Adapting Urban Transport To Climate Change

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Adapting Urban Transport

to Climate Change

Module 5f
Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities
2nd Edition

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Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change


Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-Makers in Developing Cities

What is the Sourcebook? How do I get a copy?

This Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport Electronic versions (pdf) of the modules are available at
addresses the key areas of a sustainable transport policy
framework for a developing city. The Sourcebook con-
sists of 35 modules. It is also complemented by a series of Comments or feedback?
training documents and other material available from
We would welcome any of your comments or sugges-
tions, on any aspect of the Sourcebook, by e-mail to sutp@ and [email protected], or by surface mail to:
Who is it for?
Armin Wagner
The Sourcebook is intended for policy-makers in deve- GIZ, Group 310: Water, Energy, Mobility
loping cities and their advisors. This target audience P. O. Box 5180
is reflected in the content, which provides policy tools 65726 Eschborn, Germany
appropriate for application in a range of developing
cities. The academic sector (e.g. universities) has also ben-
efited from this material.

What are some of the key features?

The key features of the Sourcebook include:
„ A practical orientation, focusing on best practices in
planning and regulation and, where possible, success-
ful experiences in developing cities.
„ Contributors are leading experts in their fields.
„ An attractive and easy-to-read, colour layout.
„ Non-technical language (to the extent possible), with
technical terms explained.

2 3
© Rodrigo Kugnharsk/Unsplash
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

About the authors

Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change
This document has been developed by the authors based
on the 1st edition of this module by Urda Eichhorst. Module 5f
Sustainable Urban Transport Project Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities
SUTP supports decision-makers worldwide to About this edition 2nd Edition
plan and to implement innovative and sustainable
mobility solutions. SUTP offers a comprehensive The second edition of this Sourcebook module was
knowledge platform, capacity development, developed in cooperation with the Islamic Development
hands-on advice and networking opportunities. Bank. It has been restructured to better reflect the
Within the past 16 years, more than 5 000 adaptation planning cycle; includes updated data and
decisionmakers, planners and students have case studies; and introduces new concepts that have
benefited from our training offers. We‘ve emerged since its first edition.
produced a rich library of Sourcebook Modules,
Technical Documents, Case Studies, Factsheets,
Policy Briefs and Reading Lists.
All documents are accessible through our Authors
webpage, along with a comprehensive photo
collection and a video channel. Doogie Black and Nick Pyatt of Climate Sense

Be invited to use and distribute them!


Urda Eichhorst,
Ariadne Baskin



Islamic Development Bank Acknowledgements

The Islamic Development Bank is a multilateral
development bank (MDB) working to improve the We would like to thank Niklas Baumert, Clarissa Klees,
social and economic development of its member Daouda Ben Ndiaye, Linus Platzer, Armin Wagner and
countries and Muslim communities around the Olatunji Yusuf for having contributed to the development
world to deliver impact at scale. IsDB supports of this Sourcebook module with multiple contributions
its member countries to meet their climate and and/or reviewing the document. Ahmed Al Qabany and Copyright Disclaimer
sustainable development goals and targets Mohammed Al Sayed provided strategic guidance and
through economic and social infrastructure advice. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in Findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in
investments, institutional strengthening, capacity any form for educational or non-profit purposes without this document are based on information gathered by
building, partnership, and leveraging its resource- special permission from the copyright holder, whenever GIZ, IsDB and its consultants, partners and contributors.
mobilization capabilities with other private, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The GIZ and IsDB do not, however, guarantee the accuracy
national, bilateral and multilateral development GIZ would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication or completeness of information in this document, and
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October 2021 commercial purpose whatsoever.
4 5
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

1 Introduction 9 List of Figures

Figure 1: Why adapt urban transport to climate change? 11

2 Background: Adaptation for a changing climate 14 Figure 2: Climate risk management steps in the transport planning cycle 13
Figure 3: Reasons For Concern (RFC) about climate change 15
2.1 What affects the level and severity of climate impacts? 17 Figure 4: Components of climate risk 17
2.2 The role of cities and urban transport policy-makers 18 Figure 5: Decision tree for urban mass transit projects: storms, run-off, erosion & floods 33
Adaptation cannot be viewed in isolation Figure 6: Hazard map of the TEN-T network in Romania 35
Figure 7: Adaptive capacity of 5 UK infrastructure operators 40
Figure 8: Applying the right level of climate risk management 46
3 Part I: Preparing for adaptation planning in transport 21 Figure 9: Main group of methods in adaptation options appraisal and their potential use 50
Figure 10: Main strengths and limitations of adaptation options appraisal tools 51
3.1 Making climate resilience a reality in transport planning 21 Figure 11: Climate adaptation decision making levels 53
3.2 The challenges and opportunities of creating a climate resilient transport sector: considerations 23 Figure 12: Adaptation pathways plan for transport infrastructure resilience to different levels 55
when pre-planning and assessing climate change impacts of flooding
3.2.1 Managing changes in extreme weather - weather data is no longer sufficient 23 Figure 13: Climate risk management approaches at different levels of climate change 56
3.2.2 Turning information into action 24 Figure 14: Extreme event management; cascading impacts 60
3.2.3 Opportunities 26 Figure 15: Enabling factors for implementing adaptation in the transport sector 62
Figure 16: Double loop learning process 64

4 Part II: Step-by-step guide to incorporating adaptation 27

planning in the transport sector List of Boxes

4.1 Risk assessment 27 Box 1: Key climate risk management steps 12

4.1.1 Hazard assessment 34 Box 2: Summary of climate impacts 14
4.1.2 Vulnerability assessment 37 Box 3: Case Study – Impacts of climate change on road infrastructure in Vietnam 16
4.1.3 Adaptive capacity 38 Box 4: General definitions 16
4.1.4 The context of risk assessments 42 Box 5: Understanding terminology – example of a metro system 18
4.2 Adaptation planning 42 Box 6: Why is Urban Transport Vulnerable to Climate Change 19
Adaptation planning tools and guidance 44 Box 7: Sources of information on effective climate adaptation 20
4.2.1 Scope the risk to be managed 44 Box 8: Case Study - Climate risk assessment of the Río Tempisque bridge in Costa Rica 22
4.2.2 Decision lengths 44 Box 9: Case Study – Heavy rainfall destroying infrastructure in St Lucia 23
4.2.3 Identifying Adaptation Options 46 Box 10: Case Study – Elevation of causeway at Terminal Maritimo Muelles El Bosque in Colombia 24
4.2.4 Appraising Adaptation Options 49 Box 11: Case Study – Local materials to adapt low volume roads in Tanzania 26
4.2.5 Decision systems mapping 53 Box 12: Decision trees for urban transport adaptation 28
4.2.6 Adaptation Pathways 54 Box 13: Hazard assessment tools 34
4.2.7 Entry points for Climate Risk Management in Urban Transport 57 Box 14: Case Study – Intelligent early warning system for road transportation risk in Romania 35
4.2.8 Cascading risk 59 Box 15: Climate models and scenarios 36
4.3 Implementation 61 Box 16: Case Study – Floods and erosion in Tegucigalpa, Honduras 38
4.4 Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) 63 Box 17: Case Study – Resources to support vulnerability assessments 38
Box 18: Climate risk is a function of adaptive capacity 40
Box 19: Transport Canada's capacity development story 41
5 Concluding remarks 68 Box 20: Case study - Including citizens in decision-making: workshop in Guadalajara, Mexico 43
Box 21: Case Study – Adapting Egypt's railway to climate change 44
Box 22: Return periods can shorten with climate change 45
References 70 Box 23: Use of climate scenarios in adaptation planning 45
Box 24: Case Study – Nature-based solution for adaptation and mitigation in Mozambique 47
Box 25: Case Study – Solomon Islands: adaptation of bridges 49
Annex A: Decision trees 74 Box 26: Case Study – Multi-Criteria Assessment for urban transport adaptation planning in the Netherlands 52
Box 27: Key stakeholders for adapting urban transport to climate change 54
Box 28: Case Study – White tops on London buses; adaptation and mitigation 57
Box 29: Case Study – Betterment after flooding in Kerala 58
List of Tables Box 30: Case Study – Climate change impacts on Transport can have much wider strategic Implications 59
Box 31: Case Study – Cascading risk case study - south west England flooding 60
Table 1: Examples of possible indicators for measuring adaptation results in the transport sector 43 Box 32: Case Study - Adaptation through collaboration in the Philippines 62
Box 33 The role of insurance 64
Box 34: Case Study – Kenya's National Adaptation Plan 66
Box 35: List of useful indicators 66
Box 36: Further training opportunities for getting started 67
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

1 Introduction
Extreme weather events- such as droughts, heatwaves,
flooding and storm surges repeatedly wreak havoc on
cities and their transport networks. Climate change is
expected to further increase the frequency and intensity
of these events, with impacts highest in low lying coastal
and delta cities and disproportionately affecting the poor
and most vulnerable groups. Disruptions to the transport
network impairs access to education, jobs, markets, services
and products with hard-hitting ramifications on the
broader economy and society for extended periods of time.
Pudding Mill lane DLR Station London, 2021;
In the first few months of 2021 alone, a record-breaking Source: @R0bday/Twitter
heatwave in North America and Southern Europe has
forced people into their cars pumping air conditioning,
and in British Columbia, Canada the heatwave has resulted
in inundated roads which have submerged some vehicles
from melting snow off the nearby mountaintops. The
California, Australian, Turkey and Greek wildfires have
soared onto freeways and feeder routes trapping people
in their homes and blocking rescue vehicles. Fierce storms
hit London, causing flash flooding disrupting large parts
of the capital’s public transport routes and roads.

In Belgium and Western Germany, hundreds died as

swollen rivers surged through cities, homes and roads.
Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia are being battered by
storms while still grappling to repair their infrastructure
after Hurricane Ida (2009) caused nearly a 1 billion USD of Flooding, China;
devastation, a large fraction of those damages associated Source: @jeanbeller/Unsplash
with transport infrastructure. Similarly, flash flooding in
Freetown, Sierra Leone is compounding existing damage
to its limited transport infrastructure from the devastating
mudslides of 2017.

Source: Saikiran Kesari/Unsplash

© Vardhan Halwa / Unsplash
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Transport authorities and planners around the world This sourcebook module is designed to introduce
are waking up to the threat of climate change and are climate adaptation to urban leaders, city departments FIGURE 1: WHY ADAPT URBAN TRANSPORT TO CLIMATE CHANGE?
implementing ambitious actions to reduce emissions from and other organisations with responsibility for urban
the sector (mitigation) and increase the climate resilience transport, along with their engineers, planners, as well as
of transport systems and infrastructure (adaptation) from infrastructure and transport service operators. It includes
current and future climatic events. For instance, Singapore descriptions of climate adaptation approaches, good
under there Walk2Ride programme has constructed practices, guidelines and tools for implementing them. ENSURES INTER-
shaded access routes - to promote comfort from the CONNECTIVITY
extreme heat and protection from torrential rainfall - This sourcebook module aims to guide urban transport OF ALL FUNCTIONS
to increase public transport ridership by enhancing the professionals on how to incorporate climate change
connectivity between transport nodes. There are over considerations into their decisions and how and when to
200km of shaded walkways between MRT stations to ensure climatic changes are being appropriately factored
surrounding residential, commercial and public facilities. into transport policy, design and implementation. This PROTECTS HEALTH
In Rotterdam, the city is greening its tramways to reduce includes commissioning external climate services, as AND SAFETY OF
heat stress from the cooling effect of vegetation and well as developing and delivering internal programmes OF CITIES
enable rainwater to infiltrate the soil which provides a of work.
higher buffer capacity for heavy rainfall.
It is crucial that there is cross-sectoral cooperation
The climate is changing. People are becoming increasingly between the transport sector and other sectors such as URBAN
aware of the potential threats that this is bringing. From energy and flood management as the interdependencies
floods and droughts to storms and heatwaves, it is evident of modern infrastructure systems means that disruptions TRANSPORT
that our historical weather patterns are already being can cause major ripple effects across a city. Only cross- PUBLIC ASSETS
disrupted, ice caps are melting, and sea-levels are rising. sectoral cooperation can achieve long-term climate AND DISASTER RISK WITH LARGE
The conditions we have been used to and have historically resilience. MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT
designed most of our urban developments around, are VALUE
rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Urban development
and design must be able to cope with a changing climate
to strive in the future. A climate resilient transport system
is the backbone of a sustainable urban life and economy AVOIDS
(see figure 1). Our towns and cities must urgently become EFFECTS
climate change resilient and adaptive. Working out how
best to do this is a challenge.

10 11
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 1
Background: A general background on the need to adapt TRANSPORT PLAN / PROJECT TRANSPORT &
to climate change, an introduction to specific terminology
and the role of cities and urban transport policy-makers.
Part I: An overview of what to consider when preparing adaptation
for adaptation planning and collecting relevant data in objective
urban transport systems. KEY CLIMATE RISK MANAGEMENT STEPS Evaluation &
After ISO14090 “Adaptation to climate change
Part II: An understanding of how to integrate climate — Principles, requirements and guidelines“ Identify
risk management steps into transport planning (see climate
figure 2). This includes, how to assess the risks and to risks
respond appropriately using both hard options (e.g. Step 1 Implement
adapting physical infrastructure) and soft options (e.g. Pre-planning (assessing needs for starting climate adaptation
adapting planning and risk assessment procedures or riskmanagement)
nature-based solutions). Part II also provides a suite of
good practice examples and available tools. Step 2
Assessing Climate Change Risk
Information on standard adaptation options for different
climate hazards and different modes of transport are
provided in the annexes. Step 3
Adaptation Planning TRANSPORT PLANNING
This sourcebook module draws on experience from
around the world, providing users with pragmatic,
informative and effective insights into good practices. Step 4
It is generally applicable to all modes of transport. Adaptation Implementation
Choose Identify
adaptation adaptation
options options
Step 5
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

12 13
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change


2 Background: The consequences of global warming are multifaceted.
Sea level rise of 0.2m has already occurred over the

Adaptation for a last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) has issued guidance for an average of

changing climate 1.1m by 2100 (IPCC 2019), with some governments

independently recommending plans for up to 2m (e.g.
UKCP18, 2018). The hydrological system is also prone to
The speed of human-made climate change is severe changes induced by global warming. Depending
unprecedented. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate on the region, this can lead to changed annual and/
change committed the world’s governments to limiting or seasonal water availability, in turn leading to more
global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing a limit of droughts and/or floods.
1.5 C. The UN Environment Programme in 2019 assessed
that “if we rely only on the current climate commitments More droughts can worsen desertification and increase
of the Paris Agreement, temperatures can be expected air-borne dust and sand. The melting of glaciers affects
to rise to 3.2°C this century. Temperatures have already freshwater availability in springs, and more extreme
increased 1.1°C, leaving families, homes and communities rainfall events (more concentrated rainfalls) will further
devastated” (UNEP, 2019). There is currently a clear gap heighten flood risk. Temperature extremes, i.e. heat waves
between (planned) actions and targets. or cold spells, are expected to occur more and tropical
storms are likely to increase in intensity and frequency,
The transport sector needs to rapidly decarbonise posing the risk of storm surges and damages (IPCC, 2019).
from its current 8 GtCO2 globally (IEA, 2021) to
become carbon neutral by mid-century in order to The effects of these natural processes on human
achieve the Paris Agreement targets (see for instance activities will vary in extent with the rate of global
Enhancing Climate Ambition in Transport for action warming (see figure 3), adaptive capacities and the
recommendations on how to align transport with the Paris regional socioeconomic context in general (see section
Agreement and the Sustainable Development Agenda). 2.1). Although the impact of regional climate change can
be observed on all continents, the countries and cities
of the developing world are particularly affected by
changes in the physical environment. The World Bank
Climate Change Knowledge Portal provides summaries of
expected climate change. Impacts are based on different
models and presented on a country-level for the entire
world. The data is freely accessible online.2

Box 2


Source: IPCC (2019)
higher temperatures
more heat waves
more droughts Despite enormous progress in climate predictions, climate smart, making better decisions at more
more cold spells there remains a lack of definitive information appropriate times and reducing the associated cost of
more extreme rain about climate change impacts and vulnerability acting too early or too late (see Part II for more details).
more flooding and extreme floods at the local level. Hence, a degree of uncertainty
more intense and frequent storms will always remain in planning for adaptation. The benefits of adapting effectively have become much
sea-level rise clearer in recent years. The World Bank calculates that in
changed water availability The good news is that there are ways of effectively low- and middle-income countries for each USD 1 spent
melting of glaciers and permafrost managing this uncertainty and adapting to climate on climate change resilient infrastructure it generates
change. There is greater experience in producing USD 4 of benefits, saving USD 42 trillion (Hallegatte et
planning approaches which enable us to be increasingly al., 2019).

14 15
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Transport planners and engineers are making 2.1 What affects the level and severity 3. Adaptive capacity: the ability of the transport planning
decisions now which project the impacts of climate of climate impacts? and governance systems to reduce disruption to the
change on transport systems, if they are to meet Box 4
transport system over its useful life and possibly take
their objectives over their useful life. Otherwise The risk that climate change poses to urban transport opportunities presented by the changing climate, e.g. a
impacts will carry enormous social and economic infrastructure or service is the combined effect of three low adaptive capacity organisation will expose themselves
consequences. The World Bank estimates the costs things3: to higher climate risk than a high capacity organisation
of direct damage to power generation and transport with the same hazards.
infrastructure by natural disasters at around t USD 18 1. Hazard: the climate changes that are the drivers
billion a year in low- and middle-income countries, of climate risk, e.g. increased flooding disrupting 3
Climate risk can be defined in a number of ways. The
which does not include knock-on effects through GENERAL DEFINITIONS traffic; extreme temperatures requiring slower driver of risk in all cases is the changing climate “Hazard”
disrupted infrastructure services (Hallegatte et al., 2019). rail speeds and sea level rise requiring relocation e.g. more frequent and extreme hot days, intense rainfall,
and so making transport infrastructure redundant. different seasonal patterns or sea level rise. Vulnerability
in this definition of climate risk equates to “Potential
Process of adjustment to actual or expected
2. Vulnerability: the degree to which the transport Impact” in the IPCC’s definition. The IPCC’s components
climate and its effects. Adaptation seeks to
of Potential Impact are the exposure to the hazard and
moderate or avoid harm or exploit beneficial system will be affected by the hazard(s), e.g. the same
sensitivity to that hazard (see Box 5). What the actual
opportunities. flooding event may cause severe disruption in some
impact is depends on the Adaptive Capacity of the
places but not others, depending on the sensitivity of the organisation(s) whose decisions affect the outcomes of a
Hazard system and its ability to cope with the hazard (see box 5). climate change event. The higher the adaptive capacity,
A hazard is a potential source of harm, where
the lower the actual impact because they are more able to
harm can be in terms of loss of life, injury or
reduce the vulnerability/potential impact.
other health impacts, as well as damage and
loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods,
service provision, ecosystems and environmental
resources. Climate hazards comprise slow-onset
developments (e.g. rising temperatures over the
long term) as well as rapidly developing climatic
extremes (e.g. a heatwave or tropical storm) or
increased variability.
Box 3

Presence of people, livelihoods, species or
ecosystems, environmental functions, services, HAZARD
resources, infrastructure, or economic, social or
cultural assets in places and settings that could be Floods
CASE STUDY – IMPACTS OF CLIMATE affected. Heat waves
Sea Level rise
IN VIETNAM Vulnerability
Vulnerability describes the propensity or
Vietnam’s infrastructure is growing rapidly but predisposition to be adversely affected, depending
is expected to be exposed to more extreme on the sensitivity of the system and its ability
precipitation, temperature and flooding in the to cope with a hazard. Strengthening adaptive
capacity can reduce vulnerability.
next decade. Therefore, the additional costs for
maintenance could amount to several billion USD
(Chinowsky et al. 2015). As a result, Vietnam’s Adaptive capacity VULNERABILITY ADAPTIVE CAPACITY
adaptation strategy includes the modernisation of Ability of systems, institutions, humans, and
meteorological data, integration of climate change other organisms to adjust to (and thereby limit
Infrastructure Design capability
into national and provincial policies and plans, or avoid) potential damage, to take advantage of
Communities Financial capability
as part of the adaptive capacity development to opportunities, or to respond to consequences.
Buildings Organisational capability
deliver more resilient infrastructure management Supply chains
(Pham et al. 2019). The GIZ project CSI Resilience
(Enhancing Climate Services for Infrastructure Ability of an organisation or a system to resist
Investments) has been supporting the being affected by disruptions, in this case by
developments in Vietnam. climate hazards.

16 Source: Based on ISO 14091 Source: ISO 14091 17

Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

2.2 The role of cities and urban transport

Box 5

In 2020, 56% of the world’s population was living in

urban areas (Statista, 2021). With high population and
infrastructure densities as well as concentrated economic
activity, cities are particularly exposed to the impacts of
climate change. Moreover, urban growth is concentrated
UNDERSTANDING TERMINOLOGY – in the present mega-cities, many of which are in coastal
EXAMPLE OF A METRO SYSTEM and delta areas, especially in Asia. Coastal cities are
especially vulnerable to sea-level rise and increasing
The vulnerability of an underground railway storm activity, intensifying the need to adapt.
system to the hazard of increasing flooding
depends on: As the proportion of the world’s population living in urban
areas grows to nearly 70% by 2040 (Oxford Economics,
The exposure of the system to flooding, e.g. 2014), and investments are made to expand transport
once every 5 years or several times a year; systems and make transport greener, annual spending
on transport infrastructure is likely to exceed USD 900
The sensitivity of the system to flooding, billion (PwC, 2015). How well adapted these investments
e.g. how quickly in a flood event does the are to climate change over their useful life will have a
system experience delays or total disruption significant impact on how well urban communities are
of services when flood water reaches a served by their transport systems over that time.
certain level and how quickly can the system
© Marina Shakhmametieva/Flickr
recover. In a changing climate, how does This leads to important considerations and consequences
the sensitivity change at different levels and for those who run transport systems and services in a Box 6
frequency of flooding; and city. In many territories, mayors and directors of public
authorities have a ‘duty of care and due diligence’. Climate
The adaptive capacity of local service change is now seen as a risk that is both capable of causing and functional to the changing climate. Long-term miti-
providers and their physical infrastructure to harm and in legal terms is deemed ‘reasonably foreseeable’ gation actions (e.g. the design and location of an electric
cope with the floods as exposure increases (i.e. there is an obligation to act). Senior management rail route) need to ensure they can remain climate change
with climate change e.g. through an early must consider the impact on their operations as failure resilient over their full lifecycle. WHY IS URBAN TRANSPORT
warning and an adequate pumping system to do so can potentially bring liability for future losses VULNERABLE TO CLIMATE CHANGE
until that is no longer enough and being able (Hutley and Hartford-Davis, 2016). This is particularly relevant since many developing cities
to stop and implement additional measures to are still undergoing (rapid) growth, providing a unique Urban transport is vulnerable to climate change
keep the system running as exposure increases. In addition, maladaptation, i.e. developments that opportunity to put in place climate-proof urban systems because it entails key decisions and developments
increase the vulnerability of cities by ignoring climate that are both resilient and as low-carbon as possible. that are expensive, and / or difficult to reverse,
change implications, such as allowing new developments The need to address both the adaptation and mitigation with lifespans of 10 years or more and which
on flood plains or reducing provisions for non-motorised agendas simultaneously is remarkably evident in urban therefore need to manage the impact of a
transport, must be avoided. transport decisions. Reducing emissions by increasing changing climate e.g. heat, precipitation or flood.
access and use of low-carbon modes of transport (e.g.
electric trams, improved cycling and walking routes, The rate of climate change makes it probable
A climate resilient transport system indicates the capacity Adaptation cannot be viewed in isolation electric buses, etc.), for example, needs to be supported that over the life of these decisions, climate risk
of the system to maintain its core functions in the face of by a transport infrastructure that remains resilient to will go beyond the tolerance of systems designed
a hazard, i.e. ensuring serviceability and avoiding damage In order to create sustainable transport systems and a changing climate. Significant synergies exist e.g. in for the current climate. The risk of unacceptable
or loss of infrastructure assets. In the urban transport address climate change, urban policy- and decision- transport and urban planning that reduces the need for disruption to transport and / or costly retrofitting
context, climate resilience is a product of city authorities, makers are tasked to plan and design their systems to the number of trips and the length of trips – reducing works then become significant. In extreme cases,
enterprises, groups in society and individuals with a strong cater for the mobility demands of all urban transport users, emissions and exposure at the same time. the transport system may become unviable.
adaptive capacity, i.e. to anticipate climate impacts and including the poor and vulnerable, under changing climatic
to plan for and implement adaptation options. conditions. At the same time, urban transport systems must Nonetheless, adaptation responses are often significantly We know that the climate is changing. These
be redesigned to become carbon-neutral by mid-century. different from mitigation actions, and so while this disruptions are unnecessary. Effective climate
How to apply the framework for assessing climate risk sourcebook at times refers to both agendas, it does so adaptation makes them unlikely.
will be elaborated in more detail in Part II. Adaptation measures go hand in hand with mitigation from the perspective of adaptation/resilience.
measures. Adaptation measures are required to ensure
transport infrastructure and its use remain sustainable
18 19
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

To be considered as climate change resilient, the transport

system must: The United Nations Conference on Trade and IsDB Climate Change Knowledge Hub (CCKH) is
The World Association for Waterborne Transport Development (UNCTAD) has an Ad Hoc Expert a dynamic, curated, online repository of national
1. Be operated by organisations which are Infrastructure (PIANC) has gathered examples of Meeting on Climate Change Adaptation for level climate action information for IsDB’s 57
themselves adaptive and embed the capacity for good climate adaptation practice in the ports International Transport: Preparing for the Future Member Countries. The portal collects and connects
adaptation in all their functions, not just asset and inland waterways sector and an approach for which provides numerous presentations and dispersed sources of information from multiple
management. delivering the overarching lessons into a document resources on transport resilience across all modes partners in a map-based, interactive interface. It is
“Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Ports and of transport. suitable to Member Country practitioners as well
2. Understand the range of current and future Inland Waterways”. as development partners to access information on
weather conditions which will affect it and have NDC and SDG implementation, climate finance and
operational and management strategies in place The International Union Of Railways (UIC) has studied relevant national policies, strategies and development
which enable it to respond both in the present climate adaptation challenges and effective responses plans. The platform also contains a repository of free,
and over time to climate challenges. for the worldwide rail sector. It has presented it’s e-learning resources on climate related issues:
findings in the report: “Rail Adapt: Adapting the
3. Account for how climate change may affect its railway for the future”.
range of operating conditions over time and be
evolving its operating and management strategies The European aviation sector body Eurocontrol
before it can be harmed by the climate. has gathered examples of good climate adaptation
practice in the aviation sector: “Adapting aviation to
4. Remain adaptive to climate change as part of
business-as-usual so as to work towards the cost
a changing climate”.
3 Part I: Preparing
of adaptation having only marginal impact on
financial performance.
Impacts and adaptation needs differ between
countries and regions and hence scenarios will have for adaptation
A resilient urban transport system therefore has the
to be developed for particular cities on an individual
basis. To be able to do so, specific climate information planning in transport
capacity to do three things which together enable it to on a regional or local level is needed. Where and
continue to deliver its service objectives; 1) anticipate how to access such information is explained in GIZ’s 3.1 Making climate resilience a
its climate risks, 2) adapt what is changeable and 3) Practitioner’s Manual Climate Change reality in transport planning
withstand inevitable impacts. Information for Effective Adaptation (2008). The
manual, which is still valid today, also provides a more TRANSPORT &
To maximise resilience, adaptation activities should be detailed background of basic climate change science Action to respond to a changing climate CLIMATE DATA COLLECTION
integrated with other sectors, especially with urban and is a good entry point for an overview of how to cannot be guaranteed unless multiple
planning. Transport decision-makers and city planners gather and interpret relevant climate data. factors are developed in combination.
are in the driver’s seat of stimulating a climate proof, Contrary to popular belief, the produ-
inclusive and sustainable urban transport development. For a more detailed source of methodology for ction of data, information and new tech-
infrastructure climate risk assessment, a report nologies does not necessarily lead to raised
by GIZ’s “Enhancing Climate Services for awareness, nor does raised awareness Identify
Infrastructure Investments” (CSI) explains how to necessarily lead to meaningful action. Actions IMPLEMENTATION CLIMATE DATA COLLECTION
Define risks
use the flexible PIEVC protocol developed by Engineers on climate change are a combination of: Monitoring,
Evaluation &

Box 7 Canada for climate risk assessments of infrastructures, Learning

including procedures, quantities, and costs. data; climate

Several more relevant publications of the CSI project information;

can be found at the “product landscape” page,
including training manuals and country-specific technological solutions; TRANSPORT PLANNING

experiences from Costa Rica, Vietnam, and Brazil.

SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON awareness about the risks faced and the Choose Identify
adaptation adaptation

EFFECTIVE CLIMATE ADAPTATION The UK’s Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) availability of opportunities to respond; and,
options options

has produced a Risk Analysis and the Safety Risk

The World Road Association (PIARC) has gathered Model on the biggest climate hazards to rail systems the governance and social behaviours that
examples of good climate adaptation practice in (looking at all types of hazards). stimulate and support action.
the roads sector and an approach for delivering the
overarching lessons into a document “Adaptation
methodologies and strategies to increase the Developing the ability to do new things, as well as
resilience of roads to climate change” identifying what new things to do, is key (see box 8 for
20 a case study from Costa Rica). 21
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

3.2 The challenges and opportunities It is crucial that scenarios of climate change and their
of creating a climate resilient implications for average and extreme temperatures and
precipitation, as well as the likely frequency of extreme
Box 8 transport sector: considerations
events in the future need to be accounted for and
when pre-planning and assessing implemented in all stages of design and implementation.
climate change impacts
Infrastructure construction and management standards
Before embarking on climate adaptation planning for a need to be revised to add future proofing transport
resilient transport system, it is important to consider that systems against climate change impacts. In the EU
CASE STUDY - CLIMATE RISK ASSESSMENT OF THE RÍO TEMPISQUE the approach to climate impact management requires this revision has already begun e.g. with the revision
BRIDGE IN COSTA RICA new behaviour and processes compared to the current of EU asset management standards (CEN 2020). These
status quo of transport planning. revised standards consider resilience to both long onset
In 2020, the multidisciplinary team of the GIZ project “Enhancing climate services for climate changes and increasing frequency and intensity
infrastructure investment (CSI)” conducted an extensive climate risk assessment of extreme events.
of the Río Tempisque bridge in Gauncacaste, Costa, Rica using the PIEVC 3.2.1 Managing changes in extreme
Protocol. The PIEVC Protocol has been developed by Engineers Canada as a weather - weather data is no
flexible tool to evaluate climate risks in different circumstances. A detailed
longer sufficient
overview of the methodology and information on procedures, quantities and
costs are provided in GIZ (2019). The report provides decision-makers with There are two broad categories of climate hazard: Box 9
useful information on making bridges climate-resilient.
1. Long term trends such as sea level rise and
To identify the most suitable infrastructural development for the study, changing average temperatures
different criteria were used: (1) availability of climatological information,
(2) construction characteristics, and (3) socio-economic, political and 2. Extreme events such as floods, storms,
geographic criteria. For instance, the authors reviewed several databases, heatwaves, landslides and droughts
weather bulletins, and even social media. Moreover, extreme weather events and CASE STUDY – HEAVY RAINFALL
heir resulting precipitation, wind strengths and temperatures were analysed. To The Río
Transport planners and operators are used to considering DESTROYING INFRASTRUCTURE IN
determine risk factors, assessment criteria were developed, ranging from 0 (no effect) Tempisque Bridge. the impact of extreme weather events, such as heavy
to 7 (catastrophic). In the end, the research proved that the bridge in question is of high rains. Transport infrastructure is constructed under
Source: GIZ
standard and has withstood many extreme events. Yet potential users may be cut off design standards that consider very specific temperature
during flooding. Another outcome of the risk assessment was the successful capacity and precipitation ranges and return intervals for extreme
building regarding climate-relevant thinking among personnel of public institutions events, such as floods and extreme heat. While this may The island state St Lucia is not only exposed
involved, which will be useful in future assessments. be true for a certain time period, it is now becoming to the hazard of rising sea levels but also
far less likely over the useful life of an infrastructure extreme weather events. In 2010, Hurricane
Key recommendations for climate risk assessment of bridges include: investment (especially with long lifespans investments Tomas severely hit St Lucia, causing flooding and
such as bridges, routes, design and location of ports, landslides. Fixing the damages to bridges and
1. Reviewing infrastructure operation and maintenance policies and their potential costs; etc.). Useful lives can be, and often are, far longer than road infrastructure were estimated to cost over
2. Improving monitoring and evaluation by developing certain maintenance tools; design lives. In climate adaptation full asset lifecycles USD 52 million. Moreover, the resulted landslides
3. Identifying wind or storm hazards such as trees; therefore need to be considered. were responsible for the most of the seven deaths
4. Improving access to climate information and services to collect useful data; which occurred in relation to the event. As the
5. Conducting hydrological-hydraulic studies of close waters to assess potential flood risks; The ability to anticipate the emergence or greater intensity of hurricanes is projected to further
6. Coordinating with all stakeholders; frequency of hazards that are not already present requires increase as well as the occurrence of heavy
7. Reviewing and adapting drainage systems to heavy rainfall; new ways of thinking and new types of information. rainfall, improved sturdiness and persistence of
8. Raising awareness among responsible entities of climate-friendly land-use; and the road transport network are required.
9. Adapting risk assessment protocols to local circumstances. If urban transport planners continue to abide by “business-
as-usual” approaches, they will be negatively impacted
Sources and further reading: by climate change risks. For example, recent work in
GIZ (2020). Evaluación de riesgo de la infraestructura ante el cambio climático. Europe has highlighted that many current standardized
approaches for factoring extreme weather parameters
into transport infrastructure design are still applying
historical weather data that is already out of date. The
climate has already changed so much in the past two
Source: Colin Lloyd
decades that historical weather data no longer reflects
/ Unsplash
current climate risk, let alone the way climate risks
will change over the useful life of a transport system.
22 23
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

3.2.2 Turning information into action For those developing a climate adaptation plan, the training and skills available to address the organisation’s
required planning process in ISO 14090 is made more climate challenges. This includes ensuring adequate
We have known for many years that the impacts which effective if it considers the following in a pre-planning allocation of time.
Box 10
climate change brings will grow in frequency, scale and considerations:
magnitude for decades to come. There is a wealth of data Financial resources: The financial resources made
available which is being updated all the time. Expertise and knowledge available need to meet the level of challenge being
addressed. It is not possible to do everything, and so
The majority of public transport operators, port operators, Strategic decisions it is important to understand where change will have
road authorities and railway companies have not yet optimum impact. Cost-benefit type analysis are useful
developed the awarness and/or capacity to make sense of CASE STUDY – ELEVATION OF Leadership and broader governance here. Pre-planning can identify what financial resources
climate data. They are also yet to develop the capacity to CAUSEWAY AT TERMINAL MARITIMO are available to address climate risks and opportunities,
respond effectively if they are able to interpret the data. MUELLES EL BOSQUE (MEB) IN Roles & responsibilities and prioritisation processes can be used to determine
COLOMBIA which to proceed with.
The good news is that there are already numerous Human resources
examples of best practice that can be scaled up. For An extensive study conducted by Stenek et al. Interested parties/stakeholders: It is important
instance, ISO14090 “Adaptation to climate change — (2011) provided information on costs related Financial resources to understand which stakeholders influence the
Principles, requirements and guidelines“ (ISO 2019) to adaptation. Whilst there were gaps in the organisation’s adaptation, and what capacity you have
has consolidated internationally agreed best practices information available, it demonstrated that the Interested parties/stakeholders to support and influence them. This ensures that decisions
to guide effective adaptation. cost of raising the causeway by 20cm is relatively enable effective adaptation.
low (USD 380,000) compared to the potential Expertise and knowledge: How an organisation views
costs of flooding by 2030 (USD 2,040,000). This its climate vulnerability is a product of its available These pre-planning measures help establish a baseline
approach may be applied to other cases while knowledge and expertise. It is important therefore to understanding of the current capacity of the organisation
keeping geographical differences in mind. understand what climate change knowledge and expertise to address its climate risks. With that understanding,
your organisation has access to (either internally with planners can effectively move through the following
staff, or externally with partners and contractors). steps in this sourcebook to understand; what capacity
the organisations needs, the strengths and opportunities
Strategic decisions: Not all decisions need to consider it already has to adapt, and how to efficiently move
adaptation to climate change. Identifying which towards developing all the capacities it needs.
decisions are vulnerable to a changing climate is therefore
important. These are often the decisions whose outcomes Adaptation actions tend to be most effective and efficient
are difficult or very expensive to reverse and have the when climate change is integrated early on in the decision-
longer lifespans (e.g. a bridge, a new transport route, or making process. It is harder and usually far more expensive
location of transport hub). to respond to climate change information if it is an
afterthought. Making these pre-planning assessments
Leadership and broader governance: The extent of in an early decision-making process will help gain the
adaptation possible in an organisation is directly affected opportunities for effective and efficient adaptation.
by leadership behaviours and governance processes. Early adaptation also makes it easier to spot and take
It is essential therefore to ensure that leadership and opportunities that climate change can offer.
governance creates the best working environment for
employees to identify and take advantage of opportunities
and to address risks. This means that leaders need to be
seen as strong advocates of the agenda and stay close
to innovation and delivery.

Roles & responsibilities: If nobody has responsibility

for adapting to climate change, action will be limited.
A useful pre-planning activity is to understand how the
roles and responsibilities in an organisation would allow
climate adaptation policy to be effectively turned into

Human resources: Delivery of meaningful actions requires

sufficient human resources, which includes the the correct

24 25
© Marina Shakhmametieva/Flickr
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

3.2.3 Opportunities
4 Part II: Step- Identify
Box 11
Climate change can also bring new opportunities to create
sustainable transport systems. For example: by-step guide
Longer dry periods can be an opportunity to to incorporating
encourage more people to cycle or walk rather
than drive and therefore reduce emissions and adaptation
improve people’s health
planning in the TRANSPORT PLANNING
In urban settings, the expectation of more
TANZANIA intense rainfall events means that conventional
convex road structures that move water to the
transport sector
The gravel roads of Bagomoyo District in Tanzania edge of the road can overwhelm the drainage Choose Identify
are damaged by flooding and heavy rainfall. system and push water toward properties, so This section considers the different adaptation adaptation
The District invested in a new paving system. increasing the risk of flood damage in those components of climate impact and options options
The material is not suited for a high number of properties. In Scandinavia, there has been much managing associated risks in order
heavy vehicles but the District’s roads are not success in making road surfaces concave. With to integrate adaptation planning into
heavily used. The materials are waterresistant, the centre of the road lower than the edges, transport planning and implementation.
locally sourced, produced, and cheaper than the they have been successful in turning the roads It considers:
recommended upgrade for heavily trafficked themselves into a drain and move the water
highways. After monitoring, the intervention was away from built up areas, so reducing surface how to plan for effective adaptation
successful and the method may be adapted by water flood risk once climate risk is understood;
other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Masters,
2014; AFCAP, 2013). Natural flood management systems for reducing key considerations during implementation
flood risk to transport infrastructure can be an of the plan;
opportunity to make attractive water features
that improve well-being, biodiversity and even linkages with transport planning and
neighbouring property values operations through various case studies;

Adaptation can also create opportunities for elements of effective Monitoring, Evaluation
other useful activities e.g. upgrading the size and Learning (MEL) frameworks for enabling Understanding the causal structure of risk and its root
of culverts to manage increased flood water effective learning and, causes is essential for identifying adaptation options.
capacity can provide opportunity to upgrade When analysing vulnerabilities, climate impacts on
Source: other parts of the infrastructure around it where necessary, identifying corrective actions. transport can be distinguished between 1) impacts on
Maters (2014) transport infrastructure and rolling stock, 2) impacts on
By better understanding the decision- This section also identifies guidelines and useful tools operations and services and finally 3) impacts on mobility
making landscape, we can pinpoint when the that support implementation of these steps. behaviour (of citizens), which also needs to be considered
opportunities to include adaptation to climate when planning for sustainable transport systems and
change become possible. (See box 7 above and operation. For example, increasing temperatures can
section below). 4.1 Risk assessment impact mode-choice away from cycling or buses without
air conditioning or shaded bus stops. Providing comfort
The components of risk were already introduced in in active transport under changing climatic conditions
chapter 2.1. Based on this conceptual framework, is therefore an important element of climate-resilient
effective adaptation planning identifies: urban transport.

1. The current climate hazard, vulnerability and In order to illustrate the decision-making approach from
adaptive capacity; hazard identification to vulnerability assessment and
identification of adaptation options, figure 5 summarises
2. The level and nature of change in climate hazard the elements to consider in the case of urban mass
and vulnerability that needs to be managed over transport with increasing storms, run-off, erosion and
the useful life of the transport system; flooding. Additional, illustrations for other modes and
infrastructure are provided in Annex A (see also box 8).
3. The adaptive capacity required to manage the
anticipated hazard and vulnerability.
26 27
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 12


Building on the 1st edition of this sourcebook and on the basis of an internal IsDB adaptation guidance note,
the decision tree in figure 5, as well as additional decision trees in Annex A, summarise the vulnerabilities of
different transport modes and infrastructure to relevant climate hazards and identify consequent adaptation
options. The decision trees cover:

Urban mass transit for hazards:

- Increasing storms, run-off, erosion and flooding

- increased temperature & drought with decreasing precipitation

Roads & cycle ways for hazards:

- Storms, sea-level rise, run-off, erosion and flooding

- Increased temperature & drought with decreasing precipitation

Rail & tram ways for hazards:

- Storms, sea-level rise, run-off, erosion and flooding

- Increased temperature & drought with decreasing precipitation

Port projects for hazards:

- Storms, run-off, erosion and flooding

- Increased temperature & drought with decreasing precipitation

28 29
© Claudette Bleijenberg/Unsplash
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change



Increasing frequency and magnitude of storms Rising sea levels and increased storm surge heights Increasing precipitation or frequency of extreme precipitation events


Strong winds or lightning associated Stronger wave action and increased coastal erosion Increased run-off and erosion Increased flood risk
with more intense storms


Potential service Reduced stability of tracks or Potential safety risk and Damage to electrical Flood damage to under- Increased weather- Damage to rail stations, Temporary loss of service
disruption if winds road bases due to erosion may temporary loss of service equipment and power ground transit systems, related traffic bus stops, rolling stock, and/or inability to access
leave trees or other require speed restrictions, if land-/mudslides damage outages may disrupt including subway stops, accidents; traffic buses, bus storage transit until flooding
storm debris on which increase travel times, or tracks or roads or make them service, tram stops, trams, and tunnels, may disruption, and lots, tram stops, trams subsides and related
tracks or roads temporary suspension of service temporarily impassable trams and tram storage disrupt transit service congestion and tram storage and cleanup andrepairs are
maintenance facilities completed


General: Construct strategic wind breaks Avoid high-risk areas in routing new transit service; reroute existing Elevate and protect Install and maintain emergency pumping Consider projected flood risk in routing new transit
bus service away from high-risk areas signaling and other capacity to evacuate water from service and in siting associated facilities, including
Enhanced inspection Design railor roadside
electrical equipment underground transit systems and tunnels; storage and maintenance facilities and transit stops;
and maintenance Frastructure and overhead lines to Consider a wide range of transit options (e.g. water taxis and ferries,
enhance pumping capacity; deploy mobile reroute existing bus service to avoid high-risk areas;
regimes withstand higher wind speeds cable cars, ride-hailing systems, and connectivity through informal Deploy mobile power
pumps during intense rains relocate existing facilities away from high-risk areas
modes, etc.) to create redundancy and provide temporary alternative supply substations to be
Build back better if Improve weather forecasting
transit options during service disruption used in case of power Couple increased pumping capacity Incorporate flood risk into design of stormwater
impacted and in- capacity and implement early
outages with passive rainwater evacuation and management and drainage systems; retrofit existing
crease resilience at warning systems Implement erosion control measures
management systems systems to deal withincreased run-off
asset renewal stage Increase redundancy in
Implement system to proactively Construct green infrastructure near right-of-way to reduce run-off
electrical systems Increase flood protections around and/or Install flood-proofing measures (e.g. barriers, gates,
manage vegetation and debris
For wave-induced erosion, build new or enhance existing elevate transit stop entrances shutters) at transit stations and enhance flood protections
near right-of-way Develop contingency plans
breakwaters and sea walls near right-of-way and around associated facilities
for electricity disruption Use mobile barriers to prevent water from
Develop and implement improved methods of detecting subgrade entering tunnels and underground transit Elevate road and railway infrastructure
Consider a wide range of
erosion systems
transit options to create Increase water-retention capacity; use green
Stabilize slopes using physical support structures (e.g. various types redundancy and provide Raise sidewalk-level ventilation grates infrastructure to divert ru-noff/increase infiltration
of retaining walls) and vegetative reinforcement temporary alternative so that water doesn’t enter underground Ensure safe, paved last-mile access to transit stations,
transit options during systems from flooded sidewalks including by nonmotorized modes
Cut back steep slopes to a safer, shallower angle
service disruption
Develop emergency management plans, Consider a wide range of transit options to create
Improve slope and subgrade drainage
including passenger evacuation plans for redundancy and provide temporary alternative transit
Introduce hydraulic binding agents into earthwork material underground systems options during service disruption

Upgrade transit tunnel lining to prevent Improve weather forecasting capacity and implement
groundwater infiltration early warning systems

Conduct frequent maintenance of drainage


30 31
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change



Temperature increase Decreasing precipitation and drought


Warmer winter temperatures Increase in very hot days and heat waves Increased risk of wildfires Reduced soil moisture


Potential for service Heat-related deterioration of bus Potential for temporary suspension Health and safety Potential shifts in demand Increased energy usage Potential for temporary Potential for service
disruption and increased tires or overheating of engines of electric rail and tram service risks to passengers, to alternative public and cost for cooling and/ suspension of bus, tram or disruption if soil shrinkage/
safety risks if increase if signaling and communications transit operators, and transit or private or refrigeration; AC units train service due to safety subsidence causes damage
could affect vehicle availability systems overheat or if overhead maintenance personnel transportation on trains, trams and buses risk or reduced visibility to roadways or rail tracks
in freeze-thaw cycles or
and disrupt scheduled service lines expand and sag may fail in extreme heat
thermal expansion causes
damage to roadways or rail


General: Impose speed and load Design new buses Increase ventilation and Improve energy Develop and implement Evaluate risk of
Design trains, buses, and transit
restrictions to ensure safety to withstand higher cooling substations, signal efficiency to reduce fuel-reduction drought-related
Enhanced inspection stops to improve thermal comfort
temperatures rooms, and electrical boxes air conditioning and strategies; remove subsidence
and maintenance Consider a wide range of transit (use heat-resistant materials,
refrigeration costs vegetation that may (projected water
regimes options (e.g., water taxis and Use heatresistant Replace existing electrical tinted windows, windows that
pose a fire hazard in or availability,
ferries, nonmotorized modes, materials, where equipment with equipment open, white painted roofs, etc.) Explore less energy-
Build back better if near rail right-of-way soil type, etc.)
ride-hailing systems, and feasible that can withstand higher intensive refrigeration
impacted and in- Maximize natural ventilation and in siting new
connectivity through informal temperatures systems Reroute bus service
crease resilience at Upgrade to more improve cooling systems in trams, infrastructure
modes, etc.) to create redundancy buses, and transit stops
asset renewal stage efficient and Conduct regular monitoring Upgrade air Development of
and provide temporary alternative Implement
durable engine and maintenance of conditioning on fire breaks near rail
transit options during service Alter working hours/seasons to proactive traffic
cooling systems electrical equipment railcars and buses to infrastructure
disruption protect workers from extreme management
heat ensure operability at
Install overhead lines with Avoid new plans to reduce
Use more heat-resistant materials high temperatures
higher design temperature developments in high- risk of cracking
Increase shading by planting trees
Install (additional) expansion range Conduct frequent risk areas
or constructing shade structures Conduct more
joints in frequently buckled maintenance
Install technology to Consider a wide range of frequent
sections of rail Increase crew size to allow for
automatically adjust line transit options to create inspection and
more frequent recovery breaks
Use lighter colored pavement tension with temperature redundancy and provide maintenance
materials or paint tracks white variation Make greater use of climate- temporary alternative
Use alternative
controlled facilities for loading transit options during
Monitor rail track or road Consider a wide range of rail bed material
and unloading railcars or vehicle service disruption
condition and conduct frequent transit options to create
maintenance redundancy and provide
temporary alternative Develop contingency plans to
Increase shading to reduce heat protect passenger and worker
transit options during
exposure safety in extreme heat
service disruption
Develop and implement improved Evaluate potential shifts in
methods to detect buckling demand in planning new transit Source Figure 5: IsDB (2019)
options; ensure existing transit
options can accommodate shifts
32 33
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

4.1.1 Hazard assessment

Box 13 Box 14


ADAPTIVE For preliminary assessments using future scenario
CAPACITY data, useful tools are: The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is an EU-wide network of roads, rail, waterways, shipping
routes, ports, airports and rail-road terminals. Due to climate change, more extreme temperatures, rising
XDI software solutions; numbers of extreme weather events, precipitation and sea level rise are expected. As a result, the network
must adapt to e.g. higher temperatures, floods, or wind. In Romania, for instance, landslides, torrential
World Bank, Climate and Disaster Risk erosion, rock falls, avalanches, floods and heavy snow are expected to increase along the country’s TEN-T,
Screening Tool; especially along the roads (figure 6).
Hazard data often gives ranges of hazards from low to
high case scenarios. The data available varies widely Acclimatise, Aware;
throughout the world, with useful guidance often FIGURE 6: HAZARD MAP OF THE TEN-T NETWORK IN ROMANIA
included in National Adaptation Plans, where available. World Bank Climate Screening Tools
Box 13 provides information on tools that allow city
officials and transport planners to conduct climate hazard International Institute for Sustainable
assessments. Development, Community-Based Risk
Screening Tool—Adaptation & Livelihoods
For those that do not have access to climate change data, (CRiSTAL).
it can be valuable to begin with an impact assessment
based upon historical climate trends. The first step in
adaptation planning is to assess the vulnerabilities to the
current climate. When historical data is understood it Other guidance and approaches include:
is advisable to conduct a preliminary, rapid assessment
of the key climate changes that urban transport can ISO 14090:2019, Adaptation to climate
be vulnerable to (see box 2 for a summary of possible change – Principles, requirements and
climate impacts). guidelines,

Transport planners and managers have to make decisions ISO 14091 -Climate Change Risk Assessment;
and take actions despite ‘significant uncertainty’ about the
precise nature of the hazard that their transport system ISO 31000:2018, Risk management
will experience. With the assessment and planning tools – Guidelines
available, coupled with the existing. Source: UNECE (2020)

It is good practice to consider potential climate hazards

from low to high case scenarios (RCP8.5 is a common To avoid further deaths and road accidents, the government issued a transport development strategy called
high case scenario to consider, see Box 15). By using General Transport Master Plan (GTMP) in 2016 (Government of Romania, 2016). Among other areas, the
the adaptation pathways approach (see section GTMP strives to evaluate potential adaptation interventions by 2030. Therefore, the project was designed to
below), plans can be identified and constructed to be identify hazards for road transportation, supply real-time safe-related traffic information for drivers using a
able to effectively manage this level of risk. Having a web or mobile application, and spread information on the availability of the service.
clear line of sight to these options through planning is
an important element of climate adaptation. For that matter, the programme analysed over 5000 road km, identifying 48 categories of hazards, collected
data on the field and from relevant institutions. This project became Romania’s first GIS geo-database
developed for transport hazards and is available online on

34 35
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

4.1.2 Vulnerability assessment Managing risk to 1% probability is a relatively high risk

for adaptation. Other common risk levels are 0.025 %
Box 15
and 0.01% events.

As climate change progresses, probability levels will rise,

i.e. extreme events will become more likely to occur more
often; e.g. 0.01% flood risk for roads in some parts of the
UK will become 1% risk by 2080 under very moderate
climate change scenarios. For long term decisions
CLIMATE MODELS AND SCENARIOS vulnerable to climate change, setting a very low risk
vulnerability target, e.g. 0.01%, may be one adaptation
Climate projections are based on climate models. These are numerical models that simulate the climate ADAPTIVE option for retaining reasonable functionality over the
system at the global level. Climate models are the most advanced tools available for modelling the state of CAPACITY useful life of the asset of service.
the climate system and simulating its response to changes in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse
gases and aerosols. Models for different geographical areas range in their complexity. This includes
the range of spatial dimensions as well as the complexity of describing physical, chemical or biological Thresholds
processes. General Circulation Models (GCMs) aim to provide insight into global climate processes and their
drivers, revealing the big picture on climate change. For more detailed regional climate impact assessments, A threshold is the set of climate conditions under which
regional climate models (RCMs) have been developed. RCMs are limited in area but can provide information To understand vulnerability – the physical, environmental, a part of a transport system is no longer effective, either
on the climate in a higher horizontal resolution of between 2 and 50 km, which allows for a better social and organisational framework to deliver mobility for economically, socially or environmentally. That is the
representation of topographic features (e.g. mountain ranges) and of regional-scale climate processes. As people and goods needs to be understood. Vulnerability point at which further adaptation measures are required.
a result, they can provide more detailed projections of changes in regional precipitation patterns, weather needs to be considered along a continuum of different For example, a certain threshold of windspeeds may
extremes and other climate events. levels of climate change impact to understand how most require a bridge to close traffic only for heavy-duty
effectively to respond to it. Decision trees in Figure 5 trucks without damaging the bridge itself. If alternative
Climate projections inherently contain uncertainties. There are therefore substantial differences between and in Annex A illustrate the vulnerabilities of transport routes are viable, a planned diversion of truck traffic
the outcomes of different models. Nevertheless, the scientific community is confident that climate models infrastructure to climate change. may be an acceptable adaptation option. Another higher
provide credible quantitative estimates of future climate change, as these models are based on fundamental threshold of windspeed, however, may cause damage to
physical laws and are able to reproduce the key features of observed climate change. These projections are Vulnerability assessments require both an insight the infrastructure itself and therefore require adaptation
usually presented as a multi-model ensemble, in order to represent the spread of possible future climate change. into where climate hazard(s) may have an impact and of the physical infrastructure to secure serviceability.
judgements about what level of risk is tolerable. In doing
The input for a climate model is an emission/ concentration-scenario. Most commonly used are so, it is useful not only to consider vulnerabilities from
representative concentration pathways (RCPs). The RCPs make predictions of how concentrations of direct impact on transport systems but to also consider Interdependencies
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will change in the future as a result of human activities, looking at the impact on services or infrastructure upon which the
different scenarios. system is dependent, e.g. electricity supply for trams and Urban transport systems are deeply embedded within
electric vehicles and their supply chains. The following the urban social and physical fabric. This creates
There are four RCPs, ranging from very high (RCP8.5) to very low (RCP2.6) future concentrations: is an outline of key considerations that need to be made interdependencies to other vulnerable parts of the urban
when conducting a vulnerability assessment. system that transport is dependent upon and vice versa.
RCP8.5 is a high-emissions scenario, not unlikely following current emissions trends The trigger for an adaptive action in one part of the
transport system may be a threshold reached in another
RCP6.0 is a stabilisation scenario in which total radiative forcing is stabilised at approximately 6.0 W/m2 Scenarios part of the system. Understanding the interdependencies
shortly after 2100 between different parts of the system enables more
Climate change scenarios are a useful way of effective vulnerability assessment and adaptation
RCP4.5 is a stabilisation scenario in which total radiative forcing is stabilised at approximately 4.5 W/m2 understanding the detailed characteristics of vulnerability planning. In general, adaptation planning benefits
shortly after 2100 under particular climate change conditions. from a ‘systems approach’. A systems approach involves
an understanding of the interdependencies between
RCP2.6 is a 'peak and decline' scenario that leads to very low greenhouse gas concentration levels. different parts of the transport system and its enabling
In this scenario greenhouse gas emissions (and, indirectly, emissions of air pollutants) are reduced Risk levels environment.
substantially, leading to net negative carbon dioxide emissions at the end of the 21st century. This
scenario would meet the Paris Agreement targets, but would require much more concerted efforts to The range of vulnerabilities that need to be considered
reduce emissions. depend upon the level of risk that transpor t
managers will tolerate. These are usually described
For a graphical illustration on how to use RCPs in planning for the future see CoastAdapt. in terms of percentage probabilit y or “return
period”, e.g. 1% probability or 1 in 100 years event.

36 37
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Improving adaptive capacity involves developing multiple - Defines adaptation roles and
factors in combination. It is pragmatic to describe these responsibilities clearly
different factors of adaptive capacity separately, despite
Box 16 Box 17
the fact that they are complementary to one another and - Enables effective delivery of actions, and
should be assessed and developed collectively:
- Remains flexible to new opportunities for
Design capability – the extent to which improved actions;
technical transport infrastructure and their
physical environment can accommodate or The ability to mobilise human resources that are
CASE STUDY – FLOODS AND EROSION RESOURCES TO SUPPORT VULNERABILITY adapt to the risks posed by climate change, effective in climate adaptation (including project
IN TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS ASSESSMENTS e.g. what are the limits of flooding and heat for teams);
which a transport system is designed to deliver
Honduras is highly prone to climate change GIZ: an effective service? Effective collaboration with stakeholders that it
impacts and is experiencing a high rate of A Guidance on how to interpret climate depends upon for climate resilience;
urbanisation. Flooding and erosion caused information for the assessment of climate risks Financial capability – the extent to which
by heavy precipitation events and hurricanes financial resources can be mobilised to deliver Effective learning from experience to
especially affect settlements in Tegucigalpa’s XDI Cross Dependency Initiative: effective adaptation. This could mean reserving continuously improve adaptive capacity by
steep areas. To ensure safe housing and resources for both proactive planning and for embedding new knowledge and learning in
infrastructure services in the future, KfW supports immediate reaction to hazards. decisions and practice;
interventions, such as afforestation, drainage Climate Adapt:
systems or watersheds (KfW, 2019). https://climateadapt. Organisational capability – the extent to which Developing a prioritised adaptation programme
tools/adaptationsupport-tool/step-2-0 human and organisational behaviours can which is part of an overall organisational
Afforestation projects may be located upstream respond to the risks posed by climate change, strategy.
and reduce flood run-off speed which in turn The Climate Service: e.g. this can mean to create positions and a
reduces the depth and speed of flooding. mandate for a climate risk manager to pay more Addressing these elements will greatly help organisations
attention to climate risk in an organization’s reduce their overall risk.
World Bank Climate Risk Screening Tools: transport planning. When developing adaptive capacity, it is important to
useful-resources The adaptive capacity of a planning department, transport recognise that knowing what to do does not automatically
operator or other organisation affects its capability to lead to effective implementation. Measurement of
Adaptation community: identify and respond to risk and is determined by the adaptive capacity across a range of organisations,
Climate services for vulnerability assessment A Framework for Climate Change Vulnerability following capabilities: including urban transport planners and managers, shows
Assessments that adaptation practice often significantly lags the level
Vulnerability assessments are becoming increasingly Identify the correct moments to take climate of awareness in the organisation (Black and Pyatt, 2016).
sophisticated. Urban transport organisations may not vulnerable strategic decisions (see also figure
have, or need, the capacity to do this on their own at 12); A clear process and mandate to implement adaptation
the level required to manage their risk on a day-to-day are therefore required when organisations embark on
basis. Conducting the vulnerability assessment together The quality of leadership and its commitment to improving their adaptive capacity and seek to develop a
with experts from research institutions or consultancies 4.1.3 Adaptive capacity the adaptation process; strategy to increase their resilience to a changing climate.
can be helpful. A first step would be to map the existing capabilities
The ability to mobilise financial resources; based on the list above and identify what capacity the
Where climate adaptation is being supported by a organisation wants to develop in-house and what it will
development partner, these services are often provided The awareness amongst key decision makers in outsource from service providers. A capacity development
by specialists through the project feasibility studies or HAZARD relevant parts of the organisation of the need to action plan could then be developed.
project delivery stages. address climate change;
Here, support from skilled mentors and coaches are
For organisations addressing their climate risk without The access of decision makers and planners useful in efficiently turning the plan into action.
external support, there are a growing number of resources to expertise and evidence on climate change
worldwide to support vulnerability assessments (see VULNERABILITY adaptation;
Box 18 for examples) for instance A Guidance on how
to interpret climate information for the assessment of Having a formalised organisational structure
climate risks by GIZ (2020). that

38 39
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 18 Box 19


Observations of thousands of organisations world-wide, including transport infrastructure operators, Transport Canada’s (TC) mandate is a transportation system in Canada that is safe, secure, efficient and
can provide insights into the important capabilities for managing climate risk and opportunities. These environmentally responsible. Responsibilities for transportation in Canada are dispersed throughout
insights can also guide the assessment of required adaptive capacity, current adaptive capacity and the most various levels of government. Municipal governments are primarily responsible for local transport investments,
efficient organisational development steps to develop between them. including urban transit operations. Climate change is a shared priority in Canada and as a federal department
TC is expected to be aware of climate risks to their mandate, and to adapt their policies, programs and practices
The figure below illustrates the adaptive capacity profiles of five UK infrastructure operators (including
accordingly. The Federal Adaptation Policy Framework defines our federal government adaptation role as: 1)
transport operators) and the required capacity as assessed by the adaptive Capacity Diagnosis and Generating and sharing knowledge; 2) Building adaptive capacity to respond and helping Canadians take action;
Development metrics and 3) Integrating adaptation into federal policy and planning (mainstreaming).

TC has a long history of addressing climate change, with a primary focus on mitigation efforts until 2011, when
FIGURE 7: ADAPTIVE CAPACITY OF 5 UK INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATORS dedicated adaptation efforts began. It became evident early on that to achieve the department’s adaptation
policy objectives, the initial focus should be to strengthen TC’s own adaptation knowledge and capacity. This
was one of two key goals in the Department’s first Adaptation Plan (2013-2016); the second goal being to
improve upon how TC integrates adaptation into decision making. Since 2013, two key achievements with
respect to generating and sharing knowledge have been:

the release of the ‘Climate Risks & Adaptation Practices for the Canadian Transportation Sector 2016’
report, a foundational knowledge synthesis for both TC staff and transportation sector practitioners
alike; and,

strengthening the knowledge and capacity of approximately 1000 transportation practitioners through
a series of transportation adaptation webinars.

These capacity building efforts have helped position TC to undertake more advanced risk assessment and
adaptation efforts. Through their Transportation Assets Risk Assessment (TARA) initiative, TC provides
an opportunity to build the ability and capacity of its regional offices and staff to undertake climate risk
Source: Trioss (2020)
assessments of their assets, through collaboration and their leading of projects. The experiences and
expertise gained through the TARA initiative projects have led to presentations of lessons learnedand
good practices at domestic and international fora, and peer-to-peer exchanges on gaps, challenges and
The level of variability of adaptive capacity between this small sample of infrastructure operators makes opportunities for transportation climate risk assessments and adaptation. To support the mainstreaming of climate
clear that the capability of different organisations to understand and address their climate change pressures considerations into decision making, TC has also applied a climate change resilience assessment to project proposals
varies significantly. What is also noticeable in this group, and is common amongst organisations in the submitted under the National Trade Corridors Fund. Additionally, recognizing the unique challenges and needs
relatively early stages of their adaptation process, is that their adaptation practice (Managing Operations) in our north, TC continues to implement its Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative (NTAI), which aims to
lags behind their knowledge (Expertise and Evidence) available to them and their understanding of the increase the capacity of Northerners to adapt transportation infrastructure to climate change.
issues (Awareness and Agency). This leads to a higher climate risk since it clearly shows that simply knowing
climate hazards and vulnerability and having a plan to address them is not sufficient to manage climate risk Most recently, in 2018, a comprehensive climate change risk assessment was undertaken as part of the
in line with the adaptation needs. process to develop a new Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the department. As capacity building
is a key ongoing endeavour, whether due to staff turnover or the need to better understand and apply
Where there are numerous organisations responsible for delivering the adaptation plan, differences in new information, the need to build and maintain departmental capacity remains significant. As such, TC
adaptive capacity can affect the resilience of the whole system if the actions of a high capacity organisation has also recently applied Trioss’s climate Capacity Diagnosis and Development (CaDD) tool to assess its
can be undermined by a lower capacity organisation. For example, an electric transport provider with high departmental adaptive capacity. The results of that assessment indicated that a more strategic approach
adaptive capacity may be compromised by a low adaptive capacity electricity provider that does not make to capacity building activities would be advantageous to further current successes and bridge gaps. For
example, decision system mapping to support mainstreaming, integration of adaptation within departmental
power delivery resilient to changing climate risk, thereby increasing risk of service failures for both.
emergency planning, conducting cost benefit analysis to better demonstrate the economic value of
adaptation, and identification of an adaptation champion. The implementation of prioritized actions identified
in the CaDD assessment will be integrated into TC’s Adaptation Plan alongside other proposed measures.

40 41
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Evaluation &
4.1.4 The context of risk assessments A monitoring and evaluation system to
capture new knowledge and learning from the
There is no single way to conduct a risk assessment Implement experiences of implementing the initial plan Box 20
and approaches vary widely, e.g. depending on: adaptation to enable improvement of adaptation decision
time, financial resources, personal preferences making and implementation (see section 4.4);
and capabilities. The metrics used can also
vary, depending on the working context and Identification of the contingencies that will
the system of interest under analysis, as enable course correction if any planned actions
well as available data or existing data are not able to deliver the planned outcomes;
gaps that force practitioners to work TRANSPORT PLANNING CASE STUDY – INCLUDING CITIZENS
with proxies. There are a wide range Communication the plan to those responsible IN DECISION-MAKING: WORKSHOP IN
of approaches that can be taken, often for its delivery and those affected by it. GUADALAJARA, MEXICO (KERBER &
with different strengths that make CORNEJO REINDL, 2021)
them relevant to different contexts. Choose Identify In order to illustrate the decision-making approach
Climate risk assessments should always adaptation adaptation from hazard identification to vulnerability assessment For a GIZ project on ICT-based adaptation to
be designed in a flexible way, allowing options options and identification of adaptation options, figure 5 climate change in cities, citizens of Guadalajara in
for methodological adjustments as summarises the elements to consider in the case of Mexico were engaged in a workshop for identifying
experience, requirements, capacities and urban mass transport and increasing storms, run- threats and finding solutions to climate change. In
resources change. off, erosion and flooding. More illustrations for other the future, the city will most likely suffer from even
modes and infrastructure are provided in Annex A higher temperatures and more extreme weather
(see also box 8). events. As a result, the citizens demanded investing
4.2 Adaptation planning in planting further trees in the city. Trees provide
A checklist for a high-quality adaptation planning process shade, help regulate water flows and prevent floods
Adaptation planning aims to identify the actions is provided in Annex B. through increased permeability. At the same time,
that will manage identified climate risks. It identifies they bring mitigation co-benefits by binding CO2.
(section 4.2.4) and prioritises (section 4.2.5) actions Exemplary outcomes of good adaptation planning in the
in the context of existing policies, strategies, planning transport sector are illustrated in Table 1.
and decision-making processes. For plans to have a
strong chance of being implemented, they need to be
incorporated into the organisation’s strategy. The core
qualities of an effective adaptation planning process are: Indicator Type Indicator

A clear adaptation objective, e.g. the level of Sequences (“pathways”) of action to manage
Impacts (long-term effect) Increased robustness of infrastructure design and long-term
risk for which the transport system needs to be changing vulnerability to high case climate
investment development
resilient; change scenarios (see section;
Increased resilience of vulnerable natural and managed systems,
An assessment of the adaptation planning SMART targets4 for implementing activities; such as flood management or reliability of public transport services
needs and capability, using decision-
making methods suited to the context of the Identification of entry points for the
organisation and climate change and adaptation operationalisation of the plan (see section Outcomes (process indicators) Percent reduction in road closures due to landslides and flooding in a
objective; 4.2.6); certain year compared to a base year
Percent reduction in flooding where drainage capacity has been
Involvement of relevant decision makers and Alignment of the plan with the resources increased in a certain year compared to a base year
stakeholders during the planning process; required to deliver it;
Climate risk manager appointed in organisation by certain date
A range of potential climate change adaptation Allowing for review and feedback by external
actions which address its priorities, including stakeholders, such as civil society;
Outputs Transport sector planning documents include adaptation strategies
those related to addressing gaps in adaptive
by certain date
capacity for implementing the plan;
Length of climate proofed roads constructed by certain date
An assessment of which potential climate
Area of mangrove planted to protect coastal roads or rail routes by
change adaptation actions are best suited
certain date
to the organisation's mandate and structure 4
Please note that not all webinars found on the
and consequent prioritisation of adaptation Climate Risk Institutes adaptation platform webinars
options; page were prepared and hosted by TC
Table 1: Examples of possible indicators for measuring adaptation results in the transport sector
42 43
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

4. Understand interdependencies including Decisions lasting up to 10 years are not very Decisions lasting longer than 20 years are
cascading risks vulnerable to climate change and climate vulnerable to climate change which results
risk can be managed using business-as-usual in an increasing level of uncertainty and
Box 21
5. Prioritising actions approaches. Overcomplicating these decisions unpredictability in the nature of the risk and
leads to inefficient management. the effective management options. Adaptive
6. Understanding decision systems and management therefore needs to be able to
what decisions are required for effective Decisions lasting 10-20 years are vulnerable to identify actions which will be resilient in
implementation climate change. By applying sufficient climate the medium term and be able to recognize
expertise, the risk is predictable and can be unexpected impacts and respond to them
CASE STUDY – ADAPTING EGYPT'S 7. Developing “pathways” of options to retain managed with a normal level of confidence effectively. Underestimating the adaptation
RAILWAY TO CLIMATE CHANGE resilience to high case climate change scenarios in the outcome. Overcomplicating these requirements leads to unsuccessful adaptation.
decisions leads to inefficient management.
In spring, wind storms in Egypt’s desert impact 8. Develop adaptive capacity to implement the plan Underestimating the adaptation requirements See figure 8 for an illustration of this rule of thumb.
rail infrastructure. Due to the accumulating leads to unsuccessful adaptation.
sand, lines could not be operated. As a result, the 9. Identifying entry points for introducing and
Abou Tartour – Qena railway line in Egypt has embedding adaptation into mainstream activities.
been aerodynamically remodelled to reduce the
sand accumulation on the tracks. Thanks to the 10. Implement the plan
prediction of especially vulnerable spots through
3D modelling, safe operation can now be ensured 11. Monitor, evaluate and learn from previous Box 22 Box 23
(Quinn et al., 2017). experience to change future steps on the basis of

Adaptation planning tools and guidance 4.2.1 Scope the risk to be managed
This section describes some adaptation planning tools To develop an effective adaptation plan it is helpful to be CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PLANNING (ALSO SEE BOX
that can be particularly useful to incorporate into clear about the risk that is to be managed: For example,
planning whether conducted by an in-house team or is the resilience of the transport system managed solely A common way of referring to the risk of extreme
commissioning external support. The described tools by the Mayor’s office / municipal transport authorities climate events is the probable return period, e.g. 1 For infrastructure with a relatively long
and approaches may be used in different combinations or could it be a multitude of stakeholders that affects in 100 years for an event with a 1% probability in lifespan (e.g. 20+ years) that requires significant
depending on the planning approach taken. They are the operation of a defined urban area? If the latter, the any given year. These return periods can shorten investments and few possibilities to adapt the
therefore described as standalone issues in separate planning process may need to involve broader stakeholder with climate change, e.g. flooding of the River infrastructure during its lifetime, it is wise to look
sections as follows. involvement. This may include transport infrastructure Parrot in the UK can disrupt traffic within and at the severe scenarios (RCP 8.5). This is because
managers and operators over which the municipality has between urban areas. By 2080, there will be a high there is a serious possibility that such a scenario
1. Identifying adaptation objective and options no direct control, such as informal transport stakeholders. probability of peak river flows increasing by 30% might occur within the design criteria it has been
This affects the governance of the planning process and or more. When that scenario is reached, the 1 in built to. It is therefore better to be prepared for
2. Being clear about the scope of the risk to be the scope of risks that need to be considered. 100 year return period for peak river flow will be that eventuality. Otherwise, there is significant
managed by the plan to deliver the adaptation the same as a 1 in 1000 year return period flood risk that the infrastructure will be confronted with
objectives under current climate conditions (UK Environment damage or vast additional investments during its
4.2.2 Decision lengths Agency (2020)). lifetime.
3. Identify the different decision lengths and which
different approaches are required to address An important element of managing climate risk is knowing When setting resilience levels based on return On the other hand, for an infrastructure which
those different decision lengths how quickly and affordably a decision can be changed. periods for long term decisions it is useful to can easily be upgraded during its lifetime, it might
The length of a decision also affects the complexity and consider how the return periods for a given event be reasonable to look for the lighter scenario (e.g.
uncertainty that climate change adds to a decision and might change over the life of a decision and what RCP 2.6) as this will avoid unnecessary costs.
the skills that need to be applied to managing it. adaptation measures might be required to sustain
resilience for the chosen return period. The assessment of a most appropriate scenario is
A rule of thumb incorporated into ISO 14090 standard not an easy task, regarding the complexity in the
for climate adaptation is: climate models. For complex installations and/
or large investments it can be wise to consult a
climate expert.

44 45
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change


Approach Taken To Manage Climate Risk Box 24

Simple Complicated Complex

(Low Capacity Approach) (Medium Capacity Approach) (High Capacity Approach)


Simple Success – tasks done quickly,
(0-10 years) Inefficient Inefficient
Risk Characteristics

efficiently and consistently Mozambique’s second biggest and low-lying city Beira is located along the river Chiveve. Informal
settlements along the river but also the city centre, sometimes below sealevel, are disaster-prone, especially
flooding and heavy rain. To adapt the city to potential climate hazards, the river has been restored and
Success – complicated
park installed to ensure drainage for the surrounding infrastructure. Moreover, pedestrian bridges over
interactions understood and Inefficient
Mangroves and a 5.5 km cycle- and walkway will be installed and promote soft mobility (KfW, 2020).
(10-20 years) Unsuccessful
emergence managed

Complex Success – complex emergent

Unsuccessful Unsuccessful
(>20 years) risk effectively managed

Source: adapted from Cowper et al. (2014)

4.2.3 Identifying Adaptation Options Once the team defines its adaptation objectives, it
should strive to compile a wide range of measures to
Once a project team determines potential project meet them. Consulting with a variety of stakeholders
vulnerabilities, it can proceed to identify possible (including the relevant range of transport infrastructure
adaptation solutions. An important preliminary step is managers and operators, their regulators, community
defining the objective of adaptation. In setting objectives, and non-governmental organisations, environmental
project teams should consider what vulnerabilities they seek specialists, engineers, transport end-users, and others)
to address and what their desired outcomes are. can help to identify a comprehensive list of adaptation
options. The decision trees in Figure 5 and Annex A offer
Seeking input from relevant stakeholders an initial, non-exhaustive list of potential adaptation
throughout the process will increase the options for addressing particular climate impacts in
likelihood of success. different transport types.
River Chiveva after being restored, Source: Jan Heskamp, Inros Lackner SE (KfW, 2020).
Planning objectives would include specific timelines Adaptation is context-specific, and the adaptation options
and measurable thresholds for successful adaptation identified in the decision trees will not be applicable or
under different levels of climate impact. For example, appropriate in all cases. For example, some may be too
the objective could be to achieve a certain level of flood costly, technically infeasible, or socially unacceptable
protection (e.g., protect facility from physical damage in the project location. The steps described in the
by 100-year flood event or ensure facility remains fully next section “appraising adaptation options” will help
operational during 50-year flood events) or a certain project teams determine the appropriateness of different
degree of resilience by a certain date (e.g., ensure facility adaptation options for particular projects.
can resume operations within five days of a 100-year
flood event).

46 47
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 25



The Solomon Islands have always been exposed to climate hazards, such as cyclones, heavy rainfall or
storm surges. For instance, the Guadalcanal Island experienced about 40 natural disasters between 1950
and 2009. It was classified as highly vulnerable to cyclones and coastal flooding. In 2009, heavy rainfall was
responsible for severe damage to roads and bridges. In a 2011 study, landslides, debris in rivers and changing
river directions were identified as the main issues following the extreme weather event (see photo).

Taking into account more extreme rainfall, temperatures, cyclone intensity, and sea-level rise under climate
change, the Solomon Island Road Improvement Programme (SIRIP2) started to make road infrastructure
more resilient. They conducted a hazard, risk and risk reduction assessment for North-western Guadalcanal.
To do so, they (1) analysed the context in relation to hazards and identified problems and possible solutions,
(2) assessed risk reduction measures and selected the most suitable options, (3) conducted a cost-benefit
© David van Keulen/Flickr analysis, (4) designed the project, and (6) analysed climate change scenarios and climate proofing for the
preferred adaptation option.

The chosen interventions included using sturdier materials for bridges, e.g. for the Sasa Bridge, or elevating
Building resilience often requires a combination of hard National or sectoral resilience plans5; the bridge, e.g. at the Tamboko River. To ensure fewer interference with debris, debris catchers were
and soft adaptation options, e.g. physical adaptations installed. As a result, bridges and road infrastructure will be more resilient to extreme weather events in the
and organisation change, as well as engineered and Existing or planned sustainable urban mobility future. The authors of the risk assessment study concluded that communication between stakeholders was
nature-based infrastructure options within physical plans or other transport development plans; essential and that future infrastructure projects will benefit from climate change risk considerations.
adaptations (GEF-UNEP 2017). Soft adaptation
options are as important has hard ones. One example Transport climate action plans. Source: Tony Telford, Cardno Acil Ltd (Lal & Thurairajal, 2011).
is anticipatory risk zoning for new investments and
infrastructure development, avoiding building e.g. a new Figure 5 and Annex A provide examples of adaptation
bus depot in an area that is expected to become flood options from the transport sector.
prone in the future. In cases where increasing resilience
of existing infrastructure in their location is no longer
feasible “managed retreat" from high-risk areas, often
along the coast, may be the only adaptation option. 5
When identifying and evaluating adaptation 4.2.4 Appraising Adaptation Options Figure 10 compares their strengths and weaknesses.
options in the transport sector, it is important There are no hard-or-fast rules on which tool to use in
Finally, in identifying adaptation options, project teams to also consider the mitigation implications of There are a growing number of methods for prioritising which application. Neither is there a “one-size-fits-all”
should remember that adaptation measures will ideally the investments. Globally, the transport sector is adaptation options. Relevant approaches range from approach to options appraisal. Each method presents a
be aligned with: responsible for about one-quarter of energy-related traditional approaches such as cost-benefit, cost- unique set of strengths and challenges. It is important
CO2 emissions (IEA, 2021). This does not include the effectiveness or multi-criteria analyses, to using to carefully select the most appropriate approach for
Existing adaptation plans for other sectors in the lifecycle emissions of construction materials. Cement methods that are specifically designed to support each individual adaptation decision making situation.
same urban area; alone is responsible for about 8% of CO2 emissions robust adaptation strategies under uncertainty. These The insight of suitably experienced service providers may
(Olivier et al. 2016). Therefore, it is critical to consider include iterative risk management, real options analysis, be useful in selecting and applying the most appropriate
Adaptation plans for other parts of regional the embodied energy and emissions of construction robust decision making, and portfolio analysis. Each option.
or national transport systems which form part materials used in transport projects (Lehne and has different strengths and weaknesses for selecting
of the urban transport system, e.g. rail or bus Preston 2018). Moreover, the mitigation and adaptation options.
services; adaptation implications of the broader transport
network should be recognized. Figure 9 summarises the main groups of option priori-
tisation tools and their potential use.

48 49

Cost-benefit analysis Values all cost and benefits to society To identify low-and no-regret options
of all options, and estimates the net in the near future. As a decision
benefits/costs in monetary options support tool within iterative climate
risk management

Cost-effectiveness analysis Compares cost against efectiveness As above, but for market and non-market
TRADITIONAL sectorswhere benefits are not monetised
(monetary/non-monetary) to rank,
ECONOMIC then cost-curves for targets/resources

Source: Rouillard et al. (2016)


Multi-criteria analysis Allows consideration of quantitative As above, but for scoping options. Can
data together for ranking alternative complement other tools and capture
options qualitative aspects
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Iterative risk management Uses iterative framework of For appraisal over medium-longer
monitoring, research, evaluation and term. Also applicable as a framework at
FRAMING learning to improve future strategies policy level

Real-option analysis Allows economic analysis of future Economic analysis of major capital
option value and economic benefit of investment decisions over the medium
waiting/ information /flexibility term. Analysis of flexibility within
major projects

Robust decision-making Identifies strategies which are optimal Identifying combination of strategic
ECONOMIC (robust) against a large number of (long-term scenario-independent)
DECISION plausible scenarios and operational (short-term scenario-
MAKING UNDER dependent) decisions

Portfolio analysis Economic analysis of optimal portfolio Project based analysis of future

of options by trade-offs between combinations. Designing portfolio

return (net present value) and mixes as part of iterative pathways
uncertainly (variance)


Most useful when climate risk porbabilities Valuation of non-market sectors/non- Does not explicitly deal with uncertainty,
COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS are known and sensitivity is small. Also where technical options. Uncertainly limited to but can be combined with sensitibity
Source: Rouillard et al. (2016) clear market values can be used probabilistic risk/ sensitivity testing testing and probabilistic modelling

As above, but for non-monetary sectors Single headline metric difficult to identify and Does not explicitly deal with uncertainty,
COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS and where pre-defined objectives must less suitable for complex or cross-sectoral but can be combined with sensitibity
be achieved risks. Low consideration of uncertainty testing and probabilistic modelling

When there is a mix of quantitative and Relies on expert jundgement or Can integrate uncertainty as an assessment
MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS qualitative data stakeholders, and is subjective, incluiding criterion, however usually relies on subjective
analysis of uncertainty expert judgement or stakeholder opinion

Useful where long-term and uncertain Challenging when multiple risks acting Deals explicitly with uncertainty by
ITERATIVE RISK MANAGEMENT challenges, especially when clear risk together and thresholds are not always promoting iterative analysis, monitoring,
thresholds easy to identify evaluation and learning

Large irreversible decisions, where Requires economic valuation (see CBA), Deals explicitly with uncertainty by
REAL-OPTION ANALYSIS information is available on climate risk probabilities and clear decision points analysing the performance of adaptation
probabilities for different potential futures

When uncertainty and risk are large. Can Requires high computational analysis and Explicitly incorporates uncertainties and
ROBUST DECISION-MAKING use a mix of quantitative and qualitative large number of runs risks, in particular, systemic dependend
information risks, to derive robust solutions

When number of complementary Requires economic data and probabilities. Deals explicitly with uncertainty by examining
PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS adaptation actions and good information. Issues of interdependence the complementarity of adaptation options for
dealing with future climates

Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

4.2.5 Decision systems mapping and operators can serve them. How well these usually
disconnected decision-maker are able to integrate risk
Box 26
How effectively a plan is implemented is affected by assessments, adaptation planning and implementation is
the decisions that are made within the organisation(s) a key dimension of adaptive capacity for urban transport
responsible for planning and implementing the systems.
adaptation actions. This includes the stakeholders that
affect the options available to those responsible for Mapping what decisions currently affect climate risk
delivering adaptation, e.g. regulators and end users. management options and how that will need to change to
One of the challenges for developing an integrated deliver the adaptation plan is an important part of effective
CASE STUDY – MULTI-CRITERIA ASSESSMENT FOR URBAN TRANSPORT ADAPTATION urban transport adaptation plan is that there can be adaptation planning. Figure 11 illustrates the different
PLANNING IN THE NETHERLANDS a range of infrastructure managers and operators with types of decisions that can affect adaptation within a single
different regulatory frameworks. Their planning and organisation. Decision systems mapping will identify how
The Netherlands used Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) in the development of its national adaptation plan, business decisions which affect where passenger housing these impact on one another within and between the similar
including urban transport planning. The process included: and destinations will develop over time also need to be decision frameworks in other organisations.
considered and the terms on which transport planners
Identification of adaptation options

Characteristics of the options

Definition of criteria

Determining the scores

Determining the weights

MCA was used for ranking the adaptation options. There were two levels of scoring:
Level 1: Evaluation criteria



Wider vision and
No-regret characteristics Business strategy for the

Decision-making criteria
Infrastructure strategies sector and for
Co-benefits Day-to-day maintanence & strategic design of new
Ad-hoc management of framework investments and
develop main-
Effect on mitigation operations
tenance plans

Level 2: Feasibility criteria Climate

Adaptation adaptation
Technical complexity Prevention (long-term) strategy

Preparation (mid-term)
Social complexity Response / mitigation
(Disaster Risk (short-term)
Institutional complexity Management)

Of the 96 adaptation options identified, two of the top ten involved urban transport: change modes of
transport and making existing and new cities more robust.
0 Daily Monthly 1 year 5 years 30 -100 years

Source: DWD (2017) Scale of decision-making

52 53
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 27
By applying a thresholds approach (often referred to as
Adaptation Pathways or Adaptive Pathways approaches)
to adaptation planning (see section on “thresholds” under
Infrastructure Adaptation Pathway Plans for Fluvial Flood Management: Somerset, UK
4.1.2), it is possible to construct sequences of actions that
can maintain efficient and sustainable services as climate
hazards develop into the future. When a given action Power distribution plan up to 3m flooding
reaches its threshold, another action can be introduced Electricity
KEY STAKEHOLDERS FOR ADAPTING to maintain service delivery and reduce disruptions. Distribution Raise electricity sub-stations and defences around
URBAN TRANSPORT TO CLIMATE CHANGE main stations to 5m if flooding over 3m occurs
Therefore, the lead time required to put the action into
1. Public authorities are in charge of providing operation, is important to consider. With the lead time
Current M5 specifications
suitable regulatory frameworks and resilient understood, planners know how far in advance of a
infrastructure. This mainly includes transport threshold being reached they need to begin putting the
and urban/spatial planners, but also other next action in place. Monitoring systems can then prompt M5 build central wall flood barrier between
departments, such as construction and these judgements (see section 4.4 below). By applying J22 & J24 During Extreme Flood Events
housing departments, environment agencies an adaptation pathway approach, it becomes possible to
and disaster or flood risk managers. identify the point at which new adaptation actions are Highways
England Re-route M5 between J22 & J24
needed. This includes being able to pinpoint when to when flooding is “new normal”
2. Transport service providers are responsible begin the lead-in processes for implementing adaptive
for ensuring reliable transport services, actions. By the time actions begin, it is likely that there
Raise sections of A303 that are vulnerable to flooding as it is upgraded to mange more traffic
including contingency plans and provision will be greater certainty about when the threshold will
of rolling stock, but certain vehicle be reached, and so action can be triggered. This allows
requirements/design standards can be adaptation to unfold at the pace of climate change without Improve flood defenses to Highways England Depots
formulated by urban authorities. In the case having to know in advance what that pace or level of
of informal transport, adaptation planning is change is (an example of a transport related adaptation Upgrade roads across flood zone as long as it is economically viable
confronted with dispersed responsibilities and pathways plan is provided in Figure 12). County
lack of regulatory frameworks. Roads
Re-route traffic around via A358 when flooding closes roads
Knowing these sequences also enables preparation for
3. Port or airport authorities and managers are future adaptation action to be accommodated in the
responsible for (air)port activities and securing design of earlier actions. This can make transition between Current rail specifications
their infrastructure actions more cost efficient and effective.
Upgrade rail track upgrade resilience in reaction to events
4. Every pedestrian, cyclist, public transport Sometimes hazard levels may reach a point where
user and road user is affected by climate current objectives cannot be achieved beyond a certain
impacts and will make individual or corporate level of climate change, e.g. a scenario which considers
0% 50 % 100 %
choices. Nevertheless, these choices depend that sea level rise beyond a certain level makes further Percentage increase in peak river flow

on the provision of accessible, reliable, defence unaffordable and continued transport in an area
comfortable and safe mobility options, even unviable. Incremental change is no longer viable at these
under challenging weather conditions. They thresholds and transformational change is therefore Legend: M5: Motorway 5, J22: Junction 22, A303: a trunkway
are therefore closely connected to public required. Communities and their transport options need
policy on transport system design and to be relocated.
It therefore proves invaluable to understand what these
thresholds are. It helps guide planning to avoid further
development in vulnerable areas and develop lower cost
and timely options to meet new objectives.

54 55
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

It is good practice to plan for resilience up to a high case Figure 13 below illustrates types of adaptation responses 4.2.7 Entry points for Climate Risk
climate change scenario, e.g. climate scenario RCP8.5 to different levels of climate risk. The threshold of the Management in Urban Transport
(see box 15 above), even if the higher scenario plans are ability to sustain one level of risk management might Box 28
not needed. This helps manage the uncertainty over the be reached whereby another risk management strategy An important part of planning is working out how to
level of climate change. If change is less than the high may become more appropriate. It also illustrates that turn the plan into action. The entry-points for climate
case scenario, adaptation can be limited to a required as climate risk changes different climate services may risk management in urban transport policy, planning and
level. If a high case scenario does occur, then there is a be required. investments will differ depending upon the transport mode,
plan to address it which can be implemented efficiently. its location/s, intended end users, sources of investment
If a high case scenario unfolds without a plan, adaptation and the resources available, and whether this is a new or
options may be more limited or costly. existing transport system. Specific examples of climate
change impacts and potential responses for each transport BUSES; ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION
mode can be found in Figure 5 and Annex A. Common
entry points for climate risk management include: Transport for London introduced white panels
on the capital’s buses in its climate-adaptation
Investment Decisions – It can be particularly plans. White panels reflect the rays of the summer
effective to include climate change responses as sun, keeping the vehicles cooler. After 10 years,
an integral part of investment decisions about 98.5 percent of the fleet of 8,700 buses had white
CHANGE new infrastructure and vehicles. Investment roofs. This improved the overall conditions for
decisions can stimulate inclusion of climate passengers and drivers as well as reducing fuel
change considerations at an early stage of the consumption for air conditioning systems.
design process. It is more effective to include
Social Environ- Economic Institut- Physical Operational
mental ional Maintenance adaptation at an early stage rather than to apply
it as an upgrade or to an existing transport
CLIMATE system. Drivers for responding early can come
Mitigation of climate change related hazard events –
from those who are delivering the intended
SERVICES (e.g. ecosystem rehabilitation)
investment project. Financial institutions and
Mechanisms to
donors are increasingly making it a requirement Source:
anticipate climate risks Anticipatory exposure prevention (Avoid) – Shutterstock, (2021)
Exposure that climate change be given due consideration
for decision making “Restrict settlements in hazardous areas” e.g. through risk zoning,
reduction before funding is made available. The Islamic
land use planning, insurance schemes etc.
Development Bank (IsDB), for example,
undergoes a climate risk management process
Retreat – “pulling-out of hazard areas”
for each project, beginning with climate risk
Redirection of spatial development, Different levels of screening, followed by project impact and
resettlement of objects of interest adaptation to match
climate risk.
adaptation assessments, and ending with
Anticipatory project implementation. Requirements by mainstreaming adaptation responses through
Pathways of actions
prevention funding bodies can be particularly effective making them an obligatory consideration during
can efficiently move
between response in stimulating adaptation actions and can maintenance activities is advisable.
Protection – “create protective structures” levels at the pace be utilised by climate change conscientious
to keep climate threats physically away that climate change
practitioners to leverage action in their Betterment following events - Climate change
Anticipatory from a system of interest (e.g. via dykes; unfolds.
organisations. resilience should be an integral component
prevention fences, house window protection)
of disaster and / or emergency response
(settlements, objects)
Operational maintenance – Operational planning. Important lessons can be learned
maintenance decisions can often appear to be from reviewing the consequences of historical
Robustness – “Accommodate system of interest” routine ‘business as usual’ decisions. However, or current extreme events. These events reveal
to become more robust to climate threats they can provide an opportunity to upgrade the parts of the transport system that fail, or are
(elevated houses; climate proof construction components of a system (s) (e.g. when replacing disrupted most, and therefore provide insight
materials, drought-, flooding-, and salt a road pavement, it may provide the opportunity into priority areas needing upgrades. Where
tolerant crops)
to simultaneously increase the road camber elements have failed, replacing like for like
Vulnerability and capacity of drainage ditches). The balance will often result in an increased risk of failure
Early warning, response & disaster management systems reduction has to be made between whether it is efficient (due to the increased likelihood of similar or
(technically and financially) to upgrade the more extreme events happening in the future).
for climate
system through normal planned replacement This provides an opportunity for betterment
catastrophic events cycles, or whether it is better to overhaul the – an opportunity to embed more resilience
Climate change resilient recovery / building back better
infrastructure (e.g. re-route the entire road to or adaptiveness within the maintenance
avoid problematic locations). Nevertheless, intervention.
56 57
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Decision-makers have the opportunity to ensure EU asset management standards, and the
core strategy and recognise climate impacts as a finance sector’s TCFD reporting scheme are all
Box 29
potentially significant threat to its core activities. examples that may already influence adaptive Box 30
They can allow a programme of activity to practice. Whether or not there is significant
flow from this. This can be achieved either guidance, it is always useful to make adaptation
by developing independent climate change requirements an integral part of Strategic Social
strategies and policies, or by embedding climate and Environmental Assessments (SSEAs) and
change resilience within existing policies and Social and Environmental Impact Assessments
strategies. (SEIAs) throughout the investment cycle [NOTE:
CASE STUDY – BETTERMENT AFTER limiting climate vulnerability assessments to CASE STUDY – CLIMATE CHANGE
FLOODING IN KERALA This involves more than just an explicit mention environmental impact can miss significant social IMPACTS ON TRANSPORT CAN HAVE
of climate change and its impacts. They need implications of climate change for transport MUCH WIDER STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS
After immense flooding as a result of heavy to be explicit about climate change impacts as systems. This can lead to maladaptation
monsoon rains in 2018, the infrastructure of a potentially significant threat over strategic and additional burdens on communities and In 2013/14, flooding in a relatively small stretch
the densely populated Indian state Kerala was timescales and illustrate that it will trigger businesses]. It is also important to ensure that of road and two rail routes in the UK? contributed
severely damaged. With extreme events like this action to respond. This is important because it investment and operational decision makers to nearly EUR 200 million of economic damage,
likely to become more frequent, and sometimes shows that the policy is not only functional (e.g. are held to account for accommodating these some of it being interruption of businesses 250km
even more intense under climate change, the held by the environment department) but is findings in their decisions. The disconnect away. Only a small part of the cost of the damage
redevelopment of the infrastructure was planned accountable at a more corporate level as part of between assessment findings and operational related to upgrading the transport system to be more
to be more resilient. Roads would be elevated, core strategy. decisions is a key barrier to effective adaptation. resilient. As a result of these wider consequences,
drainage systems installed, and steep areas these localised transport vulnerabilities have become
secured (KfW, n.d.). In organisations where this is relevant, delivering Care must be taken not to overprescribe approaches. It is a regional strategic issue.
on an organisation’s adaptation targets could possible to focus too much on kick-starting action with
be included in the performance contracts organisations who have not yet started, at the expense
of employees of transport ministries and of stifling innovation for those who are moving ahead
authorities or private companies. of the game. Legislation and regulation must be able to
There is usually a necessity to recover quickly stimulate action as well as accommodate new ways of
following an event and this often creates Influence of laws and regulations doing things as they evolve.
pressures to employ familiar responses using
familiar skillsets. Emergency planning should Climate change legislation and regulations
explore potential new responses as part of a are becoming increasingly common across the 4.2.8 Cascading risk to increase with climate change is a cycle of planning,
collaborative pre-planning process. It can prove world. These can act as drivers to develop and absorbing the event, recovering from it, learning from
challenging to introduce new responses during report on climate change resilience. These Climate risk is systemic. A system is as resilient as its the experience, and reflecting that learning into future
or immediately following an event. Effective external drivers can prove invaluable in ensuring weakest point. This is true for physical risk and the planning. How well each stage is managed affects the
pre-planning can avoid replicating the same action is kick-started and progress is sustained organisational capabilities for managing the physical risks. pressure experienced at the future stages in the cycle.
climate vulnerable situation. Maintenance into the future. It is not possible for transport An example of how the level of pressure experienced
improvements can often require different organisations to just decide to be high capacity, Cascading physical risk can vary is the amount of unpredicted activity that
resources and expertise. Longer-term cost- they need to learn how to be high capacity needs to be managed. The better the planning, the less
benefit analysis may be needed to justify any through learning from their own delivery Cascading physical risk reflects the interacting and the unpredicted activity that needs to be absorbed or
additional expenditure. experience and the experience of others. Laws interconnected nature of transport systems. This means recovered from or learned from. Yet if there has been good
and regulations create the enabling environment that impact at one part of the physical system can be planning and poorer implementation of the plan, risks
Development of strategy and policies for action to take place at the local level. compounded as a result of the connections throughout the that “should” have been managed are not and pressure
physical system. Effective adaptation planning considers on resources and the need to improvise and re-act in the
Public authorities and senior management have In order to align adaptation practice, regulators, these interconnections and how vulnerability at one point moment increases, which increases pressure and risks
an important role to play in setting objectives to legislators and other sectors that can set the in the system can cascade risk more widely in the system poorer performance. If there is difficulty in absorbing the
improve resilience of the transport system and operating options for transport systems, e.g. (Pescaroli and Alexander, 2015). event, then the greater the recovery job is. It is almost
promote coherence between different delivery the financial sector, can standardize assessment inevitable that there will be some unpredicted pressure
organisations. Existing frameworks (e.g. franchise, and reporting criteria. This makes approaches Cascading risk and organisational capability at each phase. As described above, the longer the useful
contracts, output specifications, regulatory and reporting more directly comparable, life of the decision, the more likely this is. Each phase
powers) should be used where possible, however which in turn can make it easier to share The pressure put on one part of the risk management therefore needs to anticipate some level of unexpected
new regulation, capacity building or awareness good practices across the sector. National process is affected by how well the previous steps have activity and plan for the resources to spot and respond
raising may also be required. legislation, international and regional standards, been implemented. A common way of considering the to it. How well lessons are learned from the unexpected
such as ISO 14090 for Climate Adaptation experience of the sort of extreme events that are expected in one event affects the quality of future planning.

58 59
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

4.3 Implementation

Box 31
Effective implementation will depend upon the quality TRANSPORT PLAN / PROJECT
of the adaptation plan and the adaptive capacity IMPLEMENTATION
of the organisations responsible for delivering.
A perfect plan which is poorly delivered will
Monitoring, adaptati
not deliver effective adaptation. objectiv
Evaluation &
Leadership and commitment are key
CASE STUDY – CASCADING RISK SOUTH WEST qualities that will af fect deliver y.
ENGLAND FLOODING Outcomes from these qualities that will
be important include:
Somerset is a County at the start of the long peninsula in
South West England. Flooding in Somerset, closed rail and Effective operational structure choices
road routes for weeks. Cut off rail links reduced business put in place to turn the plan into
activity 225 km away. The strategy for re-routing road action;
traffic around the flooding dramatically reduced business
to companies in unflooded areas within the diversion zone Where delivery depends on TRAN
1-© Jgolby/Shutterstock
because people assumed it was flooded, causing significant the operations of more than
difficulty and even closures. one organisation, e.g. multiple Choose

transport infrastructure managers options

Lessons learned have led to: a more resilient rail system and operators with different governing
which under the same flood would close for days rather bodies, regulators and geographical
than weeks; key sections of road being raised; traffic reach:
control messaging changed to encourage people to support
businesses in communities that it is safe to enter. - there need to be governance structures which
ensure that shared objectives developed
during the planning phase remain shared,
2-© Coatesy/Shutterstock
- where there is pressure on one or more
participant to change objectives, this is
recognised and the implications managed into procurement processes or infrastructure
FIGURE 14: EXTREME EVENT MANAGEMENT; CASCADING IMPACTS collectively, updates are integrated into regular maintenance
- learning is shared and their collective actions
are coherent and efficiently implemented. The resources needed for the adaptation action
are available;
There is clear accountability for the
effectiveness of the adaptation action; e.g. for The importance of climate change adaptation
PLANNING retrofitting culverts to increase their capacity to has been effectively communicated to
manage long term increased peak flood levels; those whose decisions affect the quality of
ABSORB implementation;
The adaptation policy and objectives are
formalised within the organisation(s) and are Providing effective direction and support to
RECOVER compatible with its strategic direction and the those that contribute to the effectiveness of the
context of the organisation(s); e.g. risk registers, adaptation action; e.g. the company leadership
LEARN job descriptions and performance KPIs are decisions and public statements are consistent
updated; with the adaptation plan, budgets include
delivery of adaptation actions, training and
The adaptation plan is integrated into the mentoring is provided required to work with
organisation’s business processes; for example, new skills to deliver the plan;
adapted requirements for infrastructure design,
such as larger drainage capacity or requirements Promoting continual improvement.
Source: After Pescaroli (2017)
on rolling stock such as maximum operating
temperatures for air conditioning are integrated
60 61
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 32 Box 33


(ADPC, 2007) It is likely that the adaptive capacity of an organisation will not mitigate all climate risks.
The remaining risk is often called “residual risk”.
Due to a variety of natural hazards, such as floods or typhoons, the road system in the Philippines
is vulnerable to road damages. To reduce the negative impacts, a number of different stakeholders, Insurance is a common way to manage that residual risk. If using insurance as part of risk management,
including the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC), the National Disaster Coordinating Council it must be recognised that if the risk gets too high, then insurers will respond by increasing premiums or
(NDCC) and the Department of Public Works and Highways, have started to collaborate to improve even withdrawing cover e.g. an asset that starts to become regularly flooded may no longer be able to get
and adapt the transport system in the country. A multi-actor technical working group took over insurance cover.
the lead. Together, they identified potential risk factors and conducted hazard assessments and
recommended the integration of adaptation measures into future planning. In general, the insurance sector wants to support effective adaptation. It can be useful to engage insurers
during the adaptation planning process e.g. in risk identification and options assessment and prioritisation.
They can then point out what measures would reduce insurance risk and so make insurance more reliably
available as a residual risk backstop.

Targeted information and Involvement of infrastructure

training on measures to reduce investment and climate service
climate risk in infrastructure experts in transport planning
Multi-stakeholder platforms to
Benefits of considering INSTITUTIONAL facilitate dialogue and training
4.4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
climate risk in infrastructure
investment is understood by ARRANGEMENTS (MEL)
Mechanisms in place for
ongoing dialogue between The development of a Monitoring, Evaluation
actors at different levels and Learning (MEL) system begins by being
clear about the objectives of the adaptation
Easily accessible and plan, what needs to be learned from the
understandable climate services monitoring and evaluation of data and who
are shared with national and
needs to learn and possibly change their TRANSPORT PLAN / PROJECT
regional institutions
practice on the basis of the data. IMPLEMENTATION
Successful experience on
adaptation to climate risk is Define
available and widely shared MEL systems for climate adaptation can adaptation
CAPACITY INFORMATION incorporate a variety of metrics. These Evaluation & objective
DEVELOPMENT SHARING commonly include climate parameters, Learning
climate change impacts, vulnerability,
Actors at all levels have the Actors at all levels are implementation of adaptation measures,
capacities needed for vertical generating and sharing or the impact of adaptation measures (also

integration to occur relevant information,

see Table 1 above). These are all important Implement
including climate services
but might not be enough for an urban adaptation Identify
transport system. choices


A “results chain” approach is one that compliments


the need for managing long term adaptation.


Source: NIRAS IP, adapted from Terton (2017)

Choose Identify
adaptation adaptation
62 63
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

“Results chains describe a logical sequence To ensure that relevant lessons are captured, the
from inputs (money, time, knowledge) governance of the adaptation programme needs to
establish a formal structure to capture learning from
Box 34 invested in activities to achieve first
the monitoring and evaluation. That needs to document
outputs with short term or medium- lessons learned and use the findings to test whether the
term effects (outcomes) that contribute current plan is still valid. Where necessary, it must be
to long term effects (impacts). Results possible to change policies, strategies or plans to work
chains involve assumptions of how each with the new understanding. How often or at what
points in the project monitoring takes place needs also
CASE STUDY – KENYA'S NATIONAL category leads to the next, i.e. under what
to be decided. Furthermore, it is important to be able to
ADAPTATION PLAN circumstances a certain output leads to the carry out ad hoc monitoring where a relevant learning
associated outcome.” (Eberhardt et al. 2013:42) opportunity is identified.
National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) are means to
ensure medium- and long-term climate change These are useful disciplines for learning from the A relevant range of indicators should be established,
adaptation on a national level. Established in alignment of activities to the objectives of the plan. which are quantitative where possible and qualitative
2010 during the United Nations Framework This is the first “loop” of learning in effective MEL. where not. It is also helpful to monitor performance over
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), time, benchmark against other relevant organisations
NAPs include stakeholder engagement, policy Since climate adaptation may need to manage significant and initiatives and compare progress against a baseline
coordination and capacity building. For instance, uncertainty over long time periods, it is useful to also (ISO14090:2019).
Kenya’s NAP, published in July 2016, includes allow for a second loop of learning (see Figure 16). This
long-term endeavours to adapt transport and is to consider from time to time whether the objective
infrastructure. Among other interventions, the is still the best for the resilience and adaptability of the
plan aims to improve infrastructure development transport system.
using climate smart design on a county level.
Kenya’s NAP moreover includes Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E) from national to county level
for interventions planned until 2030 to ensure
successful resilience building (GoK, 2016).


Review objectives
leading to more helpful and Keep on track
accurate outcomes to the objective



Guide Lead To

64 65
© Lu Gu/Unsplash
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Box 35 Box 36

LIST OF USEFUL INDICATORS power / level crossings / rolling stock (by FURTHER TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES
fleet type) / bridges / earthworks / drainage - FOR GETTING STARTED
Progress against work plan milestones; essentially analyses of 'what was' and 'now is'
the norm for performance, related to climate / The GIZ Sustainable Urban Transport Project (together with IsDB) offers trainings on adaptation
Availability of relevant information to those weather; of urban transport to climate change. The main goal of these workshops is to raise awareness
that need it; of climate change risks for the transport sector and equip decision makers with knowledge and
Incidence of imported failures from external capacities to integrate climate change into their planning. This includes, increasing the trainee's
Availability of relevant knowledge and expertise suppliers e.g. energy, telecoms providers; knowledge with regards to:
to those that need it;
Thresholds crossed beyond which performance
Budget/ spend on adaptation physical becomes unacceptable and further adaptation
measures; is required; The science base on climate change and why transport and infrastructure planning has to take
into account climate risks for resilient planning;
Budget/ spend on adaptation capacity building Number of standards changed as a result of new
/ training; learning; Learning from adaptation project experiences;

Number of times 'adaptation' is mentioned in Number of modifications made to policies, Methods and approaches of climate proofing transport projects and infrastructure investments
policies, strategies, and plans; strategies and plans as a reaction to the with a focus on identifying and assessing specific climate risks as well as defining and selecting
adaptation plan; adaptation measures to increase resilience;
Number of assets adapted as a result of the
plan; Improvement of performance during extreme Familiarize decision makers from IsDB member countries with the bank’s transport policy
weather under the current climate; framework as well as the climate change implementation framework, it's action plan and
Job descriptions and KPIs amended to enable related tools.
climate adaptation; The thresholds identified beyond which
performance will become unacceptable. Interested parties can get in touch here.
Numbers of staff attaining a relevant degree of Thresholds can be considered in terms of both
competence/ training in adaptation sufficient climate hazard and asset or service type; Further the IsDB organises periodic trainings and capacity development workshops for staff,
for their adaptation role and responsibilities; trainers, and government stakeholders at national and regional level across its member countries. If
Duration of disrupted services under different you would like to learn more about future workshops and training, kindly contact climatechange@
Adaptation pathways plans developed; levels of climate impact; or visit

Number of standards changed to reflect future Time taken to recover normal services under
climate; climate impacts addressed in the plan;

Number of defects occurring as a result of Participation of key identified stakeholders.

climate hazard split by asset type (e.g. for rail:
plain track / points and crossings / signalling/

Source: Tony Telford, Cardno Acil Ltd (Lal & Thurairajal, 2011).

66 67
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

5 Concluding remarks to commit to that expenditure to begin with. Some

issues will remain for cities and organisations, such
Through the adaptation plan the organisation(s)
responsible for its delivery will be able to demonstrate:
as a lack of climate data. Nevertheless, this guide can
help identify possible tools and guidelines for local
Urban transport is the life blood of cities. Disruption contexts, following the adaptation cycle of Assessment,
to urban transport has huge implications to people’s Adaptation Planning, Implementation and Monitoring,
wellbeing and the wider economy. In many developing Evaluation, and Learning. While case studies show Checklist for a High-quality Adaptation Planning Process
cities, the impacts of extreme weather events on urban examples of how risk assessment can be used, every
transport systems can already be severe. Without city will have to identify its own strategy in adapting
A clear adaptation objective is set
adaptation, climate change will make this significantly to long-term climate change implications as well as to
worse as extreme event become more frequent and extreme weather events. Stakeholder involvement, cost-
Adaptation planning needs and organisational capability are assessed
sometimes more intense. Since most cities are close to benefit analyses or PIEVC protocols can help cities find
the coast, the threat of sea level rise also casts a shadow solutions to climate risks. To ensure proper adaptation
over their futures. measures, cascading effects must be considered, i.e. Identify interdependencies with climate impacts on other organisations whose
holistic developments supported in order to minimise decisions affect the delivery of the adaptation objectives
Adaptation of urban transport in developing cities further damages and effects. Especially for cities in the
must be seen in the larger context of the economies Global South, vulnerability and hazards are often high Key stakeholders actively participate in the process, including review by third parties
and wellbeing of the nation. Significant investment is while the adaptive capacity is low due to financial or
underway in developing urban transport. Where those technical issues. Potential climate change adaptation actions are identified that meet the objective
opportunities arise, if climate adaptation is not a central
part of investment planning and design, the long-term Planners are not always familiar with responding to risks
Adaptation actions address gaps in adaptive capacity for implementing the plan - capacity building
nature of the infrastructure means that these decisions that do not yet exist, having usually been trained to trust
needs are identified (at individual and organisational level)
are locking in unnecessary future disruption, and barriers the past as a guide to the future. The past is no longer
to economic growth and future wellbeing. The cost a guide to the future. Planners need to be supported to
Adaptation options are prioritised based on the mandate of the organisation
of undoing investments that did not factor in climate develop new skills to work new ways. The organisations
change can be significant, when future realities hit. At they work for need to adapt to support adaptive action,
Adaptation options include sequences of action to manage changing vulnerability to high case climate
the same time, we do not need to adapt to the highest not sticking with old values and being a barrier to adaptive
change scenarios
case scenarios in one step if we do not want to. The thinking. This means changes for leaders, human resource
uncertainties about the levels of climate emissions in the planners, financiers and the definition of the roles they
Roles and responsibilities to implement the planned measures are clearly defined
future, amongst other things, mean that at the time of are to undertake. Urban planners and transport managers
writing this source book we cannot know the pace and cannot do this alone. They are often dependent on the
Governance structures to implement the plan are created
nature with which climate change will unfold. decisions of others to be able to act in an adaptive way.
Making urban transport resilient to a climate future is
Entry points for the operationalisation of the plan have been identified
This source book module shows how to lay the therefore a systemic issue. It is therefore ever more
foundations for efficient further adaptation steps if important to find solutions, to partner up and to support
Resources are allocated to implement the plan
required. This way we can know how to adapt to the climate adaptation in the transport sector.
highest case climate scenarios and have development
SMART indicators for reporting on progress and achievements are identified
plans in place to respond as required, without needing
A process for monitoring and reporting, evaluation and learning is in place that allows flexibility to
update the implementation plan as required

Contingencies are identified that will enable course correction if any planned actions are not able to
deliver the planned outcomes

The adaptation objective and planned measures are communicated to those responsible for its delivery
and those affected by it

68 69
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

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72 73
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change
Annex A: Decision trees FIGURE 17: DECISION TREE FOR ROAD
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change


Increasing frequency and magnitude of storms Rising sea levels and increased storm surge heights Increasing precipitation or frequency of extreme precipitation events


Strong winds associated with more intense storms Rising relative sea levels and Saltwater intrusion Stronger wave action and increased coastal erosion Increased run-off and erosion Increased flood risk


Increased operating costs reduce Possible Exposure to Erosion of Increased Damage Increased Inability to Drainage Deterioration Damage to electrical Knock-on effects for commu-

the economic viability of some wind damage salinity can unpaved risk of land-/ to bridge weather- access or safely works of pavement equipment and power nities and businesses.

routes and increase maintenance to roadway deteriorate roads mudslides, structures; related use roads (esp. overwhelmed; and road outages for EV recharge Prolonged road closures due

costs which, if not met, can lead infrastructure; / corrode or road which can increased traffic unpaved roads) damage to foundations, systems leading to to flooding has led to business

to degradation of the road and service roadway bases may damage roads scour and accidents; until flooding tunnels and increasing reduced travel range interruption and closures,

knock-on damage vehicles. disruption if surfaces and cause road and make them erosion traffic subsides and underpasses repair and increased traffic difficulty in access to schools

winds leave base layers, failure or temporarily of bridge disruption related cleanup costs and blockages from vehicles and health facilities with knock-

Safety risk to cyclists and high trees or other culverts, or reduce road impassable foundations and and repairs are decreasing running out of charge on effects for mental health

sided vehicles leading to slower debris on roads metal bridge stability congestion completed service life of Risk from Flood and in affected communities,

travel and even closures on components infrastructure Erosion; both run-off especially those that remain at

bridges for some vehicles and coastal wave action risk due to insufficient adaptation


General: Construct Employ Implement erosion Stabilize slopes using Raise bridge decks Consider projected flood risk in siting new roadway Use pavement materials Protect
strategic corrosionresistant control measures physical support to accommodate infrastructure; relocate existing infrastructure away from that are better sealed signaling and
wind breaks materials, where structures (e.g., retaining increase in flood high-risk areas and less susceptible to other electrical
inspection and Pave unpaved roads
feasible walls) and vegetative volumes moisture equipment
maintenance Design roadside where cost-effective Avoid disruption to regional hydrology and wetlands, which
regimes infrastructure Relocate or elevate Reinforce bridge can increase flood risk, in siting new roads Increase base strength Deploy mobile
and bridges to Increase the capacity
critical equipment Cut back steep slopes piers and abutments (thickness and/or power supply
Build back for rapid repairs Raise road surface level to reduce flood damage and ensure
withstand higher to shallower angle and strengthen quality) to increase substations
better if Treat with where paving roads is continued access during flood events
wind speeds foundations (e.g., protection of subgrade to be used in
impacted protective coatings not cost effective Improve slope and
deepen bridge Consider flood risk in design/capacity of drain and layers case of power
Improve weather to slow corrosion subgrade drainage
Increase Use pavement footings) stormwater systems over the useful life of new outages
forecasting Alter selection of
resilience at Construct new or materials that are less Introduce chydraulic infrastructure
capacity Scour risk subgrade materials Increase
asset renew- enhance existing susceptible to erosion binding agents into
and implement assessments Upgrade existing road drainage systems to accommodate to withstand higher redundancy
al stage coastal protections earthwork material
early warn- For wave-induced greater flows; increase culvert capacity moisture contents; Use in electrical
ing systems (levees, seawalls, Forecasting sys-tems
erosion, build new Increase monitoring of hydraulic binding agents systems
dikes); enhance which can Increase pumping capacity to evacuate water from tunnels;
or enhance existing slopes, subgrade material, in road foundation
Implement nature-based be prioritised deploy mobile pumps during intense rains Develop
system breakwaters and sea and related drainage
protections, Conduct more frequent contingency
to proactively walls systems Stabilize stream Ensure positive cross-slopes to help with water evacuation
including coastal maintenance; seal plans for
manage roadside banks (by installing
wetlands and Reroute sections of Avoid high-risk areas in Upgrade unpaved roads (if cost-effective) cracked and distressed electricity
vegetation revetments, gabions,
mangroves coastal road exposed siting new infrastructure areas disruption
and debris riprap or by increasing Increase flood protections near roadways; use green infras-
to wave action
Increase attention Construct green vegetation) to prevent tructure and retention basins to divert run-off/increase Have traffic
to corrosion Design new bridges infrastructure near roads erosion infiltration management plans
prevention in asset to withstand stronger to reduce run-off in place to reduce
Construct retention Regular inspection and maintenance of drainage systems
management wave action damage with minimised
dams upstream to
Improve weather forecasting, develop and implement disruption to affected
Introduce hydraulic reduce flood flows
emergency management plans and early warning systems communities
binding agents into
Conduct more
earthwork material Reduce travel speeds in extreme weather
frequent inspection
and maintenance Design for cost-effective raising of flood defenses in future
74 75
if required.
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change FIGURE 17: DECISION TREE FOR ROAD Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Temperature increase Decreasing precipitation and drought


Warmer winter temperatures Increase in very hot days and heat waves Increased risk of wildfires Reduced soil moisture


Reduced snow and Increased freeze-thaw cycles Premature deterioration Thermal expansion of bridge Health and safety risks to Damage to roadway Reduced pavement
ice removal costs, in some places could create of asphalt through joints and degradation of maintenance / construction infrastructure or integrity and possible
longer construction, frost heaves and potholes softening and bridge structural materials, workers may limit road road closure due cracking due to ground
and improved on road and bridge surfaces, trafficrelated rutting causing potential traffic work and increase the to safety risk and shrinking, subsidence
mobility/ safety in disrupting traffic and increasing may disrupt traffic and disruptions and increased cost of maintenance reduced visibility
some regions maintenance costs increase maintenance cost maintenance cost


General: Use more durable pavement Replace bridge expansion joints; Alter working hours/seasons to Develop and implement Evaluate risk of droughtrelated
materials, including more ensure joints can adequately protect workers from extreme heat fuel reduction strategies; subsidence (projected water
heattolerant asphalt binders and accommodate thermal expansion identify and remove availability, soil type, etc.) in
inspection and Increase shading by planting trees or
rutresistant asphalt vegetation that may pose siting new infrastructure
maintenance Use more durable materials for constructing shade structures a fire hazard in or near
regimes Use pavement materials/ asphalt bridge deck, including reinforced Implement proactive traffic
Increase crew size to allow for more right-of-way
mixtures that can tolerate greater concrete management plans to reduce
Build back frequent recovery breaks
variability in temperature Development of fire risk of cracking
better if Conduct more frequent
Develop contingency plans to breaks near roadways
impacted Use lighter color pavement materials inspections and maintenance Conduct more frequent
to decrease heat absorption protect passenger and worker safety Avoid new developments inspections and maintenance
Increase Use sealing resin for bolts with in extreme heat in high-risk areas
resilience at Increase roadside vegetation and temperature tolerance beyond
trees to increase shade and decrease Limit width of roads to what is
asset renew- high scenario threshold
exposure to heat needed in the longer term to limit
al stage
heat-island effect
Conduct more frequent
maintenance; seal cracked and
distressed areas and mill out ruts

Implement proactive traffic

management plans to reduce risk of

Source Figure 17: IsDB (2019)

76 77
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change FIGURE 18: DECISION TREE FOR RAIL Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Increasing frequency and magnitude of storms Rising sea levels and increased storm surge heights Increasing precipitation or frequency of extreme precipitation events


Strong winds associated with more intense storms Rising relative sea levels and Saltwater intrusion Stronger wave action and increased coastal erosion Increased run-off and erosion Increased flood risk


Potential wind Exposure to salinity, Increased erosion Increased risk of Damage to electrical Flood damage to Flood damage to rail Temporary loss of Damage to bridge
damage to railway salt spray can of track subgrade land-/ mudslides, equipment and underground transit stations and tram service until flooding structures;
infrastructure; service increase corrosion can wash away which can damage power outages systems, including stops, rolling stock, subsides and related increased scour and
disruption if winds of tracks, electrical ballast and reduce tracks and make may cause track subway stops, trains and maintenance cleanup and repairs erosion of bridge
leave trees or other equipment, and track stability, them temporarily circuit failures and and tunnels, may facilities are completed foundations
storm debris on tracks metal bridge increasing impassable other operational disrupt transit service
components maintenance costs disruption, including
and potentially to signaling systems,
requiring speed disrupting service


General: Construct Enhance coastal Stabilize slopes using physical support Elevate and Install and maintain emergency pumping Integrate projected flood risk into site Raise bridge decks to
strategic wind protections (e.g., structures (e.g., various types of retaining protect capacity to evacuate water from underground assessments for new railway infrastructure accommodate increase in
Enhanced breaks sea walls, levees) walls) and vegetative reinforcement signaling and transit systems and tunnels; enhance pumping flood volumes
inspection and Relocate existing infrastructure away from
other electrical capacity; deploy mobile pumps during intense
maintenance Design Employ Cut back steep slopes to a safer, shallower high-risk areas Reinforce bridge piers and
equipment rains
regimes rail-side corrosion- angle abutments and strengthen
Elevate railway infrastructure, including
infrastructure resistant Deploy mobile Couple increased pumping capacity with foundations (e.g., deepen
Build back Improve slope and subgrade drainage tracks, rail stations, and electrical equipment
and overhead materials, where power supply passive rainwater evacuation and management bridge footings)
better if lines to feasible substations to be systems
Introduce hydraulic binding agents into Incorporate flood risk into design of
impacted withstand used in case of Stabilize stream banks
earthwork material stormwater management and drainage
Relocate or Increase flood protections around and/or (by installing revetments,
Increase higher wind power outages systems; retrofit existing systems to deal with
elevate critical Increase monitoring of slopes, subgrade elevate transit stop entrances gabions, riprap or by
resilience at speeds increased run-off
equipment material, and related drainage systems Increase increasing vegetation) to
asset renew- Use mobile barriers to prevent water from
Improve redundancy in Conduct frequent maintenance of drainage prevent erosion
al stage Treat with Avoid areas with high risk of slides in siting entering tunnels and underground transit
weather electrical systems infrastructure
protective new railway infrastructure systems Construct retention dams
coatings to Increase Enhance flood protections near railway upstream to reduce flood
capacity and Introduce hydraulic binding agents into Raise sidewalk level ventilation grates so that
slow corrosion resilience of infrastructure flow
implement earthwork material water doesn’t enter underground systems from
overhead lines
early warning flooded sidewalks Increase water retention capacity; use green Conduct more frequent
Implement erosion control measures by design and
systems infrastructure to divert run-off/increase inspection and maintenance
retrofit Develop emergency management plans,
Construct green infrastructure near rail infiltration Scour risk assessments
Implement including passenger evacuation plans for
tracks to reduce run-off Develop
system to underground systems Install flood-proofing measures (e.g., Forecasting systems which
proactively For wave-induced erosion, build new or barriers, gates, shutters) can be prioritised
plans for Upgrade transit tunnel lining to prevent
manage track- enhance existing breakwaters and sea walls electricity groundwater infiltration Improve weather forecasting capacity and
side vegetation
Develop and implement improved methods disruption implement early warning systems
and debris
of detecting subgrade erosion
Provide temporary alternative transit option

78 79
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change FIGURE 18: DECISION TREE FOR RAIL Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Temperature increase Decreasing precipitation and drought


Warmer winter temperatures Increase in very hot days and heat waves Increased risk of wildfires Reduced soil moisture


Reduced snow and Increased freeze- Potential for Overhead lines Health and safety Increased energy Thermal expansion Damage to railway Soil shrinkage may
ice removal costs, thaw cycles or electrical signaling may expand and risks to passengers, usage and cost of bridge joints, infrastructure or cause earthworks
longer construction, thermal expansion and communications sag, requiring lines transit operators, for cooling and/ increasing safety service disruptions failure and uneven
and improved of rail track may systems to overheat to be shut down and maintenance or refrigeration; AC risks, travel due to safety risk or rail settlement
mobility / safety in cause buckling, and malfunction and potentially personnel units on trains may disruption, and reduced visibility
some regions and increase safety disrupting service fail in extreme heat maintenance costs
risks, travel delays,
and maintenance


General: Replace track Increase ventilation and Design trains and transit Improve energy Replace bridge Develop and Consider projected Rapid response
elements and rail with cooling substations, stops to improve thermal efficiency to reduce expansion joints implement fuel- water stress electrical / signalling
more heat-resistant signal rooms, and comfort (use heat-resistant air conditioning costs reduction strategies; in siting new arrangements
inspection and Use more durable
materials electrical boxes materials, tinted windows, identify and remove infrastructure;
maintenance Explore less energy- materials for Alternative earthing
windows that open, white vegetation that relocate existing
regimes Install (additional) Replace existing intensive refrigeration bridge deck, arrangments by
painted roofs, etc.) may pose a fire infrastructure away
expansion joints in electrical equipment systems for freight including design and retrofit
Build back hazard in or near rail from highrisk areas
frequently buckled with equipment that Maximize natural ventilation reinforced in risk-prone areas.
better if Upgrade air right-of-way
sections of rail can withstand higher and improve cooling systems concrete Conduct more
impacted conditioning on
temperatures in trains and transit stops Develop fire frequent
Impose speed railcars and trams to Conduct more
Increase breaks near rail inspections and
restrictions to ensure Conduct regular Alter working hours to ensure operability at frequent
resilience at infrastructure maintenance
safety monitoring and protect workers from high temperatures; inspections and
asset renew-
maintenance of extreme heat conduct frequent maintenance Avoid new Use alternative rail
al stage Consider restricting
electrical equipment maintenance developments in bed material
train loads in extreme Increase shading by planting
high-risk areas
high temperatures to Install overhead lines trees or constructing shade Paint trains and trams Use sealing resin Rapid response
avoid buckling with structures in lighter colours for bolts with track remediation
higher design temperature arrangements
Monitor rail track Increase crew size to allow
temperature range tolerance beyond
condition and for more frequent recovery Rapid response
high scenario
conduct frequent Install technology to breaks electrical / signalling
maintenance automatically adjust arrangements
Make greater use of climate-
line tension with The replacement
Paint track white to controlled facilities for Alternative earthing
temperature variation of joints and
absorb less heat loading and unloading rail arrangments by
durable materials
Provide temporary cars design and retrofit
Increase shading to sound more
alternative transit option in risk-prone areas.
reduce heat exposure Develop contingency plans related to roads.
to protect passenger and
Develop and
worker safety in extreme
implement improved
methods to detect Source Figure 18: IsDB (2019)

80 81
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change FIGURE 19: DECISION TREE FOR Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Increasing frequency and magnitude of storms Rising sea levels and increased storm surge heights Increasing precipitation or frequency of extreme precipitation events


Strong winds associated with more intense storms Rising relative sea levels and Saltwater intrusion Stronger wave action and increased coastal erosion Increased run-off and erosion Increased flood risk


Potential Difficulty Operational Potential Deeper water Increased More rapid Disruption to Potential damage Potential
damage berthing ships and seawater ingress in navigation underscouring of siltation goods handling to and inability damage to port
unreinforced and inability to navigational of drainage pipe channels may pier foundations, decreases and damage to to access rail buildings 83/
warehouses and operate cranes in challenges as outlet, impeding allow larger breakwaters, and channel stored goods may and truck yard equipment or to
cranes; toppled high winds may sea-levelrise drainage and draft vessels sea walls and depth and cause shipping infrastructure may stored goods,
shipping cause congestion changes increasing flood to berth or deterioration increases delays, reputational disrupt freight increasing
containers and shipping relative height risk reduce dredging of port dredging damage, or contract supply chain maintenance
delays of ships requirements infrastructure requirements liability costs


General: Reinforce port buildings and Consider projected sea- Install valves Raise and reinforce port Increase dredging of silt/ Incorporate projected flood risk into site assessment
warehouses to withstand level rise in designing to drainage infrastructure (bridges, sediment for new port facilities and into design of stormwater
higher winds new infrastructure outlets to reduce decking, revetments, etc.) management systems
inspection and Reduce sediment run-off
or upgrading existing seawater ingress to withstand stronger wave
maintenance Construct wind breaks into watercourse using Increase drainage and pumping capacity
infrastructure, including action
regimes Raise height of sediment traps, buffer
Reduce stacking height of assessing impacts of Construct new or enhance existing coastal protections (e.g.,
drainage outlets Build new or enhance strips, etc.
Build back containers sealevel rise on goods levees, seawalls, dikes)
existing breakwaters and
better if handling, navigation, and
Select materials handling sea walls Elevate or relocate critical assets and equipment
impacted berthing
equipment that can (e.g., backup generators, pump houses, access roads, etc.)
Create offshore berms or
Increase withstand storms Elevate docks and wharves
barrier islands; protect and Raise and fortify bridges, decking, jetties, revetments,
resilience at and retrofit other facilities
Increase storage capacity of enhance marsh, mangrove, dams, spillways, superstructure, etc.
asset renew- to provide adequate
existing facilities to account or other intertidal habitats
al stage clearance Install flood-proofing measures (barriers, gates,
for weather-related delays
Implement erosion control shutters, etc.) to port buildings and warehouses
Increase the frequency of
Improve weather forecasting measures (e.g., groynes,
bridge openings and/or Elevate storage areas or reorganize storage so that
capacity and implement early beach nourishment)
raise the clearance of new perishable cargo is stored in less vulnerable areas
warning systems
Enhance nature-based protections like coastal wetlands
Select berthing and goods
handling equipment Use green infrastructure to increase water retention and
that can accommodate divert run-off
projected rise in sea levels Improve weather forecasting capacity and implement
early warning systems

82 83
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change FIGURE 19: DECISION TREE FOR Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

Temperature increase Decreasing precipitation and drought


Increased surface evaporation decreases Reduced snowpack and spring run-off Reduced water availability
Warmer winter temperatures Increase in very hot days and heat waves decrease lake levels and river flows
lake levels and river flows


Improved operating Paved surfaces may Increased stress on Increased energy costs Health and safety risks For ports on lakes and Less water available for
conditions in some deteriorate more temperature-sensitive for air conditioning and to port operators and rivers: decreasing water port operations
regions; opportunities quickly, causing structures and refrigeration maintenance personnel levels may impact
for new ports where potential operational equipment, including navigability and increase
navigation is currently disruptions and metal warehouses and dredging requirements
restricted by ice increased maintenance cranes


General: Use more durable Improve energy Alter working hours / seasons to Consider projected water availability Improve water-use efficiency
pavement materials, efficiency of cooling protect workers from extreme in siting new port facilities; relocate
Enhanced Develop alternative water supplies
including more heat- systems and explore heat existing port facilities
inspection and (e.g., harvesting stormwater) and
tolerant asphalt binders less energy-intensive
maintenance Increase shading by planting Impose cargo restrictions improve water treatment and
and rut-resistant asphalt alternatives for
regimes trees or constructing shade recycling
refrigerated storage Redesign vessels to accommodate
Use lighter color structures
Build back lower water levels
pavement materials to
better if Increase crew size to allow for
reduce heat absorption Increase dredging
impacted more frequent recovery breaks
Design new metal
Increase Make greater use of
structures and
resilience at climatecontrolled facilities
equipment to withstand
asset renew-
higher temperatures
al stage
Increase shading to
reduce heat exposure

Conduct more frequent


Source Figure 19: IsDB (2019)

84 85
Module 5f: Adapting Urban Transport to Climate Change

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