COA Model Paper

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Model Question Paper with effect from 2023-24 (CBCS

2022 Scheme)

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Time :03 Hours Max Marks:100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question
from each MODULE.

Module -1 RBL COs Marks PO

Q.01 a With a neat diagram, describe the functional units of a computer L2 1 8 1

b Explain little endian and big endian byte address assignment L2 1 6 1,2
with a neat diagram. Show how the number 34761395 is stored
using these methods.

c With a neat diagram, discuss the operation concepts in a L2 1 6 1,2

computer highlighting the role of PC, MAR, MDR & IR
Q.02 a Explain the IEEE standard used for single & double L2 1 8 1,2
precision floating point number representation with
b Perform the subtraction on the following pairs of numbers L3 1 6 1,2
using 5-bit signed 2’s complement format. Determine about
overflow in each case
i) +12 and +9 ii) -15 and -9 iii) +10 and -8
c Discuss the following with an example L2 1 6 1,2
i) Three-address instruction
ii) Two-address instruction
iii) One-address instruction
Q. 03 a Describe the following addressing modes with an example L2 2 8 1,2
i) Register ii) Direct iii) Indirect iv) Index
b Define Stack, Explain push & pop operations on stack L1 2 6 1
with neat diagram and examples

c Consider a register R1 to size 16-bits with initial data L2 2 6 1,2

5876d. With neat diagram, depict the output in each case
after performing the following operations
i) LshiftL #2,R1 ii)AshiftR #1,R1 iii) RotateR #1,R1
Q.04 a Consider a database of marks scored by students in 3 tests stored L3 2 10 2,3
in memory starting at address LIST. Each student record
consists of student ID followed by marks in 3 tests. Assume
each of there to be 4 bytes in size. There are 50 students in the
class & this value is stored at location NUM

i) Sketch the memory map showing all details

ii) Develop an ALP using indexed addressing mode to compute
the sum of scores by all the students in Test 2 and store the
results in location SUM. Write appropriate comments
b Define subroutine. With a program segment illustrate L2 2 6 1,2
parameter passing using registers
c Explain memory operations with examples L2 2 4 1,2

Q. 05 a Define interrupt. Point out & explain the various ways of L2 3 10 1,2
enabling & disabling interrupts
b Explain operation of DMA with neat diagram L2 3 6 1,2
c Write a explanary note on interrupt hardware L1 3 4 1,2
Q. 06 a Illustrate interrupt priority scheme with neat diagram L2 3 8 1,2

b Distinguish between memory mapped I/O and standard I/O L2 3 6 1,2

write a program segment to read a line of text from keyboard
& display it.
c Explain the concept of Vectored Interrupt L2 3 6 1,2
Q. 07 a With a neat diagram, explain the principal of working of L2 4 10 1,2
magnetic disk
b Explain the internal organization of 2M x 8 DRAM chip with L2 4 10 1,2
neat diagram
Q. 08 a Illustrate Internal structure of static memory L3 4 10 1,2
b With a neat diagram, explain virtual memory organization L2 4 10 1,2
Module - 5
Q. 09 a Explain Single bus organization of the datapath inside a L2 5 10 1,2
processor with neat diagram
b Develop the complete control sequence for the execution of L3 5 10 2,3
instruction Add (R3), R1
Q. 10 a Describe Three-bus organization of the datapath with a neat L2 5 10 1,2
b Discuss Hardwired control unit organization with relevant L2 5 10 1,2
Model Question Paper-I with effect from 2023-24 (CBCS Scheme)

Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a Explain the operation of computer with neat block diagram L2 6M
b Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement Y= (A+B)*(C+D)
L3 8M
using three address, two address, one address, zero address instruction.
c Write a short note on i) Basic performance equation ii) Clock rate L2 6M
Q.02 a Explain Bus structure architecture with neat diagram. L2 6M
b Illustrate Instruction and sequencing with an example. L3 8M
c Explain the memory operation. L2 6M
Q. 03 a Define Addressing Modes? Explain various types of addressing modes
L2 10M
with example.
b Define Subroutine and parameter passing, Explain how to pass the
L2 10M
parameter by value & by reference.
Q.04 a What are assembler directives? Explain any five assembler directives. L2 10M
b Explain shift & rotate operation with example. L2 10M
Q. 05 a What is Bus Arbitration? Explain centralized and distributed arbitration
L2 10M
method with neat diagram.
b With relevant diagram, discuss the implementation of interrupt priority
L2 10M
using individual interrupt request.
Q. 06 a Explain DMA techniques and its importance. L2 10M
b Define Interrupt?Point out and explain the various ways of enabling and
L2 10M
disabling interrupts.
Q. 07 a Explain the connection of the main memory to the processor. L2 10M
b Explain the internal organization of 1Mx1 dynamic memory chip with
L2 10M
neat diagram.
Q. 08 a Explain the Memory hierarchy in computer system. L2 10M
b Explain the magnetic disk principle with neat diagram L2 10M
Q. 09 a Explain single Bus Organization with neat diagram L2 10M
b Write a steps involved in execution of an instruction. And explain the
L3 10M
control sequence for execution of the instruction Add(R3),R1
Q. 10 a Explain complete processor with neat diagram L2 10M
b Explain the organization of micro programmed control unit with neat
diagram. And show how to organize control unit for handling conditional L3 10M

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