Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
In everyday life we are faced with all kinds of events that have a positive or negative echo in our
inner life. The meaning that we give to experiences we had in our life help us to achieve a number
of changes both mental and physical.
Mental strength that some people show in front of stressful events, the fact they are optimistic, leads
to benefits or personal development. Finding a purpose, a reason for evolution in events that we
face reduces depression and anxiety. It doesn’t matter what kind of meaning orpersonal
development we find as long as it finds positive effects in our experience.
Our mind is the one that creates the universe and if we leave
it “trapped” in certain unresolvedconflicts or “poisoned” with negative thoughts than we are the ones
who put the obstacles .Maybe not all things go as you wish in your life, but worries will only
make you confused. They stop you being you and won’t let you
reach performance, discover your wonderful treasuresinside.
Why worry if you can solve a problem? And why worry if you can not solve anything? To allow us
to improve physical and mental wellbeing we need to change our dysfunctional behavior by
changing our way of thinking, how to relate the events, through awareness mechanism that makes
us remain trapped in certain types of reactions.
Positive thinking is an attitude that some people have and allows them to find more
easilysolutions, positive aspects of situations they face. It is not just about optimism, but also
toconstructive orientation “allows you to see what can be done in different situations .”
Your thoughts create the reality you live in. We create our life with thoughts we have every
day.Often feelings of insecurity and anxiety occur because we have negative thoughts about
ourselves. Therefore we have attitudes that can influence reality. Attitude has to be in
a relatively stable relationship between feelings, beliefs and tendencies to action, leads us toorient in
a particular way towards people, things, ideas or objects. Sometimes our beliefs can have a
strong disruptive temper if our life experiences have strengthened dysfunctional beliefsand may
also block our evolution.
Positive thinking can be cultivated by anyone who wants this. Positive thinking requires
acertain cognitive structure, emotional and behavioral in front of people, a certain way
to “see”yourself and others, to understand, feel and act in relationship with others, the situation you
are facing, constructive and efficient
People who have a positive mind do better in difficult situations, have greater physical and
intellectual capacity, better withstand to stressful situations and generally are able to obtainbetter
results than others with similar skills. They also recover faster if they were affected by a disease or
an accident and seems even to have greater resistance to disease.
Obstacles in our lives, problems and failures helps us getting closer to the center of our being. If you
look at all these things as some challenges that makes us stronger, more courageous
andaccept changes in our lives, we cease to be captives of our own way of thinking. Slavery is a
matter of mentality. Free your mind and your soul will be free!
Changing everything you’ve learned in a life is not easy, imposing a positive thinking starting today
thinking that that this will attract positive things in your life is not that simple. To change these negative
patterns I recommend these exercises and practices. For me and the people I have chosen in my life
1. Use positive words when talking. If you constantly say “I can not” you could convince yourself that
it’s true. Replace negative words with positive ones. Tell yourself that you do everything possible to have
a happy relationship, tell yourself that you do everything possible to have a brilliant career, tell yourself
that you do everything possible to keep you in shape.
2. Remove all the feelings that are not positive! Do not let negative thoughts and feelings conquer
when you have a bad mood. Even if for a few hours a day, remove negativity and focus on the positive
things in your life.
3. Use words that evoke strength and success. Fill your thoughts with words that make you feel
strong, happy, having control over your life. Make an effort to focus on these words rather than the ones
that suggest failure or incompetence.
4. Practice positive affirmations. One of the most common exercises for a positive thinking is positive
affirmation. What does that mean? Start repeating a positive phrase like “I deserve to be happy” or “I
deserve to be loved.” Believing that these statements are true and repeating them always will impose a
more positive opinion about your life.
5. Redirect your thoughts! This method used by psychotherapists helps you control your thoughts when
you start to feel negative emotions like depression or anxiety. How can you do that? When you feel a
such emotion taking hold on you start generating a happy mind, a positive image, something that makes
you feel better to keep your negative feelings under control.
6. Start thinking you will succeed! Nothing compares with self confidence that creates a successful
reality. Put your doubts aside and believe that you will succeed in meeting the objectives.
7. Analyze what went wrong. Positive thinking is not about denying that nothing can go wrong. Instead
take the time to see what went wrong and what led to the current situation in order to avoid future
mistakes and look forward more positive.
8. Forgive you! ‘re Always arguing for things that went wrong will not change anything. Tell yourself you
are forgived and allow you to move on.
9. Think of a failure as an opportunity. Sometimes the most negative things in our lives give us
opportunities that we may not have seen otherwise. For example losing your job can be a good
opportunity to open your own business or go back to school!
10. Working at your imagination / visualization. Visualizing what you want to achieve or the person
you want to be can be a great motivation to take you there and make you think more positively about the
distance that you have untill the destination.