DLL English-4 Q2 W6
DLL English-4 Q2 W6
DLL English-4 Q2 W6
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
B. Performance Standard The learner speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Identify and use words that
Write the LC code for each. show degrees of comparison of
adjectives in sentences
Define and assess the use of pronouns
Use personal pronouns in sentences EN4G-IIa-4.2.1, page 134 (MELC) Use adjectives (degrees of
comparison, order) in
sentences. EN4G-IIIa-13
1. Beautiful 6. Cute
2. lovely 7. Shinny
3. Happy 8. Gentle
4. Sad 9. Big
5. Better 10. small
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson READ ALOUD READ ALOUD
Read the story below and
Read the story below and choose answer the questions that
the personal follow.
pronouns used. Write your
answers on your
answer sheets.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions A pronoun is a word that takes the A pronoun is a word that takes the A pronoun is a word that takes the A pronoun is a word that takes the The POSITIVE degree is used
about the lesson place of a noun. place of a noun. place of a noun. place of a noun. when we are simply describing
a person or thing.
Personal pronouns are used to Personal pronouns are used to Personal pronouns are used to Personal pronouns are used to
substitute the names of people, substitute the names of people, substitute the names of people, substitute the names of people, The COMPARATIVE degree is
places, animals, or things. places, animals, or things. places, animals, or things. places, animals, or things. used when we are comparing
two persons or things. We
Common Personal Pronouns Common Personal Pronouns Common Personal Pronouns Common Personal Pronouns usually add –er at the end of
include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, include: I, me, he, she, it, him, her, the adjective or use word like
you, we, they, them. you, we, they, them. you, we, they, them. you, we, they, them. “more” before the adjective..
A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners earned _____of the ____ learners
evaluation 75% above in the evaluation. 75% above in the evaluation. 75% above in the evaluation. 75% above in the evaluation. earned 75% above in the
B. No. of learners who require additional _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners required _____of the ____ learners
activities for remediation who scored additional activities for remediation. additional activities for remediation. additional activities for remediation. additional activities for remediation. required additional activities for
below 75% remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______ Yes_____ No ______
_______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have caught _______ learners who have
up with the lesson. up with the lesson. up with the lesson. up with the lesson. caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue _____ of learners will continue
remediation remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?