DLL English-4 Q2 W7

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JOHN ERROLL O. GESMUNDO Learning Area: ENGLISH 4

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: DECEMBER 11-15, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
B. Performance Standard The learner speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Identify and use words that show
Write the LC code for each. degrees of comparison of
Define and assess the use of pronouns adjectives in sentences
Use personal pronouns in sentences EN4G-IIa-4.2.1, page 134 (MELC)
Use adjectives (degrees of
comparison, order) in sentences.
II. CONTENT Using Adjectives—Degrees
Personal Pronouns of Comparison and Order
in Sentences
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 MELCs PAGE 134-135
2. Learner’s Materials pages ADM Module Grade 4-ENGLISH-
ADM Module Grade 4-ENGLISH- PAGE 1-17
PAGE 1-16
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
E. Other Learning Resource Slide deck presentation, objects, pictures, puzzle, Show Me Board
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Identify the personal pronoun to Game: AMAZING RACE Game: PINOY HENYO CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS BREAK
the new lesson the following. Mechanics: Mechanics: PARTY
1. I love to sing everyday. 1. The Teacher will divide the class 1. Divide the players into two
2. We would like to give thanks to into 4 groups. teams.
those who support. 2. Each group will have 1 minute to 2. Decide on a time limit for each
3. Go and escort him on the stage. complete the sentences below. round (e.g., 2 minutes).
4. Bring some refreshments to her 3. The first group who will finish the 3. Each team selects one player to
house. game correctly will win. Present be the guesser and one player to
5. You must be responsible your yell once you are done. be the clue giver.
enough so that everyone will follow 4. The guesser wears a blindfold or
you. Complete the sentences below. closes their eyes to ensure they
1. Lisa and ___ are going to the don't see the word written or
movies tonight. gestured by the clue giver.
2. Can you pass ___ the salt, 5. The host (or another neutral
please? party) writes a word on the
3. She told ___ not to worry about whiteboard or paper. This word will
it. be the "secret word" that the
4. Who is going to help ___ with guesser needs to figure out.
the project? 6. The clue giver then provides
5. The gift is for ___ and me. verbal clues or gestures to help the
guesser identify the secret word.
However, the clue giver cannot say
the actual word, use rhyming
words, or use the first letter of the
7. The guesser tries to guess the
word within the time limit. If they
guess correctly, the team earns a
8. After the round, teams switch
roles (guesser becomes the clue
giver, and vice versa), and a new
word is chosen for the next round.
9. Continue playing for a
predetermined number of rounds
or until a certain point goal is

1. Beautiful 6. Cute
2. lovely 7. Shinny
3. Happy 8. Gentle
4. Sad 9. Big
5. Better 10. small
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson READ ALOUD
Read the story below and answer
the questions that

1. Who owned the old watch?

a. Lolo
b. Lola
c. Father
2. Why is the watch important?
a. because it keeps an old treasure
b. because it was a gift
c. because it was an heirloom
3. What words or series of words
are used to describe an
object or a person in the story?
Write them on your answer
Words that Show Comparison
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
Series of Describing Words
1. _____________________
2. ______________________
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the Complete the chart below by • The words young, eldest, more
new lesson putting examples of personal tired, and old show the degrees of
pronouns inside the circles. comparison of adjectives.

The POSITIVE degree is used

when we are simply describing
a person or thing.
Example: The ipil-ipil tree is tall.

The COMPARATIVE degree is

used when we are comparing two
persons or things. We usually add
–er at the end of the adjective or
use word like “more” before the
Example: The coconut tree is taller
than the ipil-ipil tree.

The SUPERLATIVE degree is

used when comparing three
or more persons or things.
Example: The narra tree is the
tallest of the three.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Rewrite each sentences by GUIDED LEARNING
new skills # 1 replacing the underlined noun
using the correct personal A.DEGREES OF COMPARISON
pronoun. Read the following sentences. On
1. Emily book to Jennifer. your answer sheet, write
2. The cat chased the mouse. the words that show degrees of
3. My parents visited the museum. comparison.
4. The teacher praised the 1. The boy is taller than his little
students. sister.
5. The team celebrated the victory. 2. This book is thicker than the one
you’re holding.
3. Lisa is a sweet girl.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Game: Personal Pronoun THINK-PAIR SHARE
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Scramble:
Use the correct degree of
1. Prepare a list of sentences with comparison of the adjectives inside
jumbled personal pronouns. the parentheses. Write your
2. Participants must unscramble answers on your answer sheet.
the sentences to form 1. The umbrella is (big).
grammatically correct sentences 2. Anna is (short) than Maria.
with the appropriate personal 3. Joel is the (strong) among the
pronouns. three boxers.
3. This activity challenges
participants to recognize and
correctly order pronouns in
G. Finding practical application of concepts INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY
and skills in daily living Create one sentences for each
personal pronoun. Make one sentence for each
1. I degree of adjective.
2. she
3. him
4. you
5. we

H. Making generalizations and abstractions A pronoun is a word that takes the A pronoun is a word that takes the The POSITIVE degree is used
about the lesson place of a noun. place of a noun. when we are simply describing
a person or thing.
Personal pronouns are used to Personal pronouns are used to
substitute the names of people, substitute the names of people, The COMPARATIVE degree is
places, animals, or things. places, animals, or things. used when we are comparing two
persons or things. We usually add
Common Personal Pronouns Common Personal Pronouns –er at the end of the adjective or
include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, use word like “more” before the
you, we, they, them. you, we, they, them. adjective..

The SUPERLATIVE degree is

used when comparing three
or more persons or things.
I. Evaluating learning Identify the personal pronoun to be -SUMMATIVE TEST-
used in place of the underlined
noun in each sentence. Match the
sentence with the anchor
containing the correct personal

B. Use each personal pronoun in a

sentence. Write the answers on
your answer sheet.
1. They 2. I
J. Additional activities for application or


A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners earned
evaluation 75% above in the evaluation. 75% above in the evaluation. 75% above in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners required
activities for remediation who scored additional activities for remediation. additional activities for remediation. additional activities for remediation.
below 75%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______
lesson _______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have caught
up with the lesson. up with the lesson. up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue
remediation remediation. remediation. remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal I

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