Krystal Fibonacci Spiral Separation

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Krystal, Fibonacci Spiral Separation

The issue of Krystal & Fibonacci spirals and their separation on specific dates has
come up for discussion. No, there isn’t an issue around the Krystal & Fibonacci
spirals in November 2023. There can be other things going on in November, but the
spirals don’t provide a basis for them.

Spiral Crossing

Firstly, let’s look at the issue of spiral crossings. The three types of spiral of interest
are drawn together, i.e. with the same centre, direction and scale, in the attached
diagram. These are mathematically accurate.

The Krystal (Blue) & Golden Mean (Violet) are

fully developed spirals. These cross at one
point only, i.e. at 1. They also have full inner
spirals that rotate around and approach their
centre point at 0. The Fibonacci (Red) isn’t a
proper spiral in its early stages but
approximates to a reduced version of the
Golden Mean spiral in its later stages. The
Fibonacci spiral touches the other two at point
1. But critically it doesn’t cross either of them.
This means that, where Fibonacci and
Krystal spirals rotate around the same
centre and in the same direction, the
Fibonacci never crosses the Krystal spiral.

Furthermore the Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have

an inner spiral, like the others. It doesn’t have
a direct or well defined relationship with its
centre 0 point. The Fibonacci spiral isn’t self-
generating. It depends on other influences to
get going.

The only way the Fibonacci can cross the

Krystal spiral is by one or more of the following:

• Having a different centre.

• Counter rotating against the Krystal spiral.
• Being artificially inflated. But the mechanism would need to be explained and
any such process could also apply to the Krystal spiral.

Spiral Relationships

The Krystal spiral has clear relationship with the
Kathara Grid (KG) and its representation of 12
dimensional structure. This is illustrated in the
attached diagram. The Krystal (Blue) spiral rotates
out from the grid Azura point, using this as its spiral
centre point. It passes out through dimensional
centres 5, 6, 9 & 12. The spiral links the pure flows
of direct Source connection through the AzurA with
the connections to higher levels in cosmic structure
through dimension 12.

It doesn’t make sense for the Fibonacci spiral to be

centred on the KG AzurA like the Krystal spiral. The
flow of unconditioned Source influence would be far
too pure and strong for the Fibonacci spiral. It would
be like putting very high voltage electricity through
low voltage wires. Furthermore, the Fibonacci spiral
primarily has grid relationship with the Tree of Life
(ToL ) grid. The ToL grid excludes the AzurA and D12 centres, i.e. the key grid
connection points. So the AzurA isn’t available in the ToL grid.

A process by which the ToL was derived from the KG grid is outlined in articles
Mission & Christos Mission, which can be accessed at the following web reference:

In summary, inner connection through KG centre D8 was used to draw energy coded
with D8 frequency into the grid. D8 & D5 hold resonant connection (by virtue of their
symmetry). They are also potential centres for Fibonacci spirals (by virtue of their
geometry). The D8 – D5 link was used to bypass the AzurA and run the D8
frequency into D5, to intercept the Krystal spiral passing through this centre. Some
of the Krystal spiral energy was diverted, to form a Fibonacci spiral carrying a
combination of the D8 + D5 frequency, to form an artificial D13 current. This was
counter rotated from the D5 centre, sending a Fibonacci spiral up the opposite side
of the grid, as shown in red. This Fibonacci spiral intercepted the Krystal spiral just
below D12. It’s reversed D13 current was able to sever the D12 connections to D11
& D10.

This led to grid fall, i.e. isolation of the grid from D11 down and a drop in frequency.
This is the dimensional reality represented in the ToL grid. D12 and the AzurA are
missing. D8 is regarded as a hidden / stealth inner sun centre that is only shown (&
used) in the more esoteric applications of the grid. It is denoted by 0, as a centre of
origin in the ToL grid. D5 is exalted as an outer sun / Christ centre that radiates
influence out to the remaining 9 centres, as befits its role as a spiral centre. In ToL
terms it is denoted by number 6.

This provides a much more coherent and realistic picture of the relationship between
the Krystal and Fibonacci spirals. The mechanics involved are interesting but are of
secondary significance. The key issue is the state of mind / consciousness that
exploited these mechanics to this end. The clashing of the spirals and associated
splits primarily relate to deep levels in creation and remote times. But they still
impact through both creation and time. The original D12 and associated higher
connections were subsequently restored and made available in our universe. This
leaves us with a hybrid creation, partially restored to open natural flows and direct
Source connection, as represented by the KG. But also partially closed, isolated and
dependent on artificial support, as represented by the ToL grid. We are navigating
both realities, using our natural Life connections to heal what can be healed of our
wounded shadow parts, to bring what we can home.

Dates & Time

The spirals are primarily inter-dimensional connections, processes and flows. They
are flowing all the time. It would be difficult to sequence them on a timeline, in terms
of when they start / stop or how quickly they flow. They are not calendars that can
be used to mark out events and sequences in time.

There are much more immediate and useful indicators of higher dimensional
influences and cycles, in the form of the motions and positions of ‘heavenly’ bodies
in our sky. The motions of the sun, moon and planets in relation to background stars
and constellations in our sky define major cycles of influence on our planet. They
also mark our time periods, e.g. days, months, seasons, years, ages and so on.
Celestial alignments and alignments with energetic centres and structures on the
planet hold significance.

This is why there was so much interest in aligning ancient megalithic structures with
celestial events, e.g. the Giza pyramids, Stonehenge, Newgrange and so on. Also
there was a profound interest in astronomy. Because it held practical significance
and was useful. Some of this is reflected in the old science of astrology. But this
very much needs to be re-developed in the light of dimensional structure and current

We are in the midst of some challenging alignments at present. Our nearest

planetary neighbour, Venus, is coming to the nearest approach of any planet to
Earth. On 13th August Venus will pass between Earth and the Sun. This alignment
is part of a pentagonal pattern of alignments that carries a significant degree of
Fibonacci influence. There is more background at the following web reference:

Furthermore Saturn is coming into conjunction two weeks later on 26 - 27th August.
Here the Earth Venus pair pass between Saturn and the Sun. Ancient mythology
associates Saturn with the role of Chronos / ‘old time’. Also the role of an old ‘inner
sun’ symbolised by the 8 pointed star. It appears to have carried the role of D8 in its

capacity as an inner sun in the past. It’s counted as the 7th planet at present but may
still carry some influence from a former role.

These represent a challenging combination of alignments. But we’re nearly through

them and come September should be leaving them behind in the rear view mirror.
An encouraging note is that CERN LHC particle accelerator operations appear to be
curtailed by electricity shortages at present.

There is no need for us to be slaves to time nor timelines. Timelines are simply
sequences of cause and effect. The consequences of our choices and actions
accrue to us as debts, effectively karma. This is what binds us in time. As we face
and resolve our challenges, we release these burdens and bonds. We become
masters of time. As we heal, integrate and expand our consciousness we emerge
into greater freedom and increasingly choose our destiny and purpose (dharma).
Higher dimensional time cycles are much more expanded and freer than what we
experience in 3D. They become progressively more significant, until we leave time
behind in Eternal Reality.


How do we orient around these issues?

We are exhorted to follow the Krystal
spiral. But what does that mean?

It’s not so much the spirals themselves

that matter but more what they represent
and associate with. The Krystal spiral is
associated with the Kathara Grid and its
representation of full 12 dimensional
structure. This is open and integrates
smoothly with higher dimensional light
and sound fields and with Direct Source
connection. This is illustrated in the
attached diagram.

The Fibonacci spiral associates more with

the ToL grid and its representation of
11/10 dimensional structure in a severed
and partially closed universe. This is
represented on the Shadow side in the
diagram. We experience both realities
and are attempting to heal the polarities
involved within our lives, as a contribution
towards the greater healing and resolution.

However, it is the consciousness and intent associated with these realities that is
more significant than the mechanics and structures involved. There is a significant
degree of free will in creation. This allows for exploration and experimentation,
subject to consequence.

The consciousness that orchestrated the original fall was driven by pride, a sense of
superiority, arrogance and a belief that natural order could be improved upon. Also,
aggression, competition for the ensuing scarce resources, dominance and control.
This led to progressive severing of connections, fragmentation of consciousness and
greater reliance on artificial supports.

Because of the high degree of fragmentation, the Shadow side of creation is riven by
complexity. There can be infinitely complex structures, systems, terminology and so
on. As we progress up through dimensionality on the Light side there is
progressively less separation and structure and greater simplicity. Source is the
ultimate in simplicity. It simply Is!

Consciousness on the Shadow side was initially severed from D12 and couldn’t
access nor work with this. As a result it disparaged D12 and the associated Maharic
influences and frequency. Some of this consciousness is now willing to do
redemption and rebuild the lost connections and capacities. However, pride and the
original issues can still remain. Some are quite happy to exploit those with D12 and
higher connections, who come within range.

On the Light side there is open access to D12, as the Christos or Kryst
consciousness. D12 is a pure intact level above the fall event. It carries our original
Divine Blueprint, our intent in creation. Realigning with this helps reset our coding
for the lower dimensional levels. D12 also facilitates access to higher dimensional
Light & Sound levels and Direct Source connection. D12 and the associated
Christos Realignment Mission (CRM) are always there for us, as a home base. The
relationship is determined from our side, as to when we choose to avail of this.

On the Shadow side, it isn’t possible to ascend vertically. Assistance is needed.

The Light side is open with Direct Source connection, and it is possible to ascend
vertically. We become our own hosts and saviours.

Inner and outer realities exist as polarities within creation. They are only meaningful
in relation to each other. In natural order inner and outer connections and flows are
Aligned and Balanced. In the KG, for example, each of the dimensional centres has
its inner and outer flows, as illustrated in the attached diagram. Likewise for the
dimensional energy centres or chakras in our bodies.

The ToL grid, however, separates inner and outer realities. The primary flow from
internal creation into the grid is through the D8 equivalent Da’at / Daath centre. This
links past the AzurA to the D5 equivalent Tiphareth centre. This then flows outwards

as an external sun centre to the rest of the grid. Because D5 has a lower frequency
than D8 the external connection is regarded as lower frequency or fallen.

This is a framework in which external creation is regarded as fallen. It is highly

undesirable to disparage external creation. This is where the consequences of our
creation arise. This provides us with essential feedback and very valuable learning.
It allows us to correct course, resolve problems and move on. Failure to face and
deal with consequences is what traps us in time. So, having a very grounded and
healthy relationship with the world around us supports us on our journeys here.

A key influence in our lives and world is Love. Love in its pure form is the key
attribute of Divinity that embraces all and ultimately draws all home, in the most
appropriate way, to the wholeness of infinite Life in Source. This includes tough
love, where needed. The flow of Divine Love is expressed in Amoraea currents that
associate with the ManU (integrated polarity) state. These flow through the
corresponding 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 side of the KG, to come available to the other levels.

A key challenging influence is Fear. This arises from separation and the vulnerability
it causes. Fear points us towards what we need to heal. Facing our challenges,
fears and shadow influences can be very hard work. But we have inner resources
and family connections to call on. This work can be very liberating.

Creation isn’t malicious nor capricious. It’s not a case of ‘You’ve missed the bus, a
bus we might not even be aware of. Tough luck. Go back to the end of the queue’.
We are part of the creative process. Creation is a co-creative exploration and
learning experience. Like a parent figure, it is trying to teach us. Some of the
learning can be hard. But the quicker we learn and adapt, the faster we progress.
There is also much experience, joy and beauty in creation.

This is just a quick look at some of the terrain we have to navigate, as we seek to
move forward. We can have differing perspectives and priorities for our particular
journeys. May the winds of change and the tides of progress carry our ships home
to safe harbours!

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