AmberZine 10

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Amber, 7-9 November, 1997 Mark your calender and set your course Nhy NW this wintet because you wort want to miss what may be the most unique, most atmosphieric Ambércon ever. Incredible Venue Experienced Organizer Three full days of Amber Diceless Roleplaying Contact: Simone Cooper, simone + $03-283-0542 8047 N Syracuse, Portiand OR 97203-4939 Warrior’s Knowledge by Jane M. “Write about what you know" ia one of those standard bits of wisdom handed out in fiction writing workshops that troubles anyone who writes science fiction or fantasy. A writer of police procedurals or mysteries can visit the local police station. A romance Writer can draw upon personal experience or the experiences of friends. How- ever, an SF writer can't just trot over to the local starport and sign up for piloting lessons. A Fantasy. w can't join the local Wizards Guild’and study a few spells. ‘This ian't meant to be an excuse for lazy writing. More bad SF and Fantasy has been written by writers who don't bother to learn how the “real” clementa of their setting works. Thus, in SF we have stories laden with improbable planetary ecologies, aliens that are just aumans in furred or scaled suits, and other such abuses. In’ Fan- tasy we have horses that are treated more like hairy auto- mobiles, and sword fights that make real fencers sigh in despair and wish they Lindskold could challenge the author to a few rounds No one was ever likely to challenge Roger Zelazny to ‘one of those duels, He may have had his share of human-like aliens and gonzo spells, but when it came to fight ‘scones, his dotails satisfied all but the pickiest that he knew what he was talking about. As a student of both armed and unarmed combat, Roger brought his knowledge to his writing. Roger's formal study of martial arts began with fencing and judo when he was an undergraduate. A slim, very shy young man ‘who wanted to be a poet, he ‘did not seem like the type fo be drawn to fighting arts of any sort, However, Western Reserve (now Case Western Reserve) required four semesters of physical education, Roger Feouldn't stand” team sports, so he tried fencing and found that because of its emphasis on individual performance it Strongly appealed to him. The coach convinced him to try fout for the fencing team. He did so, earning three varsity letters and captaining the épée squad during his last two years. Practical knowledge of fencing colored Roger's writing long after he had given up. sword-play as anything more than an occasional hobby. Whenever characters in a Zelazny story pick up bladed weapons, the reader can be assured that Roger has considered the real limitations of the weapons and their wielders. Moreover, he also adapted techniques to suit those of his characters who differ from ordinary mortals: “All of the lengthier duelling sequences in the Amber books are properly choreographed for a rapier class weapon, rather on the heavy side, a3 the Amberites have the extra strength to wield such a blade well."! ‘Although Roger did not pursue fencing in any concentrated fashion after college, he remained interes- ted ‘In sword. techniques, When Dalt battles the Pattern Ghost of Erie in Prince of Chaos, Merlin’s narration of the action reveals that the swordsmen use techniques borrowed from both Japanese and European. traditions, Initially, Dalt’s style ia the more heavily influenced by Japanese traditions; later Eric employs some Japanese techniques himself, Since no similar details surface in the first five of the Chronicles (yet Erie has died fairly early in the course of events and his ghost hasn't had the ‘opportunity to learn more) obviously the alteration is not in the Amberites, but in the author, Unarmed combat was an even greater influence on how Roger presented combat, He studied judo for two years in college. Hie instructor, Bill Gavel, was a former Marines unarmed combat instructor who included practical fight ing techniques. “involving crushing larynxes, breaking necks and spines"? along with the sport aspects. Gavel did not offer belt tests, 80 Roger was not ranked at this, time, but after graduating with his Master's in English from Columbia he took up judo again. He stopped after he had been ranked with a sreen belt, During his military service, Roger studied karate, but again he was not ranked. ‘The martial art that Roger studied most seriously was aikido-a martial art’ that, unlike karate and judo, is usually termed a “defensive” fart, Roger began studying ‘ido in 1982 and continued until shortly before his death, Although aikido does not use weapons, it does bear similarities to fencing. Roger explained as follows: Morihei Uyeshiba, the founder of Aikido, created the art by Combining Daitoryu Aikijutsu (a form of Jujitsu) techniques othe footwork for the Shinkoge (Shadow-sword) school of, ‘swordmanship~ i, in many of the techniques the attacking ‘arm is captured in on Aikijiteu (srip & then treated as if were Sword, the cutting movement then performed resulting in 1 ‘execution ofthe throw. Roger studied aikido from white bet through black. The art influenced himy in ways other than. providing ‘hi srith a bunch Of meat physical tricks, The teacher he studied tinder longest was Phil Glevertey, Phils style was 8 soft one that eschewed jerks, abe, and pulls in favor of fechniques that used the fore of the attack against. the fitacker. The longer, Roger studied with Phil, the more fe renized tha, wa not only being asked to. re- fvaluste how he dealt with ysieal assault, but also how fre" dealt with any form of attack, Instead of rejecting the attack and the attacker, aikido embraces them. This was a new way of thinking for Talazny, who, like many shy people, had been more prepared to rjet rather than tnbraes. inorder to better pale an a uae Eitacker’) during” aikido practice, Roger studied tae Even io fe ‘chore. bis 1, Michael Robins Hetaute’ Habinson coalé sag teach him ihe base elements oftbapido, Hpi related fo aldo by way of skew but in, in’ Roger's words, ich nastier Roger only adie fae von do fr abou feven moniba’ Shortly afer Be jellow belt tert he tuffeced a peculiar injury to tie ale of his foe and ao dropped "out. However, ieeiNg this new art re Snforced ‘his ‘belief that Knowiedge of many forms is er amaettasticn tha: Fpeclalization in ‘one Doubtless, this i why 20 mony of his characters are combat generalist, When Cleverley. moved from Santa Fe to Albuquerque, he asked Roger ta teach Teas is course for him at part-time. At first Roger ted, but he found that teaching was the last element hhe needed to improve his own skill: nining something you now soGjate Sefer eal doe ogre ort of itllectualcetion Pd never rom thane things through in the past. I discovered it to be almost identical to my earlieet experiences in teaching at writing conferences vand or those who want more details on thie particular subject,” Roger's “Intro. duction* to the ‘anthology Warriors of Btood ani Drea (which ‘he edited, contarna'a thoughéful and’ unusually Personal reflection an ‘hog the martial arta, bat most especially aikido, shaped hus ways ‘of reacting to" the Roger always credited « conversation with fellow Writer and martial artist, Walter Jon Williams “with awakening a desire to Gnd a martial art which he could Practice without a partner to Serve asthe ‘whe. Phil Cleverley suggested that he tty ai chic and ao. Noger signed’ up with Wasesdia Young to learn the Yang style, short form. Tai eid continued to interest him, even though he ended” hig lessons after two ‘As. noted aboves, what Zelazny was doing in his son life ‘was’ often reflected in What he wrote. fn the carly fioyy “A Rowe For Beleias 8" Gallinger usos juice to defeat his epponent Orava the Fist of Malann, The nameless Protagonist in the stories collected as Am Legion uses Judo moves in two of the three Stories (knowing judo does not make the protagonist invincible, however, neither of these attacks are completely successful). In the early “Amber novels, swordplay is an essential pari of the way the Amberites resolve their difficultics. Indeed, one of the first things that Corwin retrieves upon his return to Amber is his sword. ‘As Roger's interest in the martial arts became both broader and more detailed, the techniques used by his characters also’ changed This fs not to say that the swashbuckling glory that typified Corwin's adventures (and those of Jack of Shadows and Dilvish’ the Damned) Vanished. It just acquired ‘ew tools, Corwin's son, Merlin, isn't crazy about ‘swords ai all. This isn’t due to lack of raining, but to personal inclination. When in Knight °f Shadows Merlin is assaiul. tod by a doppelganger on the Pattern, he uses an aikido technique to defeat it rather than a sword. Like another Zelazny character, "Tom Gurden in The Mask of Loki (written with ‘Thomas “T ‘Thomas), Merlin prefers the indirect method of dealing with problem, Neither of these men are pushovers but, like the are they study, they have chosen a Way’ that embraces the attacker and the attack rather” than rujecting it. Perhaps Merlin, vith a payche that has been magically. constrained by Dara and Mandor, could not become an expert. in ‘an aggressive cattack” arty but his Amberite's sense of sll Preservation finda ts outlet in ikido. ‘Another | fascinating sibility ia that as Zelazny Fimselt learned to embrace rather than reject. the attacker and the aac, he Began. creating characters who. would. also. embrace Father than reject, In the Bet five. Chronicles, Corwin meets with each of his siblings, but his only real ally is Random-and Random i hardly. a threat to. him Merlin, ‘although an only child, has his own group of fenerational peers. Trumps of Doom ends with Luke trapping Merlin, but by the end of the series the two Young men are close fiends, Ineed, Mertn endn up with a group of allies whe Zupport him. ‘The Ghostyheel develops. a. healthy elationship with his *parent™=even though "it Warrior's Knowledge © 17 initially resented being created as nothing more than fan elaborate tool. Even Dalt (who Merlin threatened at their first mesting by digging his grave) becomes an ally of sorts. When Corwin Glaappears, no one seems to notice or particularly care, One cannot believe that the same indifference ‘would govern if Merlin was to vanish, So Zelazny’s studies of the martials arts may have had more than the obvious influence on his stories. Certainly, they effected how he presented combat, but as martial arts expanded what he knew about interpersonal relationships, like any good writer, he wrote about what he knew. 1 Letter to the author 24 February, 1989, 2 “Introduction,” Warriors of Blood and Dream. Edited by Roger Zelazny, 1995. 4 Letter to the author, 6 ‘August 1989, 4 Letter to the author, 21 ‘March 1989,

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