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Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

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Research article

A framework for engaging stakeholders on the management of alien

Ana Novoa a, b, c, *, Ross Shackleton a, Susan Canavan a, b, Cathleen Cybe
le d, e,
Sarah J. Davies a, Katharina Dehnen-Schmutz f, Jana Fried f, Mirijam Gaertner a, g,
Sjirk Geerts h, Charles L. Griffiths i, j, Haylee Kaplan b, Sabrina Kumschick a, b,
David C. Le Maitre k, G. John Measey a, Ana L. Nunes a, b, l, David M. Richardson a,
Tamara B. Robinson a, Julia Touza m, John R.U. Wilson a, b
Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa
South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch Research Centre, Claremont, South Africa
Institute of Botany, Department of Invasion Ecology, The Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ-252 43, Pr uhonice, Czech Republic
CIRAD, UMR PVBMT, Saint-Pierre, La R eunion, France
Universite de la R
eunion, UMR PVBMT, F-97410, Saint-Pierre, La R eunion, France
Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, Ryton Gardens, Wolston Lane, Coventry, CV8 3LG, UK
Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences (HFWU), Nürtingen, Germany
Department Conservation and Marine Science, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, P.O. Box 652, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
Marine Research (MA-RE) Institute, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Council for Industrial and Scientific Research, P.O. Box 320, Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa
Environment Department, Wentworth Way, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5NG, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Alien species can have major ecological and socioeconomic impacts in their novel ranges and so effective
Received 20 December 2016 management actions are needed. However, management can be contentious and create conflicts,
Received in revised form especially when stakeholders who benefit from alien species are different from those who incur costs.
20 September 2017
Such conflicts of interests mean that management strategies can often not be implemented. There is,
Accepted 21 September 2017
Available online 9 October 2017
therefore, increasing interest in engaging stakeholders affected by alien species or by their management.
Through a facilitated workshop and consultation process including academics and managers working on
a variety of organisms and in different areas (urban and rural) and ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic),
Biological invasions
we developed a framework for engaging stakeholders in the management of alien species. The proposed
Conflicts of interests framework for stakeholder engagement consists of 12 steps: (1) identify stakeholders; (2) select key
Invasive species management stakeholders for engagement; (3) explore key stakeholders' perceptions and develop initial aims for
Perceptions management; (4) engage key stakeholders in the development of a draft management strategy; (5) re-
Stakeholder ownership explore key stakeholders' perceptions and revise the aims of the strategy; (6) co-design general aims,
Environmental management management objectives and time frames with key stakeholders; (7) co-design a management strategy;
(8) facilitate stakeholders' ownership of the strategy and adapt as required; and (9) implement the
strategy and monitor management actions to evaluate the need for additional or future actions. In case
additional management is needed after these actions take place, some extra steps should be taken: (10)
identify any new stakeholders, benefits, and costs; (11) monitor engagement; and (12) revise manage-
ment strategy. Overall, we believe that our framework provides an effective approach to minimize the
impact of conflicts created by alien species management.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Novoa). Over the past centuries, humans have moved species to regions
0301-4797/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297 287

outside their native ranges. This has been done for a range of rea- the strategy adopted for the management of the alien species
sons including purposefully for agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, created a conflict.
ornamental horticulture, the pet trade, and recreation; and acci- Some alien species, in addition to incurring costs, provide ben-
dentally through ballast water, fouling or concealment in trans- efits and are, therefore, embraced by certain stakeholders (e.g.
ported goods (Mack, 2003). Many of these introductions were, and Dickie et al., 2014; Kull et al., 2011; Novoa et al., 2015a; Shackleton
remain, desirable (indeed indispensable) for humans, and include et al., 2007, 2014; van Wilgen and Richardson, 2012). Alien species
the staple food crops in most countries. These can be called with both benefits and costs (“conflict species”, Fig. 1) usually lead
“desirable species” due to the benefits they provide and the low or to conflicts around both their use and management (Dickie et al.,
no costs they have (Ewel et al., 1999). Other introduced species 2014; Novoa et al., 2015b; Shackleton et al., 2014; Stanley and
provide few or no benefits (Shackleton et al., 2007; van Wilgen and Fowler, 2004; van Wilgen and Richardson, 2012, 2014; Woodford
Richardson, 2014) and are environmentally inconsequential e e.g. et al., 2016). For example, several tree species in the genera
insects that are transported by boats between continents and Acacia, Pinus and Prosopis, which are highly invasive in many areas
which do not survive in the introduced area. of the world, are extensively used in the forestry industry and for
However, a small proportion of all alien species become invasive agroforestry and silviculture by farmers and rural communities
(i.e. reproduce and spread over substantial distances from intro- (Kull et al., 2011; Moran et al., 2000; Shackleton et al., 2014).
duction sites; Blackburn et al., 2011). Such growth and spread Furthermore, many alien plant invasions that have arisen from
sometimes results in negative impacts, but even if there is no ‘escaped’ horticultural introductions (e.g. the jacaranda tree Jaca-
spread, alien species can be “undesirable” (Fig. 1). Impacts caused randa mimosifolia in South Africa, the African tulip tree Spathodea
by invasive species (and occasionally alien species which are not campanulata in Fiji and the saltcedar Tamarix ramosissima in the
invasive) include changes to ecosystem services (such as water or USA), have substantial intrinsic and aesthetic value for some
grazing supply), changes to ecosystem processes (such as fire and stakeholders (Dehnen-Schmutz and Williamson, 2006; Dickie et al.,
nutrient cycling), reductions in biodiversity, and negative effects on 2014). Several invasive animals [e.g. the Mediterranean mussel
local economies and livelihoods (Levine et al., 2003; Le Maitre et al., (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in South Africa and feral pigs (Sus scrofa)
2011; Jeschke et al., 2014; Shackleton et al., 2014). For example, the in the USA] and plants [e.g. prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) in Australia
perennial herb Chromolaena odorata in South Africa prevents the and Spain, guava (Psidium spp.) in Mauritius and brambles (Rubus
establishment of native plants, reduces grazing ground for native spp.) in Australia, New Zealand and the USA] are used for food (Cole
animals, alters natural ecosystem processes, alters features of fire et al., 2012; Naylor et al., 2001; Novoa et al., 2015a; Robinson et al.,
regimes, causes negative impacts on forestry and crop plantations, 2005; Stanley and Fowler, 2004) and numerous invasive fish spe-
reduces pasture carrying capacities, and is toxic to humans and cies [e.g. the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Australia,
animals (Goodall and Erasmus, 1996; te Beest et al., 2015). In New Europe or South Africa] are popular both for food and for sport
Zealand, the black rat (Rattus rattus) causes substantial declines in fishing (Cambray, 2003).
native plant and animal populations (Caut et al., 2008), damages The categorisation of species as inconsequential, desirable, un-
agricultural crops and carries human-threatening diseases (Russell desirable, or conflict can also change over time (Shackleton et al.,
et al., 2008). Effective management of such undesirable species 2007). For example, the following species have all become unde-
often requires the engagement of all stakeholders, to ensure that all sirable over time as they have started to spread and caused negative
relevant ecological and socioeconomic dimensions influencing the impacts: (1) inconsequential species [e.g. parthenium (Parthenium
management are addressed (Liu and Cook, 2016). A management hysterophorus) in eastern and southern Africa (McConnachie et al.,
strategy designed and implemented without engaging all stake- 2011) and the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) in the USA
holders can be controversial and might be challenged, ultimately (LeBrun et al., 2012)], (2) desirable species [e.g. boneseed (Chrys-
reducing the efficiency of management efforts (Crowley et al., anthemoides monilifera) in Australia (Downey, 2010) and the erect
2017a). For example, an aerial spraying program aimed at eradi- prickly pear (Opuntia stricta) in South Africa (Foxcroft et al., 2004)],
cating the light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana), a major and (3) conflict species [e.g. mesquite (Prosopis spp.) in South Africa
threat to agriculture in northern California, was challenged by a (Shackleton et al., 2014) and the silver wattle (Acacia dealbata) in
popular opposition movement which was concerned that the spray Spain (Lorenzo et al., 2010)]. Similarly, a desirable species might
might pose a risk to human health (Lindeman, 2013). In this case, become a conflict species [e.g. the prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-

Fig. 1. Classification of alien species based on their potential benefits and costs for society. Arrows indicate potential category changes for a particular species over time.
288 A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

indica) in Spain and Turkey (Novoa et al., 2015a) and the Mediter- 2. Methods
ranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in South Africa (Branch
and Steffani, 2004)]. To better understand the issues pertaining to stakeholder
Achieving workable management strategies for such conflict engagement in alien species management, we organized a two-day
species depends, to a large extent, on acceptance (if not cooperation workshop in Cape Town, South Africa, in August 2015. It involved
and support) from all stakeholders d both those supporting the 20 participants working on biological invasions and representing
use of the species, and those supporting its control. A lack of different organizations in South Africa and France (governmental
acceptance across stakeholder constituencies often has a negative institutions, universities and other scientific institutions). Partici-
influence on implementation actions and policy making (Ford- pants included academics and managers working in different ca-
Thompson et al., 2012; Ga rcia-Llorente et al., 2008; Reed et al., pacities on a variety of invasive organisms and in different areas
2009). For example, in South Africa's Table Mountain National (urban and rural) and ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic). South
Park, the invasive tree karri gum (Eucalyptus diversicolor) has some Africa has major problems with biological invasions in freshwater,
negative impacts on water resources. However, it is perceived as marine and terrestrial ecosystems and has a long history of scien-
beneficial by hikers, cyclists and tree enthusiasts. Due to this con- tific study and management of invasions (Richardson et al., 2011).
flict of interests, plans to remove the species and restore invaded The cross-section of invasive organisms and management issues in
areas in the National Park were halted (Gaertner et al., 2016). the workshop therefore covered many of the most pressing global
Another example is the blue gum (E. globulus) in Galicia, Spain. issues with alien species management.
Although considered by many stakeholders in the region as one of On the first day of the workshop, participants presented eleven
the most problematic invasive plants, it also has important benefits different case studies of conflicts that they had experienced around
for the forestry sector (Dehnen-Schmutz et al., 2010; Touza et al., the management of alien species. Presentations covered: (1) spe-
2014). Consequently, the local government excluded the species cies benefits and costs; (2) affected stakeholders; and (3) attempts
from the list of invasive alien plants in the area. to engage stakeholders (if any) (Table 1). The case studies were
The importance of engaging multiple stakeholder groups in chosen with the aim of representing a wide variety of group-
management of alien species (both undesirable and conflict spe- sdbamboos, cacti, forestry tree species, freshwater species, am-
cies) has been highlighted before (Kueffer, 2010) and the need for phibians, terrestrial invertebrates, and mesquite. This led into
such engagement is stipulated by the Convention on Biological various round-table discussions. Based on participants' experi-
Diversity and in strategies to combat biological invasions in many ences, and feedback from the group work, we constructed a first
parts of the world. For example, in 2004, the Invasive Alien Species draft of a stakeholder-engagement framework for dealing with
Strategy for Canada identified a range of stakeholders (including conflicts in the management of alien species.
academic researchers, industry, NGOs, and the general public) as On day two of the workshop, participants were separated into
“essential players for successfully responding to the challenge of break-out groups of 4e6 people and were asked to write down all
invasive alien species” (Environment Canada, 2004). Similarly, the the steps they found necessary to include in the framework, and the
Guiding Principle 6 (Education and public awareness) of the Euro- reasons for these. In a following feedback session, participants
pean Strategy on Invasive Alien Species, includes the need to “work summarized their discussions. All discussions were videotaped. A
with key stakeholders to produce and disseminate information and revised framework was then developed. The workshop ended with
guidance on best practices for those using or affected by [invasive a group discussion and a detailed analysis of each step of the
alien species]” (Brunel et al., 2013) as a key action. Codes of conduct revised framework.
dealing with the role of horticulture, pet trade, plantation forestry, Building on the workshop and incorporating perspectives from
and zoological gardens and aquaria in disseminating alien species elsewhere in the world, this framework was further discussed
in Europe all stipulate the need for stakeholder engagement (e.g. through additional meetings and e-mail communications involving
Brundu and Richardson, 2016 for planted forests). Such engage- a collaborative group of researchers interested in the optimum
ment is essential for elucidating the factors that shape stake- control of invasive species with participants from Australia, La
holders' perceptions and practices i.e. for “framing” the problem Reunion Island (France) and the United Kingdom. Each step of the
(Woodford et al., 2016). It is also essential for identifying valuable framework was further improved by reviewing and drawing on
local knowledge and practices, promoting awareness and social information from various literature sources and by visiting the
learning, reaching consensus and gaining support, and formulating taped discussions from the workshop.
co-management programs (Touza et al. 2014; Forsyth et al., 2012;
García-Llorente et al., 2008; Moon et al., 2015; Novoa et al., 3. The framework
2015b; Reed, 2008; Reed et al., 2009; Sharp et al., 2011; Stokes
et al., 2006). Therefore, the importance of participatory ap- The framework proposed here is designed to be followed by any
proaches in alien species management has been increasingly entity tasked with responding to a concern raised about an alien.
recognized (García-Llorente et al., 2008; Shackleton et al., 2015; The concerns might be raised due to environmental change, the
Crowley et al., 2017b) and the number of studies aiming to un- detection of a new incursion, the result of a decision made to
derstand stakeholders' perceptions to facilitate decision-making in address a long-standing issue, or in response to criticism of current
alien species management is growing (e.g. Liu and Cook, 2016; or historical control efforts. The overall aim of the framework is to
Novoa et al., 2016; Rout et al., 2014). Studies that discuss stake- ensure that stakeholders are appropriately considered (and where
holder involvement on alien species management are, however, possible included) in the subsequent decision making process
still scarce. To facilitate such work in future, we develop a step-by- (Fig. 2). The framework consists of 12 steps and 6 decision points.
step approach to engaging stakeholders in the management of alien Each of these steps and decision points are discussed below.
species. This approach is based on adaptive management, i.e. a
flexible management strategy that can be adjusted as more infor- 3.1. Step 1. Identify stakeholders
mation (e.g. on stakeholders' perceptions or on outcomes from
management actions) becomes available or better understood When there is a need for managing undesirable or conflict
(Linkov et al., 2006; Williams, 2011). species (“target species”) e i.e. due to a legislative requirement or to
address particular impacts, eit is essential to identify stakeholders
Table 1
Examples of “conflict species”, their costs and benefits, stakeholders' perspectives and outcomes of engagement presented by workshop participants.

Species group Benefits Costs Stakeholders opposed to Stakeholders for Conflict Attempts to engage References
management management stakeholders

Bamboos  Ornamental  Establish in riparian areas  Commercial cultivators  Commercial growers Use and Mostly successful Canavan et al., 2017
(Bambusoideae)  Timber  Supress regeneration of  Nursery owners  Nursery sellers management
 Used as food surrounding trees  Private landowners
 Used as fodder
 Carbon sequestration
 Water filtration
Cacti (Cactaceae)  Aesthetic value  Cause injuries to humans,  Nursery owners  Farmers Use and Successful Novoa et al., 2016
 Used as food wild animals and  Farmers  Game reserve owners management
 Used as fodder livestock  Food scientists  Land-managers

A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

 Used as fences  Reduce grazing potential  General public  General public
 Biofuel  Prevent access to land
 Displace native
Commercial  Timber  Widespread invasions of  Commercial forestry  Conservation agencies Use and Largely unsuccessful van Wilgen and
forestry trees  Pulp adjoining land (often companies  Landowners management (failure to agree on Richardson, 2012,
species  Employment watersheds) leading to  General public ownership of the problem 2014;
opportunities substantial reductions in and management options) McConnachie et al.,
streamflow 2015, 2016
 Biodiversity losses
Freshwater species  Recreational/fishing  Threat aquatic  Angling clubs  Managers Use and Largely unsuccessful for Hargrove et al.,
tournaments, biodiversity (through  Fishermen  Conservation agencies management some species, such as 2015; Taylor et al.,
 Major income for fishing/ predation, competition,  Inland fisheries societies rainbow trout (failure to 2015; Weyl et al.,
boat shops habitat alteration,  Aquaculture sector agree on the areas to be 2015
 Used as food disease transfer and managed). Largely
 Aesthetic value/pets hybridization) successful for other species,
 Cultural such as bass.
Amphibians  Aesthetic value  Very noisy calls  Collectors  Collectors Management Some success, but some Measey et al., 2014,
 Natural pest control  Parasite and pathogen  Animal rights activists  Conservation agencies actions private properties not 2015, 2016, 2017;
transfer accessible to management/ Vimercati et al.,
 Predation conservation staff 2017
 Toxicity to predators
 Damage infrastructure
Mesquite (Prosopis  Fodder  Negative health effects to  Some farmers and  Some farmers and Use and Successful Shackleton et al.,
spp.)  Fuelwood humans and livestock community members community members management 2014, 2015, 2017
 Honey  Loss of grazing areas  Managers Management
 Shade  Breakage of  Conservationists actions
 Aesthetic value infrastructure
 Biodiversity impacts
 Economic losses
 Loss of land
Terrestrial  >20 uses were recently  Large damage to native  Not studied, but dependant  Not studied, but likely Not studied Not known Kumschick et al.,
invertebrates identified, e.g., environments. Most on use. Probably pet holders, conservationists, 2016
biocontrol, silk impacts and risks have animal farmers, etc.
production, human food, however not been
animal feed, pets, studied.
pollination, waste
processing or bait for

290 A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

Fig. 2. Proposed framework for engaging stakeholders when developing management practices for alien species. Numbers (1e12) indicate the different steps and letters (AeF)
indicate decision points.

that might play a role during the course of the management Each target species or group of species will require the
initiative (Reed et al., 2009). The identification of stakeholders at engagement of different stakeholders and, depending on the spe-
this stage should aim to be as broad and inclusive as possible, and cies, most stakeholder groups are often obvious. Table 2 shows
should consider groups and individuals that might either benefit or some examples of different stakeholder groups that can be ex-
experience negative impacts from the target species, as well as pected to be involved in the management of different groups of
those that might experience impacts or risks associated with the alien species.
actual management intervention.
Many techniques are available for identifying stakeholders.
These include network analyses (Scott, 2012) and historical, de- 3.2. Step 2. Select key stakeholders for engagement
mographic and geographic techniques (e.g. Babiuch and Farhar,
1994). However, the most popular is the snowball technique Although all identified stakeholders should ideally be engaged
(Biernacki and Waldorf, 1981), which involves identifying a small in the management, sometimes this might be impractical (e.g. due
initial pool of stakeholders e through peer recommendation or to lack of funding, capacity, or time). In such cases, all stakeholders
literature review (including books, scientific articles, newspaper should be categorized, and only those that are most likely to affect
articles, social media or meeting minutes) e and asking them to the functioning of the management strategy should be engaged
nominate other stakeholders until no new ones are identified (e.g. (Grimble and Wellard, 1997).
Bardsley and Edward-Jones, 2007; Kumschick et al., 2012; Urgen- Various approaches have been used to categorize and identify
son et al., 2013). For example, Urgenson et al. (2013) aimed to un- key stakeholders for engagement (Babiuch and Farhar, 1994; Reed
derstand the perceptions of stakeholders regarding the control of and Curzon, 2015). The most widely used is the impact-influence
invasive alien plants on private land in South Africa's Western Cape matrix, which categorizes stakeholders according to their influ-
province. Although they could identify affected landowners ence in the management actions and the impact of the manage-
through a land management agency, they effectively used the ment on them (e.g. Liu and Cook, 2016; Newcombe, 2003; Olander
snowball technique to find conservation professionals involved in and Landin, 2005; Reed and Curzon, 2015; Walker et al., 2008). This
the management of the target species. approach, often referred to as stakeholder mapping (Reed et al.,
2009), contemplates four stakeholder categories: “Key players”,
A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297 291

Table 2
Example of stakeholders that are expected to have influence on or be affected by the management of different groups of alien species. x is afected; e is not affected.

Plants Freshwater species Marine species Vertebrates Terrestrial invertebrates Amphibians

Academics x x x x x x
Agricultural sector x e e x x x
Aquaculture sector e x x e e x
Collectors x x x x x x
Fishermen e x x e e e
Food industry x x x x x x
Forestry sector x e e e x e
General public x x x x x x
Land owners x x e x x x
Landscapers x e e e e e
Managers & policy makers x x x x x x
NGOs x x x x x x
Nursery owners and plant wholesalers x e e e x e
Pet shop owners e x x x x x
Recreational ocean users e e x e e e
State agencies x x x x x x

scale eradication programme of the invasive American mink

(Neovison vison) in north-eastern Scotland was possible due to the
engagement of not only scientists, government agencies and na-
tional park authorities, but also local fisheries boards and local
communities (Bryce et al., 2011). Likewise, in South Africa, engaging
the public on the management of bass (Micropterus dolomieu)
resulted in the bass angling fraternity providing full support for
extirpation actions within selected sites of high conservation value
(Weyl et al., 2014).

3.3. Step 3. Explore key stakeholders' perceptions and develop

initial aims for management

By studying stakeholder perceptions and levels of awareness of

the invasions, factors influencing management can be uncovered
and explored (Eisweth et al., 2011; García-Llorente et al., 2008;
Shackleton and Shackleton, 2016). Moreover, people's views on
alien species can be better understood (Urgenson et al., 2013) and
their wants and needs for management gauged (Kreuter et al.,
2005; Shackleton et al., 2015). Finally, the level of cohesion and
consensus between stakeholders can be identified (Fischer et al.,
Fig. 3. Impact-influence matrix categorizing stakeholders affected by species into four 2014; Novoa et al., 2015a,b). Fischer et al. (2014) highlight that
groups. understanding stakeholders' beliefs (i.e. their subjective knowl-
edge) about a particular species provides a good basis for gauging
possible attitudes towards different management strategies.
with high influence on the management actions and that are highly Therefore, having a broad overview of key stakeholders' beliefs and
impacted by the management; “Context setters”, with high influ- attitudes towards management of target alien species can help
ence, but are not impacted much; “Subjects”, who are highly managers develop a shared aim for the management strategy and
impacted by the management actions, but have little or no influ- design a successful engagement process. A variety of techniques
ence over the actions; and the “Crowd”, who have little influence can be used to study stakeholders' perceptions, including ques-
and are not heavily impacted by the management (Fig. 3). tionnaires, phone calls, e-mails, site visits and workshops (Reed
When developing management actions, it is tempting to only et al., 2009; Malatinszky, 2016). Using face-to-face interviews,
focus on stakeholders with high influence (key players and context Schüttler and colleagues (2011) explored the perceptions of
setters), as they will have the highest impact on management de- stakeholders (Chilean Navy members, indigenous Yaghan people,
cision outcomes (Liu and Cook, 2016; Newcombe, 2003; Olander fishermen, public service employees, civilian residents and nature
and Landin, 2005; Reed and Curzon, 2015). For example, in South conservationists) regarding two invasive species, the American
Africa's Table Mountain National Park, a population of invasive mink (Neovison vison) and the North American beaver (Castor
Himalayan tahrs (Hemitragus jemlahicus) was targeted for eradi- canadensis), for which management plans, including co-
cation. There was strong resistance from some members of the management, needed to be developed in Chile. Although stake-
public to controlling these mammals (Gaertner et al., 2016), but holders had positive attitudes regarding the control of the invaders,
gaining backing from some influential NGOs and conservation au- there was disagreement about the goal of the management actions
thorities was enough to solve the conflict. The challenge, however, (control or eradication) and the appropriate management method
is to also empower those that are most affected by the decisions (killing or castration). This suggests that, although the engagement
(the subjects), and some case studies have shown that mobilising of identified stakeholders and the aim of controlling both invaders
stakeholders with low influence can be an effective way of building were achievable, during the engagement process, information
mass support for management initiatives. For example, a large- about the feasible control methods and their trade-offs should be
292 A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

provided. In this case, discussion of the option of establishing a no- Management then proceeds (Step 9), with decisions ultimately
control area for C. canadensis might have been helpful. enforced through legislation (van Wilgen and Richardson, 2012).
However, this approach might create conflicts, since stakeholders
3.4. Decisions A-B. Are all selected stakeholders willing to might feel excluded from the management process and seek
collaborate? alternative ways of achieving their goals (Crowley et al., 2017a,b).
For example, on Lord Howe Island (Australia), members of the
Once the perceptions of all selected stakeholders are known, we public opposed a program to eradicate rodents from the island
can proceed to engagement (Step 4). However, the results of Step 3 because they felt excluded from the design of the management
might show that some stakeholder groups are not interested in strategy (Lord Howe Island Community Liaison Group, 2013).
participating further in the process, or are against any form of
management. In such situations, a smaller group of stakeholders 3.7. Step 5. Re-explore key stakeholders' perceptions and revise the
may be selected (Step 2). Alternatively, if the selected stakeholders aims of the management strategy
do not agree, it can be essential to have a formal process, e.g. a
scientific assessment (Step 4*; Scholes et al., 2017). After the engagement process, it is important to re-assess the
perception of stakeholders to determine whether the engagement
3.5. Step 4. Engage key stakeholders in the development of a draft process has built cohesion and trust, or if further engagement is
management strategy needed. The techniques available for exploring whether stake-
holders' perceptions and attitudes towards the target species have
Engaging stakeholders is one of the most important steps of the changed are those described in Step 3. However, in the current step
proposed framework. A key aim of engagement is to increase levels (5), additional efforts should be targeted to explore stakeholders'
of trust and establish collaborations among stakeholders, promote attitudes towards the other stakeholders. This should be done with
social learning and information sharing. Moreover, solving the the help of the facilitator or mediator mentioned in Step 4 and
potential differences between stakeholder groups is crucial. through open and individual dialogue between each stakeholder
Engagement can be achieved by promoting dialogue among and the facilitator.
stakeholders through an open and fair participation process -
through workshops or social media, such as blogs or Facebook 3.8. Decision C. Are stakeholders willing to arrive at a consensus?
pages, where stakeholders can share their perceptions (e.g. Este vez
et al., 2015; Ford-Thompson et al., 2012). For example, Novoa et al. In some cases, consensus is easily reached. For example, Novoa
(2016) organized a workshop with stakeholders who either benefit et al. (2016) showed, through the results of questionnaires, that
from or suffer the costs of invasive cacti in South Africa. Before the only one session of interaction and dialogue between stakeholders
workshop, some stakeholders were not fully aware of the benefits affected by cactus invasions was enough to improve their willing-
and negative impacts of cacti in South Africa. In the workshop, ness to collaborate on cactus management actions. This shows how
stakeholders listened to each others' perceptions, wants and needs. engagement and information exchange can change stakeholders'
The workshop was shown to increase different stakeholders' beliefs (subjective knowledge) about a target species and subse-
knowledge and understanding of the species' benefits and adverse quently change their attitudes towards management interventions.
impacts, and improved their acceptance and willingness to However, sometimes, multiple engagements are needed before
collaborate on the proposed management actions. stakeholders are prepared to arrive at a consensus in the man-
If the strategy aims to provide the basis for managing alien agement process. For example, in the Cape Floristic Region (South
species across different regions (with different climates, land uses, Africa), several meetings had to be organized to engage the public
economies or demographics), a different engagement process (especially anglers, the main stakeholder group responsible for the
might need to be carried out in each region. For example, Friedel introduction of freshwater fishes) on the extirpation of non-native
et al. (2011) aimed to engage governmental and non- fish from priority rivers. However, opposition to the project still
governmental organizations on the management of buffel grass remains. Conservation managers, through a Freshwater Angling
(Cenchrus ciliaris) in Australia. They ran workshops in four regions, Forum, are still working closely with local angling groups to achieve
each of them having a different climate, land use and pastoral engagement (Marr et al., 2012).
dependence on buffel grass. Overall, they found regional differ- Unfortunately, in certain situations it might not be possible to
ences in stakeholders' perceptions of the benefits and costs of achieve consensus. For example, in Cape Town (South Africa), Eu-
buffel grass and identified a need for different management ob- ropean mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) were targeted for eradication,
jectives in the different regions. as they interbreed with indigenous yellow-billed ducks (Anas
A key requirement of the engagement process is having a undulata). However, efforts to engage the public were not suc-
facilitator to lead the process and balance any competing interests cessful, because arguments to control the European mallards failed
of stakeholders. Such a facilitator or mediator should ideally be a to convince the opposing stakeholders (Gaertner et al., 2016). The
neutral third party with expertise in conflict resolution, and should presence of powerful stakeholders in each of these cases has hin-
assist stakeholders to voluntarily reach consensus on the ap- dered the engagement process and progress towards management
proaches to be adopted for managing the target species (Lampe, implementation (Fig. 3). In such cases, the management strategy
2001). might need to be designed through a scientific assessment (Step
4*), and the management goals might need to be adapted to
3.6. Step 4*. Design a management strategy through a scientific accommodate partial or complete tolerance of the target species e
assessment i.e. little management targeting the species could be designed and
implemented. For example, in South Africa, the invasive river red
When achieving acceptance from all stakeholders is not gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) is an attractive ornamental tree. In
possible, a formal scientific assessment process can be set up. Such the case of public social opposition and lack of willingness to arrive
a scientific assessment is an evaluation of information, done by to a consensus regarding the clearing of river red gums, an
experts on the field, aiming to guide decision-makers on the appropriate management goal would be to tolerate large in-
management of the target species (Scholes et al., 2017). dividuals in public parks and gardens, but to remove plants from
A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297 293

protected areas and river courses (Gaertner et al., 2016; facilitator should agree with stakeholders on their time frames and
Mangachena and Geerts, 2017). when they will be updated (Morris and Baddache, 2012).

3.9. Step. 6. Co-design general aim, management objectives and 3.10. Step 7. Co-design a management strategy
time frames with key stakeholders
The final set of management objectives documented in Step 6
Once consensus among key stakeholders is achieved, the aim of must be incorporated into an effective management strategy. Such
the management strategy must be revised, in order to incorporate a strategy can be drafted by a core group of scientific and/or
stakeholders' wants and needs. Workshops in which team decision- management experts, and it should clearly state the management
making techniques are applied can be used to translate stake- objectives, facilitate the implementation of all available manage-
holders' knowledge and needs into alien species management ob- ment practices needed to achieve those objectives, and define clear
jectives that are broadly supported by all stakeholders. For areas of responsibility for implementation at all levels (national,
example, Novoa et al. (2016) organized a workshop at which bio- provincial or municipal) (e.g. Kaplan et al., 2017; van Leeuwen et al.,
logical control researchers, farmers, food scientists, fruit pickers, 2014; van Wilgen et al., 2011). This means that the strategy should
game reserve owners, invasion biologists, invasive species man- clearly state what is going to be done and when, who is going to do
agers, land managers and nursery owners co-designed aims and it, how it will be paid for, and how the success of its implementa-
objectives for a national strategy for managing cactus species in tion will be determined (Wilson et al., 2017). Moreover, the man-
South Africa (Kaplan et al., 2017). Similarly, Shackleton and agement strategy should include a communication plan that will
Shackleton (2016) held several workshops with academics, help to target the audience with identified communication tools.
farmers and managers during which, in order to improve man- Finally, all the process of designing the management strategy
agement interventions, they identified barriers and potential so- should be transparent and accessible to all stakeholders
lutions (adaptation responses) for the management of invasive (Malatinszky et al., 2013).
mesquite (Prosopis species) in South Africa.
There are many techniques than can be used in such workshops. 3.11. Step 8. Facilitate stakeholders' ownership of the strategy and
For example, the Round Robin Brainstorming Technique (RRBT) adapt as required
involves giving each stakeholder a fixed number of sheets of paper
and asking them to write one management recommendation on After producing a management strategy, it is important to pre-
each paper (Brilhart and Jochem, 1964). Stakeholders are then sent it to all stakeholders, so they can validate the information
asked to present (one at a time) their written recommendations to collectively. This will inform stakeholders how their feedback has
the full group. Another example is the Charette Procedure (CP), been used, help mitigate misunderstandings, and build co-
which is especially useful when many stakeholders are involved ownership and mutual trust. Moreover, this process can help
(Manktelow, 2009). It involves separating stakeholders into several eliminate linguistic uncertainties, so that stakeholders share a
small groups, preferably mixing stakeholder types (e.g. as catego- common understanding of each action (Liu and Cook, 2016).
rized in Fig. 3). Stakeholders then brainstorm and discuss potential For example, Novoa et al. (2015b) organized a workshop in
management recommendations until consensus is reached within which they followed a consultative process with stakeholders to
the group. A representative of each group then presents their rec- design a list of potentially invasive cactus species whose intro-
ommendations to all stakeholders. Although the RRBT and CP duction and use should be prohibited in South Africa. After the
techniques are generally successful (e.g. Novoa et al., 2016), some workshop, the list was compiled by researchers and then presented
stakeholders may find it difficult to share their knowledge and to all stakeholders for validation and adaptation. The resulting list
opinions openly. In these situations, the use of a Metaplan was adopted in the final version of the National Environmental
(Ramshaw, 1989) would be recommended. This technique is similar Management: Biodiversity Act, Alien and Invasive Species regula-
to the RRBT, but once the recommendations are written, each tions that came into force in October 2014. This process encouraged
stakeholder anonymously places his or her papers on the wall. A stakeholder ownership and ensured the buy-in of all stakeholders
potential difficulty of all these techniques is to separate personal into the national regulations. Being able to demonstrate that par-
views of people involved in the engagement process from those of ticipants can potentially influence decisions will likely increase
the organizations, constituencies or stakeholder groups they willingness to be engaged in the process in future.
represent. Moreover, discussing management recommendations
under high levels of uncertainty (such as unknown effectiveness of 3.12. Step 9. Implement the strategy and monitor management
control actions) can be difficult. Under such conditions, scenario actions
planning is an effective approach to guide the co-design of man-
agement objectives (Peterson et al., 2003). For example, Roura- Once a management strategy is accepted and published, it can
Pascual and colleagues (2010) used scenario planning for guiding be implemented (e.g. Borja et al., 2010; van Leeuwen et al., 2014;
the management of invasive plants in the Cape Floristic Region Vreysen et al., 2007). Essentially, coordinated and collaborative
(South Africa) under several uncertainties (e.g. “how is funding partnerships with capacity and funding are almost always neces-
going to change?” or “is the institutional capacity going to increase sary to successfully implement a management strategy. Moreover,
or decrease?”). there must be the involvement of a champion to ensure that, when
Once all recommendations are presented (independently of the underway, management is implemented and the objectives and
technique used), they should be discussed until every stakeholder time frames are met (Wilson et al., 2017).
agrees to a final set of management objectives. To achieve If the management strategy was co-designed and accepted by all
consensus and avoid conflicts, once again the facilitator of these key stakeholders, conflicts around the implementation should be
discussions should be neutral (Deelstra et al., 2003; Kaner, 2014) minimal. However, during implementation, other stakeholders
and capable of mitigating tensions (Morris and Baddache, 2012), with views against management actions might materialise. As such,
since certain topics can be controversial or provocative, creating if the management strategy was co-designed with stakeholders or
unexpected dynamics or rivalries between stakeholders. Finally, all if it was designed through a scientific assessment, providing suffi-
management objectives should be documented in writing, and the cient information during management interventions (e.g.
294 A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297

explanatory billboards in the managed area, websites or Facebook 3.17. Decision F. Did stakeholders' perceptions change?
pages) might help to reduce conflict with potential stakeholders
previously not involved in the engagement process. Therefore, this If the assessment reveals that stakeholders' perceptions
step must include ongoing communication between different changed during implementation, it is important to understand why
parties to make sure that, as much as possible, all stakeholders are (Step 3). However, if stakeholders' perceptions did not change, one
informed about actions taken, so that their trust is maintained. can proceed to step 12, in order to revise the management strategy
The effectiveness of the management actions needs to be adopted.
measured at appropriate intervals. Monitoring should be estab-
lished based on a set of target actions with related indicators of 3.18. Step 12. Revise management strategy
success/progress associated to the main objectives stated in the
management strategy (Shackleton et al., 2017). However, limited Before continuing with the implementation of the proposed
resources can make it difficult to effectively monitor management management strategy, all management objectives, lines of re-
actions across large areas (Crall et al., 2010). In such cases, this sponsibility and time frames should be revised. If all of these are
process can be facilitated by engaging different stakeholders (e.g. still appropriate, implementation can continue. However, if they
through citizen science initiatives), making it time and cost effec- are deemed to be no longer adequate, before implementation, they
tive. Involving stakeholders through citizen science for monitoring should be adapted with the key stakeholders or the scientific
and surveying alien species has been used in numerous instances assessment team.
and shown to encourage participation and ownership (Delaney
et al., 2008). For example, in Texas, citizen scientists are trained 4. Discussion
to detect the dispersal of invasive species and report them into an
online mapping database. This program, known as “Invaders of Acceptance of the management of alien species by all stake-
Texas” is focused on long-term surveying and monitoring of inva- holders - from the decision makers that allocate funding for man-
sive species (Gallo and Waitt, 2011). Another example is “Invasor- agement, to organizations that help implement management”, a Portuguese program that engages the general public to actions, to the industries that might lose commercial opportunities,
support the management of invasive species. One of its core ele- to local people who care - is needed if costly conflicts are to be
ments is a WebMapping platform that intends to engage volunteers avoided. However, many stakeholders are often not aware of the
to geolocate invasive plants in Portugal (Marchante et al., 2016). A suite of impacts caused by alien species and the potential benefits
similar web-based platform encourages citizens in different regions of management, which results in a lack of collaboration and sup-
of Canada and the United States to use their smartphones to report port for management (Courchamp et al., 2017). Moreover, since the
invasive species sightings ( management of alien species often involves restrictions on trade,
the use of chemicals or biological control agents or the extermi-
3.13. Decision D. Is there still need for management? nation of valued species, management actions are regularly chal-
lenged by social conflicts among stakeholders (Crowley et al.,
If monitoring results indicate that there is no longer need for 2017a).
management, no further interventions are needed. However, if only Aiming to minimize such conflicts and promote collaboration,
a subset of the management objectives has been achieved, if we propose a framework based on the principles of stakeholder
unanticipated conflicts occur during implementation, or if new engagement e i.e. the process by which an organization involves all
management objectives have to be designed, further steps need to who may be affected by or can influence the implementation of its
be followed (i.e. proceed to step 10). decisions in a decision making procedure (Carroll et al., 2016). The
framework we propose includes information on the steps that can
3.14. Step 10. Identify any new stakeholders, benefits, and costs be followed, and the techniques that can be applied, to engage
stakeholders in issues relating to the management of alien species.
During the implementation of the management strategy, new The proposed framework provides opportunities for collaboration,
stakeholders, new benefits and new costs of the target species and in order to further align management practices with stakeholders'
its management might arise. Some key stakeholders, particularly needs and expectations. Therefore, we believe this framework can
among the general public, only emerge after the management help managers and policy makers develop and implement conflict-
intervention is implemented. These are often highly motivated and reduced management strategies with the buy-in of stakeholders.
influential stakeholders that can help or hinder management pro- This framework was developed in part on the basis of what has
grammes. Examples of newly emerging stakeholders are residents already been done in real-world situations (see for example Novoa
in areas that are treated for invasive plants removal, who are fearful et al., 2016 for steps 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7). However, the proposed
of being affected by chemical spraying (e.g. Myers et al., 2000). framework still needs to be implemented in its entirety and tested
for its applicability. Nonetheless, we envisage that it will be of great
3.15. Decision E. Are there changes? help for practitioners to develop successful alien species manage-
ment strategies.
If any changes are detected, a new engagement process (Step 2) When using the proposed framework, some factors need to be
should be initiated. In case no changes are detected, step 11 should taken into account. Firstly, we acknowledge that the management
be followed. of each alien species or group of alien species involves a unique
configuration of stakeholders, context and issues. Therefore, we
3.16. Step 11. Monitor stakeholders' perceptions caution that, in some cases, due to a lack of funding or capacity, or
to the presence of unavoidable conflicts, it might not be possible to
During implementation, stakeholders might lose or gain interest achieve collaboration among all stakeholders. In such cases, options
in the management strategy e e.g. satisfaction with the participa- include proceeding with legal measures to ensure compliance with
tory process may be affected by management outcomes (McKinney actions approved by relevant authorities, promoting various levels
and Field, 2008). In this case, stakeholder perceptions need to be re- of tolerance of the target alien species, or setting up a formal sci-
assessed following the same approach as in Steps 3 and 7. entific assessment process (Scholes et al., 2017). As previously
A. Novoa et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 205 (2018) 286e297 295

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