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Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No.

2 (2023)

Online version available in : http://jurnalvivid.fib.unand.ac.id

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature

| ISSN (Online) 2502-146X |

Literary Studies

Students’ Responses to Plot Device of Going/Trapped to

Another World Seen in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by
Frank L Baum: Reading Interest and Popular Culture
Edria Sandika1,Gindho Rizano2, Nabilah Dzakirah Resna3
English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

Submission Track A B S T R A C T
Recieved: December 06, 2022 This study discusses the plot device of ‘going/trapped to another world’
Final Revision: July 20, 2023
as seen in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum about reading
Available Online: October 30, 2023
interest and popular culture knowledge by the students’ responses from the
Keyword English Department Universitas Andalas. It aims to find the correlation
Plot device, another world, reading interest, popular between their knowledge and interest in the plot device of ‘going/trapped
culture, reader responses into another world’ and the popularity of the Isekai genre among them.
Correspondence The result shows that the majority of the respondents were familiar with
E-mail: [email protected] and interested in the genre, and the genre’s ability to facilitate imaginative
escapism, served as coping mechanism from real life challenges, it helps their
opinion that the plot device remains popular and relevant in the future with
strong confidence in its enduring appeal as relatable experiences become
the primary reason for its popularity to stay in the pop culture world.

I. INTRODUCTION signifies correlation to later discussion of isekai
The plot device of going or being trapped in genre (Reka, 2022). Then in 1900, The Wonderful
another world is a concept that various authors Wizard of Oz (Baum, 1993), was released focusing
have widely used in starting their narratives. The on Dorothy’s journey to return to Kansas after
pattern of saying that the main character goes or being carried away by the wind that brought her to
is trapped in another world triggers conflict and the Land of Oz. These two works, which are stories
the beginning of a narrative that usually revolves intended for children, become one of the references
around a particular adventure or mission problem in storytelling based on going or being trapped in
that must be completed. The story of going to another world in English literature.
another world is generally centered on the main The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s
character’s efforts to return home to his original novel released in 1900 by L. Frank Baum. This
world. novel tells of Dorothy’s efforts to return to her
In the repertoire of English-language literary home in Kansas after the wind carried her to the
works, the plot device to go or be trapped in Land of Oz using a plot device to go or be trapped
another world is not something the literary author in another world. In her quest to return, Dorothy
does not commonly use. Alice’s Adventure in meets other characters as friends and accompanies
Wonderland (Caroll, 2008), published in 1865, the journey and foes. In addition, Dorothy must
tells the story of the journey of seven-year-old face various obstacles with all the miracles that
Alice into a rabbit hole and takes her to another always occur in the Land of Oz. Lastly, Dorothy
world (or Wonderland). The novel highlights the could return to her hometown but had to part with
the plot device of going to another world and those who had accompanied her to help her return.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25077/vj.12.2.217-222.2023 Under Liscense of Creative Commons Attributioni-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)

The children’s story The Wonderful Wizard The interest in storytelling with plot devices
of Oz is one of the influential literary works to of going/trapped in another world needs further
be studied in English literature. In the article exploration for students taking Prose courses. This
entitled Why Is the Wizard of Oz so Wonderful? search questions the interest in reading stories based
(Onion, 2021), it reveals that it is not the specific on being trapped in another world and students’
interpretation in the meaning of the work that understanding of the development of a popular
makes this story interesting, but instead that this culture that takes the plot device as the main
literary work is a benchmark for various American attraction. The reader’s response to this plot device
fantasies. Oz, as an entertaining literary work, is needed because, as one of the popular genres,
has given American readers strength, friendship, being trapped in another world is a concept that
and humanity even though it was intentional or provokes critical thinking in storytelling. Can this
unintentional by its author (Burger, 2009). plot device increase interest in other stories after
Plot devices trapped in another world have reading the literary work, provoke their curiosity
recently become a trend in various comics (manga) about other works, and explain why this genre has
and animation releases originating from Japan been popular lately even though it has been around
(anime). The concept of going to another world is for a long time.
often referred to as isekai (異世界, translated as The purpose of this study is to provide an
another world) (Pagan, 2019). Paul Price, in his overview and results of students’ reading interest
article “A Survey of the Story Elements of Isekai in a plot device or genre which is very widely used
Manga (2021)” revealed that there are four types but has recently become a trend and is becoming
of isekai, which are the main character entering popular again in student life exposed to the
through a portal, the main character entering development of popular culture. It is hoped that
without a portal, fantasy characters from another students will further explore the narratives about
world entering the real world, and stories in the being trapped in another world apart from literary
world. There is no clear boundary between the works and other famous cultural works.
natural world and the other world, however some The popularity of the isekai genre and the plot
might see Isekai as utopian yearning of hopefulness, device trapped in another world certainly impact the
progress, and peace (Murakami, 2021). The trend of readers, viewers, or consumers of the text, both in
the isekai genre resulted in various pros and cons, terms of literacy interest and from a psychological
so various story contests began prohibiting using perspective. We need to know not only as a cultural
the isekai plot device (Whalen, 2016). Meanwhile, interest but also the ability to study the impact of
a museum exhibition dedicated to isekai is opened genres and plot devices related to self-perception
to signify influence and popularity of the genre and social society, which tends to run away from
(Morrissy, 2021). reality (escapism) or vice versa, and we inevitably
The plot device trapped in another world have to face that reality, how bitter it is.
becomes relevant to be discussed and analyzed This study uses a reader response approach
in literary studies related to students’ knowledge because the research focuses on readers’ reactions
and interest in reading. The plot device triggers and responses (in this context, students of
whether a reader will continue reading or choose to the English Literature Faculty of Humanities,
stop due to whether or not the reader is interested Universitas Andalas, who take the Prose course).
in the concept of the main character starting a In Critical Theory Today, (Tyson, 2015), reader
journey to another world to return to his original response theorists believe that the reader’s role in
world. Students’ exposure to this plot device is also interpreting works cannot be separated, and the
a concern that needs to be studied, considering the reader will not always be passive in interpreting the
recent popularity of the isekai genre in popular work because the reader participates in interpreting
culture. Their knowledge of the isekai genre should the work as the reading process. This sentiment
accompany their understanding of plot devices is similar to the Deconstruction approach, which
trapped in another world. The relationship between considers the author dead, and meaning is in the
plot device of ‘going to/trapped in another world’ hands of the readers.
and Isekai genre is not something different, as
the concept are relatable and prominent in their II. METHOD
respective fields (Appelgate, 2022) (Mark, 2020). The research method used in the research

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)

on the plot device going to another world is a of perspectives regarding the prevalence and
combination of quantitative methods and qualitative popularity of the plot device ‘going/trapped into
methods to accommodate the scope of research another world’.
based on reader response and textual analysis of
the genre and plot sets for going to another world.
Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in
this study, considering that the research focuses on
reading interest, genre knowledge, development
of popular culture, and complex English mastery
from the perspective of readers who are critical of
studying a literary work.
Data collection was carried out with a focus
group discussion on students of the English Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, who
took the Prose course in the even semester of
2021-2022. The students of the Prose course come
from classes B and D, whom the proponent of this
research teaches. In addition to the FGD, data was
also collected through filling out questionnaires that
must be filled in by these students related to issues
of plot devices, genre knowledge, knowledge of
popular culture, and, most notably, whether or not
there was an increase in reading interest related
to the narrative formulation trapped in the other
world. Communication is carried out directly
(face-to-face through offline class implementation)
and online because the pandemic still does not The respondents were distributed across four
allow full implementation in the field. However, Prose classes, with 42.2% coming from Prose Class
it does not reduce the validity of the data because A and C, 36.3% from Prose Class B, and 21.6%
the proposer is a lecturer in courses related to this from Prose Class D. Within this group, a significant
research topic. The focus group discussion method 69.5% were familiar with Frank L. Baum’s ‘The
and data collection through questionnaires are Wonderful Wizard of Oz’. In contrast, 30.5% had
relevant to this study. yet to read or finish the story. Surprisingly, an
This research is participatory and requires overwhelming majority of 92.3% of those familiar
active participation from both the proposer/ with the book were also acquainted with the plot
researcher and the students. Research on literary device of ‘going/trapped into another world’,
works, genres, and the development of popular leaving only a mere 7.7% unfamiliar with it.
culture requires understanding the context,
practice, and cultural experience under study. The
development of popular culture does research
that focuses on classical literature, pop culture,
participants, and reading interest as a whole crucial.


Based on the data collected from the
questionnaire, a comprehensive survey was
conducted among 105 respondents who are students
from various Prose classes during the even semester
of 2021-2022. The results revealed a diverse range

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)

In addition to ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and ‘Alice Regarding readability, 63.8% of respondents
in Wonderland’, respondents identified similar believed ‘going/trapped into another world’ to be
plot devices in various forms of media. Notably, a readable plot device, with 11.4% rating it as very
37.1% found them in movies or TV series, 33.3% readable. On the other hand, 22.9% considered it
in animation or anime, 18.1% in comics or manga, somewhat readable, and only 1.9% found it not
10.5% in other literary works, and a surprising readable at all.
result of 1% in video games. Looking towards the future, 44.8% of the
respondents expressed eagerness to continue
reading stories featuring the plot device of
‘going/trapped into another world’, with 11.4%
being very eager to do so. Meanwhile, 40% were
somewhat eager to continue, and 3.8% were not.
Turning towards the broader Isekai genre, 20%
of respondents expressed a keen interest, 33.3%
were generally interested, 32.4% had a moderate
interest, and 14.3% were not interested.
The range of works featuring this plot device
was extensive, including titles such as ‘The
Chronicles of Narnia’, ‘Jumanji’, ‘Coraline’,
‘Sword Art Online’, ‘Coco’, ‘Soul’, ‘That Time I
Got Reincarnated as a Slime’, ‘Digimon Series’,
‘Inuyasha’, ‘Alice in Borderland’, ‘Doctor
Strange’, ‘Stranger Things’, ‘Korean Drama Mr
Queen’, and ‘Castle in the Sky’.
Interestingly, 54.3% of the respondents found
the plot device ‘going/trapped into another world’
intriguing, with 31.4% expressing an even greater
level of interest. Only a tiny fraction, 1%, found it
to be uninteresting.
Most respondents, comprising 55.2%,
considered the plot device of ‘going/trapped into
another world’ familiar, with 19% deeming it very
familiar. In contrast, 23.8% found it somewhat In terms of motivation, those interested in the
familiar, and only 1.9% thought it unfamiliar. Isekai genre found it to be a source of entertainment,
Furthermore, 56.2% of respondents believed it comfort, and fascination. They appreciated the
to be a popular plot device, with 24.8% asserting genre’s ability to transport them to fantastical
it to be very popular. A smaller fraction, 18.1%, realms, offering a break from reality’s mundane
considered it somewhat popular, and just 1% found and predictable elements. It also gave them a
it unpopular. second chance at life and to explore what might
have been. For them, it was a means of escape from
the burdens of the real world through imaginative
Conversely, those uninterested in the genre
cited a general aversion to anime, a preference for
different genres, a perceived blandness in the plot,
or a lack of appeal as their primary reasons for

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)

about the popularity of isekai genre (Lu, 2020).

Furthermore, the genre’s ability to facilitate
imaginative escapism, served as coping mechanism
from real life challenges, it helps their opinion that
the genre remains popular and relevant in the future
with strong confidence in its enduring appeal.
Relatable experiences become the primary reason
for its popularity to stay in the pop culture world.

The survey results indicated that 87.5% of IV. CONCLUSION

respondents believed that the plot device of ‘going/ Understanding literary works should be done
trapped into another world’ would continue to by reading their artistic value before reading their
maintain its popularity and relevance in the future. political content in today’s climate. The narrative
In comparison, 12.5% believed it would face a that attracted readers to continue reading and
decline. Most respondents cited the Isekai genre’s further explore the plot device of going or being
ability to allow individuals to fantasize about trapped in another cannot be underestimated. The
being transported to different worlds as a powerful exposure to popular culture combined with the
coping mechanism for the challenges of real life, interest in variants of narrative patterns of going
a sentiment shared regarding children’s literature to another world and the Isekai genre makes this
to enjoy (Nichols, 1976). This survey provides research very important to discuss.
valuable insights into the enduring allure of With more than two-thirds of respondents
‘going/trapped into another world’ as a plot device saying the plot device and the Isekai genre would
and the broader resonance of the Isekai genre in stay popular, it signifies that the students are
contemporary pop culture. adequately exposed to how popular the genre is
today. Given their familiarity with the plot device
Discussion stemming from their knowledge of literary works
With the familiarity of The Wonderful Wizard such as The Wizard of Oz and Alice Adventure
of Oz and the plot device of ‘going/trapped into in Wonderlands, they explore other texts that
another world’ among respondents, a strong expand the territories to movies, television series,
association between the source material and plot animation, and other literary works, except video
device with their familiarity of Isekai genre. The games.
plot device is not exclusive only to literature, The comprehensive understanding of
but also prevalent in other forms entertainment respondents’ perception and engagement with the
such as TV series, movies, animation, and even plot device ‘going/trapped into another world’ and
video games. Thus, it correlates to their interest the reader response approach provides the broader
to continue taking interest in the plot device with Isekai genre. The data reveals a strong familiarity
small fraction of respondents expressed disinterest. and positive reception of this narrative device,
Widespread recognition and acceptance of the plot indicating its appeal extends beyond literature to
device signifies the familiarity and the popularity other forms of entertainment. The respondents
among two-third of respondents as well. express a keen interest in the Isekai genre, finding it
As the narrative device is accessible and a source of comfort, entertainment, and imaginative
comprehensible according to the majority of escape. Furthermore, the overwhelming belief in
the respondents, the result indicates a positive the continued popularity of the plot device signifies
inclination and appeal towards narratives its enduring relevance in contemporary storytelling.
employing the plot device with substantial interest The result further requires a deep philosophical
among the respondents. Those not interested in the and psychological understanding of why the plot
genre and plot device cited their lack of excitement device and the genre are popular with the students.
as compared to other genres in the context of Further research should explore the potential
entertainment, comfort, and especially imaginative answers to said understanding above.
escapism. This finding notably shares the sentiment
of what the respondents are feeling, much like the
study that suggest the Japanese society is feeling

Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature - Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023)


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