About Dimensions, Holograms, Reality and Energy.
About Dimensions, Holograms, Reality and Energy.
About Dimensions, Holograms, Reality and Energy.
We have come to understand that all that is, exist within some or other dimension, which is not necessarily the physical or third dimension. The latter
consists of all that can be seen by man or beast.
Therefore, I want to postulate the premise that this physical dimension, i.e. Earth, her solar system and that part of the Universe that can be seen either
with the naked eye or with telescopes, is a holographic projection from out of the multidimensional universe. And because it is a projection it is not really
Examples of a hologram
The hologram called Earth was intelligently designed by Source of All that Is - a projection built as a hexagonal formation according to sacred geometry
(the perfect mathematics of the Universe), i.e. Phi or the Golden Ratio, that offers infinite potential for every life form to grow, develop and thrive in all that
this holographic projection and the multidimensional creation has to offer.
The original shape and structure of this projected reality contains the harmonious vibrations of Source, which are present in everything created by him
(that is why I can say, as he himself is, so AM I).
However, projected Earth-reality or the Earth hologram was not only built as a hexagonal formation but built in such a way that the six sides of the
hexagon form a pyramidal shape wherein the harmonious vibrations of Source or Source Energy, also called cosmic energy, are forever spiraling in and
out of the pyramid according to the Fibonacci sequence, a further aspect of the Golden Ratio.
Cosmic energy is received from the ether by a pyramidal shape made according to the phi ratio, inside of which electromagnetic energy is developed,
inten-sified when the fire in the middle is formed and again transmitted outward by way of a spiraling motion.
This motion is repeated when the energy is received by another Phi-shaped pyramid, be it on Earth herself or real pyramids upon earth, our solar
system, another life form, another dimension or the cosmos. This flow of energy happens according to the mathematics of the universe, which is
harmony, perfect harmony.
Fig. 1 shows the Hexagon surrounding a Fibonacci spiral; in Fig 2, the outer hexagon (sketch to the left), ABCDEF in black has all its internal angles
at 120 degrees, but it is not regular, having alternate sides in the golden ratio to unity (1.61803:1).
By drawing lines parallel to its shorter sides, a second smaller hexagon is formed as abcdef in red which, relative to the first, is similar (in the
geometrical sense) and rotated 60 degrees.
Being similar it also has sides in the golden ratio. The sketch to the right shows the beginnings of the spirals within the hexagonal angles and sides;
Fig 3 shows more perfectly in color the spiral within the hexagon [1].
comes together in the seven major chakras along the spinal channel; (ii) the major component of this energy flow is the central energy channel running
from the base of the spine to the top of the head and that connects these seven major nerve-plexus points.
Energy flows through the ethereal body by entering it through one of the major gateways situated at the top of the head, through the crown chakra.
From there it generally moves down the front of the central channel to the base of the spine where it is collected, blended, amplified and propelled up the
back, through the spinal column through the seven energy centers and out the top of the head. This flow happens according to the Fibonacci spiral.
It is also the simultaneous movement of energy up and down the central channel, and in and out of the seven centers that creates the electromagnetic
field surrounding the physical body. In fact, each of the chakra centers consists of rapidly rotating spiral-shaped openings (wheels) that regulate and
distribute energy as it flows in and out of these centers.
Physically, this energy stimulates the endocrine glands that control the bodys chemical balance, as well as empowering the nervous system and organs.
Everything vibrate at a specific frequency in different levels of consciousness within the holographic reality, including the human body and its energy
systems. Consciousness and energy move from one dimension to another and from one frequency of vibration to another until it reaches Source and
back again through the dimensions and frequencies to man in the hologram.
There we are: a perfect pyramid showing the seven energy centers of the body
Part of the power and effectiveness of the lotus position comes from the triangular shape your body assumes. Many Eastern cultures believe that a
triangular shape, such as those of the pyramids of Egypt, harnesses life energy.
Triangles also symbolize knowledge, will and action. By turning your body into a mini-pyramid, you can tap into this mystical energy and stay grounded
at the same time. [3]
Just as a pyramid magically attracts and distributes refined energies, sitting in the lotus position will attract the energies of the higher states of Being
into ones dense form.
This posture helps to distribute the bio-energy fields coming from those refined and higher energies through the cells, blood, heart, brain and mind and
then pushing them outward again to the environment around us forming our outer electro-magnetic field.
Sitting erect, in the lotus position or upright in a chair, aligns all the parts of our body. Our pelvic area serves as a bowl in which the whole Being resides,
the foundation of our being. This area of the body is related to the first chakra, called the root chakra.
The area of the second chakra, from the hips to just below the navel is the part of our psyche that drives most of our attachments and desires. Through
meditation this area is aligned to the core of our being and the medi-tator experiences the fullness of his/her own inner presence.
The area of the third chakra is from the navel upwards including the diaphragm. This area is the psychic center of our me-ness. Concentrating on this
area of our bodies brings detachment and a feeling of perspective or relativity - the body must expand and free its parts because we are inviting Being
to reside.
The area of the heart chakra, the fourth, is in the center of the chest, extending toward the throat.
Con-centrating on the heart we physically feel her and it is as if she, the heart, becomes more energetic. Because the heart is the center of the
physiological system, meditation that focuses on the heart chakra effects us in many ways, i.e. an increasing feeling of peace, composure, tranquility
and harmony, which in its turn brings more stability and space to the mind and its thoughts.
A human is a Being of profound capacity and qualities and because the heart is non-personal and other-focused, it psycho-spiritually enhances and
supports the human beings capabilities and qualities.
The area of the throat and neck relate to the fifth chakra. From an alignment point of view, the throat and neck area correspond to the lower part of the
apex of a pyramid, forming a second platform of stability. If and when our meditation practice includes the use of chant, Om or a mantra, the resulting
resonance will be experienced as energy.
It is in the area of the brow where the sixth chakra is located. Here we experience the clear light and expansive space of mind; where we cultivate focus
and concentration. With practice and patience, we will eventually experience the blissful, luminous quality of a mind free of flighty thoughts because our
mind is then quiet and truly at peace.
This energy center and state of mind is necessary for more concentrated meditation as well as all intuitive processes. Sitting in the lotus or pyramidposition becomes the monitor of all that IS.
From the ridge of the brows to the top of the head is the area of the crown chakra. Sitting in the lotus position or erect in a chair, aligns the crown center
with the spine and the root or first chakra.
From the crown down to the root, a perfect line of light and energy runs down the spine as a result. This chakra provides for that higher will and purpose
flowing through our core and we experience perfect and composed awareness of consciousness. [4]
Added to what is said above, do all the characteristics of pyramid power become characteristics of the human being when he or she meditates while
sitting in the lotus position.
The energy within the human form also becomes a life-giving force, which allows for the meditator to become a kind of cosmic antenna that tunes into
vast energy sources, receives that energy and changes itself into a magnetic field. While most of the positive energy is focused within, some of it is
scattered from and by the energy centers, the chakras.
How does this occur? Our energy systems consist of conscious energy and this energy is connected with all energies in the Universe. Our energy
systems, therefore, act as a connection between the physical world and the metaphysical or spiritual world.
Our aura is an electromagnetic, electric and magnetic energy field made up of varying types of live and intelligent vibrations or frequencies that
surrounds, penetrates and extends out beyond the physical body. Chakras are centers that transform electrical energy to electromagnetic energy.
A pyramidal form will create a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around itself, enhanced by the presence of either a diamagnetic substance that is
repelled by both poles of the magnet within us, situated at each of the chakras being repelled, the energy moves right through it to the outside - or a
paramagnetic substance that has the ability to alter the magnetic field in the area it occupies.
Silicon is diamagnetic, while oxygen, the other element of quartz crystals, of which most of the mass of the human body is comprised, is paramagnetic.
The effect that vibration, as happens within the chakra wheels, has on quartz crystal is that it produces an electric current, called piezoelectricity.
Quartz crystal does not create energy; it just converts one kind of energy into another by radiating energy outwards from its core. Quartz inclusions in
stone circles and pyra-mids allow them to act as energy storage devices, building up an electrical current called earth current, a na-tural consequence of
certain combinations of geology and water flow.
Earth current results from both natural causes and human activity. And just so does this happen within the human body-pyramid.
"This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of people being victims:
If the genes control our life function, then our lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change them.
This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated with those attributes. Laboratory evidence
shows this is not true.
Other factors such as the appreciation and love we have for someone or the anger and anxiety we feel also influence and can alter the outcomes of each individuals DNA
Physical aspects of DNA strands can be influenced by human intention. Research data indicate that when individuals are in a heart-focused, loving state
and in a more coherent mode of physiological functioning, they have a greater ability to alter the conformation of their DNA - what this means is that
when we are having a bad day, going through a rough period such as dealing with the sickness of a loved one or coping with financial troubles, we can
actually influence our bodies all the way down to the cellular level by intentionally thinking positive thoughts and focusing on positive emotions.
This influence or control individuals can have on their DNA as to who and what they are and will become, is further illuminated by Doc Childres theory of
heart intelligence. Childre postulates that "an energetic connection or coupling of information" occurs between the DNA in cells and higher dimensional
structures the higher self or spirit.
Childre further postulates that the heart serves as a key access point, through which information originating in the higher dimensional structures, enters
into the physical human system (including DNA) and states of heart coherence generated through experiencing heartfelt positive emotions, increase this
entering in of knowledge from Source.
The heart, which generates a much stronger electromagnetic field than the brain, provides the energetic field that binds together the higher dimensional
structures, the bodys many systems as well as its DNA.
Childres theory of heart intelligence proposes that "individuals who are able to maintain states of heart coherence, have increased access and coupling
to the higher dimensional structures and would thus be more able to produce changes in their DNA [7]
[6] http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/epigenetic-influences-and-disease-895
[7] http://www.heartmath.org/templates/ihm/e-newsletter/publication/2012/ summer/you-can-change-your-dna.php
[8] http://www.mindreality.com/nature-of-all-reality-and-universal-construct
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