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GEI-100157 SPEEDTRONIC™ Mark V Trainer

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GE Industrial Systems


(This product is no longer manufactured.)

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to
provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and
maintenance. If further information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not
covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to GE
Industrial Systems.
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA, and is
furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation,
and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in
whole or in part, nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written
approval of GE Industrial Systems.
Section Page
Trainer System Functions............................................................................................ 2
Trainer System Hardware and Software...................................................................... 3
Installation and Startup................................................................................................ 4
Trainer SDCC PROM Installation........................................................................ 4
Cable Connections................................................................................................ 6
Voter IDs and the Stage Link Address ................................................................. 6
Applying Power to the Operator Interface ........................................................... 7
Installing Software into the Operator Interface .................................................... 7
Trainer EEPROM Download ............................................................................... 8
Starting the SoftwareTurbine Model .................................................................... 9
Customer Support........................................................................................................ 9

The Mark V Trainer system is an instruction tool that allows hands-on learning of
the Mark V Operator Interface without interrupting active unit control processes.
The software turbine model, written into the Control Sequence Program (CSP),
mimics a running turbine unit. This enables operators and technicians to practice
control tasks, such as Start, Load, Unload, and Stop, as well as to produce faults that
demonstrate real-world alarm conditions. Exercises on a simulated turbine unit
familiarize users with the Mark V Operator Interface displays and functions. The
knowledge gained offers a practical payoff in speed and efficiency for those who
monitor unit operation and execute turbine control commands during actual power
plant operation.
In addition to providing a Mark V turbine control model for instruction, the Trainer
system permits users to practice customizing Operator Interface software in a fail-
safe environment. For example, they can create or modify screen displays, as well as
modify, compile, and download source files (such as the CSP) without affecting an
operating unit.

ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation.

Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Modbus is a trademark of Gould, Inc.
SPEEDTRONIC is a trademark of General Electric Company, USA.
Trainer System Functions
The Mark V User, Application, Trainer functionality is essentially identical to the Mark V turbine control system.
and Maintenance manuals Operator Interface menus, displays, and programs operate similarly, allowing
(GEH-5979, GEH-5980, and training techniques to emulate actual turbine control operation. Additionally, the
GEH-6195) provide information instructor can customize the Trainer to meet the needs of the training program. As
needed to effectively use and with the Mark V turbine control system, the customer can add, delete, and modify
fully understand the Trainer. the Trainer system’s capabilities
Functions available and modifiable on the Trainer system include the following:

Operator Interface Features and Configuration

• Main menu • Password administration
• Display scaling • Synonym administration
• Multi-unit capability • Control lockout administration
• Printer configuration

Unit Monitoring and Control

• Command targets • Image printing
• Display targets • Image viewing
• Screen displays • Modbus™
• Start/load/unload/shutdown

Unit and Mark V Maintenance and Troubleshooting

• Alarm management • View tools • Sequence of
event logging
• Process alarms • Terminal interface monitor
• Event logging
• Diagnostic alarms • Rung display
• Alarm logging
• Logic forcing • Trip log display
• Alarm report
• Control constant adjust • Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) display • Trend report
• Real time plots
• EPA report • Trip log report
• Triggered plots
• Short term trending

Mark V Configuration
• Control sequencing • EEPROM downloading
• Table files • Control system documentation
• Point name assignments

Note The above list catalogs only those Operator Interface functions that are
generic to the different Gas and Steam turbine applications. Trainer systems typically
provide greater functionality, determined by the software turbine model ordered.

2 • SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer GEI-100157A Product Guide

Trainer System Hardware and Software
The Trainer system consists of three parts:
• Operator Interface contains the processor, color monitor, keyboard, and cursor-
positioning device.
• Trainer consists of printed wiring boards for the <R>and <C> core processors,
which are the brains of the Mark V Simplex turbine controller. These are
mounted in a portable suitcase enclosure (see Figure 1) with the cabling required
to interconnect the system (including an optional power cord set). The Trainer
needs none of the I/O boards found in the Mark V Turbine controller, since the
software turbine model writes values to the I/O signals.
• Trainer software kit, which provides the software for the Operator Interface, a
software turbine model, matching PROMs for the SDCC boards, and related
The Operator Interface and the The Trainer system is often pre-configured, but may require additional setup. This
Trainer work with any of the consists of loading the software onto the Operator Interface, inserting the matching
available software turbine SDCC PROMs into the Trainer, and downloading the software from the Operator
models. Interface to the Trainer. Refer to the Installation and Startup section of this
document for these procedures.

Display Display

Keypad Keypad

<R> <C>
Processor Processor

AC Power

RS-232C StageLink RS-232C

Processor Boards Function

<R> DS200SDCC Control sequencing
DS200SLCC Communication between <R> and <C>
<C> DS200SDCC Control sequencing
DS200SLCC Communication between <R> and <C>
DS200TCCA Connects <C>’s SDCC to the Stage Link to
communicate with the Operator Interface

Figure 1. Trainer Portable Suitcase Contents

GEI-100157A Product Guide SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer • 3

Installation and Startup
Read the complete instructions The Trainer system may require the following installation and setup:
before starting the installation
1. Install the SDCC PROMs into the Trainer.
procedure. Be sure to follow
them in the sequence listed. 2. Connect the Trainer system cabling, then power up the Trainer.
3. Set/verify Voter IDs and the Stage Link Address.
4. Boot-up the Operator Interface, install Operator Interface software, and restart
the Operator Interface.
5. Download software from the Operator Interface to the Trainer, then restart the
6. Reset and start the software turbine model.
The following sections describe these installation and setup procedures.

Note The system is a matched set where changes to one part almost always require
changes to at least one other part.

Trainer SDCC PROM Installation

Be sure to remove power from the Trainer by disconnecting the

ac power cord before opening. Failure to do so can lead to
possible injury or death as a result of electrical shock.

Ø To open the Trainer

1. Remove power and disconnect all cabling before opening the Trainer (cabling
includes the power supply, the Stage Link(s), and the RS-232C cabling).
2. Position the Trainer vertically on a hard flat surface and loosen the thumbscrews
at the top of the faceplate (see Figure 1).
3. Pull the faceplate forward and down until it rests horizontally on the surface

To prevent component damage caused by static electricity, treat

all boards and devices with static-sensitive handling techniques.
Wear a wrist grounding strap when handling boards or
components, but only after these are removed from potentially
energized equipment and are at a normally grounded
workstation. Always store boards in the shipping boxes.
To prevent damage to PROMs, installation should only be done
by adequately trained personnel.

The <R> processor boards are located to the left and the <C> processor boards to
the right within the enclosure (refer to Figure 1). The two SDCC boards are
accessible without further disassembly.
4. To access the <C>’s TCCA board or either SLCC board mounted to the face-
plate, loosen the thumbscrews at the top and bottom of the desired board carrier.
5. Pull the locking bracket up and out.
6. Swing the processor boards until the board carriers lock into place (when they
reach a vertical position).

4 • SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer GEI-100157A Product Guide

Silk-screened text on the SDCC The application-specific Trainer Firmware Kit includes the PROMs required for the
board next to the socket SDCC board sockets U11 and U12 and a chip extraction tool to remove any PROMs
identifies the PROM. shipped in these boards. The remaining PROMs are pre-installed.
Ø To remove and insert PROMs
1. With the Trainer faceplate opened and lying flat, find the correct socket locations
and identify the applicable PROMs as follows:
• <R> SDCC sockets U11 and U12 are located on the left side of the left board.
<C> SDCC sockets are located on the right side of the right board.
• Labels on the PROMs identify the <R>’s or <C>’s SDCC board and correct
socket ( U11 or U12). The figure and table below provide details.

DS200xxx CGF1yyy
y represents revision or group numbers that
change periodically
C for the <C> processor; Q for the <R>
x represents application-specific characters

Processor Boards PROM Label

<R> DS200SDCCGxx DS200xxxQF1yyy and DS200IOMAF1yyy
<C> DS200SDCCGxx DS200xxxCF1yyy and DS200IOMAF1yyy

2. Use the supplied chip extraction tool to remove PROMs.

To prevent damage to PROMs, follow all instructions exactly

and use care when removing and installing PROMs. Installation
should only be done by adequately trained personnel.

3. Check the PROM label to verify that it is the correct one for the socket, as
defined in step 1. Then line up the notch in the PROM with the notch in the
socket and all chip pins to the correct hole.
4. Being careful not to bend any pins, press the PROM gently and completely into
the socket.
5. Check that the PROM is seated evenly and that all pins are inserted correctly.
Ø To close the Trainer
1. Unlock the carriers by sliding the locking brackets up.
2. Swing the boards back into place and push the hinged brackets back into
3. Tighten the thumbscrews that hold the board carrier in place.
4. Return the faceplate to the closed position and tighten the thumbscrews that
secure it in place.

To prevent cable damage and Trainer malfunction, do not

pinch internal cables when closing the faceplate.

GEI-100157A Product Guide SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer • 5

Cable Connections
The Trainer cable connections are simpler than a Mark V turbine control panel’s
connections. This is because the I/O values are generated by the Trainer system’s
turbine model, instead of actual control I/O devices. Trainer connections include the
• Two RS-232C, one for <R> and <C> respectively. These are identical to those
on the Mark V turbine control panel’s I/O terminal boards, DS200QTBA and the
• Two Stage Link ports connected to <C>. These are identical to those on the
Mark V turbine control panel’s DS200CTBA I/O terminal board.
• A single power source connection. To accommodate both 115 V ac and 220 V
ac (50/60 Hz) power sources, an optional complete international power cord set is
available (voltage switching within the Trainer is automatic).
For more information about Connections for the Trainer system Stage Link are (typically) identical to those of a
Operator Interface connections, Mark V turbine control system that is performing unit control. Connect the Stage
refer to Maintenance Manual Link coax cable to either Stage Link connector, and to the Operator Interface's
GEH-5980 and relevant vendor ARCNET board. The Operator Interface requires a T-connector with a 93 ohm
publications. terminating resistor. No connection is necessary to the RS-232C ports for proper
operation. Power up the Trainer with the ON/OFF switch once the power cabling is

Voter IDs and the Stage Link Address

After installing software and making cable connections, Trainer’s Voter IDs and
Stage Link address must be checked. The Voter ID identifies each processor as either
<R> or <C>. The Stage Link address identifies the Trainer on the Stage Link
Ø To check the Voter ID for either the <R> or <C
1. Locate the SLCC keypad of the desired processor, <R> or <C>.
2. Press the DCC key. The display should read - 186 MONITOR - .

Note The SLCC display updates at a rate of once-per-second. Therefore, allow at

least one second between keystrokes.

3. Press the INC key. The display should read 1 ) VOTER ID .

4. Press ENTER.
5. The Voter ID of the selected processor should appear on the display. If the Voter
ID is correct (either R or C), press the NORM key to escape the sequence. If the
Voter ID is incorrect, continue with step 6.
For more Voter ID information, 6. To define the processor as <R>, press in succession SHIFT, 7, and ENTER. To
refer to the Maintenance define the processor as <C>, press in succession SHIFT, 3, and ENTER.
Manual, GEH-5980.
Ø To check the Trainer Stage Link address
1. Press the DCC key of the <C> processor.
The display should read - 186 MONITOR - .
2. Press the INC key twice.
The display should read 2 ) STAGE LINK ID ( FE ).
If the displayed Stage Link address is not FE, continue with the following steps.

6 • SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer GEI-100157A Product Guide

3. Select FE by pressing the following keys in succession: SHIFT, 6, SHIFT, 5,
The display should read -- OK FINE -- .

If the Trainer shares a Stage Link network with other Trainers

or with actual Mark V Turbine controllers, do not set any two
devices on the Stage Link network with identical addresses. For
this reason, GE recommends connecting the Trainer to a Stage
Link network separate from actual Mark V controllers. For
more Stage Link information, refer to the Application Manual,

4. Reboot the Trainer by toggling its ON/OFF switch. When the initialization
completes, the display for each processor (refer to Figure 1) should show the
proper designation, either R or C.
5. If both displays are correct, repeat steps 1 and 2 to verify that the Stage Link ID
is FE.

Applying Power to the Operator Interface

Maintenance Manual GEH- Before applying power to the Trainer, connect the following:
5980 (Chapter 5) contains
information about Operator • Cursor positioning device (mouse or trackball) • Keyboard
Interface cabling. • Monitor • Stage Link coaxial cable
• Printer • Power cable

Installing Software into the Operator Interface

Next, install the Trainer software into the Operator interface (one of two types).
Ø For the IDP-driven <I>
1. Insert (in succession) the floppy disks supplied with the system (Product Disk 1,
2, 3, Trainer Disk 1) into the A: drive.
2. Type A:\INSTALL from the DOS line C:> prompt.
3. Wait for the INSTALL batch file to copy information to the Operator Interface.
4. After the software has been installed from all disks, reboot the Operator Interface.
Ø For the CIMPLICITY-driven <HMI>
1. Install the site software from the CD (supplied with the system) into the
C:\SITE directory.
2. After the software has been installed from all disks, reboot the Operator Interface.

Note The Operator Interface hard drive includes software when the device is
shipped. Reinstall this data from the disks provided to initiate the Trainer system
software turbine model.

GEI-100157A Product Guide SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer • 7

Trainer EEPROM Download
CSP is the Control Sequence After the Trainer has the proper Voter IDs and Stage Link address, download the
Program. CSP and other necessary software to the <R> and <C> EEPROMs.
Ø To download all necessary files to the <R> and <C> processors
1. From the DOS window at the C:\ prompt, type EEPROM DOWN T1 R ALL
then press ENTER.
This starts the file download to the <R> and the following message should
Do you wish to continue with T1 download?
2. Type Y and then press ENTER.
The Operator Interface downloads all necessary files to the <R> processor.
3. Reset the <R> processor by pressing the RESET button on the left side.

Note Make sure <R> returns to A7 status before downloading to <C>.

4. Download all necessary files for <C> by repeating steps 1 through 3. At the at the
C> prompt, type C in the place of R ( EEPROM DOWN T1 C ALL ).
5. Exit DOS and start the turbine control software.
6. Reboot the Trainer one of two ways: by pressing the RESET buttons for both
<C> and <R> or by pressing the ON/OFF switch on the Trainer’s faceplate.
7. Confirm that both the <C> and <R> processors have returned to A7 status, as
shown on their displays.
Control Sequencing included with the software turbine model contains a KILL_IO
block. This allows the Trainer software to function without control I/O inputs from
boards used in a Mark V Control Panel, but omitted from the Trainer. The software
turbine model portion and the unit control portion of the CSP operate together, and
the Trainer system simulates unit control.
Although the KILL_IO BBL block includes a feature that reenables the I/O reading
if the Mark V I/O reports speed on the unit, the remaining Trainer software does not
propose to control and protect an actual turbine unit.

Do not download any part of the Trainer software to a Mark V

panel that is performing unit control and protection.

8 • SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer GEI-100157A Product Guide

Starting the Software Turbine Model
Note To function properly, the Trainer system requires the boards and PROMs
listed in the Trainer Hardware section, as well as CIMPLICITY software or IDP
software release 3.5 (or above) to function properly. Be sure that these software
levels are present in the Trainer system before initiating the software turbine model.

The software turbine model can be started when the software has been installed and
the Trainer’s Voter IDs and Stage Link address have been set. Initial powerup of the
Trainer system may require resetting the software turbine model.
Ø To reset the software turbine model
1. From the ALARM screen, ACKNOWLEDGE and RESET all alarms.
2. Select the MASTER RESET command just before startup.
This command clears the necessary permissives and ensures that the model is in a
3. With the software turbine model initialized, point and click on the appropriate
targets or menu picks to execute operator functions, such as START/STOP and

Note After the software turbine model is running, it can be reinitialized by

rebooting the Trainer and following the same sequence.

The user can also simulate turbine operation under fault conditions. Refer to the
accompanying documentation to determine the Trainer's functions.

Customer Support
If help is needed beyond the instructions provided in the Trainer and Mark V control
system documentation, or warranty service is required, contact GE as follows:
“+” indicates the international GE Industrial Systems
access code required when Product Service Engineering
calling from outside the USA. 1501 Roanoke Blvd.
Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA
Phone:+ 1 888 GE4 SERV (888 434 7378, United States)
+ 1 540 378 3280 (International)
Fax: + 1 540 387 8606 (All)

Note Please have the GE requisition or shop order number and the equipment serial
or model number available to exactly identify the equipment when calling.

GEI-100157A Product Guide SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Trainer • 9


g GE Industrial Systems
Rev. A: 2001-08-01 (Original Issue 1994-06) General Electric Company
 1994, 2001 by General Electric Company, USA.
All rights reserved. 1501 Roanoke Blvd.
+ 1 540 387 7000 Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA

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