Structuring An Academic Journal Paper
Structuring An Academic Journal Paper
Structuring An Academic Journal Paper
Although every piece of academic writing is unique, they all aim to persuade the reader of one main idea or of the
integrity of a central finding. This central claim is often referred to as the argument. This resource will focus on
the most common structure of research arguments in the social sciences and business, and on the steps in the
story line, or the means by which a thread that carries the argument from the beginning to the end of a journal
article is developed.
The amount of writing used to accomplish each step will differ widely between journal papers. Because of the
short length of journal articles the first three or four elements are often, but not always, provided in the
introduction, leaving the bulk of the paper free to describe and discuss the results or to present evidence to
support the argument.
1. The 'problem'
Like other academic writing, journal papers open with an unresolved problem or paradox, or an explanation of
something important that we need to know. This is done in order to get the reader's attention, establish the
significance of the research, and signal the literature/s that the research will contribute to. In some papers, this is
accomplished in a few sentences or paragraphs. In others it may take several pages.
a quotation (appropriate to the main focus of the paper and explained in text);
a concession (recognise an opinion/approach different to your own);
a paradox;
a short anecdote or narrative;
an interesting fact or statistic;
a question or several questions (that you will proceed to answer);
relevant background material;
an analogy;
an important definition (examine its complexities).
Whichever approach is adopted, the problem should be explained in a way that relates to the concerns of the
people writing in the field, and or to issues of broader importance. Examples are provided in the journal paper
summaries provided below.
talk about the literature review in this resource we are referring specifically to that part of the journal article whose
task is to outline the 'gap' in the literature that defines the significance of the research.
introduces and explains findings and theories that support the research;
draws together the main conclusions of literature relevant to the topic;
highlights unresolved issues or questions within the literature;
establishes the originality or 'significance' of the research.
In some journal articles, particularly in the humanities, there is not statement of aims or objective. Instead the
paper directly states the argument in the introduction, usually following the statement about the gap in the
literature. The sentence opener 'I argue ...' or 'it will be argued' is often used to signal that the statement that
follows is the main point of the paper. For this reason, using the phrase 'I argue ...' to introduce ideas that are not
central to the article should be avoided because they can mislead the reader as to the main point of the paper.
The first step in summarising the research design, whether in the introduction or within a research design section,
is to say why you did what you did. This is accomplished by reminding the reader of the objective of the research
and then following with a description of the methods. This description should include the method (survey,
experiment, textual analysis), where the research was conducted (geographical or institutional context), with
whom (sample population), how many research participants were involved (number), and any other information
the reader needs to understand the core elements of the research design.
Once you have described the method, the next task is to explain what you expect your data will show or reveal.
What kind of knowledge do you expect your research design to produce? This is often referred to as the research
methodology or the 'theoretical framework' of the thesis. The methodology explains the assumptions that
underpin the study design. These assumptions can range from highly philosophical or theoretical to more
practical elements of the design. You are effectively telling your reader how you wish them to read your findings.
Within what methodological or theoretical frame or set of limits do you wish your findings to be read?
(my method) critiques ... and describes how ...
(my data) was analysed to test the hypothesis that ...
(my data) was analysed to determine whether a relationship exists between ...
When the method, methodology or model is simple, well known or uncontroversial do not add extensive
detail. Consider covering the method within the introduction of the paper, and adding any further detail to the
section on the results and discussion.
When the method, methodology or model is less straightforward, requires more detail to explain, or is more
open to question, consider dedicating a separate section to a discussion of method and methodology.
When the method, methodology or model is unique, highly detailed, or your study design is likely to raise
significant questions in the reader's mind that could affect how they view your findings and the integrity of
your evidence, provide enough descriptive information and explanation to justify and clarify your research
design and its underpinning rationale. Always provide references and be as concise as possible.
If you do choose to incorporate a separate methods section, do not include results, unless they were obtained to
shape some aspect of the method, and are more relevant to the methods section than to the results section.
Point of view
When writing up the research design, use the point of view of the study, 'the study design comprises ... ', 'the
sample population was drawn from …') or, less commonly, the researcher, 'When sensitive issues arose, I ... '.
Use past tense verb to report methods because these were conducted in the past (for example: 'interviews were
conducted', 'surveys were distributed').
Use present tense verb to describe how data are presented in the chapter because this information is still true
('The results show that …').
5. Results/evidence
The next step in the story line is the provision of the results or discussion of the evidence to answer the question
or support the argument stated in the introduction. Here you are telling the reader what you found. Evidence
might be organised around elements of the method, central themes, theories, ideas, case studies, historical
periods, policies, fields of literature, context, geographical area or other grouping. The important thing is that the
discussion is clearly tied to the question or argument of the thesis.
Once you have determined how you will divide up the evidence, some general principles apply to the results
writing process.
Write the result or main point first and then follow with the data
One way to ensure you are summarising, synthesising and interpreting data, rather than simply reporting it, is to
provide the result first followed with a description of the data that supports it. This will avoid a results section that
reads like a long list of figures and tables, quotes from research subjects or descriptions of statistical outcomes
with little story line to explain the data or draw out its significance for the central research question.
are necessary only when they provide information that expands upon, or cannot be explained in the text;
should contain sufficient information to enable them to stand alone;
are always discussed in the text;
use titles to describe core content, (name of variables, type of analysis);
are clearly and consistently labelled and numbered;
list one column of data per heading;
are uncluttered.
6. Discussion and conclusion
The final step in the story line is to provide the answer to the question, or to summarise the argument and the
main evidence used to support it. This is followed by a discussion of the significance of the research and the
implications that arise from the research.
The goal of the conclusion is to highlight the importance of the argument, to draw together the discussion into a
final point, and to leave a lasting impression on the reader. In the same way that the paper opens with a
statement of a problem that is of broad concern, it should close with commentary that highlights the take home
message. The aim in the conclusion is to make this message as clear and accessible as possible.
Some papers have separate discussion and conclusion sections. The difference between the discussion and
conclusion is one of inference. The discussion section discusses actual results. Conclusions are more
speculative in tone, exploring the possible implications of the results. In many qualitative papers, results or
findings are difficult to disentangle from the discussion and are combined within the main body of the article.
The significance of the research and the proposals flowing from the research might be discussed in relation to
one or more of the following:
A note on 'recommendations'
Conclusions offer solutions to issues and suggest courses of action flowing from the research. However, the aim
of research is primarily to produce knowledge, not law, policy or a set of recommendations. We cannot ultimately
control how our ideas are interpreted or implemented in the world. By maintaining a scholarly tone and exploring
the possible implications of your ideas in broad terms, you can avoid dating your research unnecessarily, or
limiting the reader's imagination to a specific set of outcomes.
Use the beginning and ending of the introduction, middle sections, and conclusion to provide critical
Foreground the conceptual steps in the story line.
Foreground the central point of the paper.
Keep the focus on the research story at all times. Do not write about standardised procedures or tangential
Never describe literature, methods or theory in a general way, always relate these discussions to your
Do not report twists and turns in the research process, or what you have learned in the research process.
The research paper addresses a question, or persuades the reader of a main idea.
In order to exemplify the structure of a well written academic paper, summaries of the main steps in the story line
of a selection of three well written journal papers have been reproduced below. In the original papers, each step
is located either in the introduction of the paper, or in the first or last paragraph of the results and discussion
sections of the paper.
A useful exercise to ensure that the steps in your argument link together as tightly as they do in these example
papers, is to produce a similar summary of the main steps in the story line of your own paper. By pulling out the
main information in a skeleton version of your paper, you and your supervisor will find it easier to see if the main
links in the story line hold together logically. Once you have written the key information in each step within the
skeleton version of the paper, you can then go through the longer version of the paper and make sure this
information is provided in the introduction of the paper, in the first paragraph of the results section, and in the last
paragraph in the conclusion section.
Marketing example
Larson, JS., Bradlow, ET. and Fader, PS. (2005), 'An exploratory look at supermarket shopping paths',
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22:395-414.
most tend to consider the dominant travel pattern. ... Whereas previous folklore perpetuated the myth that the
perimeter of the store was visited incidental to successive aisle traverses, we now know that it often serves as
the main thoroughfare, effectively a 'home base' from which shoppers take quick trips into the aisles. ... This
simple observation has important implications for the placement of key products, the use of end-cap displays, etc.
Products placed at the center of aisles will receive much less 'face time' than those placed toward the ends. Of
related interest is a practitioner study that found that placing familiar brands at the end of the aisles served as a
'welcome mat' to those aisles, effectively increasing traffic (Sorensen, 2005). ... A study of the linkage between
travel and purchase behaviour seems a logical next step. Linking specific travel patterns to individual purchase
decisions may lead to an improved understanding of consumer motivations for purchasing certain items, and can
shed light on the complementarity and substitutability of goods in ways that more traditional 'market basket'
analysis cannot capture.
Education example
Paton, M 'Is critical analysis foreign to Chinese students?' In Communication skills in university education,
Emmanuel Manalo and Glenis Wong-Toi (eds), pp. 1-10.
Lifespan developmental psychology suggests that it is not only Chinese students but all undergraduate students
in their early years of academic study who need to be inculcated into critical thinking and the discourse that this
involves in English (developed in the second part of the main body).
If students understand that critical analysis is the basis of academic argument, they then understand through this
exercise the macro-structural form that their writing should take if it is not to fall into a mere summary of others'
ideas. Exercises that prove useful in examining the structure and nature of academic argument include ... (final
part of the main body)
outside (and sometimes inside) the academy. This lack of critical thinking reinforces any reticence on the
student's part to be critical, whether it be because of second language difficulties or stage of cognitive
development. Thus, if we as academics are to keep the academy as an institution for adding to the knowledge of
society through critical thinking, we should not only model the discourse of critical thinking but also inform
students as to the reasons for such a discourse.