Social Justice Lesson Plan
Social Justice Lesson Plan
Social Justice Lesson Plan
Objective of Lesson:
Students will demonstrate their understanding of what poverty is, why it is important, and how it affects quality of life.
Learner Outcomes (Program of Studies) Plan for Diversity
-Students will appreciate similarities and difference among people -Multiple entry points (book, video, group brainstorming)
and communities -Create groupings that will enhance the learning of all students
-Students will examine the social, cultural, and linguistic -Writing down student ideas and answers on white board for everyone to
characteristics that affect quality of life in communities in other see
parts of the world by exploring:
What determines quality of life?
How does daily life reflect quality of life in
the communities?
-Students will choose and share a variety of oral, print, and other
media texts for communicating and sharing ideas with others
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies and Attitudes Preliminary Matters (Announcements, etc.)
-Students will need to be open minded to the experience -Send letter to parents regarding the relevancy and importance of students
-Respect of other people experiencing poverty.
-Be aware of any students who currently live in lower socioeconomic
conditions and ensure they do not feel uncomfortable
Time What the teacher does. What the student does. Resources Assessment
Introduction Lead class discussion about Participate in class White board Record what
What do students think 7 min poverty. discussion. students are
poverty is? What does it look saying to gain
like? Through questions encourage Provide ideas about what understanding of
further understanding. they think poverty is and initial knowledge
looks like.
Write down answers on board. Feedback about
Explain any myths or student answers.
misconceptions about poverty
that arises from discussion.
Activity Sequence Gunning, M. (2013). Observe and
Explore different ways that 7-10 Read “A Shelter in Our Car” Ensure they are carefully A shelter in our car. listen to student
poverty can look like. min and show “Living on One” paying attention to story New York, NY: discussion.
video. and video. Children’s Book
Press. Gather and read
Group brainstorming session 10 min Pose a set of questions for Gather in pre-formed answers to
responding to questions about students to critically analyze groups and respond to Living on One. questions.
poverty. and respond to. following questions by (2013, September 2). (Discuss with
writing down ideas: Episode 1: The first them the
Float amongst groups to hear 1. What does poverty look like step (living on one) following day)
discussion and add to in the book and video? Any [Video File].
conversation when necessary. similarities or differences? Retrieved from
2. Why do some people live in
poverty, and others do not?
3. Why do you think poverty com/watch?v=RCT5
exists? HsUi7VE&list=PLvz
Respond to the following 5 min Provide students with Write or draw their 7Xjp9r5p1DuMFY5 Feedback on
question: “How would you question, and remind them individual response to the &index=1 individual
spend a dollar a day if it was that their answer needs to be question, keeping in mind responses.
the only money you had?” thoughtful and serious. what they have learned. Student journals
Closure Introduce weeklong activity Ask primary questions Cost booklet of Exit card with
where students will about the activity that the classroom materials most important
Explanation of “Living Off 5-7 min experience living in poverty in teacher will answer. and supplies, thing students
Of $5 A Week” activity and the classroom. transition costs, and have learned
self-reflection (Further information will be desk rent, etc. about poverty.
given at start of activity)