Staircase Pressurisation Calculation-Upper Tower

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Calculations are based on ASHRAE Handbook 2009 - Applications

Chapter 52: Fires and Smoke Management
Fan capacity calculation for STAIR 'A'
Serving from 101 to 122 LEVEL
Average height per floor = 3.65 m
Number of floors = 15

A) Calculations of airflow leakages through walls and closed doors :

Q = 0.559 * N * Asb * [ (DPsbt)3/2 – (DPsbb)3/2]

[ (DPsbt) – (DPsbb)]

DPsbt = Pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell top, Pa

DPsbb = Pressure difference from stairwell and building at stairwell bottom, Pa
Here DPsbb = 12.5 Pa (Minimum Pressure Differentials to be maintained, NFPA 92A)

DPsbt = DPsbb + B*Y

1+ (Asb/Abo)2

a) Calculation of Abo :
Abo = Flow area between building and outside (per floor) in m 2.
Assumption: Refer table - 1.(ASHRAE Chap.52) Exterior Building walls considered 'average'.
Therefore Area ratio = 0.00017
height of Stair A per floor = 3.65 m
Total Exterior wall area = 210 x 3.65 = 766.5 m2
Abo = Area ratio X Exterior wall area per floor
Abo = 0.13 2

b) Calculation of Asb :
Asb = Flow area between stairwell and building (per floor) in m2.
Assumption: Refer table - 1. (ASHRAE Chap.52) Stairwell walls considered 'average'.
Therefore Area ratio = 0.00011
Area of stairwell = 18.4 x 3.65 = 67.16 m2
Leakage area through stairwell walls = 0.01 m2
The stairwell has a single-leaf door at each floor opening into a pressurized space.
Gaps around the closed doors = 0.02 m2 (BSEN12101-6:2005 ,Table A.3 Air leakage data from doors)
Asb = 0.03 m2

c) Calculation of temperature factor B

B = 3460 * ( 1/T0 - 1/Ts)

Where T0 = Outside tempereture in K = 319 K
and Ts = Inside tempereture in K = 298 K

B = 0.764343

Y = Total height of the stair A serving

Y = 55 m

DPsbt = DPsbb + B*Y

1+ (Asb/Abo)2

DPsbt = 52.76034 Pa

Q = 0.559 * N * Asb * [ (DPsbt)3/2 – (DPsbb)3/2]

[ (DPsbt) – (DPsbb)] `

Here N = No. of floors = 15

Q = 1.934 m3/s (Total airflow leakages through walls and closed doors)

B) Airflow through open doors :

a) Door dimensions at fire floor :

Door size = 1 m x 2.4 m = 2.4 m2

Air velocity through open door = 1 m/sec. (Max. velocity 200 ft/min, NFPA 92B)
No. of doors open = 2
Airflow through open door(s) = 4.8 m3/s

b) Door dimensions at ground floor:

Door size = 1 m x 2.4 m = 2.4 m
Air velocity through open door = 1 m/sec. (Max. velocity 200 ft/min, NFPA 92B)
No. of doors open = 1
Airflow through open door(s) = 2.4 m /s

Total airflow through open doors in ground floor and fire floor:

= a+b
= 7.2 m3/s

Leakages through walls and closed doors 3

A) = 1.93387 m /s

B) Airflow through doors : = 7.2 m /s
Total airflow of fan = A+B = 9.13387 m /s
Safety Factor = 10 %
Total fan capacity (Qnet) = 10.047 m /s
Selected fan capacity = 10.1 3
m /s

Force required to open the door:

F = Fdc + W*A*DPmax

Fdc = Force required to overcome door

= 35 N (As per ASHRAE Chap. 52. Fdc value ranges from 13N to 90N)
W = door width = 1 m Fdc= 6 (lb ft) is taken from NFPA 92A Table A.5.2.2
d= distance from the door handle centre to
= 0.076 m (d= 3 in. from NFPA 92A Table A.5.2.2)
the nearest vertical edge of the door
AD = door area = 2.4 m2
DPmax = Maximum pressure in stairwell = 52.76034 Pa
F = 103.5199 N (Maximum allowable force=133 N ,NFPA 92A Table A.5.2.2)

Size of pressure relief damper:

Area of pressure relief damper (Apd ) = Quantity of air to be exhausted

Quantity of air to be exhausted = Net air flow - Air flow required to maintain pressure difference across closed doors
= Qselected - Q
= 8.16613 m3/s

Apd = 1.35943 m2

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