22 ESC143 Set 2
22 ESC143 Set 2
22 ESC143 Set 2
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a What is a regulated power supply? With neat block diagram Summarize the L2 6M
working of DC power supply. Also mention the principal components used in
each block.
b Discuss the need of filter circuit. With circuit diagram and waveforms brief out L2 7M
the operation of smoothing filter for full wave rectifiers.
c With neat diagram Summarize working principle of the voltage divider bias CE L2 7M
amplifier with feedback.
Q.02 a A 5V zener diode has a maximum rated power dissipation of 500 mW. If the L3 7M
diode is to be used in a simple regulator circuit to supply a regulated 5V to a
load having a resistance of 500 Ω, determine a suitable value of series resistor
for operation in conjunction with a supply of 9V.
b What is voltage multiplier and mention its applications? With circuit diagram L2 7M
brief out the operation of voltage Tripler circuit.
c Illustrate how BJT is used as a switch. L4 6M
Q. 03 a Sketch the circuits of each of the following based on use of Operational L1 6M
Amplifier a) Differentiator. b) Integrator .
b Write a note on Ideal characteristics of Op-Amp L1 7M
c Explain the operation of Single stage Astable Oscillator with its circuit L2 7M
Q.04 a Mention the condition of sustained oscillations. Determine the frequency of L2 6M
oscillations of a three stage ladder network in which C=10nF and R=10KΩ.
b With a neat circuit diagram and Waveforms, L2 7M
describe the operation of Crystal controlled Oscillator.
c With a neat circuit diagram explain single stage Multivibrators. L2 7M
Q. 05 a With the help of truth table explain the operation of Full Adder with its circuit L2 7M
diagram and reduce the expression for Sum and carry.
b Mention the different theorems and Postulates of Boolean Algebra and Prove L1 7M
each of them with truth table.
c Subtract using (r-1)’s compliment method L3 6M
Subtract using r’s compliment method
Q. 06 a Convert the following L3 8M
a) 3A6.C58D(16) = ? (8)
b) 0.6875(10) = ? (2)
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Figure 10.b
c Describe about Radio signal transmission and Multiple access techniques. L2 7M
*Bloom’s Taxonomy Level: Indicate as L1, L2, L3, L4, etc. It is also desirable to indicate the COs and POs to be
attained by every bit of questions.
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