Broken Pattern’s image, it
Pattern will attempt to impose its image, trying to turn doesn’t offer any protection against the energy of the
the Amberite into one of its a Broken Pattern Initiates. lines, nor does it guarantee that the character won’t fall
Resisting the fractured image is easy, since it’s so through a flaw.
inferior to the real thing. However, there are times when
an Amberite might want to accept the change, voluntarily Broken Pattern and Shadow Dwellers.
downgrading from Pattern to Broken Pattern. For one Anyone with a Psyche of Chaos Rank or better can walk
thing, it would make for a nifty disguise. For another, along the cracks to the center of a Broken Pattern in
given a bit of instruction, and a few days of practice, the reasonable safety. For characters of Chaos or Human Rank
Amberite could effectively operate as an Adept-a Psyche, or those who want to become initiates, this will
sometimes handy thing for a Sorcerer. do the trick. If a character has a Psyche of Amber or better,
it’s possible to resist the image of the Broken Pattern, Perhaps Castle Amber bears some self-repair
effectively turning down the opportunity to become an enchantment. It could be that the Pattern itself keeps the
Initiate. Castle under repair. Or maybe there are pixies living in
the walls.. .
Repairing Broken Patterns. Aside from discovering that the building can repair
itself, and that a loose step on the stairs to the dungeon
It wantd me to repair tfib pa-r image of has annoyed GCrard, there’s also the odd charming detail
itself, to m e d tfiis B r o h Pattern, 6y wa&ing it, revealed in the Merlin Saga; that blind fish swim in a pool,
Gearing tfie Jewdof J d p n e n t witfi me. Tfiis was right in the chamber of the Pattern.
how 06eron fiud repaired tfie damage done to tfie Another of the Castle’s newly revealed features is the
Corridor of Mirrors. This hallway moves itself from place
original. ofcourse, tfie act lid 6een sujjkient9
traumatic to kill fiim.. . to place within the Castle, sometimes leaving altogether.
Merlin can recall “my younger self passing this way,”
Knght q f G . a h w s suggesting that the Corridor of Mirrors may wander all
the way out to the Courts of Chaos or, indeed, that the
Did Merlin, carrying the Jewel of Judgement along the Corridor may originate out by the Logrus.
lines, “repair” the Broken Pattern? Or destroy it, by Along with Tir-na Nog’th, the Corridor of Mirrors may
merging it into the Pattern of Amber? The answer varies be another one of those places where characters can
according to the cosmology of the campaign. wander off into other universes, other versions of Amber,
It’s also important to note that Merlin was coached, or even into the region of dreams. As to this last,
guided, and manipulated by the Primal Pattern all the remember that Merlin seemed to slip into a dream from
way up to, and through, his walk of a Broken Pattern. the Corridor of Mirrors, and he also visited the Corridor of
What qualifications, and equipment (such as the Jewel of Mirrors from a dream.
Judgement) will be necessary for a repeat of Merlin’s All of these things, plus the necessary reconstruction in
actions is unknown. the wake of the recent destruction (you’ll recall that a
meeting of the Logrus and the Pattern left a large, multi-
A Final Caution. level hole in Castle Amber), should get Game Masters
As described above, most characters will find nothing thinking about new possibilities.. ,
very threatening about Broken Pattern. Just remember
that these weaknesses of Broken Pattern apply when all
other things are equal. If a powerful character, or
Construct, or unknown force, is behind a Broken Pattern,
things could well be a bit more difficult. For example, an
Amberite walking a Broken Pattern might find it First drawn by Corwin as a act of desperation, as a
hazardous if some hidden Psyche were influencing things, defense against the Storm front generated by Oberon’s
either steering them toward a fall into a crack, or repair of Amber’s Pattern. It is more than just Corwin’s
attempting to supplant their normal Pattern image. creation, it is also his child.
((InaCC modesty, yes. If ttiat’s not good enougfi, time. The o r i g i d Pattern in Amher wus damaged
I’ve studiedtfie Arts, LIS w d ” a d 06eron repaired it. The wave of C h s wfiih
“Tfiey’[Cf d f to steel, tfiougfi it’s fire tfky” came out of that swept tfirougfi aU: stiadow.
6Ceed-not 6Cood. You can have the Puttem Everything wus ~~. But tfie Pattern fk&f a d
transport you olctside now, ifyou wisfi. H f join tfaings settlkd ugain. I’d 6e more i d i d to tfiink
you in a few mom en^^ to sfbw you where tfie of alc those extra sfiadow-stom as 6eing in tfie
weapons are &, .”
and tfie &r s u p ~ l i a s . . nuture of aftersfiocks.”
Trim C h s of ((It’sa good argument,” she said. “But wfrd
it’s wrong?”
In Corwin’s absence, his Pattern has come up with a “1dim%tfaidi it is.)’
new set of defenders. It started with its very own llMerk, there’s some kind of power here-un
PatterncGhost of Corwin, not the ephemeral thing usually immense amount of power.”
made by the Logrus or the Primal Pattern, but more of a ((1dim%din& it.’’
partner. ‘(Ithas always 6een our wuy to keep an eye on
Since then, Corwin’s Ghost has recruited the Pattern- power, to try to understand it, to control it.
Ghosts of Deirdre and Luke, so that each is dependent on Because one dky it might 6 m a h-eut.. . I
Corwin‘s Pattern.
Merlin has also protected Corwin’s Pattern, even when Fbna gL: Merlin, in Bbod of A d e r
it was threatened by a Logrus-generated earthquake.
Corwin’s Pattern has also been a sanctuary for Coral. A short list of those who threaten Corwin’s Pattern
Since the Jewel of Judgement was put in her eye socket, might include:
she’s been kidnapped by forces from both Amber’s Pattern The Primal Pattern itself.
and the Logrus. The Logrus.
In addition, Dalt, Luke (the real one), NaydaHthe- ty’iga, Every Amberite and Lord of Chaos who seeks power.
and Jurt (who was accepted as Corwin’s Pattern’s sole Plus, if Coral is still there, all who desire the Jewel of
defender a t one time) all have some interest in protecting Judgement.
Corwin’s Pattern. There are probably others, but that should get you
Still, given the nature of the threats against it, Corwin’s started in the right direction. Suffice to say that all of
Pattern is a long way from safe.. . Corwin’s Pattern’s known defenders, including Corwin
himself, may find themselves in serious trouble.
Threats to Corwin’s Pattern. All in all, a wonderful Game Master opportunity.
There was movement dong tfie 6Ca& rod, a dkrk w[umn headitrg out toward& citadel. Gossamer
strut& d r i . Getween us; tfiere were a f w spark at tfie far end, about tfie nigfited fidk. OverM, tfie
sky fiud completely reversed itsel$ wifi us 6eneatfi tfie durfiened+t.f Again, I fect tfie strange feeling of
furvy been here long, long 90, to see that tfiis, ratFrer than M e r , was tfie true center of creation...
Corwin, in The Courts of CIiaos
The center of things. stalked by assassins (some of them of the demonic
Consider the following argument. persuasion), manipulated by whole generations of elder
Because Pattern is static, one Pattern can be different relatives, caught between conflicting loyalties imposed on
from another. There can be many Patterns. them by different Houses, and treated as hated obstacles
On the other hand, the Logrus is movement and by all their younger relatives.
change. Over time, the Logrus is all configurations,
eventually in the eyes of eternity, it encompasses every
possible twitch of its constituent parts. By definition,
then, there can be only one Logrus.
Or maybe not.
Since the Logrus has a personality, even if it is a
personality that constantly changes and shifts, then there
may be more than one version of the Logrus. Not based on
different designs, but rather a different personae, with
different aims and objectives, for each variation.
Consider what it must have been like. To be a Lord of Abyss returned, and the viewpoint zoomed toward a pinpoint
Chaos, unchallenged in the universe, member of the great4 of red light.
est kingdom ever known, and to be defeated by.. . what? A “This time, they said, this time everything was in our
handful of barbarians? Here’s how it might have been: favor. ” YoungJan’roth gripped the hilt of his weapon, “It is
The two looked awayfkom the scrying pool. Their eyes our homeland we tried to defend. They come to our place of
met, briepy, then young Lord Jan’roth’s looked away, strength. There could be no suuprises.. . ”
pushed, confused. “Attend!”the Sage interrupted, pointing.
“What have Z seen?” he said, “is this truth? That the host In the pool appeared a cluster of Amberites,
of the Courts of Chaos should be defeated? Or is it some “I see,” the youngster cried, “Corwin!He who opened the
vision?” Way! And that’s Brand, our champion! What is he
“It is truth,” said the ancient Sage, Lord of the Ways of holding.. .”
Vaarin. “Amber triumphs. Even in their moment of greatest “TheEye of the Serpent!”
weakness, their Pattern disrupted by the attempt at repair, “What?Amberites with the lost Eye of the Serpent! How
their greatest mages, Oberon and Dworkin, absent fkom the can this be?”
battle. In our land. And still they won. ” (‘Like gods.. .’’ the Sage seemed to wither within his scales,
“Why? Why, old man?” The young Lord reached for his “theymust be more than we.. . ”
sword, then let his hand fall away. “Why did we lose?”
There was no reply. Worshipping the Winners.
“I have always been told, ” said Jan’roth, squatting down There’s an interesting parallel between the Courts of
in misery, “that we are numerous, while they are few. That Chaos, defeated by Amber, and the Japanese people after
we of the Courts are united, while they bicker amongst World War 11.
themselves.” Before the War, the Japanese were convinced of the
“True,”said the Sage. divinity of their race, the Yamato, believing that it was
For a time they again looked at the Pool of Sirying, their destiny to rule the Earth. Japan, so they thought,
seeing the surviving Lords and their troops surrendering. could be subservient to no nation, and this reasoning led
“Show me, Vaarin, show me the last time.” to the Japanese military’s assault on Pearl Harbor. Which,
“Thelast time?” in turn, unleashed the fury of the United States. The
result, the defeat of Japan, and its subsequent occupation
“Yes, the battle in the Valley of Garnath. The battle that
by U.S. forces, was a strong object lesson. Obviously the
was to give us Amber. ” ways of the West were better, and should be studied. The
Wordlessly, the Sage passed his talons over the pool. A Japanese adopted many of the ways of the United States,
different battle raged silently. prospered economically, and continue a fascination with
“There!”Jan’roth pointed, “See? Their leader fell. Eric western culture. Their attitude adjustment has been going
was slain. The battle, the war, should have been ours.” on for almost fifty years, and shows few signs of
“Strange,” the old Sage rustled his leathery wings, “now weakening.
that Z think on it, Eric was the only Lord of Amber killed, in The same kind of thing may be happening in the
all the war. One Lord of Amber, to countless of our number,” Courts of Chaos, where shrines to Amberites are just the
“Yet he was their leader. When they lost him, they should first stage in a cultural revolution.
havefallen. ”
“Youngling,Z think you have seen it right. ” Or Maybe Not...
“Whatdo you mean?”
“TheseAmberites. They have no leader. One may wear a Tfre setup wus simikr to tfuzt of my fathr’s,
crown, but none of them truly stands above the others. When witfi a g r o i d vault containing a Cigfit source
Eric died, they thanked him for his sacrifice, and for the superior to tfie a
&. M y tfiere was no painting
terrible dying curse that he laid upon us, and continued on.” dove tfih &r. This o n e f h r e d a s t u i d g b s
“Ourleaders said it was only a small setback, that loss.” witrdbw, [ots ofgreen in it, a d a CittCe red.
“Yes,they spoke of how we were overextended. How taking Its principal wus Brand.
the battle to theforeign land weakened us. How the surprise,” Trince of C h s
and at this he pointed as beasthien were swept from the
sky by bursts of automatic rifre jire, “could never be Merlin speculates that the Amberite chapels might be
repeated... ” “sinister,” or that they might be “used to try to influence
the individuals involved.. .” After all, Corwin was kept a
“Youthink they spokefalsely?” prisoner in his shrine. Even more interesting is that
“No. Yes. I don’t know. ” The Sage gestured over the pool Brand’s Chapel featured a pentagram that might be used
once again, erasing the past. The battlejield at the edge of the for summoning.
38 Campaign Ideas
Attunement to the Eye of the Serpent. There seems to be even more advantages to Attuning
than previously thought.
I set tfk Jewef on u m r 6 y tckbk. First off, if bearing the image of the three-dimensional
After u6out u fulcf minute I r d k d tfiut I fiad Pattern is truly a protection against the Primal Pattern of
tiraced myseff uguinst tfie Pt#zrn’s d i d i stroke. I Amber, the Jewel of Judgement is going to be even more
r e b e d my sfioucders. I drew u deep 6reutfi. I valuable for Corwin’s Pattern and its defenders.
As to the possibility of Patterncmagics, it’s likely that
r e m u i d intat. Could 6e that Dworliin wus rigfit
Dworkin deliberately kept any system information from
and tfie Pattern woucd Lhave me ubne. Abo, I Merlin. The reason being that the most efficient way of
s f b d d 6e a6k to summon tfk Puttem in tfie Jewef performing magic through the threecdimensional Pattern
now, fietocdme, asIdotkSignoftfieLogrus. is idiosyncratic. In other words, a Sorcerer’s own invented
Tfiere were Puttern-tnugics wfiicfi wuCd ody 6e system will work better than any system learned from
wrougfit viu tfiis route, tfiougfi Dworliin fiafn% someone else.
talietrtfie time to instruct me intfieir emp[oyment. One other thing about the Eye of the Serpent. When
He’d suggested tfht u sorcerer sfrorc[d 6e u6Ce to Merlin attempts to Attune himself a second time (more
&ure tfie system out. I decided tfkt tfiis coucd on that below, in the section on the spikards), a voice
wuit. I was in IUDmood just now for commerce of issued forth, refusing him the “higher initiation.”
any sort witfi tfie Pattern in uny of i t s Given that one acquires a threecdimensional image of
incamations ... the Pattern when first attuned to the Jewel of Judgement,
it’s interesting to speculate on what might lie beyond. Is
K-zgfit of9iuhws there a four-dimensional image? Or can a character get an
insight into the Logrus on the second run? Another
speculation is that the higher attunement gives a character
the ability to summon Pattern0ghosts from the Jewel...
‘ITk Fount of Power, man. Tfiere’s u steudy, process, with fiimsq us tfk subject-”
pulsing source of pure energy inside tfie ci- “Tfiut’s it!”I said. ‘CorWin& i d t f d Brand
you litrow. Inter-sfiadow stufi. Comes from tfie fiad 6 - m some sort of living Trump. Made it
four worlics jumming togetfier & r e . ” aImost impossi6k to nuic fih.. .”
“1linow. I’ve seen it in uction.’’ Luke & Merlin,
“I’ve got ufeeling tfht tfiis MUS^ is sti# in tfie in st@ of C h s
process ofgetting u fiu& on iL”
‘me Fiad u pretty goodgrip w h we met.” The Fount of Power is the fast track to a lot of power.
‘%xfi, 6ut tfkre’s more to it t f kplugging into It’s likely that the basic version of the initiation just
a w d outkt, There are d sorts of su6tkti4s fie’s raises a character’s Attributes to Amber Rank, and gives
pr06dlyjUst Gemming m u r e of und expbring.~~ them a good grip on any other powers they might have.
“Sudi as?’’ As for the more drastic stage, the elevation to a “Living
“Butking u person in it w i 4 if k ’ s proper9 Trump,” that’s more of a judgement call. There should be
pr-, do wondersfor strengtfi, staminu, and across the board improvements in Attributes, along with a
mugicd u6iCities. T h t part’s easy for a person major increase in the sheer power that the character can
use (although no particular increase in skill).
witft s m training to C eum I’ve 6een ttiroUgfi it
The big question, for every Game Master, is whether
myseff.But ocd Shm%notes were in fiis hb, und the benefits of the Fount of Power are temporary or
tfiere was something more in tliem--a way of permanent.
r e p h i n g part of t f i e 60dy witfi energy, redly If, as Luke describes, characters just have a lot of energy
p d i n g it in. Very dangerous. EasiCyfd But crammed into them by the Fount, it may be a temporary
it w o r k you get sotnetfiing specid, u kind of thing. Either they’ll be dependent on maintaining some
supemran, u sort of living Trump.” kind of link with the Fount of Power, or they’ll have to
I’ve k r d tfrat term 6efore,’1 Lulie.. .” return every so often to get refreshed.
“ProGaGly’~ k replid. f(Myf&r udertook tfie
“An artifkt created 6y tfie P&m It rewrdi wrong, a d wfiut I* doing is rigfit. w e even h e
everyone wfio waCks it. It cufi caa us Gacli muny oftfie sum?memories.”
wfienever it wmb, as we were ut one o f t f i e times Merlin & Merlin’s Logrus-Ghost,
we wacfied it. It can use us as it w d , send us in Knight of Sliadbzus
wftere it wicl witfi u task hid upon us- yeus,
you like. Destroy us, u d it can creutz us over The more powerful the ghost, the more likely it is to
again.. .)) recognize its own condition, and the more likely it is to
Merlin Br: Deirdre’s Ghost, follow its own mind, rather than minding the instructions
in Kngfit ofshudinus of its creator.
Considering that a ghost would have to be based on
What a great innovation! someone who managed to get through the Logrus or the
Now a Game Master can rolecplay more than just one Pattern in the first place, you’re dealing with a pretty
version of any Amberite, or any Lord of Chaos. Plus the impressive crowd. It pretty much means that all potential
added feature of being able to bring back a favorite NPC ghosts are too powerful to control.
again and again.. . So what is a poor power to do?
One possibility is to choose the youngest and most
Stabilizing Ghosts. inexperienced characters. They’re less likely to recognize
their ghost state, and are therefore much easier to
Normally a ghost must be supported by regular doses
manipulate. That may be why Jurt and Luke were chosen advantage, depending on the motivation for creating the
as ghosts. clone.
It’s just that young and inexperienced ghosts are One other way of getting a “Ghost”is in Shadow. After
seriously lacking in power and guile. all, there are always an infinite number of Shadows of any
That leaves the possibility of creating partial ghosts, character wandering around. Caine found one, and killed it,
crippled versions of the original. It’s a tricky business, to use as his corpse. In fact, he may have pulled this trick
since leaving out the wrong part of a ghost may prevent it more than once.. .
from functioning properly. Or being able to stand up.
Editing a ghost’s personality, leaving out the memories
and experiences that might distract it from its task, and
leaving in only those that would incline the ghost toward
its assignment, seems to be the way the Pattern and the
Logrus operate. Of course, all this leads to the speculation
that the Pattern and the Logrus are perfectly capable of 'lit Tz%pes firougfi ~FradowC i k tfu puges of a
recreating fully functional clones, but they chose to only 6oofLor a deck of cur&,” I said. “Program it for
create ghosts., . whatever you want cfteckd out a d it wiu: keep an
y e on it for you. I was phming it us a surprise.
Ghosts as Player Characters. You c o d , say, use it to dktermine wlietfier any of
Every so often the Game Master is faced with a Bad our potentid enemies are m06iCizin9, or tofoclow
Stuff overload situation. Sometimes the player just bid too tfie progress of Sidow-storms, or-”
much in an Attribute Auction. Other times the player “Wait a minute,p’fk said raisins a hd.“How?
character may have been a bit too greedy, and not too How does isfcip firotyh. sfradows tfiat wuy? What
concerned with the consequences. & it work?”
Either way, a ghost player character could be considered “In eff&,J’ I a p h i d , ” it creates tfie equivaknt
a balance for a few points of Bad Stuff (just how many of a ttLuctitudQs of Trumps in an i n s t a ~&,--”
would depend on how hard the campaign universe treats
Merlin & Random, in lrumps Doom of
Although it’s possible to role-play the player through
the character’s death, that’s not necessarily the best Capable of showing up anywhere, anytime, as a sparkle,
approach. After all, the ghost is only going to remember a bit of light, a ring, a shiny bracelet, or even a “gold-leaf
life up to and including the last Pattern walk or assay of calligraphed letter O...,” Ghostwheel is more than just a
the Logrus. It’s much more interesting if the player device. It has become an interesting character.
character were faced with the mystery of their own death, By the end of Merlin’s Saga, his creation had become a
as well as the problem of surviving as a ghost. true contender for title of “Third Power” in the universe.
To soak up even more Bad Stuff,it could turn out the Consider that Ghostwheel, which had already started with
ghost player character isn’t alone. The original character is Pattern and Trump abilities, and a very safe refuge out in
still alive, an NPC, and not too happy about sharing a name Shadow, managed to pick up an attunement with the
and/or space with a clone. Jewel of Judgement and the imprint of the Logrus. It also
Just a suggestion.. . managed to thumb its nose at both the Logrus and the
Pattern, defying each one a t one time or another.
The questions remain. What has the Ghostwheel
Other Powers, Other Ghosts. become? What are its ambitions?
So far we’ve seen Pattern-Ghosts and Logrus-Ghosts.
Maybe, like so many other fictional computers before it,
That’s a start, and it reveals the basic requirements for
Ghostwheel aspires to humanity. It may be seeking a way
building a Ghost, but there’s no reason why other Powers
of creating itself in a human body, perhaps initially as a
couldn’t invoke Ghosts. Trump-Ghost.
Since each Trump image contains the vital essence of
Or Ghostwheel might seek to become the symbol of
the character depicted, it might be possible to pull a the power of Trump. In which case, it might eventually be
duplicate out of a card. An Advanced Trump Artist, for necessary for all Trump Artists to somehow “walk
example, might be able to contact the “first image;” a
Ghostwheel before receiving the power of Trump.
Ghost that remembers nothing past the time of the
On the other hand, if Ghostwheel inherited Merlin’s
Trump’s original creation.
hunger for power, it may have even larger ambitions. After
Likewise, each drop of a Shape Shifter’s blood contains
all, now that it has taken on the great powers it may feel
the character’s genetic code, effectively a map for
itself ready to replace them.
reconstructing a complete duplicate. The only drawback to
Finally, consider that the following speculations, voiced
creating a clone from a drop of Shape Shifter’sblood is that
by Merlin, may simply have been premature, but not
it would have almost none of the memories of the original
character-actually, that might be considered an
4~130ttitfie Pattern a d tfie Jhgm are sentient,)’ fie said. ‘We’ve 6& seen evidkme of k t . Wfietfier
tfiey are mn+smions oftfie unicorn d t f i e Serpent or tfie &way u r d & no r d difference.
Eitfier way, we are tdiing about a pair of greater tfiun h m n inteccigw witfi vast powers at tfieir
disposal. W f e r c um jirst is acSo one of those usekss tfieoCogicuf points. We need only concern
ourselves witfi tfie pres& situation, us it u j j k t s us.)’
MUndor, in T r i m of C h s
The fact that the Logrus and the Pattern are a t odds, us seeks tfie otfiers’s extinction. H a t h t f i or
and that they are sentient beings, is pivotal to the design fires&, &sicism or anurcfiy, eacfi of us procadi
of any campaign based on the Merlin Saga. Theirs is a long along a singk truck, and wittiout tfie otfier it
game, dotted with ancient mysteries, and one that even would leadto a dkd. end. I3& of us know tfiis, a d
elder Amberites only see in fragments. From the point of tfie game we fbve p h y d since tfie Geginning is a
view of the two great powers, the Logrus and the Pattern, far more SUW tfiing--uCtimateCy, perfbps to 6e
everyone is a pawn. They play their game, each seeking to
extend its dominion beyond the borders of the other, and j4eddy Y*
each seeking allies from among their initiates. “Now,I fbve gained a signifuxtnt +e over my
ancient adversay, for tfie jirst time in ages. I am
Taking the side of the Pattern. in a position to produce a fiistorian’s dream
tfiroughout Stiadow--an age of fiigfi civicization
NConsider. Ctioosing Getween tfie ~ ~ g r u
a sd a d &re sucfi as sfbCf never 6e forgotten. If tfie
myself is not a w e mutter ofpolitics+ s a n g 6aCunce were tipped tfie ottier way we would 6e
tfiis person or tfbt to do a particdur j06. My ContempWng a period of upheuvd at least on par
adversary and I represent two fundamental witfi tfiut of an ice age. Wtien I spoke of you (ts
principks 6y tneans of wfiicfi ttie universe i s game pieces it was not to minimize your roks in
organized. Y o u may tag us witfi nouns a d tfiis. For tfib is a time of grdfiidiy. Stay with
adjectives from most catrguages a d dozens of me, a d I willguarantee tfw GoGfenAge ofwfiicfi I
disciplines, 6ut we represent, GasiCaCy, Order a d spofie, a d y o u a purt in it. U v e , a d y o u wig 6e
Cfkos-Apoclbnian a d Dionysiuc, if you tifie; snatcfsed awuy 6y tfie otfier. Darkness u d disorder
reuson adfeeling, if you prefer; ttL(tdtCes5 a d wicCforcoW. Wfiicfi woucdyou have?)’
sanity; ligfit a d &A; s i g d a d noise. much- TfW md paWmJ
as this may seem to idicute it, fiowever, neitfier of of
in Trim C h s
The Pattern is persuasive. If characters have concern for That the Logrus has been steadily losing ground is
the multitude of shadow dwellers, all those uncounted pretty obvious. The ancient loss of the Eye of the Serpent,
innocents, then surely they must have some sympathy the creation of Corwin’s Pattern, the debacle of the
for the Pattern’s side. Besides, from the point of view of Patternfall War, not to mention the recent consumption
most Amberites, it’s simply patriotism. of a Broken Pattern by Amber’s Pattern, have all
contributed to its downfall.
Taking the side of the Logrus. It’s especially difficult for any Lord of Chaos to avoid
actively taking the side of the Logrus. Not to support the
n...Your story of tfie girl Coral, asking tfte Logrus is to betray one’s homeland.
puttern to send‘ fier to un appropTiafe prcrCe i s a
case in point. Wfiut did it immediately do? It sent Taking the Middle Ground.
fie?. to u shadow Pattern adturned out tfie tights.
Then it sent you to rescue her, repairing that “...I cun tea you o d y this: Trust not tfie
edition of itsq in tfie process. Once it wus repaired Puttern, nor tfie Logrus eitfier, nor uny oftfieir
it wus tto longer a Shadow pattern, but &r ver- spawn, tiu:tfiis mutter 6e settced”
sion of itsdf which it wus tfwn a6k to a6sor6. It Corwin,
pro6a6Cy a6sor6ed tfiat entire shadow us well, in Trince of C h s
d i n g comidera6Cy to its own energies. Its +e
over tfie Logrus increased even more. Tfie Logrus As most anyone from either side will tell you, a
w d need a 6ig gain to restore tfie 6a[ance after complete victory, where either the Pattern or the Logrus
tfiat. SO it risked an incursion into tfie Pattern’s triumphs, would be a very bad thing. The universe
domain, in u desperute g o r t to o6tuin tfie Eye of depends on balance.
Still, knowing that balance is desirable, and trying to
C h s . That etrded in a stakmate, Wfi,6ecause
stay out of the conflict, often means going it alone. For a
of tfie intervention of that 6hrre entity you caa time, both the Logrus and the Pattern may court your
GfiostwheeC So tfie 6 & m remuins tipped in tfie favor, but they’ll also try to coerce you into joining up.
puttern’s favor, un u&ttfiy stak of uffiairs.” An even more dangerous tactic is actively trying to
“For tfie Logrus.’’ maintain the balance of power. This usually means
{(For every6ody, I’d say. Tfte Powers wig be ut jumping sides, going over to support the loser whenever
od&, tfie s f i d o w s in t u r n i f u d disorder in 6& either the Logrus or the Pattern gets the upper hand.
reulms tin tfiings fiuve 6een rigtded.’’ Obviously, this isn’t going to make you very popular with
“So sometfiing sftoucd 6e done to 6en4it the patriots on either side, and those you just abandoned may
LogrusI” well decide that you are the worst kind of traitor.
~ o d ur d y know tfiut.1’ In other words, supporting the balance may be noble,
but it’s also foolhardy.
Mundor & Merlin,
in !Prince 4 C h s
“1 wig oppose him from fkff to ekrnily, u d I There are always those who rule in Amber, the elder
wigttot w e of us is dad. What say you Amberites, and those who serve. Their retainers fill
to tfiis, oGf retuiw?” functions high and low, maintaining everything from
And fie took my l i u d a d kissed it. battle readiness to the shine of the silverware. While the
U Hto h ~ ,~ codn,Lord o f ~ d ~ ~ , ~ ~
fie names here are taken from the books, the characters and
their descriptions are a matter of speculation. Each Game
a d there was u teur in his eye.
Master should feel free to interpret them in their own
Nine in way, and to recruit others to the list.
Baron Bayle. thick twisted staff set with a cap of gold upon either end.
In battle, Chantris is formidable. Though he is no slouch
I poured sotne of tfie y e k wine into my as a fighter, his main skill comes from his ability to
visualize the battle, collate information from many sources
g h s und took u sip: u distinctive taste I and find weaknesses in his opponent’s strategies and
rentemheredfrom llcross tfie years. rt was o+ for exploit them fully. He is one of the few mortals that has
quufing. Buron Buyk owned u num6er of beaten Prince Benedict of Amber in chess, and Benedict
Vineyurh &out thirty m h to tfie east. He was respects his judgement in matters martial. His Warfare is
tfie officialvintner to tfie Court, d f i i s redwitres significant, probably ranking above most player characters.
were generuny excecknt. He was Cess successfd
with tk wfiites, tfiougfi, uttd offetz wound up Lord Danesh.
dumping u bt of second-rate stuff onto tfie local Head of the Amber Guard, the regiment of soldiers
marfiet. rt Gore fiis e m 6 h und u picture of u charged with keeping Castle Amber safe for the noble
dog--fie Cilied dogs-so it was sometimes cacced family. He is loyal to the current King, whoever that
Dog Piss und sometimes Buyk% Piss, depending might be, and his prime concern is in keeping the castle
on wfio you tacIied to. Dog h e r s sometimes take safe. He bears Corwin some ill-will, as that Prince was the
d i m e uttfiefomer &6 el[ation... only one to lead forces against the Castle, but feels that his
Bbod of amber imprisonment was ample punishment. His duties are to
see to the safety of all the Amberites inside the castle and,
in some part, the city, a task made both difficult and
Official Vintner to Amber, and a highly respected noble
unnecessary by the Amberite’s truculent natures and
loyal to the Crown, Baron Bayle’s family crest bears a
their vast physical abilities. His nickname is “Black Lion,”
hounds head surrounded by vines, reflecting the two
which he pretends to dislike but regards with some pride.
loves of the Bayles: dogs and wine. The Bayles are among
the richest families in Amber, and own a large estate in Danesh prefers to be clad in black and gold, and wears a
hauberk of chain-mail. Danesh is thickcbodied and blond,
the City, in addition to their ancestral home Arbor House,
with a short beard and brown eyes. Armed with a
some thirty miles to the east of Mount Kolvir. Bayle
influence in the area is imprinted on the landscape itself, broadsword and a dagger, he is skilled with most weapons.
with names like Baylesport and Baylecrest. The Baron He takes his nickname from the helmet which he always
carries (often forgetting that it is in his hand and
himself is a stout man in his sixties, with cheeks and nose
red with veins, head crowned by a magnificent mane of gesturing with it) which is a Greek-style helmet with a
white hair. His eyes are dark and piercing, and he is still Y-shaped visor, fringed with the mane of a black lion.
strong enough to lead soldiers into battle should Amber
call. Dik
Another generation of the Bayle family now involves On the surface, Dik seems like a left-over from another
itself with the Amberites, in the person of Vinta Bayle, age. Ancient and sentimental, he’s most often seen doing
the Baron’s third daughter, who became Caine’s latest small cleaning chores. He looks the part of the aged
mistress. retainer, tall and stooped, white haired and usually in
grey smock and trousers. He has been with the Castle for
Lord Chantris. as long as any of the Amberites remember. Given half a
Head of the second oldest family in Amber, Lord chance he’ll reminisce about Oberon and “the good old
Chantris and his line have always been staunch supporters days, back when people knew respect,” but mostly he just
says “eh?”
of the Crown and Oberon. They have been in the front
As it turns out, there’s nothing wrong with Dik’s
lines of his battles, and they followed his children to the
Courts of Chaos in battle against the forces of the Black hearing. Dik follows all the Castle gossip, including the
comings and goings of the elder Amberites.
Road. Chantris’ family is known for their skill in horse
breeding, and Eric’s horse Drum was a gift from Lord
Chantris. Their standard is a red horse on a field of gold, Droppa.
above three crowns. Court Jester to the Royal Family of Amber, Droppa
Chantris himself is tall and thin, pale-skinned and blue MaPantz is more than a little vulgar, and often more than
eyed. His nose is exceedingly long, a trait unfortunately a little drunk. He supplements much of his material from
shared by most of his family. He stares intensely when Shadow Earth comedians. No one is sure exactly why
spoken to, as if pulling words from the speaker’s mouth by Oberon gave the position to Droppa, because he rarely
sheer force of will. It is difficult to feel comfortable around laughed at the man’s jokes. Droppa is a traditional
him, though he is never rude or less than gracious. He entertainer i n the medieval sense. He juggles, does
speaks in an archaic form of Thari, and his dress is formal, pantomime and slapstick, and his jokes are frequently
all in gold and grey. He wears a silver skull-cap, and bears a crude or insulting. Merlin claims that Droppa is partial to
routines stolen from George Carlin. Droppa is a regular in a be overwhelmed by the responsibilities of his position,
Las Vegas casino, a place where Random accompanies him which he has been serving excellently for all of his years.
to indulge in his passion for playing cards and other forms He is the bearer of the Royal Seal, and has one of two keys
of gambling. By tradition, the Court Jester has always to the royal vault (the other is carried by Random). An
enjoyed immunity from those angered by his wit, and expert on the genealogy and history of the Court of
this applies to Droppa as well. Amber, Henden is the one to be consulted if one wishes
Droppa is short, thick+set, and wears loud clothing. He to know their exact place in the succession. A skilled
has red hair and chain smokes, and his face is usually scribe, he has an encyclopedic memory which he puts to
flushed red with strong drink. He’s also an excellent guide good use in his duties.
for newcomers to Amber, readily providing introductions Henden is of average size and a little thin, with a slight
to drinking establishments, restaurants and whatever low pot belly. He wears thick spectacles and is robed in grey
dives happen to be popular. and gold. At his side is a staff topped with a sphere of
amber (the fossilized resin, not the castle), which has a
Lord Feldane. tiny unicorn trapped within. His voice is quick and
worried, and he fidgets. He lives in an apartment in the
Head of one of Amber’s once+great families whose
castle with his wife and children.
fortunes have seen an unfortunate turn since Oberon’s
first disappearance. Centuries ago it was among the richest
families in Amber, but the House of Feldane now exists Lord Karm.
mostly on momentum. The manor house is in a state of
disrepair, and the extensive holdings have been leased to 1‘. ..tfiere was your utccce Osric, wfio took on tfie
tenant farmers. Unlike many nobles who have seen hard wfiok House of Kurm over I& of u rhtive
times, Feldane has not sold any relics or family heirlooms, on fib ttLoffter’s s i d e . Oberon was purticuhrly
and continued to try to give the impression of wealth, frietucy witfi ~ a min r tfiose hys, too, u d Osric
often when doing so meant meager rations for himself and ofled tfiree of t h . Oberon quitted fiim ut u
his servants. The greatest remaining asset now is the kriy, &nu$, 6 a s i y fib decision on earlier
Feldane library, perhaps the best in Amber. Although
somewhat disorganized, with many volumes so old as to
cases, a d fie even went fi&r 6y stating u kind
be in danger of becoming dust, there are magical grimiores, ofgenerut rule--”
and scrolls written by Dworkin that preHdate The Book of “06eron &o sent fiim offto &front Cines in u
the Unicorn.The Feldanes always had a scholarly bent, particularly nus9 war,” I interrupted, “from
with a scroll on their coat of arms. wfiidi fie did not retwrn.’’
That Tujurane Ibold Elfant Feldane the Fourth would Sl@ of c h s
became one of the heroes of the Patternfall War was
surprising to just about everybody, including Feldane The House of Karm was always close to King Oberon. So
himself. He had held the belief that his line would great were the ties between these Houses that when
probably end with him, despite the fact that he is a Prince Osric became angered a t House Karm and declared
relatively young man. Growing up in the shadow of a blood-feud with them, Oberon ruled officially that the
impressive ancestors, and ignored in the turmoil of Eric’s prince had a right to do so, but it was not long after that
reign, he just never thought much of his own chances. Osric, Benedict, and Finndo were made illegitimate in an
Were it not for the war, and his surprising competence as annulment of their mother’s marriage to Oberon, and
a military man, he and his entire line would probably have Osric and Finndo were sent into a battle in some distant
faded to obscurity. Shadow from which neither returned. Many regard this as
Not that’s he’s turned into a social lion. A genuinely coincidence, but few would put it past Oberon to make a
humble man, Tujurane is still rather awkward in social decision to keep the realm whole and peaceful a t the cost
situations. Feldane appears to be in his thirties, with short of his own flesh and blood.
curled blonde hair and a wide, honest face. Osric’s vendetta nearly finished House Karm off, and
His armor, traditional for his family, is of bronze and they are still recovering. The current Lord Karm is quite
iron, and quite heavy, He is competent on horseback with young, just out of his teens, and not ready for battle. He is
a bladed lance or mace, and is an expert with the longbow an avid reader, head full of romances and popular
as well. His Warfare is above Amber Rank, but not by adventure stories, and wants to be like the Amberites
much. themselves. His family is among the wealthiest of those in
Amber, and the women of Karm are thought to be the
Lord Henden. most beautiful in all of Amber (the royals excepted, out of
Steward and Secretary of Castle Amber and Assistant to deference to Princess Florimel). There are even rumors
the King. A terribly important man, Henden is all too that it was over one of the women of Karm that Osric
aware of this. Nervous and impatient, he often affects to declared war upon them.
Armars Karm is young and red-haired, browweyed, and
thin. His features are sharp, and intelligent, and he is trustworthy and often used to deliver messages between
eager to learn and yearns for the experience of life. Were the nobles and others in the city of Amber. Fairly young,
it not for his position as Lord of House Karm, he would he is distinguished enough to be foremost among the
make an excellent squire. large group of courtiers.
Merlin describes him as “tall, thin, dark, and generally
Dame Margot. smiling,” an accurate description of Randel as any. He
The Grand Dame of Amber and Mistress of Protocol, wears dark colors, and a black doublet which sets off his
Margot is the authority on all things to do with court mane of curly dark hair. Impeccably dressed, he is modest
etiquette. She has instructed many of the Amberites (and and sincere, and has a wake of admirers among Castle
their children) in the arts of heraldry, dance, courtesy, Amber‘s servant girls.
manners, poise, charm, sewing, the healing arts, and many He is well practiced with rapier, but has no practical
other skills. experience in combat. In the Castle he functions as herald
She is ancient but still beautiful, though she wears her and messenger.
white hair under a veil. Her colors are gold and white. It is
likely that Oberon and she enjoyed no small amount of Lord Rein.
affection in her youth. The truth may remain hidden
forever, though the possibility that Margot may be the I r d e r e d Rein as a CfSiCd. I was already
mother of a secret Prince or Princess of Amber is an W g r m 6y tfien and fie was a card- for
exciting one to many who care about such things. court jester. A tfiin, wise kid. Pmpk had kid&d
Her duties now include overseeing the next generation fiim too muck Me i d d e d . But I wrote music,
of Amberites, and seeing that all things in the castle are composed ballads, and fre’d pi& up a Cute
impeccable. She is also an expert in the customs of the
somewhere dtaugfit fiimself h to use it. Soon
countries of the Golden Circle, and is on hand for most
we were singing togetfier witfi voices raised a d acC
court functions. Useful as an Ally for those who want to
win their way into the Court, and for those who enjoy tilie tfutt, a d 64bre Gmg I took a liking to fiim a d
gossip. Margot regards Florimel as her finest creation. we worked tog&, pr&iy tfie martid arts. H e
was [ousy ut them, 6ut ~ f &kind of sortyfor tfie
wuy I Mtreuted fiim earlier, w t h wifi tfie way
Michael. fie had: d y my -8, so I f o r d tfie f& g r w
Behind his back, they call him “the second King of
Amber.” That’s due to the fierceness and the authority by upon fiim and aCso ttllzde fiim a passabk sa6er
which he rules his domain, the extensive kitchens, larders, man. Before Cong, fie tiecame minstrel to tfie court
and pantries which feed the inhabitants of Castle Amber. $ M e r . I tiad &fiim my puge aU:ttiat wfiik,
A master chef, he is also a born organizer with a stern and wfien tlie wars G h d , ugainst tfie dark
demeanor. Michael strides through the kitchens like a tfiings out of Sfiadkw caccedweirrmdeq, I made
general, demanding that the many cooks, assistants, fiim my squire and we had ridden off
to tfie wars
dishwashers, servers, and bussers do their duties with “a togetfkr. I knb@ed fiim on tfie Gutt.@&& ut Jones
scrupulous attention to perfection.” If there is a food F a , a d fie had deserved it. Aftm k t , fie w& on
substance available in Amber, Michael knows where it can to Gecome my Getter w h it came to the wuys of
be found a t its freshest. He has attended cooking schools words a d music. His colors were crimson a d fib
in a dozen Shadows, and is an expert in the kitchen to words g o h
rival Benedict’s supremacy with weapons.
Michael is of average height, and keeps his thinning hair Corwin,
bound back in a black cloth (like all the other cooks, a in Nine T r i m inamber
tradition began at Oberon’s outburst a t finding a hair in
his soup). He is fit and lean, and reminds one uncannily of A minstrel, knighted by Corwin and now a Lord of
a drill sergeant or high school calculus instructor. Amber. Still friends with Corwin after Eric’s banishment,
He lives in a chamber off the entrance to the kitchen. he brought Corwin food and other gifts while he was a
Not particularly useful for gossip. He knows who’s in the prisoner in Amber’s dungeons, risking his life for his
castle by where the private meals go, but he doesn’t speak friend.
of such things. Ever. An invaluable ally for those who keep
odd hours and like to eat regularly. Other Positions.
High within Castle Amber might be found the Master
Sir Randel. of Servants, Keeper of the Stables, Armourer, Weaons
A courtier of Castle Amber, favored by Vialle and Flora. Master, Executioner, Torturor, Barber, Seamstress, Castle
Randel is skilled in all the courtly virtues, an expert Gardener, Master Carpenter, etc.. .
dancer, singer, with a special skill with poetry. He is
..I felt someuctivity in tfie vicinity of tfie into its creation. It c o d i f easily possess fiidden
spikard, a dfor tfie first time I cuugfrt it drawing imperatives tfiut w d d y respond to specid sets
upon one of tfie muny sources it COmttuLtLdhd to of circumstances. Yet-
&r its sfiape, accommodating tfie c h y i n g s i z e It fkd done d i n g untcrward, yet. And tfre
of my finger. It fiarc 06viously done tfiis severat a k m t i v e was tfie ~ogrus.It struck m e as u
times Gejiore, tfimyfi &is was tfie$rst time I M genuine instunce of tfie prefera6iCity of tfie devil
noted tfie process. Tfiis wus interesting, in tfiut it one didn‘t b.
shavedtfie datice capa6Ce o f d n g independent of Trince of Cfiaos
my WiCI, It’s the perfect Amber setHup.
I didn‘t r d y linow w f d tfie tfiing was, wfiat Give someone the power they seek, and make it seem
its origin migfit fiuve 6een. I k ep it Gecause it like the sacrifices are minimal and temporary.
represented a considera6Ce source of power, an In other words, the ideal present for any careless player
accepta6Ce su6stitute for tfie use of tfie Logrus, character.
w f i a I tlow fared. But as I watcfred it c h y e Nor is the power really unlimited. The Logrus shut
sfiape to remuin ST upon my c h n g i y f i y e r , I off the spikard with no problem. As for Pattern, when
wodered. Wfiat it were sotneJiow 6006y-trapped Merlin tried using the spikard to fry Eric’s PatternHGhost,
he felt as if his arm had been hit, and “A wisp of smoke
to am upon me at exactcy tfie wrong lllmmnt?
rose from the spikard.. .” In other words, every spikard is
I turned it a coupCe of times upon my j i y e r . I vulnerable to a direct attack on its ring manifestation. It’s
moved into it wi& my m i d , knowing tfiis to 6e an possible that any Logrus Master, or Advanced Pattern Mas-
exercise in fitiliv. It woucd tdce q e s for m to ter, once they know the secret, could turn off a spikard.
run down e m f i line to its source, to die& out Still, the spikards represent ancient powers. Even
f i u n sp& a b y tfie way. It was Cilie taking a though one was supposedly the ring of King Swayvill, as
t i p tfirougfi a swiss W & M . L C C ~ - -I-was ~. Corwin said, their presence is necessarily disturbing,
impressed 6& witfi tfie 6euuty of its design, and “adding to the general power of Chaos just by virtue of
witfi tfie enormous attuutcf of work tfiut fradgone their presence a t this pole of existence.”
IT& whit% wus tiidden Gecomes known and is “At peril;’’ Caution&.
moved u6out,” awered Risk “How might one Gegin?~’
(‘Are 60th AmGer and tfie Courts involved?” tfQuerytfie guurdians,” Head stated.
dfIndk$,’)answered Desire, from 640re me. “How 6ud is the situation?”
“’Amiet& powers,’” s f k said. “How amiet&?” “It fias &eady 6epn,” Head answered.
“Before there wus an Anther, they were,” stated (‘Andtfle danger is & d y present,” said Risk.
Memory. “So is opporhmniy,n said cfiunce.
%#ore there was a Jewd of Judgement-& €ye “ofwfiat sort?” V i d e inquired.
oftfle serpent?” Tfkre c a m a soundfrom w o s s tfie room as my
“No,” Memory responded. sca66ard and 6[ade s l i d to tfie @or from where I
She drew a sudden tireatti. fiud Ceanedtfiemagainst tfie wuff. viacce stured.
“Tfkir nUm6erlJ’s f k said. “My weapon,” I said, “just slipped.”
fl€&?ven,’)Memory replied. “Name it.”
Sfie grew puce ut tfi.ut, 6ut I W my s i h as ((Itwas my f&r”s sword, cauhd Werewide.”
she fiudinstrwtd. “1 know of it.’’ Then, “This mun, she
“Tfbse responsi6Ce for tfib stirring of ash," said, Wkre is something a6out his 6sade and its
s f k said tfien, “w& do they wish?” sister weapon WFgures in aCl of this. I do not
(*Areturn to tfk gbry of dkys gone by,’’ Desire know tfieir stories, tfbugfi..’~
stated T e s , fti41 are con&,” said Memory.
*Coucdt.his end 6e redid?’)
“Yes,” Foresight replied. “Tfiey were created in a simikr fashion at near
rrCoucdit 6e averted?” to tfie same time, andfti41partake oftfie powers of
“Yi?s,” said Foresight. whicfi we h e s p o h . . .I’
vialle gL: Luke,
in “The S&mn’s T&
It was u long and b d y goGf-Ctiased sfieutfi of and Brand’s sword Werewindle, also called “the Day-
dark green, and the hilt of the 6cade wfiich sword.” Also recall that Corwin described the tracery of
protndedfrotn it appeurd to 6e g o M p W , witfi Bleys’ sword, “...flared with a portion of the Pattern.”
m enormuus emeraM set in its pommeC. I took hoM If Werewindle starts the Pattern, and Bleys’ sword is
of it and drew it partwuy, haif expecting it to wail somewhere in the middle, and Grayswandir is a t the end,
how many more blades are needed to complete the
l3ie u demotr on w h m fias dropped a 6&on
Pattern? Is there any power in collecting them together?
j i h f witfi FLOCy water.,&I it merely hisseda d
For all that matter, do they really contain the image of
smolied a lit&. And there was a Gright design Amber’s Pattern, or might it be of some other Pattern?
worked into the metal of its 6Cade-almost Both Grayswandir and Werewindle were too important
rmgnizdle. Yes, a section of tfie Pattern. M y to be left out of Merlin’s Saga, even apart from their
tfiis excepting waspom tfie Puttern’s end, whereus owners.
Grayswamfir’s was from a point near tfie Grayswandir appeared at Merlin’s side when he most
Geginning. needed it, its Pattern nature balancing the Chaos dagger
Kn@t o f S t h f m s that had been planted on him. Another Grayswandir
appeared, but Corwin’s Ghost admitted freely that no
Add yet another sword to the short list of those copy could ever match the original. By the end of the
engraved with sections of the Pattern. Now we now of story the true Grayswandir was once again a t Corwin’s
Corwin’s sword Grayswandir, also called “the Nightblade,” side.
On tfie Gh-gray %e a6ove me was crousfkf a One of Luke’s Trumps of Doom leads to the blue sphinx
spfiiw, &o 6h-lion Gody, hrgef&ed wings on a cliff of blue Shadow. The Sphinx is a particularly
focded %fit u p i n s t it, a genderhs face Cooking mysterious, and powerful, supernatural creature.
down upon me. It licked its lips and reveukd u As is the case with Merlin’s encounter, any riddles
fomida6k set of- should be, if at all possible, related to something in the
campaign. In other words, it shouldn’t be all that
et on witfi wfiut?)) I asked, raising myseCf
important that the players solve the riddle, since the
s h l y into a sitting position and drawing severuf main point is to give them some clue as to a hidden
deep Gr&. meaning, or a key to one of their problems. If riddles don’t
TI& M i n g , ) ) it answered, Wie tfiiy I do come naturally, do a little research. Any decent library
6&,)) will have books of riddles, in the children’s section and
Tmmps of Doom elsewhere. Remember, it’s the character who must solve
the riddle, not the player, so the Game Master should feel
free to supply any hints that would be
obvious to the character.
Ligfit va[ues sfiiftd next. Ttie sky grew Gcacli, Merlin, hiding where he was stashed by Ghostwheel,
trot as nigfit, but Cike u p , t u m r w n g su+ce. just before he’s taken to the underdark, is visited by three
So did certain vuutnt ureas Getween 06jects. Tfie ghost-constructs. The first, Dworkin’s Ghost, erupts easily
d y Cigfit ceft
in tfie worcd seemed to originate with a touch of the Logrus. The second, Oberon’s Ghost,
j+om tftings tfiemseCves, u d all of it wus g r d d y explodes with more force, also destroyed by the Logrus,
blhacfied, Various intensities of wfiite emerged but detonated rather than dissolved. The third, Corwin’s
Ghost, succeeds in overcoming Merlin, and knocks him
?om tfie pCunes of existence, u d G r i g f i t e s t of all, out.
immense, u+C, tfie unicorn suddettcy reared, When Merlin comes to, he finds himself in a place
puwing ut the air, jifling perrUrps ninety percent of between Shadow where, according to the Logrus+enhanced
creation witfi w h t 6 - m u s h - m o t i o n gesture Frakir, a personal “trial”is to take place.
I feared woucd unnifiihte us if we advanced The point seems to be forcing Merlin to choose
unatrierpace. between the Logrus and the Pattern, but in the shrine
T h &re was only the rigfit. Merlin is faced with three choices. A dark passage, a light
T h u6sohte d h e s s . one, and a grey one.
T h tfie figfit wus gone a d t h e r e wus d i n g . Three doorways. Three ghosts.
Not even 6hckness. A gup in existence, wfiicfi That last pattern-ghost, that of Corwin, is later
migfit b e htd.un instant or un eterniv ... confirmed to be the representative of Corwin’s Pattern.
Certainly Oberon’s PatterncGhost, who seems to know
T h tfie Gcacliness r e t u d , andthe Cigfit. only
exactly what he is, shows himself to be an incendiary
tfiey were reversed. Ligfit fiW tfie interstices, opponent to the Logrus.
outlining voids tfiut must 6e 06jects. Tfiefirst Which leaves the DworkinHGhost. Which only flares
s 0 u n d t f k - t I fieurdwus tfie rusfiing ofwater, and1 and dissipates when touched with Logrus. Much as we
knew somefiow t h t we were hCted 6eside ttie might expect from a Logrus-Ghost. And, if the Logrus
spring. Tfie first tfiing t h t I felt was Star’s wanted to fool Merlin, what other image could it send, but
quivering. Then I SmeCLhd the s a . that of an old recording of the pre-Pattern Dworkin?
Corwin, in S i p of th ‘Unicorn Regardless of how Merlin arrived, or how many forces
were manipulating him, or even if not all the ghosts were
Tfiere wus tu) cobr u n . f i e r e u6out me. really ghosts, the setting is a great one for any campaign.
Characters brought to the Undershadow will be unable
Everytfiing was 6cacli, wfiite, or sotne sfrade of
to use Trump or any other powers. Evoking any major
gruy. It wus us if I tiad entered u pfiotograpfiic symbol of power (Logrus, Pattern, etc.) will be either
negative. What I presumed to 6e a sun h n g Cilie u unsuccessful or will result in a temporary visitation by the
6cack fiok several diameters u6ove tfie fioriwn to real thing.
my rig&. The sky wus u vey dkrk gray, and e6on In other words, it’s a great equalizer, where characters
ccouds moved sbw5 witftin it. M y skin was the will have to use the clues they’re given, deal with
cobr of ink. Tfie rocky ground Geneutfi me and whatever Pattern4Ghosts or LogruscGhosts are sent their
u6out me sfiotte un alinost t r u m h t 6one-wfiite, way, and generally have to feel their way around a giant
h e v e r . I rose SCOW$ to myfeet, turning. yes. game board. A neat opportunity for rolecplaying!
The ground s d to g h , tfie sky was dkrk, u d
I was u sFtadow Getween k. I did nut Cilie the
Tfie air was dy, COOLI stood in tC;efootfriccs to
an &in0 mountain runge, so stark in uppeurunce
as to rouse comparison Witft the Antarctic. T h e
StretCJiad C $ U ~ Uto~ kft. TOtfie rigfit-h
u d roCCing-toward w h t I guessed to 6e u
morning sun, lay a 6cack plain. Desert? I tiad to
raise my fiund a d ‘~stiade” against its... wfiut?
Merlin, in !&n@t of Sfkdbws
Campaign Ideas 53
I raised my guze to u CaVetrder-Gorderedmirror I
fiad nut reafized h n g a6we tfie ctiest. The my
within had long, cod-bcacli hair and yes so &rk I
began, Her compkion was vey p&, emjhzsized
perfurps 6y tier pink qesfradow a d lip cobring.
Tfiose yes...
“Rfutnda!” I said.
(YOU r d e r ! YOUdo r d e r me!”
((...Andtfie d y s of our tionedance gam,” I
said. “Grown and Cove9. I tfiougfit of you 6ut
( ( A d I fett tfie toucfi of your
regard as I sw, my Medin. I um
sorry we parted so, 6ut my
((1 I said. f(Thy
tFt0Ugfi.t me h n or vampire.’’
flyes.” Sfie extended fier pak
h a d tfiroyfi tfie mirror, took fiold
of my own, drew it toward tier.
w i t h i n tfie looking-ghs, she
pressed it to her tips. Tfky were
cotd. “Tfiey woucd ratfier I
d t i v a t e d tfie u u p i n t u w of tfie
sons a d daugfiters of ttzetl a d
wofttetl, tfkn of our own k i d ”
Wfien sfie smikd, I 6eheCd tier
fays. Tfky had not been upparent
in fier ctiicdtiood
“Gods! YOU Cook fiumunl” she
said. ((Comevisit me in Wicdwood
m day!”
Impukively, I h n e d forwurd.
Our tips met witfiin tfie mirror.
Wfiutever sfie was, we fid Geen
A fascinating turn of events.. .
What role might vampires have in
the affairs of the Courts of Chaos, or in
the Black Zone, or in Amber? Are they
the conventional undead vampires of
myth and legend? Or some special race
with a different metabolism? Perhaps
vampires are just the typical denizens of
certain Shadows.. .
,..It did nut seem uff t h t unusual to be dfidiing witfi u Wfiid Ra66it, u short guy w . 3 resem6Ced
BertratrrCRusse[c, u griming Cut, u d my ocdfriend Luke Ruynurd, who was singing Irish 6nT(ndc wfiik u
p d b r Cutufscupe sfiiwfiom mruC to r d i t y ut fiis b& We& I was impressed 6y tfre fi.aye 61ue
caterpiccar m k i n g the h o f i u f i atop tfie giatrt musfiroom6ecause I h o w tiow fiard it is to lieep u water
pipe tit... ~ u k was
e litlown to lieep pretty strunge company m occasion...
Sl@ g c h s
When Luke was under the influence of hallucinogenic The whole episode suggests good campaign possibilities.
drugs, he found (or created) a strange Wonderland, built of At the very least, Game Masters might want to try out
his own dreams and fancies. While part myth and part some new quiz questions on their players: “What was
memory, most of Luke’s Wonderland seems drawn from your character’s favorite fantasy as a child?” and “Describe
the world of Lewis Carroll’s Alice Through the Looking your character’s childhood memories of bedtime, including
Glass and Alice in Wonderland (one wonders if it was the room, the toys, the books, and any other rituals.”
Brand or Jasra who read nighttime stories to little
Rinaldo). ...A gu‘unefffl: snout profmufedfrom between a
Among his more dreamy creations, Luke also came up rock a d a s k d ; tfie p& eyes 6 k e d &out it; 6Gu
with a couple of nightmares; the Bandersnatch and the saCiva drippedfrom tfie durk n w d e and s t e a d
Jabberwock. Either of these creatures would be an upon tfie ground. It was eitfier quite s h r t or very
interesting challenge to the fighting skills of an Amberite. croucfkd, and I couCdn’t make up my mind
wfietfier it was tfie entire crowd of us tfrat it was
sfudviy or me in patsiaclirr. I h d t o one s i d e
and caught Humpy by tfie belt or the d t i e ,
wkicfiever it was, just as fie was about to slump to
tfie side.
((Excuseme,” I said. ~ o u l i c y o uteu:me w h t
sort of creature tliat is?”
I pointed just as it emerged- muny-tegged,
Coy-tailed, durk-s&, u n d d y , adfast. ~ t s
cCuws were red, a d it raised its tail as it raced
toward us.
Humpy’s b h r y eyes moved toward my own,
((1a m not fiere, sir,” fie began, (‘to r d y
your zoobgicuC igmr- My Godl It%--”
It flhsfkf across tfie distance, approucfiiy
rapidly. Woulic it r d a spot sfiortcy wfkre its
running woucd become a t r d m i c I operation-or
Mtfkt effect d y appliedto me ontrying to get
Tfie segments of its body s l i d f r o m side to side,
it fibsed like a M y pressure cooker, a d steaming
sCuver murM its trail from tfie @ion of paint.
Rather tfurn slaving, its sped s d to increase.
My Cej3 fiund jerked forward of its o w n
volition and a series of words rose unbiddento my
lips. I spoke tfkm just us tfie creature crossed tfie
inteqace I fiad been unable to pierce earlier,
rearing as it upset a vacant ta6k a d 6uncfiiy its
members us if about to spring.
((ABandersnatJsl” s o m e m e cried.
((Afi.umious Bundersnatcfil” Humpy correc-
S@n of Cfuws
Coral, un the otfier f i
u d , was tuffer... shdkr, Gutsy, bold, and as headstrong as any elder Amberite.
her b i r a r d b f i Gr-, w h sfie smi[ed it She also has the knack of making plans for her future.
sd less gji,.k~... I u p p r o v ~of fier setrsi6k Without hesitation, Coral followed up her very first
Pattern walk with an unexpected twist. Instead of
dkrk green Greeches, heavy coppery sfiirt, und
commanding the Pattern, instead of imposing her will
“Own cbuk* Her fine for upon the Pattern, she said, “I’m going to leave the choice
walking, a d sfie fsad on a &rk fiut tfiat co~ered. up to the
most of tier fiuir*Tfre weregcovesad a ddsser Note though, that her subservience to Pattern was
her 6& short-lived. It wasn’t long before Coral defied the Primal
of C h S Pattern, refusing both its instructions and its sanctuary.
Coral is perhaps the most wellcrounded of all the
younger Amberites. As if she were
modelling her life on Bleys, she seems
to be second best everywhere, and plays
with all available powers. For example,
by releasing one of Mandor’s steel balls,
a task even Merlin shied away from, she
shows herself to be no slouch in the
magic department.
In spite of her talents, and her great
heart, Coral seems to have been rushed
into the center of things. First Pattern
uses her, as a lever, to manipulate
Merlin into walking a Broken Pattern.
Then, once Merlin has reached a
sleeping Coral, the Pattern holds them
hostage until they make love. Finally, as
if that weren’t trauma enough, Dworkin
then takes a turn a t altering her life.
Injured in the conflict between Pattern
and Logrus, Dworkin replaces her right
eye, implanting the Jewel of Judgement
into Coral’s eye socket. So Coral’s status
changed from lowcranked player to
3 highlycprized piece, in the great game.
Kidnapped and rescued, kidnapped and
rescued again, it’s as if Coral is destined
to become a professional victim.
Not for long.
Soon Coral will master her new eye,
and her new vision.. .
Cord, ins@ $Chaos Oberon, Eric, Corwin and Random before her, Coral can
use the Jewel to manipulate the weather, to transport
Innocent, unworldly, the result of a carefree childhood. herself through Shadow, and as a focus for her mind.
Until you recall that she was raised in one of the most When she turned on Jurt, she was using the Jewel as
manipulative courts in the Golden Circle, raised in a the agent for her will, just as Brand used the Jewel to
family for whom medieval politics, with all their double, freeze Benedict in Tir-na Nog’th. Still, she will be in
dealing, backdstabbing and casual assassinations, are taken constant danger of being weakened by the Jewel.
for granted. After all, would Jasra choose a true innocent as
a marriage match, as a Queen, for her son?
Compared to an elder Amberite Coral might be
considered tame. That’s only because the comparison is CORAL-SURROGATE
between a tiger and a dragon.
Coral is startlingly competent. She is, as a true heiress MOTHEROF PATTERN
of Amber should be, trained in all things.
Current Objectives.
A moment’s respite? A breather? A vacation? Having ‘(Ever since I f e u d about tfie pattern, tfierejs
been assaulted by far too much, far too quickly, Coral wants been s o d i n g I w a n d to try if I got tfib far,”
time to weigh her options. sfie said.
lWhat migfit tfiutbe?))
ATTRIBUTES “I’m going to ask it to send me wfiere I sfurulic
PSYCHE = [I Point] go.”
STRENGTH = [IS Points] ((1h’tuderstand.))
ENDURANCE = [20 Points] I’m going to leave tfie choice up to tfie pattern.))
WARFARE = [2G Points] Cord & Merlin, in Si$ of C h s
So the child that Coral carries is more than an Amber Mistress of the Jewel of Judgement [25 Points] Coral c
immortal. It may already be the Pattern. has the ability, though not necessarily the knowledge,
Or the coming babe might not be a suitable host until required to duplicate some of Oberon’s tricks. She can
its birth, Which means the competition between the exert her influence on Shadow, and even on some
Pattern of Amber, and the Logrus of the Courts of Chaos, aspects of Amber itself, changing or shaping the nature
and perhaps even Corwin’s Pattern, may be over another of reality. She also sees more than the present, so that
prize. It might be that whichever of them holds Coral in the shifting lines of reality she’ll sometimes get a
could become fully human. glimpse of the past, or the future.. .
OF PATTERN And tfien Jurt s c r e u d as fiis s o d were on
(250 POINTVERSION) $re. Werewindk moved awuy from Coral’s firoat,
andJurt bacfiad off and 69anjerking, like a puppet
1t1f &re’s any sort of wuy tfiut I can heC# you, I w h s e joints fiuve seized up 6ut wfiose strings are
meant w h t I said.” still being yanked. Coral tu& toward fiim, her
“There isn%.” back to L d e and me. Her rigfit u fntd rose to her
“Don’t be so sure. I’m well trained. I’m fw.After a time Jurtfe[c to tfie poor and curkd
resour+ I even know afew speCCs.” into a fetal position. A r d figfit s d to be
Cord & Merlin, in Sz@ cf C h s p h . n g Upon fiim, He wus sFrakitlg d a y , und I
coucd even f k r fiis teetfi &uttering.
Yes, both the Pattern and the Logrus seem to want her Kngtit ofshadhs
very badly, badly enough to expend a lot of energy in the
creation of Construct-Ghosts, and other things. Yet, if the “Go no firther,” cum an unfamiliar voice,
Jewel of Judgement is truly their desire, why is it neither tfiougfi I rdized it to 6e Coral w h wus d i n g
of them speaks of removing the Jewel from Coral? tfie souttds. Sfie s e e d to fiuve slipped into u
Maybe because the real prize is Coral herself. Far from trance state. “You are denied tfie fiigfier
an appendage, she has refocused her life and merged with i m i w 99
the Jewel of Judgement. Adjusting to this vast new source
of power may be the work of a lifetime, but that won’t I drew €idon my pro6e, not eager for any
daunt her. demonstraW tfiut migfit come my wuy ufong it.
M y Logrus sigfit, wfii& tiad r e m u i d witfi me
Current Objectives. mmtuntfy since recent events in M e r , gave me a
The Jewel, and only the Jewel, will be her concern. All
of her previous life, including her relationships with
vision of Cord tlow vy e $ o W and penetrated
6y tfie fiigfier version oftfie Pattern.
Merlin and Rinaldo, will become secondary. In fact, she !Prince of C h s
may come to treat her whole past life as a childhood. Fond
memories, yes, but nothing really relevant to the reality
she now glimpses through the Jewel of Judgement.
Embodiment of the Jewel of Judgement [SO Points]
Coral not only possesses the Jewel, and is possessed by
it, but she has also become imprinted with the three-
ATTRIBUTES dimensional Pattern within it. As she comes into her
PSYCHE = [SO Points] true power, the whole of the known Amber continuum,
STRENGTH = [lo Points] from the Primal Pattern to the Courts of Chaos, will
ENDURANCE = [30 Points] become like a Shadow to her; just one of an infinite
number of possible realities. Just as Amberites can
WARFARE = [lo Points]
manipulate Shadow dwellers, so Coral will gain
immense power over those of Amber and Chaos.
POWERS Consciously, or otherwise, it becomes a device of her
Advanced Pattern Imprint 175 Points] own will, using it as a weapon, a lens, or as an amplifier
Power Words 110 Points] for her own abilities and powers.
Sorcery 115 Points]
.,,I’d seen him only once, v e y briejly, via tim,however, tfktfie was pretty Gig-eitfier t f d
Trump, back at Arbor House. His h i r boked or he frad &settfair& s h w t -torcf&urers. H e fiad
g o f i n , or even coppey, 6y w h t C i g f i t there was been &ne tfktone time I’d seen fiim a d I fiad
upon it; 6ut I r d e r d it as a k i d of dirty fsnd no standardfor cmnfmison. AS tfie Cigfitfiom
bCond by natural light. H i s yes, I r&, were our t o r c h reucfied him I suw tht fie frad on a
green, t-fi tfiere WQS no way I wuGf see tfkt k y , green s&eve[ess doubcet without a couirr,
now. I did begin t o realize for t h e first over sometfiing 6Gzck andaCso k y , witti skeves
triat w w down his arms to
vanish wittiin green gauntlets. His
trousers were bcack, as were tfie
fiQfiboots ff241
ateredj his &ak
was b h c l i and Cined with an
emerald. green tfurt caugfit our
Cigfit us tfieCroakfirlid &out him
in shifting, oi@ hndscapes of
ye& a d red. H e w o r e a freavy
circahr d a h , wfi& Cooliedto
be gold, on a &in &out fib necfi;
a d though I WuGf not Indie o u t
t f i e detaik of its device, I was
certain tfsat it bore a ion rending
a Unicorn...
Sl@ of chaos
Dalt is one of Amber’s bruisers,
bucking for a showdown with Gerard,
but he’s still a pretty young bruiser. In
other words, Dalt is going to get his
clock cleaned anytime he tries going
oneconcone with any elder Amberites.
So why does this guy seem so set on
picking fights he can’t win?
We are told, as if it were a myth, that
Dalt was the offspring of a rape, of
Oberon forcing Dalt’s mother when she
was a prisoner.
The problem is, even though we can
believe Oberon capable of rape (after all,
Oberon has been pretty casual about
lying, cheating, murder, etc.), it’s hard to
paint Dalt’s mother as a saint. Deela was
a religious fanatic and a raider, preying
on the outlying kingdoms on the
periphery of the Golden Circle.
Eventually Oberon was pushed into
defending his allies. In pretty short
order Deela’s army was broken, and she
was Oberon’s prisoner.
rending a unicorn, in green and black. Dalt interprets according to Merlin, on the lighter side of the
himself as the lion and Amber as the helpless prey. broadsword class.
Which at least shows Dalt’s a healthy imagination. Deadly Damage [4 Points]
Current Objectives.
Dalt’s recent experiences with Merlin haven’t been
enough to mellow him out. He’s still keen on “twisting
the unicorn’s tail,” and exacting his revenge on Amber.
Still, he’s probably had a chance to get a bit more specific
with his hatred. Just as Luke seems satisfied with having
killed Caine, Dalt may settle for the blood of Bleys.
Benedict’s sword, is turning into a very tough customer. Dah stared at tfie 6 G d Cines in tfie air wfiicti
He’s got the skill and the drive to defeat most player f&, smoke-like, Getween us. He actua[ly smiced
characters, and the arrogance to take it for granted. t f k , a Cittlk.
Nowadays it’s his mission to get better, a lot better. “Merlin,’) he said, “son of AmGer, Prince of
Having been (literally) kicked around by the mere ghost of ctiaos, tfie mu= wfio diig my grave.”
Amber’s King Eric, Dalt sees he has much to learn. ~ W t i a . t ) Stfiist” Luke asw
“A Cittlk conversational gam6it,” I replied.
Current Objectives.
So much for destroying Amber, or eliminating elder “You’ve a good memory, Daft-for fkces.”
Amberites. These days Dalt is dedicated to self- He c b c f & d .
improvement. Just as Benedict spent aeons perfecting his “Hardto forget lilie a grave opening
Warfare, so Dalt plans on getting faster, tougher and itsecf,)’ fie said. “But I’ve no quurrel with you,
stronger. Merlin.’)
“or Iyozc-now,” I said
ATTRIBUTES He grunted tfien and I grunted €tack and
PSYCHE = Amber considered us introduced. I t u d Gack toward
STRENGTH = [75 Points] L&.
ENDURANCE = 175 Points] Prince C h sof
WARFARE = [75 Points]
That pretty much sums it up. Dalt is too pigdheaded to
POWERS back down from any threat, even from Benedict.
Pattern Imprint [50 Points] Still, actions should speak louder than words. Dalt’s
Power Words [lo Points] Magic Negation, Psychic
actions will show that he can be cooperative, reasonable,
Defense, Neural Disrupt, Pain Attack, Weaken and supportive. He seems ready to defend the weak, act
Structure. honorably, and generally be a responsible citizen. After all,
he’s Luke’s friend, and he was perfectly willing to support
CREATURES Et ARTIFACTS Merlin when he had the chance.
Dalt’s Golden Sword [4 Points] * A artifact of warning
as well as a potent weapon. DALTAS A PLAYER IN THE GAMESOF THE
Doubling Damage [2 Point] AMBERCOURT
Sensitivity t o Danger [2 Points]
Black, Dalt’s Horse [7 Points] Dalt’s horse is a
powerful, dangerous beast, taking after its master in
those respects.
Engine Speed [4 Points]
Amber Stamina [2 Points]
Resistant to Normal Weapons [l Point]
[4 Points] One of the main qualifications for playing the greater
game is the inability to trust the other players.
In this, a t least, Dalt has a considerable head start. He
GAME MASTER TIPS trusts no one, Amberites least of all. Nor is he
handicapped by any maudlin attachment to Amber or to
PLAYINGDALT Pattern. He can coldly calculate the advantages of siding
with an enemy, or of flipping over the board (destroying
Tfie jigure on t f i e dark b r s e turned a d Amber), and starting the game anew.
regarded me, I f u r M a dhatti s t r o k wfiicfi ran In other words, Dalt is well suited to the game, and it’s
from r e j k to tfie spikurd sofasf t f d it scured me. likely that the elder Amberites will be happy to introduce
Tfie air Getween us was s n t d g e d ad mw i f i a him to the intrigues.
s c r d i n g note, LIS sf a car gra66ing pavement to
uvert coclision.. .
“...And you remm6er my military adviser,
D&,)) Luke said.
(11 remender,)’ I stuted.
mention of his name. She throws him into darkness and POWERS
calls him cold dead. Of course, some would say that such Pattern Imprint [SO Points]
feral hatred must conceal a love gone wrong, and a love Shape Shift [35 Points]
that isn’t entirely dead. Perhaps the Lady really doth Sorcery [I5 Points]
protest too much. Conjuration [ZO Points]
High Compelling [5 Points] Add a fifth ability to
DAM-CRAZY LADY OF Pattern Imprint [50 Points] * Although Dara has walked
the Pattern, and was once a full practitioner in its
THE COURTS power, the Logrus has walled off that portion of her
mind. That part of Dara, her more-or-less sane self, is
(400 POINTVERSION) oriented toward the Pattern and occasionally twists her
footsteps so that she’ll find herself shifting Shadow back
df ...
Logrus. It’s u k i d of h w t k maze. Keeps to Amber.
s h i . y u6out. Very dangerous. UnGucanc4s you Uncontrollable Logrus Affliction [55 Points] * The
d y , too, for u time. Nofius.” Logrus, in attempting to weave its way around her
Merlin, in Trumps 4 Doom Pattern-activated blood, has created two beings within
Dara. And the Logrus-self, twisted and insane, is
completely in control.
Merlin claims that he was the first to bear the dual Now Dara is given to completely losing it,
images of Pattern and Logrus. In fact, after he had assayed summoning the Logrus unintentionally, or lashing out
the Logrus, before he walked the Pattern, Suhuy argued a t whoever she thinks is bugging her. It may even be
that he would likely die in the attempt. that Logrus Tendrils will sever themselves and go forth
When Dara discovered that Merlin had succeeded, had to do her bidding without her conscious control.
gained both the Logrus and the Pattern, she resolved to be
Advanced Shape Shift [G5 Points]
next. Sorcery [15 Points]
As it turned out, taking the Logrus after being an Demonic Conjuration [25 Points] Dara can summon
canny subtlety that her victims may never suspect the to Dara’s delusions, the Shadow instantly brings her
source of their trouble). phantom enemies to Shadowy flesh, and makes her
dreamscapes real. A very scary place to visit.
PSYCHE = [lo0 Points] BAD STUFF
STRENGTH = [35 Points] [+20 Points] Dara’s Bad Stuff manifests itself in her
Dara 69
on tfie “Luws))of
RovaC Succession
Kings are chosen 6y what may seem to 6e s i q k Then it becomes a matter of weaving Gack up and
&. However, tfiink &out who Writes the ru[es, and down tfie fami9 tree, Cooking for who fuzs the
the Caw, and who intetprets tfiem. strongest chim to the throne.
First, tfky‘re written 6y sitting rukrs as they assign Back one or two generations, and tfiings are pretty
tfieir estates. simpk.
Second, t w r e written 6y those who seize power. Go 6ack more than tfiree generations, and tfiings can
t.huC8, in this case, tfiey want to justib their reign. get horri69 compkx.
Iftradition cac[s for the Cine to pass tfiruugfi only mak
heirs, 6ut a powe+tf usurper can only cCaim afemak Again, kt’s try to sort through. an example. Assume
connection, then, 6y goC1y, some hwyer is going to t h t you have a grandmother who would, if she were
very weU unearth a l e a r n e d argument “proving” the living, 6e next in line for the tfirone of, say, Outer
equal vahfity offema[e succession. Moravia. Then you $nd out that you’ve got a cousin
(a rather distant cousin), whose grancifather is your
For ewmpk, in the rule ofprimgenitwe, it’s s t a t d gradmother’s elder Grother. That means your cousin
tfiat a King’s eldest surAving son, or the survivors a greater claim tfianyou.
a m y that son’s ojj%ping, wiCl6e next in Cinefor tfie
tfirone, If you want to keep the crown of Outer Moraviu on
your s i d e of the fami9, wfiat can you do? Aside from
If Swayvill fiad died with living sons, then the e h t arranging for an “accidetlt’’for your cousin, you could
of t h e living sons w d 6e the heir. It is also true, marry someone to strengtfienyour chim
fiowever, t h t the cfiicdren of the e[dest son t a k
precehnce over the younger sons. Y’see, at this point 6otfiyou and your cousin are each
just one-fourth royalty. If you 6otfi marry non-
Assuming, of course, that the Courts of C h o s Moraviuns, your kids will be just one-eigfitfi royalty,
operate under primogeniture-there are pknty of and your kids will always Cose the tfirone t o your
other arcane systems, each witfi tfieir own set of nit- cousin’s kids,
picky rules. In fact, primogeniture wasn’t
“traditional” even among European monarcfiies. if
However, you can $nd the rigfit marriage partner,
Primogeniture was a catfiolic idea, promoted 6y a someone who also has a cCaim on the tfirone of Outer
variety of popes for their own reasons. Traditions Moraviu, then your kids migfit take precedence over
varied, 6ut usuaCCy estates were to 6e divided up your cousin’s kids. For =ample, what if you many
equuCCy among aCC the surviving heirs (wfiicfi coucd someone who a great-grandjmrent who was in
incC-u.desibciys, parents, cousins, etc.), or just among Cinefor the tfirone?Your new spouse is just one-eigfitfi
the progeny. Even where idwritance passed o n 8 to royalty, 6ut your kids wiU: 6e tfiree-sixteenth royalty
the cfiildren there were still questions a6out fiow and could cCaim to have descendedfrom t w o different
much went to kgitimate or iCCegitimate offspring, and royal Cines.
whether single daughters, m a d daughters, or 6otfi,
would 6e included RememGer, that’s a simpk exampk! Skip back a
couple more generations, add in a couple of dozen
Tfie pro6km, in any system, gets even more royal Houses, and you’cc quickh feet the urge t o
complicated when a Cine dies out, when a ruler dies computerize the whok process of evaluating potential
without hving any direct offspring. heirs.
more h n u few moments,” I unswered. (%fie i s A fusion of Houses Hendrake and Helgram, descendent
stiCf peremptory, arrogant, umf over-solicitous of Benedict, mother of Corwin’s son, already strong in the
w h it unnes to me. I get tfie impression, too, tfiat blood of the royal family, you’d think that would be a
sfie muy 6e involved in Cecal pocitical scfieming as solid enough foundation for anyone in the Courts of Chaos.
weCf LIS ~lspectsof tfie hrger rehtionsfiip between It was not enough for Dara.
tfie courts UdAmGer.” She sought out Gramble, the aged Lord of Sawall, for
her husband, and bore him two sons. Gradually,
Trince of C h s relentlessly, she sought to rule the most powerful House
in all the Courts of Chaos: The House of Suhuy, Keeper of
There’s a tendency to assume that Dara has overreacted the Logrus. The Ways of Sawall contain the very cavern
against Corwin, imprisoning him for the relatively minor housing the Logrus itself.
offense of cheating in a duel. After all, Corwin killed Lord It’s also noteworthy that her children, having a
Borel out of necessity. combination of her lineage and that of Lord Gramble,
But look at things from Dara’s point of view. actually preceded her in the succession for Swayvill’s
She had, a t great personal risk, joined with Oberon throne.
against both the forces of Amber and the Courts of Chaos. In fact, if Lord Gramble hadn’t officially adopted Merlin,
In return for her service she expected many things. then Despil, Jurt and Dara, could have come before
Think of what she was promised. A royal marriage to Merlin in the line of succession.
Corwin, Oberon’s chosen successor, a match that would Likewise, it’s interesting to note that Lord Gramble,
make her Queen of Amber, and put her son Merlin in as who is reported as sick, but not dead, might very possibly
heir to the throne of Amber. Even more, given their joint come behind his wife, or any of his own children, in the
power, and the purity of her lineage, she might even hope succession.
that Merlin would be the first ruler of a unified kingdom,
joining Amber and Chaos.
In promise of all these things, Oberon gave Dara the DARAAS MOTHER
imperial signet, the king’s seal. It is Oberon’s promise, his
payment for her loyalty and service. “My dear Merlin,” s f k said, t&ng my fiead
Everything was headed her way. 6 & m fier fiud umf kissing me upon tfie Lips. ((1
Then Oberon’s face appeared in the sky over the final urn p h e d to see you Cooking so weK It has G e m
battlefield. “The problem of the succession will be upon quite u wfiik since last you visid.”
you,” said Oberon. “I had wishes in this regard, but I see (I’ve fid u vey active aistence of lute,’’
now that these were futile.” “TO6e sure,” she suid. “I’ve k r d some report c$
Picture Dara at that moment, perhaps holding the your vurious misadventures.”
dying Borel in her arms, realizing that she has been ((I’dimagine you woucd have. It’s not eveylme
betrayed. Not by Oberon, but by Corwin. u f y ’ i y focrOwing fiim u6out, periodiacCy
When she finally came upon Corwin, as he lay sedmiy fiim in vuTious forms, and d i n g Lye, in
exhausted, she thought that the Jewel of Judgement was
generd, vey with unwuntd $forts ut
lost, that Amber would be destroyed. Everything lost
because of Corwin.
If there is one thing we Game Masters must learn from ((Itsfunvs W I are, dear.”
Zelazny it is how to always act from within our characters. ((Italso s h s tfiatyou have t10 respectfor my
That means, for example, when role-playing Dara, it’s privacy nor trust in my jdgment.”
important to see through her eyes, understand her hurts, !Prime of C h s
and make sense of what may seem mean or cruel to
others. Oh, come on! Merlin is being completely unrealistic.
Remember that Dara has her reasons. Why does he expect parents to trust the judgement of
their kids? Merlin is what, twentydfive? Thirty a t the
DARAAS A PLAYER IN THE GAMESO F THE outside. A pup by the standards of the Courts of Chaos, a
babe in Amber. It’s not in Dara’s job description to trust
COURTSOF CHAOS her son’s judgement. The Mother Guild prohibits it.
Dara, as a mother, is no better or worse than any other.
((...I don%know Dura’s stattcs rigfit nuw in fier Give her an opportunity, and sufficient suspicion, and
futfaer’s House-HehJrum-or fier motkr’s- she’ll check out that “private” drawer, look under the
Hendrh. But it migfit 6e wo& u puwer struggk mattress, or take a peek in her youngster’s diary.
witfiin SUWUCC if h t ’ s wfiere tfie n e x t king is As a mother, Dara is a perfectionist, looking for ways to
cominq from...” suggest improvement, large or small, in her offspring. She
!Prince of C h s constantly pushes each to excel, each to acheive more.
After all, why do you think Merlin ended up as a Shape S W y , Dura stood witfiin the f i u m I fiud
Shifter, a Trump Artist, a Sorcerer, and a Logrus Master? creuted-ta& co&fiM,eyes ofgreen+m
Still, she’s not satisfied, and she’ll still take the time to
comment on his lack of devotion, or shortcomings in his
Trim 2C h s
personal appearance.
And, since she seems less than satisfied with her “1 catty believe tfiis,)) sfie said, Gemming u
current brood, it’s entirely possible that Dara might power-faced cut a d then u tree ofgreen+.
produce another batch of children. Making Dara yet lBdieve as you w d , ” Mudor tocd her. “He’s
another possibility for the parent of player characters. Won.))
Tfse tree fired tfwougfi its autumn a d was
T r i m of C h s
The rock pfrased again as I nod&$, u d u litfie
detnonkFgure mered, sfiimnering Gluely. I was Forget the Shape Shifting as utility, Dara uses hers for
on myfkt in un instunt, then Gowing to liiss tfie beauty, style and elegance. She changes color, texture and
handSheG&?Ufd configuration constantly, tailoring herself to match her
nMutfier,)) I said. ((1 fkdn%anticipated tfie mood.
Dara seems to have a large selection of shapes to go
pCeusure-tfi3.s soon.))
along with a wide clothing wardrobe (for all we know,
sfie s m M , u d tfmt it went away in a swirl. there are couturiers in the Courts of Chaos who “design”
Tfie s & f d d , die emtours of h f k e adform chic forms and vogue shades). She could change her body
flowed. The fib went uwuy into u n o d tfhgfi to match her shoes, or vice-versa.
p&@fi-mbr. Her fiips u d shoucders widened as And, given that Shadow is so easily malleable in and
she Cost sotnetJiittg of fieigtit, thugfi sticl remuined near the Courts of Chaos, she can summon all the
tuC& Her Grown eyes grew more uttructive us the appropriate garments, and accessories, to complement
h v y Grow -es receded. Afewfi& Gecame whatever form she chooses.
visible (IcToss her now-hmn, sligfidy u p d In other words, Dara doesn’t merely shape, she creates.
nose. Her Grown hair was &mger tfi.unw h h tI
fiad seen fier in tfiis form. A d sfse was stin Constant Allies 8 Enemies:
smifiy. Her redtunic G e ~ a m ef k ~simp9
, 6&j u Dara seems capable of assembling an astonishing variety
of allies. They may not be friends, or even trusted, but
rapier b q ut her G?ft fiio.
they seem to obey her will. Just how far she can depend
on her sons remains to be seen. Mandor (with whom she
seems to contest for control of House Sawall) is more than
a casual partner. One particular interesting possibility it
that Jasra continues to be Dara’s tool, which in turn may
imply that Dalt, Luke, Julia and/or Jurt are actually
carrying out Dara’s commands.
Dura was tiarder to nu% ht w h I 6 W fter construct the spell so that the effects of departure and
witfi alf of tfie chnnek she fiit me witfi a arrival are different, doubling the number of effects
D d m spell sfie’d been fielding in reserve, the lynchpins.
only tfiing t b t saved fier from turning into a
statue as IJdintendid,&I it Cejk her in ttlorfac ...heCd myself together tfirougfi m m J s Spirit
formandrestdctdto slow-motion. split...
Trim of C h s Trim C h s of
Dazzlement Spirit Split
A cone of brilliant, multicolored light springs from the When you get right down to it, people are walking
caster’s hand, usually aimed right into someone’s face. For bundles of conflicting impulses anyway. Fight, or run
several seconds afterward, the target will see nothing but away? Fall in love, or go take a cold shower? Everyone
bright, multicolored spots before his or her eyes. But the lives in an ongoing tension, caught between courage and
spell is designed for minimum leakage beyond the cone, cowardice, generosity and greed, affection and anger, etc.
so as not to blind the caster. It’s like a flashlight: it only Spirit Split divides the conflicting impulses into two
blinds you if it shines right into your eyes. separate personalities, while still forcing them to inhabit
Spell Type: Summoning. the same body. The target flickers back and forth between
Casting Time: Thirty Minutes. (for instance) his combative and his cowardly self on a
Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. second-byHsecond basis, and the result usually is that he
Hand Gesture, Intensity (Optional),Magic of Shadow. can’t complete any action.
For example, the combative half takes over, and draws
A f i m e uppeared near her [eft foot and begun his sword; the cowardly half takes over, drops the sword,
orbiting tier Gody in a countercCockwise direction, and turns to run; the combative half takes over, whirls and
dives to grab the weapon again; the cowardly half takes
spiraling upward, kaving u line Offire to b k
over, screams, and crawls full-speed under a nearby table.
r d y 6efiid it. By tfie time it r& tfie crown of Spell Type: Invasive.
her fread sfie w~tsentire@ cotscealhd. It went out Casting Time: One Hour.
witfi a faint wfioosfiing sound tfien, taking her Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each.
acOng witfi it. Name/Description of Subject, Name of Caster’s Current
I muvedforwurd and M,fding the area on Shadow location, Name of Subject’s location in Shadow,
wfi& s h e d stood. It was a lit& warn, tfiut’s uf& Duration (Optional),Dispel Word (Optional).
Nice spell. NobodyJd ever taugfit me t b t om.
Tfiiding bacli on it tfien, I r d i z d t h t Mom fiad Unweaving
dways tiad a+ir wfien it came to entrances and Most effective against Shape Shifters, the spell forcibly
exits. shoves the victim into component parts. It causes the
Merlin, descri6ing Dum, body to fall apart into a number of simple organisms, each
in Trim of C h s representing one of the Shape Shifter’s usual forms. Each
of these subHcreatures is about a foot tall, and quite
Special Effects Teleport harmless. In fact, since none of them is much more
Her arrivals and departures are always exceptional, intelligent than a rabbit, they aren’t likely to harm
because Dara attempts to never appear or leave the same anybody. The more talented the affected Shape Shifter,
way twice. She generally has at least a couple of these the quicker they can grow back together; but more
spells racked and ready to go at all times, with the special talented Shape Shifters will tend to have a lot more
effects already defined, and with only the basic two component creatures to reabsorb. Non-Shape Shifters will
location lynchpins required. only feel confusion at the impulse to sub-divide.
Spell Type: Summoning. Spell Type: Invasive.
Casting Time: One Hour.
Casting Time: One Hour. Lynchpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time
Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. each. Name/Description of Subject, Magic of Shadow,
Magic of Shadow, Name of Destination, Type of Special Reassembly Command (Optional).
Effect (Color, flame, Light, Mist, Cloud, Swirl, etc.),
Transition Style (fade up, fade down, fade clockwise,
dissipate, fold up, diminish, “pop” out, etc.), Sound Effect
(Optional-boom, roar, whistle, whoosh, etc.), and After-
Effect (OptionaLscent, temperature, electrical affect, or a
physical token like leaves, confetti, etc.). She can also
The closest Merlin comes to an encounter is seeing
Delwin in a mirror while dreaming of visiting Castle
Amber’s fantastic Hall of Mirrors. In other words, Delwin’s
appearance is nothing but an image, inside a vision, during
a illusion.
of the s iliard”-tftis
Amher. Wearer
nicfie to my &.
Thframe was white, the
Extreme caution, even by the standards of his Amber
g b s was ruy. witfiin wcts a mun I (rad never
met. His s irt wus a d o p d at tfie ne&.
He wore a 6 r m h z t f k r vest, fiis Fiair dkrk 6 M ,
“My nume is Delwin, a d we
muy never actuaGy mw-unCeSs
certain ancient powers come
He raised fiis fkd, urd I suw
tfirrt fie, too, wore u sphrd. He
moved it toward me.
“Touch your ring to mine,” fie
commanded. “Then it can be
ordered to G r i n 9 you to me.”
I r a i s d mine u d moved it
toward tfk gbs. At the moment
tfiq seemed to tmcfi, t f r e wrzs u
@fi .fli.gkd D d % d nwus gone.
T r i m of C h s
What if the powers Delwin describes
are the same powers that imprison
him? Put in place by Oberon, one (or
more) of his backcstabbing siblings, or
someone from the Courts? Or.. .?
Trapped, Delwin seems to be using his
time effectively. Not only fighting his
way out of his prison, but also planning
for his eventual escape.
Knowing that his prison was
designed to block Trump contact,
coming or going, Delwin has taught
himself that art. Now he can take
Trump calls, and sometimes send his
image outward, even though he still
can’t physically breach the walls.
Note that, immediately after telling
Merlin that they’d not be meeting,
Delwh had Merlin ‘Touch your ring to
mine,” so that “ can be ordered to
bring you to me.” It could well be that
Merlin figures heavily into Delwin’s
plans for escape.
even a handle on Uncle Suhuy. son of Corwin, no less!) gaining the throne, might already
Provided, of course, that father Gramble, Lord of Sawall, have Despil’s coronation lined up.
dies at the appropriate time.. . Not that Despil will be belligerent or rude about it. No,
when Merlin shows up, he’ll simply explain that the
Current Objectives. important thing is that the throne is held by someone of
He wants to be head of the House Sawall, but without House Sawall. Despil will say, quite reasonably, that he has
making too many enemies. He’ll also be trying to find a simply reduced the friction and stabilized the Courts of
way to make Suhuy one of his supporters. Otherwise, Chaos, something that everyone should want.
Despil will do what he can to keep the rest of the House In fact, if Despil plays his cards right, Merlin could be
as busy as possible. his biggest supporter.
Advanced Logrus Mastery [70 Points] PSYCHE = Amber
Shape Shifting [35 Points] STRENGTH = Amber
Sorcery [15 Points]
Conjuration [20 Points]
WARFARE = [50 Points]
[5 Points]
Logrus Mastery [45 Points]
Trump Artistry [40 Points]
DESPIL-HEIR TO THE Shape Shifting [35 Points]
Power Words [lo Points] Burst of Magic, Pattern
Negation, Psychic Defense, Trump Disrupt, and Weaken
Sorcery [15 Points]
“1 take it youve n e x t in line, a d then JurtfN
[5 Points]
l‘ActuuEy, our Grottier DespiC i s n4xt (Efter me.
Jurt o m s a i d tfiut Despil woucd pro6a6ly step
aside for fiim, 6ut I think tfiut wus wisfific
tfiiding. 1% not ut d sure fie w d . . .” DESPIL-SHADOW STORM
Luke & Merlin, in !Prime C h s TIGHTROPEWALKER
Merlin accuses Jurt of a bit of wistful thinking. It may (250 POINTVERSION)
be that Merlin, now headed for his coronation in the
Courts of Chaos, may find he’s been a little wistful himself. I cum up 6esbfe fier a d f o C f o w d tfie direction
Despil may be waiting for him. Already crowned, oflierguze. Onadistantphin,far6e&nvusdto
already on the throne. tfie cef, a hrge 6fidfinnef spun like a top. It
After all, kingship is fundamentally political. By staying seemed. tfie source of the roariy sound we frad
behind in the Courts, while his brothers were gallivanting 6een frearing. Tfie ground appeured to 6e cracfiad
off in Shadow, Despil had the opportunity to shake the 6eneath it. I sturdfor severd minutes, 6ut it did
right hands, and whisper in the right ears. Heck, he’s
not & y e inform or position. F i d y , I h r e d
probably had time to pick out a new chair and change the
drapes. my tfirout.
% o o h like a 6 9 tomar6,” I said, %ot going
By the time Merlin returns, Despil may have already
gathered all the support he needs. All the powerful anyp[ace.. .”
houses, each suspicious of any “Amberite”like Merlin (the M d i n & Fiom, in Sip cf C h s
PSYCHE = [50 Points]
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = [lo Points]
WARFARE = Amber Rank
flirtatious and demure to serious and martial in the blink
of an eye. She seems friendly and very willing to help
Merlin, but she is quick to defend her family’s honor
when she thinks he’s attacking it. She may be an old-and
by Joe Saul apparently intimate-friend of his, but other things can
take precedence.
As I turned uway, I suw u Wffmifiar f i off Gilva comes off as a cross between a friendly teenager
to my rigfit. She was tall: und d-urtbyed, und sfie and a battle-hardened commando, good-natured but
fsadti~staring&me. I furd6eettstingto recall: always ready for trouble-and always conscious of where
fier nume earlier, und fiud fuikd. Seeing fier her duty lies. Though she only appears once, she’s one of
tir~ugfitit 6 d , tfimyfi, I approdied hr. the most captivating characters we meet in Merlin’s
((1h v e to Ihc For u time,))I said. ((ButI wanikd Chronicles.
An old flame of Merlin’s, Gilva is a friend Merlin can
count on in the courts-and probably the only person
there he can trust during the succession crisis. It’s obvious
from the way Gilva acts around Merlin that she still cares
about him a great deal; he seems to
reciprocate it. Now that Merlin’s
spending more time in the Courts, Gilva
P hopes to see more of him.
Sfie was u demure (2ndwefibred
battle-maid-witfi over tfrirty
notcfies on tfie fiuft of fier
tiroadsword.. .
Trince of C h s
Gilva, like the rest of the Hendrakes,
is a warrior born and bred, a lover of
battle, and an adherent of a strict code of
military ethics.
A descendant of Benedict, Gilva is
quick to assert her ability and heritage.
Treat her like a civilian, or impugn her
family’s honor, and risk earning her
Current Objectives.
Working on bettering her martial
skills, Gilva will be a t the forefront of
any battle and will attempt to learn
what she can from friend or foe. This
means she’ll need small excuse to enter
combat with any interesting opponent.
[3 Points]
Current Objectives.
She keeps the welfare of her house near the top of her
priority list, only one item down from protecting the
Courts of Chaos itself
GILVA-FUTURE QUEEN Chaos Devotees [12 Points] Gilva has at least three
(75 POINTCHARACTER) (*...tfie Gearer of t f i e Eye is u simpCer tieing tfiun
Dura, comparing Cord t o Jasru,
in T r i m of C h s
Demon Shape Shifting [15 Points] As a demon, Jasra’s
Chaos, and her early servitude to Dara. Not to mention the ability to directly manipulate the massive magical
little matter of her poison bite. energies of the Fount of Power.
Conjuration [20 Points]
Current Objectives.
It’s pretty clear that Jasra intends to keep her demonic
roots private. Jasra will stay clear of personal involvement
in the Courts of Chaos. Otherwise, she’ll be intent on POWER
building up her independent sources of power.
I saw u Curge m o u f i . of 6ig teetfj, 6Coody lips
ATTRIBUTES curkd 6ack around tfrem. They l i d tfte mu&
PSYCHE = Amber Rank 6eCongiy to severd furndrd pour& of doglike
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points] creature mered with. course, moldy-looking y e h
ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points] fir. ~ t sears were like clumps of fingi, its
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points] yebv-orunge eyes wide urd ferd
lrumps of Doom
Jasra’s Hounds [15 Points] Victor Melman, the
Shadow Earth artist, predicted that Julia would be
killed by “a beast from Netzach,” so maybe that’s what
they’re called. Bred by Jasra as show animals, they are
larger than most hounds, and tougher than most dogs.
On the other hand, three of them were killed by
Julian’s hellhounds, but we weren’t told the odds. They
leave behind a distinctive three-clawed footprint.
Horde Quantity r3 Points]
Chaos Vitality [ZPoints]
Combat Reflexes [2 Points]
Extra Hard Claws and Teeth [I Point]
are you?)’I st14Tkd.
‘yasrct,))sfie spat Gack, *%fad mun!)) THE FOUNT
sfie o p e d fier moutfi wide a d fier M f e c C
forward. 1fd3 tfiemoist tousfi of fier lips upon tfie (100 POINT CHARACTER)
6 d i of my lift foreurn, wfiicfi stiU: fiecd fier uwn
% f i t wrist against tfie &ir)s a m ~econdscater I In tfie center of the room was a 6hcfi stone
felt an e x m i u t i y pain &re. It was not a 6ite fountain, spraying pameS-not water-into tfie
but r&r felt us i j a Fely naif M6- driven air; tfie fire hcended into tfiefont’s Gasin, wfiere
into y@h. it swirled a d &nced. ~ f i e p a m e swere red and
I Cet go fier wrist a d jerried my arm away. Tfie orange in tfie air, wfiik andy& Gelow, rippling.
movement was strangdy sbw, w & d . A cocd, Afding o f p o w e r ~ t f i & e d e r . Anyone who
tingling sensation moved down into tfie kd a d coucd control tfieforces hose in fib pcaCe would 6e
up u&mg tfie a m My f u r n d dropped to my s i d e a d ufortnidi~6Ceopponent idid.
s 4 to go away. sfie e i x t r h a fierself easily Bsbod of Am6er
from my grip, stnik$, p W fierjingertips Ck~fi.tCy
upon my diest a d pusfi46 The power of the place is just too tempting.
I fell 6dward. I was ridhCously w d a d I Jasra, having seized the Keep of the Four Worlds, uses
coucdn%control my movements. I felt 1u) pain it as a base for all of her strategies and plans. After all, as
when I strucfi tfiepbor, d i t was a r e d effort to mistress of the Fount of Power, she has access to one of
.turnmy tiead to regard fier as sfie rose to fierf&t. Shadow‘s greatest sources of magical energy.
“Enjoy it,’)sfie s t u d . ‘(After you awaken, tfie
r m i d e r ofyour 6% existence wi# be painful;)) Current Objectives.
Trumps 4 Doom First and foremost, Jasra will secure the Keep of the
Four Worlds. She’ll manipulate the surrounding Shadow
to place barriers against future visitors (or invaders). It
The poison stinger is a part of Jasra’s natural demonic may be decades before Jasra feels secure enough to expand
form. In other shapes, Jasra carries the stinger on the her influence more widely.
outside of the body, in some cases having it appear as a
scorpion’s tail. It is rarely fatal (although anyone of Human
Endurance will need an intensive care facility for a few ATTRIBUTES
days just to keep breathing), but it is very debilitating. PSYCHE = 19 Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+IO Points]
ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
WARFARE = Amber Rank
Adept of the Broken Pattern [25 Points]
Sorcery [15 Points] as above.
Jasra’s Hounds [lo Points] As above, but fewer.
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+IO Points]
...I k r d Jurt say, flAfool in UU p k ?Wfkt ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
&out h s e quarters?” und I Coolied up in time to WARFARE = [14 Points]
see fiim appear 6eforeJusra a d seize hold fier. of
A moment [ater fie s c r d , us Jasru h e r e d POWERS
her Fiead a d fier lips to- fiis forearm. sfie Adept of the Broken Pattern [25 Points]
pusfied fiim away then, u d fie fecC down tfie Shape Shifting [35 Points]
retnuining steps, Canding sti..y, not moving. Sorcery [I5 Points] * As above.
sip ofchs Mantic Manipulation [5 Points] As above.
Poison Symbiote [4 Points] Jasra has persuaded a
small creature, perhaps a demon, to take up residence
Conjuration [20 Points]
“Sfk’cC argue, 6ut m r s e sfie’U: cyree,” fie said. ‘Teufr,”I said, “and no one I asw seemed to
“It’ll 6e a step up in tfie world. And sfk’cC want bw k r e Jasru camefiom. SM, the Courts,..
revenge on Mask us mu& as tfuzt piece offier Sfk’s a long wayfrom fiome.”
former h f d i n g s . But to answer your question, “Actudfy, s f k wus recruitedfrom a m r 6 y
don%trust fkr. No matter w h t sfie promises, sfiudiw,’’ fie a p h i d , “tilie&is one.”
she’U: never 6e fi(fppy witfi Cess tfiunsfie M6qore. 6tRecruited?”
Sfie’U: 6e scheming. Sfk’lc 6e a good d y till tfie j06’s “Yes, sfie worked as a servant for u num6er of
done. Then you’ve got to &ink a6out protecting years-1 tfiinti sfie was fuirlj young when sfie
against fkr.9’ s t u r f d 4tfie Ways of H ~ r u m . ”
Rinaldo, &out his m o t h Jasru, “Hefgram?T f k t ’ smy twtfkr%House!”
in S@ of C h s “R4gfk S f k was a muid-COmpaniOn to tfie Lady
Dara. Tfiut’s where sfie k a d t f i e A & . ) ’
Now that Luke has been accepted by the Court of “Jusragot fier instruction in sorcery from
Amber, or at least by Queen Vialle, Jasra will likely turn mother? And s f k met Brand at H%rum? Tfiat
her attention in that direction. woucd nu& it seem He$ram fiad s m n e t f i i y to do
The first order of business will be to gain whatever Witfi Brad’s pbt, tfie Black Rod, tfie war-”
inheritance Prince Brand may have left behind, for herself of
Trince C h s
and for Luke. Should she encounter resistance because of
Brand’s actions prior to his death, she’ll be happy to She certainly keeps up with news about the Courts of
provide “proof” that he was not in his right mind, and Chaos. For example, when just released from her imprison-
that his insanity should not prevent Luke, as Brands son, ment as a stone statue, with less than a half-hour to
from receiving his due. herself, she somehow came up with an update on Merlin’s
After the little matter of her acceptance a t Court is out status that revealed his nearness to the throne.
of the way, Jasra will likely turn her attention to finding Such interest is unlikely to come unless Jasra has plans
another husband. She has been married to a Prince of in that direction. No doubt she belongs to some factions
Amber in the past, and there are few others who can and opposes others. Given that she is now on fairly cordial
match the kind of power and opportunity that such a terms with Merlin, or at least believes him to be
relationship provides. The only question is, who among controllable, and given that Merlin’s friendship with Luke
them will be suitable... may serve as an important asset, Jasra will try to get
Merlin to the throne, and to keep him there.
‘Juliastudied w i f i a variety of
tediers after y o u two G r o k up,”
she began. “onceI fiit upon tfie
phn, it was a simpk mutter to
cause them to do or sy tfiings
wfiicfi w o u l d disillusion or
discourage fier and set fier to
Cooking for sott~eoneelse. It was
not Coy 6efore sfie came to Victor,
wfio was already u n d e r our
t u q e . I ordered fiim to sweeten
fier stay and skip muny of tfie
usual prdiminuies und to proceed
to teach-ing her u6out an initiation
I fiud chsmfor fier...jP
Jasru, to Merlin,
in Kngfit 0 f G . u d . i ~ ~
Knowledge is power.
On the lowest level, if you know a
fact, or a bunch of facts, and others don’t,
you’ve got power. On a higher level, if
you know how to organize facts, how to
fit them into a system that makes sense,
in a way superior to how others think,
then you’ve got a lot of power.
Julia Barnes 93
Current Objectives.
Julia can never really be totally free of her attraction for
Merlin (at least not until Merlin recognizes the problem).
She’ll try to get close to Merlin, even if it means messing
up her relationship with Jurt.
PSYCHE = Amber llAndyou never n o t i d any indicution of fier
STRENGTH = Chaos [+IO Points] tufent?”Jasru venhrd
ENDURANCE = Chaos [+lo Points] 1 would”%say tliat,” I replied as I begun to
WARFARE = Chaos [+lo Points] realize wfiy tfiings were us they were. WO, I
wouliin%say tfiut.”
Like that time at BaskiwRo66im w h n sfie
Adept of the Broken Pattern [25 Points] causaf a cfiange ofpm)ors “twixt u m e u d lip. Or
Blood Creature Shape Shifting [15 Points] Without the storm sfie’d stayed dry in w i t h u t un
being aware of it, Julia has a measure of Merlin’s Powers. umGr&. ...
Outwardly, Julia won’t change, but she will be able to Knght ofSf?uhzus
adapt to different Shadow conditions, and may even be
able to (involuntarily)shift her Attributes to match her Merlin Corey, Luke Reynard and Gail Lampron, those
current situation. were Julia’s companions a t Berkeley. Likely the most
Sorcery [15 Points] mysterious trio on campus, each with very good reasons
Conjuration [20 Points] never to talk about their past, their families, or their real
roots. Is it possible that Julia ended up with this odd trio
GOOD STUFF because she had secrets of her own?
[5 Points] After all, anyone with half a brain is going to realize
that claiming to be immortal, much less owning up to
supernatural powers, is not a good way to make friends
and influence people here on Shadow Earth. Over the
years she has become as secretive as any of the other
Even before she was initiated onto a way of Power she
was able to exert her will upon Shadow in subtle ways.
Current Objectives.
For the first time in her life, Julia has more options that
she can deal with. For the time being, safe in Jurt’s care, in
House Sawall, she’ll take the time to think about different
PSYCHE = 110 Points]
ENDURANCE = Amber When Merlin took Julia through Shadow, he perhaps
WARFARE = Amber inadvertently triggered her own latent magical abilities.
She felt the twinge and knew it to be real, and when
Merlin denied her that, she sought power elsewhere. This
POWERS resentment a t being rejected drove her for some time, and
Adept of the Broken Pattern 125 Points] twisted her thoughts into ugliness and pain. Her
Sorcery [15 Points] relationship with Jurt strengthened those feelings. If
encountered while she is still trying to avenge herself
FRIENDS €tALLIES upon Merlin, she will be imperious and overconfident,
Amber Devotee [G points] By now, word of her
mocking and revelling in what power she holds.
After her vendetta ended, Julia became much more
existence having spread, it’s likely that she has been
friendly, and is now working on controlling the powers
recognized as some Amberite’s child. As a careful elder,
which she attained too quickly. She is eager to seek out
her father or mother (or grandparent, or great-
new venues of power, and will curb her natural
grandparent) will bide their time, spending a few
independent nature until her curiosity is satisfied.
decades checking things out, before coming forward for
any tearful reunion. Julia’s parent will keep a close eye
on her progress, and will not hesitate to manipulate JULIABARNESAS MOTHER
events (stealthily, from a distance) to protect her. If she As Merlin’s long-time lover it would be even more
is the offspring of Brand, it seems likely that Bleys and chilling if he broke up with Julia just after she discovered
Fiona might conspire in this role, each wary, each herself to be pregnant. Once Julia gained the ability to
somewhat less “devoted,” but together serving the move around in Shadow, she could have found a suitable
same parental role. fast-time Shadow, and her offspring could now be full-
grown. So, it’s possible that a new player character could
ADVANCEMENT POINTS end up as Julia’s child, with either Merlin or Jurt as father.
[+44 Points] - At a cross-roads in her life, Julia is ready to
walk the Pattern, and might well do so if given the
Constant Allies & Enemies:
So far Julia can only count on Jurt as a dependable ally,
opportunity. Or she might pursue Trump. Yet she also but she can also count on Jasra as an enemy with a score to
has enough “potential” to become a Shape Shifter, and settle.
her current alliance with Jurt, in the Ways of Sawall,
provides an excellent opportunity. If that comes about,
she may even acquire Logrus Mastery, saving her
initiation into Pattern for a later time. Here are some of
her choices:
Walk the Pattern. Cost: 25 Points
Learn Trump Artistry. Cost: 40 Points
Pick u p Conjuration. Cost: 20 Points
Learn Shape Shift. Cost 35 Points
‘We@,f&?s nusty. But fb?s k i d &my, too. Yeah, Jurt is brash, and he makes a lot of mistakes.
At last, fie’s screwd up whenever we’ve f . f i t Picking fights he can’t handle isn’t too bright.
u d kft u piece of fiimsq G e f i i d . ” On the other hand, Jurt says what he thinks. A not too
Merlin, in Sian of c h s tactful thing to do, especially when Jurt admits that he’s
untrustworthy, and that he wouldn’t get - along- with a
duplicate of himself.
Not fair, Merlin, not fair a t all. Merlin, if Jurt admits he wouldn’t get along with his
Yes, Jurt is clumsy. He stumbles, over his words, and own Ghost, why are you so surprised that he can’t get
other things. He’s also young.
along with you?
Besides, Merlin, what about Dara? If she’s so awful, so
First, you don’t take Jurt seriously. You talk to him as if
difficult, so exasperating for you, the golden boy, the
he were a naughty little kid, and as if you were ready to
smart one in the family, what must she be like for Jurt?
offer a spanking. Not the brightest way
to deal with the baby of the family.
Second, remember when the Ghost
of Jurt told you how he started
practicing when he heard you were
running in college? Jurt didn’t want to
kill you, Merlin, he just wanted to beat
So, Merlin, lighten up. Plenty of
brothers fight. Usually they get over it.
Jurt/ in Trince C h s
The imitation Jurt that Merlin encountered during his
“trial,” in that place known as the Underdark, became After all the disappointments and frustrations in Jurt’s
pretty real. It’s also interesting that the real Jurt started life, he’s finally on the verge of happiness. He and Julia
befriending Merlin, after a life-long feud, not long after have together graduated from their vendettas and wars.
Jurt’s Ghost arrived at an understanding with Merlin. Having switched to being a supporter of Merlin, the man
So, there’s the possibility that Jurt’s Ghost is still who will be King of the Courts of Chaos, Jurt is on the
walking around somewhere. A variant on this theory is winning side.
presented with each of the three versions of Jurt. Which
Ghost of Jurt may exist, if any exist at all, is an interesting ATTRIBUTES.NORMAL
decision for the Game Master.
PSYCHE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
“So, wfiat does itfd Cilie?” PSYCHE = Amber Rank
‘Cwfrat?)) I said. STRENGTH = Amber Rank
“Tfie power,” fie answered. “Tfie Logrus ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
power-to wack in sfiaday, to work witfi a fiigfier WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
orrkr of magic tfian tfie rmcndane.”
I didn’t r d y want to go into k a , because I POWERS
knew fie’d prepared fiitmerf to traverse tfie Ugrus
on three diflerent occasions a d fsad 6& down
at tfie cast moment e u d i time, wfien field Cooked
(’...Tfkt power you gained in tfie Fountain,N I
said, ‘(givesyou s d i n g I%e fseard referred to as
into it. P e r h p s tfie sliecetotrs of failures tfiut a ‘Civing Trump’ #&. Seems to me you were u6k
sufuy h p s around fiud trou6Ced fiim &o. I dim’t to transport Jdiuas w& as yoursecfwith it.’’
think tfiat Jurt was aware tfkt I knew &out tfie He nod&d.
[ast two times fie’d cfurnged fiis m i d . So I k i d i d “Can it get us from fiere to Kusfifa in a hrry?”
to dbwnpcffy my a c c ~ m p C i s W . Tfie distant sound of an enormous gong jXhf
“Ofi, you don’t r d y f e e l any diflera,” I said, tfie air.
%tntiCyou’re uctuuay using it. T h it’s fiurd to 1‘1 can do a n . i n g tfie curdis cun do,” fie said,
descri6e.” %dI cun take someone dong witfi me. Tfie ody
‘11’m tfiiding of doing it soon mysey,” fie said.
problem i s tfrat tfk Trumps tfiemsdves don‘t h v e scorn. Later, licking his wounds, caring for the wounded
tftat range. I’d have to tuhe us &re in a series of Julia, he let the full implication of the new memories sink
jum.#s. ’J
in. Which, in turn, led to his patching things up with
Trince of C h s Merlin.
As for the Jurt-Ghost, it’s even possible that Jurt, when
Elevated Trump Artistry [G5 Points] By bathing in
the Fount of Power, Jurt’s Attributes and Powers
he was bristling with power from the Fount, may have
recreated it. Or that the Logrus-Ghost, somehow made
selfHawarefrom Jurt’s touch, or from a remnant of Merlin’s
received a massive charge. For a time, Jurt’s Psyche,
blood, or both, may have found a way to manifest itself.
Strength, and Endurance were all effectively raised to
an Amber level. He can regain those ranks if he can get
another bath. A more permanent result of the energies
of the Fount was that Jurt gained the ability to JURT-SON OF CORWIN
instantly Trump to whatever image he pictured in his
mind, with no need of Trump cards. When he first
came out of the Fount, he was able to do it continu-
ously, flicking from one place to another, seemingly “ it necessaty for me to point out that
without effort. Jurt-apart from his scars and missing
Later on, as the raw power ebbed away, Jurt was left pieces-6eurs you u strong resdbw?”
with the basic knowledge of how to act like a “Living “Jurt?Me? You’ve got to 6e kidditrgl”
Trump.” Using his normal Attributes, he can do the He g[anced utJasra.
trick, but it takes the same kind of concentration as “He & she said. W’s 06vious tfie two of
contacting a Trump, so it’s always somewhat tiring. you are rekted.”
Logrus Mastery [45 Points] I put down my fork and s h o k my tiead
Shape Shifting [35 Points]
Power Words [lo Points] Burst of Psyche, Pain Attack,
Psychic Defense, Process Snuff, and Process Surge.
ffPreposterous,”I said, more in se+.f+nse tfiun
as a matter of certain+ “1never noticed.)’
Sorcery [15 Points]
Matrdor sfiruggd, vey sciglifcy.
Conjuration [ZO Points]
TOU want a kcture on tfie psycFroCogy of
dktdd?”Jasra asked me.
JURT-PRINCE OF CHAOS,AND JURT’S Kn@t o f . ~ t k h w s
GHOST. Now let’s get this straight.
Merlin, so we are told, is a close match to his old man,
TOU mean t h t aCC I am is some sort of Corwin. Jurt, according to a bunch of people who ought to
recording?”He Cooked as if fie were a6out to c y . know, looks just like Merlin. Yet supposedly Dara had
%verything s d so gbrious just a Cittce wfiiCe Merlin by Corwin, and Jurt by Lord Gramble of Sawall.
ago. I’d madk it tfirougfi tfie Logm. AU:0fSfiud-o~ An elderly, infirm Gramble.
by utmyfeet.”He massagdfiis tempks,.. Let’s also bear in mind that Dara is a Shapeshifter, a
Knght ofSiaLjbws sorceress, and someone not adverse to the occasional plot
or scheme. It’s not difficult to imagine her pulling a bit of
cuckoldry on the Lord Sawall.
Dead. Jurt’s Logrus-Ghost was consumed by the crack in How?
the Broken Pattern. This happened when he stepped off There are plenty of female animals who only need to
the lines, and threw himself into an attack against Merlin’s mate once in their lives, and then go on to get pregnant a t
Logrus-Ghost. Instantly Jurt’s Ghost was reabsorbed by several different times. They either store the sperm, or
the Logrus. fertilized eggs, and biologically activate them when
Later, when Jurt was energized by the Fount of Power, conditions are right for bearing young. Or, for an even
and when he got around to summoning the Logrus in his simpler solution, remember that Dara had Corwin locked
energized state, he was able to sense another image of up in her own private dungeon.
himself within the Logrus. Curious, because the other Besides, if Jurt is another son of Amber, another son of
image seemed different, with different memories, he Corwin, it would explain why Corwin’s Pattern was so
investigated. willing to take on Jurt as one of its guardians.
Jurt “replayed the memories of his twin’s encounter Which sort of winds back to answering why Dara would
with Merlin. want another of Corwin’s kids. If Corwin’s Pattern is as
The timing wasn’t wonderful, since Jurt was at his most important as it seems, each child of Corwin provides yet
manic, his personality most disrupted by his FountHbath. another potential key.
At first, Jurt regarded the Jurt-Ghost’s memories with Not that Jurt is necessarily aware of any of this.. .
Jurt 101
...Wfien did you s t a r t tfiin#iing tfiis way? POWERS
Migfit it coitrcide witfi your treatment in tfk
Fountuin? W b t if my intemption ttLlzde yours -
Living Trump [lo0 Points] Like Brand before him,
Ccoser to tfie correct course?” Jurt’s bath in the Fount of the Four Worlds has
“It’s possi6k &re’s somdiing to tliat,” fie said. increased his magical abilities tenfold. While Fount#
Charged he can read the subjects of the Trumps, contact
“I’rngsadnow I didirrt go tfiejX route. I suspect it people without the Trumps themselves, reach through
migfit b v e driven me mad, as it did Brad. But it Shadow and pull things through to him, teleport
~ 1 1 0 t b e 6 ~ t l i a t ~ t ~ f L 0 ~ - 1 through ~ % ~Shadow
. ~ ~at will, locate and observe anyone in
Prince Ofchs Shadow, and can even look into their thoughts.
Jurt’s Attributes of Psyche, Strength, and Endurance
When he is charged by the Fount of Powek-, Jurt’s are all likewise boosted while he’s FountcCharged.
power is enormous. It’s just that when he’s fully charged Even when Jurt is “normal”he can continue to act as
by the Fount, as Luke put it, “...I think it takes away if he were a “Living Trump,” transporting himself to
something of your humanity. You don’t much give a shit any location that he can visualize.
about other people or human values afterward.” Logrus Mastery [45 Points]
The charging is also temporary. If Jurt takes it easy, Shape Shifting [35 Points]
conserves his power, and doesn’t get into any fights, it Sorcery [I5 Points]
might last a week or two. Given the way it makes you feel
like an unbeatable god, it’s hard to sit around like that. BAD STUFFoFOUNTzCHARGED
When Jurt starts zapping around the universe, and
throwing his weight around, he might burn through a
[+I 5 Points] Applies onlywhen FountHCharged.
charge in just a few hours.
Jurt knows all this. He understands that he’ll lose
control of himself, and he understands that he must be JURT-FOUNT~HARGEDPOWERHOUSE,
cautious. He also understands that someone else controls AND HIS LOGRUSZGHOST.
the Fount of Power, and that he might be turned into
another guardian like Sharu Garrul if he isn’t very careful. Tfien I fieurd a scream, and a 6 h i n g form
He’ll return to the Fount, and bathe himself, when
necessary. Only when necessary.
passed on my ceft
“No!” I cM,r d i i n g f o r it.
But I was too h e . Jurt tiad stepped e tfie cine,
Current Objectives.
Jurt wants the Fount of Power, and the Keep of Four
springing past me, driving fiis 6hde into my
Worlds. Not just because he wants to be able to charge hu6k even us fiis own 60dy swirkd and 6 W .
himself at the Fount, though that’s a nice bonus. Mainly, Fire &o pouredfiom my dOu6k’s wound. He tried
Jurt doesn’t want anyone eke to gain that power. utlsucces+y to rise a d f d 6&
“Don%say tfiat I never servedyou, 6r&r,”Jurt
ATTRIBUTES*NORMAL stated, 6efore fie wus transformed into a
wfiircwind, wfiicfi rose to tfie c b m 6 e r % roof,
PSYCHE = Amber Rank
where it d i s s i p d .
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank Kn@it of,St?uhws
WARFARE = [15 Points]
JurtNGhost was created by Jurt in the first place, as his
agent in the trial between the Pattern and the Logrus.
ATTRIBUTES*FOUWT*CHARGED Things went awry early on.
PSYCHE = [lo0 Points] Not only did Merlin give the Jurt-Ghost a drink of
STRENGTH = [50 Points] ChaosHchargedblood, but the Ghost became independent.
ENDURANCE = [25 Points] The original Jurt, using his link, was able to follow some
WARFARE = 115 Points] of the action that followed, and overheard some of the
conversation between his duplicate and Merlin.
What Jurt doesn’t know, and what he’d very much like
to learn, is what happened after his Ghost disappeared...
(yurt,”fie said, %wt tfie cfiunging times with u
Jurt made u Cittk fiumming noise, as fie mixture of deligfit undfear. He was constandy
SottcefittZQs fcad when podiring things as u kid. ~ingoftfie[atestdeatJrsundoftfie~unceund
T h , (CWe)vegot to get fier Gefore fhey do, und apparent e w e witfi wfiicfi some of t h were
mace tier to somep[ace sujie,)) fie s a i d mmpciShed. Hushed tones interspersed with u
!Prince of C h s fay giggk. HiS fear u d fib desire to increuse fib
own capacity for miS&~$naCry r e d i d u point
Jurt is an interesting personality in conflict rebellious, wfiere foGecame greater tfiun fib &rf’r-”
spoiled, angry and short-tempered, he’s also seen the
consequences of his behavior and is working on changing
Mandor, in Sign C h s of
himself into a person who will survive his impulses. As brother to the King of Chaos, Jurt is in an interesting
position. He once desired the crown for himself, but
Through his peace with Merlin and his relationship with
Julia, Jurt is trying to mellow his anger and let go of the claims that he no longer wants it, and must now either
hurt and envy which fueled him for so long. support Merlin or protect his brother from those who
On the other hand, Jurt’s anger towards Merlin isn’t view Merlin’s ascension with distaste. This also places Jurt
necessarily unreasonable. Consider that Merlin can be in danger himself. If an ambitious Chaosian below him in
short-sighted, vindictive, and chummy with his buddies the succession wants the throne, then Jurt must be
while excluding others. All are classic elder-brother-as- eliminated. Because of this position, Jurt is trying to
creep irritations. master the awesome powers he gained in the Fount and
Plus, of course, there’s Merlin’s womanizing ways. If to overcome some of his natural clumsiness and almost
Jurt sees himself as a protector of women, starting with supernatural bad luck.
his mother, and then various relatives and girlfriends, he’s
likely to see Merlin as a really nasty guy. After all, Merlin Constant Allies Et Enemies:
seems to have been quite a ladies man, both in the Courts His closest ally is his lover Julia. They are partners and,
of Chaos, and on Shadow Earth. And Julia’s tale of woe unless she betrays him (and her returning to Merlin
would only confirm Jurt’s worst suspicions. would be the most brutal of betrayals), he will remain
loyal and protective. That Jurt has turned his greatest
enemy, his brother Merlin, into something of an ally,
testifies to Jurt’s progress.
Lucus Reynard: s i x feet tall, red-hired, be more than a little insane. Walk up to most Amberites,
h d o m e in spite, or perhps Gecuuse, of an stick out your hand, and say, “Hi, I’m Brands son,” and,
artisticdy broken nose, with tfie voice a d well, it’s not the best way to get a warm reception.
manner oftfie sacesman fie was. Not that Luke is ashamed of his father. On the contrary,
Trumps of Doom he’ll defend his dad, all the way to the point of trying to
assassinate his father’s killersl. Flashing the symbol of the
Phoenix, he’s proud of his old man.
The big, lovable lug. So Luke learned to turn on the charm.
Luke has come up with the perfect countercmeasure to While Merlin spent eight years on Shadow Earth
his biggest problem. learning about high4tech computers, Luke spent his time
The problem, of course, is that he’s the son of Prince learning psychology, salesmanship, and the cutting edge
Brand of Amber. A man hated and feared and thought to techniques of manipulating human
Sure, Merlin came out of it with
Ghostwheel, his personal Trump-god,
but Luke came out being able to sell just
about anything to just about anybody.
His biggest product?
As any good salesperson can tell you,
the first thing you have to sell is
“L&!” I w & i d , LIS fie steppd inside, my
manikins CoCCapsing as my uttmtum c + k , i n t o THE COURTS
CittCe gray, sticfilike fieaps. “fiat are you doing
“CouCd say I was seEing cemetery Cots,” fie
06served. “You interested in one?” “Damn you, Luke. Y o u always make tfie
H e frad on a red sfiirt a d Grown liftaliis tucked
stupidest tfiings s of
d sort uttructive.’J
into fib Grown suede 60ots. A tan &ak fiung Medin., S@ of C h s
dout hb sfi.od&s. H e was grinning.
T r i m of C h s “The deadliest salesman in the Southwest,” is what
Merlin calls Luke.
Certainly Luke has managed to sell Merlin. No matter
how much evidence Merlin collected against Luke, from
bullets, to murder confessions, to kidnapping, he was still
willing to go along with Luke’s latest excuse.
Given the choice, especially now that he realizes that
actual battle with either Lords of Chaos or elder Amberites
can be hazardous to his health, Luke will try to talk
Let’s do the same. himself out of situations. He’ll prefer getting what he
Rinaldo, after drinking a couple of cups of Merlin’s wants by negotiation rather than force.
blood, being “adopted by Corwin’s Pattern, and spending
a few hours being brought up to date by Luke, seems to be Current Objectives.
here to stay.
In fact, Luke and Rinaldo get along so great, it’s as if L& smikd.
Luke were just waiting for someone who would really ((1know a good saCes p i t h wfien I fiear it,” fie
appreciate his unique sense of humor. said. “Narrow it down to a simpk cfi0i.w. M&
These days, the only way you can tell them apart tfkn think it’s tfieir own.”
(unless you happen to have an ability to see their insides), Trince of C h s
is by their clothing. Rinaldo favors red and brown, while
Luke goes for green and gold. Which also makes it easy to Mostly, Luke wants out of his kingship. Other than
pull the old twin trick of standing in for each other by that, he’s looking to start enjoying life. He also wouldn’t
switching clothing. That’s especially handy now that Luke mind spending some time in both Courts, getting to know
is King of Kashfa. relatives on each side of reality.
For each version of Luke, there’s a corresponding
version of Rinaldo.
PSYCHE = Amber Rank
STRENGTH = 13 Points]
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
WARFARE = [15 Points]
Pattern Imprint [SO Points]
Trump Artistry [40 Points]
Power Words [ I O Points] Logrus Negation, Pattern
Trump is activated, it changes the destination Shadow, cards: there are already multiple cards in a
warping its location, and dragging it adjacent to the Trump deck. This means there are several
Blue Crystal Cave. In other words, travel to the place of couies of the whole deck.
Shadow Manipulation, Mold
Reality [ 4 Points] 4 Each card,
representing a different Shadow,
distorts the Shadow so it merges
with the Shadow containing the
+ Blue Crystal Cave.
Trump Deck [2 Points]
[5 Points]
(ZERO POINTVERSION) PSYCHE = Human Rank [+25 Points]
STRENGTH = Human Rank [+25 Points]
(11 fed-stronger,” Luke a m & , Grter. ‘Tes, ENDURANCE = Human Rank [+25 Points]
WARFARE = [15 Points]
I’Cl fie@guurd this p h . It seems a good way to
spend some time.”
“Tfiere won%6e any pr06lems ye$” Corwin said. ATTRIBUTES.Pattern4harged
WeitJter power knows eivactcy tiow to approacfi it PSYCHE = Amber Rank
or wfkt to do witfi it. It’s too strong for AmGer’s STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
Pattern to a6sor6, a d tfie Logrus doesn%know
WARFARE = 115 Points]
fiow to dhstroy it.”
‘~Soutdi pretty easy, k”
‘ ( T h e wiff pro6a6Cy cotne a time b, thzyh, POWERS
when tfi.eywiff try to move against it.” Corwin’s Pattern Imprint [0 Points] This is really a
“~atilthen, we wait a d w(FtcJi.0ku.y. If some gift. Corwin’s Pattern not only maintains Rinaldo’s life,
things do come,wfiut migfit they 6et” but also gives him all the abilities of Pattern Imprint. In
‘ProGa6ly gbsts-Cike ourselves-seeking to addition, when Rinaldo is infused with the energy
[earn more a6out it, to test. You any good with from Corwin’s Pattern, his Psyche, Strength and
Endurance are all boosted. This only lasts for a few
hours if he’s travelling, but indefinitely when he’s in
“In a[l md-esty, yes. ~f-9s not good erunyh,
sight of Corwin’s Pattern.
I’ve s t u d i d tfie Arts, us wef&” Trump Artistry 140 Points]
“ T W Efun to steel, t f k q h it%fire tfky’a Sorcery [15 Points]
Gked-mt 6Cood. Y o u cun h v e tfie Pattern
transport you outside now, if you wisfi. I’E join GOOD STUFF
you in a few moments to s f i o w you wfiere tfie [5 Points]
weupons are cudied, andtfie &r suppcies. I’d like
to take a WCe trip a d h v e you in Surrge for a
Prince of cfiU0.s
Berkdy.. tricks Luke learned from Brand. For example, the ability
Luke, in “TkS h m n ’ s Tale” to black4out the Trump, so only your mind shows
through a contact, is just a matter of closing your eyes,
ignoring everything else around you, and pretending to
Even though he’d rather be out wandering in Shadow, be in the dark.
having a good time, Luke will make a good king. Sorcery [I5 Points] In addition to the usual range of
He’s certainly got the politics down pat. spells, Luke has learned a special lynchpin for casting a
Still, he’s got to deal with the Queen problem. spell inside the Blue Crystal Cave. He can also cast
On the books, he’s married to Coral, and she was spells against the Blue Stones, and the attunement
officially made Queen of Kashfa on his coronation day. they create in anyone who carries them.
Which works out great, since she’s a highly placed royal
from Begma, and their union might lead to the resolution
of the Eregnor situation. ARTIFACTS Et CREATURES OF
In fact, a child of King Rinaldo and Queen Coral could POWER
be joint ruler over an entire unified kingdom.
Except that Coral is carrying Merlin’s child. If...WFictt is tfie signijicmce o f t f i e 6cUe stones?))
Plus, there’s the added complication of Luke carrying ((Tfkyh e un @nifyfor tfie w e , undfor eacfi
on with Coral’s sister Nayda. Who is really a demon otfkr,’) s f k t o u me. “A person witfi very littk
training coucd fioGf one of tfkm a d simp9 6egin
It may take Luke a couple of decades just to get
everything sorted out. wu&ing, foccowing tfie sligfit psycfiic t y g i y . It
woucd evenkurccy cead fiim to tfie cave.)’
Current Objectives. (‘Tfirougfi S f h b w , you mean?”
“...ijyoufeeca6outtfiep[acetfiewrcyIfee[a6orrt “ I n q i n g , 6ut I fuiC to see any greut v& to
&zsfifu, you’re nut going to [et it go to tieu:ijyou it.”
cun fief$ it-even it meum some personuc (‘But that is not a[c, Ignore tfie puU: of tfie cuve,
misery ...)) undyou will 6- uwure of secondky tuggings.
Trim of C h s Learn to distinguish tfie signature of tfie proper
stone, undyou cunfolcow its Geurer unywliere.))
He intends for Kashfa to prosper. “That does sound u Cittk more us+. Do you
Luke, as a salesman born, understands that trade means tfiidi h t ’ s tiow h s e guys found me cast nigfit,
more prosperity than war, so he’ll start by settling all the Gecuuse I M u po&fLLu: oftfie tfiiys?))
various political feuds. He’ll want a treaty with Begma and “ProGuGly, frOm a practical standpoint, they
a resolution over the Eregnor problem. That will also mean fielpd. M y , tfbugfi, in your case, tfky sfioucd
the involvement of the Court of Amber. not even fiuve 6een nec4ssuy at tfiis p0ixt.J’
The paperwork out of the way, Luke’s next step will be “Wfiynot?”
to turn Kashfa into a major trading port. Considering his “They fiuve un additionuc effecf. Anyone wfio
powers (which he can use to create new sea lanes through
furs one in his possession for u time Gecome~
Shadow, for example),and his college business background,
attuned to tfk tfiing. Tfirow it uwuy and tfk
it’s a good time to buy stock in Kashfa.
attunement remuins. you cun stiu: 6e tr& ttien,
just as $you fiud r e t u i d tfie stone. you woucd
possess a signature ofyour own.))
“You meun tfiat even now, w i h u t them, I’m
‘Tes .
(‘How [otlg does it tu.&? to weur @?))
((Iu m not certain tfmt it ever does.” exactly where Luke moved all his old furniture and
‘(Tfierettlusf 6e some m n s of dkattu-.’’ paintings. It’s actually the place where Merlin saw Luke
1do not know for cmtuin, 6ut I cun tfiid of a recuperating, in sight of the lady in the blue bikini. It’s
co~pko f t f i h g s that woucdpr06a6Cy do it.” set up as a “fast-time” place, where Luke can spend a
“Name tfietn.” few leisurely weeks, while only a couple of days pass in
(W&ing tfie pattern OfAmber or negotiating
tfie IAJgllcs of Cfiaos
Personal Shadow [I Point]
Control of Time flow [2 Points]
The T’@ (as Vinta Bltyk), & Merlin, Access Barrier [2 Points]
in $bod of Am6er
Blue Stones 127 Points] Luke set these up as an
[I Point]
economical way to move people around in Shadow. He
figured if each of his people had a chip of the Blue
Stone, he could always track them down, or they could RINALDO-KASHFA KING’SDOUBLE
find their way on their own. (200 POINTVERSION)
Horde Quantity C+3Points]
Psychic Neutral 12 Points] “It’s no man stunt, $ding your way tfiis neur
Shadow Manipulation, Reality 14 Points] to tfie Courts. €specidly qyou’ve never 6een here
Psychic Signature [I Point] 6$0re. Huw’dyou mumye it?”
Follow Shadow Path [2 Point] (We&tfie Courts and I go 6 d a Gmg ways, OM
Trumps of Doom [ 4 Points] Luke’s Trump are part of
W y . You migfit say it’s in my-6bod.”
his personal deck. He created an even dozen copies so
he could share them with the officers of his personal Merlin & Lulie’s Ghst,
army (the mercenary force equipped with Amber0 in Prince of Chaos
capable weapons).
Named & Numbered Copies C+2 Points] Now that Rinaldo and Luke have reached an
Trump Deck 12 Points] understanding, they’re both working t o make the
situation permanent.
PERSONAL SHADOWS Et WAYS Which means that Rinaldo is on a steady diet of Luke’s
“It stioucd 6e obvious that I’m maliing y o u a Eventually, they calculate, Rinaldo will no longer be a
prisoner,” fie said. (‘The 6Cue c r y d , by tfie way, PatternHGhost, but will become Luke’s true twin.
This works out great for Luke, since it makes the
wiCl6Cock. any Trump s d i n g s and negate your kingship much more tolerable if he can share it. Splitting
magical a6iCities ttiat r e 5 on tfiings 6 9 o n d tfie it fifty-fifty with Rinaldo means each of them can get
w&. I needyou d i v e andfangCessfor now, in a away for extended vacations. All they have to do is make
pcaCe where I cun get to you in a fiurry.” sure that nobody ever finds out about the switching.
Tmmps of Doom They’ve even figured out what to do if they ever do
have a serious falling out. Since Rinaldo walked Corwin’s
Blue Crystal Shadow [4 Points] Luke’s control over
0 Pattern, he’ll just leave the Amber universe, and enter
the Shadow, in addition to the special properties of the into the one created by Corwin’s Pattern.
Blue Stones, allows for the blockage of the Logrus,
Pattern, Trump, and other outside powers. Magic will ATTRIBUTES Et POWERS
work, but only a secret variety of magic specifically Rinaldo has the potential for exactly the same
designed for the Blue Stone environment. Attributes and Powers as Luke. Anything he lacks, simply
Personal Shadow [I Point] because he hasn’t caught up with Luke’s greater
Control of Contents [I Points] experience, he’ll have on reserve as Good Stuff until he
Advanced Communication Barrier [2 Points] figures it out.
Shadow Kashfa 14 Points] Gives Luke control over the
Current Objectives.
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank A s w e climbed out, Corwin said to Luke,
WARFARE = [9 Points] “Patternghosts tend nut to last bag.’’
~ u k replied.
(SO I understatrd,~’ e ‘YOU finow any
POWERS tricks for someone in this position?’J
Pattern Imprint [50 Points] “1 know tfkn d,sir. I t tu& one to know, us
Advanced Trump Artistry [GO Points] c Both the thy say.”
Trumps of Doom, and Luke?s Trump Blackout trick, Corwin’s G h s t & L&s Ghst,
require advanced proficiency with Trump.
Shape Shifting [35 Points]
in !Prince of Chaos
Sorcery [15 Points]
Conjuration [20Points] Rinaldo is in trouble. Both he and Luke are well aware
of the problem.
Pattern-Ghosts don’t last long.
Yes, as long as Rinaldo stays near Corwin’s Pattern, so
CONSTRUCTS long as Corwin’s Pattern isn’t seriously disrupted, he’s
Blue Crystal Construct [S Points] All the true powers safe. And he can always gain a little time by drinking the
of the Blue Stones, such as being able to guide someone blood of an Amberite (Luke has already volunteered).
through Shadow, or to attune anyone who keeps a Still, it’s just a matter of time before something bad
stone for a long enough time, come from the cave itself. happens.
The Blue Stones, no matter what their form, are just So Rinaldo and Luke are working on a possible solution.
manifestations, or channels, for the Power based in Their idea is to create a new Construct, one based on
Shadow. Rinaldo himself. In the same way that the Fount of Power
Blue Crystal Shadow [2 Points] is maintained by the interaction of the four elemental
Personal Shadow [I Point] Shadows, so Rinaldo could become a Construct maintained
Control of Contents [l Point] by some kind of steady Shadow energies.
Blue Stone Manifestation [G Points] Now it’s just a matter of figuring out the details.
Innate Connection [+I Point]
Horde Quantity [+3Points] ATTRIBUTES
Psychic Neutral [2 Points] PSYCHE = Amber Rank
Construct Psyche-None [0 Points] STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
The Tree of Life Construct [3 Points] Luke’s first
experiment in creating a Construct. He wasn’t satisfied WARFARE = Amber Rank
with the results, but it was never really taken to its full
potential. POWERS
Shadow Cost [2 Points] Corwin’s Pattern Imprint [50Points]
Personal Shadow [I Point] Trump Artistry [40Points]
Named €3Numbered [+2 Points] Each of the ten Sorcery [15 Points]
sephirah represent a Shadow, all linked through the
Trump Painting Manifestation Cost [I Point] BAD STUFF
Innate Connection [+I Point] [+5 Points]
Contains Trump Image [l Point]
Construct Psyche*None [0 Points]
[50Points] Luke has accomplished a lot, but now he is
facing a lot of choices.
Gain some Power over Constructs. Cost: Varies
Assay the Logrus Cost: 45 Points
Increase his Attributes. Cost: Varies
Get Advanced Pattern. Cost: 25 Points
A couple of possibilities come to mind.
First, he apparently spent a fair amount of time
bumming around in Kashfa, as well as riding around and
raising a little hell with Dalt and the mercenaries. Which
means he’s have more than a chance or two of being
presented with an unexpected surprise.
Likewise, he did spend a lot of time on Shadow Earth,
and had more than a few girlfriends. Could be that one
ended up pregnant, an especially intriguing possibility if
Here’s an example. the one in question is the infamous “Carol.”A woman who
In one playdtest session, when one of the major powers makes dating a demon look reasonable, at least in the eyes
was totally out of control (okay, it was the Logrus itself), of Luke’s mother Jasra.
enraged and about to commit large scale destruction, one
of the player characters pulled Luke’s Trump, looking for Constant Allies Et Enemies:
an escape. ...
Hmmm do ConstructrGhosts count as allies? If so,
Luke pulled himself right into the action. Rinaldo might be Luke’s closest ally. Still, when he needs
He stepped out smiling, talking, and obviously a bit of muscle, Luke calls on Dalt. As far as enemies are
delighted. “This is great!,” he said, “I’m sure we can cut a concerned, Luke picked up a few by shooting Caine. In
deal to give you exactly what you want.. .” particular, Prince Julian is looking forward to settling the
Luke 113
Ketfk, a Garren p h e , surroutzded 6y afaturehs Netzuch is a green Cam, wfkre hidden snakes
6ut Grilliant white fog. Any magic designed to with emerafd eyes will attempt to Gite tfk visitor.
redw things to a simpkrform ought to work very Tfkir venom causes victims to feel irritation and
well fkre. anger, u s d l directed at anyone t
Since it’s d&dt to kep calm once
Hocfimafi, a h e of raw force, with a storm- poison, this is a test of how well you can cast
swept sky over ad. It is eas t o summon raw
energy fkre, especially Golts of ightning.
spells after losing your self-control.
'**I it 'gore put tlie otfiers uw'?+'' Elegant and poised, Mandor is never at a loss for the
studvi?J 'lue Tesud tfk youyj furrdj proper word or action, with a charm that many women
sligfitfy shrp feutures Geneatfi u muss of pure findirresistible.
wfiik Futir*He was au:in 6uj for Whether by design, or as a by-product of an elegant
bit of Wfiite Wfir a d S h e S k i 9 ~eneutft life-style, Mandor receives each Trump call as if it were
gbssy fisht--Myjacket. He Freed t h e e h r k steel staged. Every detail is as if selected for effect and good
6accS in fib right hd. taste.
S&p C b s of Indeed, Mandor always maintains a cool demeanor, even
in the face of dire threats or painful physical injury. In
fact, the only time Mandor exhibited a trace of nervous-
ness seems to have been a matter of
deliberate calculation.
Aside from being a consummate
politician and diplomat, Mandor is also
an accomplished sorcerer. He uses his
ubiquitous steel balls to cast spells
seemingly at will, without preparation.
And, as an able manipulator of the
7 Logrus (a pupil of Suhuy), he is skilled
9 in everything from nearly-undetectable
spells of persuasion to the unleashing of
primal chaos.
Mandor is one of the trickiest
B schemers in either court. If he calls you
enemy, you are not long for this world.
And if he calls you friend, he probably
has plans for you.. .
Current Objectives.
Merlin’s accession to the throne was only part of the
plan. Its completion will come about only if Merlin
cooperates as ruler; Mandor is content to wait and observe.
In the meantime, Mandor will have a keen interest in the
strange tools wielded by Merlin. In other words, he’ll
want to know more-much more-about Ghostwheel, the
Spikards, and Corwin’s Pattern.
I eatered tfie dining room 6efiid Matsdor a d
PSYCHE = 175 Points] w& fiim transform it witti afew words a d
STRENGTH = [5 Points] gestures. Tfie trestle tu6le and tfie 6etlcfies were
ENDURANCE = [30 Points] r e p M 6y a routuf ta6k und ~0mfortu6le-[00king
WARFARE = Amber Rank cfiuirs-tfie cfiuirs so si& as to provide a good
view qf-tfiemountuinsfrom each Jasra hadnotyet
arrived, a d I was carrying tfie two wine 6&
POWERS w h s e respiration Mandor found most appealing.
Advanced Logrus Mastery 170 Points]
Forbidden Shape Shift [SO Points] Mandor has gone
beyond the normal boundaries of Shape Shifting,
Before I could even set tfiem down, Mandor
conjured un em6roidered tu6Gdbtfi and napkins;
entering proscribed realms. He risks everything, from delicate Ainu, wfiidi loolied as if it fiad 6een fiud
his own sanity to the lives of those around him, in decorated 6y Mirb; $ d y wrougfit silverware. He
these dangerous experiments in self-change. studied tfie ta6kau a moment, Ganisfied tfie
As to Mandor’s Steel Balls, they are actually sitverware, s u m m o d a set witfi a diflerent
shape-shifted pieces of Mandor’s brain, wrought from puttem. He h was he p d a d regardkf tfie
his own flesh and imbued with his sorcerous powers. Cuyout from various angles. Just as I moved
Having, in effect, several independent brains allows forward to p h e tfie 60ttles on tfie ta6k, fie
Mandor to cast complex spells quickly and efficiently, summoned a crystal 60wC fiUkd witfi jbating
with each ball “speaking”a lynchpin-or a portion of a poWers as a centerpiece. I took u step 6 d w a r d
lynchpin-and all of them working together to cast the tfien as crystdg06kts appeured.
In practice, this “parallel processing” technique xnijjht O f , s h d h s
allows Mandor to cast complex spells, with multiple
lynchpins, in the time it takes to speak a single -
Instant Conjuration [25 Points] This is a further
refinement of Conjuration, where those same abilities
lynchpin; spells with one lynchpin are cast almost
instantaneously. are speeded up to the point where it only takes the
The bad part is that every ball is a piece of Mandor’s time for a simple word or gesture.
brain, and thus Mandor can be psychically attacked Mandor has specialized, and attained such expertise
through any of them. Though they may not be able to in the conjuration of food, that he can whistle up
communicate with Mandor when they’re not in the banquets in a matter of minutes, experimenting with
same shadow with him (after all, he didn’t know that place settings and accoutrements. The food is normal in
Coral had removed one from Nayda’s body), they might all respects-no magical tampering-and is of excellent
still be usable as a link for a psychic assault. He quality.
generally doesn’t let them stray far. His secret? An unusual, cultivated, ability to
Sorcery 115 Points] manipulate shadow stuff via conjuration and transform
it into food. And a bit of artistry and creativity. Enjoy
the food; it’s as real as anything, and excellent even by
jaded Amberite standards.
PSYCHE [90 Points] =
gauge the will, resistance and Psychic strength of each PERSONAL SHADOWS a WAYS
A quarter-mice sf m n a i n trail (der, I 6ore
CREATURES AND ARTIFACTS rigfit to Matrdorways, traveCing a 6Cue 6eacfi
6& a double sunfor perhaps a hdredyards.
witfi a quick underfiand toss fie cust tfie metal Tfien I turned rigfit, passing tfirougfi a
6 d across the d i d toward tfie 6uming GUUing. remem6ered arcfiway of stone, moving b w y pust
It struck tfie ground a d witfi eacfi 60unce a 6u661ing cava^ and tfirougfi a 6 6 c k 06sidiun
tfiereufter it seemed to increase in size. It produced wag, w f i u took me to a pkasant cavern, over a
a +dike crasfi eudi time it fiit, d r d y out of smucl Gridge, tfirougfi a c o m r of a graveyard, a
proportion witft its apparent nuus a d velocity, few steps abng tfi.e Rim a d into tfk receiving
a d this sound increased in voCutne on eucfi area of fib Ways ...
successive 6 o u m . It passed t f ’ k into tfie 6urning, Trime of C h s
tottering ruin tfktwas tfre neur end cftfie Keep
andfor s e v e d moments was gomfrom sigfit.
I was u6out to ask fiim wfiat was going on w h
Mandorways [S Points] Mandor’s private home, and
also where he receives guests. Aside from by-ways that
I s a w tfie sfiadbw of a Curge 6 d pass 6efore tfie lead to the rest of the Ways of Sawall, his servants can
opening througfi wfiicfi I fiad fed. Tfie slip from Mandorways to many spy holes throughout
flames-savefor tfie centrd towerfrom tfie bralien the Courts of Chaos.
Fount-6egan to su6side, a d a deep r u d c i n g Shadow of the Realm of Chaos [2 Points]
s o d came fromwitfiin. Moments hter an even Control of Destiny [4 Points]
Curger circuCar sfiadow passed, a d 1 69an to feel
tfie rumfiling tfirougfi tfie s o b of my 60ots.
Access Barrier [2 Points]
Mandor’s Shadow Hells [IS Points] Mandor consigns
his enemies to tailored Hells, each designed to provide an
A wall tum6kd. Sfiortly tFierea.r part of
eternity of pain. For example, the souls contained in
another waclfeU, I coulii: see inside fairly clharly. Mandor’s Steel Balls know their bodies are still living, still
Tfirougfi tfk dust a d smoke the imuge of the held against the moment when Mandor chooses to
giunt 6 d passed again. T h f i m were sm#ed. releases them. There is no death in these Hells. As
My Logrus vision & gramid me gtimfwes of tfie Mandor would tell you, “those who die can no longer
sfiifting lines ofpower wfiMpaYed 6ehyeetrJasra suffer.”
a d shm Named 6 Numbered Shadows [*2 Points]
Mattdor extededa hdAmi& or so [ater a Personal Shadow [I Points]
smucl metal 6acl came 6ouwin.g our way, a d fie Control of Destiny [4 Points]
cuyfit it. Barriers 8 Guards [4 Points]
Kngtit 0fSFiaribws
Mandor’s Basic Steel Balls [24 Points] Each of the
“If udditbnd persuading is &, tfiere are
d y tfireuts and t i d e s . I’ve afew private fiefls I’ve
designed and firnisfied-for pure9 aestfktic
The son of Lord Sawall prior to Sawall’s marriage to
Sgn C h s (158) Dara, Mandor is Merlin’s stepbrother. He is probably
Merlin’s best friend in the Courts. Though a t times
Mandor is a perfectionist, demanding a high level of sarcastic and patronizing, he seems to genuinely like
performance both from himself and those around him. It Merlin. An affection that doesn’t stop him from plotting,
is hard to believe he would be any other way with his in collusion with Merlin’s mother Dara, to put Merlin on
children. As seen in the example above, he can be quite the throne of Chaos as a puppet.
sarcastic; he is often patronizing with Merlin, his younger
step-brother. On the other hand, any child of Mandor is
likely to be raised to social standards that even Flora could MANDOR’SBOOKOF SPELLS
find no fault with, and with an excellent grasp of politics by Joe Saul & Erick Wujcik
and magic.
Of course, any child of Mandor is also likely to be Astral Club
manipulated-willingly or no-to political ends, much This spell conjures a shimmering, translucent rod of
like Merlin was. force, that sails through the air from the caster’s hand.
Being insubstantial until contact, it is impossible to parry
OFFSPRING FIONA. with conventional weapons. The main advantage of this
spell is that it is fast, and that an ignorant target may
“My! My”’ fie said. “WicCyou plhase introduce attempt to parry rather than dodge.
me, Mercin?” Spell Type: Summoning.
“Who,” Fbnu ash$, ‘is tfiuti”’ Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
“Tfiis is my Grutfkr Matrdor,NI tocd fier, “of tfie Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each.
Magic of Shadow (Optional for Logrus Sorcery), Hand
House of Saw& in tfie Courts of C h s . Mador, Motions, Trigger.
this is my Aunt FiOna, Princess ofAm6er.”
This spell produces an overriding desire in the target to
follow a specified, simple, course of action, such as “See
your brother. See your mother. Get crowned.” More
I was s t u d to h r an alto sax come in. As I passed out of tfie muin fmU: a d fie&
WfienI boliad again, Martin was stunding, fib aCong tfie back fi.ucCway wfiicfi w o u l d tuke me to
6acli sticl to me, a d phying tfie tfiing. I t must any of a num6er of stairs, afdbw in 6cack Cediers
have 6een on t f i e j b o r on tfie otfrer side of fib and various pieces of rusv a d sfiiny chain
chair. Tfiere was a R&ie Cok@vor to it tfkt I a corridor to my rigfit, WM, a d
r& litied, and it k i d of surprised me.. . stared at me. H i s fiair was of an orange Mofiawk
Kngfit 0 f S f i m . h ~ ~cut a d tfiere were several siCver rings in fiis kft
eur neur wfmt Cooked like an electrical outlet of
Even though Martin has gone high-tech, and learned a some sort.
lot of interesting things, he’s still pretty laid back. l‘Merlin?” fie said. (You
Sure, he’s briefed himself on a bunch of technological ((Fortfie moment,” I replied- as I drew nearer,
developments, so he can do everything from drive a car to trying to pkfce fiim, t h r e in tfie d i m s .
program a computer, and he enjoyed learning all about ‘lMartin!” I said. T o d r e . . .cfianged.”
modern amusements. H e cfhhkd.
Following up his interest in music, he ended up with a
bunch of talented young musicians, got into a band or two,
‘(1%just 6ack from
a very interestitlg sliadow,”
and spent a lot of time hanging around in after-hours fie said. “spent over a yeur t f i e r e - o n eof
clubs. He’s able to play alto sax the regular way, or he can p b wtiere time runs tifie fieE.9’
“plug in” and control a whole studio of synthesizer crI’djauGJe-just guessing-tfmt it was fiigfi-
equipment and music computers. te&, ur6an.. ..”
Martin is, to say the least, now comfy with technology. “Rigfit.”
tfioyhtyou were a countty 699.”
ATTRIBUTES ((1got over it....
PSYCHE = 115 Points] S g n of C h s
STRENGTH = [20 Points]
ENDURANCE = [35 Points] Martin, like most Amberites, is pretty competitive.
WARFARE = [SO Points] Seeing that Merlin had spent eight years picking up a
technical education, and assembling an amazing Trump
machine, Martin knew he had to hustle to catch up.
POWERS And catching up wasn’t good enough. Martin wanted to
Pattern Imprint [SO Points] be better than Merlin.
Sorcery [I5 Points] So he headed out to a fastctime, cyberpunkeflavored,
HelLShadow. Right off the bat, he learned that the quick
way to massive learning was the direct method. Install an
PERSONAL ARTIFACTS €i implant in your brain, and plug in.
Between music gigs and the street scene, Martin
Cyber*Music Implant [ I O Points] Allows Martin to
directly link-brain to computer-to different devices.
worked on his own version of the Ghostwheel project. It’s
called Cyber*Trump,and it gives Martin a real “handseon”
approach to Trump imaging.
Not only can he play instruments though his implant Now Martin can do all the tricks of a “living Trump.” He
plug, he can also control war machines, vehicles, or even can instantly create Trump, and use them a t the speed of
do sophisticated hacking into world-wide computer thought. Plus, he’s been working on interfacing with other
networks. computers and devices.
Implant Quality [IO Points] Through his neck plug, yes.
And, eventually, directly through a Trump image.
GOOD STUFF The question is now, did Martin ever get a good look at
Merlin’s Trump of Ghostwheel?
[5 Points]
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
WARFARE = [50 Points]
POWERS ‘Goodness! Martin’s cfiunged!)’ fie u n m u d
Pattern Imprint [50 Points] sddkrdy. “He b o b like u one-mun rock video. I
Trump Artistry [40 Points] uGnost didit%recognize fiim Just Cast week-”
Sorcery [15 Points]
W ) s 6een over u year,” I said, lfor fiim. He’s
Conjuration [20 Points]
6een off$ding fiimsg on some street scene.”
‘(1wonder if fie’sfinisfied?”
Cyber*Trump Implant [31 Points] Martin has taken
Merlin’s idea of Ghostwheel-a Trump computer-one
“Did& get u &una to ask fiim *,I’ I refdid,
but u p d k r tfiougfit occurred to me. I sfidved it.
high-tech step forward. The device is an amplifier and Bill Rotk & Medin, in Szgn Chaos of
co-processor for Martin’s own Trump abilities. Using
this device he plans on out-Trumping even his old Whenever we spot a plot in Amber it seems that there
enemy, Brand. is always a triumvirate in the wings. Bleys, Brand and
Psychic Barrier 12 Points] Fiona is one. Eric, Caine and Julian another. And then the
Implant Quality [IO Points] new one, the one that consists of Dara, her son Merlin, and
Trump Powered Imaging [4 Points] Martin.
Implant Power [15 Points] Martin. Why Martin, of all people? After all, we can see
the power of Dara, and of Merlin, but why would they
Cyber*Trump Appliances [4 Points] Martin is still
recruit someone who seemed to have no particular power
working on expanding the “options” that he can hook to offer?
up to his implant. So far he’s put together a handHheld Unless he did have power. Significant power.
imager, used for displaying his mental Trump (and also Since Martin’s blood was used to damage the Pattern.. .
handy for playing video games), a printer that generates Is it possible that the image of the Broken Pattern is still
Trump cards, and an input device that allows him to related to Martin?
plug into larger computers and download information
and images (also converts digital pictures into patterns ATTRIBUTES
Martin can “see”). PSYCHE = [30 Points]
Named & Numbered Quantity [‘2 Points] STRENGTH = [lo Points]
Trump Deck Images [2 Points] ENDURANCE = [lo Points]
WARFARE = [40 Points]
Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
Sorcery [15 Points]
Conjuration [20 Points]
((1 hppened upon a strange tfiing tfien,” fie Broken Pattern Construct Array 140 Points] Made of0
PSYCHE = Amber Rank
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+IO Points]
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
Pattern Imprint [SO Points]
Imprint of the Jewel of Judgement [IO Points]
Logrus Mastery [45 Points]
Trump Artistry [40 Points]
Shape Shifting [35 Points]
Spikard Sorcery [20 Points] In addition to the spell
casting Sorcery, Merlin can also combine his knowledge
of spells with the many sources of Shadow power
offered by the Spikard. So long as he wears the ring,
Merlin can cast spells simply by accessing the correct
lines, combining forces, and evoking the resultant magic.
And tfien tfiere was Ghstwfieel, my
+emetic Trump deakr and minor-[eague
&nM demigod, wfio seemed to fiuve evolved
from rasfi and manic t o rational and
paranoid--atldI wan%ut d sure wfiere fie was
fiedidfrom fiere, 6ut at ceast fie was s h i n g
some filial respect mixed in witfi tfie current
Ghostwheel [S Points] Merlin’s Trump computer.
Extraordinary Psychic Sensitivity [4 Points]
Trump Powered [4 Points]
Current Objectives.
MERLIN- T f i e M r e in tfie vicinity of my @foot did an
KNAVE OF CHAOS arbout-face a d stood staring down at me. sfie wore
a 6[ue r06e, but tfiere wus tu) mask upon fier$re-
(250 POINTVERSION) r s f a c e . T k r e was onfy a tight smife, wfiicfi
went away w h sfie licked fier lips. It was Jdia,
It was Jdia,ina 61ue s i l k wrap. adtfiere was a hife in fier right had.
“Merlin! “Always the s m a ~ s , )s’ k said. ((Readywith a
I crossedto fier. flippatzf answer to any situation. It’s a cover for
((Iowe you severd apobgies,” I said. ‘(I’m ready your unwicLitrgness to cotnmit yourself to anpfiing
toma&etfi.em’) or anyone. Even ttiose w h love you.’’
‘(Idheardyou were 6 d . . I fieurdyou were to 6e ‘‘ItcorccLcjUst 6e a sense of humor, too,” I saidf “a
king.” tfiing I’m Geginning t o realize you never
“Fumy, I heard diu$, too. ’) possessed.”
“Tfktit would6eunpatriotic ofme to stay mud, Sfie sfiooli fier headslowly.
woucdnLt it?’) T o u k p everyone ut a m ’ distunce. Tfiere is
‘‘Inever meutzf to h rtyou,” I said. “PfiysMy, tu)trust in you.’’
or any otfier way.” “Runs in tfiefamgy,)’ I said. (‘But p h does
~ud&tdy, we were hcding ea& 0 t h . It h t e d a not precrude afi&n.)~
long time 6efore sfie toU me, ‘yurt says you’re Sfie fiad 6egun raising tfie 6G&, but sfie fdtered
jhmd-s now.” for a s d .
“1guess we sort of are.” ‘(Areyou saying tfrat you stia cure a6out me?’’
I kissedfier. sfie usm.
“If we got 6acfi togetfier again,’) sfie saidf %eJd ‘11 never stoppd,~~ I said. ‘tIt)sjust tfiutyou came
pr06arbly try to kiHyou again.” on too strong all of a suddetr. ‘YOU w a n a m m e of
“1 h o w . Tfiis time tfie umsequetrces wu&f r d y me tfmn I was d i n g to givejust tfien.)’
6e d y s m i c , too.’) TOU lie,” she said, f16ecauseI hcdyour Ci$e in
“wfiere are you going right now?” my hd”
‘{I’m on an errad, a d it’s going to talie me (‘1Coucd think of worse reasons for C j r i y , ) ) I said.
severd hours.’’ “But, unfortunately, I’m telEng tfie trutft.”
( w f i ydon’t you stop by w h you’re ftnishedt Tfiere c u m anotfkr familiar voice t h , from
We’ve got a bt to tu& arbout. I’m staying in a pcaCe offwtttyrigk
CaICed the WiSteria Room for now. Know wfiere “Itw(1s too em+for us to s p e d of SUcIi tfiings,”
tfi4lt is?)’ she said, “but I 6 9 4 e fieryour u f f k t h ~ ”
‘Tes,”I said. “This is c r y . ’ ) Turning my fka(, I saw that this jiguref too,
f‘seeyoucater?)’ n u w f d inward, a d it was coral a d fier rigfit
(1May6e.’’ eye was covered 6y a 6Cucfi p& a d sfie, too, fiecd
T r i m of C h s a &Ye in fier rigfit had. T h I SLLW wfht was in
fier ceft M,a d I s f b t a gcanCe 6 d utJ u h . Yes,
Does Merlin have no sense a t all? Isn’t this, like, the t&y 6otJs fsec4forr;S as well as hives.
stupidest thing imaginable? “Ettu,”I said.
He just, finally, managed to make peace with his “1toGf you I don%s p e d ~nglisfi, coral rephf.
brother Jurt. Who is, by the way, a hundred times more %t 6y two,’) Julia responded, raising fier
dangerous than ever before. And Jurt has already admitted utensik f ~ says h I don’t h v e a sense of
that he’s in love with Julia. fiumor?”
Now Merlin is kissing in the kitchen with Julia, has Tfiey spit at eucfi &r ucross me, some oftfie
something going with Coral (who is carrying his child),
and he’s gotten chummy with Gilva of Hendrake-plus he spittle not quite going the distance.
snuck a kiss from Rhanda, his old childhood sweetie. L&, it occurred to me, might have tried settling
No wonder Julia turned psychotic, put on a mask, and mutters 6y proposing to 6otfi of tfkn on the spot.
made Merlin’s life a living hell. It’s a wonder she didn’t I’d afeecifLs it wodifn%workfor me, so I didn’t.
kill him. “This i s an 06jecti.cation of marriage
neurosis,” I said. 1W.s a projective experience. It’s a
eyes. sdibdy, I fek dizzy. Witfucrawal symptoms “If I tfiidi it%d i t y you act weird I)tngoing
from tfie tfiing? I f o r d myself uprigfit, reversed to fiityou over tfie fsead u d p d it @, tfimgfi..~)
try breutfiing, r+edto kt it sfiow. “Fair enougfi,)’ I said, slipping it back on.
rrHeuvy,)’Luke s a i d ut ht.1canfeel tfie power h m e d W y , If& a rush of energy tfirougfiout tny
tfiere. otfier tfiings, too. It won% cet me in, system as tfie Cines of control were re-&lisM.
thougfi.)’ Prince of C h s
I reditdfor it and fie drew fib fuuuf. away.
((Ican feel it in the air aU: around us,” fie said. Spikard Construct ‘[Zero Points] + While Merlin
“Mer&?,tfiis tfiing hys a speK on anybody w h commands the Spikard, the Spikard also commands
w a r s it.” Merlin. His personality is being altered, so he is more
I sfiyged. haughty, and he also seems blind to the drawbacks of
“Yes,)JI said. Genign one, tfwncgft. It’s done wearing such a thing. This could be either the influence
mtfiing to hm me, a d it’s fwffmf me a num6er of Delwin and Bleys, who provided the ring, or it could
of times.” be part of the Spikards own attempts to free itself.
Countless Spikard Power Sources [3 Points]
“But cunyou trust anything t J k t cum to you in Countless Quantity [*3 Points]
s u c l i an odd way--alitrost 6y trickery, cuusedyou Power Source Shadows [l Point Each]
to a6andon Frakir wfien sfie tried to warn you Ring Manifestation [24 Poicts]
about it, a d for aU: you knew fius been su6tly fluxcPin Connections [*3 Points]
in@mcing your Gefiuvior ever since you put it Spell Processor [S Points]
on?)) Power#Based Psyche [+27 Points] Because the +
“1 admit to a kind of disorientation ut first,’) I Psyche is used against the wearer, imposing changes
said, %ut I tfiidi tfiut was just in tfie way of and restrictions, it’s actually an active pool of Bad Stuff.
accommodation to tfie b e l s of v o h g e it draws. Addictive Power Rush [+S Points] Merlin just
I’ve been back. to n o d for some time now.)) can’t seem to say no to temptation, whether offered by
“How can you tell for sure? Maybe it’s a female, or a new power source. With the ring on, he
Grainwasfredyou.” feels a constant rush of power. With it off, he feels
weak and woozy.
(*DoI seem 6rainwashf to you?))
Lines of Control [+8 Points] The wearer’s
‘(No. I wus just trying to sty tfiut I wou[dtrLt personality is warped, so that Merlin behaves
c~mpktelytrust anything with. sucfi ~qluestionabk differently, responding as the spikard wishes him to.
credkntiacs .)) Mental Haze [+3 Points] Discourages the wearer
vV~-&,)’ I agreed, tioG€ing fortfi tny hnd. from questioning or thinking about any negative effects
“But so far the 6enejit.s h v e outweigtied any of the item.
fiiyp- * d a n g e r s . consider me w a d , a n d m Protective Barrier [+S Points] Prevents itself
MERLIN- Pattern Imprint [50 Points]
Initiation to the Jewel of Judgement [lo Points]
POWERMONGER Logrus Mastery [45 Points]
Trump Artistry [40 Points]
1300 POINTVERSION) Shape Shifting [35 Points]
Artifact Command Words [lo Points] Merlin hasc
Power, in its mny sfuzpes, varieties, sizes a d invented a set of Power Words designed to be used
styCes, continues to fascinate me. It f k s Geen so with personal artifacts. They include Attack, Guard
ttuLcJi a part of my Cqefor so 6ng ttiat Ifeel vey Word (switch to protective mode), Suppression (go to
familiar witfi it, tfimyh I dou6t tfi.ut I wicl ever low alert), Release (negate any other control words), and
uztdimtad itfucly. Return.
Sorcery [15 Points]
Blbodof X d e r Conjuration [20 Points]
From the very first, Merlin wanted a piece of every
power he could lay his hands on. CONSTRUCTS
Shape Shifting? He’ll have some of that. Trump? Yes,
thank you. Magic? A double helping, please. Logrus? ((It’s not just social AI, It% downright
Absolutely! antisocial,” sfie replied. ‘(1tftintiyour d i n e is
In the “Prolog” to Trumps of Doom, Suhuy tells Merlin, cruzy.’)
“I had not judged you ready to essay the Logrus for a long (What did it do? I asked. llA&you?J’
while yet.” Called him a “lucky fool”to have made it. ((NO,nothing physical. It’s wacky and
Pattern? Bearing in mind, of course, that Suhuy metirCrZCiOUS a d insdting, a d we’re too busy to
expected it to kill him, he took it. go into details right now. I’m not saying it
The Spikard? Mmmm, he had trade to Frakir to get it, coucddt get nusty, tfunrgfi I don%know. We just
but it was too powerful to pass up. w a d t o warnyou notto trust it’’
If he hadn’t actually witnessed Jasra’s enslavement of
Sharu Garrul into the Fount of Power, Merlin probably Fionu & Medin, in Sz@ of Chaos
would have insisted on a bath before dinner.
Ghostwheel [7 Points] + With Ghost, Merlin has
Current Objectives. achieved something radically new. He built a computer
capable of creating, storing, processing and accessing a
Butfor a moment, I w&d. What woucd it huge volume of Trump.
fd lilie to control a massive state? Every time I Merlin lavished some attention on Ghostwheel’s
c~mpcainedbout politics, fiere, in AmGer, 6 d in Shadow, arranging for it to have very strange properties,
as well as a maze-like barrier to keep out intruders. On
tfie state on tfie Sfsadow Earth, tfiere was tfie the other hand, he created no manifestation. As a
automutic c o r o h y of considering tlie way I’d Trump Artist he simply made a Trump card of
t n u y e sikcatums VI
were in cfiarge. What wouLic Ghostwheel to serve as his means of communication.
itfd Cilie, anyway? Since being created, Ghostwheel has continued to
Prince Ofcbs grow and develop, becoming an independent and
sentient being. Along the way it mastered the Logrus
Merlin can’t pass up political power any more than he without being a Shape Shifter, and attuned itself to the
could pass up another helping of Mandor’s dessert. Jewel of Judgment without ever walking the Pattern.
Whether he can hold the throne (assuming, of course, The Ghostwheel Shadow [5 Points]
that he manages to take it in the first place), is still an Personal Shadow [l Point]
open question. Whether he can keep the throne and keep Control of Time flow [2 Points]
from becoming a tool of either his relatives, or of greater Access Barriers [2 Points]
powers, is an even bigger question. No Manifestation
PowerHBased Psyche [2 Points]
PSYCHE = [ I O Points]
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
WARFARE = Amber Rank
by Cathy Klessig Et Erick Wujcik
or less, depending on how hard the hands are clapped: it certainly happen if anyone hits the caster, either
can be gentle enough to simply knock over a table, or hard physically or with a spell. Sometimes, just yelling at the
enough to bash in a heavy door. caster will do it; anything that causes startlement. Even
Spell Type: Summoning. the impact of the caster hitting someone else can shatter
Base Casting Time: Thirty Minutes the spell; it’s very hard to fight while levitating, and the
Lynchpins: Additional five minutes of casting time use of any powers-even triggering a Trump-is
each. .Location of Impact., Magic of Shadow. impossible.
Levitate can be cast on someone else but it’s unlikely
I ruised my % f i t urn u d pr- m most another person will know how to control the levitation.
usefess und ut the s u m time fiht s e Tfie
ground erupted 6efore fiim, s e e r i n g
dirt and gravel, H e stepped 6& umf wiped fib
d mt;
Unless one knows the spell, or has been “briefed”with a
Psychic contact, nothing is likely to happen.
However, the one who levitates can carry along
fixe, tfi.enbolied down into tfie rougfitrencfitfiut anything or anyone he or she is able to lift. People who
fimf appeared. are carried don’t have to concentrate.
sip OfCIiaos Spell Type: Invasive.
Base Casting Time: Three Hours.
Gravedigger Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes of casting time
Requires actual ground. For example, it will not work each, Name/Description of Target (Optional), Magic of
on solid rock, or in Tirzna Nog’th. The caster points at the Shadow.
ground, and the earth flies up and forms a mound to one
side, leaving a trench about three feet by seven feet, and I raised my W F , caused tfie s p h r d to create
six feet deep. Designed as a gesture of intimidation. u gb6e of wfiite Cigfit as u 6u66k pipe does u
Spell Type: Summoning. 6u66k. It wcts u6out tfirafeet in didmeter w h I
Base Casting Time: One Hour , place
r e h e d it to drip overfkd. ~ d d k d y tfie
Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes of casting time wcts ficced with 6u66Cing. otfiers of sorcerous
each. Location of Target Area, Magic of Shadow. 6ucfiground h v i n g exercised tfieir favorite
illitmination speffs ut u6out tfie s u m time I M,
Icy Path tfie tern.@ was now uver-iUiuni~tedji-mdozens
The caster points in a line along the ground, and a of point-sources.
sheen of slippery ice forms along that path. !Prince of C h s
Spell Type: Summoning.
Base Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
Lynchpins: Additional five minutes of casting time Light
each. Directional Guide Word, Range Guide Word, Magic There are a variety of light spells. These vary from
of Shadow, Dispel Word (Optional). simple, momentary flashes, to floating balls of light that
follow the caster wherever he or she may go, anchored
with a tether of magical force. Most mages have favorite
Illusionary Persona light spells, often very distinctive.
The caster gestures a t someone, and visualizes their Spell Type: Summoning.
desired appearance. At once, they appear in that fashion,
Base Casting Time: Thirty Minutes.
and this will last for several days, unless cancelled. The Lynchpins: Additional five minutes of casting time
spell can be cast on oneself, or on another person. It’s only
each. Description of Target Location, Magic of Shadow,
an illusion.
Duration, Constant Position Relative to Target Object
Spell Type: Summoning.
(Optional),Color (Optional),Dispel Word (Optional).
Base Casting Time: Thirty Minutes
Lynchpins- Additional five minutes of casting time
each. Name/Description of Target, Name/Description of Trump Image Enhancement
New Appearance, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), The simplest form of Trump Enhancement merely
Dispel Word (Optional). provides extra energy for making a Trump contact. This is,
in effect, a burst of Psvche. like the Power Word of the
I .
I passed acOng tfie fiauivay and k i d i d t o use tfie FREE~LANCE
6acli stair. As I tnade tfie turn, I saw tfiut tfiere
was ajigure studing neur tfie top. It was a (50 POINTVERSION)
w m n , and sfie was Cooking tfie otfier way. Sfie
fkd on a f U C L - wred-and-yehv gowm Her futir
wus very &rk a d sfie fiud Covdy sfiodfers.. .
S@n ofchs
The Ty’iga, having entered into Nayda’s body a t the
point of death, has permanently trapped herself in this
body. For all practical purposes, the Ty’iga is now Nayda,
daughter of Orkuz, the Begman Prime Minister, and half-
sister to Coral.
Because of the fusion of the human and demon selves,
Compared to her new freedom, all of Nayda’s earlier life
Nayda has become strong and vibrant, not unlike a as a demon is repugnant. She has no desire to go back to
younger Amberite. Nor has she lost her demonic her true form, and she’s delighted to be able to spend the
intuition. She is still, in the eyes of other demons, a rest of her life in her adopted body.
demon born.
Since she’s come to enjoy the pleasures of flesh, both
physical and the accompanying emotional rushes, Nayda is
ATTRIBUTES following Luke, the man whom she has found most
PSYCHE = Amber Rank enjoyable.
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
WARFARE = Amber Rank PSYCHE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
POWERS ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
Nay& raised fier (eft hda d moved it in a
scaV pattem-6eftind Jasrds necli a d down fier POWERS
6&, ucross frer &,tfien downward again. I did
not recognize any of tfre movements sfie was Sfie ignored tfie quey and dipped
fier rigfit
performing. forejinger into a 6it of s p i W coffee witfiin fier
“Don’t tea me tht youpre a sorceress, too,)) I saucer. Sfie tfien used it to trace tfiree circks
said. “It seems everyone I run into these days around tfie massed stones, widdersfiins. T h sfie
hfiad some training in tfie ArL)) nodded again and r e t u d to fier seat. I)d
((1am not a sorceress,)) sfie answered, (“and I’ve summoned tfie vision in time to see fier 6uiGf a
fkd no sudi training. I fiuve ody one trick a d it a g e offorce about tfwn.. Now, as I c o n t i d t o
is not sorcery, 6ut 1 use itfor eveytfiing.)) watcfi, it s d as ijthey were exhCing faint
S@n C h sof wisps of 6Cue smofie tht r m i n e d witfiin tfie
Magical Intuition 125 Points] To Nayda, magic is a
force that she can see and feel. She can feel those who
‘(1t h u ~ t i t y o u
saidyou. weren’t a sorcerer.))
I’m not,)’ sfie replied.
manipulate magic, and she can sense any local shifting Blbodof amber
of Shadow. In some places, such as Castle Amber, this is
relatively weak, b u t in places like a Black Road, she is
able to sense much of her environment. She also sees
Magic Manipulation -
Not only can Nayda
magic, magical auras, and the lines of magic
the auras that surround people and creatures, so she can
running through Shadow, but she can also reach out and POWERS
influence the magical energy. Channeling the magic
through her body, the Ty’iga can form lines,’walls and ‘“supposing I simp9 trrunp out cf fiere to some
even cages of magical energy. Usually these things last distan-t sfiadow?”
only a short time, but she can also weave them into
4 d 6 e 06CigedtofoccoW you.”
complex braids that can be more durable.
Demonic Shape Shifting j50 Points] The Ty’iga can (‘Intfibfom, or utwtfier?N
manipulate the Nayda body, either changing it into a sfie Lboliedway.Sfie polied at fierfood.
demonic form, or changing it internally, shifting her “You’ve & d y admitted t h t you cun 6e otfier
Attributes. persons. YOU located me in some arcanefusfiion,
tfkn you take possession of someone in my
NAYDA- sfie took a cfu#ee.
“Perfiups sometfiitrg prevents you from saying
QUEENOF DEMONS it,”I m t i d , %ut t f i d s tfie w e . I k w it.”
Sfie nodifid once, a d y , and resumed euting.
(100 POINTVERSION) !%bod of amber
“of course,” I said. *(Itseems to sftow you’d Bodiless Spirit [SO Points] The Ty’iga can depart the
enjoyed it somewliat, despite its 6eing a j06 Dara’d Nayda body a t will, taking the form of a blue mist, and
hid on you. Atrd you’re pr06ably tfie only ty’ip travelling at the speed of thought anywhere in Shadow.
Witfi a d k y a f r o m Berkky.” Once she has found what she seeks, the Ty’iga can take
“yes, I enjoyed it--confused as I was over wfiidi over another body, shrugging into it as if it were a new
ofyou was w f i a T h s e were tfk fiuppiest 9 s in suit. Though she usually picks people, she’s equally
my Cife, witfi you and Luke, 6ack in scfiool, For capable of taking over any kind of creature.
years I tried to kam your tnotfiers’ nuttt~sso I’d In addition, since a Ty’iga is basically a creature of
know who I was supposed to 6e protecting. You energy, she is able to sense and manipulate most forms
were 6& so cugy, f)lOUgfi-.” of magical and mystic energy, Travelling between
Shadow, even while in a physical body, is simply a
T r i w 0fChao.s matter of following the magical intersections between
each reality.
Trapped? This Ty’iga? No chance!
Nayda, or whatever it wants to call itself, is as free as it
ever was. It’s just that this particular body offers so many GAMEMASTER TIPSFOR ROLE+
Nearness to Luke, for example. NAYDA
This particular Ty’iga is no slouch in the brains
department. As Gail Lampron she held her own with her ~~ou~not~~tttyfri.ends,~~Naydasaid.,
fellow students, Merlin Corey, Luke Reynard and Julia I WodiredtFren at its shpping me down 6efore I
Barnes. coucd use tfie spihrd, and transporting us
So far, so good. The Ty’iga has managed to find a host immediate9 to its stronghhf. Did this mean I
that gives her access to the Court of Amber (as daughter of migfit actuaccy fiuve fsad a & m e qainst it, out
the Begman Ambassador), is a close relative of the tfiere in ~ogrusterritory wfiere it was weukenaf?
Amberites (as halfcsister to Coral, the bearer of the Jewel of “Creature of tfk Pit,” it toCd fkr, “suck a
Judgement),and consort to the King of Kashfa (Luke).Not do&, patfietic yesture as yours verges on tfie
to mention her friendly relationship with Merlin, fieroic. I feet a certain foticmess for you. Would
Ghostwheel, and even Corwin’s Pattern. She’ll want to
tfiatI harcsucft afriens...”
keep these relationships up, and to cultivate more.
Trince of C h s
ATTRIBUTES She’s got guts, that Ty’iga.
PSYCHE = [25 Points] The best proof of Nayda’s sincere friendship, with
STRENGTH = Amber Rank Merlin and with Luke, is the way she stood up to the
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank Primal Pattern.
WARFARE = [25 Points] She’s got guts.
He h?Y-set
shrt. man a Bottom line, Bill Roth is one sharp guy.
frorid mpkbn, his d k f i fkir S h - e d k f He thinks fast, and on his feet, but he also does all his
white andperfiuf~su 6it tfiin on top. homework. Way back, when he visited the wounded
Z?wnps of Doom Corwin in the Shadow Earth hospital, Bill Roth carried a
full briefcase. He had all the paperwork, had done a
complete investigation, and had even, in the middle of the
previous night, walked around Corwin’s house with a
As any good lawyer knows, you don’t ask a question
unless you already have a pretty good idea of what the
answer is going to be. And that means you do research.
Think, and research again.
7- Add to his legal career Bill
Roth’s lifelong interest in military
history. The combination is just
about the perfect prerequisite for a
stay in the Court of Amber.
\ of Bill’s Shadow Earth Secretary,
Horace Kramer. Having a line to
Horace would allow for easy travel
back to Shadow Earth, but also for
the occasional “conference call,” so
that Bill could continue overseeing
the crown’s interests on Shadow
Earth without leaving Amber.
BILL ROTH-AMBER’S PSYCHE = Chaos [+lo Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos [+lo Points]
Sia Roth rose to fib feet-more a to& of POWERS
dispky tfiun a n y f o d i v , I r e d i d i d M y . Power Words [IO Points] * Thus far he has only
I fiuddt recognizd fiim at first Gecause fie nuw learned Magic Negation and Psychic Defense. He’s still
sported tfie Geginnings of a g r i d i d
6eurd a d a deciding which other Power Words to add to his list.
ntustdk. Ako, fie fiad on Grown truwsers with a Sorcery [I5 Points] Just as Merlin was able to apply
silver stripe running down tfieir outside seams, his understanding of computers to spelCcasting, so Bill
vanisfiing into a pair of fiigfi Grown Goots. His Roth has used his lawyer’s understanding of procedure
sfiirt was siCver w i f i Grown piping, a d a Grown to grasp some of the underlying principles of magic.
&ak e f o h f t d upon tfie &ir to fib rigfit. A wide
G h c k sword G e f t atop it and a s f i e d i e d G l i d e of ALLIES
sfiort-to-medium Gm@i wus furtig upon it. Family Friend in Amber [2 Points] This would be his
“You)ve gone native. Ako, you)ve b s t some liege, King Random of Amber, to whom Bill serves as
weigfit.)) legal counsellor and advisor.
“True,))fie said, a d 1% thinking of retiring Family Friend in Chaos [2 Points] * Bill Roth has the
fiere. It ugrw with me.)) unique position of being close to, and trusted by, the
Bhod of % d e r rulers of both the Courts of Chaos and Amber. Merlin
will come to Bill’s side if needed, and looks to him for
advice and a sympathetic ear.
Given that the palace servants of Castle Amber seem to
last for hundreds of years, it’s not all that surprising that
Bill Roth may be rejuvenated by a stay in Amber. Plus, of GOOD STUFF
course, prolonged exposure to any beings of Pattern may [+1 Point]
give a mere Shadow Earth mortal like Bill Roth a measure
of reality.
Bill has learned magic from Fiona and swordsmanship
from Benedict. Give him another fifty years in Amber, and
he might well pick up quite a few more tricks.
Current Objectives.
He’ll want to stay in Amber indefinitely, learning all
that he can, helping his Amber friends, and taking
advantage of the reversal of the aging process. In time, he
may want to bring in his children as well.
to come into an Amber campaign. Players can take the Bill’s allegiance is to his friends in Amber. He will not
roles of Bill Roths children (one of whom is named Bill, compromise that in any great way, though he is known to
Junior), or his children’s children (perhaps a rebel teenager let information slip to concerned family members. As
who runs off to Grandad) who are introduced to Amber by Counsel, he is aware that his position is as an advisor and
Bill. an assistant, not as a surrogate ruler, and he will act
according to the King’s wishes, and never against them. If
CHILDRENFROMSHADOWEARTH torn between duty and friendship, he will try to find the
Imagine your surprise when Bill picks you up from most agreeable solution which results in no commands
your college graduation, then drives into a deserted field being broken or secrets told.
and starts staring a t a deck of cards. A moment later, you
and he are in a medieval city, or in a crazy place where a Constant Allies & Enemies:
pinwheel sky revolves over an island of floating rock. This
is a great way to introduce a Shadow Human into the I shook fiis t i a n d
Amber world, and is especially valuable for those players “By tfie way,” fie said, (you did agree to answer
who might not know anything about the Chroniclesof a cpustim’’
Amber. ((1did, didit’t I?Wfiutis it?”
‘(Areyou h n ? ”he uslied, still gripping my
i nd,no special expression on fiisface.
Bill Roth has had plenty of contact with both Fiona and I sturtedin on agrin, tfientfirew it way.
Florimel, either of whom might have decided to “console” ((1don’t h .1-1 C* to tfiid so. But I h’t
the grieving widower. While a marriage seems unlikely, rdy--of course I am! T h ’ s a silly Ofi fienl...
an Amberite child of Bill Roth would make for a great You redly meun it, don%you? Attd 1 said I’d 6e
“Good Stuff”player character. honest...” I cfiewed my lip and tfiougfit for a
moment. Tfien, ((1don’t so,” I said.
OVERIN AMBER: “eitfier do I,” fie said, a d fie smiled. ((Itdoesn’t
Bill was approaching retirement age on Shadow Earth, mu#& any r e d difference to m,6ut I thought it
but in Amber the magic of the place has restored him. migfit to you-to tiaamv that someone b s you
He’s lost weight, put on some muscle tone, and has even are different a d doesn’t cure.”
begun to learn how to fight. He speaks Thari like a native, Bin Ruth & CoMtin,
and is considering retiring in Amber on a hllctime basis.
Another marriage isn’t out of the question, and might
ins@ ofthe Unicorn
even be encouraged by matchmakers like Llewella or Flora,
who might set him up with an appropriate human from To grip the hand of an Amberite, someone as foreign
the city Amber, daughter of a noble family. A marriage like and as dangerous as Corwin, and to confront him like
that would give her both family status and connect Bill this ... Well, Bill Roth has guts. He’s also proved to
more closely to the land. A child would grow up knowing Corwin, more than once, that he is a true friend. Given
Amber well, but holding the elders in a bit of awe. Corwin’s track record, that means that anyone threatening
Bill Roth is doing nothing less than dancing with death.
As counsel to Amber, Bill Roth is friendly with all the
BILL ROTH AS A PLAYER IN THE GAMESOF elder Amberites. Thus far it seems that Bill has gathered
THE COURT OF AMBER no enemies.
SAND by Cathy Klessig Et Erick Wujcik The surprise is that Merlin felt any contact at all.
Sand is the daughter of Oberon and Harla, who was
Queen in Amber for a time. She has a brother named
Delwin. Rumor has it that she and her brother departed
from Amber for their mother’s homeland two hundred
years ago.
Others in the family assume that Sand is working with
Delwin, perhaps because they’ve heard that two
“guardians”watch over the Spikards.
QUEENOF CORILAINE Sand’s Spear [4 Points] An oaken spear, with a head of
homeland, Sand has become its Queen and Lady Protector. gold inlaid in a leaf pattern.
In fact, one of the primary reasons for Sands departure Resistant to Firearms [2 Points]
from Amber is her dissatisfaction with “Oberon’spolicies The Night Wolves [21 Points] The only approach to
toward her homeland.” Corilaine leads through a dark and tangled forest, where
Oberon’s policies? it is always night. Here, packs of black wolves roam a t
What could Harla’s land have that would interest will, contesting the passage of any unauthorized person.
Oberon enough for him to meddle? Or perhaps Oberon Sand generally has one or two of these wolves about
made promises toward Karla’s home, commitments that her, especially on those rare occasions when she travels.
he didn’t keep. Horde Quantity 1.3 Points]
Now that Oberon is gone, Sand might be willing to Combat Mastery [4 Points]
open up relations with Amber. But not until the current Double Damage [2 Points]
crisis, with all the turmoil between the Pattern and the Psychic Resistance 11 Point]
Logrus, has passed.
PSYCHE = [5 Points] Shadow Corilaine [3 Points] A pastoral place, rather
STRENGTH = [20 Points] Arthurian in tone, running to rich, green farmlands and
ENDURANCE = [25 Points] mysterious, tangled forests. The faerie folk dance on the
hills in the moonlight; the human folk tend their fields
WARFARE = [GO Points] and forges. and ride out to deal with the occasional
v .
(250 POINTVERSION) Given the way things usually work in Amber, there’s
about a fifty0fifty chance that Sand and Delwin are actually
All Merlin’s mysterious dreams convey messages. a t each other’s throats.
Exactly the kind of message that Sand would want to Perhaps they’re locked in battle for control of the
impart. Likewise, by observing Merlin’s dreams, Sand is Spikards, one of those winner-takecall kinds of things,
keeping up with some important twists in upcoming where one will emerge controlling the touchstones of the
events. universe, and the other will end up in perpetual psychic
Sand has made a special study of dreams, and dream slavery...
magic. She is adept at entering the dreams of those she
desires to study or influence. ATTRIBUTES
It’s a handy way of keeping track of what’s going on in PSYCHE = [llO Points]
Amber, and establishing longcterm links with all sorts of STRENGTH = Amber
people. Ske has also evolved special spells which are used ENDURANCE = [IO Points]
in conjunction with her Moonstone Pendant. WARFARE = Amber
PSYCHE = [SO Points] Pattern Imprint [50 Points]
STRENGTH = [15 Points] Advanced Trump Artistry [ G 5 Points]
ENDURANCE = 115 Points] Sorcery [15 Points]
WARFARE = Amber Rank Complex Construct Conjuration [SO P o ~ t s ] San s-
attempting to mold the Spikards into her own personal
POWERS tools. The only thing standing in her way is Delwin,
Pattern Imprint [50 Points] and for each Spikard that is set loose near the Pattern or
Dream Trump Artistry 170 Points] Sand can enter a the Logrus, the greater chance Sand will have of
person’s dreams through their Trump. Once she has
contact with a sleeping mind, she can direct the dream
however she likes. This allows her to issue SAND AS MOTHER
premonitions, and to learn as she sees the way others Gone for a t least two hundred years, there’s been
react. By contacting a second card, Sand can impose plenty of time for Sand to have raised a child. Plus, there’s
another character’s Trump image into the dream, in another advantage to having Sand as a mother for a player
some cases making it possible for two people to share character. If a player comes to the Game Master with a
the same dream. carefully worked out background, complete with a detailed
Sorcery [I5 Points] Shadow that doesn’t otherwise fit into the campaign, it’s
possible to retrofit things so that the player’s Shadow
ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF becomes Sands Shadow.
Moonstone Pendant [5 Points] Sand uses this device
to store spells. Usually it contains Mind Touch, Quell,
Cardiac Arrest, Stone Binding, Invisibility, and a
modified form of Defensive Psyche Ward that can be
cast on a Trump. It is also possible to cast the spells
through a Trump contact, and even into a person’s
Alternate Form [l Point] c Insubstantial
Rack & Use Spells 14 Points]
Contains Trump Image [I Point]
A krge, stooped, grey and r d demon~fom,
hlf-sca[ed, me
Like any good sage Suhuy speaks in riddles, explains
with allusions (and illusions), and answers questions with
elliptidfy pupiced yes. ~ t fangs
s were 6urd in a more questions-
mice. When asked for hard information, he responds by
((Uncle,)’I cried as I d i s m o u d . ‘Greeti s!)) pointing Merlin to a scrying pool filled with ambiguous
o ~ images,
~ then~ by answerings in riddles, and finally by
casting a spell that gives Merlin’s dreams symbolic and
predictive meanings. None of which is particularly clear.
In other words, Suhuy can be pretty irritating.
Especially when a poor aspiring Lordling of Chaos is just
trying to get a straight answer.
\ It’s not really Suhuy’s fault that he
I can’t do that. When you see countless
versions of reality, constantly warped
and contorted by the everHchanging
image of the Logrus, it’s hard to fix on
just one explanation to any given
problem. Even worse, since each slight
variation on an action has uncountable
numbers of both positive and negative
On the other hand, Suhuy comes across
as a pretty friendly guy. He actually
seems to like teaching the youngsters of
the Courts of Chaos, and he’s eager to be
a proper host whenever he has visitors.
All of which is sort of chilling when
you consider that this is the guy who
spends most of his time consorting with
the Logrus itself, the main force of
destruction, chaos and madness in the
SUHUY-CHAOS COACH Advanced Logrus Mastery [70Points]
Advanced Shape Shifting [G5 Points]
(400 POINTVERSION) Advanced Trump Artistry [GO Points]
Exalted Power Words [25 Points] e Suhuy knows all
the standard Power Words, and can instantly absorb
any others that he chances to overhear. It only takes
him about a week to create an entirely new Power
Word, should he happen to think of one that might be
Just as Shadow is created by the interplay between the useful.
forces of Logrus and Pattern, so magic everywhere is Exalted Sorcery [SO Points] It’s not so much that
ultimately a sideeeffect of the influence of the Logrus. Suhuy can compose any imaginable spell, because any
Which means that Suhuy’s practiced hand can always and competent sorcerer can manage that. No, the difference
anywhere be able to weave together power words, spells, is that Suhuy can weave his spells in a matter of
or even conjurations, without pause or even much in the minutes, with near total efficiency. He can also base his
way of reflection. spells on any source of power or energy, regardless of
Wise in the ways of magic and power, Suhuy is always where he might be in Shadow.
looking to pass along his knowledge and experience. He Exalted Conjuration [GO Points] e Suhuy’s Conjurations
feels he serves the Courts of Chaos and the Logrus best by are as real as anything shaped by the Logrus itself So,
providing strong new defenders. As much as possible he for example, he can summon forth a creature, imbue it
will discourage his students from taking on too much, or with qualities and powers, and make it as real as if it
reaching too far. Still, if a few young ones die, that is the were born of a Lord of Chaos. Suhuy has also mastered
price he will pay so that the others live on. the art of creating entire Shadows and Ways through
the force of Conjuration.
PSYCHE = 175 Points]
STRENGTH = [5 Points]
And so I s k p , s u r r o u d 6y fapestria u d
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
h y drupes, in a doorkss M e r in tfie ways af‘
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
S u h y . It migfit fiuve Geen in a tower, as I could
krtfiewitrds passing 6eyondtfiewds ...
Trim of C h s
The Ways of Suhuy [Zero Points] Although called the
Suhuyways [70 Points] Composed by Suhuy, as a
housing for the Logrus itself, around which it is
wrapped. The Ways of Suhuy also have strong links to COURTSOF CHAOS
the Ways of Sawall.
Environmental Quantity C.5 Points] Suhuyways
exists in every place where the Primal Logrus manifests
Primal Plane [4 Points]
Control over Providence [8 Points] Suhuy
Suhuy seems to have outlived any ambition he might
exercises such control that both the past and future have had for mere political power. Still, no one with his
have already been measured and mandated. influence and power could be ignored by a scheming
Access Barriers [2 Points] aristocracy. And, since the Lords of Chaos can’t overlook
Suhuy, so Suhuy can’t disregard the great game. He must
GAME MASTERTIPS FOR ROLE+ play, if only to avoid being someone else’s pawn.
Not one to actively take part, Suhuy will be most inte-
SUHUY rested in gathering information, and with supplying aid
and resources to those who best serve his own interests.
‘IuncCe, you were open given t o cryptic
utterances when you were my teucfier,” I said. Constant Allies & Enemies:
“But I 9 e g r d d now, und I guess t h t gives me Given Suhuy’s intimate relationship with the Logrus, it
would seem that how he interacts with any lesser beings
rigfit to s a y I h’tlinow wfiat tfw kcIyou+e is unimportant. Still, Suhuy does seem to have a fondness
tacking about.” for Merlin, and may also be attached to a few other favorite
H e Jurckced a d sipped his Gar. students. I t seems unlikely that anyone would publicly
Trince of C h s acknowledge an enmity with Suhuy.
I '
. .
... .
. . .' . .
“ M a wi[c Sfie S a i d
f(Tti.ut)sthe wuy it is in wur.
Sometimes you fiuve no &ice.))
“But we do fiave u cfioice, of
SOT~S,)) sfie said, “one tfiut I dim%
utrderstund. And I do want to
understand it Gefore I give an
order tliat w i l l res& in numerous
vialle & Merlin,
in St@ of Chaos
I got to ntyfeet dfoccauedfier to atabCe in&
SEERWITHOUT SIGHT corner. Sfie took off
her d- apron and fiuy it
on a peg on tfie wall, AS sfie prepared tfie tea I
(100 POINTVERSION) regarded tfie small amy of statues wfiicfi lined one
w d and b i v d in random cCuster about the
I raisedmy pud and opened it to tfie appropriate enormous room-large, small, realistic,
puge, lioping it wus a good time to malie the Cacc. I impressionistic, 6euuti., grotesque. sfie wor&ed
regarded tfie Cudy’s delicate features, fier
unfocussed guze tfiut somefiow indicuted tfie
midy in +, tfunrgfi afew SmaCCer ones were of
stow; a d there were firnuus at tfie room’s far
6 r d t f i a d dkfrtfi of fier vision. A@r a few end, tliougfi these were mGf. now. several metal
momenb, the page grew coCd 6eneutfi my mo6iCes of unusual s h p e were suspef26edfrom
fingertips, and my drawing too& on a 3- ceiling beams.
dimensional pdity, s d f a i d y to stir.
4Te!s?”cum fier voice.
“Tfk S h m n ’ s Tale”
4 T ~Higfiness.”
~ r I said. “However you m y Earth Magic [20 Points] Vialle’s own form of Sorcery,
perceive these tfiings, I want you to h w t f d I
of Amber to offer the gift of vision to the blind?). She through which her sculptures can speak, sensitive to
wants no distractions, and she’ll continue to perceive thought, and capable of simulating speech by their
where others merely see. movement through the air. Usually hung from a ceiling,
or scaffolding,they are works of art as well as artifacts of
(4...She said she’d tea
me a6out it after tfie magic, each beautiful and evocative.
operation Dworliin’s doing m,in m e fie tLeeds Able to Speak [l Point]
fwr emp&ic abiCiti4s.. .I’ Extraordinary Psychic Sensitivity [4 Points]
ando om, spding ofvialle, Named & Numbered r2 Points]
in Knigfit ofSfiudbws
PSYCHE = [lo0Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+IO Points]
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
Sfie rose a n d nwvd to a smuU cfiest of drawers. TRUMPSCULPTRESS
Opening one, sfie wittidrew a boxed set of cards. (150 POINTVERSION)
shly, sfie c o u d down p
om tfie top of tfie M
a d removed one.
Via&, “Tfie Saksman’s Tase”
...I noticed tfiat Random s d engaged in an
intense Trump communication. Via& stood
mr6y, us s f i u i n g fiimfiom tfie opening intIie
To Vialle, a Trump is a lens that allows her to focus her
sensations more intensely, or at a distance. She is quite
w d a d w b e r migfit emerge tfiertfrom ...
capable of using Trump, simply by concentrating on the
xni@itO f S h s
psychic image of the image. It may also be that Vialle has
learned Caine’s trick of lightly touching a number of cards, Perhaps we have it all wrong.
to monitor their activity and, occasionally, seeing into the What if Vialle really were the stronger partner in her
thoughts of their subjects. marriage? Not physically, but in terms of her attunement
Vialle must be careful, however, to keep track of exactly with the Power of Trump.
which Trump is which. Should the power of a Trump fade, Working diligently in her studio, Vialle has created a
to the extent that it can no longer be “sensed,”she can’t large number of potent Trump artifacts in the form of
use the visual cue available to the other Amberites to sculptures. With the assistance of these objects, Vialle is
“charge up” the card. For this reason Vialle always keeps capable of sending her uncanny senses throughout
her Trump deck in careful order, and she keeps a mental Shadow, to the presence of any of the elder Amberites,
list of the sequence of the cards. and to countless others as well. In addition, the sculptures
themselves may perform continuously, constantly
gathering information, and granting the sightless Queen a
most thorough panorama of unfolding events.
PSYCHE = [IO0 Points]
STRENGTH = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
ENDURANCE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
WARFARE = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
l(A few small tfiings I h v e hard, known,
guessed ut, u d p e r h p s dreamed-and a few, I
suppose, I simpcyfeur. Hardly a cofierent s h p e .
Yet enougfi, perhaps, to quey tfie powers of
ea& I work witfi.. Yes. Now tfiut I fiuve tfiougfit it
I ttcusftry it, course. At a time sucJi us this.”
sfie rose paused, adgestured fiigfi.
“TfktsfiacL be tfie Tongue,” sfie said, a d a druft
s t i r r e d one tfie mobiles causing it to produce
muny tones.
sfie crossed tfie studio t o tfie rigfithnd
wd-smacCFgrcre ingray a d grm, cfiestmt fiuir
down t o tfie mbfdk offier back-ad ran fier
jingers Cigfitly over tfie sdpedFgUre tfiut stood
&re. F i d y , se&cting a Groud$d statue with a
narrow torso, sfie began pusfiing it toward tfie
center oftfie room.
I wus on tttyfket a d &ng in an instant.
**k met do -for you, Your H i g h s . ) ) Burst of Magic, Burst of Psyche, and (Special!) Share
she slioofr her fieud. Senses. This last Power Word temporarily links the
“CaCf me ViuC&,)) she said. *(Andno, I must target’s sensations with Vialle’s own. This means Vialle
posih Tsq. fib One is &mry.)~ will get a quick look at the mental state of her subject of
pw it he[ow and to the Power Word, but also that the subject will be blind,
and likely disoriented, for a moment.
nodwest of Tfien shmoved to a
Conjuration [ZO Points] Vialle has the sculptures and
of*res and a One wi4!fi sc9wy mobiles described in her earlier version, but created
parted wfiicfishe placed to On with a fusion of Conjuration and her Trump Power.
Tonque)s comf~ass.
l*.y.Ad tfig is Desire,))sfie stated.
QuickCy locating a tfiird-a tact, squinting
@re-sfie pkfced it to tfie nortfkst, TRUMP.
"tuum" sfie went on..
A My, fier rigfit hand 60My e x t e d d , went to He produced a curd and set a6out tfie Gusiness.
tfiewest, And I found myseCf wondering, not for tfiefirst
‘Xisk,)) sfie COnfituLed time,just w h it was tfiut Viauk sensed wfien it
To tfk east she positioned a d r My, 6otfi came to a Trump umhct. I acwuys see tfk &r
a m sprdwide. person myserfi and d ofthe otfiers say W tfiq
*(Hart,N sfie s a i d do, too. But V i d e , as I un.&rstood it, tiad 6een
. d u fiigfi-domed, S%V-
TOtfie ~ 0 ~ f i w eWent 6lind from Girth.. I’ve always felt it woucd 6e
6rowed pfii&wopher.“Hd,)’sfie said. impolite to ask Fcer, and for tfiut mutter it%
...And t o t f i e soutfieast a smiling occurred to me tfiut fier answer p1-06~65 w&n%
make much- sense to u s i g W person. PCC pro6a6ly
cady-i1npossi6Ce to say wfietfier fier h n d was
raised in greeting or to dhciver a 6 h . always wotrder, tfiougfi.
Wiunse,~) sfie+isM, jitting Frer into tfie circle Sgn of C h s
wfi& tiad come to remind me 6otfi of Stoneheye
andofEaster Island At Vialle’s level of attunement to the Trump, she is
‘*Bringtwo chairs,)) she said, %~nd p k them quite capable of manipulating Trump cards by the feel of
tiere and fiere.)) their power alone.
Her level of attunement allows her to identify a caller
sfie i n d M p o s i t i o n s to tfie north d soutfi of before accepting a contact. She can also sense the Trump
fier circle. quality of most people, places or objects, as can most
I did as she‘d said, and sfie s d fierse4J in tfie Trump Artists. Beyond that, Vialle can even sense the
nortfiemcmost cfiuir, 6 & i d ajinufjigure sfie had Trump quality of abstract forces or feelings. Advanced
p h d : Foresight. I took my plkce 6ack of Desire. tricks such as Trump Spying and Trump Blocking are
“Be s i k n t now,))sfie instructed.. . probably pretty easy for Vialle.
“The S&man’s Tale”
As with any characters presented by Zelazny, there are probably a hundred potential versions of each of the elder
Amberites. Certainly there are many times more than the meagre print space of this book allows,
So, which to include?
Some, like Benedict and Llewella, don’t require new versions a t all. Just a couple of paragraphs, and a couple of fun
quotes, to show them off from a slightly different perspective.
G6rard and Julian didn’t make it here a t all.
In the case of others, like Bleys and Corwin, limiting it to just one version was hellish.
Ultimately, the version you see here should be an extreme version, a way of looking at the character that’s radically
different from the three versions in the first rolecplaying book.
That’s the theory, anyway.. .
Benedict stood in tfie midst of actid?, peering “)rou’ve u resdlance to ~ r i orc to corwin,)’
ut fib tfiumhuiftfirougfi a r i . . Garret. He Coolied came a s+, familiur voice, “tFrougfi I finow you
up immediately u d our eyes met. Perfiups a dozeta not. But you wear tfte Jewel, wfiW muks your
men moved u6out fiim, carrying w q o n s , h n i n g person too -0rtun.t to risk in u p q squa66Ce.))
weupons, staking weapons. I cume to u stop a d turned my liead, It was
((Ittunrgfityou were in Kasftfa,)) I s a i d Benedict w h I Geheld-a Benedid witfi two
“us,)) fie replied. nomralfiud.
I gave fiim a &me to cudmu, 6ut d i n g “My name is Merlin u d I’m Corwin% son,)) I
wus fortfiwming. Benedict fras never 6een w t e d said, fhu€tfiis i s a master d d i s t from tfie Courts
for COpaci~. of Ctiaos.”
%oak Cike youpre getting r d y for something “You appear to 6e on a mission, M e r h . Be
close to fiome,)) I remarfied, knowing tfiut &out it h, ))said.
gunpowder was us&s here and tfiat tfie spaid Tfie poi& of Bore& Gladeflicked into u position
a m we had only worked in tfie urea ofAm6er &out t e n incfies from my tfirout. ~ o are u going
und certuin adjacent kingdoms. nowfiere,)) he (‘not witfi tfiutjewd))
“Aways best to be sufe,)) fie said. There was no sound as Benedict)~6cade wus
“wouldyou care to eca6orate on tfiut?)) I usfied drawn and moved to 6eut Borefjs cff its Cine.
“Not now,))fie answered, a rep5 twice us Cong us ‘(AsI said, be on your way, Merlin,)) Benedict
I)d anticipated und frolding out h p e offiture tolifme.
digfitenmetrt. I got to my fket, m v e d quWy out of range,
“SfiouCd we a[C 6e digging in?)) I asked. passedtfiem Goth. cautious9.
“Fortifying tfie town? Arming ourselves? “Ifyou k a fiim,))Jurt suid, ((fiecan rernuteridize
Ruising-)) +r u period oftime.))
“It won’t come to tfiat,)) fie said. “Just go on “How ineresting,))Benedict r m r m , flicking
&out your hitress.)) off un attack u d r e t r d n g sligfidy. “How b y u
dfBut--” time?))
He t u d uwuy. I)d afeeCing tfie umversation %zveraCtiours.))
wasover.Iwassureofitwtierrfieignoredttrynext “And tiow TnlJdi time wiccyou need to compcete
severuf questions.. . wtiatwer you’re a6outf))
Sl@ cfchs Jurt [oolied at me.
T n a not certain,)) I unswered.
No need for another version of Benedict. He is as Benedict 4;wcuted an odd ti&&parry, f o h e d 6y
awesome as ever, as archetypal as ever. a strunge shfling step und a GriefscaSfiing uttuc&.
A main tenet of military thought is called ‘Economy of A 6uttOnpaVfrom BoreC‘s sfii~fiont.
Force.’ Benedict seems to have taken that and used it in (‘In tfiut m e PU tnatie tfiis cast for a time,))
the shaping of his speech, hoarding his words as if they Benedict said. “@od CUJi, Cad))
were ammunition drawn from a limited supply, reluctant He gave me a quick s&te with the weapon, ut
to waste such precious ordnance for trivial purpose. wfi& moment Boret attuchd. Benedict used un
In other words, Benedict doesn’t say a whole lot.
I t d i u e s i x t e wfiidi 6rew botfi tfieir points cff
About the only really new thing we learn about
Benedict is that the horse with the red and white stripes to tfw side, advuncing as fie did so. He r e a d d
is called Glemdenning. forwurd quickly tfien witfi fiis Ceft fiund and pucced
Still, it’s great to see Benedict finally display his own tfie otfkr’s nose. Then he pusfied fiim uwuy,
version of a sense of humor, as in the following section: stepped buck a pace, u d smW.
‘What rC0 you usuaUy cfiurge for Cessans?)) I
overfieurd fiim usking us Jurt and I h ddown
Kngtit OfShdkus
H~y Ses were mocking and wise, his furir red us ATTRIBUTES
his sister Fi.m.ds or his h t e 6r&r B r a d s . Or PSYCHE = [25 Points]
L&)s, for tfkt matter. STRENGTH = [25 Points]
“B&ys,)) I said, ttwhatthe lidis g o i y on?” ENDURANCE = [25 Points]
T v e tfie rest of DeCwin’s message,)) fie said, WARFARE = [95 Points]
r d i y into fib pocket a d W i n g tiis f i a d
I r& itrto tfie mirror und it. It wus POWERS
yet atlofJier spiliard, tifie the one I wore. Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
‘(Itis tfie one of w h D d~w h spofk?,” fie said. Advanced Trump Artistry [GO Points]
“You ttlust never w a r it.” Sorcery [15 Points]
I studied it for severd tnottlents. Complex Construct Conjuration [50 Points] 4 Bleys
l ~ f murnt I to do w t f i it?))
I ash€. has as much control over Constructs, and the Spikards,
‘Tut it in your pocket. A use ”cy suggest i.df as Delwin or Sand. In the case of the Spikards, Bleys
ut some point.)) keeps track of their movement through Shadow, and is
“How didyou come 6y it?” always aware of how they are being used. He’s also
(11 s w i ~ k it f +r Mundor seftit, for tfie one managed to negate all the controlling effects of the
Spikards, so he can wear his rings, and wield his sword,
you w a r now.))
“How muny are h e , anywuyP without fear of interference. Also includes conventional
‘wine, 1) fie replied. Conjuration.
(11 suppose you finow d &out them..))
“More tfurnmost.. .)) CONSTRUCTS
Trim C h s Spikards [30 Points] + Bleys has possession of four of
the Spikards. Three are in the form of rings-Emerald,
“)Ancient ewers,))) sfie s a i d “How mimat?)) Ruby and Sapphire-and the fourth is formed into
“B$ore &re wus an Amher, thy were,)) stated Bleys’ Golden Sword.
Countless Spikard Power Sources [G Points]
M y & e tfiere was a Jewef of Jdgemx-the €ye Countless Quantity [+3 Points]
ofthe serpent?)) Shadow of Power [I Point Each]
“No,)’ Memory responded Control of Contents [l Point]
sfie drew a SUddGen 6r& Ring & Sword Manifestations 148 Points]
“Tfieir nuder?))sfre s a i d fluxfPin Connections [+3Points]
"€hen,)) Memory replied. Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]
Vialle’s quay, in “The Saksman’s Tak” Spell Processor [8 Points]
Power#BasedPsyche [+24 Points]
Bleys has a penchant for hiding himself away in Shadow Addictive Power Rush [+S Points] By0
whenever things look uncertain in Amber. Since a gunman supplying whoever invokes their power with a steady
is taking potshots at Amberites, especially a t Bleys, Bleys rush of power, the Spikards seek to create a
has defined the situation as definitely uncertain. dependence.
From that point on Bleys makes himself scarce. He Lines of Control [+S Points] Each Spikard tries
comes up in conversation, usually in conjunction with his to warp the wearer’s personality.
ongoing association with Fiona, but not in the flesh. Even Protective Barrier [+8 Points] The Spikards
when he does make an appearance, it’s just in Merlin’s prevent themselves from being removed, from being
dream of the Corridor of Mirrors. probed by other minds, or even from being touched by
Although, upon awakening, Merlin finds a second strangers.
spikard in his pocket.
One last note.
Bleys wears his three rings prominently. He always has.
“No, I didn’t know. But I)d expect no Cess of
“You’re nut e x d y Brand, are you?)’
He tfirew Gack. fiis fiead u d Gaugtied
1run d r d y Brand, u d I am not Brand us you
fiuve linown him. & . i ymore thatr tfkt
will it cost me to kam wfiut you r d y
are?’)I inquired us I cased my cur&.
Cike dur&water down fiis right He raised tfie chuck, k h f it Gefore him witft
replied “‘BMfor
me, u d I)[C expbin.”
Knight OfGadhws
One. Brand stained the Primal Pattern with Martin’s
blood, thereby changing the fundamental balance of the
“ou fiuve named me,)’fie said, %ut I never universe.
6etruyed wfiut I 6eCieved in.” Two. All Broken Patterns are echoes of the damage done
“Tfiat Geing your own um6itiOn,t)I said. ‘Cyour to the Primal Pattern.
fiome u d your fumi5 und tfw form of Order Three. Jasra, the foremost user of Broken Pattern, is
never matteredto you, did tfrqt?N Brands wife.
He snorted. Four. Luke, Merlin’s best friend, and also Merlin’s
6‘1 w i l l not uryw with u pr
puppy*’) sharpest enemy, is Brand‘s son.
I’ve no desire to urgue w-eitfier. For Five. Brand is credited with having taken the full
wfiatever it’s wortft, your son Rind& is pr06a6ly initiation into the power of the Fount of Four Worlds.
my G e s t w . 9 ’ And the list could easily go on.
I turned aw u d Gegun walking. His Wfe# Brand is progenitor, creator, and oracle. How can we see
Uponmy d r . him as any less than the builder of the Broken Pattern,
‘Wuit!” he said. “Wwfiat is fib tack? Rinacdo is the Fount of Power, and the Tragoliths? He may even
6utU a)) have been the agent behind the release of the Spikards.
“Wrong,’)I uwered. fme’s u r d m age.)) Plus, he had a decided influence in everything from the
His hnd feu uwu und I tu trcert) He tiad affairs of the Courts of Chaos, to the course of his son
drop ed his cigur, w x h m&iy upon tfie Luke’s life.
trait u d h ’ d transferre ttie cfiu ice to his Brands PatterncGhost is no less visionary, He will know
sfradau-& f i u d He massaged fib Grow. himself, and his weaknesses.
“That much time has passed in the He’ll also know that he has his own route to self#
midim.. 1’ fie remarlied. sufficiency, through Jasra and the Fount of Power.. .
O n u whim, I wittidrew my Truznf~s,shuffkd
out L&)S fie&f it *for fiim to see. ATTRIBUTES
nTfiut’s Rinacdo,” I suid.
He r&for it, undfor some obscure reason I
[et fiim take it, He stured ut itfor u %wh&.
PSYCHE = Human [+25 Points]
STRENGTH Human [+25 Points]
ENDURANCE Human [+25 Points]
“Trump contact doesn’t seem to work from WARFARE = Human [+25 Points] c Although Brand’s
fiere,))I sal&.. grasp of strategy and tactics are still with him, his
He b o f k f Up, s h o & his fkd, u d tiattded the physical skills, coordination and dexterity have all
curd 6uc& to me. plummeted.
“No, it wouCdn%,)’fie stutd “ fie?”
“mu linow tfktfie kUed Cuine to uwngeyou?)’
Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
Living Trump [lo0 Points] Brand, already a Trump
Artist, bathed in the Fount of Power to profoundly
increase his Trump abilities. He can read the subjects of
the Trumps, contact people without the Trumps Waine i s dead. Murdered,’) f k repcied. “Tfik
themselves, reach through Shadow and pull things morning.)’
through to him, teleport through Shadow a t will, can %ow did it fiappenl)’
locate and observe anyone in Shadow, and can even look “ H e was off
in Sfradow Deigu-u distunt port
into their thoughts. Witfi wfii& we h v e commerce. H e was witfi
If Brand finds the Fount again, and takes another Grurd, to renegotiate un OMt r d e ugreement. H e
bath, he’ll be able to boost all Attributes of Psyche, was shot, tfknqfitfie heart, Died ~ ~ d y . ~ J
Strength, Endurance and Warfare. Perhaps to Amber Randam Merlin, Tmmps of Doom
Rank, perhaps even higher. He’ll also have all the power
he needs to sustain himself as a Pattern-Ghost.
Poor, poor Caine. So soon dead. Again.
Sorcery [15 Points]
Conversational Compelling [35 Points] - Without
using a Psychic contact, Brand‘s Ghost (or, indeed, Brand
Yeah. Right.
Caine appears as a Pattern-Ghost, along with Eric,
Benedict and Gerard, supposedly summoned up to
himself), can issue subtle High Compellings through
retrieve Coral and the Jewel of Judgement.
speech alone. It takes him from fifteen minutes to an
But what if Caine is really Caine? What if this Caine’s
hour of conversing with his victim, but he can tamper
ghost, who acts more like a spectator than participant, is
with memories, establish new drives and desires, and
actually the real Caine? After all, if Dara is manipulating
even insert a limited Geas. Because the Conversation1
High Compelling is restricted to spoken language, it’s Logrus-Ghosts, doesn’t it make sense that someone is
not possible to convey any complex Psychic impres- doing the same job in Amber?
sions or artificial personalities. To an observer, the Besides, what better disguise, and what better way to
tickle his sense of humor, than for Caine to act the part of
conversation will seem like ordinary speech, although
his very own ghost?
the topics will change very quickly.
Cuine juggW, fripped, palitred und passed u
BAD STUFF dagger,rejbwiveh, tfirougfi s m private routine,
[+25 Points] of
an wpession mnusedfascitsfftion on fikface.
Trim of C h s
PSYCHE = [75 Points]
WARFARE = [75 Points]
Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
Trump Tricks [ZO Points] While no artist, Caine has
learned to manipulate Trump in special ways. He can
observe other Trump conversations, and sometimes
even catch the surface thoughts of those he monitors.
Sorcery [15 Points]
Pattern Conjuration [40 Points] c Caine can Conjure
items directly from the heart of Pattern, including his
own Pattern-Ghosts. Caine’s daggers are also conjured
from the Pattern.
He &- as fie reactied across the altar,
raised a 6urning taper a d used it to C i g f i t one of (450 POINTVERSION)
the others wfiidi fiud apparently gone out in some
...@qmvudir Cuy tfiere 6efore it, drawn a f w
dr+ i d from the sca66ard. I’d afding tfiis was tfie
“I’ve pissed on my own grave,” tie a m u d .
“can’tpass up tfie pkasure of Cigfiting a cud2 to red tfiing, tfiut tfie version worn fy tfie Pattern
ntysefj- in my own &r&’j
ghost ofttryfutfier was itsq a reco-
He extended his kft hd in my direction I r&forward, .
raised it, drew it..
d k t Cooking ut me. Tfiere wus afding of power us I fiefd it, swung
“Give t t ~ e@wyswadir,” fie said. it, s t r u c k an en p a r d L hnged, advanced. The
I slipped it 08and passed‘ it to fiim. He spiliard cume dive, centzr of a we6 offorces. I
unfixstend it a d Guckced it a6out his waw, loolied down,sudxenfy sq-umscious.
C o o s d it in its sfiedi.. “...And this is my futfier’s 6[ade,” I said,
“AEright. Wfkt now?” uslied returning to ttie altar, wfiere I sfreatfied it.
!Prim% ofchms Wuctuntfy, I ceft it tfiere.
T r i m cf Chms
He’s out.
From the end of the Patternfall War, until his release a t Corwin was pretty ticked off already, even before Dara
the end of Merlin’s Saga, Corwin has been Dara’s prisoner. locked him up. This thing about being used in a “breeding
Given the peculiar workings of time, especially near the experiment” had really rubbed him the wrong way. So, if
Abyss (and his prison seems connected to the Abyss), it’s Corwin’s thoughts turned to revenge, how would he get
possible that not all that much time has passed for Corwin. in his licks?
That may explain why he takes his release with a certain He wouldn’t want to take anything out on Merlin. He’d
calm reserve. taken a liking to his son.
On the other hand, Corwin might have been a bit too On the other hand, since Dara wanted to be a king’s
busy to be really bothered about his imprisonment.. . mother, wouldn’t it be appropriate to grant her wish? Not
to put Merlin on the Amber throne. No, Corwin would
pull the stings necessary to get Merlin in line for the
throne of the Courts of Chaos.
Of course, Corwin didn’t think Merlin would actually
take the crown. After all, the kid already said he didn’t
want any such thing. Yup, it would serve Dara right,
expecting to be Queen Mother all over again, only this
time it would be her own son who would screw things
Motivation aside, there is still the matter of means.
How could Corwin have influenced events from his dark
First, Corwin has picked up a few tricks since his last
stint in a dungeon. His attunements to the Jewel of
Judgement, to the Pattern of Amber, and to the Pattern of
his own creation are all much greater. Corwin may have
used his time alone, and in darkness, to spy and to
meddle, simply by evoking a mental Pattern.
Then there’s Grayswandir. It’s been no more than a few
steps away, sitting on Corwin’s altar, for his entire
imprisonment. If Grayswandir is a Spikard, or even “only”
a part of the template upon with Pattern is based, then
Corwin may have been able to lay his mind upon it, and
use it from that short distance.. ,
STRENGTH = 175 Points]
WARFARE = [IO0 Points]
Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points] Corwin has
the images of two Patterns, that of Amber, and that of
“...I drew tfiat thing,))fie went on, u lit& cater,
“und I’m the ody person ever to h v e w u W it.
Cmepntly, 1% the o d y ghst it can sumn
his own creation, and he can do tricks with either of Ako, it seems to regurd me With sottteffsing other
them. tfiun utilitarian attention. We cun communicu&,
Initiate of the Jewel of Judgement [lo Points]
Power Words [15 Points] -Magic Negation, Chaos
Negation, Psychic Disrupt, Pain Attack (customized as a
in u wuy, und it seems to h v e tieen willing to
devote the eneryy tLeedhd to k p me stable--or u
hot foot), Process Surge, Process Snuff, Spark, Burst of [oris wfi& nuw. We furve our own phm, d our
Magic, Weaken Structure, and Thunder. recationsfiip seems acmOst sym6iotic...’)
!Prince of C h s
Corwin’s new buddy, the ghost created by his own verz
POWER sion of the Pattern, has played a large role in Merlin’s Saga.
Most of it was behind the scenes, and he had to slug
“Good copy,))fie said, %utnot even the Pattern Merlin and haul him down into the Undershadow, but
can duplicate Grqswundir.)’ Corwin’s Ghost was there when he was needed.
‘(I tfiougfit u section of the Pattern wus As protector of Corwin’s Pattern, Corwin’s Ghost has
reproduced on tfie 61ade.’) done a good job in lining up backup forces. Ghosts of
%faytie it%tfie &r way around,))fie said.. Deirdre and Luke are now dependent on Corwin’s Pattern,
“Wfrat do you mean?)) and should serve it well. Likewise, he’s managed to get
((Askthe other Corwin sometime,)) fie said. “It Merlin, Luke, and even Jurt to commit to its care. Perhaps
fias to do with somettiing we were tacliitrg &out best of all, by the end of Merlin’s Saga, Coral, along with
recent@. the implanted Jewel of Judgement, wanted by both the
Primal Pattern and the Logrus, had been delivered to the
Corwin’s Ghost & Merlin, presence of Corwin’s Pattern.
in mm of C h s True, when last we saw Corwin’s Ghost, he was a
Corwin’s Pattern Imprint, Advanced [0 Points] As -
an artifact of Corwin’s Pattern, Corwin’s Ghost is main-
[+2 Points] tained with all the abilities of someone with Advanced
Pattern Imprint. Just as Corwin’sGhost draws substance
from Corwin’s Pattern, so Corwin’s Pattern is able to
think and plan using the memories and personality of
this copy of Corwin.
PSYCHE = Amber Rank
STRENGTH = Amber Rank
ENDURANCE = Amber Rank
WARFARE = [SO Points]
Pattern Imprint [50 Points]
Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
Intimate of the Jewel of Judgement[25 Points]
“Pattern” Sorcery [30 Points] Eric has found the
S k pursed fier lips. “1 don’t like Ceuving
you-tfiougfi IW trot anxious to stuy eitfier. Cure
to tafie ufong a ticrndgreruufe?”
sfie raised frer purse d6egm to open it.
“No. T k d s . Wfiy do you fitwe it, mywayP
sfie smM. (41 dways a m y them in tfiis sfiadav.
Tfky someti- come in h d y ...” Maybe one of these days we’ll find a book written from
Bhod ofAm6er Llewella’s point of view. That might be the only way we
could find out what goes on in that mysterious mind of
Flora shows more of her true strength.. . hers.
Perhaps Corwin was closedcminded, or perhaps because There’s nothing in the Merlin Saga that contradicts
Flora isn’t quite so threatened, but we see a lot more of what we already know about Llewella. She remains, by
her Amberish feistiness, and her funcloving personality, turns, withdrawn and suspicious.
comes out when she’s hanging around with Merlin. She’s either the most disinterested, or the most
On the other hand, she isn’t shy about breaking into successful player in the Amber family game. Either a
other people’s rooms, or punching people in the face. manipulator who raises no suspicious, or a contestant who
And, speaking of punching people, Flora seems to have is completely out of the game.
a serious grudge against Jasra. That should makes things Or some combination of the two.
very interesting should Jasra and Luke try to become part
of Amber’s social elite. %hv&, you’re too diunned suspicious,'^ I said.
“It comes of having lived a Gmg time.”
ATTRIBUTES “Wd, I fiope to live a Gmg time mysq, a d I
PSYCHE = [70 Points] fiope it doesn’t malie me Cookfor an.&rior motive
STRENGTH = [SO Points] in every humatr uct.”
ENDURANCE = [SO Points] S k smi[ed “of course. Forget I said anfiing,”
WARFARE = [70 Points] sfie tocd me, knowing I woucdm’t. “Have a good
POWERS S@z of C h s
Pattern Imprint [SO Points]
Random isn’t entirely happy with being Amber’s ruler, Advanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]
but perhaps reluctant kings are the best kind.. . Trump Artistry [40 Points]
For one thing, he sure doesn’t stand on ceremony. He’ll Master of t h e Jewel of Judgement [25 Points] *
say, “cut the crap” when presented with too much court Random was around when Dworkin implanted the
ritual, and he always wants to move conversations away Jewel of Judgement in Coral’s eye socket, but he’s not
from formality and onto the business at hand. happy about it. Yes, he wants to trust the old geezer.
“I was corrupt before I had power,” Random said, “and Still, the Jewel was given to him by the Unicorn itself.
rich is better.. Still, he’s not above using his power to do Random may bide his time, perhaps waiting until Coral
has her baby, but he intends to have the thing back as
a little pushing.
What he pushes for is pretty simple. Random wants to soon as possible.
In u 6 d y p[ott46 stoy tfiey‘d fiuve paused outside tfie doorway, u d I’d k v e overheard a
conversation teclitrg me everything I tLeeded to know &out unvtkiw.. .
T r i m of C h s
If the five books of the Merlin Saga were a character’s
diary in a roleHplaying campaign, Merlin would be one of
several player characters.
That leaves the question of the Game Master. After all,
considering what Merlin experiences, there’s obviously a
superb Game Master running the show.
The problem is, Roger Zelazny isn’t a Game Master. In
fact, the only role-playing he’s ever done took place after
the first ten Amber books were complete.
However, because Roger Zelazny is a superb story-
teller, he intuitively understands what drives a role -
playing campaign. All his characters are realistic, his exotic
backgrounds rich and believable, his encounters exciting,
and his mysteries.. . Well, I guess they’re mysterious.
Anyway, lurking somewhere inside of Roger Zelazny is
a really terrific Game Master. That Game Master’s touch
shows up all through his interactions with his characters,
each a great example for other Game Masters.
So, in this section on Game Master Technique, all based
on what we see in Zelazny’s work, the guiding hand will
be called “Zelazny-as-Game-Master.”
“At s o m e point, tfie P a t t e r n discovered-or Lovely implication here. And coming from a most
perfutps possessed aCL u&mg-tfie u6iCity to creute interesting source.
fgfiosts), sfsort-Cived s i m u k r u of tfiose w h fiad First off, Zelaznyeas-Game-Master presents the Pattern
myotiafed it. Fascinating umcep, tfiut. I was very as possibly using Pattern-Ghosts all the way back. Rather
interested to learn of it. It provided a major than thinking of them as simply a recent invention, they
are explored as a possible factor in everything that’s gone
&nism, s~pportingmy &is oftfie Pattern’s before.
and possi6Cy tfie Logrus), direct action in the Secondly, notice that Suhuy used the word “they”
promotion of pfiysicac events. Migfit they h v e when describing Corwin’s manipulation. Yes, he implies
up of your fatfier us the
& u r d in tfte s e t t i n g that Corwin is the champion of the Pattern, but he also
Pattern’s cfmnpiOn against Brand, I wotrder?)) implies that both the Logrus and the Pattern were
‘(I h%foCCow,’) I said. “Setting fiim up, you somehow in collusion, agreeing on Corwin as champion.
say?” Aside from the revelation itself, it’s also interesting that
tfI?ve afding fie was r d y tfie ~ a t t e m ’ s&ice Zelazny-asHGame-Master has it come from the mouth of
us t& tl4xt King ofAm6er, easy to promote, too, as Suhuy. Who, as Master of the Logrus, follows the events of
it seemed to coittcide witfi fib own wishes. I’ve Amber closely.
wondered a6out fiis sudden recovery in t h t
~fiadowEartfi dink, and particuCurIy a6out tfie
circumstances surrounding tfie cfccidett tfiat put
fiim &re, w h even wWi difledng tim-streums
it s e e m d possible tfiat Brand migFit h v e tiad to 6e
in two pcaceS at tfie s u m time-imprisoned and
[ooking downtfies i g h of a d..Of course, B r a d
i s no Conger avaifu6Ce to &dfy the mutter.))
Suhy gL: Medin, in !€‘rime C h 5 4
‘41 r d y fdused,” 1 said u&nuf. “Youve run my uss raggd, you pcaced my Cqe in jeopardy
more tfkn once, you got m e to perform to satisfL your metapfiysid voyeurism, tfren you kidid
me out ufter you got the cast thing you wanted--a sligfitfy 6ri43ftter gCow. I guess tfmt gods or
powers or wfiutever the W y o u are dim% fiuve to say ’thnfiyou’ or ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘GOto M’
wfien finistied u s i y someone. Attd 06viously you feel no d to justrfi yourself to me.
W& 1% not a 6a6y amitye. I resent 6 e i y f n d d aroud 6y you a d the ~ o g m in w h e r
game you’re plkyiy. Huw’dyou lilie it VI opened u vein u d 6Ced u# over you?”
Merlin dressing tfie Pattern,
in Knght 0fSh.adi.1~~
Tfie diference Getween good and great Game player hostility can reach the point of
Masters is sometimes revealed in just h w destroying a campaign.
irritating thy are with all their “Big Picture
Booga-Booga.” Many writers fmve tfie same pr06lem. Tfky
use their cfmructers as game pieces in tfieir
Yes, it’s wonderful t o have reach great stories. For mmpk, wfien suck a cfmructer is
campaign ideas, with sweep and majesty and presented with a quest, the chructer suddency
g r a d u r and all tfmt. plus, the’s a lot to 6e wants to go on the quat. It’s as qtfiere were
said for t fie “tfirat en-to-smas h-t fie-universe- nothing in the chracter’s life that ever
into-pdp” t h y of campaign management. It mattered quite so much as tht damn quat.
does get things moving rigfit albng.
Compare tfmt kind of zom6ie Gehvior with
It’s just tfmt tfiere’s a right way and a wrong Zehzny’s reluctant chracters. As Merlin
way to go dout it. sys, when h d comttuznds from Logrus-
on-High, “Tht’s ody f I take this w h k
It’s wrong for tfie Game Master t o s h e 6usiness seriously.. .
something down the throat of a phyer.
See, Zelazny-as -Game- Muster understands
It’s perfectly okay for a great power tfmt Merlin isn’t necessady going t o 6e a
(controlled 6y tfte Game Master) to s h v e hppy phyer in any “Great Game.” Sure,
something down tfie throat of a chructer Zehny-as-Gam-Master (My6e tfmt s b d d
(controcled 6y tfie phyer). 6e a66reviated ‘ZaGM!’ Or may6e not.. .)
has tfie LO~IW,and tfie pattern, and tfie elder
Tfk diference my not always 6e o6vious to Amherim, and the Lords #House Saw&, all
the players (in f i t , jud$ng from tfie common pushing Merlin around mercilessly. But
grumliling a6out dictatorial GMs, it almost Merlin himecf is left free t o play as he
m e r is). It’s tfie Game Master w h k f to Wish.
6e cystd clear dout tfie difereme. Otfierwise
Tfie sfiupe of a Unicorn, like Bhke’s and acI ofmy muscceS ftad Gegun to acfie.
Tyger, Gming Grigfit, tookform, so p a i n . It i s suggested, Frakir recited, t h t you
to 6efioId that I ftad to Cook away fdiy tfie game tfie way it i s set up.
I sfiifted my guze to tfie deep, cool Wfiut metal entered my 6acfz60ne I linow
Gcackness, Gut tfiere was no restfor my yes not. But I raised my f t e d a d turned it,
in tfiut place eitfter. Sometfiing stirred looking first to tfie Serpent, tfien to tfie
witfiin tfie darftness, and there ccxtne unotfier Unicorn. Tfiougfi ’ffy eyes watered and ached
s o u n d ” grating, as of metaC 6eing scraped as if1 were tying to stare down the sun, I
on stone. Tfiis was f o h e d by a powe$.d managed the gesture.
hissing. The ground t r e d k d again.. Curved ply,” I said, %ut you
“You c l u ~mu&e me
Cines flowed forward. Even Gefore tfie cannot & me choose. My wia i s my own.
Grigfitness of tfie Unicorn etcfied its I will guard tfiis armor aCC night, as is
lineaments witfiin tfiut migfity glbom, I required of me. In the morning I wiK go on
reaCized it was tfte fiead of a one-eyed w i t b u t it tiecause I do not chose to wear
serpent wfiicfi fiad come partway into tfie it.)’
ctkpel. I s k i .my gaze to a point Getween Without it you m y die, Frakir stated, as
thm, cutcfiing eacfi witfiin my peripfierac iftranshting.
vision. Far Getter t h my attempt to 6ehoGf Isfiygd
either direct&. I feCt tfreir gazes upon me, “Ifit is my cfioice to malie, I chose not to
tfie Unicorn of Order a d tfie serpent of p k one ofyou tiefore the otfter.”
chaos. It was not a p h m t feecing, and I A rusfi ofwind61aV fiot andcoGfpast me,
retreuted mtiC the altar was at my Gacli, seemed a cosmic sigfi
Botfi cume s@fit&f..ther into tfk cfuzpec You d h o s e , Frdir rehyed, wfietfier
Tfie Unicorn’s fieud was lowered, hrn you 6- aware sf it or nut. Everyone
pointed directly at me. Tfie Serpent’s tongue does. You are simp9 Geing asked to
diu-td in my direction.. fontdize your &ice.
Wfi, if either ofyou want tfiis m r and ((Wfutt’s so specid about my case?” I
stuff,” I ventured, ((I certain& fiuve no a s M
o 6ject--” Again that wind
The Serpent fiksed and the Unicorn raked Yours i s a dual ‘ierituge, wnrbined
a hoof Luzd let it jid& c r m tfie fioor of the with greut power.
chupeC, tfie fracture Cine racing toward me ((I never wanted eitfter of you for an
Cifie a s t r d of black Cigfitning and fi.uCting enemy,” I stated
just at my@t. Not good emugfi, came tfie rep@.
((On tfie other had,)) I oGserved, “no “Tfien destroy me now.”
insuCt is intended by tfre ofier, Your Tfie game i s d r d y in progress.
Eminences-” “Tfien kt’s get on with it,” I answered.
Wrong tfiiy to say-again, Frakir We are not p h d wttfiyour attitude.
interjected,weakly. (vice versu,” I answered
Te[l:me wht’s rigfit, I sua w n g f o r a Tfie tfiwukrclup tfiat foCCowed kft me
m t a c sotto voce. UnconSCioUS.
I htt-ofi! Tfre reason I felt I COUM afford totat
Tfie Unicorn reared; tfie Serpent drew fionesty was a strong fuuu=fi that phyers for
itself upward. I dropped to my knees a d tfiis gumemigfit 6e futrdto come 6y.
Cooked away, tfieir gazes having somefiow Frdir BL: Medin,
become pfiysicaCly pain. I was tredcing, in Knght of.Shdb~s
- -
Zelazny+as+GamecMaster 181
Role+PlayingElder Amberites
Good as Zelazny-as-Game-Master is a t designing role-playing.
campaigns and stories, he’s even better a t running the What Zelazny-as-Game-Master does with the casual
non-player characters. characters is nothing compared to what he does with elder
Even the littlest walk-on part, when a character just Amberites, and other immortals.
shows up to deliver a simple piece of information, is given Not only are the elder Amberites frighteningly capable,
Zelazny-as-Game-Master’sfull attention. He takes the they also have unexpected reserves of charm. Just about
trouble to make each minor character real. every time we come across one of Oberon’s kids, they’re
For example, rather than have Merlin searching through showing off a new side of themselves, whether it’s
the burnt wreckage of Victor Melman’s Warehouse, a kid Benedict’s slapstick sense of humor, or Flora’s purse
shows up with some information. grenades.
Why a kid? Well, kids like to watch fires and fire So, it’s worth revisiting Zelazny-as-Game+Master’s
trucks, they love rummaging around in places where they treatment of the elders, for a refresher course in role-
don’t belong, and most any kid is going to be fascinated playing.. .
with loose bullets. Plus, it gives a chance for some good
coffee cup again. I fiad Geen u6out to There’s a certain magical rhythm to the speech of the
course not. Tfiis is tfi.first I’ve heard elder Amberites, also shared with their cousins out in the
Then I r& my fatfier’s t e a i y Courts of Chaos. It’s a musical language rich in potential
me hfie fkuf du ed Aunt FCora into giviy fiim
vitaC information i s amnesia fi.ud wusfred a w y .
It wus nut tfie Ccevemess witti wfiidi fie fiad dime
and threat and promise, but sparse when it comes to
The rules of the verbal game are simple. Say little of
substance. Imply much. Ask about generalities, and speak
in pleasantries.
For example, notice how interesting it is to refer to
people by characteristics rather than by name. Ask after
“your dark friend,” or “he who seems to have swallowed
too much power,” or “our cousin in need,” and the
responses may be surprising, revealing something, or
someone, quite unexpected.
Game terminology can be quite effective. Merlin asks
about “the middle game,” but such phrases as “the latest
referred to f wiser self, s u g g d ,
(IS fiis worse i feint,” “their sacrifice move,” “a powerful gambit,” and “so,
“ ~ f i not?
y you coulic use tfie practice, kid,” and as what do you think lies behind door number three?”
I Cowered& arp again1 dixididto try it out, just As Game Master, it’s often a good idea, and very good
to see fiuw iff&, for a f w minutes. practice, to have the non-player characters accept the
“I don’t know whettier w e botfi fiuve tfie same verbal terms offered by the player characters. If a player
tfiiy in m i d , ” I said. ~ V i y starts by mentioning “cost” or “trade,” then stick to
about tfie midace game-or mercantile terms, replying with “our stock seems to have
opening-for wfratyou see TC(S fallen,” “the risk factor seems high, but matches your
now.’’ profit potential,” and “my merchandise seems to be
!Prince of C h s appreciating in value.” Medical, legal, military, or even
carpentry metaphors are equally valid.
If done properly, a conversation about the most trivial
of topics can take on more sinister meaning than the
shouting of curses and threats.
~fyoufiad a &ice Getween the u6ility to &e& Elder Amberites don’t lie. They just obscure the truth
to the point where it’s unrecognizable.
afalsehood a d tfie u6ility to discover trutft,wfiicfi
one worccdyou take? Tfiere was a time when I As a Game Master roledplaying an elder Amberite it’s
tfkugfit thy were difierent ways of saying tfie always better to leave out facts, to answer a question with
same thing, but I no Gmger 6dieve that. Most of a question, or to bring up something interesting, but
unrelated, rather than to tell an outright fib.
my relhtives, for wampk, are almost as good at Another favorite technique is speculation. All the elder
seeing tfirougfi subterfuge as tfiey are at Amberites love this game, where they chip in their own
perpetrating it. 1% not ut acC sure, thougfi, tfkt theories about what is really going on, who is behind the
ffiey care d&out trutfi on tfk otfier hd,I’d latest nastiness, and how everything makes perfect sense
dwaysf& tfiere was s d i q no6k, spait4 a d if you just assume that so-and-so is behind it all. And, if
fionora6Ce a6out seeking trutfi-a tfiing I’d they can manage to point the finger of suspicion away
attempdwitfiGfiostw~Matrdortiadmademe from themselves, and over to one of their rivals, so much
wader, tfrougfi. Had this made me a sucker for the better.
trutfi’s opposite? After all, it’s not like they aren’t telling the truth. As
ofchs they say, it’s just a theory, just another attempt to fit
together the known facts.
And ttien there was Dworkin, squinting at me
from out of u tiny mirror witfi u tWiste4fiume.
“Notfiing to 6e u h d u6out,* fie remurM,
%t acI sorts of
impoderu6Ces m e fiovering dout
Tmiat am1 to dot”1 M-iod
YOU must 6ecome sometfiing greater tfiun
yoursdf. ))
%scape the cuge tfiat is your Cve.”
(What cage?)’
H e was gone.
Prince of C h s
Zelazny+as+Game+Master 185
“For centuries tfie p e r s o n a l vendkttu f k “So you wunt t h e k i k r fust, 6ecuuse of
6een our wuy oj settCing disagreements, not what fie’s dim4? to moraCe?”
necessarily proceeding inevitu6ly t o “Certuidy. I don’t neecf aft t f i i s 6 d i 6 i t i n g
deutfi-tfiougfi tfiut w u s always u und g-e-fiunting. I t ’ s all s t i l l so &se to
possi6iCity-6ut c e r t u i d y c h r u c t e r i z d 6y tfie s u r f m e tfiut we’re lif+ t o h v e r e a l
i n t r i g u e s , t o t f i e e n d of em6urrussing, ca6( imtrigum, undvendettas 6efore Cong,
d i s d v w i n g , miming, or exiling the 0 t h - w e don’t already, and s o m e l i t t l e
und &nciy one’s o w n p o s i t i o n . Tfiis m i s u n d e r s t u n d i n g c o u l d lead t o violence
r e d i d its Gttest p d in tfie scrudlefor tfie again.”
succession. I tfiougfit everytfiing wus pretty you tfiink it’s one of t f i e otfiers?))
ftulcIi s e , thougfi, W h I wound up witfi “Sfiit! I’m tfie s u m us tfky are. I get
tfi.e j06, wfikfi I artuidy wasn’t [ O o k i y for. suspicious 6y r e . It may w e l l tie, 6ut I
I tiad no r e d axes to grid, u d I % e tried to fiuven’t r d y seen u 6 i t of evidimz.’)
6efuir. I linow fiow toucfiy everyone tiere is, I ‘Wfio else coucd it 6e?”
h ’ttfiink it’s me, tfiougfi, und I h’ttfiink H e uncrossed u d recrossed fiis k g s . H e
it’s tfie siiccession. I h v e n Y had uny 6 d took utlottier drink Ofwine.
vi6es from uny oj tfie utfiers. I’d gotten the “Hecc! Our enemies u r e h$.on. But most of
impression tfiey fmd k i d i d I w u s tfie Cesser them w&’t h v e tfk guts. Tfiey ucf know
of all possi6le e v i l s und w e r e uctuuly tfie kind of r e p r i s a l tfiey could expect once w e
cooperating t o make it work. No, I don’t f o d t f i e m out.”
6elieve uny oj tfie attiers is rusfi enougfi to Random & Medin
wunt my crown. Tfiere w u s uctuuccy umiy, in Tmmps of Doom
good-wig, ufter t f i e succession wus settled.
But w h t 1% wondering now i s whether tfie
Aside from their conversational quirks, the
OMputtern migrit 6e recurring-tfktt some of elder Amberites have developed suspicion to a
t f i e otfiers migfit h v e tafien up tfie 0Gfgum.e
high art. After all, from their point of view, this
uguin to settle personal grievances. I r e d y whole “Peacehl Reign of King Random” might be
don’t wunt to see tfiut fiuppen-uU tfie an elaborate feint, a setcup designed to sucker
suspicion, precuuth, i d e s , mistrust, them into letting down their guard.
dou6le dealings. It wealietrs us, und t h e ’ s Their suspicion should extend everywhere,
d w u y s some possi6k tfireut or otfier against
and to everyone. Each player character is, clearly,
which w e s h u c d 6e strong. Now, I+e s p o h a potential pawn being used by one or another of
witfi everyone privatecy, und sf
course tfky ac1
their relatives. A cry for help could easily be the
deny uny k n o w l e d g e of c u r r e n t cu6uls,
bait of a trap. Even death is no excuse for an elder
intrigues, u d vendettas, 6ut I coucd see tfktt Amberite to relax-after all, they’ve seen the
tfieyjre getting suspicious .f eucfi otfier. It’s
dead return plenty of times.
6- u Wit of thugfit. A d it wasn’t ut
all d i . d t for tfiem t o dig up some o l d
gnufge ea& O f t f i e otfiers migfit sticl h e tiad
uguinst Cuine,despite t f i e fkt tht fie saved
ua our usses 6y tdiy out Brand. And tfie
same witfi Bkys-everyone coucdfind motives
for everyone eke.”
otr u s u d d e n inspiration I sougfit ttirougfi acI are sort of a combination “murder me” sign pasted on
my pockets, sfioucd I fiuve even u h i p of 6Cue his back, and Shadowewide radio tracking collar.
stones upon my person. Its orcd vi6rutionaC Worse, just by carrying the stones around in his
u6ilities migfit just somefiow cotufuct me tfirougfi pocket, Merlin has become indelibly marked with the
Sfradow 6 d toward its source. But no. Not even u assassincattractioneffect.
speck of 6Cue dust remuid. T h y acC were in my So, no sooner does he find out just what the
f&’s &, umf tfwt wus it. It woucd fiave 6een Tragoliths can do, Merlin dumps every fleck, and
too eusy un orctfor me, I guess. then walks the Pattern to flush away their
Knigtit OfStkhws contaminatinginfluence.
Yes, Merlin made very sure he was clean.
That‘s so nasty. Which gave Zelaznycas4GamecMaster the perfect
For most of the first three books Merlin wanders opportunity, a little while later, when Merlin was
around with at least a couple of chunks of Tragolith. really stuck, to say, “you know, if you’ve got a spare
He’s even spent a couple of weeks in an enormous piece of that blue stuff,you could probably get out of
cave made entirely out of the stuff, crunching an there.. .”
unlimited supply of blue stone chips underfoot. In other words, by stressing the sideHeffects, it’s
Merlin eventually discovers that the blue stones possible to get the player characters themselves to
remove loose ends from a campaign.
Zelazny-ascGameeMaster 187
Every aspect of rolecplaying is based on trust. The players have to trust the Game Master to run things fairly, and to
present a story that will be worthwhile. The Game Master has to trust the players to commit to the campaign, and to
rolecplay honestly and well.
Another aspect of trust for each Game Master is learning to trust yourself. In order to become a better Game Master
you have to take chances, and you have to experiment.
Which means you have to fail, at least occasionally. If you never fail, if every session goes smoothly, then something is
terribly wrong. You aren’t taking enough chances, and you’re unlikely to ever breakthrough into the unexpected.
In other words, you’ve got to learn to trust yourself as a Game Master, even as you step into the unknown.
First Dworkin comes calling. Except it isn’t really
Dworkin. Then Oberon shows up, but Merlin has already
learned his lesson from the fake Dworkin, so he’s not about
to trust somebody disguised as his dead grandfather.
Finally, when we get to the third visitor, Corwin,
There’s an old saying that goes, “no military strategy,
Merlin absolutely knows he’s dealing with a phony.
no matter how well thought out, ever survives contact
Merlin is ready to shoot first and ask questions later.
with the enemy.”
A Game Master should learn to say, “no story 1’me, no As it turns out, that’s Merlin’s big mistake.
There’s a rhyme to this episode. A threecpart beat. It
matter how well designed, ever survives contact with the
goes, “Lie, lie, tell the truth.”
player characters.”
As a Game Master, all you’ve got to do is watch the
Usually an author has an advantage over a Game Master.
player character. What does it take to get that player to be
The author’s characters usually behave themselves, go
distrustful? How many times do they need burning
where they’re told, show up on time, and read the lines
before they’re shy of fire? Or, conversely, how many
they’re given.
That’s not exactly what a Game Master can expect from times do they need to be befriended before they become
player characters. Instead of predictable and reliable,
It doesn’t have to be in threes. Sometimes you only
players are devious and arbitrary, They don’t behave. No
need one lie, sometimes you can start with the truth,
matter how much time a Game Master spends analyzing
sometimes you’ll need four or more before the characters
all the possible outcomes and solutions for a situation, it’s
is jaded enough.
almost guaranteed that the players will come up with
The point is, don’t expect the player characters to react
something outrageous and unexpected.
according to plan. Not only will you be disappointed, but
There are, however, a few times when the Game Master
you’ll also miss out on a great deal of fun.
has the upper hand.
Instead, anticipate the unexpected, by rolling with each
One of my favorites is based on Merlin’s experiences
sequence of events. Build on the changes, and you’ll find
when he’s hiding out in a cave.
that abandoning a plan is not a bad thing.
1rWfiu.t tfie M ’ s a s p h r d ? ” “But so far the benefits h v e outweighed any
so ItoG€fiimtfkt story, too. fiypottieticacdangers. consider me w a d , and I’ll
tlTht’s wfiy you were so @fiybuck in tfie tu& my cjium.”
&ur& wfien you were fifiting witfi Jurt?”fie He fianded it back.
said. “If I tfiink it’s mdiing you act weird I’m going
nTfiut’sr i g f k N tofiityouovertFie~adpuCCitoffi~~”
4%et%see it.” “Fair enougfi,” I said, slipping it back on.
I tried to plccc it g,6ut it woucdn’t pass tfie I 4 W y , ~ f e l fa rusfi of energy t f i r o u g h t my
kn&. SO I simp9 extended my hand. Luke system as tfie lines of control were r d l i s f i e d .
r&for it. His fingers fkhd a coupk ofinches Trim C h s of
hove it.
lWs fiohfing me ofl, Merk. Protective Zelazny-as-GamecMaster’sstrategy is simple. When the
devic,D characters want power, give it to ‘em. Tons of it. So much
‘#He[L,” I said, “I’m not a for power that they are overwhelmed. Enough power to get
trotfiing.” I took (iolif of it then, slimmed my finger the player characters in serious trouble. He even hands
a y , d s l i d it fl. *(Here.” out enough power to seriously threaten the balance of the
He f d d it in tfie p a h of fib kft hd us we universe.
bounced dong,regarded it t h o y f i numowed eyes. Why not?
Power is what it’s all about, really.
Sddkdy, Ifect d q . Witfidrawuf syinpms from The fun thing is when the player characters start
tfie tfiing? I forced myself uprigfit, reversed my picking up handfuls of power without stopping to look at
6reutfii9, refusedto Cet it stiow. the price tags. Because, after all, there is always a price to
“Hemy,” L& s a i d at ht.‘‘1 c u n f d tfie power be paid. For example, every power given to the player
tfiere. otfier tfiings, too. It won’t [et me in, characters justifies another increase in the threat level.
thougk’’ Consider the following drawbacks for the player
I r e d i d f o r it a d fie drew fib fiund awuy. characters, each of which could be considered good things
1‘4 a n feel it in the air aU: around us,” fie said. for the Game Master.
“Merk, tfib tfiing Cuys a spell on anybody wfio First, access to more power will alarm the character’s
w a r s i&.” enemies. A likely response is that the meanies in the
I sfirugged. campaign will be much more careful about organizing any
“Yes,” I said. llA benign one, tfbayk It’s done attacks.
Second, big powers tend to attract big power collectors.
mtfiing to h r
tnme, a d it’s w ed me a tuun6er Merlin hasn’t seen this happen just yet, but the larger the
of times.” crowd that learns of his spikards, the more likely it is that
“But cunyou trust a n . i n g tht came to you in spikard collectors, and those who would like to see the
sucfi un odd w u y A s t 6y trichy, causedyou spikards destroyed, will come looking.
to abandon Frdir wfien sfie tried to warn you Third, old powers come with some kind of history.
h o u t it, andfor d y o u knew tias 6een inpuetling Since there are plenty of indicators that the spikards
your 6efiuvior ever since you put it on?’’ represent “ancient powers,” it seems likely that Merlin
I admit to a k i d of disorietttation &first,” I will find himself involved in even more conflicts.
said, %ut I tfiid t h t was just in tfie wuy of Fourth, the bigger the power, the harder it is to
a c c o m m o m to tfie Cevek of v o h g e it draws. control. In the case of the spikards Merlin has to deal with
I’ve been buck to n o d f o r some time now.” personality-altering imperatives, a protective field that
“How cun you t e a for sure? Maybe it’s resists removal, and some kind of addictive quality that
makes him dependent on wearing a spikard. All that, and
brainwasfied you.” “lines of control” that could well be a two-way street.
“Do I seem brainwasfied to you?” Finally, consider the consequences of having a power
“No. I WQS just trying to say tht I wouun% and then losing it somehow. Having barely defended
compWy trust anfling witfi s d qu4stiotra6k himself with a spikard, Merlin is going to feel very
cred2ntiu.b.1’ vulnerable without it.
r r ~ e #taketr,” I agreed, (iocding forth my hnd.
Zelazny-as-Game-Master 189
~ u 6e
o must careful w f k t you wisfifor in tfiis
p h , ” fie to[d me in Cow und measured tones, ‘ifor
w i s h ure sottzefitnes grand here, und if the
grunter 6e Lcepruved and r e d ‘quietus’ for your
‘exit’-wfiy, tfien, poof! you may m e to 6e. up in
smoke. Downwurd to tfie eurtfi. Sidavttys to tiecI
d gone.”
Brand’s Ghost, in Knght of Stiaribws
How did ZelaznyHas-Game-Master’splayer characters Sawall, out in the Courts of Chaos, which gives her the
fare? opportunity to figure out more cool stuff, and maybe add
Let’s say we’re looking at a group of five, including on a couple of new powers.
Merlin, Luke, Jurt, Julia, and, someone who joined the Jurt, seemingly the campaign’s main “Bad Stuff Guy,”
campaign a little later on, Coral. It makes sense, since each comes out strong. Starting with the basics, Logrus Mastery,
has a sort of innocence that we associate with player Shape Shifting and Magic, he has since gained power from
characters, and lacks most of that “seen it, done it, already the Fount, but not so much power as to lose control of
know everything,” feeling you get from elder Amberites himself. Jurt also stands very close to inheriting the
and Game Master pawns. Throne of the Courts of Chaos. He has his hands on Brands
Merlin himself is ready to take the throne of the Courts sword Werewindle, and he’s been proven able to walk the
of Chaos, is attuned to the Jewel of Judgement, carries not Pattern (at least his Logrus-Ghost managed to walk the
one, but two Spikards, and has mastery over every known lines of a Broken Pattern). Add to that the fact that he’s
power. He managed to come to terms with every one of managed to befriend all his major enemies, including
his known enemies. Plus, his own creation, Ghostwheel, Merlin and Luke, and has done time defending Corwin’s
seems to be making a name for itself as a third major Pattern.
power in the universe. Coral, probably the late-comer to the campaign, seems
Luke ended up an initiate of the Pattern, a dabbler in solid enough, what with Pattern, some sort of magic, and
magic, and a Trump Master. Politically, he now holds the goodly ranking across the board, highlighted in Warfare.
throne of Kashfa, wears a ring symbolizing the protection By the end of the saga Coral has come away with the main
of Queen Vialle, is married to the woman who bears the artifact of the campaign, the Jewel of Judgement,
Jewel of Judgement, and has a very happy relationship implanted in her right eye. Plus, she has been crowned
with Nayda (who is possessed by a demon ty’iga). Luke Queen of Kashfa. Plus, she is carrying a child, Merlin’s,
holds the Trumps of Doom, his special Tragoliths, and has who is likely the heir to both the thrones of Amber and
discovered father Brand’s sword, Werewindle. If that Chaos.
weren’t enough, Luke now has a friendly clone, his In other words, everybody did very well.
Pattern-Ghost Rinaldo, which either doubles his role- Zelazny-as-Game-Master didn’t skimp. He wasn’t afraid
playing opportunities, or at least gives him a great excuse that the characters would gain too much, become too
to be in two places at once. strong, or get out of control. That’s because there are
Julia, starting from humble beginnings as a mere always new and bigger challenges and tougher problems
Shadow Earth dweller, has become a Sorceress and an available. The universe can be made bigger, and that’s
Adept of the Broken Pattern. She has at least basic always better than making the player characters smaller.
knowledge of Trump, the Fount of Power, Tragoliths, and Rather than limit the player characters, Zelazny-as-
other matters. She’s even managed to land in House GamecMaster enlarged the campaign.
“...How & Hah, say the skeptics, it’s obvious that
(Ws Geen a bng time since I’ve seen fier for Zelazny+as+Game+Master is losing it! He’s
more tfurn afew mmetlfs,” I answered. ‘tsfie i s forgotten that Corwin already told Merlin about
still peremptory, arrogant, and over-solicitous Dara’s purpose in conceiving Merlin.
when it comes to me. I get tfie impression, too, tfkt Well, “ H a h yourself.
sfie may 6e involvd in bad p o l i t i d scfkming as
First off, this isn’t Corwin. This is a Pattern
weU: as aspects Of the hrger recfftiotlsfiip between
tfie courts and Amher.” Ghost of Corwin, created by Corwin’s Pattern,
“...It’s likely,” corwin said.. 4 4 1 never understood from the one and only time that Corwin walked
fier,you fuww. sfie cameto me out Ofnuwfiere ut a that Pattern. Which means that the Pattern
strange time in my life, sfie tiad to me, we Gmme Ghost knows nothing of the end of the
[overs, sfie wuC&ed the Pattern in M e r , and sfie Patternfall War, nothing of the later encounters
vanisfied. It was Cike a Gizurre dream. It wus with Dara, and certainly does not know the
06vious tfkt sfie used me. For yeurs I thnu~fsttfkt details of the long story told father to son.
it wus o d y to get know%e Oftfie Puttern and As for Merlin, don’t forget that he still wears
CU%QSS to it. But I’ve f k f a Lbt Of timefor r6$k&.on the Spikard, and that he is a long way from being
recenay, and IW no longer certain tfurt tfkt was able to trust his own memories. After all, he can’t
tfie case.” even remember becoming attuned to the Jewel of
“Oh?”I said. ~Wtiat,tftent’’
'Tau," fie replied. “More and more I W coming
to tfiid, wfiat sfie r d y w a d was to Gear a s o n
The point here is that Zelazny+as+Game+
or daugfiter OfAm6er.” Master isn’t a slave to his own words. Rather
I felt mysq grow cold. Coucd tfie reasonfor my than timidly checking for constancy in every act,
uwn wistence fiuve Geen sucfi a cakduted tfting? he’s willing to have things happen that might
Had there been no affection at all? Had I Geen seem contradictory. Nor does he apologize, or
intentionatfy conceived to serve some special even explain inconsistencies.
purpose? I did nut at acI lifk tfie notion... Instead, as any good Game Master, when a
Corwids Pattern Ghost & Merlin, supposed error is discovered, when characters
in Prince C h s protest that things don’t make sense, Zelazny+as+
GamecMaster says, “wait and see,” or, “perhaps,
perhaps not,” or “possible...”
Any Amber campaign is too rich i n
possibilities for the limits of mere logic to apply.
There’s always the chance that someone, or
something, is deliberately altering things, or
changing the rules.
Idug out my Trumps, bcuted tfk one I If the player character wants to push it, really
fiddonefor GfiostwtieeC, brigfit cirdk. stressing that attempt at Trump contact, why not
I regarded it witfi some intensity, but it shatter the card? Or have crackle with sparks and
wus scow to grow coot. Tfiis wus then short out? Or have the image suddenly fog
understundabk, considering some of tfie over and fade away?
odd ureas of s p a to wfiicfi tfib b U :guve Think about it. Wouldn’t it be fun to play with
uccess. Aho, it wus irrituting. a Game Master where these kinds of neat things
I ruisdtfie spihrd. using it here ut the can happen?
Consider the following:
b e t I intended woucd be Like setting off u
burglitr alirmr, men, GM: There’s no answer. Do you want to keep
I touched the Tarot dtfi u h e of subtk
force, uttempting to enfiunce tfie pushing the contact?
instrumt’s sensitivity. I muintuined my Player: Yeah, I’ll give it the works. Psyche, a
concentration. Power Word boost, and an image of the
Aguin, n0ttiitn.g. Pattern $1 can manage it.
I bucked it witfi more force. There GM: You do all that, and ... Wow! Something
foccOwed u percepi6Ce cooting. But there happened. You hear the card give o f a ‘pop’
wus no contact. and suddenly your hand is wet.
“Most,”I said tfirougfi ccenclried teetfi. Player: Wet? What do you mean? Do I have an
“Tfib i s important. Come to me.”
NO reply. SO I sent power inta tfk tfiing.
underwater Trump contact or something?
Tfie curd begun to g b w u d f i o s t crystah GM: Nope. There’s no sense of Trump at all. In
formed upon it. small cracking soutlc(s fact, it seems like the card is broken, because
occufTed in its vicinity. it’s lost all its normal coldness. The liquid is
I repeated. dripping, and your shirt sleeve is wet all the
A we& sense of fib presence occurred way to the elbow.
then, u d I poured more, juice into tfie Player: I don’t get it. What liquid?
curd. It sfsattered in my hd, und I
cuyfit it in u we6 offorces u d tielif acC of
GM: You’re not exactly sure. Could it be that
tfie pieces togetfier, Cooking Like u small Trump cards run on Trumpjluid? You’ve
stained-ghss w i d o w . I continued to got about a quart of a multizcolored mixture
rea.& tfirouqfi it.d
staining your shirt, and splattered on your
Trim fC h s shoes.
Player: Trump liquid???!
Zelazny*as*Game*Master could be boring, GM: Sure. Say, I think this one’s totally
saying, for the umpteenth time, “there’s no drained. I guess you’ll have to take it for
answer.” After all, he said it lots of times, all
through the Merlin Saga. Still, he knows it Dworkinfor a rejll.. .
doesn’t have to be the same every time. No way!
Hey, you could at least try holding your nose
and play whiny telephone operator: “I’m sorry,
there is no answer at that number.. .”
...A 6ird uppeared overfieudinwfligrit,d n g This book, and the earlier one, are based entirely on
ruwus5, vunisfiing uguin 640re it Mpassed Roger Zelazny’s written work, and not on any
tfie entire Cengtfi oftfie room. conversations or consultations with the author.
Page 22, in T r i m of C h s However, if you ever have the pleasure of making Mr.
Zelazny’s acquaintance, you will discover that he is a
deeply intuitive character. His subconscious and his
I t eruptdfrom tfie curd into my fw, witti u unconscious boil and seethe with ideas, memories, non
6diy of Gcacfi wings, cawing, crow or ruven, sequiturs, and what can only be called the bizarre.
6h4,Ghcfi. In writing, when a thought occurs to Roger, he trusts
“ForGiddhn!)) it cried. “For6iddenf Go Gucli! himself. Rather than chase down and analyze the notions
Witfidruw!’) that present themselves, he trusts that they will
It+pped ubout my head as tfie curd3 spilled eventually make sense.
frotntlsv-* Take a look a t the example of the black bird.
‘“~tuyaway!)’ it scree&$, circling the room. When first visiting Suhuy, Merlin sees the bird pass by.
“For6iddenplbce!)’ A strange enough sight that he comments upon it.
It passed out tfie doorway a d I pursued it. It Thirty-four pages later, in attempting to reach his lost
seemed to fiave v u n i s u , tfimyfi, in tfie ttunnents father, he lets loose the black bird of warning. It
immediately disappears, and Merlin, with all his power,
it was Cost to my sigtit.
seems unable to locate it.
C1Bird!)’I cried. f‘Come 6 d ! ) ) Coincidence?
But tfiere was tu) rep5, t10 firtfier s o u h of Maybe.
Geutiy wings. I peered into tfie otfier rooms u d Or, more probably, a neat bit of Game Master’s work.
tfiere was so sign oftfie creature in my oftfi... Zelazny-as-GamecMaster is wonderful at setting up this
Page 56, in T r i m C h s kind of weird back4ooping. Sort of a time traveller’s
foreshadowing.He also, very likely, did it intuitively. First
showing the bird, without knowing why, and then, later
on, seeing the connection that could explain the earlier
What follows is a masterful piece of work ‘WliaVs tfte q-”
Zelazny-as-Game-Master does two things here, and he ‘‘Tfiut p h you took me, from tfie 6 d , tfkt
does them wonderfully well. ...
nigfit Where was it?))
The second thing ZelaznycascGame-Master does, is keep “Itwas-sort of u dreum.9)
his mouth shut. Merlin walks away from this encounter l‘B&fiitl)’ Sfie turns sideways to fa me F y ,
with Julia without suspecting how badly he’s messed up. u d 1 must meet tfiose@fiing yes witfunrt my
ZelaznycascGame-Master never explains what Merlin did fwgivby uatytfiing uway. “I’ve 6een 6 d there,
wrong, never explains how Merlin messed up.
severd t h e s , Cooking for tfie wuy we took. Tfke is
Now for the first thing.. .
tu) cave. There’s d i n g ! Wfiat hppetled to it?
wfdjs going on?))
“Muytie tfie tidk came in ad-’)
“Merkf wfiut k i d of idiot rC0 you take me for?
T b t w& we took isnt on tfie maps. N060dy
uround tiere’s ever fieurd of unytfiing Cike tliuse A great lesson can be learned here.
pcaceS. It was g e o g r u j h ~ yimpossi6k. T k times In the last four lines of dialog, what did Merlin say?
of day und the seusons kfrtsfii$ting. The ody More important, what did Julia hear?
explunution is supernuturuc or Are you sure?
p u r u m L w t i c r t e u e y o u want to cat[ it. wtiat Read it again.
Julia said, “It must be a lonely world you inhabit,
f i u p p d ? YOUowe nta an u w e r andyou know magician, if even those who love you are barred from it.”
it. wfi(Eff i u p p d ?W b e wereyou?” “I didn’t say that,” was Merlin’s reply.
I Cook way,past myfeet, past t f i e p o w e r s . For Julia,that was the final straw.
“I-cun% say.” Merlin, when he said, “I didn’t say that,” thought he
‘Wfiy nut?” was saying something like, ”I didn’t mean you’re barred
“I”’ W W It was not oncy tht
coucd I say? from my world.” Or maybe he thought he was saying, “I
telling k r of sciadow would disturb, perfraps didn’t say those I love are barred from my world.”
destroy, fier View of r d i t y . At tfie fieurt of my He isn’t paying attention.
p r o 6 h Gzy tfie reuCizution tfuzt it would uko Merlin says they never used the word love, but he just
require tdiy tier tiow I knew his, wfiicfi woufd heard Julia say, “those who love you ...”That’s the kind of
meun telling fier wfto I am, wfiere I mfroM, wtiat cautious wording a person would use if they were very
I u m d I was +uid to give fier fib linowkdge. much afraid of getting their feelings crushed.
When Merlin says, “I didn’t say that,” what does Julia
I toGf myself tht it would end our recationsfiip as
hear? ZelaznycascGamecMaster puts himself in Julia’s
surely as tefting tier notfring w d ; und it must place, feels as she feels, hurts as she hurts, and hears what
end eitFser way, I woufd rutfier we purted wittiout Julia hears.
fier possessing this finowkdiJe. Later, ttuLcJi k r , I Julia put herself on the line, she admitted her love. She
was to see his for tfie r U * it was; my said, .if even those who love you are barred.. .”
red reuson fin- d;ettyitrg tier tfie unswers she desired When Merlin said, “I didn’t say that,” Julia knows
wus t f s a t ~
was notrdyto trust fier, or myone, so herself to be barred from his life. In his words she hears, “I
d o s e t o me as I r d y am, Had1 known& h g e r , didn’t say I loved you.. .”
better-unutfwr year, say-I mi@ h v e u w e r e d
fier. I h’tknow. We never r c s d the word %we,”
tfiougfi it must fiuve lun tfirougfi. tier mind on
occasiotr, as it did hrougfi mine. It was, I suppose,
didk’t Cove tier enougfito trust fier, undthm
it wus too h e . So, ‘41 an%teCfyou,” were my
'Tau fiuve some power t h t y o u w i l l not sfiure.”
‘4Cd it tfiu?,k”
“1w d do whatever you say, promise wliatever
you wunt promised.”
“Tfiere is u reason, J&.”
sfie is on h f e e t , u r n &intho. “Andyouwon’t
wen sfiure tliat.”
“It must tie u Conelry wortif you infiutjit,
magician, even ttiose wtio h e you are burred
from it.”
At tfiat moment it seems sfie is s i m p 9 trying k r
cast tridi for getting un utLSwerfiom me. 1 screw
my resolve yet tigfiter. ‘11 didn’t say tfiut.”
“ou didn’t h v e to. It is your siCence tfiut teCSs
ine. If you know tfie roadto Hecltm, why not l i e d
tczat wuy? Good-bye!”
“Jdh Don’t. ..’’
Stie cfiooses nut to liar me.
Bbod of A d e r
You can’t buy a demon. specific Attributes, Qualities, Powers or Multipliers of a
Rent one, maybe. demon, than they would for Dworkin or Caine. For that
Certainly you can coerce one, if you’ve got the power to reason, among others, demon construction is for Game
do so. Or you can try to talk a demon into doing Masters only.
After all, demons are intelligent and independent
creatures, possessing abilities of Shape Shifting and other POINTS
magic. In a lot of cases, the difference between a demon
and a Lord of Chaos is difficult to spot (a source of
Characters don’t “buy”demons. However, the points are
occasional embarrassment for visitors to the Courts of
a useful way for the Game Master to figure out the value
Chaos). It could be that the people of the Courts of Chaos
of demons. This can be roughly translated into how much
are merely a more successful breed of demon, the
time it takes to bind the demon, what it might expect in
dominant species in that insane ecosystem. Or perhaps trade for its services, or how long it would take to
demons are truly the fey offspring of the Lords of Chaos,
negotiate a contract of servitude.
the descendants of various Creatures of Blood, formed
through the power of Shape Shifting.
Regardless of their origins, demons A Sample- Demon.
are now an essential part of life in the All the examples, illustrating the
Courts of Chaos. Some are wild and various ways of getting and dealing
untamed, living auart from societv. IMPORTANT with demons, are based on Braithwhit
Others have been in service for so long CRITICAL
that they are indistinguishable from Braithwhit [lo Point Demon] Like
summon existing demons (on the other hand, it’s possible ways, so the Conjurer can’t psychically dominate the
to Conjure Shadow demons using the standard rules for prisoner, any more than the prisoner can use Psyche to
creature creation-but they won’t be true demons of attack or call for help.
It’s also possible to summon demons through the use of Magic Barrier.
magic spells, the Logrus, Trump, or other arcane means. Keeps the prisoner from using innate magical
There are also grimoires, magical books, that describe manipulation, or spells. This is especially important,
rituals for summoning demons. While unreliable, since many demons can “unweave” pentacles from
especially compared to the methods used by Lords of the inside. O n the other hand, since magic can’t
Chaos, they do provide a way for Shadow dwellers to come out, it’s also impossible t o send magic in, so
summon demons. the Conjurer can’t use High Compelling, or any
binding spells on the prisoner.
Summoning the Sample Demon.
Since Braithwhit is a ten point demon, it takes about Chaos Barrier.
ten hours of Complex Conjuration to bring him forth. Since some demons are capable of evoking chaos, in the
That’s assuming that the Conjurer isn’t calling any demon form of raw chaos, or as Logrus Tendrils, the pentagram
in particular, but that Braithwhit happens to fit the can be made impervious to the forces of Chaos. However,
Conjurer’s general requirements. this also means the prisoner is protected from being
If the Conjurer happens to know Braithwhit’s name, it’s manipulated by Logrus Tendrils.
possible to do the summoning in less than an hour.
Pentagram Environment.
CONTAININGDEMONS The Conjurer can specify the environment on the
Summoning a demon is one thing, getting them to interior of the Pentagram. Other than choosing the
stick around, or preventing them from attacking their temperature and humidity, the Conjurer can also specify
host, is something else altogether. whether the inside will be as Chaoscfilled as the Courts of
Of course, if the Conjurer feels capable of handling the Chaos, or as stable as Castle Amber. Since some demons are
demon, either psychically, magically, or with a few strong4 sensitive to the realm of Order, they’ll be more
arm buddies, that’s fine. comfortable in a Chaosclaced Pentagram. On the other
Containing a summoned demon in the inside of a hand, certain demons can be weakened, and made easier to
pentagram is the traditional way of dealing with the manipulate, by sticking them in a place with no Chaos
situation. energy.
Most characters can learn how to make a pentagram.
After all, if you can find the right grimoire, it’s as easy as Containing the Sample Demon.
following a brownie recipe. Even characters with no A pentacle that could contain our sample demon,
magical powers can build a pentagram. It’s just that, Braithwhit, would have to keep him from walking out
lacking the sensitivity to magic that’s given by Sorcery or through Shadow or manipulating the magic of the
Conjuration, there’s no way of checking the work for pentacle from inside.
errors. Most pentagrams are designed for a single prisoner.
There’s also the little problem of exactly which Since Braithwhit can make creatures of his own blood, he
pentagram, pentacle, pentangle, or pentalpha to use. You would be able to attack the pentacle from different points,
see, the pentagrammatic arts are filled with complications, and could escape from pentagrams that aren’t designed for
and mutually contradictory rules and advice. Each multiple containment.
pentagram is designed for a specific set of conditions, and
can only be modified to a limited degree.
Making a “cookbook”pentagram can take several days of INVITING
detailed work. Modifying the design of a known If a character has access to the Courts of Chaos, or any of
pentagram can take three or four times as long. And the other demonic realms (sometimes called hells, or Hell
creating a totally new pentagram will usually involve at Shadows), then using Conjuration to get a demon is
least a month of experimentation. unnecessary. After all, why spend all that time and effort,
Here are just a few of the many pentagrammatic choices when all that’s needed is a simple invitation?
available: Most of the Houses of the Courts of Chaos have plenty
of demons on staff. Ask any one of thetn, and they’ll be
Psyche Barrier. happy to chat about possible demon arrangements. If the
Designed to keep the prisoner from messing around deal looks lucrative, demons will tend to recommend their
psychically with the pentagram, and to prevent psychic own relatives and allies. Even if it looks like a bad deal,
contact with outside forces. The problem is, it works two there are plenty of out-ofcwork demons to choose from.
On the other hand, there’s no reason not to talk about There’s a wide range of acceptable protocol for
plans that involve binding or compelling. Most demons entertaining demons. If the host is unknown in the
have plenty of enemies and rivals they’d be happy to see Courts of Chaos, it’s a good idea to put on a lavish spread,
enslaved. They’ll even supply names and give advice on complete with food and entertainment. On the other
appropriate rituals. hand, if the host is a powerful Lord of Chaos, there’s no
reason to be so accommodating.Merely being brought into
Inviting the Sample Demon. the presence of someone like Mandor is honor enough.
Braithwhit considers himself a combat demon, and he’d All this depends on relative status. Powerful demons,
be willing to entertain an offer of employment. Any or those representing large groups, might expect a show of
polite invitation, especially one that involves a free meal, respect even from the King of the Courts of Chaos. On the
would be happily accepted. other hand, there are plenty of low status demons who
would be happy to get an offer from anybody.
DFMONS Entertaining the Sample Demon.
Although it’s certainly possible to contain an invited Braithwhit, a fairly simple demon, doesn’t really expect
demon, tricking them into a pentagram, it’s considered much. It would be an honor to come into the presence of
rude behavior in many circles. any Lord of Chaos, even if he wasn’t invited to sit down.
With someone unknown, Braithwhit
would t r y to find out as much as
possible before appearing. Since his
family serves the Hendrakes, he’d
expect at least common courtesy from
someone looking for his services. It
needn’t be much, just the offer of a glass
of wine and a few munchies.
On the other hand, if Braithwhit were
invited as part of a group, he’d expect a
bit more. If his servitude was as a
member of a guard squadron (Named &
Numbered), he‘d expect a bit more of a
formal setting.
Once summoned, either by magical means or by simply Status.
arranging for an appointment, the deakmaking starts. The Promises of things that will improve a demon’s status in
objective is to get the demon into some condition of the Courts of Chaos won’t fall on deaf ears. For example,
servitude. being formally presented to the King of the Courts of
Usually, demons are happy to enter servitude. Chaos is worth quite a bit. Demons can also be a bit
If treated well, a demon can develop a lot of loyalty. It egotistical, and are often eager to get a fancy title.
will act on its own to aid you, will summon allies if need
be to see that your welfare is taken care of, and will act as a Items of Power.
companion, protector, and friend. The demon enjoys a Things containing real power, like Trump, or objects
personal rapport with you, and will offer information or with Pattern or Logrus, are highly valued by demons. If a
services beyond the call of duty. If you are injured or character can lay hands on a spikard, or something of
killed, the demon will try to avenge you or a t least comparable power, it can be traded for hundreds, or even
recover your body for proper burial. thousands, of points worth of demonic servitude.
However, most demons will recognize conjured or Shadow
DICKERINGFOR A DEMON’S items as effectively valueless.
SERVICES Knowledge.
A bargain with a demon is a trade where the demon Secrets are always good currency. This can involve
agrees to some condition of servitude in exchange for details of powers, insider information on other characters,
some payment or reward. or forewarning of danger.
Mere wealth, or mundane possessions, aren’t going to
cut it as demon payment. After all, they live in the Courts Bargaining for the Sample Demon.
of Chaos, and most are capable of shifting shadow in some Braithwhit is willing to listen to any reasonable offer.
way or other. Instead, the character will have to offer He doesn’t feel like he needs personal protection, release,
something like the following: revenge or service, but he’d be willing to get such things
on behalf of his family. Braithwhit doesn’t have enough
Protection. bargaining power to hope for Items of Power, and he’s too
Some demons seek protection from their enemies, or low on the totem pole for knowledge to be worth all that
even from others who might attempt to bind them into much. On the other hand, he likes the idea of a rise in
servitude. A promise of protection might be conditional status.
on a particular threat, or for a specific period of time, or for
a set number of acts. Offering Empowerment.
Another use for the points is showing just how much
Release. work it takes for a Conjurer to “improve”a demon. Since
Since it’s so common for demons to be forced into most demons are greedy to advance, and to become more
servitude, it’s often possible to trade a short+term service powerful than their rivals, this is an excellent bargaining
in exchange for releasing another condition of servitude. chip for servitude.
For example, it’s possible to do either Conjure Shadow
Revenge. Shape, a fairly temporary condition, or Empowerment,
Some demons will just flat-out refuse to deal, either which is more durable, on any willing demon. Any
demanding immediate release, or simply heading for the Attribute, Quality or Power can be increased, so long as
nearest exit. In such cases it’s best to jump right to the the Conjurer spends the required time at the job.
most likely negotiation bait-revenge! Demons, being
rather bloody minded, are always looking for interesting Offering Empowerment to the Sample
ways of correcting insults and slights. A period of Demon.
servitude, in exchange for revenge against a powerful Braithwhit would be interested in just about any
enemy, or even another demon, is often too good to resist. augmentation, but he’s most keen to improve his rank in
Strength. Since neither the Conjurer or Braithwhit have
Service. any idea what it takes to move him up in the rankings,
If the demon is willing to enter into a condition of Braithwhit will try to bargain for as many hours of
servitude, why not the other party? Empowerment as possible, claiming that demons, being
already hideously strong, can only be made better by a
massive effort. A lot depends on how it’s roleHplayed, but powerful demon will agree to anything.
ten hours (equal to his points, as it happens) would be a
minimum for a single mission, and for higher levels of Binding the Sample Demon.
servitude, Braithwhit would expect even more. Braithwhit could be bound with Psyche or Magic fairly
easily (although a player character would never know). As
BINDING DEMONS a combat demon, Braithwhit would see threats of death or
torture as challenges to his bravery, so he’d be pretty
Demons can also be forced into servitude, pushing
resistant. On the other hand, he’s not too keen on facing
servitude right down their throats. Usually the only eternal imprisonment, so he’d probably crack after a day or
reward offered to the demon is the promise of freedom. two of solitude.
Demons with this kind of relationship are notorious for Since Braithwhit would be quite ticked off about being
being lazy and illctempered, and will often attempt to a prisoner, he’d be easy to goad into anger. A few insults
exploit loopHholes in the wording of their commands. shouted back and forth, and he’d go into a rage. In his
They will always use the minimum possible effort to frenzy, given a chance at striking a blow against his captor,
fulfill their tasks, unless overkill can annoy their master in he’d agree to just about any conditions, both for the fight,
some wav. Bound demons are unlikely to volunteer and for servitude in the event of his defeat. Note that if
information or act independently. the conditions for the fight don’t limit Braithwhit’s Shape
A show of power is the traditional Shifting, he’s going to be a very hard
opening move, where the Conjurer demon to defeat.
demonstrates the demon’s weakness Once bound into Servitude, Braithwhit
and inability to escape, followed by one Ifyou’re one of the Game will be grumpy. He won’t exactly
of the following tactics: Masters who likes playing neglect his duties, but neither will he
with points, this Demon be enthusiastic.
Psychic Assault. section should put you in
If the summoner has enough Psyche,
a direct mental contact is often the best, hog heaven. For the rest of COMPELLING
and quickest, move. Once in control of us freecwheeling GMs, Just as qualities and powers can be
the demon’s mind, the summoner can who’d rather eat worms implanted i n creatures with
impose any servitude. Conjuration, so directives, urges and
than apply a multiplier,
quests can be inserted into demons
Magical Spell. you can ignore the points (and other creatures, for that matter).
An invasive spell is cast o n the and concentrate on how to These changes i n “programming”
Demon, forcing it to submit t o the rolecplay demons. Either become irresistible compulsions, and
conditions of servitude. way, everything gets a lot warp the demon’s personality.
A demon bound into service through
simpler ifyou use the magical Compelling is really not itself.
Physical Force.
Usually in response to threats from Demon Worksheet at the I t operates under a modified
the demon (“if I could just lay my end of the book. personality, and just isn’t as smart as it
hands on you, I’d rip out your...”), was before, some of its memories are
someone offers to fight the demon clouded or foggy, and its sense of self
under the condition &at it accept servitude if it loses. severely limited. Demons in thTs-condition follow their
Because this is kind of stupid for the demon (the deck is conditions of servitude with blind obedience, never really
usually stacked pretty badly against the demon), it’s acting independently.
necessary to get the demon worked up with a lot of The more complex the Compelling, the longer it takes
insults, yelling and banter. Then, when the demon is to implant it into the demon. This is reflected in the
hopping mad, the opportunity to get out and kill Servitude Multiplier, with higher levels requiring more
something will overcome its better judgement. Any kind time. It takes about an hour for each point of Compelling.
of combat is okay, but it’s usually a good idea to set the
terms before letting the demon out of its confinement. Compelling the Sample Demon.
Since Braithwhit is willing to go into a military position
Threats. anyway, Compelling will be fairly easy. However, with his
Matching bluster with a demon can be a loud, long, and mind fogged up, Braithwhit will often forget to use his
irritating process. Effectively, the Conjurer promises to Blood Shape Shift, or won’t figure out how to use it with
kill, torture, or leave the demon in the pentacle for all any cleverness or skill. Likewise, he may neglect to use
eternity. Proof, in the form of inflicting a massive injury, Magic Manipulation, or even check out the local Shadow
causing a vast amount of pain, or leaving the demon environment.
trapped for a lengthy period, is often needed before a
Impervious. Can even resist weapons with Destructive
NATURALDEMONARMOR Damage. It usually takes some kind of extraordinary
In their natural form all demons come complete with a measures, or a highly magicked weapon, to penetrate
full set of armor. Large areas, like the shoulders, back, this armor. [Costs 4 Points].
chest, forearms, thighs and shins are covered by curved
bony plates, often covered with spines or thorns. Even the
“soft spots” (hah!) on a demon are covered with flexible NATURALDEMONARMAMENT
damage-resistant scales. Here’s the range of defensive With demons it’s hard to find a place on the body that
capability: won’t serve as a makeshift weapon. Aside from the usual
talons, fangs, horns, elbow spikes, knuckle spines, shoulder
None. The demon is either unadorned, or has scales and barbs, knee thorns, back quills, heel spurs and
spines that are no more resistant to weapons than thick miscellaneous bristles, just about every piece of plate has
chunks of skin. A rather rare condition among demons. sharp points and edges. Most demons have a couple of sets
[‘2 Points]. of “primary” weapons, which have the following possible
qualities. The rest of the demon’s armament is usually one
Natural Bone. All the demon’s plates and scales are step down the ladder of possibilities.
formed from natural shell and bone. While it offers
some protection, the demon’s armor can be cut or Organic. Natural weapons are formed out of natural horn,
pierced by ordinary sharpened weapons. The armor has bone or enamel. While sharp enough, these structures
little resistance to bullets or arrows. [‘l Point]. are basically fragile pieces of the body, as subject to pain
and damage as any finger or tooth. Secondary armament
Resistant to Normal Weapons. The demon’s plates and is for looks only. [-2Points].
scales are tough enough to resist glancing or weak blows
from normal weapons. Swords, axes, spears, and arrows Natural Bone. All primary natural weapons are formed of
can all penetrate, given a good angle of attack and bone or other hardened natural material. While sharp
sufficient strength, but damage will be reduced because and deadly effective against flesh, this stuff is not
of the armor’s resistance. Even weapons that are designed for attacking hardened metal, stone, or even
augmented with Doubling Damage or Deadly Damage most demonic armor. Edges and points are easily dulled
must be wielded with skill, because indirect hits tend or broken if used carelessly. Secondary natural weapons
to skip off. Small caliber pistol shots and slow-moving are even more fragile. [-1 Point].
bullets (most muzzle-loaders) will be unable to
penetrate. [Zero Points]. Extra Hard Points and Edges. The demon’s primary
natural weapons are capable of scratching stone or steel,
Impenetrable to Weapons & Firearms. Bulletproof, a t and can be used against those and other armored
least against smaller firearms, the demon’s armor resists substances without being broken or damaged. This
penetration from most weapons, including those with quality enables demons to do things like claw through
Doubling Damage. High powered rifle bullets can still doors and fight armored opponents without suffering
penetrate, but the armor will reduce potential damage. damage. Secondary weapons are effective against flesh
Armor-piercing weapons designed to work against and wood, but can be scratched or cracked if hammered
armored vehicles, do full damage. The armor also against stone or metal. [Zero Points].
protects against most explosions, fire, and chemical
attacks. [Costs 1 Point]. Doubling Damage Armament. In addition to being
hardened, the demon’s primary edged and pointed
Resistant to all Energy Et Conventional Weapons. parts are capable of penetrating or slashing through
Supremely tough, the demon can resist most non- most armor, including artifacts and creatures with
magical attacks. Weapons relying on physical force “Resistant to Normal Weapons” armor. Secondary
simply won’t penetrate (although the demon can natural weapons have Extra Hard Points and Edges.
experience shock from massive impacts). Also resists [Costs 1 Point].
Deadly Damage weapons. While energy-based attacks,
including lasers and flame+throwers,won’t get through Deadly Damage. Durable and extremely sharp, the
the armor, sustained fire can heat up the armor, and can demon’s natural primary weapons are able to do
eventually cause damage inside (although demons are extraordinary damage, punching through “Resistant to
notoriously resistant to high temperatures). [Costs 2 Guns” armor and inflicting consistently life-threatening
Points]. wounds. [Costs 2 Points].
Destructive Damage. In addition to being damaging, and prolonged exposure it will start experiencing the same
capable of penetrating even “invulnerable” armor, the kind of freezing that affects demons Sensitive to Order.
demon’s weaponry is somehow poisonous. [Costs 2 Points].
Envenomed demons have special glands in their
mouths that constantly ooze a caustic venom. This Permanent Resistance t o Order. The demon can stay in
naturally coats the fangs. When preparing for battle, the areas controlled by Order indefinitely. Eventually, after
demon will also lick talons and other natural weapons, a week in the realm of Order, the demon’s Shape
coating them as well. This is particularly useful against Shifting power will slow down, so it takes about twice
Shape Shifters, since the venom, aside from being as long as usual. Otherwise, the only sideHeffect is that
blindingly painful, prevents Shape Shifting a wound demons in Chaos forms (demonform, gaseous, etc.) will
closed, or even regeneration. suffer nagging headaches. [Costs 4 Points].
Other demons have some form of poison stinger,
either in the mouth or at the tip of the tail. These
stingers inject a dose of fastcacting poison into their
victims. Characters with Human Rank Endurance will
fall comatose, and die if not treated. Those with Chaos
Rank Endurance will be knocked unconscious, but can DEMONICSHADOW
recover after a few hours of painful tremors. Against
those with Amber or better Endurance the poison will MANIPULATION
hurt, and may even paralyze a portion of the body, but Most demons are naturals at manipulating Shadow,
isn’t lifecthreatening, at least not in single doses. [Costs though there is a wide range of talent.
4 Points]
None. Although the demon can get around all right in
DEMONICRESISTANCETO ORDER the Courts of Chaos, it must follow regular Ways and
byways. The demon hasn’t a clue about manipulating
All demons are better off in their home environment. Shadow. Away from the Courts, it can get permanently
Regardless of a demon’s resistance to the influence of stuck, with no way of walking through Shadow. [Zero
Pattern, it’s going to be more and more miserable, the Points].
closer it gets to Amber.
Sense Shadow. The demon can sense its surroundings,
None. Outside of the environment of Chaos the demon and feel any nearby openings, trails or paths. In Ways
will sicken immediately. Picture all the worst of the Courts of Chaos the demon will be able to sense
symptoms of a really bad cold, with demon4zed snot hidden ways. Although it’s not impossible, it would
to boot. Not a pretty sight. If not rescued the demon take a lot of time and effort for such a demon to
will whine and complain loudly for a day before dying. manipulate an object out in Shadow. For example, if the
[zero Points] demon tried to shift a coin into the local currency, it
would likely take several minutes to get any change a t
Sensitive to Order. The demon will start to slow down all, a few really wild wrong shifts (no! a nickel, not a
as soon as it enters an area dominated by Order. A pickle!), and a dozen tries to get it right. [Costs 1 Point].
couple of hours later, its reflexes in combat will be 06
and within eight hours it’ll seem to be moving a t half Select Shadow. In the Courts of Chaos this is sufficient
speed. Eventually, within a couple of days, the demon for manipulating most Shadow, summoning filmies, or
will become rigid and immobile. In this form, where navigating Ways. Out in Shadow, the demon can sense
the demon looks like a stone statue, it can survive for the natural passages from one Shadow to another, and
years. Revival, under the influence of a Chaos can easily track others through Shadow. Manipulating
environment, takes about a day for every week the objects in Shadow is easy. [Costs 2 Points].
demon spent frozen. [Costs 1 Point].
Shadowmastery. The demon pretty much has unlimited
Temporary Resistance to Order. The demon can stand power to manipulate Shadow at the Chaos end of the
being in a realm of Order for up to a full day without ill universe. The demon understands, intuitively, how to
effects. After a day, it will lose the ability to Shape bend Shadowways, or find its way through the Way of
Shift, but in all other respects is still powerful for up to a Noble House of Chaos. While few demons have the
a week. Even though the demon is able to function, it skill to assemble a Way, any demon with shadow*
will be severely uncomfortable. If the demon shifts to a mastery can rip one apart. Out in Shadow, where things
form suitable for its environment (human or that of a are more difficult to manipulate, the demon has the
natural animal), it can withstand indefinitely the effects ability to move around and to manipulate objects or
of Order. In demon form, or in any chaotic shape, after people. [Costs 4 Points].
Magic Manipulation. The demon can sense magic, Magic Drain. The demon has the ability to suck up
magical auras, and the lines of magic running through magical energy, either the raw kind, or that used in
Shadow, and can also reach out and influence lines, walls spells, “eating”it, in a manner of speaking, and using it
or areas of magical energy. Experienced demons can for a personal reserve of energy. [Costs 8 Points].
shape magical energy in different forms, short0
circuiting some sources, or putting others into cages. Magic Domination. A focus of magical energy itself, and
[Costs 2 Points]. capable of warping, damping, or energizing all the fields
of magical power in the vicinity. Unless the demon is
Magical Well. Accustomed to the environment near right next to a major source of power (Pattern, Logrus,
Primal Chaos, where massive bolts of energy are the Fount of Power, etc.), it can pretty much control all
commonplace, the demon has learned the trick of the flow of magical energy in the area. [Costs 1G Points].
“grounding” anything thrown at it. Spells and other
sendings are drawn inside the demon and disappear.
[Costs 4 Points].
This section determines the relationship between the Servitude. A longHterm deal, where the demon works
character and the demon. It is mandatory for characters toward more general goals. Groups of demons often cut
who own demon servants, as it affects how the demons deals of servitude with the Noble Houses of the Courts
will behave and the zeal with which they fulfill their of Chaos, sometimes for generations. Costs four times
duties. the total points [*4Points].
None. Yes, you get the demon of your desire. With Devotion. The demon accepts the goals and ambitions of
absolutely no strings attached. The demon has no its condition of servitude, so it is more of an ally than a
particular compulsion to stick around, to obey, or even servant. Demons with deals of devotion are just as
to listen. No extra cost, because the multiplier is one likely to operate independently as under orders. If
[‘l Point]. they deem it necessary, they may even attempt to
recruit other demons for emergencies, sometimes
M i s s i o n . The demon is created, or summoned, or making bargains of their own. Costs five times the total
invoked, with a single thought in mind. For example, a points [‘5 Points].
demon could be a “MerlinHEater,” intent only on
hunting down and eating Merlin. The demon has no Lifetime. Typically this involves a deal cut a t the birth of
relationship with whoever brought it forth, and could a young Lordling of Chaos, or the ascension of the new
care less about any other instructions. Costs twice the Lord of a House. The demon agrees to protect, guide
total points [‘Z Points]. and serve, on a permanent basis. Note the lifetime
usually refers to the lifetime of the beneficiary or, more
Pact. A bargain involving some specific duty or job. rarely, the summoner or whoever cuts the deal with
Demons with this kind of relationship are often lazy the demon, not the life of the demon. Costs six times
and ill-tempered, and will attempt to exploit the total points [‘G Points].
loop-holes in the wording of their commands. They use
the minimum possible effort to fulfill their tasks,
unless overkill can annoy the character in some way and
gain an early release. Costs three times the total points
[*3 Points];
This applies only to the number of demons who are to could include up to a dozen. The cost is double (*2)that of
be involved in a particular arrangement of servitude. It’s a single demon [‘Z Points].
possible to make a deal with a single demon, with a team
of like+minded demons, with a family group, or with an Family. Some family lines of demons are committed to a
entire demon race. particular calling, trade or loyalty. Negotiations are
Note that one other hazard of binding demons, usually with the family elder, often a demon who’s
especially in quantity, is the possibility of stepping on beyond his prime, but who has picked up a few shrewd
someone else’s toes. For example, if the demon group bargaining techniques. Defining the “family”can easily
already has a deal going with a House in the Courts of turn into the trickiest part of the deal, but it usually
Chaos, the character is likely to get a social call from some includes at least forty adult demons. Costs three times
rather irritated Lords of Chaos. normal [‘3 Points].
Unique. The deal is with a single demon. No extra cost, Demon Race. An entire race of demons of the Courts of
because the multiplier is one [‘l Point]. Chaos. Their numbers may run from mere hundreds to
millions, but the deal includes the entire population.
Named & Numbered. The demons have something in Negotiation will mean summoning the leader, or
common that makes them bargain as a group. For leadership council, of the demonic race. It’s not unlikely
example, they might be a work crew, a tactical fighting that they’d engage legal counsel before concluding any
unit, or just a bunch of good buddies. Five to seven deal. Costs four times the total for a single specimen [‘4
demons are the usual size of a working group, but it Points].
I ttiougfit 6ack to my cfiiGf’fiood, to some oftfie strange adventures for wfiicfi [ace fiad sewed as a
OW departure. ~ r y Uand : I woucd come fiere, Gkit slithering ut our eet a l i d or riditlg
k u m % ? rm e i d m y garmenb. I w d g i v e tfiat odddidutrt a y I h d Lkina dream, adsometimes
Kergmu woucd join us, come skittering daytr tfie focds of darlitress, out sottce ji-qed area of twisted
space. I wus never sure d y wf%zt Kergtnu was, or even of wfiat gender, Kergmu was a sfkpesfil%er
undjkw, crawled, fropped or run in a succession of imestingfoms.
Trim of C h s
GLAIT Glait [Zero Points] A small demon, given to hunting
“Gry[l;” I s a i d “Doyou detect a spell upon me?” Gryll [22 Points] Merlin’s old companion, and now in
“Aye, m’brh” fie replied. the service of Suhuy. Gryll is no stranger to forays out
“Whydidn’t you mention it?)’ into the realms of Order. Usually winged, Gryll is
1 ttiougfit it one of your own-for qense, considered strong among his kind.
pertiups .I’ Chaos Psyche [zero Points]
“Can you Cift it?I’m at a disadvantage, h e on Demon Rank Strength [12 Points] Against other
“Dud! I’m in trou6kl”came to me t f b . It wus a twdve-foot Fire Angel that wjust
“fiere are you? wfiat’stfie mutter?”I usfad. entered--rrrsset cobred, with. wings lilie stained
111 fobwed tfiis entiiy I met. P u r d fier-it. glass w i n d o w s - a d along with. intimations of
Almost a matfiematical a6straction. Called mrtufity, it 6rougk me reco- af a pruying
Kergma. Got caugfit tiere at an odd-even mn*, witfi a spiked.c o h r a d tfbmlilie Ccaws
dimetrsional in&$m, wfiere I’m spiraling. Was protruding tfirougfi its s t i o r t fur at every
fsaving a good time up untiltfien-N suggestion of an angk. One of t h e , in fact,
ltI know Kergma we[c Kergma is a tdckter. I cuugfit on a d unfiinged a swinging door us it
cunfeelyuur spatiac situation, I a m d o u t to send came inside. It was a Criaos 6east--rare, M y ,
6ursts sf energy to unmter tfie rotation. Let m e a d higMy inMigent. I Fdn%seen one in years,
know iftfiere are p r 0 6 h . As soon us you’re a6k cuuf~dnodesire to see one now; tho, I’dno do&
to TrUmp tfirougfi, teff me a d come &emf.” t h t I wus tfie reuson it wus here. Fortfie moment
I fndsed it tfirougfi tfie spikrd a d tfie 6r&ing I regretted hving used my curdiLLc arrest s p d otc a
eHecf 6egata. Moments k r , fie informed me, “1 mere Bandersnatcfi-until I r e c u m t h t Fire
think I cun escape now.” +e[S futve tfiree h r t s . I g l a d a6out quWy
!Prince of Chaos us it spied me, gave voice to a 6rh$ h d n g wa$
a d advanced.
Kergma [30 Points] Merlin describes Kergma as almost
+ S g n qfchs
a mathematical abstraction. Ghostwheel made the
mistake of playing something like a game of “tag”with
Kergma. Such is Kergma’s nature, that Ghostwheel
Fire Angel 170 Points] Used as hunters by the Lords
and Ladies of Courts of Chaos. Putting one under orders
ended up in a recursive trap in multi-dimensional is a dangerous affair. This loner is unusual, since they
space, and was only released with Merlin’s help. are usually sent out in pairs.
Demon Rank Psyche [14 Points] Although highly
ranked for a demon, Kergma is probably not the equal of
someone with Amber Rank Psyche.
Chaos Psyche [Zero Points]
Demon Rank Strength [20 Points] This is very
high on the demon scale, about the equivalent of fifty
Chaos Strength [Zero Points] or sixty points when ranked against Amberites.
Chaos Endurance [Zero Points] Demon Rank Endurance [4 Points] The Fire Angel
Chaos Warfare [zero Points] is of low rank compared to other demons, but is better
Weapon Resistant Natural Armor [Zero Points] than Amber Rank.
Extra Hard Armament [Zero Points] Chaos Rank Warfare [Zero Points]
No Resistance t o Order [zero Point] Impervious Armor [4 Points]
Shadowmastery [4 Points] Destructive Damage Armament [4 Points]
Dimensional Shift [S Points] Temporary Resistance to Order [2 Points]
Magic Well [4 Points] Select Shadow [2 Points]
Unique [*1 Point] Blood Shape Shift [2 Points]
No Servitude [*1 Points] Magic Intuition [l Point]
Unique [*I Point]
Mission [*2 Points] +Given the psychic scent of
Merlin, it was simply instructed to go out and kill.
with those who cast it. Its kind are useful as watchdogs
tifie u pU@e Blcddha witfi 6at ears. Detuib resocved and doormen. Of relatively low intelligence, Scrof isn’t
t h e l v e s os I drew nearer: protruding fays, one to get tired of its assignment. Confident and
y& yes tfiut seemedto 6e Cidcess, C oy red clizws selfiassured (or obnoxious, depending on how you look
on its great hunt& udfeet. It was seated in tfie a t it).
middce o f t f i e auusel u d made no effort to rise. It Chaos Psyche [Zero Points]
wore no chfiing, but its yreut s w o h 6 d y rested Demon Rank Strength [G Points] Against other 0
upon its knees, cotLceacilzg its sex. 1% voice fiuif demons Scrof ranks pretty low, but it’s enough to make
6een gruffly musculitle, h e w e r , and its odor him somewhat better than Amber Rank Strength.
Chaos Endurance [zero Points]
‘mi,))I said. e, it?”
“Mu wusn’t
It growlhd u d tfie temperature s d to rise
Demon Rank Warfare [lo Points] On the demon
STEPI-THE OFFENSE Master need only throw a few events across the character’s
You need an event or series of events that would Could the player character be the one challenged? If
ultimately result in a challenge and a demand for that player character reveled in making trouble for others,
satisfaction. It is important to keep the player character’s or just plain walked into the path of trouble for whatever
motivations i n mind. A Character’s previous play will reasons, yes. Then the Game Master has but to place the
enable a Game Master to customize an appropriate character into situations where their rambunctious ways
encounter for individual Players. will lead to a demand for satisfaction. It all depends upon
Would the player character be the one to make such a the personality of the player character.
challenge? If he or she were the type that strutted Something to remember: the scene must be strong
around with an all-tooHapparent Code of Honor, or if the enough to capture the attention of the player character. It
prevailing events confronting the player character must be a ‘hook‘ to draw them into the depths of the
offended his or her “delicate” sensibilities, yes. The Game situation. The emphasis is on the Role-playing.
Conditions, Seconds, other witnesses, and how the duel Player: You mean he recognizes me?
will be fought. GM: Looks that way.
Player: And I don’t know him? I’m thinking real
Player: “I don’t know who you are. ..” hard., ,
GM: The stranger says, “Obviously.” You, as Jayson, GM: Hard to say. Perhaps ifyou spent more time in the
notice that he is quite in a state of agitation. Still Court and less with the ladies.. , I’ll grant you this
having some trouble holding shape, like this might though, you have seen him in the Court on occasion,
not be his naturalform. His hands are clenching and but that’s about it.
unclenching reflexively. Player: I’ll say, “My Lord, I can not apologize for an
Player: “Therehas to be some way we can talk this out. uction where I do not j n d myselfin error.”
The fact that you are listening tells me that we can GM: Are you sure?
talk this through.” Player: I’m not going to apologize, she came on to me!
GM: “I’mlistening, but you’re not saying anything.. .” GM:Just asking. He says, “Then I’m left with no other
Player: “I had no idea, that you and she were.. , ” recourse but to make a demand for satisfaction. I,
GM: “Werewhat?” Talmed of Chanicut, Second Warlord to the Throne
Player: “Uh.., Involved, I would regret my actions and of Chaos, formally challenge you to a Duel of Honor
apologize had I known that.. .” and a Demand for Satisfaction f o r your conduct
GM: “Had you known, I would have already killed you. regarding my Lady. ”
And had you known, an apology would have been Player: No. Have I heard that name before? Or the
useless. ” position?
Player: “Thenyou realize the predicament I’m in here. I GM: Yes to both questions.
don’t wish to impose or intrude any further. I Player: What do I know about him?
promise that this will be the last you ever see or hear GM: Pretty tough customer with a track record for
of: *
0 ” fighting Duels.
GM: “Notgood enough.. . You’ve already intruded too Player: Great, a ringer. All right. I’ll say, “Nameyour
far. You are here in my Ways and I must assume conditions, Talmed!”
that that means you are the instigator of what I just GM: He says, “A Duel to the Yield. In Chaosform with
witnessed.” no other advantages or weapons.”
Player: “Good Sir,” I’ll say. “What can I do or say to Player: Do I know his Chaosform?
make amends by you for this terrible oversight on my GM: No.
part?” Player: Okay, I’ll say, “I ask for Seconds. .. two.
GM: He seems to think this over a bit.. . You also notice GM: He nods.
that he has seemingly gained his composure and he is Player: “And the location?”
holding his human form. He furrows his brow and GM: “Out upon the Whispering Bridge., . Red Sky, Frst
you see the slightest upturn of the corner of his turning. ”
mouth, Almost
llsorry you [ost your voice, OMgirt,” I said, “It seems that, the last time h e was in Amber,
stroking fier us I wp[ored tfie room for fireats my nephew Merlin left something behind. If I
botfi psychic u d pfiysical. “1 cun%findu d a m n e d understand this note right, he tied something
called a strangling cord t o a bedpost in Brand’s
tfiing fiere tliat I s f i d d be worried ubout.* bedroom. Apparently it’s some kind of chaos
Inunediaddy sfie spiru&d downfrom my wrist critter t h a t answers t o t h e name of, um, (he
andtriedto removetfieritrgfimmyfinger. squints a t the note paper), yeah, Frakir.
“Stop!” I ordered. ‘11 know tfie ring wuGf be “So far, so good ...
The problem is, there’s
dangerous. But d y if you use it [email protected]% u nothing u p there, though you’re welcome t o look
sorcerer, remenher? 1% into these matters. Tfiere around.. .
i s nutfiing special ubout itfor me tofar.” “Anyway, I need somebody to help these folks
But Frdir disobeyed my order und C o n t i n u e d (at which point, Random will introduce any guests
her attack on tfie ring, w f i u I wucd now d y from t h e Courts of Chaos). They need t o go
awibute to somefom of magical uttii&jealousy* looking for the damn thing, and they ought t o get
I tied fier in u tigfit knot uroud tfie bedpost urd help from family.. .
kft fiertfiere, to tea& fier u lesson. “That okay with you guys?”
Knigr;t ojfst’iuabws The next time there’s a break in the conversation, or if
asked other questions, Random will respond:
STORY SUMMARY “Oh, yeah. The wand. It seems t h a t Merlin has
Whether he’s King of Chaos or not, Merlin wants to get
made this wand thing. It’s supposed to, like, keep
Frakir back. He’s busy off in the Courts of Chaos, it’s too
the strangling cord from hurting anyone. If I’ve
trivial a problem for any of the elder Amberites, so guess
got this right, all you’ve got t o do is point it at,
who gets stuck with the job?
um, what’seit’sename, Frakir, and t h e cord will
wrap around the wand. Or something like that.. .”
If there is a Lord or Lady of Chaos among the player If pressed for more details, Random will answer
characters, all the better. Merlin should have a brief, something like this:
private conference with him or her, explaining the
mission and giving the messenger the following items-a “Hell, I don’t know. The thing probably crawled
Trump of Random; a note to Random, introducing the under the door, or out a crack in the window, or...
messenger and asking for the return of Frakir; and a It’s a chaos thingie, who knows how it got out.
Trump of Merlin, for use when the mission is completed. That’s why I need help. All I know is, I’m positive
If none of the player characters are suitable envoys from it’s no longer in the Castle Amber ...”
Merlin, then a noncplayer character, Lord Noal, will get
the mission, the wand, the note, and the two Trumps. If pushed, Random will admit that he had Bleys and
Before anything is revealed of what will occur, each of Fiona help search for the strangling cord, and he even
the rest of the player characters should be asked, Where used the Jewel of Judgement. Bottom line, he’s convinced
are you, and what are you doing?” They should then be that either some other Amberite has grabbed it, or the
rolecplayed to Random’s study. In most cases a servant thing snuck out into Shadow somewhere.
fetching them, or a quick Trump call, ought to suffice.
ATTRIBUTES days in the cavalry during the Patternfall War.
Psyche = Amber Rank Noal’s manners are perfect, as befits a man from a
Strength = Chaos Rank [+lo Points] society where etiquette is a matter of life and death. But,
however polite he may be, there’s no way he considers
Endurance = Chaos Rank [+lo Points]
Warfare = Amber Rank any Amberite as his equal. Even among Lords of Chaos, his
respect is hard to win.
Noal should be approximately as powerful as an average
POWERS member of the group he’ll work with. If necessary, he can
Logrus Mastery 145 Points] be given any or all of the following (or whatever else
Shape Shifting [35 Points] seems appropriate): a LogrusHbased sword of power;
Sorcery [15 Points] damage resistance on the golden wyvern, with transferal
High Compelling 125 Points] to wearer; Advanced Shape Shifting; or some Power Words
(e.g. Psychic Defense, Resume True Form, Pattern
Noal is young, and looks it. He’s unreasonably Negation, Pain Attack, and Weaken Structure).
handsome-it’s a wonderful thing to be a shape# Noal will be polite, but not particularly friendly. Truth
shifter-and often changes the color of his eyes to match to tell, he resents the implication that he can’t handle this
his mood or the person he’s talking to, though he always business himself. However, rather than cause an incident
likes his hair to be black. He’s of medium height and between Merlin and Random, he will stay with the
weight (5’10” and 175 pounds). Amberites. He doesn’t mind letting them know he
His movements are both military and graceful. He doesn’t need a nursemaid, however. He’ll simply request
wears a black silk doublet and hose, carries a rapier, and has that they stay out of his way while he completes his
a small golden wyvern on his collar-a souvenir of his assignment.
As the searchers travel farther into Arden, on Frakir’s THEW A L L OF MIST
track, they will find themselves in darker and darker As the characters Push ahead through Shadow, Arden
places. A full day’s ride, driving their horses a t a hard pace will grow almost nightHblack, even in daylight. Finally, the
(or a walk of two or three days, stopping overnight a t searchers will come to a wall of dark mist.
pleasant Arden inns), will take the characters to a place Walking into the mist is easy. It’s just that there seems
where foliage slowly darkens to greenishcblack. The no end to it. Try walking out, even after hours of
sunlight has a bloody tinge. travelling, and a moment later you come right back where
Finally, they will encounter a Shadow of Julian’s. He you started. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who knows
wears glossy black armor, a mirror to Julian’s. His hawks Pattern that this is a barred Shadow.
appear as Julian’s but with a flash of red instead of green.
Jaylan’shellhounds, except for being a bit smaller and a bit
more gaunt, are just as Julian’s. Jaylan’s steed, which he
There are two ways into the barred Shadow.
calls “Morning Star,” is a ghostly pale twin to Morgenstern.
First, whoever created it has built in a key. This might
This Shadow of Julian has his own powers, which include
be a thought, to be concentrated on while walking
forms of Power Words, Sorcery (he can, for example, cast a
through, or a word that must be said, or an item that must
spell to return if he is removed from his home Shadow),
be carried. Finding out which will involve either some
and Conjuration, as well as a number of artifacts of local
very clever use of powers, or getting the information from
whoever put the thing together.
Jaylan’sforesters, almost human except for their narrow
The other way in is really simple. Since the Shadow is a
faces and pointed ears, will be both mounted and on foot,
trap for Merlin, it’s designed t o admit anyone with
in the forest all around. They speak their own soft tongue,
Merlin’s Psychic signature. The group has at least two
things with Merlin’s Psyche built in-the wand (which trees within the grove to be eaten later.
radiates a “Merlin” feeling for Frakir) and the Trump of Or, if someone senses for Frakir near one of the other
Merlin. Again, how characters might discover this groves, those not hung with webs, it will be obvious that
knowledge, and how they might use it, is a up to the Frakir is within. Black-haired dryads inhabit the trees, and
players. Pattern Initiates, Logrus Masters, Trump Artists, disport themselves with the satyrs who are their mates.
Shape Shifters, Conjurers and Sorcerers all have their own The satyrs are armed with bows and spears, and each of
unique solutions. the dryads knows a t least one spell or power word.
If the characters have managed to enlist Jaylan’s aid, or Entering a dryad grove is an invitation to mayhem.
if they track him down once again, he’ll suggest that they Tribes of blackcmaned centaurs wander the forest,
attempt contacting the “light ones,” a race of fairie. These hunting, and sometimes raiding the dryad groves. They
magical people, who will come in response to a ceremony are armed like the satyrs, but they tip their weapons with
that Jaylan is capable of conducting, might be witnesses to spider venom. Some of them are spell-casters. Nearing
whoever built the Shadow barrier, and may have seen their village, anyone sensing for Frakir will feel that the
others crossing over. strangling cord is nearby. While the centaurs may be
cautious about strangers out in the open, they’ll view an
approach to their village as an attack, throwing themselves
MERLIN’STRAPSHADOW against the intruders.
Assuming the searchers get through the mist, they will Obviously, the presence of Frakir is everywhere, in the
still have to deal with the contents of the barred Shadow. depths of the most dangerous parts of this dark Shadow.
The contents of the Shadow depend on who set the trap Leaving is no picnic either. This is a place designed to
for Merlin.. . admit Merlin, not release him. And the entry key is
different from the exit key.
And where is Frakir? In Julian’s saddlebags, of course.
POSSIBLE There it sits, barred from all contact. Julian will keep it for
as long as he finds it useful, treating it as a useful piece of
bait, to be laid down wherever he wishes Merlin to follow.
RESOLUTIONS Those who seek Julian can usually Trump him, either in
Arden, where he will be hunting or tending to his duties,
or back in Amber. If confronted with accusations, either of
stealing Frakir, or of constructing Merlin’s Trap Shadow,
he’ll respond:
Julian has met Luke, and knows him as Caine’s assassin. “Do you have any evidence for this wild story? I
On that occasion, Merlin went out of his way to show think not. This is a complete fabrication. Get out of
himself as Luke’s friend and partisan. Not given to trust in here, and leave me alone.”
the best of circumstances, Julian now has his reasons for
testing Merlin. If pushed further, or confronted with real evidence,
This does not amount to motivation for a full-scale Julian will offer the following:
vendetta against Merlin, but he will welcome a chance to
annoy or inconvenience Merlin, especially if it brings “This is a matter between Merlin and myself. It does
Julian more information. not concern any of you. If you wish to pursue it
So Julian has arranged for it to appear as if Frakir further, we may take our argument out in Arden. Or, if
wandered out into one of the worst Shadows of Arden. you must meddle, and have no stomach for battle, I
Julian visits occasionally, exerting his influence on the suppose you could whine to Random.”
contents and destiny of the Shadow, setting it up so that
Merlin will have a most “interesting” time if he visits. It The player characters, of course, can take the matter up
also amuses him to exert his influence on Jaylan and the with Random. If so, and if they are even moderately
dark Arden Shadow, making it ever stronger and more of a convincing, then Random will deal with Julian directly.
threat to others. Or it might be that Julian himself enjoys If they are correct, Julian will surrender Frakir to
masquerading as Jaylan. Random, sulking that he did what he thought necessary
The dark forest is crisscrossed with the webs of giant for Amber’s security. Noal will be very suspicious, and
spiders, and there are groves completely choked with press the matter as far as he can.
webs. Sensing for Frakir will result in instant success! It is On the other hand, if they are wrong, and if Julian is
certain that Frakir is within one of the groves, where the not involved (as may well be the case), they may cause a
hordes of spiders wait to swarm over unwary victims. rift between Julian and Random that will have far-reaching
Their bites cause paralysis. Anyone who is paralyzed will consequences.
be dragged away, if possible, and hung from one of the
Carl Corey awakens in the Greenwood Hospital, his legs Random’s pursuers, six inhuman men from Shadow,
in heavy casts. He remembers nothing, not even his own attack the house. Corwin, Random, and Florimel kill them
name. He soon learns that he had broken both his legs and easily, revealing to Corwin that he and his siblings possess
suffered internal injuries in an auto accident only two incredible strength, speed, and skill with weapons.
weeks previously. Either somebody is lying, or he heals Afterwards, still not wanting to reveal his lost memory,
very quickly. He breaks off the plaster, overcomes a beefy Corwin plays along with a subtle conversation. Whatever
orderly, and releases himself on his own authority. Along “it”is, Corwin still has no idea, but he agrees that he’s
the way he learns his name, picks up money, a gun and going for it, and Random wants in on the action.
the address of the woman, his sister, who checked him The next day, he and Random leave in Flora’s Mercedes,
into the hospital. travelling through a landscape that changes into
Within hours he arrives in upstate New York, at the something increasingly strange as they drive on. Corwin
residence of Evelyn flaumel, beautiful, calculating, and realizes that they are shifting reality. They are moving
more than a little surprised to see him. Bits of memory through Shadow, and Random is attempting to match the
come back, as he feigns confidence, and as he plays on her details of the shifting landscape to arrive at Amber. Each of
suspicions. the multitude of places they pass are a bit more like
His own name, he learns, is really Corwin, and she is Amber. There are several obstacles, but they pass them.
really his little sister Florimel, often called Flora. She When their car runs into some mud, Random and Corwin
mentions various horrors coming from “the Shadows.” lift it and carry it to the side of the road, proving to
After speaking with her for a time, he hears the names Corwin that their strength is far greater than human.
Eric, Julian, Caine, and Bleys. Somehow he knows them to They ride into the forest called Arden, compared to
be his brothers, and he can recall a family filled with which all other forests are a mere inkling. Driving fast,
hatreds, games, and rivalries. When Flora mentions they encounter a group of hunting hounds of incredible
someplace called Amber, Corwin almost drops his drink. fury led by a man who rides a horse with the speed and
She asks him if he’s going to try for “it”questioning him power of a hurricane. It is Julian, their brother.
as to his motives and his plans. Corwin is evasive, and During the following highcspeed chase they find that
gives her little to report to their brother Eric, whom he the dogs are capable of ripping off bumpers, and that both
hates for some reason. Julian’s armor and horse are invulnerable to bullets.
The following morning, while Florimel is away and he Slamming on the brakes, Corwin manages to overpower
is alone to snoop around, Corwin searches the library. He Julian.
realizes that he has been a surgeon, and, when he sees an With Julian as prisoner they pass by the guards in
antique saber on the wall, he knows that he is skilled with Forest Arden, continuing toward Amber. Julian tells them
weapons. In her desk, Corwin finds a deck of mysterious that Eric is in charge. Eric’s allies are Caine and Gkrard,
cards, strange, cold Tarots decorated with the figure of a who defend Amber by sea, and he, the Warden of Arden.
Unicorn upon the back. He breaks out in a sweat when he Once past the guards, they release Julian.
sees them. The “Greater Trump” of the deck features Corwin finds himself speaking the language of Amber,
several men and women dressed in medieval garb. Looking Thari, and a ballad comes to his lips. He sees that his
a t them, he realizes that he knows their names; Random, clothing has changed to match his image in the Trumps.
Julian, Caine, Eric, Benedict, Gkrard, Bleys, Brand. He In the back seat he finds his silver sword, his black cloak,
knows them all, because they are family to him, his and his pin of a silver rose. Random’s attire has also
brothers. A card bearing his likeness is among their ranks, changed to match his card.
dressed similarly in colors of black, grey, and silver. A few When their car runs out of gas, they resume their
more cards show his sisters Florimel, Deirdre, Fiona, and journey on foot, heading towards some mountain about
Llewella. They are all part of Amber. thirtyefive miles distant. In the woods, they come across a
Corwin’s examination of the cards is interrupted by camp of Eric’s men who hold a prisoner, their sister
lunch and then by a telephone call from his brother, Deirdre.
Random. Random asks for sanctuary and Corwin agrees to After they kill the guards and free her, Deirdre tells
protect him when he arrives. them that she had tried to escape from Amber, and that
Flora arrives, complaining that she had failed in an every step of the way back is trapped.
attempt to walk “The Road to Amber.” When she hears When he learns that the “it,” the thing he agreed to
that he has looked through her Trumps, she reacts with try for, is the throne of Amber, Corwin admits that his
anger and fear. He claims that he is going to try whatever memory is gone.
it is that she has been hinting about, and her mood shifts While they plan what to do, they are attacked by a
from hostility to awe and admiration. Their talk is group of half-human, half-wolf servants of Eric’s called
interrupted by the arrival of Random, their brother. Weir, and then are chased by mounted soldiers. Running
to the beach, they enter the water, and head down a contact from Eric. Corwin locks wills in a psychic battle
stairway into the deep. In this place, called Rebma, they with Eric, but is unable to move or defend himself
can breathe underwater, and they are taken by pale men physically. Although Corwin is victorious, and forces Eric
of Rebma, whom Eric’s men will not challenge. to end the connection, Caine has meanwhile destroyed
In the depths they come to a city, and Castle Rebma, a the last of Corwin’s fleet.
mirror image of Castle Amber above the water. To Queen Corwin flees, Trumping to Bleys, whose luck has been
Moire of Rebma, Corwin announces his desire to walk the equally bad. Their army is down from over a quarter
Pattern in Rebma, which is a reflection of Amber’s own million to a hundred and eighty thousand. By the time
Pattern. they emerge from Forest Arden, to the steps of Mount
It turns out that Random had, many years before, Kolvir, Corwin and Bleys are down to three thousand
dishonored and abandoned Queen Moire’s daughter troops.
Morganthe. After bearing Random’s child, a son named Fighting up the narrow stairway that winds up the
Martin, Morganthe killed herself. Random’s punishment is sheer side of the mountain Bleys kills and kills and kills, a
that he will remain in Rebma, and marry a blind woman red and orange whirlwind of steel and death, until, nearly
named Vialle. a t the top, he is dragged off the stair by a dying soldier.
After an afternoon’s dalliance with Moire, Corwin and Throwing Bleys his deck of Trump, Corwin realizes that
his siblings go into the basement of Rebma, where the he has also thrown away his own means of escape.
Pattern is inscribed. It is a design of great power, etched Hours later, having carried the battle all the way into
into the floor. He walks this Pattern and has his memory Amber, Corwin loses the last of his men and is beaten into
restored. submission.
Corwin then uses the Rebma Pattern to teleport A prisoner, Corwin is forced to watch while Eric crowns
himself to the center of the Pattern in the basement of himself. Corwin is then blinded, his eyes burnt from his
Castle Amber. From there he teleports into a hidden room head with hot irons. While this happens, Corwin lays his
where he sleeps for a time. Using a secret passageway blood-curse upon the new king, vowing that Eric shall
Corwin sneaks into the Castle Library, and steals a deck of never know peace as king of Amber.
Trumps. Corwin is left to rot in the dungeons of Amber.
Eric arrives, and Corwin confronts him in a sword battle. After a time, Lord Rein, a minstrel and knight still loyal
After being wounded, Eric switchs to a defensive stance, to Corwin, brings food and tells of recent family news.
and calls for reinforcements. Corwin uses the Trump of his Corwin learns that Random tried to kill Eric, and was
brother Bleys to escape Amber. captured and imprisoned, and was eventually joined by
Bleys has massed an army in his personal Shadow his Rebman wife, Vialle.
Avernus, and is planning to seize the throne of Amber. Corwin spends the next few years in prison, until, one
After making a deal with Bleys, Corwin recruits an army of day, he notices a spot of light. The unthinkable has
his own out of Shadow, and becomes a partner in the happened-his eyes are regenerating. His vision begins to
assault on Amber. recover, his eyes healing rapidly. Since Corwin is brought
Corwin contacts Caine and cuts a deal which will allow out of his cell yearly, he must escape, or he may be
the attacking fleet to pass through to Amber. Another blinded all over again. Corwin plots and schemes, and
Trump call, this time to GGrard, who promises to keep out spends his days digging a t the massive door with his only
of the way. Corwin tries contacting Brand, but hears only a tool, a sharpened spoon.
mysterious cry for help before the Trump contact is cut One day he hears a chuckle from behind him. Turning,
off. Wondering how Oberon, his father, Lord of Amber, Corwin is surprised to find another person in his cell. It is
could be dead, he makes a contact. Barely able to Dworkin, Master of the Trumps and ancient advisor to
communicate, Oberon tells Corwin to take the throne for Oberon. Thought mad, imprisoned, or dead, Dworkin has
himself, with his blessing. not been seen in Amber for centuries. Dworkin has taken a
Corwin and Bleys begin their move on Amber, Bleys wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in this cell.
with their troops by land, and Corwin leading their navies Corwin talks Dworkin into drawing a pair of Trump on
across the Shadow-seas. In their struggle to reach Amber, the walls of his cell. One, a picture of Dworkin’s chambers,
they suffer enormous losses to hostile Shadow beings and and the other a sketch of the Lighthouse of Cabra, some
seemingly natural forces. In a lastcminute Trump contact, forty-three miles south of Amber.
Random reveals to Corwin that Eric, wielding Oberon’s Escaping from his cell, Corwin spends three months
Jewel ofJudgement, has control of the weather and is recovering his strength. He plays chess and swaps stories
responsible for the natural disasters that are decimating with the lighthouse keeper, a retired sailor named Jopin.
the attacking forces. Random tells them that they have no He also looks through a telescope into the Valley of
chance, but Corwin vows to continue. Garnath between Arden and Amber, and sees it has been
Breaking the agreement, Caine arrives with his fleet and transformed from a once-peaceful vale into a dark and
attacks Corwin with superior numbers. While Corwin’s haunted place, perhaps by the power of his own
ship is under attack, Corwin receives a hostile Trump blood+curse.
Arriving in a Shadow he calls Lorraine, Corwin finds six it recognizes him and offers him the help of the Courts of
dead men and one wounded knight. Corwin recognizes Chaos in reclaiming the Throne of Amber. Corwin kills it
the knight, and can put a name to him, Lance. and, with its death, the Dark Circle’s power is ended in
Corwin introduces himself as Corey, and helps the that Shadow.
knight by tending his wounds, and supplying him with Afterwards Corwin tells Ganelon of his plans. With his
food and drink. He builds a cairn for the dead men, recovered memory Corwin has recalled that there is a
revealing his awesome strength to the knight. The dead substance in Avalon, something used by jewelers, that
men, it seems, were soldiers of the Wardens of the Dark could be used as ammunition for an assault upon Amber.
Circle, a mystical area which blights the land. Since regular gunpowder doesn’t work in Amber, this
Carrying the knight back to his allies, Corwin meets a would be an unmatched secret weapon. Ganelon decides
pair of demon cats, tigerHsized, which speak and call to accompany Corwin on his voyage to Avalon and to
Corwin the “Opener.” He kills them both and continues Amber.
on his way. Lorraine, brought up on tales of the cruelty of Lord
They arrive a t the Keep of Ganelon. Ganelon, Corwin Corwin, flees from him with a man named Melkin. Corwin
remembers, betrayed him once and was cast into Shadow goes off looking for Lorraine, but too late. She has been
for his crimes. Just as the knight, Sir Lancelot du Lac, does killed, her jewelry stolen. Corwin buries her, and throws
not recognize Corwin, neither does Ganelon. Both of them the broken body of Melkin into a high oak tree.
may, or may not, be Shadows of the men he knew in a In the company of Ganelon, Corwin continues toward
Shadow once ruled by Corwin, Shadow Avalon. Shadow Avalon, and encounters a thief who tells them
Safe in the Keep of Ganelon, Corwin begins to exercise that Avalon has been under siege by a legion of demon
again and try to regain his skills and health lost in his women. He even says that the “Protector” spent part of a
imprisonment. He spends long days in swordsmanship, night with Lintra, leader of the Hellmaids.
wrestling, archery, and other weapons-work, interspersed Corwin and Ganelon then encounter the army of the
with gigantic meals and long, black lengths of sleep. He Protector of Avalon, who turns out to be Corwin’s missing
speaks to Ganelon, who tells of Avalon, and of its Sorcerer brother Benedict, Master of Arms in Amber, the greatest
Lord, Corwin. warrior in existence. Although he had defeated the local
Ganelon then tells Corwin about the Dark Circle, which version of the Black Circle, Benedict came away from the
began as a ring of toadstools, a dead little girl inside and battle without his right arm.
her dying father found near it. I t grew in power and Corwin tells Benedict the story of how he came to be
darkness, becoming a gate for soulless humans and stranded on Shadow Earth. I seems that Eric had defeated
creatures of nightmare. Eventually, Ganelon joined forces Corwin in a private fight, and that Eric had then left the
with others, and fought against the things from the Dark injured Corwin in the plaguecstricken London of Earth.
Circle, taking arms personally against its leader, a From that day on, for hundreds of years, Corwin had no
goatcheaded creature riding a piebald stallion. memory of his previous life. Corwin says that the injuries
While they speak, a white bird flies in the window and suffered in an auto accident caused him to begin to
lands on Corwin’s shoulder. It is the bird he sent from the remember things, until he woke up in Greenwood
boat outside Cabra. Ganelon reads the message, ”I am Hospital and went looking for Flora.
coming,” and its signature, “Corwin.” From Benedict, Corwin learns that Oberon did not
Corwin also befriends a woman named Lorraine. In his abdicate the throne to Eric, as he had thought, but had
room, as they drink wine together, she reveals that it was simply disappeared one day without a word. Corwin
her husband who found the toadstool ring, and her surmises that Eric then arranged for Corwin to have an
daughter that died inside it. They are first interrupted by accident which was intended to be fatal. He tells Benedict
a Trump contact that Corwin resists, and which Lorraine the rest of his story. Benedict tells of the family’s search
identifies as coming from Oberon. Still that night, they are for Corwin. The reasons varied; a mix of concern, and a
visited by a creature from Chaos, a horned, greycskinned desire for blackmail useful against Eric. While looking for
being named Strygalldwir, who is killed by Corwin. Corwin in Avalon, Benedict found the place to his liking
Soon after, the forces of Ganelon march into battle and stayed.
against the hellish creatures. Corwin shaves his beard, puts Benedict tells Corwin that he will neither help him or
on his colors of grey and black, fastens his silver rose at his hinder him in battle against Eric and Amber.
throat, and buckles his sword Grayswandir at his side. As a guest in Benedict’s house, Corwin is challenged by
‘‘I wonder about Corwin,” says Ganelon. an attractive young woman in fencing garb. She knows him
“He is with us,” answers Corwin. by name, though he is still using the name “Corey”here.
In the climax of the battle Corwin faces the goat-headed She is an excellent swordswoman and, after they figh for
creature. It is a Lord of Chaos, and when Corwin fights it, awhile, she invites him to have a picnic lunch with her.
She introduces herself as Dara, and, when Corwin remarks Amber again, encountering strange beasts in Arden.
on a family resemblance, she admits to being the great+ By the time he arrives Corwin finds Amber under siege
granddaughter of Benedict. Taken with her youth and from the creatures of Chaos, the forces of the Black Road.
inexperience, Corwin tells her of Pattern, and of the Eric, Gdrard, Benedict, Julian, and Caine defend Amber.
family. From Dara he learns that Benedict had recently Dara appears then, on horseback, passing Corwin and his
been visited by Julian and Gdrard, wounded in battle with men, intent on walking the Pattern.
the forces of the Black Road, and that there had been visits Torn by indecision, Corwin elects to lead his riflemen
from Brand as well. against the enemies of Amber and pursue his own quest
When Corwin’s business is complete, a wagoncload of for revenge later. His action turns the course of the battle
jeweler’s rouge paid for with diamonds, he returns for a and Amber is victorious.
last visit to Benedict’s house. Ganelon, sore from an At battle’s end, Eric, mortally wounded in the defense
encounter with Dara, informs Corwin of a new mystery; of Amber, is brave and selfless in the face of death. He
several fresh-killed bodies hastily buried nearby. gives Corwin instructions on the use of their father’s Jewel
Investigating the grave site, Corwin meets Dara, who of Judgement, and then leaves his death-curse upon the
urges him to win against Eric so that she might see Amber enemies of Amber.
and walk the Pattern herself They make love. After speaking with Benedict, Corwin realizes that Dara
While leaving Avalon, Corwin and Ganelon keep was lying to him. He Trumps to Random’s side in Amber,
encountering the Black Road, despite Corwin’s efforts to and rushes down to the Pattern, but arrives too late, with
escape it by shifting Shadow. On the Black Road, he has a Dara already walking the Pattern. She is revealed as a
hallucinatory battle with a group of half-men menacing a shapechanger of Chaos as she traverses the design of
woman with no face, who cries out the prophecy that power, turning to Corwin when she reaches the center,
Amber must be destroyed. Ganelon is caught by a large and announcing, “Amber will be destroyed.” Then she
clump of animate black grass from the Road, until freed by vanishes.
Corwin. Crossing the Black Road, Corwin calls the Pattern
to mind, and this erases the segment they are upon,
restoring the trail to normal.
Awaking Corwin from a nap, Ganelon points to a
horseman approaching. It is Benedict, riding as if the devil
were a t his back. Unable to Shadowride out of his way,
Corwin draws his blade and waits for the one man in the
universe whom he knows can kill him with a sword.
Corwin thinks that Benedict is angry for what
happened with Dara, but Benedict is accusing Corwin of
murder. They cross blades, and, with the help of trickery,
dirty fighting, and a patch of the animate grass, Corwin
knocks Benedict unconscious and leaves him tied to a tree.
He then Trumps GCrard to the scene, leaving him to
explain things to Benedict while he and Ganelon escape.
On Shadow Earth, Corwin orders special ammunition
(cartridges with silver bullets and jeweler’s rouge), and
buys a large shipment of automatic rifles.
In a Trump conversation Corwin asks Gdrard about
Benedict’s accusation. It turns out that the buried corpses
were actually Benedict’s servants, and Benedict claimed he
had never heard of Dara. Gkrard asks Corwin not to attack
Amber, but Corwin simply warns him to stay out of the
Corwin returns to his old home in New York. Amid the
wreckage left by vandals and thieves, Corwin finds his
prized Japanese woodcut ’untouched on the wall. Puzzled,
Corwin opens his safe, and finds a message from Eric.
Along with an explanation for the care of the woodcut,
Eric asks Corwin to put aside their differences for the sake
of the kingdom, and offers a truce.
Ignoring the offer, Corwin takes Ganelon and the new
rifles through Shadow to raise another army. Training
them in marksmanship and soldiering, Corwin marches on
unconsciousness, the red of the Pattern in the Jewel Kolvir in the Amber they know. The impossible has
swimming before him. happened. They have Shadowcshifted on Amber itself, and
He wakes up in his bed on Shadow Earth, bleeding and cannot shift back. As Amber is the only true reality, it
half dead. He stumbles outside, buries the Jewel of should be impossible to manipulate it. They try to use the
Judgement in a compost heap for safekeeping, then Trumps to escape, but the Trumps are lifeless. Riding
staggers to the roadside. A car pulls up, driven by Bill further, they see the Unicorn briefly, but it flees. They
Roth, his old friend, neighbor and attorney. ride further, until the land is slightly familiar, and they
Recovering in the hospital, Corwin learns about the see a startling sight.
events leading up to the recovery of his memory. There The mountain before them, which they know as Kolvir,
had been a stay in another sanitarium, where he had been has been cut off evenly a t the level of the dungeon floor,
admitted under suspicious circumstances; and, later, a which holds the Pattern. Into this smooth rock is a
near-fatal auto accident. It seems that both Brand and duplicate of their Pattern. However the Pattern has been
Flora were involved in some way. damaged, stained with black lines that remind them of the
Examining Corwin’s Trumps, Bill Roth eventually asks Black Road which leads to Amber. They realize that it is
if Corwin is truly human. Corwin, after a pause, answers the true Pattern, and that the Pattern in Amber is merely
truthfully that he is probably not, and is reassured by Bill the first reflection of a Primal Pattern.
that it really doesn’t matter.
After a day of rest, Random Trumps Corwin home,
telling him that Julian has fled the castle, and Brand,
recovered, is demanding to speak with Corwin.
The conversation with Brand is frustrating to Corwin,
since Brand seems intent on getting as much as possible
while revealing little. From the beginning Brand says that
he knows who stabbed him, but he first describes how he
conspired with two others, Bleys and Fiona, to remove
Oberon and take the throne. He claims that he was out+
voted, and that his cabal formed an alliance with the Black
Road forces. After Oberon was removed, they had planned
on putting Bleys on the throne, but Eric blocked them,
and they failed to swing Caine or Julian away from Eric.
Brand says that he tried restoring Corwin’s memories
through shock treatment on Shadow Earth after breaking
from the cabal, and also claims to have rescued Corwin
after the car crash. Finally he says that Fiona was the one
who stabbed him when he was rescued, and that she and
Bleys had been his captors.
That night, Corwin goes to Tir-na Nog’th, the reflection
of Amber within the sky just as Rebma is its reflection
beneath the sea, seeking answers in this place of
prophecies. He wanders through the city of dreams and
portents, meeting Lorraine, who takes him for another
Corwin, a Corwin who moved quickly enough to save her,
and who prevented Eric’s death.
In the ghostly reflection of the throne room, he finds a
Dara who claims to be Queen of Amber, guarded by a
Benedict who wears a mechanical arm. A battle follows,
though only Corwin’s sword Grayswandir can reach the
ghosts, and only Benedict’s artificial hand can touch
Corwin. As Tir-na Nog’th fades with the daylight Corwin
escapes into a Trump contact with Random, taking the
severed arm of Benedict along.
Corwin, Random and Ganelon ride back toward Amber
with the mechanical arm as proof of the vision. While
riding, Corwin recites the genealogy of the House of
Amber, explaining to Ganelon why he feels he is the
legitimate candidate for the throne.
As they ride, they realize that they are not on the
Exploring this new Pattern, Corwin, Ganelon, and might be attempted, and begins to go mad, his body
Random discover that the Pattern is blotched in the changing into something fearsome. To escape, Corwin grabs
center, a marking which corresponds exactly with the a Trump from the desk and uses it to teleport himself
Black Roads intrusion into Amber. While Random and away.
Corwin debate what to do, Ganelon sprints across the black Which takes him to the Courts of Chaos.
areas of the Pattern, recovering a small item at the center Corwin realizes that he had beheld it before, as a boy,
of the blotch. The object turns out to be two things: a taken there by Oberon.
Trump card, pierced by a bloody dagger. A strange rider on a hairless horse challenges him, and
A beast comes from a nearby cave, a purple griffin Corwin kills him. Another rider approaches, bearing a
which has been chained to guard the Pattern. It seems crossbow, and Corwin feels something strange upon
friendly to Corwin and Bleys, but scares the horses, and beholding this man. The man recognizes Corwin’s blade
Random’s horse flees onto the Pattern and is destroyed. Grayswandir, and lets him go, with the admonition to
Ganelon suggests a test. They let a drop of Random’s remember him. Spying on the denizens of Chaos, Corwin
blood fall upon the Pattern. It destroys a small piece of sees them preparing for war, heading down the Black
the Pattern, turning it black like the rest of the damage. It Road.
would seem that the large stain near the center was Corwin contacts Gdrard by Trump and teleports back to
caused by a great amount of Amberite blood. Examining Castle Amber. Although only a few hours have passed for
the Trump again, they realize it is likely the source of the Corwin, he has been missing for eight days, due to the
blood. They also realize that the picture is of Random’s time differential between Amber and Chaos.
missing son, Martin. Corwin then confronts Brand with the pierced Trump.
Corwin contacts Benedict with the Trumps, and Brand admits to stabbing Martin, also telling Corwin that
Benedict brings them through to a vantage point high Bleys is planning an attack on Amber, and that Fiona has
upon Kolvir in their Amber. Apparently, the Black Road is gone over to Chaos. He urges Corwin to organize a group,
stabilizing, as if readying itself for some invading force. Trump Bleys and Fiona in turn, and then kill them.
Random announces his determination to find his son or After eating, Corwin is contacted by a Trump sending
take revenge upon the killer. They explain to Benedict from Ganelon, who has managed to pick up a deck
what has happened, and Benedict leaves with Random on somewhere. They meet shortly, and Corwin speaks to
his search. Benedict, who now wears the mechanical arm. Random,
Back home, Corwin goes to inform Vialle about her says Benedict, is still in Shadow seeking after Martin.
husbands whereabouts. Because Vialle is a perceptive, Corwin gives Benedict the Trump of the Courts of Chaos,
inquisitive listener it is the first pleasant experience as a possible avenue for attack on Chaos.
Corwin has had in some time, and he lets his guard down Gdrard arrives by Trump, enraged that Brand is missing,
and speaks freely with the blind woman. Corwin admits his chambers wrecked and spotted with blood. Demanding
that he does not seek the throne for its power, that it is answers, Gerard is enraged when Corwin refuses to
more of a prize between he and Eric. Corwin also answer. Corwin is in for the beating of his life, until
reluctantly admits that his reasons for defending Amber Ganelon steps in and punches Gkrard unconscious.
are based on abstractions like duty and honor. On the way through Forest Arden, heading out into
Corwin next investigates the Trump sketches drawn by Shadow in search of the Jewel of Judgement, Corwin is
Dworkin in his old cell. He transports himself into the pursued by a manticora. His brother Julian slaughters the
sorcerer’s study and meets Dworkin, who mistakes him for beast, and the two of them talk.
Oberon, shapeechanged into Corwin’s form. Julian explains that his alliance with Eric and Caine was
Going along with Dworkin’s apparent madness, he then formed solely to oppose the Bleys/Brand/Fiona cabal. Eric
sees Dworkin change his form into Corwin, showing a had only taken the throne as a measure of last resort, and
talent for Shape Shifting. the blinding Corwin had been Julian’s idea. Julian also tells
Dworkin reveals that he transcribed the Pattern after Corwin that he fears Brands powers, and suspects that
escaping from Chaos, using the Jewel of Judgement, and Brand has become a “living Trump.”
that the recent damage to the Pattern is reflected within Arriving at his old home on Shadow Earth, Corwin finds
his brain. He also reveals that Oberon is the child of he the compost heap missing, along with the buried Jewel of
and the Unicorn. His solution is to destroy himself at the Judgement. He seeks out the help of Bill Roth, locates the
center of the Pattern, and then have Oberon draw a new missing heap, but finds that Brand has already taken the
one in its place. It seems this process will destroy Amber. Jewel.
Walking outside of Dworkin’s chambers they end up a t Hoping to prevent Brand from attuning himself to the
the Primal Pattern. Dworkin realizes that it is Corwin he Jewel, Corwin sets Ggrard to guard the Pattern in Amber,
speaks with, not Oberon. Dworkin tells him how repairs and Llewella the Pattern in Rebma.
Fiona Trumps to Shadow Earth, and from there takes soon as it appears in the sky.
Corwin along a mysterious shortcut through Shadow to Corwin rides to the base of the stairway and establishes
the Primal Pattern. As they travel, she explains that she a Trump contact with Benedict. When the moon
and Bleys had only allowed Brand to live because they reflection of Amber appears, Benedict teleports to Tircna
thought him to be the key to repairing the Pattern. She Nog’ths Pattern, just before Brands appearance. Corwin,
also says that Brand, reacting to a vision of Corwin when still in Trump contact, hears Brand describing his plan to
visiting Tircna Nog’th, had tried to kill Corwin via the car erase the Pattern and replace it with one of his own
crash back on Shadow Earth. making, with himself as the ruler. Brand, offering Benedict
By the time they arrive at the Primal Pattern, Brand is a deal, talks until he gets close enough to use the Jewel to
already walking it. Corwin chases after him, blade in hand freeze Benedict in place. Corwin, still observing, is unable
to kill his brother and end it all. Realizing that spilling to help as Brand moves in with a dagger. Suddenly
Brands blood on the Pattern will do even more damage, Benedict’s mechanical arm reaches out and chokes Brand
Corwin uses his influence over the closecby Jewel of with the chain about which hangs the Jewel. Brand breaks
Judgement to call storms and lightning. This forces Brand the chain, abandoning the Jewel of Judgement.
to teleport away. After retrieving Benedict from Tircna Nog’th, the two
Meeting Random and Martin at his tomb, Convin hears of them, Corwin and Bendict, compare notes on the
Martin’s story of Brands assault, and of Martin’s meeting considerable chain of coincidences. They surmise that
with Dara. A Trump call from Ganelon interrupts their there must be a guiding force behind i t all. Corwin
conversation, and they turn their attention to protecting proposes that it must be Oberon.
the last remaining Pattern, the one at Tir-na Nog’th. Since Benedict and Corwin attempt to contact their father’s
Brand seems capable of instant travel, Ganelon has Trump. They are successful, and they find that Oberon has
arranged for Benedict to walk to the center of the Pattern, been with them all along, disguised as Ganelon.
ready to teleport directly to Tir-na Nog’ths Pattern as
Corwin, angry with Oberon, shuts himself up in the bids his father farewell, and departs.
library. Finally admitting Random, he learns that Oberon Corwin follows the Black Road on his Hellride, and sees
has ordered Benedict to strike against the Courts of Chaos it waver. Then, on the edges of Shadow, the bloodbird
in an impossibly short three days time. delivers the Jewel of Judgement, and departs.
When Random finally coaxes Corwin out, they find a Brand shows up next, telling Corwin that Oberon died
commotion in the throne room. While they can see into attempting to repair the Pattern. Brand asks for the Jewel
the room, no one seems to be able to enter. Corwin of Judgement so that he might inscribe it in a new place
watches Dara and Benedict as the events of Tircna Nog’th and create a new Pattern before all is lost. Corwin denies
repeat themselves. Corwin’s sword Grayswandir appears, him and drives Brand away.
floating in midair, even though the blade still hangs a t Corwin’s adventures get stranger and stranger. He takes
Corwin’s side. Mimicking Corwin’s battle in Tir-na Nog‘th, refuge in a cave with a man who quotes the prophecies of
the sword slices off Benedict’s new arm. Sword and arm the Archangel Corwin, drinks mead with leprechauns who
disappear, and so does the barrier. try to kill him, and has lunch with a mysterious Lady.
Martin explains that Dara wanted to visit Amber, so he Riding on, he is ambushed by Brand. He loses his horse to
Trumped her in, along with Benedict, who wanted to Brand’s crossbow, but Corwin’s bloodbird arrives to save
meet her. Corwin angrily examines Martin’s Trumps, and him, clawing out one of Brands eyes.
finds several new ones, including one of the crossbow+ At a giant tree, Corwin cuts a branch to serve as a
wielding man who spared Corwin’s life in Chaos. Not only walking stick. The tree complains out loud, and reveals
is this man the artist who created the new Trumps, but that it is Ygg, planted by Oberon to mark the boundary
he is also the son of Dara and Corwin, Merlin. between Order and Chaos. Hearing that Corwin is
According to Dara, Brand had made a deal with the Oberon’s son, Ygg confers a blessing and tells Corwin to
Courts of Chaos to overthrow and remake Amber. Their plant the staff where it might grow.
plan was to help him succeed, and then kill him and place The landscape growing ever more bizarre, Corwin next
Merlin upon the throne of Amber. Fearing that they meets a black bird of ill omen, a giant, and a jackal.
would see Amber destroyed, rather than weakened, she Deciding it is necessary to inscribe a new Pattern, now
rescued Oberon from Brands trap. Dara then orders that that the original has been destroyed, Corwin does so.
Benedict attack immediately, claiming that she has the While he walks the new Pattern he recalls pleasant
authority to do so. memories. He thinks of many things, but most strongly of
Corwin, seeking confirmation, contacts Fiona. She is his years in Paris on Shadow Earth.
with Oberon and Dworkin a t the Primal Pattern, and she Finished, he collapses with exhaustion a t the center of
tells them that Oberon is about to mend the Pattern, a his new Pattern. In Corwin’s moment of weakness, Brand
process that will certainly result in his death. Trumping teleports in, attacks, and takes away the Jewel of
through, Corwin seizes the Jewel of Judgement from his Judgement. When Corwin awakes he is a t the center of a
father’s neck and sprints for the Primal Pattern. Corwin fresh new Pattern, the staff a t its beginning now a
intends to repair it himself, but he is paralyzed by budding tree.
Oberon. Teleporting to the Courts of Chaos, Corwin finds
Oberon and Corwin then have a private chat. Oberon himself on the outskirts of the battle between Amber and
admits to setting up the whole situation on Shadow Chaos. Seeking Brand, he is challenged by Duke Borel, the
Lorraine, and to having killed Benedict’s servants. Oberon Master of Arms who had trained Dara. Borel sheds his
claims to have done all this so that Corwin will take the armor, offering a fair fight, and Corwin responds by
throne of Amber with Dara as his queen. fleeing, and then ambushing the Lord of Chaos.
Corwin refuses. He tells his father that he does not Corwin finds Brand a t the edge of the Abyss, holding a
wish to rule. Oberon is disappointed, and sends Corwin dagger to Deirdre’s throat, with Random and Fiona held a t
back to Amber. bay.
Benedict Trumps to Chaos, to begin the attack. G4rard is Then the sky fills with a giant image of Oberon,
to guard Amber. Random and Julian will wait in Arden. announcing that his attempt is finished, successful or not,
Dara has orders for the sisters, but she speaks to Corwin and that Corwin must use the Jewel of Judgement to
briefly, telling him that she likes him, despite having been shelter them from the giant wave of Chaos coming for
ordered to seduce him and bear his child. them, He leaves them his blessing.
Oberon creates a bird from Corwin’s blood, which will Corwin reaches out through the Jewel to burn Brand,
be used to carry the Jewel of Judgement after Oberon and Brand goes wild, cutting Deirdre. Deirdre pulls free,
finishes his attempt a t repairing the Primal Pattern. and a knight in green shoots Brand in the throat and chest
Oberon instructs Corwin to Shadowride as far away from with silver arrows. Brand topples over the edge into the
Amber as is possible, and to await the bloodbird. Corwin Abyss, pulling Deirdre with him, Corwin attempts to
Trumps of Doom, Blood of Amber, Sign of Chaos, Knight of Shadow and Prince of Chaos are the second five books of the
Chronicles ofAmber. The narrator is Corwin’s son Merlin. After the events of Corwin’s Chronicles, Merlin spends the next
eight years going to college, and then working, in California, on Shadow Earth.
Merlin, son of Prince Corwin of Amber, finishes packing source of their power. When Melman attacks again with a
his belongings on April 30, and waits for someone to try dagger, Merlin hurls him into the Primal Chaos.
to kill him. On each of the last seven April 30ths, an Returning to the studio, Merlin finds mentions of
attempt has been made on his life. He is ready to move on Amber in Melman’s diary. The telephone rings, and
from his job and his identity as Merle Corey, a computer Merlin answers, pretending to be Melman in need of
engineer in California of Shadow Earth. His only medical aid. He waits, and a russet-haired woman with a
unfinished business is the most perplexing: he wants to gun Trumps into the apartment. Merlin disarms her, but
learn the identity of his assailant. Wary of the attempt, he she disables him with some sort of poisonous bite. He is
goes down to a nearby coffee shop and meets a friend of only able to Trump out at the last minute, using one of
his from college and work, a man named Lucas Raynard. the mysterious cards.
They speak for a while, Luke trying to learn why Merlin is He awakes under the scrutiny of a Sphinx. It seems
quitting and where he plans to go, but Merlin tells him that he must play a riddle game in order to escape. The
little. They make plans for dinner that night. Sphinx is dissatisfied with Merlin’s answers, and even
Luke also passes along a note from Merlin’s old more so with Merlin’s new riddle. However, upon
girlfriend, Julia Barnes. The note warns that she knows learning that Merlin is a Lord of Chaos, the Sphinx seems
Merlin’s true identity and that there is danger. She wants happy to call it a draw.
to give him something important, so Merlin goes to her Back on Shadow Earth, Merlin finds that Melman’s
home. warehouse has been burnt to the ground. A boy shows
He finds her corpse, killed by a savage, houndlike him some strange ammunition found in the ruins. The
creature of Chaos. Merlin kills it and searches the bullets are filled with a pink powder which doesn’t burn
apartment, finding a number of mysterious Trumps. He like gunpowder. Merlin buys a couple of the shells from
goes to a bookstore owned by another boyfriend of hers, the boy.
learning from him that she had taken up a serious interest At Luke’s hotel Merlin finds that his friend has left for
in the occult after Merlin left her. She was known to hang New Mexico, and wants to meet with him in Santa Fe.
around with Victor Melman, a painter rumored to have The hotel clerk also gave Merlin a ring, set with a blue
magical abilities. stone, to be returned to Luke.
On the way to Melman’s, Merlin remembers the In Santa Fe, Luke appears wearing military4style
incident that led to his breakup with Julia. They were a t a fatigues, obviously just in from the wilderness. Waiting
beach, and Merlin, on a whim, shifted them through for Luke to shower for dinner, Merlin is questioned by a
Shadow to a magical fairytale place in which they made man named Dan Martinez, who briefly speaks in Thari, the
love. He magicked her asleep and afterward denied the language of Amber and the Courts of Chaos, and flees just
whole thing. This tore her, and their relationship, apart before Luke returns. Merlin, trying to return the ring, but
when he would not confide in her. finding it stuck on his finger, has to resort to the magical
Melman’s studio and apartment is in a warehouse, above powers of Frakir, his mystic strangling cord, in order to
a storage company. Melman has been expecting him and get it off.
asks him to look a t a special painting. The painting turns After dinner, Luke takes Merlin on a drive and
out to have an occult function, and Merlin is transported questions him about Merlin’s secret computer project,
to a place where an altar waits for him, a dark figure ready Ghostwheel. Merlin replies that Ghostwheel is just a
to sacrifice him. theoretical model, something that could never work any
Merlin pushes the altar over and beats Melman in a place on Earth. Luke admits to knowing Victor Melman,
sorcerous battle. Threatening the place by summoning and says that the painter exhibited magical abilities, and
Primal Chaos, Merlin demands to know Melman’s mentor. had mentioned Amber.
Melman claims ignorance, pleading that his teacher always When Luke learns that Merlin is still carrying the
came cloaked, and that he was instructed to teach Julia, Trumps from Julia’s apartment, he says he had taken them
and that a place called the Keep of the Four Worlds was a from Melman to Julia, and asks for them so they can be
Merlin remains trapped in the blue crystal cave for attacked by a group of assassins who bear one of the blue
almost a month, his mind almost gone in frustration and stones.
helplessness. Two men, armed with daggers, enter the When he had killed all but one of his attackers, Merlin
cave, and he finally escapes. Outside he is confronted by receives help from Vinta Bayle, the daughter of a local
someone using something like Pattern, but with Logrus- nobleman loyal to the crown and Caine’s mistress. She
like tendrils. It turns out to be Jasra, the lady with the recommends that they sail to her family estate near
poisonous bite. Amber, to hide from any further attempts on Merlin’s life.
She tries to escape, but he uses Frakir to catch her by Once at Bayle’s estate, Merlin discovers that Vinta
the throat. When someone seems to be Trumping in to Bayle is not what she seems. She seems to have been
her aid, Merlin Trumps to Flora. Flora pulls him through many people, including some of his mysterious pursuers,
and, recognizing the lady, punches Jasra square in the jaw. and even Luke’s old girlfriend from their college days. She
Luke and Jasra go one way, and Merlin ends up with Flora tells him that Luke was involved in training a large
in San Francisco. number of mercenaries in New Mexico for a military
While recuperating, Merlin hears about Flora’s action, armed with the strange ammunition which works
investigations on Shadow Earth. Flora also explains that only in Amber. She reveals that the blue stones are used
she remembers Jasra all too well as the seducer, and then for tracking people through Shadow.
murderer, of one of Flora’s lovers in the Shadow of Kashfa. That night, Merlin receives a Trump contact from Luke,
Eventually, Flora recalls, Jasra managed to sleep her way who has been wounded badly and is in need of escape. He
up to the throne of Kashfa. Trumps in, and Merlin bandages him up. While Luke is
The next morning, Merlin calls the woman he met in unconscious Merlin searches him, and finds a deck of
the bar in New York, who questioned him about his Trump. The cards include a set of the ‘Trumps of Doom,”
parents. She tells him that she cannot remember him a t the cards Merlin found a t Julia’s,plus Trump of Dalt, and
all. He gets a similar answer when he calls about the of the missing twin children of Oberon, Delwin and Sand.
neighbor of Bill Roths who questioned him about Convin. Merlin tries Dalt’s Trump, but must resort to the
Then Merlin is contacted by Trump, but the caller is Logrus in order to sever the contact. Luke wakes and tells
masked. The mysterious figure issues a warning before Merlin that Dalt was responsible for his injuries. In the
Merlin tries a grab. He ends up with nothing more than a conversation that follows, Luke asks Merlin to help him
button off the stranger’s clothing, made of the same blue rescue his mother, Jasra, from the Keep of the Four
stone from Luke’s cave, and a gigantic heap of flowers. Worlds. Eventually Luke offers to give Merlin a piece of
Together, Merlin and Flora drive to Julia’s old information vital to Amber, if Merlin will help free Jasra.
apartment to investigate her death more fully. Merlin Merlin takes Luke to the blue crystal cave, and leaves him
turns them both invisible, and they find a magically sealed there to recover.
portal. He convinces Flora to give him an hour before Merlin trumps back to the Bayles’ home, but finds that
contacting Random, then opens the doorway and enters. Vinta is unable to remember any of the events of the
Inside, he meets a being called the Dweller on the previous few days. Though changed in personality, she is
Threshold, set to guard the way. Shapechanging into a friendly toward Merlin, loans him a horse, and sends him
demonic form, Merlin fights his way through, and passes on his way back to Amber well provisioned.
beyond it to a place overlooking the Keep of the Four During his journey, Merlin reflects on a few past
Worlds. While talking to a hermit named Dave, he events. He recalls lying to Fiona, telling her he was unable
watches as the four elementals of fire, water, air, and earth to walk Corwin’s Pattern, when he just didn’t want to. He
assail each other at the junction of a mighty fortress. Dave flashes back to a fight where he blinded his youngest
also tells Merlin that the Keep has been attacked brother, Jurt, in one eye. And he remembers the final
constantly for about nine years, and was held by a wizard lesson from his Uncle Suhuy, in the Courts of Chaos, in
named Sharu Garrul. Dave admits to being a deserter from which he learned to summon the raw destructive power
the Kashfan army under the command of Dalt and Prince of primal Chaos.
Rinaldo (Merlin’sold friend Luke). At his campfire that evening, Merlin is threatened, and
After sharing a meal, Merlin leaves the hermit, and then attacked by a oneHeyed wolf. Although the creature
experiments with the forces which hold the four worlds is a shape-shifter of some sort, Merlin defeats it by
apart by moving one of the boundary stones between the burning its fur with the fire, and it leaves through a
elements. This provokes another contact from the blue- massive Trump Gate.
masked sorcerer. Trumping to Random’s side in Amber he Entering Amber, Merlin runs into Bill Roth, now gone
is hit with another avalanche of flowers. native Amberite, and discusses the Luke situation. Before
Merlin goes down to Amber town for a meal, selecting a leaving Amber, Merlin goes out to Corwin’s tomb and
tavern in Amber’s roughest street. On his way back, he is throws the blue stones into his father’s empty crypt.
Sign of Chaos
Merlin, caught in the magical dream illusion, finds out tries an experiment, over Merlin’s objections, willing the
from the Caterpillar that he is trapped in a drugcinduced Pattern to take her where it will. She disappears.
trap centering about Luke. When he uses a spell to kill a On the way back up to his chambers, Merlin meets
frumious Bandersnatch (a creature from Lewis Carroll’s Martin, Random’s son, drastically changed into a
stories), the magical vision that the Logrus presents clears cyberpunk musician after spending a year in an urban
his head and reveals a way of escape. highztech fast time Shadow.
At about this time a Fire Angel appears. This fearsome Next, he’s contacted by Mandor and Fiona, who are
creature from Chaos seems to have been instructed to having some difficulties with Ghostwheel. Their talk is
pursue Merlin. The Fire Angel first battles a Jabberwock interrupted by a Trump contact from Luke, who is taking
and then, weakened by the encounter, is slain by Merlin it easy at a swimming pool in Shadow, resting and healing.
with a Vorpal Sword. Merlin convinces Luke to call off his vendetta against
Merlin learns that Luke had been drugged by the Amber, and Luke convinces Merlin to help liberate Jasra
person in the blue mask. Merlin summons some drugs and from the Keep of the Four Worlds. making that the price
vitamins, giving them to Luke to come down from his for her freedom which might also end her vendetta
druginduced state, and then leaves Luke to sleep it OE against Amber. Luke tells Merlin that in the Keep is a
Leaving Luke, Merlin contacts his stepcbrother Mandor, magical fountain which can increase a person’s strength,
his elder from Chaos, who Trumps through to him. Over endurance and magical abilities, and possibly turn them
an elegant dinner instantly conjured by Mandor, they into a living Trump. He suspects that this was what Brand
speak of their family and the royalty in Chaos. Mandor did to become a magical super4being before his death.
tells Merlin that Jurt may wish to kill Merlin to gain the After dinner, Merlin is informed by Vialle that Amber
family leadership and the kingship of Chaos, now that is in a state of war with Dalt, whose men are in Forest
King Swayvill is dying. It seems that there are increasing Arden. Dalt has demanded that Luke and Jasra be turned
numbers of bodies turning up in the struggle for the over. Merlin brings in Luke to meet Vialle, and Luke
throne. pledges loyalty to Vialle, officially ending the vendetta.
Fiona contacts Merlin by Trump, and then brings him She gives Luke her signet ring, putting him under her
and Mandor through to a place where a strange, cyclone- protection.
like, Shadow storm has manifested. Mandor summons Luke and Merlin Trump to Julian’s camp in Arden.
Primal Chaos to examine how the Pattern treats it, and After meeting under a flag of truce, Luke and Dalt agree to
observes the results. Merlin Trumps back to Amber, fight an unarmed duel to determine the course of the
leaving Fiona and Mandor to puzzle things out on their battle. If Luke wins, he will take Dalt prisoner, and vice
OW. versa. Either way, Dalt’s forces will retreat. Dalt beats Luke,
Merlin finds that the only royals in the Castle are takes him and leaves.
Queen Vialle and his Aunt Llewella. They tell him that Merlin returns to Vialle and explains the details of his
the other princes are fortifylng for a possible attack from day, including Coral’s Pattern walk, and subsequent
Dalt, and that Benedict and Random are in Kashfa in the disappearance. A t Vialle’s request, Merlin then goes to
wake of some serious political upheaval. An official explain things to Coral’s sister, Nayda.
delegation from Begma, a country bordering Kashfa, is In Merlin’s quarters Nayda exhibits magical abilities
arriving, and Merlin is asked to help. Coral, the Begman while examining Jasra. Merlin tries to reach Coral with his
Prime Minister’s daughter, seems familiar to Merlin, and Trump, but is unable to reach her for more than a few
he volunteers to show her about the city. seconds. Coral is in a place of utter blackness, unable to
Coral reveals that she knew Luke as a child, having escape. He tries to contact Luke, but is blocked.
grown up in the neighboring kingdom. When Merlin Merlin is suspicious. Nayda grew up with Luke near
takes her into a series of caves beneath Amber, he guesses Kashfa but she says “Luke.” Why wouldn’t she call him
that she is the spirit creature that has been following him. “Rinaldo,”the name he used in Kashfa?
He casts a spell he created to evict a possessing spirit, Merlin summons Mandor in a hurry, and Mandor
which doesn’t affect Coral, but does reveal a trio of freezes Nayda, paralyzing her with a magical steel ball.
attackers who were following them. Jurt, having lost his They learn that Nayda has been possessed by a ty’iga,a
zombie allies to Merlin’s spell, and a finger to his own bodiless demon from Chaos. This creature has been
clumsiness, admits that the Fire Angel was his. As Merlin compelled to follow and protect Merlin, but it was
readies himself for a fight, Jurt disappears, leaving only confused while on Shadow Earth, unable to tell Merlin
roses behind. from Luke.
Merlin takes Coral to the Pattern. Setting foot on the Another complication comes u p when Mandor
Pattern, Coral reveals herself to be a child of Oberon. With threatens to expel the ty’iga. Nayda is already dead,
Merlin’s help, she walks the Pattern. At its center, she animated only by the demon. If it leaves, the body will
Merlin, freed by Mandor from the collapsing, burning He goes to sleep, a course of action clearly against the rules
Keep of the Four Worlds, sees Jasra bathing Sharu Garrul of the trial. After a bizarre dream where he encounters his
in the Fount of Power. The process will turn the sorcerer father, he wakes and finds a dead dwarf next to him,
into Jasra’s servant, and into a guardian being which is strangled by Frakir. He turns to take the food waiting for
neither human nor magical. him behind the altar. Hungry, Merlin tries to eat before
Once Jasra resumes control of the Keep of the Four he is permitted to do so by the trial, and is surprised
Worlds, the three victors decide to discuss the situation when the Unicorn itself appears, quickly followed by the
over a meal. In spite of the damage from their battle they one-eyed Serpent of Chaos.
manage to find an intact wine cellar, comfortable guest They tell him to follow the rules of the trial, and he
quarters, and a dining room with a mountain view. tells them that he does not wish to choose between his
Mandor conjures a dinner to complement the wine, and heritages. They tell him that his attitude is displeasing,
Jasra tells of how she had trained Julia to be Merlin’s and he is knocked out by a thunderclap. Waking later, he
executioner, but that Julia had revealed unexpected talent. eats and Frakir tells him that the Corwin which brought
Merlin then attempts to Trump Coral, with Jasra, him to this place was human. According to Frakir, the
Mandor and the Ghostwheel as backup. They find her Dworkin and Oberon were constructs of the Pattern,
asleep in a circle of fire in a place of utter blackness. Some duplicated from the Pattern’s memories of when the
power is invoked by their interest, and Merlin uses the characters walked it last.
Logrus to sever the Trump contact. Warned that they are There are three doors in the chapel through which
being sought, Ghostwheel teleports them away, sending Merlin may pass. He tries to enter a well-lit one, and finds
duplicates scuttling though Shadow as false trails. himself barred. The middle one is dimly lit and not
Merlin ends up alone in a cave. Warned by Ghostwheel barred, and the last is pitch black and also open to travel.
not to use Logrus or otherwise call attention to himself, He enters the middle one, and hears the dwarf laughing
Merlin sets the cave mouth with wards of protection, and behind him. The door disappears before he can exit the
goes to sleep. tunnel he is now in. Merlin finds the reason that the
He wakes to see the figure of Dworkin outside the cave dwarf laughed: it had planted a dagger of Chaos on him
mouth. When Dworkin reaches through the magic wards, while he was unconscious, barring him from entering the
the flesh is stripped away from his arm, revealing Dworkin path of the Pattern.
as a magical construct of some sort. Merlin directs the Brand appears, the right half of his body totally black,
Logrus against it and destroys it. Immediately after, and the left half white. This version of Brand is interested
Merlin is visited by Oberon, trying the same entry. He in hearing about his son Luke, though he talks in circles.
demands that Merlin choose between Amber and Chaos, He describes himself as a Pattern-Ghost, and asks for a bit
and Merlin refuses. Oberon tries to enter, and Merlin of Merlin’s blood. After Merlin slashes himself, contact
throws the Logrus against him and, in the explosion that with his fiery Chaos blood causes the Brand to go up in
follows, Oberon is shown to be another construct. flames and then vanish.
The third visitor takes the form of Corwin, Merlin’s The landscape changes to a city street, and Merlin finds
father. Convinced that this is another fake, though a rather Deirdre waiting for him. She recognizes that Merlin is not
convincing one, Merlin draws his sword and engages in a Pattern-Ghost, and she also drinks some of his blood,
combat. Just as Corwin knocks him unconscious, Merlin which appears in a liquid form this time. She also
realizes that this is not a construct, but real. disappears.
Merlin wakes in a place of no color, all grey, black, and Merlin, eager to finish this trial, begins running and is
white. There is no sound there, and he cannot use the matched by a mirror image of himself. He realizes that
Trumps or shift Shadow. Merlin summons the Logrus in this is no double, and begins to race in earnest. He realizes
this place, and it knocks him out in a powerful rush. He that it is his half-brother Jurt. They stop and Merlin finds
wakes again to find that his strangling cord, Frakir, has out that this is another ghost, from the Logrus instead of
been gifted with full sentience and now has the ability to the Pattern. When the Jurt-Ghost starts to speak
speak. She, Frakir, says that the Logrus did this so that peaceably with Merlin, the Logrus tries to destroy it. A
Merlin could receive messages from the Logrus and the taste of Merlin’s blood strengthens it, re-forming it into
Pattern. Jurt again.
Following Frakir’s instructions Merlin walks to a sort of After a hike through an icy plain, Merlin and Jurt see
chapel, where there are two piles of armor. One set is the same series of images as before, and Merlin takes from
white, suitable for his human form, and the other is black, one a silver rose, the symbol of his father. He pins it to his
and shaped for his Chaos form. Frakir tells him he must cloak as another Logrus-ghost appears. It is Lord Borel, a
choose between them and guard his choice for the night. master of arms of Chaos, who was slain by Corwin in the
Merlin refuses to choose and piles the armor together. Patternfall War. Merlin tries to avoid fighting it, but is
forced to draw his sword. Somehow, it is Grayswandir, his has a broken arm, Coral is missing an eye, and Random is
father’s Pattern sword, in his sheath. Contact with the stunned and angry. They all go into Random’s quarters,
blade destroys the construct. and Dworkin asks Ghostwheel to return the Jewel of
Still in the company of the JurtdGhost, Merlin ends up Judgement, which i t does along with Nayda. While
in Random and Vialle’s bedroom in Amber. It is the real Dworkin busies himself in healing the injured Coral, the
Amber, and Merlin is instructed to take the Jewel of ty’iga, now freed of its compulsion to follow Merlin,
Judgement from its hiding place. Merlin does so, and they complains that it has no purpose in life anymore and
return to the place between Shadows. cannot flee the body of Nayda.
Another version of Borel appears, demanding the Jewel Random tells Merlin that there was a coup in Kashfa,
of Judgement. Before they can fight, a guardian appears. It and that the candidate that Amber had groomed for the
is Benedict’s Pattern-Ghost, who promises to keep Borel kingship is missing. The takeover was made by Dalt’s
busy for a long time. mercenaries. In place of the original rulerdto-be, Prince
Travelling for a great distance, they find themselves in a Rinaldo (Luke) is to be crowned king. Since this has fouled
room like the one of the Pattern in Amber, though this up Amber’s political strategy for the region, Merlin agrees
Pattern is broken and in its center is the unconscious to attend the coronation as Random’s observer.
Coral. Once again something tries to destroy the ghost of Heading back to his room, Merlin runs into the Corridor
Jurt, but Merlin stands up for it, refusing to do anything of Mirrors, a haunted element of Castle Amber which
further if his brother disappears. appears sporadically in different places, and is known to
After pointing out that Jurt is also a son of Dara, the give visions or make people disappear. He enters the
two of them start to walk the Broken Pattern. corridor and it shows him visions of himself, of Oberon,
The next obstacle comes with a familiar face. It is the and of many strange landscapes and scenes. Looking into
Logrus-Ghost of Merlin himself. Rather than walking the one of the mirrors, he is transported into a strange barren
lines of the Pattern, it walks the imperfections. Jurt leaps place, climbing a small hill to find an altar. There he is
forward, sacrificing himself, and destroys the double of attacked by images of Julia and Coral, but is rescued by an
Merlin. image of Dara. All three try to use knives and forks on
Completing his walk, Merlin seems to have repaired the him, but he is pulled free by Corwin, who pushes him out
Pattern, perhaps because he bore the Jewel of Judgement of the mirror-maze.
along its lines. Looking into the Jewel of Judgement, He wakes in Amber again, a piece of brick from the altar
Merlin sees himself making love to Coral. They make love. in his hand, and wounds matching those given by the
Eventually the two of them return to Castle Amber, images from the mirrors. Back in the safety of his
where Merlin tells Coral of her sister Nayda’s death and chambers, he dresses for the ceremony. Searching for an
possession by the fy’iga. appropriate hat, and taking advantage of the damage to the
After Coral’s departure, Dworkin stops by for coffee and Castle, Merlin checks out Brand’s quarters. He finds an
to hear Merlin’s story. On Dworkin’s advice, Merlin appropriate hat, and also Brands sword, a Pattern blade
attunes himself to the Jewel of Judgement. After this he similar to Corwin’s Grayswandir. Searching with Logrus
makes a couple of attempts to return the Jewel, none sight Merlin then finds a magical ring of immense power.
successful. It is an artifact which draws on numerous powerful
Returning to his room, he finds Coral. Since she has sources from Shadow.
somehow upset the spells on the sleeping ty’iga, Merlin Frakir objects to the ring, and tries to get it off Merlin’s
calls for help. Mandor, brought in by Ghostwheel, focuses finger. Merlin takes Frakir 06tying her to a bedpost as
his attention on the Jewel of Judgement. Mandor calls it punishment. Random calls, and Merlin goes back to the
the Bloody Eye ofChaos and says that it was thought lost for Royal Chambers to investigate. Random tells him that
millennia. The ty’iga wakes up and seizes the Jewel, Coral and Dworkin teleported away in some fashion with
fleeing out into the hall. the Jewel from the Jewel of Judgement, leaving the
The Sign of the Logrus manifests itself, offering an setting behind.
escape route for the being carrying the Jewel. Just as she is Wearing Brands ring, Merlin seems somehow changed.
about to escape, Mandor’s magic steel balls catch up with Blind Vialle, reliant on her feelings, fails to recognize
the ty’iga and freeze her in place. Then the Sign of the Merlin, and even Random notices something.
Pattern appears, confronting the Logrus. Ghostwheel Merlin uses the ring to track Coral, and the missing
enters the picture, encircling the form of Nayda (the Jewel of Judgement, to Kashfa. Once there he meets with
ty’iga), and prompting a stand-off between the Logrus and Luke in an almost deserted cathedral across from the
the Pattern. In the middle of an argument between the palace. Luke identifies Brands sword as Werewindle,
Powers, Ghostwheel snatches away the Jewel of brother to Grayswandir.
Judgement and the ty’iga. Logrus and Pattern rush toward Jurt surprises them both by teleporting in, knocking
each other, causing an explosion that destroys a great deal Luke down and taking Brands sword. Before he can flee
of the Castle Amber. with the blade, Merlin hits him with a barrage of spells
Merlin was saved from harm by Dworkin, but Mandor from the ring. In response, Jurt grabs a woman who was in
After attending the coronation of Luke as Rinaldo, King such as Brand’s being imprisoned by Fiona and sniping at
of Kashfa, Merlin meets with Coral. She explains that her Corwin a t the same time. Brand may have been driven
marriage to Luke is part of a diplomatic arrangement, mad by the Logrus and the Fount a t the Keep of the Four
Investigating the Jewel implanted in her eye socket, Worlds. Mandor, like the Logrus itself, feels that having
Merlin finds that it is linked to Coral, to the Pattern, and Merlin on the throne would benefit Chaos in the struggle,
to forces unknown, on many different levels. perhaps balancing things out more. Merlin reveals that he
Merlin is awakened by Gryll, a shapechanging demon has no intention of sitting upon the throne, frustrating
servant of his Chaos family. Gryll tells him that Swayvill, Mandor. Changing the subject, Merlin asks about House
Lord of Chaos, is dead, and Merlin’s presence at the funeral Hendrake and their feelings towards Corwin. Mandor tells
is expected. him about finding a shrine to Benedict of Amber within
Gryll absorbs a chair so he’ll be big enough, and Merlin the Ways of Hendrake, their ancestral home.
climbs on. Gryll flies toward the Courts of Chaos along a Merlin goes off to visit an old cemetery where he finds
ribbon of blackness, similar to the Black Road. Along the a note from an old childhood friend, a girl named Rhanda.
way the demon describes a powerful spell laid upon Luke appears, acting strangely, bearing a message, but
Merlin, one too powerful for Gryll to remove. reluctant to deliver it. Realizing that this version of Luke
The demon’s ride takes Merlin to his Uncle Suhuy, in is actually a Pattern-Ghost, Merlin fills and offers a cup of
the Courts of Chaos. It seems that Merlin is under black his own blood. As they talk Merlin learns that Jasra, Luke’s
watch, that is, .under official guard, because he has risen so mother, was from a Shadow adjacent to the Courts of
far in the line of succession for the throne of Chaos. He is Chaos, and that she was a maidservant to Dara. It seems
shown four claimants; Tmer, Tubble, Merlin, and Jurt. that Jasra learned her magic from Dara, and that it was
Suhuy also identifies Brands ring as a spikard. Their while in this service that she met Brand. It may even be
conversation is interrupted, first by Mandor and then that Luke is part of the same Logrus-backed breeding
Dara, and each make arrangements for later meetings with program that brought Merlin’s parents together.
Merlin. Before all the talk ends, and he goes off to bed, Once Luke is stabilized, the two of them attempt to
Merlin notices that Ghostwheel is about his wrist, leave, but are blocked by a Logrus-Ghost of Borel, Master of
disguised as Frakir. Arms of Chaos, and the Logrus itself. To counter Borel,
Dreaming, he enters the Corridor of Mirrors again, Corwin appears. Once again Corwin bests Borel with a foul
meeting Coral, Luke, Victor Melman, Random, Julia, Jasra, blow.
Nayda, Jurt, Fiona, Corwin, Bill Roth, Dworkin, and finally Merlin, Luke’s Pattern*Ghost, and Corwin flee to
the Cheshire Cat. All of them offer him advice or words of Corwin’s Pattern. Along the way this Corwin admits that
warning, all in a rather cryptic way. he is the sole Pattern-Ghost of the new Pattern, and that
When Merlin wakes, he learns that the dream was he does not know where the true Corwin is. A deal is
Suhuy’s sending, a spell to help him sort out his problems struck between the Pattern-Ghost of Luke and the new
and open his mind to enlightenment. Suhuy also claims to Pattern, trading the Pattern’s support for guard duty. The
have lifted the spell that was hanging onto Merlin. three of them walk the Pattern together, and Merlin then
Speaking with Ghostwheel, Merlin learns that his returns to the Courts, and his old home, the Ways of
construct has now become an initiate of the Jewel of Sawall.
Judgement. Merlin gives Ghostwheel some directions, and Having a bit of time before his meeting with Dara,
it goes off to examine the Logrus. Merlin enters the great a r t gallery that his family is
Turning to his Trump, Merlin tries a contact with Coral famous for, a maze which houses a magnificent collection
but finds that she is in the midst of a dream. He tries to from all over Shadow and Chaos. He meets another of his
reach Corwin with his Trump, and gets a faint response, a childhood servants, Glait, a snakelike demon sleeping in a
voice calling his name from blackness, but the connection vase. Following Glait’s instructions Merlin finds a hidden
is broken by a black bird, which warns Merlin away and way, one that contains a shrine to his father Corwin, and
then escapes. Corwin’s sword, Grayswandir.
Trying his father’s trick of pretending to know more As he meets Dara for lunch, she tells Merlin that he
than he does, Merlin leads Mandor into talking about the should follow the path of the Logrus, for it will lead him
succession issue. Mandor tells him that he believes that to greatness. She tells him that he is the only qualified
the Logrus let Swayvill die, as part of an overall scheme to candidate for the position of mediator between Chaos and
get Merlin on the throne. The Pattern and Logrus have Amber. When he asks her about Corwin, they are
been at war for a long time, explains Mandor, and the new interrupted by the appearance of the Logrus, hot in
Pattern created by Corwin has unbalanced their struggle. pursuit of Merlin’s Ghostwheel. They move to defend
The Pattern, working through ghosts, may have been Ghostwheel, and the Logrus departs after asking Merlin
responsible for events leading up to the Patternfall War, again to take the throne of Chaos if that is what is needed.
Merlin’s next encounter is with Jurt, who asks for a talk. names Tiger, to travel with them, and they proceed.
They meet in a giant piece of artwork, a maze of mirrors. Taking Merlin aside, Nayda asks that her identity as a
Amidst their many images the two feel safe from ty’iga be kept secret from Luke.
immediate attack and discuss the current situation. Jurt Catching up with Coral, they find that her Chaos
tells Merlin that he has decided against competing for the abductors are holding her in a tower, which they are
throne, and that Julia, who he now loves, is part of the defending against the Pattern-Ghosts of Caine, Benedict,
reason. Jurt is willing to call off his vendetta against Gerard, and Eric of Amber. As Gerard and a giant Chaosian
Merlin. Jurt also tells Merlin that he overheard Dara wrestle, Merlin turns invisible and sneaks into the tower
sending a force to abduct Coral. They decide to join forces to find Coral. Merlin carries Coral out, magically disposing
and to rescue Coral. of the those Chaos guards not killed by the Pattern-
In red-garbed chaos forms, they attend the funeral of Ghosts.
the Lord of Chaos together. In order to cover their When Merlin denies Coral to the Pattern-Ghosts, Dalt
absence, Merlin magically disguises two guards to appear steps forward to defend her. After a quick sword fight
as Jurt and Merlin. Then Jurt teleports them to Luke in with Eric, Dalt is beaten. Merlin tries to use the spikard,
Kashfa. Over breakfast they fill Luke in on recent his magic ring, against them, but its energies are stopped
developments, and then the three of them go to Corwin’s before he can use them. Saluting, the Pattern-Ghosts of
Pattern to meet Luke’s Pattern-Ghost. To avoid confusion, Eric, Caine, Benedict and Gkrard disappear.
Merlin resolves to call the duplicate Luke by his Kashfan The Sign of the Pattern comes then, demanding Coral.
name, Rinaldo. Merlin, refusing, tries to use the spikard against it, and is
Teleporting back to the funeral in the Courts of Chaos, knocked unconscious.
Merlin and Jurt come on a scene of mass confusion. An Merlin wakes a t the Primal Pattern to find Nayda
unknown assassin has dispatched another of the claimants standing between him and the Sign of the Pattern. While
who stood between Merlin and the throne. When the two Nayda speaks, Merlin positions himself next to the
guards rushed forward, their disguises were spotted and Pattern itself. He cuts himself with a dagger and, holding
they were seized. For security, Merlin is ordered to leave his blood cupped in his hand over the Pattern, forces a
for a time, and he and Jurt use the opportunity to leave settlement. Merlin, Coral, Dalt, and Nayda leave, and Luke
the funeral once again, returning directly to Corwin’s stays behind, using his own blood to force the Pattern into
Pattern. keeping its end of the bargain.
Jurt, taking Rinaldo’s place as guardian of the new After meeting up with Jurt, at Corwin’s Pattern, Merlin
Pattern, remains behind while Merlin, Luke and Rinaldo falls asleep. He dreams himself back to the Corridor of
return to Kashfa, where they meet with Nayda. Merlin Mirrors again, where he sees Mandor, Dara, one of the
leaves them to discuss things, heading back to Jurt’s demon-servants, and a childhood girlfriend. In another
apartment in Chaos to change his clothing and form for a mirror Merlin sees Delwin, one of Oberon’s lost children,
return to the end of the funeral. Snooping around, Merlin who tells him that the spikard he wears is not the one he
finds Jurt’s shrine to Brand, complete with Brands sword was intended to find. Mandor had placed King Swayvill’s
Werewindle. spikard in Amber, set with spells to make Merlin into a
Merlin returns to the funeral in time to witness yet puppet, but it was switched. From another mirror he
another assassination. When the casket is due to be sent takes the original spikard from Bleys.
over the edge of the Rim of the Abyss, there is a When he wakes, Merlin is asked to stop an earthquake
momentary blackout and Merlin’s rival to the throne goes which threatens Corwin’s Pattern. Using the spikard,
over the edge into the endless Abyss. Merlin, seeing that Merlin traces the source of the problem to the Logrus,
he is now sole candidate for the throne, and not wanting which is manipulating fault lines deep underground, and
to be delayed, takes an old girlfriend, Gilva of Hendrake, cuts off the access.
and uses the spikard to teleport away. With Corwin’s ghost, Merlin returns to Corwin’s shrine.
Merlin asks Gilva if her family might have been So that Corwin won’t be missed, Corwin’s Pattern-Ghost
involved in Corwin’s disappearance. Gilva takes offense, switches places with the real thing, so Dara will think that
saying that the death of Borel, and others of her house, Corwin is still imprisoned. They go to Jurt’s apartment.
would be viewed as part of the fortunes of war, to be put While fetching some food in a kitchen, Merlin meets Julia,
behind them once the war was over. Merlin shows her the and they speak for a short time, apologizing to each other.
shrine to Corwin and she explains that many of the The next day Merlin rescues Ghostwheel, who had
Chaosians began to worship the Amberites with private been dimensionally trapped by a playful demon. Prepared
shrines after being defeated by them in the Patternfall with both Ghostwheel and the spikard, Merlin summons
War, though the practice had been outlawed eventually. both Mandor and Dara, forcing them both into their
After sending Gilva back to the funeral, Merlin Trumps human forms.
to Luke’s side. Having left Rinaldo in charge of Kashfa, Determined to bind Merlin’s will to their own, Dara
Luke, Nayda and Dalt are following the trail of Coral’s and Mandor attack magically. Merlin parries with the
abductors. Merlin summons a striped horse, which he forces of the spikard, and a battle of both magic and shape
Can a player character ever get beyond What’s the difference between Shadow
First Rank? How? Shape Conjuration, Empowerment,
and Complex Conjuration?
If there’s one hole in the system that’s been
pointed out most often, it’s what to do with Your confusion between the dijfierent types of
characters when they advance pastfirst Rank. Conjuration may be due to your looking at them in
One solution is taking the idea of the “ladder”of terms of the results rather than the Magic
Attribute Rankings and extending it up through involved. For example, a Conjurer could get a
the elder Amberites (or other NPCs). Then the “Hellhound in any of thefollowing four ways:
players must match the “rungs” of the older
generation. 1. Create a Hellhound+looking thing, out of
Another way is by letting the “number one” Shadow itserf (Basic Conjuration). This is also the
forge their own way upward, creating “rungs”for most easily dispelled, such that a movement across
the others to follow. This assumes that, regardless Shadow, or a Power Word, could instantly
of where the “top” turns up, sooner or later a dissolve the creation.
player or NPC is going to overreach the
maximum. By the way, i f the original first place 2. Take a creature, like a normal dog, and
bidder stalls a couple of times, while someone at Conjure it into the form of a Hellhound (Conjure
“1.5” keeps pushing, then I let that other player Shadow Shape). If dispelled, or moved away
create the next “rung.” through Shadow, the form of the Hellhound will
fade, leaving the normal dog behind.
I want my character to have a New
Power, but everything costs too much. 3. Take the same dog, but give it the powers of a
What’s wrong with the system? Hellhound (Empowerment). Although the
empowerment can be dispelled easily with Magic,
Sorry, New Powers are for Game Masters, not the powers will not be easily scattered by Shadow
for player characters! travel.
Do you think that Dworkin, in creating the
Primal Pattern, spent a measly 50 (or even 150) 4. Shaping Shadow into a full duplicate of a
points? Hellhound (Complex Conjuration). By main force
Not likely! Game Masters can, if they want, of will, the Conjurer has created something that is
bring the points down to player scale by several the equal of a “real”Hellhound. Dispelling such an
methods. For example, i f you look at Fattern as item is more difficult since it involves crossing the
shared among all the Amberites, the cost per Conjurer’s Psyche. Shadow travel will tend to
character is pretty reasonable dissolve the creation, but it’s possible for the
(Cost=Power+Numberof Initiates). Conjurer to “escort”the item, and preserve it.
Oops! I hadn’t noticed that the section in First o f i as Amberites and generally god,
Advanced Shape Shifting falls short of describing like beings, I have no problem whatever with the
what it should. player characters lording it over mere Shadow
Yes, anyone with Shape Shifting should be able dwellers. A f e r all, what difference does it make if
to grow claws, fur, armor, and even wings or gills. they Psychically dominate hundreds, or even
However, just because a character grows the millions?
physicalfeature doesn’t mean they’ll have the skill As a Game Master you need to look at
to use it. what some of the drawbacks might be to their
Take flight as an example. It’s one thing to habit. Just figure out some interesting
grow wings, another thing altogether ifyou want consequences. As in the following example:
to use them to fly. Someone with Basic Shape
Shifting can turn into an imitation of a bird GM: “Yup, you’re walking up to the Guardhouse,
(Shape Ship Animal Forms) andfly. The same and you hear voicesfiom within. ”
character can just grow wings on top of their Player: “Voices?Afer my Psychic command those
human form, but that won’t give them any of a two guards shouldn’t wake up for hours!”
bird’s flying skill or talent (though, with practice, GM: “That’s true.. So what are you doing?”
it’s possible to learn), Player: “I’llsneak up and take a look inside.”
On the other hand, the Advanced Shape Shifter GM: “Wow! You see Caine! He’s looking right into
can grow wings on their human body, and be able the eyes of one of the guards. The other
to Shape Shift selectively so as to gain the bird’s guard still seems unconscious, and there’s a
flying abilities. big guy with his back towards you. What
are you doing?”
What do I do when I’ve got a player Player: “Caine?What is he doing?”
character and an NonzPlayer Character GM: “This is really weird, Caine is staring at the
with the same Warfare? guard and the guard seems to be speaking
strangely.. . in fact, the guard seems to be
Hey! imitating your voice, your way of
Where did this NPC comefiom? speaking. The guard says something about
The “opponent” came from you, the Game Wyverns.. . Say, aren’t Wyverns the
Master. You invented the “opponent,” knowingfull Guardians on your personal Shadow?”
well that this encounter might come about. So why Player: “What? What else is he saying?”
are you tormenting yourseIf creating such an GM: “Well, I’m not sure you want to keep
ambiguous situation? listening. The big guy is turning toward
you, and ... hmmm ... it seems to be
Girard! What are you doing?”
D -5 Points - Human Psyche Demonic Shadow Manipulation
D 0 Points - Chaos Psyche L l 0 Points - None
D Demon Rank: __ [ Points] tl 1Point - Sense Shadow
strength Ll 2 Points - Select Shadow
D -5 Points - Human Strength CI 4 Points - Shadowmastery
D 0 Points - Chaos Strength tl 8 Points - Shift Shadow
D Demon Rank: - [ - Points] CI 16 Points - Evoke Chaos
D -5 Points - Human Endurance Demonic Shape Shifting
D 0 Points - Chaos Endurance Cl 0 Points - Named & Numbered Forms
D Demon Rank: - [ Points] Ll 1 Point - Limited Shape Shift
Warfare Ll 2 Points - Blood Shape Shift
D -5 Points - Human Warfare Ll 4 Points - Demonic Shape Shift
D 0 Points - Chaos Warfare D 8 Points - Bodiless Shape Shift
D Demon Rank: - [ - Points] Ll 16 Points - Dimensional Shift
For Game Master use only!
PERSONAL D 1Point REALM (Amber WChaos D) 2 Points PRIMAL Ci 4 Points
D Pattern (QInDOutlQBoth) CI Logrus (QInDOut/OBoth) D Trump (DInDOut/CIBoth)
Q Magic (CIIdOOutDBoth) Q Psyche (QInDOutlDBoth) Ll Other (CIInlDOut/QBoth)
1 mwms
Vitality Shadow Movement
c3 1Point - Animal Vitality CI 1Point - Follow Shadow Trail
C12 Points - Chaos Vitality Cl 2 Points - Follow Shadow Path
CI 4 Points - Amber Vitality -
0 4 Points Seek in Shadow
Movement Shadow Manipulation
CI 1Point - Confers Mobility CI 1Point - "Mold" Shadow Stuff
CI 2 Points - Double Speed Cl 2 Points - "Mold" Shadow Folk
CI 4 Points - Engine Speed -
CI 4 Points "Mold" Reality
Stamina Item Healing
0 1Point - Double Stamina CI 1Point - Self-Healing
LI 2 Points - Amber Stamina CI 2 Points - Rapid Healing
CI 4 Points - Endless Stamina -
CI 4 Points Regeneration
Aggression Item Shape Shifting
Ci 1Point - Combat Training CI 1Point - Alternate Form
CI 2 Points - Combat Reflexes Cl 2 Points - Named & Numbered
CI 4 Points - Combat Mastery CI 4 Points - Limited Shape Shift
Ci 1 Point - Versus Weapons TRANSFERAL
CI 2 Points - Versus Guns 0 5 Points per Quality
CI 4 Points - Invulnerable CI 10 Points per Power
Q 1Point - Extra Hard IMPLANT
CI 2 Points - Doubling Damage CI 10 Points per Quality
CI 4 Points - Deadly Damage 0 15 Points per Power
CI 2 Points - Speak & Sing CI Unique ("1)
CI 4 Points - Tongues CI Named & Numbered ("2)
Psychic sensitivity LI Horde ("3)
CI 1-Point Sensitivity CI Shadow Wide ("4)
Cl 2 Points - Danger Sense CI Environmental ("5)
CI 4 Points - Extraordinary Cl Ubiquitous ("6)
Q 1 Point - Chaos Resistance TRuMPpoWERs
Q 2 Points - Psychic Neutral CI 1 Point - Contains Trump Image
Q 4 Points - Psychic Barrier CI 2 Points - Trump Deck
0 4 Points - Trump Powered
Total Point Cost
CI 1Point - Rack a Spell
CI 2 Points - Named & Numbered
0 4 Points - Rack & Use Spells
POWER WORDS CI 10 Points SORCERY D 15 Points
Total Points, based on Construct Worksheet: Points
Q Ally in Amber. 1 point @ Q Demon Friends. 1 Points @ Q Court Friend. 2 points @
Q House Support. 3 points @ Q Chaos Devotee. 4 points @ D Amber Devotee. 6 points @
Q 10 Point Diary. Q 10 Point Trump. Q 10 Point Game Log. Q Other [ - Points]