TMP A629
TMP A629
TMP A629
, 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
ISSN: 1735-6865
ABSTRACT:The proposition that natural areas need protection from the destructive actions of people is
widely accepted. This paper examines Iran’s e-society attitudes and capital towards biodiversity conservation
and evaluates economically Iran’s national parks (NPs). 2,121 respondents answered an online questionnaire
conducted in summer 2012. The majority of respondents had visited one of Iran’s NPs. Almost all respondents
were willing to voluntarily participate in conservation and environmental projects; willing to pay for protection;
willing to increase the protected areas; willing to visit the NPs in the future; and they were mostly young.
There is a resurgent interest in conservation amongst Iranian citizen scientists. Respondents showed that they
could collaborate for resource management. They think ecological problems and solutions are human problems
and not simply biological problems. Biodiversity conservation in Iran has been threatened by mismanagement,
lack of funds, park-other organization conflict, lack of biodiversity awareness, and lack of public participation.
Conservation biologists can help engage Iran’s society in conservation efforts by striving to achieve three
goals: adjusting the public’s perception of biodiversity, increasing public participation in biodiversity
conservation, and encouraging ecotourism by tour packages to develop conservation and local. Furthermore,
the government should see the human and environmental condition as one intricate system. The governor must
focus on conservation projects that engage the urban populace and support the goal of developing a biodiversity
ethic. It should consider updating management, enhancing environmental educational programs, designing
environmental volunteer plans, treating ecotourism tour packages, installing real collaborative principles, and
establishing co-management and community-based conservation.
The establishment of protected areas (Pas) is Micareelli and Pizzioli, 2008) and there is a trend
perhaps the longest-standing, most widely practiced, towards permitting multiple uses for Pas.
and best-fun ded approach to maintaining Subsequently, the mission of Pas has expanded from
environmental services (Chomitz 2007; Yakhkeshi 2002). biodiversity conservation to improving human welfare
But their establishment has sometimes involved the (Naughton et al., 2005). There has also been a trend to
displacement of, and loss of assets by people (Ghimire educate, increase awareness and income, and to
and Pimbert 1997; Geisler and Sousa 2001; Smardona actively engage local people in the co-management
and Faust 2006; Leco et al., 2013; Mondejar-Jimenez et and sustainable use of Pas (IBRD 2011; Munasinghe
al., 2013; Javaherian et al., 2013; Masnavi, 2013; Nejadi and McNeely 1994; Braatz 1992), to protect the
et al., 2012; Aminzadeh and Ghorashi, 2007). Conflicts diversity of species and communities (Muller et al.
between management of Pas and communities are 2011). According to recent scaling-up conservation
increasing in many countries (Munasinghe and guidelines, the governments must ensure that their
McNeely 1994). Nowadays, peoples are becoming people are aware of the values of biodiversity and
increasingly common at international conservation engaged in support of conservation and ecosystem
events (Brockington et al. 2008; Fuller 2004; Odindi services by 2020 (COP11, 2012).
and Mhangara, 2012; Rasouli et al., 2012; Spanou et
al., 2012; Zagas et al., 2010; Vicente and Cerezo, 2010; Pas are expensive to establish and operate.
Dehghani et al., 2010; Hedjazi and Arabi, 2009; However, it is less costly to protect their ecological
integrity and manage their goods and services before
*Corresponding author E-mail: Japan; [email protected]
Kolahi, M. et al.
biodiversity and environmental values are lost, than 1991; Hanemann, 1994; Hein, 2007). It is also important
to restore them later. On the other hand, the for researchers to choose a realistic payment option in
establishment of Pas does not guarantee that their a CVM. This option represents a WTP scenario posed
objectives will be achieved. The reports show that still, to the respondents. The payment vehicle may have
there remains a poor linkage between (1) the production included an entrance fee, sales tax, electric bills, license
of resource materials, (2) the education and training of fees, or a special fund; but entrance fees were selected
competent professionals, (3) the achievement of as the most logical choice and a realistic payment
certified high standards of Pas management vehicle for users at recreation sites (Forster, 1989;
effectiveness, and (4) the measurement of conservation Randall et al., 1974). Furthermore, the entrance fee to a
outcomes (IUCN-web, 2012). Thus the governments recreation site provides a more concrete contingency
must ensure that their Pas are well managed (IUCN- factor than others commonly used in the CVM studies,
Jeju, 2012). especially in environmental quality improvements or
existence values (Lee and Chun, 1999; Jorgensen et
The public can help with conservation. The best
al., 2001; Turpie, 2003).
way to get people to internalize a biodiversity ethic is
to have them participate in ecological stewardship Tourism and recreation will increasingly use Pas
(Schwartz, 2006). There is growing recognition of the and other nature areas, “in developed countries as
effectiveness of local groups and the idea of important buffer zones from daily urban life and in developing
social capital assets in bringing and gaining positive countries as the setting for nature tourism” (Font and
biodiversity outcomes (Pretty and Smith, 2004). In Tribe, 2000). Based on the most commonly used
addition, citizen scientists can effectively help collect definition, ecotourism or nature-based tourism is
valuable data on ecological systems, and they cultivate “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the
an ethic of conservation stewardship in the developing environment and improves the well-being of local
world (Schwartz, 2006). Therefore, Pretty and Ward people” (LINDBERG AND HAWKINS, 1993), a
(2001) have identified four central features of social definition which emphasizes the view that ecotourism
capital including (i) relations of trust; (ii) reciprocity should have positive impacts. However, to realize this
and exchanges; (iii) common rules, norms, and potential, the ecotourism experience and view must be
sanctions; and (iv) connectedness in networks and identified to guide management actions and thus to
groups. sustain the resources on which ecotourism ultimately
depends. In this way, in order for tourism businesses
In developing countries, conservation funds are
to succeed (Leco et al., 2013), visitors are at the centre
extremely scarce and come mostly from one source
of ecotourism management. They represent a valuable
(Baral et al., 2008). These aspects are unlikely to be
resource for gaining information about the presence
sustainable in the long-term management of
and extent of impacts, the acceptability of
conservation lands (Dixon & Sherman, 1990; Navrud
environmental change, and the consequences of
and Mungatana, 1994). As a result, underfunding
management actions for conservation and their
hinders conservation or development objectives and
activities (IUCN, 2005). Therefore, many Pas exist merely
on paper (Baral et al., 2008; Kolahi et al., 2012). The past decade has seen a substantial move
toward using education, information, and voluntary
Economic considerations generally play a key role
cooperation not just with individuals, but also with
in decisions. Subsequently, the economic valuation of
communities (NRC, 2002). In addition, policies based
ecosystem services has received special attention in
on voluntary agreements normally are presented as a
recent years. In the developing world also, economic
way to reduce environmental impact faster or further
valuation of environmental services of protected
than regulations require, especially when considering
natural areas is increasingly common (Adamsa et al.,
women power (e.g., NRC, 2002; Stern et al., 1993).
2008). In the last three decades, a range of economic
valuation methods for ecosystem services has been Growth in population and climate warming over
developed to determine their values via people’s the past few years has caused serious degradation of
preferences as expressed e.g., by willingness to pay natural reserves and biodiversity in Iran (Kolahi et al.,
(WTP; Hein, 2007; Walsh, 1986). One important 2012). This has raised concern over the status of
approach is the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). biological endemics species. In an attempt to preserve
The CVM has been commonly used as one standard biodiversity (species, ecosystems and genes), some
approach to measure and quantify the non-market areas were converted into Pas. The Department of the
goods and the non-use values of an ecosystem in Environment (DoE) is the top policy and decision-
monetary terms, such as recreation resources, wildlife, making governmental organization for the protection
and environmental quality goods (Hanemann et al., and management of Iran’s Pas. Iran has four categories
Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
of Pas including ‘National Park’, ‘National Natural society between July and September of 2012 to collect
Monument’, ‘Wildlife Refuge’, and ‘Protected Area’, checked responses to primarily closed-en ded
which altogether cover about 10% of the total Iran’s questions. The questions were about the NPs and
area (DoE-GIS, 2011). These sites are spread through biodiversity conservation in Iran. They were designed
the country. They host key habitats for an array of so that all participants could answer them. But, those
species and associated ecosystems and play a key who had visited at least one of Iran’s NPs had been
role in the sustainable utilization and attainment of asked some more related questions than others. These
natural resources. According to the IUCN (1992), questions were divided into eight sections: 1)
national park is the highest conservation status that environmental activities and attitudes; 2) conditions
can be conferred on a protected area. About 12 per of NPs and other PAs; 3) conservation awareness; 4)
cent of Iran’s Pas are named as national parks (NPs; the relationship between local people and ecotourism;
DoE-GIS, 2011). The level and the challenges of Iran’s 5) volunteer measures; 6) satisfaction; 7) WTP; and 8)
Pas management are noted by Kolahi et al. (2012). The demographic information. The survey consisted of
Pas lack management plans. They are challenging with multiple-choice, dichotomous yes/no, and ordered-
mismanagement, limited public participation, and rank responses, though a few open-ended questions
conflict between people and other organizations over were also posed to offer further explanations for
Pas. Only 2 % of the country’s areas are effectively checked responses.
protected. On the other hand, these areas completely After the questionnaire was structured and
depend on a low, annual governmental budget, and in standardized, Iranians were informed by emails and
absence of economic analyses, all Pas have not ads (in some web sites). In a few days, for example, an
optimized their income from Pas use (Kolahi et al., email was sent to more than 3,000 collected emails of
2012). Some reports also showed that Pas managers Iranian people. Sometimes we also received emails
considered community as a threat and they did not try which senders had enthusiastically circulated to their
to give opportunity to the public to cooperate in friends. However, this self-administrated questionnaire
conservation activities (Kolahi et al., 2011). was given to people to complete it. We did not seek to
There is a lack of reliable data specifically on represent objectively the opinion of most the Iranian
ecotourism numbers to Iran and very little information public but to investigate the opinion of Iran’s e-society.
exists regarding the environmental (biophysical and In this questionnaire, near 54 questions were asked. A
social) impacts of visitor activities and the effect of total of 2,121 usable answers were finally collected from
these impacts on the visitors experiences. Based on an the survey. In this paper only the results of the common
inquiry from BHPAs (2013), the total eco-tourists of questions, for who visited Iran’s NPs or not, have been
Iran’s NPs have been estimated at 100,000 persons per presented. Data cleaning, checking and coding were
year. However, ecotourism has a great future and there done, then we performed analyses.
is a huge potential for the development of ecotourism
In this study, we designed the CVM to simulate as
in Iran’s nature.
closely as possible a real market. We designed bids
It is clear from the literature that one key to based upon the three previous studies (Kolahi et al.,
effective management of Pas is to consider the 2013; Qorbani and Sadeghi, 2011; Amirnejad, 2007) and
importance of social capital in biodiversity inflation, and using entrance fee as a familiar vehicle
conservation, and to find accurate information of for payment. It was felt that respondents would have
people view about managerial behaviour and little trouble visualizing the contingent market specified,
cooperation. However, the main objective of this paper since Iranian people are familiar with paying entrance
is to examine the Iranian e-society attitudes and capital fees for activities at recreation sites and many local
towards the NPs and biodiversity conservation facilities actually charge entrance fees. In this way,
management. Furthermore, it carries out an economic
respondents had a real-world baseline to base their
valuation of the NPs; evaluates environmental
responses. A set of six different offers and an open-
awareness and activities; and presents and discusses
end offer were selected. The offers included nothing,
scientific evidence on the efficacy of education,
10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 (Rials; US$
information, and voluntary measures for achieving
environmental protection objectives. 1=12,260 Rials; CBI, 2012), and others (?); where
maximum WTP for entrance fee was asked to visitors
MATERIALS & METHODS to the NPs to be spending on their protection and
We have selected Iran’s NPs and conservation management. In the open-ended bid format (others (?))
management, and Iran’s e-society as the case studies. respondents were asked to state directly their maximum
An online questionnaire was administered to Iran’s e- WTP.
From Paper Parks to Real Conservations
Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
The logit model in Eq. (3) is then estimated using the 20.4% h ad th e doctorate degrees or upper.
maximum likelihood estimation method, the most Respondents mentioned their monthly income into the
common technique for estimating the logit model following brackets (Rials; US$ 1=12,260 Rials, CBI 2012):
(Capps and Cramer, 1985). Once the parameters have zero (19.0%), less than 5,000,000 (20.5%), 5,000,000 -
been estimated using the maximum likelihood method, 7,500,000 (17.7%), 7,500,000 - 10,000,000 (13.9%),
then the expected value of WTP can be calculated by 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 (11.1%), 15,000,000 - 20,000,000
numerical integration, ranging from 0 to Maximum Bid (10.4%), and more than 20,000,000 (7.4%). They also
(A) as follows: noted their family monthly income into the following
(4) brackets (Rials): zero (2.6%), less than 5,000,000 (5.7%),
5,000,000 - 10,000,000 (27.3%), 10,000,000 - 15,000,000
where E(WTP) is the expected value of WTP, and (21.6%), 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 (15.4%), 20,000,000 -
is the adjusted intercept which was added by the 25,000,000 (12.7%), and more than 25,000,000 (14.8%).
The sample represented visitors from all 31 Iran’s
socioeconomic term to the original intercept term of .
provinces where the most common were Tehran
The area under the curve in Eq. (4) can also be used to
(43.5%), Khorasan Razavi (8.1%), Isfahan (7.0%),
make inferences of truncated mean of WTP.
Mazandaran (4.1%), Fars (3.9%), Alborz (3.4%) and
Khuzestan (2.7%). As these provinces are the most
populated provinces in Iran (SCI, 2011), so it is
Out of 2,121 respondents, 61.7% had at least
expected to have these percentages. Finally, 88.4% of
visited one of Iran’s NPs (Table 1). 0.4% of answerers
respondents were living in Iran, while 11.6% were living
lived inside the NPs. But 9.0%, 19.9%, 41.4%, and
29.3% mentioned the distance of a nearest national
park to their living cities in Iran were less than 10, 10- 56.0% of responders believed co-management as
50, more than 50 km, or they did not know, respectively. the more suitable structure for Iran’s NPs management
96.4% confirmed that their income or part of that did system, others noted private management (28.6%),
not depend on NPs. governmental management (6.4%), or they do not know
(9.0%), as their answers. Table 2 summarizes some of
1.9% of them were 19 and under, while 46.0%, 37.0%,
the respondents’ environmental activities and
10.9%, 3.4%, 0.8%, and 0.0% were among 20-29, 30-39,
attitudes. The frequency distribution of the
40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 old and more, respectively.
respondents’ perception variables on environmental
Some respondents mentioned their primary job as
issues, local people, ecotourism, and NPs management
teachers (elementary to university; 21.1%), student
are shown in Table 3. Awareness of the respondents
(21.5%), private company employee (12.6%), liberal
about biodiversity conservation and NPs are also
expert (doctors, judges, lawyers, deputies, artists,
presented in Table 4.
writers, etc.; 12.0%), and government employee
(10.9%). But others noted their primary jobs as farmer/ 23% of respondents commented in the last open-
ranchman (0.6%), housekeeper (7.0%), self employment end question. Almost all the respondents worried about
(3.6%), retired (2.7%), part-time job (2.5%), unemployed the destruction of Iran’s nature and the reduction of
(3.1%), and other (2.4%). About 0.9% of responders biodiversity. The comments contained a lot of useful
did not complete high school, 3.3% completed high information about threats to Iran’s ecological regions.
school, 4.3% had the associate degrees, 28.1% had the The main threats are grouped in four items including
bachelor degrees, 43.0% had the master degrees, and 1) mismanagement and lack of support from the
Kolahi, M. et al.
Government, the Legislature and the Judicature (48%); coefficient of the respondents’ family monthly income
2) lack of people’s cooperation in environmental issues was statistically significant at 99 percent confidence.
(29%); and 3) lack of knowledge and information related The coefficients of marital status and membership with
to biodiversity, NPs, environmental impacts, NGOs, and an environmental organization were also statistically
conservation activities (21%); and others (e.g., significant but at 90 percent confidence. Their signs
insufficient law; 2%). were also positive. These indicate that the probability
Almost 73% (1,547) of respondents wrote their of WTP ‘yes’ increases for who is married, who is a
email address in the questionnaire to receive the results member of environmental groups, and whose family
of this research. 5% asked to know about environmental earns more income, under the hypothetical market
active NGOs. Finally, 10% were grateful and wrote they scenario. Variables of age, gender, education, the family
had found this survey to be a bridge to learning more size, field related, experienced at least one of Iran’s
about the NPs and conservation. NPs, and respondent’ monthly more income were
excluded by the model, though these variables did not
Almost 94% of the respondents were willing to explain significant variations in WTP. While
pay the bid amount specified in the survey (Table 2). respondents who were older, male, more educated,
The logit regression model was robust in fitting the active in ecotourism, smaller family size, field related,
data which almost 93.5% of respondents were correctly and higher individual monthly income, were more likely
allocated to predicted WTP either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the to be willing to pay, their predictive ability was
model, indicating a relatively good-fit to the data overpowered by the other variables in the study.
( =25.88, p<0.001, Table 5). Of the 10 variables (Table The majority of the respondents were willing to
1), three were significant predictors of WTP in our voluntarily participate in projects related to nature
model: marital status, member of environmental conservation and environmental protection (Table 2).
organization, and respondents’ family monthly income The logit regression model was robust in fitting the
with the expected positive sign. The estimated data which almost 89.1% of respondents were correctly
Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
Table 5. Results of the logit model for WTP of Iran’s national parks
Explana tory variable Coefficient Std. error Sig.
Marital status 0.34 1 0.185 0.066
Member of environmental organization 0.42 1 0.235 0.074
Respondents’ family mo nthly income 0.23 3 0.059 0.000
Constant 1.71 7 0.199 0.000
Likelihood-ratio =25.88, p<0.001, N=2,121, -2 log likelihood: 995.08
Correctly classified: 9 3.5%
allocated to predicted willingness to voluntarily zero to Maximum Bid (see Eq. (4)) after parameters
participate either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the model, indicating a from WTP logit model were estimated using the
relatively good-fit to the data ( =86.43, p<0.001, Table maximum likelihood method. The socioeconomic term
6). Of the 10 variables (Table 1), four were significant of was estimated and added to an adjusted intercept
predictors of willingness to voluntarily participate in together with the original intercept term of . Iran’ss
our model: gender, marital status, field related and
NPs, in general, were estimated to have the highest
member of environmental organizations. The estimated
use value of 49,905 Rials (approximately US$ 4; CBI
coefficient of gender, field related and member of
2012) per visitor.
environmental organization were statistically significant
at 99 percent confidence. The coefficient of marital
status was also statistically significant but at 95 percent
confidence. The signs of field related and member of
environmental organization variables were positive as
Rials (US$ 4) (5)
expected. But the signs of gender and marital status
variables were negative. These indicate that the
The number and scale of threats to Iran’s
probability of willingness to voluntarily participate
ecological regions create an extremely difficult task
‘yes’ increases for those who are female, single, whose
for protection. However, the results of the survey can
field is related to environmental issues, and who is a
be discussed based on following five items:
member of environmental groups, under the
management problems, environmental educational
hypothetical market scenario. Variables of age,
programs, environmental volunteer plans, ecotourism
education, the family size, experience at least one of
tour packages, and co-management and community-
Iran’s NPs, and more income were excluded by the
based conservation. For Iran’s government to meet
model, though these variables did not explain
targets and goals for effective management in
significant variations in willingness to voluntarily
conservation, a focus on all of these elements is
participate. While respondents who were older, more
educated, smaller family size, active in ecotourism, and
higher individual and family monthly income, were more Some reports mentioned better conditions for
likely to be willingness to voluntarily participate, their Iran’s PAs compared to unprotected areas (e.g.,
predictive ability was overpowered by the other IFNRCBD, 2010). But the respondents claimed that
variables in the study. PAs are also under pressure from anthropogenic
activities and lack proper management and
Equation (5) shows the expected value of truncated
main tenance. In many cases, poach ing and
mean WTP, which represents use values of Iran’s NPs.
biodiversity loss continue; forests are harvested and
It was calculated by numerical integration, ranging from
clear-cut, air is polluted, soils are eroded, watersheds
From Paper Parks to Real Conservations
are degraded, more and more fertile land is lost to laws. The current patchwork legislation is weak and
desertification, and vital ecosystem processes are sometimes focused on particular species or types of
disturbed. However, Iran’s PAs are threatened with organisms rather than on habitats. A more critical
mismanagement; conservation-other organizations problem is that enforcement of conservation legislation
conflict; conservation-people conflict; lack of is weak, and illegal hunting, logging, and land
sufficient and implementing environmental laws; encroachment in PAs is common. In addition, the
unplanned ecotourism; and lack of community-based Iranian government, practically unopposed, can easily
conservation projects. modify existing environmental laws and pass new ones
to remove environmental obstacles to the construction
The majority of respondents noted that current
of roads, dams, mines, factories, housing projects, and
preservation and management activities were not
other developments. As a result, some respondents
successful in conserving natural areas and biodiversity
believed and some reports noted sustainable
(Table 3). They worried about the future of Iran’s
development is a motto, and the DoE is a paper
biodiversity and habitats. The opinion of most
organization. Subsequently, the PAs are paper areas.
responders clearly was that the current structure of
As long as laws are insufficient and poorly enforced,
governmental management of NPs should be changed
penalties are small and often not implemented, public
to a better structure (84.6%). The country’s biodiversity,
education and awareness of existing environmental
much of which is found in PAs, has diminished together
standards and regulations are limited, and poverty and
with habitat areas. On the other hand, the DoE at the
unemployment are not decreasing, environmental
national, provincial and PAs levels are unable to
degradation will continue and effective management
engage on equal terms with other government sectors
will be limited. However, when the speed of degradation
and remain weak actors, because of the lack of support
of the realm’s biodiversity is at least 166% greater than
from the Government, the Legislature and the
the global average (Darvish, 2006), and all Iran’s
Judicature. These findings are similar to UNDP-GEF
environmental alarm lights are red (Kolahi et al., 2012),
(2004). This lack of coordination between government
the government must quickly act and carefully improve
agencies and conflicting policies hinders biodiversity
its conservation efforts.
conservation. Kolahi et al. (2012) presents important
problems and challenges in Iran’s biodiversity Public awareness and collaboration for
conservation. Almost all PAs are managed without environmental issues is very low which create a big
management plans. They are challenged with untrained conflict in these issues. The environment is not yet
managers; unscientific actions; insufficient staff and thought to be an important problem compared with
ecoguard; budget constraints; lack of scientific other socioeconomic issues. These findings are similar
planning; weak monitoring and control programs, and to Calabrese et al. (2008). People are uneducated and
lack of an effective relationship with national and uninformed about environmental impacts (Abdollahi,
international environmental organizations. Most PAs 2012), or how to behave with nature, even with their
are not demarcated, and without clear boundaries. garbage. Unfortunately, most often, they leave their
Some are with no ranger office. Some responders garbage in visited areas. Biodiversity conservation
claimed that the managers do not give much support suffers from the perception of the Iranian public that
for environmental publications, NGOs, experts, and personal actions do not cause biodiversity problems,
con servation volunteers. Furthermore, some so there is a need to adjust the public’s perception of
respondents noted unequal equipments and salary for biodiversity. In addition, most people have a low
all managers and ecoguards across country. The income, and cannot travel more to see natural lands.
ecoguards are mostly temporary, poor, uneducated, They can only visit some nearby city parks.
with low equipments for defence, low salary, and Furthermore, there is a lack of understanding of the
sometimes unpaid salary for some months (see e.g., concept of NPs, other PAs, biodiversity, wildlife, and
Darvish, 2013a). Some rangers avoid fighting with conservation. Many, even some of the educated and
illegal hunters, because of the lack of supports from major decision-makers, do not know the difference
managers. Unfortunately, it is reported that some of between “city parks” and “national parks”. There are
them collaborate with illegal hunters. On the other no education programs especially from schools. There
hand, the DoE issues many legal permits to hunt is no continuation of worthy publications, such as
wildlife every year, which mostly these permits are not books, journals, and newspapers, about biodiversity,
based on the wildlife survey, and hunters are not well conservation, NGOs, and the NPs and other PAs.
controlled (see e.g., Kehsvari, 2013; Darvish 2013b). Hunting problems continue to exist due to a lack of
sufficient awareness and ongoing cultural issues of
Iran has both a lack of sufficient environmental
indigenous people. However, there is a big gap in
laws and a severe lack of implementation of existing
Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
building capacity of the public which some respondents in a project of NPs planning and management including
believed that the government is not intentionally willing meetings, enforcement and/or monitoring, the majority
to dedicate resources to educate the people about of responders were willing voluntarily to participate in
environmental issues. Therefore, it raises the conflict projects related to environmental issues and
and this lack of coordination hinders biodiversity conservation (Table 2). They think ecological problems
conservation . However, public education and and solutions are human problems and not simply
awareness of the ongoing crisis in Iran’s ecosystems biological problems. On the other hand, many want to
remains low, hampering the ability of well-intentioned voluntarily participate in environmental projects, but
decision-makers to implement positive changes with do not know where and how. Based on the results of
regard to conservation policies. the logistic model (Table 6), who had field related and
were a member of any environmental supportive
In TV and newspapers, except for a few efforts,
organization, were more willingness to voluntarily
there is not much discussion of water, air, PAs,
participate, as expected, which it is a point for managers
endangered species, or habitat loss. Even climate
to engage their knowledge and efforts in conservation.
change and renewable energy have thus far received
Women and single persons were also more willing to
scant attention. Framing the biodiversity issue for the
join (Table 6). However, volunteer stewardship
society is a critical component for successful
programs are an important way to engage the society
conservation. The managers should elevate Iran’s
(Schwartz, 2006), yet relatively a few organized efforts
environmental awareness and consciousness, build
community capacity for biodiversity management,
create a robust conservation movement, promote Ecotourism potentially provides a sustainable
ecotourism and sustainable investment, and strengthen approach to tourism development across the world.
the capacity of NGOs. Village and urban areas need to PAs and other nature areas in Iran and across the world
have nature centres and schools with environmental are considered special places that have come to be
education programs that contribute to a conservation regarded as natural and cultural assets attracting many
ethic to adequately increase the political value of local, national and international tourists (Darvishsefat,
biodiversity. For example, a director of a school in Iran 2006; Moore et al., 2009). Iran’s NPs have two primary
was so happy from the results of intensively his setting objectives - protect conservation values and to provide
up a class about environmental issues for 350 students a means for people to visit and enjoy the parks to the
of the school (Borbor, 2013). Furthermore, some fullest extent -as long as the conservation values are
attractive programs should be designed such as junior retained. That is sometimes a fine balance that needs
rangers to allow elementary and secondary school to be reassessed and adjusted periodically. Although,
children to patrol PAs, carry out simple surveys of visitors in PAs can generate both positive and negative
fauna and flora, and acquire other experiences made environmental impacts (McCool, 2006), some efforts
possible by the guidance and cooperation provided show that through developing sustainable ecotourism
by PAs rangers and volunteers. In support of it can be possible to change attitudes and increase
stewardship, a systematic program as posting adopt- conservation (e.g., UNWTO, 2012).
a-species signs to engage the public empathy for The survey results sh owed that almost all
endangered species might foster strong collective respondents were willing to pay for biodiversity
action responses (Schwartz, 2006). Having more space protection (Table 2). The probability of paying more is
in media (e.g. TV, radio, etc.) reserved for environmental also subject to increase if responders were married,
education will also benefit protection. Creating a were a member of any environmental supportive
biodiversity ethic, however, requires changing the organization, and their family earn more income (Table
perception of distant biodiversity loss into one in which 5). In addition, most answerers highlighted ecotourism
people all share personal responsibility, locally and activities as a tool to benefit local people via spending
globally. money, educating, etc (Table 3). The proportion of
More than half of responders had voluntarily respondents who reported a desire to visit NPs of Iran
participated in activities related to nature conservation in the future was high (98.8%; Table 2). But Iran’s NPs
and other PAs lack ecotourism plans. Their recreation
and environmental protection (Table 2). People
zones are not designed. Most areas do not have initial
completely interested in conserving nature areas and
infrastructure and service facilities. Efforts to attract
biodiversity with the high agreement to increase the
ecotourism are limited. Except a few agencies, no
percentage of the PAs (Table 4). Respondents believed scientific and recreation tours are planned. On the other
that the conservation of biodiversity is not only the hand, there is not any statistical documentary about
responsibility of the government but also others (Table eco-tourists in Iran’s NPs and other PAs. And, most of
3). Although about one-third had participated at least ecotourism activities are unplanned and uncontrolled.
Kolahi, M. et al.
A wide array of options should be available to those Rosenzweig (2003) presents several successful
who wish to interact with nature. These options can examples of involving people efforts in biodiversity
include mountain climbing, hiking, skiing, camping, conservation. However, linking social capital lowers
canoeing, snorkelling, birdwatching, and nature- the costs of working together and it facilitates
observation activities. In order to allow these activities participation (Pretty and Smith, 2004).
to be enjoyed by many people, visitor centres, The majority of the responders pointed out that
pedestrian walkways, and guide signs should been the current governmental management structure of the
erected or installed and guided tour and other events NPs needs to be changed to a better one, where the
should regularly held. Furthermore, a program to most frequently mentioned co-management structure
provide assistance to cover the costs of building as the best structure. They believed that government
mountain hut lavatories should be planned in response authorities should allow them to participate in
to the environmental problems of trash and human conservation management (Table 2). Respondents
waste occurring in natural areas. wanted that their voices would being heard and be a
The relationship between nature conservation and part of the process. On the other hand, the local capital
ecotourism can be classified into three categories: is important in real conservation. There is no organized
coexistence, conflict, and symbiosis (Budowski, 1976). cooperation between local people and conservation.
The survey results showed that there is a potential There is a lack of real community participation, a lack
symbiosis relationship between Iran’s NPs of indigenous community conserved area, and no place
conservation and ecotourism whereby environment for community-based conservation. Some integrated
protection can be enhanced by ecotourism because of management projects also lack the supports from the
the advantages of interaction s between national and the international organizations (Yakhkeshi,
conservationists and the ecotourism industry. 2006). On the other hand, trust between management
However, well-managed ecotourism can help and local people is limited (Table 3). This finding is
biodiversity protection. similar to Nouri (2008), Yakhkeshi (2006), Torabi (2004),
and Sheikhpour (2009), which it may result from the
Unfortunately, there is no statistical documentary
lack of environmental awareness, low education levels,
about eco-tourists in Iran’s NPs. This number has been
or economic poverty. Local level projects do not build
estimated very low (BHPAs, 2013), only 100,000
community capacity for biodiversity management.
persons per year, mostly because of the lack of the
However, the possibility of finding effective ways to
basic infrastructural facilities and information. In
manage the parks is needed. The power of the people
addition, the set-up of new payment schemes for
for conservation should be the main way in the
economic services is one of the sensitive issues, since
conservation. Iran needs to create more opportunities
these schemes are unlikely to be successful when
to engage the public in conservation science. All
people are poor and it is hard to pay for the ecosystem
stakeholders, especially local communities, scientific
services they receive (Hein, 2007). Therefore, we do
communities, local authorities and international
not follow to apply an entrance fee, but it is suggested
stakeholders should be a basic principle of management
here that the government should think more about tour
of the PAs. An alternative livelihood program and local
packages as a rational method to aware and take
participation should be included in PAs management
support from the public. However, ecotourism has a
plans, with an emphasis on activities that do not
great future and there is a huge potential for the
compromise biodiversity (Fuller 2004). Conservation
development of ecotourism in Iran’s nature. And, there
biologists can help to resurrect biodiversity ethic by
are opportunities for increased productivity from
supporting science that better integrates the public
ecotourism which can deliver economic benefits for
into the process of understanding human impacts on
the sustainable management of the NPs and local
biodiversity. It is also important to focus on
conservation projects that engage people in the
The spatial coincidence of people and biodiversity stewardship of biodiversity. Without the availability
poses a problem for conservation biologists, but also of legal activities that result in tangible monetary
provides an opportunity (Schwartz, 2006). As Pretty benefits for local people, illegal activities and overuse
and Smith (2004, p632) reported, there is growing of protected resources will continue, and community
evidence “to show that when people are well connected conflicts will increase (Kudat et al. 1999; Fuller 2004).
in groups and networks, and when their knowledge is The managers, however, have to th ink about
sought, incorporated, and built upon during planning mechanisms to help increase public participation by
and implementation of conservation and development building opportunities for participatory, cooperative
activities, then they are more likely to sustain science and stewardship. For drawing collaboration
stewardship and protection over the long term”. framework, the managers can establish it with some
Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(1):101-114,Winter 2014
important principles that the real collaborative actions hearts, anxieties, and minds of a large segment of the
should follow, such as principles of equality, respecting Iranian public. If Iran’s environmentalists are to move
voluntary actions, developing independent actions, beyond their current isolation, they must reach out
mutual understanding, sharing objectives, and and connect to new audiences across the social
transparency (RACG, 2010). Then the public can share spectra. However, conservation biologists can help
adequate benefits with the NPs management. engage Iran’s society in conservation efforts by striving
to ach ieve three goals: adjusting the public’s
CONCLUSION perception of biodiversity, increasing public
There is a resurgent interest in conservation in participation in biodiversity conservation, and
the Iranian citizen scientists. This provided a venue encouraging ecotourism by tour packages to develop
for this paper to conduct research relevant to decision conservation and local.
making and builds social capital. Furthermore, Almost all respondents were willing to voluntarily
conservationists could become more mindful of participate in projects related to nature, environment,
opportunities to work on multiple goals of conservation and biodiversity conservation; willing to pay for
that include building public support. It was felt that protection; willing to increase the percentage of PAs;
management and ecotourism in Iran’s biodiversity willing to visit the NPs in the future; and they were
conservation could be sustainable if the managers were mostly young. But these opportunities are less
equipped with sufficient information from the public. considering. For example, volunteer stewardship
Informed decision making and sound management of programs are missed opportunities. Volunteers can be
the site and facilities would help, in the long term, to registered with each national park and be engaged in
sustain biodiversity, management, and economic providing nature interpretation programs, participating
benefits of ecotourism in Iran’s NPs. This study, with in clean-up operations, undertaking simple repairs of
its socio-political approach, contributed to a greater facilities, carrying out nature surveys, and otherwise
understanding of the implications of Iran’s e-society doing whatever they are capable of doing to support
opinions for PAs management in Iran. With human natural parks. However, NPs volunteers and others can
population growth, mismanagement and poverty,
provide support for certain aspects of NPs
undoubtedly threats to biodiversity will not be abated managements.
easily. NPs and biodiversity conservation in Iran have
been threatened by mismanagement, lack of funds, The task of privatizing nature in Iran’s conditions
park-people conflict, park-other organization conflict, seems daunting, but there is much encouragement to
lack of biodiversity awareness, and lack of public have co-management (join management). This is why
participation. The current governmental management most of the respon dents confirmed th at co-
structure is not successful in the conservation. It was management is a reasonable structure for Iran’s NPs.
thought that PAs in Iran are “paper PAs”. The Although, there is a persistent challenge to effectively
government must quickly act and carefully improve its engage people in the job of protecting biodiversity
management activities. Biodiversity conservation (Schwartz, 2006), it consequently depends on the
efforts have to be prioritized. The governor must focus government’s responsibilities to successfully apply
on conservation projects that engage the urban co-management between NPs administrations and
populace and support the goal of developing a people. The governor, however, should look for
biodiversity ethic. It should consider updating synergisms; to find ways to meld conservation work
management, enhancing environmental educational with the Iranian public’s interests and day-to-day lives.
programs, designing environmental volunteer plans, Many studies in the past used the direct face-to-face
treating ecotourism tour packages, and establishing interview as their main survey method. We would like
co-management and community-based sustainable to see more online questionnaires in future for the
conservation. For Iran’s government to meet targets evaluation of environmental problems.
and goals for effective management in conservation, a
focus on all of these elements is required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
We would like to thank all respondents who
People should be seen not as a threat but as an showed enthusiasms to our research and patiently
opportunity to h elp achieve broader nature filled out surveys, and shared and circulated it. Mr.
conservation goals. The government should see the Mahdi Karimian deserves special thanks for his adept
human and environmental condition as one intricate knowledge in helping us to prepare electronic file of
system. Although the NPs managers have the problem the questionnaire. We also thank Mr. Bashir Raeisi and
in participatory man agement, volunteer
Mr. Kianoush Davodi, members of Iran’s the
conservationists are also losing the battle to protect department of the Environment, for answering my
nature because they are failing to connect with the
From Paper Parks to Real Conservations
questions, especially about the total number of eco- CBI, (2012). The Central Bank of Iran, Reference ExRates.
tourists in Iran’s national parks per year. for period of July to September 2012.from
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