Aac Iep Goal Examples New Form
Aac Iep Goal Examples New Form
Aac Iep Goal Examples New Form
Given a 60 cell core vocabulary Bob expresses a word or symbol 11 different core Core Vocabulary
board and a communication without prompts vocabulary Acquisition Checklist
opportunity words/symbols
Given (certain conditions, The student will… Target or As measured
materials, situation, Performance by
etc.)… Criteria (method)…
Given a 60 cell core vocabulary 20 different core Core Vocabulary
board and a communication Bob will express a word or symbol vocabulary Acquisition
opportunity without prompts words/symbols Checklist
Related Short-Term Objectives
The student will… Target As measured by Schedule for
(method).. Evaluation
By January 2021, express a word or 15 different core vocabulary Core Vocabulary
symbol without prompts words/symbols Acquisition Checklist Quarterly
By September 2021, express a word or 20 different core vocabulary Core Vocabulary
symbol without prompts words/symbols Acquisition Checklist Quarterly
Given (certain conditions, The student With what frequency, As measured
situation, etc.)… CURRENTLY… accuracy, rate, etc. by (method)…
Given access to at least 4 cells James makes a request 0/5 opportunities with indirect
of a masked 32 cell core using core vocabulary prompts and 2/5 opportunities Structured Log
vocabulary board and a situation words/symbols (e.g., want with direct prompts and 5/5
in which the student has a desire or more). opportunities within a joint
activity routine
Given (certain conditions, The student will… Target or As measured by
materials, situation, etc.)… Performance (method)…
A 32 cell SGD and a variety of Mary use symbolic language to 2 functions Communicative
communication opportunities communicate for different functions (protesting and Functions Checklist.
requesting objects)
Given (certain The student will… Target or As measured by
conditions, materials, Performance (method)…
situation, etc.)… Criteria
A 32 cell SGD and a variety Mary will use symbolic language to 6 functions Communicative
of communication communicate for different functions Functions Checklist.