COA Model Paper
COA Model Paper
COA Model Paper
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question
from each MODULE.
b Explain little endian and big endian byte address assignment L2 1 6 1,2
with a neat diagram. Show how the number 34761395 is stored
using these methods.
Q. 05 a Define interrupt. Point out & explain the various ways of L2 3 10 1,2
enabling & disabling interrupts
b Explain operation of DMA with neat diagram L2 3 6 1,2
c Write a explanary note on interrupt hardware L1 3 4 1,2
Q. 06 a Illustrate interrupt priority scheme with neat diagram L2 3 8 1,2
Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a Explain the operation of computer with neat block diagram L2 6M
b Write a program to evaluate the arithmetic statement Y= (A+B)*(C+D)
L3 8M
using three address, two address, one address, zero address instruction.
c Write a short note on i) Basic performance equation ii) Clock rate L2 6M
Q.02 a Explain Bus structure architecture with neat diagram. L2 6M
b Illustrate Instruction and sequencing with an example. L3 8M
c Explain the memory operation. L2 6M
Q. 03 a Define Addressing Modes? Explain various types of addressing modes
L2 10M
with example.
b Define Subroutine and parameter passing, Explain how to pass the
L2 10M
parameter by value & by reference.
Q.04 a What are assembler directives? Explain any five assembler directives. L2 10M
b Explain shift & rotate operation with example. L2 10M
Q. 05 a What is Bus Arbitration? Explain centralized and distributed arbitration
L2 10M
method with neat diagram.
b With relevant diagram, discuss the implementation of interrupt priority
L2 10M
using individual interrupt request.
Q. 06 a Explain DMA techniques and its importance. L2 10M
b Define Interrupt?Point out and explain the various ways of enabling and
L2 10M
disabling interrupts.
Q. 07 a Explain the connection of the main memory to the processor. L2 10M
b Explain the internal organization of 1Mx1 dynamic memory chip with
L2 10M
neat diagram.
Q. 08 a Explain the Memory hierarchy in computer system. L2 10M
b Explain the magnetic disk principle with neat diagram L2 10M
Q. 09 a Explain single Bus Organization with neat diagram L2 10M
b Write a steps involved in execution of an instruction. And explain the
L3 10M
control sequence for execution of the instruction Add(R3),R1
Q. 10 a Explain complete processor with neat diagram L2 10M
b Explain the organization of micro programmed control unit with neat
diagram. And show how to organize control unit for handling conditional L3 10M
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