Math - Asking Questions and Surveys

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Date Nov 22, 2023 Lesson Title Asking Questions and Surveys Grade Level 3
Time in Lesson 1 hour Subject Math Lesson # 2
Developed by Carmela Perez


Learner Outcomes from the Program of Studies
What are the SPECIFIC outcomes to be addressed in this lesson?

Learning outcome: Students interpret and explain representations of data.

- Statistical questions are questions that can be answered by collecting data.
- First-hand data is collected by the person using the data.
Skills and Procedures
- Collect data using digital or non-digital tools and resources.
Objective in student-friendly language Assessment Strategies
What will students understand/experience/appreciate as a result of this What will I accept as evidence of learning/development? Have I employed
lesson? formative assessment? Do I make use of prior assessments in this lesson?

By the end of this lesson students will… • I will formatively assess students understanding through
• Create questions to collect data asking questions.
• Ask questions and collect data • I will accept students’ collection data worksheet as evidence of

Resources Personalization/Differentiation
What materials/resources/technology will be required? How will you attend to the needs of ALL learners in this lesson?

• Worksheet • I will attend to the needs of ELL students by including visuals

• Smartboard to aid students that cannot read. In addition to the visuals, I
• Slideshow will use student-friendly language that can be easily
• Youtube video understood.
• I will write the questions and options on the board for
students to copy and refer to.
• I will create a graphic organizer/table for students to use
when asking their own question and collecting data.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

How will you ACTIVATE prior knowledge and ENGAGE them in the lesson and how does this lesson connect to prior lessons?

I will activate prior knowledge by asking students what they remember about data. I will ask them what type of data collection they
completed – collecting data by counting. In addition, I will use a video on tally marks to engage students in the lesson and refresh their
memory on tally marks.

Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and/or EVALUATE their understandings of the outcomes.

What is the TEACHER doing? What is your plan for the body of What are the STUDENTS doing? How are they engaged while
Approx. time
the lesson? What steps are taken during the lesson? you are teaching the lesson?
- The teacher will ask students what they remember - Students are discussing with their elbow partner 5 mins
about data. The teacher will ask students what type of about what they remember from the previous lesson
data collection they did in the previous lesson on data.
(counting). The teacher will also ask students if they - Students are actively listening.
remember what other types of data collection there - Students are raising their hand and sharing what they
are. discussed to the class.
- The teacher will ask students to turn to an elbow
partner to discuss those questions, then ask them to
share as a group.
- The teacher will play a video on tally marks to refresh - Students are listening/watching the video. 10 minutes
students' memory and engage them in the lesson.
- The teacher will pause the video at certain points to
review key ideas.
- The teacher will introduce a new method of collecting - Students are answering what type of drink they prefer 5 minutes
data which is asking questions. when the teacher asks them.
- The teacher will ask students a question (ie. What is - Students are quietly listening to the choices of
your favorite type of drink?). students.
- The teacher will collect data by asking each student
what drink they prefer.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

- The teacher will tell students that we will create a - Students are sharing possible questions and options 10 minutes
question together, which they will use to collect data with the teacher.
from their classmates. - Students are answering questions when asked.
- The teacher will remind students that they should - Students are asking questions when needed.
choose a question that everyone will know (ie. Not
asking what their favorite anime character is as not
everyone watches anime).
- Remind students that we should only have 4 general
options to answer the question.
- Remind students that they should choose the best
option even if they are unsure of their answer.
- The teacher will then demonstrate to students how - Students are watching the demonstration. 5 minutes
they will ask their classmates the question and collect - Students are asking any questions that they have.
- The teacher will ask one student to help demonstrate.
- Remind them that they can only ask each person once,
and to ask nicely.
- Remind them to use tally marks when collecting data
from classmates.
- Set clear expectations for the activity.
- The teacher will hand out the data worksheet to - Students are waiting for the teacher to say go. 10 minutes
students. - Students are collecting data from their classmates by
- The teacher will give students 4 minutes to collect as asking questions.
much data as they can from their classmates. - Students are referring to the visual timer to check
- The teacher will use a visual timer for students to how much time they have left.
refer to.
- The teacher will ask students to go back to their desks - Students will sit quietly at their desks and count their 5 minutes
and count how many tally marks they have for each tally marks for each option
- The teacher will tell students that they will ask their - Students will watch the demonstration and listen to 10 minutes
question to students in another class. the expectations.
- The teacher will model the expectations with the help - Students are collecting data from another class by
of another student. Ensuring that they know to ask in asking questions.
a kind manner and asking a different person each - When students return to the classroom, they will add
time. up their tally marks from their data of the other class.
- Remind students to use tally marks.
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the PURPOSE of the lesson and its IMPORTANCE to their learning?

I will ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding by reviewing how the collection of data is applicable to real life. I will make
connections with the lesson and to students experiences to create a meaningful lesson.


In your self- reflection of your lesson, please consider the following questions:

1. What went well in your lesson? What were the strengths of the lesson?
2. What are the areas that need to be refined? What might you do differently next time?
3. What are your next steps to further develop/ refine this lesson? How will you continue to grow in your practice? What actions
will you take?

These are additional questions that can help guide your response to the three self– reflection questions.

• How do you feel your students experienced this lesson?

• How were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or knowledge?
• How did you employ formative assessment for/of/as learning?
• Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate for diverse learners and those
requiring accommodations?
• Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities and knowledge?

The strength of this lesson was that it was engaging for all students. The video at the beginning was an effective way of getting students
excited about the lesson. I employed the I do, We do, You do method in my lesson to ensure that students remained engaged throughout the
lesson. An effective strategy in ensuring that students understand the concept being taught is by demonstrating it first, then doing it as a
group, and lastly doing it independently. I could refine this lesson by creating an exit ticket at the end of the lesson to formatively assess the
students. I was able to accommodate the needs of diverse students by writing the words for them on the board to copy, and creating a simple
graphic organizer for their survey. Next time, I would shorten the time when students survey their classmates as 5 minutes was too long and
students started to get off-task. My next step to further develop this lesson is to find opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural, and
Interdisciplinary activities and knowledge.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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