Toddler Speech Therapy Tips
Toddler Speech Therapy Tips
Toddler Speech Therapy Tips
attention; communication goals can be embedded into literally EVERY SINGLE interaction
communication partner
Explicitly teach parents and caregivers your skilled strategies...they matter more than
your favorite toddler toys
There is no magic in the toy itself; the magic is in your strategies; don't let parents be swooned by
developmental toys...instead, coach parents on your powerful, highly skilled strategies that make your
services more than "just playing with the child"
Playing with toys is one routine that occurs in a child's day...but getting dressed, having a snack, going
for a walk, getting the mail, reading books, putting laundry away, playing outside, taking a bath, and
appropriate with this age group; intentionally select toys, books, and activities that can be naturally
all input; for learning and development to occur there needs to be input AND output.....reciprocity.....
Toddlers are active creatures who learn best when they are moving; resist the desire to strap the
toddler in a highchair so you can "focus on speech tasks"