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Research Methodology

“Methodology” implies more than simply the methods you intend to use to collect data. It is often
necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and theories which underlie the methods. For
instance, if you intend to highlight a specific feature of a sociological theory or test an algorithm for
some aspect of information retrieval, or test the validity of a particular system, you have to show that
you understand the underlying concepts of the methodology.
When you describe your methods it is necessary to state how you have addressed the research
questions and/or hypotheses. The methods should be described in enough detail for the study to be
replicated, or at least repeated in a similar way in another situation. Every stage should be explained
and justified with clear reasons for the choice of your particular methods and materials.
There are many different ways to approach the research that fulfils the requirements of a dissertation.
These may vary both within and between disciplines. It is important to consider the expectations and
possibilities concerning research in your own field. You can do this by talking to your tutors and
looking at dissertations written by former students on your course.



The way you approach your question will have a profound effect upon the way you construct your
dissertation, so this section discusses the types of research you might undertake for your dissertation.
The use of literature and case studies is considered and the merits of primary research are debated
and advice is given on the use of existing research data. You may not be fond of statistics, but the
potential relevance of a quantitative approach should be considered and similarly, the idea of
qualitative analysis and conducting your own research may yield valuable data. The possibilities of
using quantitative and qualitative data are also discussed.

What approach should I take - qualitative or quantitative?

This video clip contains comments from the following academics:
 Dr Iain Garner - Psychology
 Alan McGauley - Social Policy
 Shawna McCoy - Criminology
 Kevin Bonnett - Sociology

What approach should I take - qualitative or quantitative?

Your approach, research design, and research question are all connected. 'Approach' means
something more than the type of data you use – it refers to your overall orientation to research and
the type of claims you will make for your study. Dissertations can be based on either quantitative or
qualitative data, or on a combination of both. How you choose this may depend on your preferences
and abilities, and the suitability of particular approaches to your topic. You need to be able to justify
why you have chosen to use such data. Quantitative data is particularly useful when you wish to
discover how common particular forms of behaviour such as illegal drug use are for a particular age
group. Qualitative data is particularly useful when you wish to find out why people engage in such

Think about the Research Methods modules you have taken so far. Think about the different kinds of
studies you have read for other modules. There is plenty of scope to use the approaches and methods
that you are most comfortable with. You need to justify your approach and methods and to cite
appropriate literature to help you do this.

What if I want to find out about social trends, or the measurable effects of particular policies?

You will probably want to use large datasets and undertake quantitative data analysis, and you will be
adopting a realist approach to the topic studied. Quantitative dissertations are likely to be nearer to
the lower end of the range of approved lengths for the dissertation (e.g. if the length is to be 5,000-
8,000 words, dissertations based on quantitative analysis are likely to be closer to 5,000 words in
length). They will also include tables and figures giving your important findings. Remember that all
tables must be carefully titled and labelled and that sources of your data must be acknowledged.

What if I want to record people's views on an issue, and give them a 'voice'?

You will probably want to use in-depth qualitative data, and you may wish to adopt a realist, a
phenomenologist, or a constructionist approach to the topic. Qualitative dissertations will include
descriptive material, usually extracts from interviews, conversations, documents or field notes, and
are therefore likely to be nearer to the upper limit of your word range (e.g. 8,000 words). The types
of method suitable for a dissertation could include content analysis, a small scale ethnographic study,
small scale in-depth qualitative interviewing.

Whether you choose qualitative or quantitative analysis will depend on several things:

 Your preferred philosophical approach (realist, phenomenologist or constructionist).

 Your skills and abilities with methods of data collection (if needed) and analysis.
 The topic or issue you are interested in.
 How you frame your research question.

Can I combine qualitative and quantitative methods?

There are many ways in which qualitative and quantitative data and analysis can be combined. Here
are two examples.
 You may be interested in doing an analysis that is primarily quantitative, looking at social
trends, or policy implications. However you also want to introduce a 'human touch' by
conducting one or several interviews asking what these trends mean to people or how
particular individuals experience events. After doing your quantitative analysis, you should
include a chapter or section on the qualitative data you have collected. In your discussion of
findings you can use the qualitative data to help you understand the patterns in the
quantitative analysis.
 You may be interested in doing an evaluative case study of a process or policy. You will have
a particular focus – a 'case' that you are looking at. You will triangulate methods – i.e. collect
data in several different ways, and some of these data may be quantitative. You will analyse
each type of data and describe this, and then write a discussion that shows how each piece of
analysis contributes to the overall picture of what is going on.

Your supervisor or research methods tutor may be able to give you detailed examples of these or
other ways to combine methods. Can my dissertation be entirely literature-based?
Yes. If you decide to do a primarily theoretical dissertation, it is almost certain that your dissertation
will be entirely literature-based. This is likely to be the methodology of theoretical analysis: selection
and discussion of theoretical material and descriptive material, in context, and detailed comparison of
theories in terms of their applicability. You might ask how useful certain concepts or theories are for
understanding particular patterns of behaviour. How useful is the concept of institutional racism? Is
objectivity in the media possible? How useful is subcultural theory for understanding virtual
communities? Here, the focus of attention is not so much to discover something about the social
world, for example virtual communities, as to reach a judgement about the value of key concepts or
theories in understanding that world. How the study is approached and how contrasting approaches
are drawn upon needs to be stated very clearly.
A library-based or theoretical study is not necessarily 'easier' than an empirical study, indeed, it may
well be harder. Remember that theoretical studies, like data-based studies, need to have their research
design spelled out from the start.
But even if your dissertation is more empirically focused, it could still be entirely literature-based.
You might choose to conduct a review of a field of work. What does the research literature in this
field tell us about x? While all dissertations will include a literature review, it is possible to produce a
dissertation that is entirely based on a review of the literature. If you do this, it is important to review
the literature from an explicit angle and identify some themes to make the review distinctive. You
might, for example, explore empirical debates in your chosen field across different countries or time

What is case study research?

Whilst it is possible for dissertations to be entirely literature-based, the most common form of
dissertation takes the form of a case study. Here the focus of attention is on a particular community,
organisation or set of documents. The attraction of this kind of dissertation is that it stems from
empirical curiosity but is at the same time practical. You may be interested in a wider question but a
case study enables you to focus on a specific example. A major challenge in case study dissertations
is connecting your own primary research or re-analysis with the broader theoretical themes and
empirical concerns of the existing literature.

What's an empirical study?

Most dissertations demand either primary or secondary research. In other words, you usually have to
analyse data that you have either collected yourself or data that is already available. The reason for
this is that the questions dissertations usually address take the following form: Is x happening? Is x
changing? Why is x happening? Why is x changing? These questions demand primary or secondary
analysis of data.

Case Study 9 Think hard before you decide to undertake empirical research: a student's view
What is secondary analysis?

Secondary analysis is when you analyse data which was collected by another researcher. It allows the
researcher to explore areas of interest without having to go through the process of collecting data
themselves in the field. The problem with using fieldwork methods in an undergraduate dissertation,
however, is that they are costly in terms of time (which is relatively scarce in your final year!) and

possibly your own financial resources too. You may choose, therefore, to undertake secondary
research, analysing existing data.
Where do I find existing research data?

There are a range of documents that already contain research data that you can analyse. You may, for
example, be interested in exploring whether gender stereotypes in the media are changing. This might
entail content analysis of newspapers, magazines, video or other media over different time periods.
Here you would not be collecting your own data but instead would be analysing existing documents.

Download Case Study 6 Media research

If you are interested, for example, in doing historical research, you may need to visit archives.
Government reports and autobiographies may also be used as data.
Other documents include official statistics, datasets (statistical data), and banks of interview
transcripts which are all freely available to the academic community. Increasingly, documents,
databases and archives are readily accessible online. Research Methods tutors on your course will be
able to advise on the availability and accessibility of such data sets.
There are some advantages of doing secondary analysis, particularly if you are doing a quantitative
study. You will be able to work with much larger datasets than you could have collected yourself.
This has the following advantages:
 They allow you to discuss trends and social changes.
 The data are often collected through a random sample, which allows you to generalise to the
population under consideration.
 They may also allow you to make comparisons over time, as some datasets are products of
longitudinal studies. Examples of large datasets include the British Crime Survey, and the
Youth Cohort Study. Smaller, more targeted datasets may also be available.
 Secondary analysis has disadvantages also: the data were collected for a purpose different
from yours.
 You have to find out something about that purpose, as well as the methods of collection, in
order to justify your use of a secondary dataset.

Collecting you own data - primary research

Quantitative data may also result from non-participant observations or other measurements (e.g. in an
experimental design). Also, sometimes data that are collected through qualitative processes
(participant observation, interviews) are coded and quantified. Your research methods tutor can give
you further information on these types of data, but here are some common quantitative data
collection methods and their definitions:
A series of questions that the respondent answers on their own. Self-completion
questionnaires are good for collecting data on relatively simple topics, and for
gaining a general overview of an issue. Questionnaires need to have clear
questions, an easy to follow design, and not be too long.
Similar to a self-completion questionnaire, except that the questions that are asked
Structured by an interviewer to the interviewee. The same questions are read out in the same
interviews way to all respondents. There will typically be a fixed choice of answers for the
Structured Watching people and recording systematically their behaviour. Prior to the
observation observation, an observation schedule will be produced which details what exactly

the researcher should look for and how those observations should be recorded.
If you are conducting a qualitative analysis you are likely to wish to use at least some original
material. This may be collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation recordings and
fieldnotes, non-participant observation, or some combination of these. Below are some data
collections methods that you might want to use for your dissertation:
A way of asking questions which allows the interviewee to have more control of the
interview. The interview could be semi-structured, which uses an interview schedule to
keep some control of the interview, but also allows for some flexibility in terms of the
In-depth interviewee’s responses. The interview could be unstructured, here the aim is to
interviews explore the interviewee’s feelings about the issue being explored and the style of
questioning is very informal. Or the interview could be a life history where the
interviewer tries to find out about the whole life, or a portion of the person’s life.
A form of interviewing where there are several participants; there is an emphasis in the
questioning on a tightly defined topic; the accent is on interaction within the group and
Focus groups
the joint construction of meaning. The moderator tries to provide a relatively free rein
to the discussion.
This involves studying people in naturally occurring settings. The researcher
participates directly in the setting and collects data in a systematic manner. The
researcher will observe behaviour, listen to conversations, and ask questions.
Spend some time looking at general books about research - they will give you an overview of the
data collection methods available and help you to make the best choice for your project. Bryman
(2004) would be a useful starting point.
For any piece of research you conduct, be it empirically based (quantitative or qualitative) or library
based, its methods must be justified. You need to show in the final dissertation how you have given
consideration to different methods, and why you have chosen and eliminated these.

STUDENT VOICE: Findings from our research

In our study, supervisors saw part of their role as someone who draws out students’ reasons for
choosing a particular research approach. Often in early supervision meetings they ask students to
justify their reasons for choosing a library-based or an empirical study. (Todd, Smith and Bannister
2006, p167).
Your supervisor will want you to offer convincing reasons as to why you’ve chosen the approach you
have - so be ready!
If you’re having difficulty making that choice, don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor for their advice.
This was particularly useful for one of our respondents:


It's been a valuable experience for me it's so different from other stuff. With other essays you can
rush them if you have to ... but this is so much work, you can't rush it. It demands more. (Todd,
Bannister and Clegg, 2004, p340)

….My reasons for data collection is literature based as my research question involved sensitive
subjects which would have been unsuitable for primary data collection. (Level 6 students at Sheffield
Hallam University)
I chose primary data because it would enable me to build skills that would be useful for postgraduate
study. (Level 6 students at Sheffield Hallam University)

It will involve primary data, secondary data, quantitative and qualitative research methods, lit
reviews, theory and policy studies and an exploration of alternatives. My dissertation is to be based
around the experience of 'poverty', as poverty is the experience. Theories and policies are not.
However, to do justice to the subject, theories and policies will be included so Iam able to
demonstrate where failures in the system may exist. (Level 6 students at Sheffield Hallam
Note: Research must be conducted in a sensible and ethical manner; data must be analysed and
presented in a rational manner. It is important that students do not expose themselves or others to
dangers or risks when conducting research. Students need the approval of their dissertation
supervisor before embarking on any type of fieldwork (see the section on Research Ethics for more

Will my research be inductive or deductive?

In general, deductive research is theory-testing and inductive research is theory-generating. Often

people link deductive research with quantitative experiments or surveys, and inductive research with
qualitative interviews or ethnographic work. These links are not hard and fast – for instance,
experimental research, designed to test a particular theory through developing a hypothesis and
creating an experimental design, may use quantitative or qualitative data or a combination. If your
research starts with a theory and is driven by hypotheses that you are testing (e.g. that social class
background and social deprivation or privilege are likely to affect educational attainment), it is,
broadly speaking, deductive. However much research combines deductive and inductive elements.

What's all this about research design?

Research design is vital to conducting a good piece of work. At the start of your research you need to
set down clearly:
 Your research focus and research question.
 How you propose to examine the topic:
o approach
o methods of data collection
o methods of data analysis
 The types and sources of information you need.
 How you will access these sources of information (be they people, existing datasets,
biographical accounts, media articles or websites, official records).
 The proposed outcome of this research (in your case, a dissertation) and the form it will take.
 A time-frame for all this.
You and your supervisor will discuss your design and decide whether the research is 'do-able'. Your
university may require you to produce a report (e.g. an 'interim framework report' or a short 'research
proposal') that specifies your research design. Other people may have to look at the design to
ascertain whether there are ethical issues that affect your research.


 Quantitative or qualitative? A quantitative approach will mean you will need substantial
datasets, as well as the inclusion of tables and statistics in your final submission. This
information could come from a variety of sources - remember to acknowledge them! A

qualitative approach will probably mean conducting interviews or focus groups or observing
behaviour. Ask yourself if you are prepared to do this, and think about the best way of getting
the answers you want from people. Will you stop people in the street? Will you conduct
telephone interviews? Will you send out survey forms and hope that people return them? Will
you be a participant or non participant observer?
 Deductive or inductive? Deductive research is theory-testing, which is often linked to
datasets, surveys or quantitative analysis. Inductive research is theory-generating, and is
often linked to qualitative interviews.
 Empirical or theoretical? An empirical study could involve close analysis of statistics or
some form of qualitative research. However, a theoretical study brings its own challenges,
and you may be called upon to compare theories in terms of their applicability.
 Once you have decided upon your approach, you can write out a research design, i.e. how
you are going to approach the project.
 Now look a little at the research methods that you have studied. Apart from matching your
research to your general sense of objective/subjective reality, it is important to ensure that
you match your methodology to the problem you are pursuing.
 What kind of data do you need to answer your question/test your hypothesis? How would
you best be able to collect that data?
 Again, consider time and feasibility of the exercise. The ability to manage your time will be
directly related to your ability to control the boundaries of the study – especially if it is
closely linked to your workplace.
 Now that you have got so far, try to write up your research proposal as far as you can. Make
sure that you identify where your proposal needs further work and, at the same time, where
you will have to put your maximum effort. It may be helpful to draw a critical path so that
you are clear which actions you need to take and in what sequence. You will find it helpful to
plot your research questions on the chart on the next page and ensure that your plans for
collecting data really answer the question as well as avoiding ethical problems.
 At this stage you must be really ruthless with yourself. How viable is it? What are the threats
to the study? Try some 'what if?' questions on yourself. It will be better to go back to the
drawing board now, than once the project is underway.
 IMPORTANT: Whatever approach you settle on, you MUST be able to justify its
appropriateness to your topic and question.

Key Questions

 Does the data required to answer your question already exist or will you have to generate
your own data?
 Can you combine quantitative with qualitative methods? e.g. a survey which includes
interviews or a case study that looks at a situation from numerous angles.
 What factors may limit the scope of your research? (time, resources, etc.)
 Which method(s) best suit the questions and time you have available to do this study?
 Do you know the differences between types of data, and types of analysis?
 Does your project have clear links between theory and practice?

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