Q1S 2023
Q1S 2023
Q1S 2023
R 0
PART-A 10 X 2M = 20 M
PART-B 5 X 10M = 50 M
11.A Explain the response of RC High Pass circuit for the pulse input, and L2 1 2,3,12,13
draw the response with different time constants.
11.B Explain the response of RC Low Pass circuit for the square input, and L2 1 2,3,12,13
draw the response with different time constants
12.A i. Discuss the clamping circuit theorem in detail L2 2 2,3,12,13
ii. Explain in brief about Practical Clamping. L2
12.B Explain positive peak clipping with and without reference voltage. L2 2 2,3,12,13
14.A Explain the operation of Bistable multivibrator circuit with circuit L2 4 2,3,12,13
diagram and waveform
14.B Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram the principle of operation ofL2 4 2,3,12,13
monostable multivibrator, and derive an expression for pulse width
15.A i. Explain the operation of Four diode bidirectional Sampling gate with L2 5 2,3,12,13
neat sketch.
ii. Discuss the operation of unidirectional sampling gate with different
control voltages.
15.B Explain the working of transistor Inverter logic using circuit diagram L2 5 2,3,12,13
and show its truth table.