Q1S 2023

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Code No.: 20-EC-PC-221 R20 H.T.No.

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II – B. Tech. –II – Semester supply Examinations– February – 2023
Pulse & Digital Circuits
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70]
Note: 1. This question paper contains two parts A and B.
2. Part A is compulsory which carries 20 marks. Answer all questions in Part A.
3. Part B consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries 10 marks
and may have i, ii, iii as sub questions.
4. Illustrate your answers with NEAT sketches wherever necessary.

PART-A 10 X 2M = 20 M

S.No Question Blooms CO PO


1 Define linear wave shaping L1 1 2,3,12,13

2 Name the signals which are commonly used in pulse circuits and L1 1 2,3,12,13
define any two of them
3 Define clipper. L1 2 2,3,12,13
4 List the applications of Clamping Circuit L1 2 2,3,12,13
5 Explain how diode works as switch. L2 3 2,3,12,13
6 List any two characteristics of Piece Wise Linear Diode L1 3 2,3,12,13
7 Define Multivibrator. L1 4 2,3,12,13
8 Distinguish between Stable state and a Quasi Stable state in a L2 4 2,3,12,13
9 Define Sampling gate L1 5 2,3,12,13
10 Define Fan-out of a logic family. L1 5 2,3,12,13

PART-B 5 X 10M = 50 M

11.A Explain the response of RC High Pass circuit for the pulse input, and L2 1 2,3,12,13
draw the response with different time constants.

11.B Explain the response of RC Low Pass circuit for the square input, and L2 1 2,3,12,13
draw the response with different time constants
12.A i. Discuss the clamping circuit theorem in detail L2 2 2,3,12,13
ii. Explain in brief about Practical Clamping. L2
12.B Explain positive peak clipping with and without reference voltage. L2 2 2,3,12,13

13.A i. Briefly explain about avalanche and Zener breakdown. L2 3 2,3,12,13

ii. Describe how amplification and switching achieved by a BJT L2
13.B i. Explain about the switching characteristics of the diode. L2 3 2,3,12,13
ii. Explain about the effect of temperature on diode characteristics. L2

14.A Explain the operation of Bistable multivibrator circuit with circuit L2 4 2,3,12,13
diagram and waveform
14.B Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of operation ofL2 4 2,3,12,13
monostable multivibrator, and derive an expression for pulse width

15.A i. Explain the operation of Four diode bidirectional Sampling gate with L2 5 2,3,12,13
neat sketch.
ii. Discuss the operation of unidirectional sampling gate with different
control voltages.
15.B Explain the working of transistor Inverter logic using circuit diagram L2 5 2,3,12,13
and show its truth table.


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