(30 Jan C) Rancangan Pengajaran Slot

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Class : Prasekolah Gemilang

Date : 30/01/2024

Time : 9.35 a.m – 10.05 a.m

Number of pupils : 25 pupils

Module/ Project / : Bahasa Inggeris

Learning Activities

Theme : Insects

Topic : Praying Mantis vs Grasshopper

Main Strands : Tunjang Komunikasi

Content Standard : BI 2.2 Apply sounds of letters to recognise words

Learning Standard : BI 2.2.7 Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single syllable


Integrated Strands : Tunjang Sains dan Teknologi

Content Standard : SA 3.2 Memperoleh pengetahuan asas tentang bahagian

badan dan deria manusia.

Learning Standard : SA 3.2.1 Mengenal pasti anggota badan

Cross-curriculur Elements : Information and technology and language

Learning Objectives : At the end of teaching and learning students can:

1. Say all parts of insect’s body clearly.

2. Label at least three parts of insect’s body correctly in the
reinforcement activity.

Existing Knowledge : pupils have seen praying mantis and grasshopper before this.

Teaching Aids : laptop, LCD, speaker, colour pencil, praying mantis and

grasshopper replica

21st Century Skill : good at communicating, thinker and information

Multiple Intelligence (MI) : interpersonal and naturalist

Thinking Skills : gain idea, connect idea and make a conclusion

Vocabulary : praying mantis, chameleon, leaf, grasshopper, grass and




Set Insect’s Life 1. Teacher shows a video Teaching Aids:

Induction about praying mantis - Laptop
and grasshopper to - LCD
(5 Minutes) pupils. - Speaker
2. QnA session between
teacher and pupils. 21st Century Skill
- good at com-
QnA session:
- What type of insects
that you saw just
- Languag
- What did praying
mantis eat?
Multiple Intelligence
- What is grasshopper
- Interpers

Thinking Skills:
- Gain idea

Moral Value
- Focus
Step 1 Praying mantis vs 1. Teacher shows Teaching Aids:
Grasshopper praying mantis and - Grasshopper
(10 grasshopper part of and praying
minutes) body. mantis
2. Teacher tells the replica
difference between - Laptop
grasshopper and - LCD
praying mantis. - speaker
3. Pupils look at
praying mantis and CCE:
grasshopper. - information

21st Century Skill

- thinker

Multiple Intelligence
- Naturalist

Thinking Skills:
- Connect idea

Moral Value:
- Discipline

Step 2 Activity reinforcement 1. Teacher give activity to Teaching Aids:

the pupils. - A4 paper
(15 2. Pupils can colour the - Colour pencil
minutes) insects using color
pencil. 21st Century Skill
- Information

Multiple Intelligence
- naturalist

Thinking Skills:
- Connect idea

Moral Value
- Responsible

Closure Reflection 1. Teacher asks the 21st Century Skill

students to recap the learning. - Good at com-
(5 minutes) 2. Teacher gives praise to municating
the pupils.
Multiple Intelligence
- Interpersonal

Thinking Skills:
- Make a

Moral Value:
- appreciate

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