Major Mastery 5
Major Mastery 5
Major Mastery 5
Joseph Condrad
C. The plot should be complete. 20. Ulysses chronicles the passage of Leopold Bloom
through Dublin during an ordinary
D. The plot should show sudden change in the hero‟s
fortune. day, 16 June 1904.The title alludes to Odysseus, the
hero of Homer‟s Odyssey. Name
E. The plot must have the beginning, middle and end.
the author of Ulysses.
15. When is a poem good according to Longinus?
A. Anthony Trollope
A. If it is beautifully crafted.
B. Kenneth Grahame
B. If it elevates the reader to greater heights of
feelings. C. Laurence Strene
23.Name the book which opens with the line „All C. peasants
children, except one grew up‟?
D. round head
A. The Moby Dick
E. land owners
B. The Paradise Lost
D. coherence Century.
37. The repeated words with the same text. B. Oliver Cromwell
38. A mark or series of marks that usually indicate an B. Ramayana is attributed to Valmki.
intentional omission of some
C. Geoffrey Chaucer is the unofficial father of English
parts. Literature.D. Rabindranath Tagore wrote “Gitanjali”.
A. Sampiran B. Phonology
B. Hansi C. Typology
D. Seloka E. Syntax
A. Seami Motokiyo B. 5
B. Catherine Lim C. 6
C. Kahlil Gibran D. 7
D. Wang Shifu E. 8
49. This approach attempts to explain the how‟s and A. Word Borrowing
why‟s of human action and can
B. Compound Words
exist side by side with any other critical method of
C. Trade Names
D. Clipping
A. New Criticism
E. Blending
B. Symbolism
55. It involves snipping a part of a word to create a
C. Modern Criticism
shortened form.
D. Moral Criticism
A. Trade Names
E. Psychoanalytic Criticism
B. Word Borrowing E. Trade Names
C. allomorphs E. Allomorphs
B. Compounding E. Allomorphs
D. Neurolinguistics E. Semiotics
68. The following choices is a linguistic description 73. Which of the following is not a complex sentence?
except one. Which is it?
A. He walked as if someone was following him.
A. level of syntax/grammar
B. The worksheet is where you have put it.
B. level of semantics
C. All of the people enjoyed the concert and the
C. level of morphology dinner that followed it.
85. Which of these sections of the brain plays an smaller units into sentence.
important part in language
A. Descriptive Grammar or Syntax
B. Compound Subject
A. Wernicke's area
C. Simple Sentence
B. Johnson's area
D. Prescriptive Grammar or Syntax
C. Parietal lobe
E. Adverbial Clause
D. Broca's area
E. Motor cortex
91. A word that names a person, a living thing, an
86. Mark those of the examples below which are
object, etc.
minimal pairs in English
A. pronoun
A. thick /sick
B. adjective
B. sled / red
C. adverb
C. rope / rose
D. noun
D. war / tore
E. preposition
E. miner / minor
92. Words used to represent a noun is called
87. Which one of the following demonstrates a
sentence combining with a subordinator?
A. adjective
A. Although she wanted to go, she still had work to
do. B. verb
B. She could not go, nor did she want to. C. noun
C. She promised that she would finish the work. D. preposition
D. Her boss, Mr. Jackson, would expect the work done E. pronoun
93. A word connecting words, clauses or sentences
E. None of the above. and a simultaneous occurrence of
88. Positive transfer occurs when: events.
A. There is a misconception. A. verb
B. A student finds similar elements in two different B. adjective
C. adverb
C. There is a moral.
D. preposition
D. Information has been memorized.
E. conjunction
E. When there is a twist at the end.
94. A part of speech that expresses an action, a
89. It refers to the concept that there is a correct and process state or condition or mode of
an incorrect way to speak, write or
sign is called ___________.
A. noun
A. Descriptive Grammar or Syntax
B. verb
B. Prescriptive Grammar or Syntax
C. adjective
C. Lexeme
D. pronoun
D. Simple Subject
E. preposition
E. Compound Predicate
95. A system of rules for speaking and in writing of includes a study of their allophone.
A. Phonetics
A. sentence
B. Phonemes
B. phrase
C. Lexicon
C. grammar
D. Phonemics
D. pronunciation
E. Semantics
E. words
101. The branch of semantics that deals with the
96. It refers to spelling; that is, the relationship meaning of words.
between phonemes and graphemes in a
A. Lexeme
B. Lexicon
A. grammar
C. Grapheme
B. sentence
D. Lexical
C. orthography
E. Structural
D. syntax
E. semantics
97. It is a writing system where the written graphemes
102. The study of production and perception of
correspond to phonemes.
speech sounds.
A. Complex Orthography
A. Phonetics
B. Morpho-Phonemic Orthography
B. Phonemics
C. Phonemic Orthography
C. Semantics
D. Syntax
E. Semiotics
D. Lexicon
103. Which of the following is NOT a function of
E. Graphology language?
98. ________ are sentence which are very long but it A. Referential Function
is needed to divided.
B. Conative Function
A. enjambment
C. Poetic Function
B. run-on
D. Expressive Function
C. lexeme
E. None of the above.
D. lexicon
104. Which of the following is NOT a component of
E. phoneme grammar?
C. Our friends waited until you and I got there. 110. In the teaching behavior, it includes what the
teacher says, since instruction, most
D. Our friends are just right for you and me.
of the time, is done through speech.
E. You and me are true friends for life.
A. Expressive Behavior
107. In etymology of words, which of the following
words can best describe as a form of B. Performatory Behavior
C. Silberman
D. Available/ Sustainable
E. Sentence = Noun + Preposition + Auxiliary Verb +
E. Level of Cognitive Instruction
Noun + Conjunction+ Auxiliary
114. He is the proponent of the Three-Tiered Model
Verb + Noun + Verb + Adjective
Of Learning.
A. Jerome Bruner
B. Edgar Dale B. Demonstrations
115. It serve as the foundation of learning; first hand 120. It shows how things are done to visualize
experiences through seeing, touching, tasting and explanations o a fact, idea or process by
use of photos, drawings, films, displays, or guided
A. Contrived Experiences motions.
D. Demonstrations C. Demonstration
E. Exhibits D. Formulation
E. Experimental Research
125. It is the process of systematically examining past 130. It focuses on the discussion regarding a certain
events to give an account of what phenomena that could be testable
127. This serve as answer to the questions raised to E. Literature as a venue for learning for other skills
the beginning of the investigation.
A. Hypothesis
132. It is for the reason that a work explains how
B. Synthesis communication takes place in such
128. It is a document or physical object which was C. Literature for language enrichment
written or created during the time
D. Literature for personal involvement
under study.
E. Literature as a venue for learning for other skills
A. Primary Sources
B. Secondary Sources
133. It is for the reason that a text can introduce a
C. Related Studies wide range of individual lexical or
129. It interprets and analyses the primary source and B. Literature as a valuable authentic material
these sources are one or more
C. Literature for language enrichment
steps removed from the event.
D. Literature for personal involvement
A. Primary Sources
E. Literature as a venue for learning for other skills
138. Here, she has an in-depth knowledge of the
subject matter; she observes students‟
134. For this reason, a student begins to inhabit the
text or he is drawn into it. behavior and preferences, gathers data and analyzes
the findings to improve learning.
A. Literature for cultural enrichment
A. Encourages his students to read and motivates a
B. Literature as a valuable authentic material
positive outlook towards it.
C. Literature for language enrichment
B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, and prudent
D. Literature for personal involvement teacher.
E. Literature as a venue for learning for other skills C. Practices what he preaches.
E. Appreciate literature as an art. 141. On the other hand, what kind of literature do
girls prefer to read?
C. Practices what he preaches. 142. What is the role of the teacher in literature-
based instruction?
D. Establishes an appropriate environment on
learning. A. He is a decision maker, mentor and coach.
C. He is a motivator.
D. He is a preacher.
A. Questioning
B. Literature 11.C 12.E 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.B
C. Text
21.B 22.C 23.E 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.A
D. Drama
E. Question
31.C 32.D 33.B 34.E 35.B 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.B unity D. foreshadowing E. discovery 5. Longinus
40.B advanced his theory on poetry in which
writings? A. Ion B. The Republic C. Poetics D. On
41.D 42.E 43.E 44.A 45.D 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.E
The Sublime E. Ars Poetica
121. It is the process of gathering data of 131. It is for the reason that students become
information to solve a particular or specific familiar with many different linguistic forms,
problem in scientific manner. A. Reading B. communication functions and meanings. A.
Research C. Demonstration D. Formulation E. Literature for cultural enrichment B. Literature
Explanation as a valuable authentic material C. Literature for
language enrichment D. Literature for personal
involvement E. Literature as a venue for learning
122. This research studies the relationship of for other skills
variables. A. Quantitative Research B.
Qualitative Research C. Descriptive Research D.
Historical Research E. Experimental Research 132. It is for the reason that a work explains
123. This asserts that there is no significant how communication takes place in such
difference or relationship between the variables. country. A. Literature for cultural enrichment B.
A. Explanatory B. Null Hypothesis C. Synthesis Literature as a valuable authentic material C.
D. Conclusion E. Hypothesis 124. This type of Literature for language enrichment D. Literature
research studies the effects of the variables on for personal involvement E. Literature as a
each other. A. Quantitative Research B. venue for learning for other skills 133. It is for
Qualitative Research C. Descriptive Research D. the reason that a text can introduce a wide
Historical Research E. Experimental Research range of individual lexical or syntactic items. A.
125. It is the process of systematically Literature for cultural enrichment B. Literature
examining past events to give an account of as a valuable authentic material C. Literature for
what has happened in the past. A. language enrichment D. Literature for personal
Developmental Research B. Qualitative involvement E. Literature as a venue for learning
Research C. Descriptive Research D. Historical for other skills 134. For this reason, a student
Research E. Experimental Research begins to inhabit the text or he is drawn into it.
A. Literature for cultural enrichment B.
Literature as a valuable authentic material C.
126. This uses understanding human behavior Literature for language enrichment D. Literature
and the reason that govern such behavior. A. for personal involvement E. Literature as a
Qualitative Research B. Descriptive Research C. venue for learning for other skills 135. This
Developmental Research D. Experimental characteristic is done by establishing lifelong
Research E. Quantitative Research 127. This reading habits. A. Encourages his students to
serve as answer to the questions raised to the read and motivates a positive outlook towards
beginning of the investigation. A. Hypothesis B. it. B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, and
Synthesis C. Research Problem D. Conclusion E. prudent teacher. C. Practices what he preaches.
Theoretical Framework 128. It is a document or
D. Establishes an appropriate environment on a listening teacher. 143. When the teacher
learning. E. Appreciate literature as an art. shows a happy facial expressions, nod, or verbal
acknowledgement of a correct response, he A.
Creates a climate conducive to learning. B.
136. The teacher seems to have read all books Establishes an appropriate environment for
and knows what suits the students. A. learning. C. Prepares the students for
Encourages his students to read and motivates questioning sessions. D. Uses an appropriate
a positive outlook towards it. B. A creative, variety and mix of questions. E. Let them talk
innovative, inquisitive, and prudent teacher. C. and ask for answer to one another. 144. When
Practices what he preaches. D. Establishes an he explains to the students the format,
appropriate environment on learning. E. expectations, and how this knowledge will help
Appreciate literature as an art. 137. Here, the them he A. Creates a climate conducive to
teacher guides the students as a community of learning. B. Establishes an appropriate
learners to explore and find meaning in their environment for learning. C. Prepares the
reading. A. Encourages his students to read and students for questioning sessions. D. Uses an
motivates a positive outlook towards it. B. A appropriate variety and mix of questions. E. Let
creative, innovative, inquisitive, and prudent them talk and ask for answer to one another.
teacher. C. Practices what he preaches. D. 145. When the teacher incorporates into the
Establishes an appropriate environment on educational plan prospectively the questions
learning. E. Appreciate literature as an art. 138. that are asked during the teaching system, he
Here, she has an in-depth knowledge of the A. Creates a climate conducive to learning. B.
subject matter; she observes students‟ behavior Establishes an appropriate environment for
and preferences, gathers data and analyzes the learning. C. Prepares the students for
findings to improve learning. A. Encourages his questioning sessions. D. Uses an appropriate
students to read and motivates a positive variety and mix of questions. E. Let them talk
outlook towards it. B. A creative, innovative, and ask for answer to one another. 146. In the
inquisitive, and prudent teacher. C. Practices teaching of literature, it is an illocutionary act.
what he preaches. D. Establishes an appropriate A. Motivation B. Literature C. Text D. Drama E.
environment on learning. E. Appreciate Question
literature as an art. 139. According to surveys,
what is the reading interest of high school
students today? A. Classical or traditional novels 147. It is an indispensable teaching tool. A.
B. Science fiction, adventure, mystery, sports C. Questioning B. Planning C. Evaluation D.
Romances, mystery, adventure, among others Comprehension E. Application 148. When the
D. Contemporary novels E. All kinds of books literature teachers poses questions to the entire
140. What kind of literature do boys prefer to group, he is being A. Fair to the class B. Bias to
read? A. Classical or traditional novels B. them C. Makes his class happy D. Hated by the
Science fiction, adventure, mystery, sports C. class E. Frustrates students and tend to
Romances, mystery, adventure, among others encourage frivolous responses 149. When a
D. Contemporary novels E. All kinds of books teacher asks only a “yes or no” questions, he A.
141. On the other hand, what kind of literature Use both pre-planned and emerging questions
do girls prefer to read? A. Classical or traditional B. Develops critical thinking skills among his
novels B. Science fiction, adventure, mystery, students C. Makes his class happy D. Hated by
sports the class E. Frustrates students and tend to
encourage frivolous responses 150. Which of
the following statements best describe as the
C. Romances, mystery, adventure, among purpose of questioning? A. It encourages the
others D. Contemporary novels E. All kinds of students to speak. B. Questioning can arouse
books 142. What is the role of the teacher in curiosity. C. It leads the teacher to know their
literature-based instruction? A. He is a decision students better. D. It can helps them to apply
maker, mentor and coach. B. He is an observer. their ideas from their experiences. E. Both A and
C. He is a motivator. D. He is a preacher. E. He is C. 151. These are human characters who are
mythical mortals having divine father and a Mythical Beings D. Mythical Places E. Mythical
mortal mother. A. Mythology B. Epics C. Heroes Symbols
D. Anthropomorphic E. Theriomorphic 152.
These are divinities having supernatural powers
or meaning in the shape of man. A. Mythology 163. Try to explain the origin of the world and
B. Epics C. Heroes the birth of the gods and goddesses. A.
Creation Myths B. Explanatory Myths C.
Presence of Mythical Beings D. Mythical Places
D. Anthropomorphic E. Theriomorphic 153. E. Mythical Symbols 164. It is the gods and
These are stories of gods and goddesses that goddesses who resembles human being. A.
explained natural events. A. Myths B. Epics C. Creation Myths B. Explanatory Myths C.
Heroes D. Anthropomorphic E. Theriomorphic Presence of Mythical Beings D. Mythical Places
154. Mythical beings which include gods and E. Mythical Symbols 165. People use symbols to
goddesses who resemble animals. A. Mythology explain the world and they used humans,
B. Theriomorphic C. Heroes D. animals and plants symbolizes some events. A.
Anthropomorphic E. Epics 155. A knowledge Creation Myths B. Explanatory Myths C.
that is transmitted from one generation to Presence of Mythical Beings D. Mythical Places
another by word of mouth or imitation. A. E. Mythical Symbols 166. It is the place where
Mythology B. Creation Myths C. Explanatory demons, gods and goddesses and also the
Myths D. Folklore E. Legend 156. He is the first souls of the dead live. A. Creation Myths B.
person to use the term “Folklore”. A. Homer B. Explanatory Myths C. Presence of Mythical
Stith Thompson C. William Thoms D. Max Beings D. Mythical Places E. Mythical Symbols
Muller E. Euhemerus 157. It is said that myths 167. It tells the story of heroes in the ancient
began as allegories for natural phenomena. A. time. A. Epics B. Mystical Function C.
Euhemerism B. Allegory C. Personification D. Sociological Function D. Cosmological Function
Myth-Ritual Theory E. Malinowski‟s Theory E. Pedagogical Function 168. It explains how to
live a human life under any circumstances. A.
Epics B. Mystical Function
158. All people recognize that a frontier exists
between what man can do and cannot explain
logically. A. Euhemerism B. Allegory C. C. Sociological Function D. Cosmological
Personification D. Myth-Ritual Theory E. Function E. Pedagogical Function 169. This
Malinowski‟s Theory function explains the social aspects of human
by supporting and validating a certain social
order. A. Epics B. Mystical Function C.
159. In its most extreme form, this theory claims Sociological Function D. Cosmological Function
that myth arose to explain rituals. A. E. Pedagogical Function 170. It is the function
Euhemerism B. Allegory C. Personification D. that explains the shape of the universe. A. Epics
Myth-Ritual Theory E. Malinowski‟s Theory 160. B. Mystical Function C. Sociological Function D.
It is said that myths are distorted accounts of Cosmological Function E. Pedagogical Function
real historical events. A. Euhemerism B. Allegory 171. It has experiencing the awe of the universe.
C. Personification D. Myth-Ritual Theory E. A. Epics B. Mystical Function C. Sociological
Malinowski‟s Theory 161. It is also known as Function D. Cosmological Function E.
Theory of Mythopoeic thought resulted from Pedagogical Function 172. He is the supreme
the personification of inanimate objects and ruler of the Olympians and the lord of the sky.
forces. A. Euhemerism B. Allegory C. A. Zeus B. Poseidon C. Hades D. Hermes E.
Personification D. Myth-Ritual Theory E. Apollo 173. He is the ruler of the sea and
Malinowski‟s Theory 162. Try to explain commonly called “Earth Shaker”. A. Zeus B.
geographical features such as rivers, lakes and Poseidon C. Hades D. Hermes E. Apollo
oceans and the death of man. A. Creation
Myths B. Explanatory Myths C. Presence of
174. He is the god of light, medicine and A. Dance‟s Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson
poetry. A. Zeus B. Poseidon C. Hades D. Hermes Functional Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model D.
E. Apollo 175. He is the god of the underworld. Osgood and Schramm‟s Interactive Model E.
A. Zeus B. Poseidon C. Hades D. Hermes E. Berlow‟s SMCR Model
Apollo 176. She is the goddess of love. A.
Athena B. Hera C. Aphrodite D. Artemis E.
Hestia 177. She is the protector of marriage and 190.
women and Zeus‟ sister and wife. A. Athena B.
Hera C. Aphrodite D. Artemis E. Hestia 178. She
is the goddess of hunting and childbirth. A. A. Dance‟s Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson
Athena B. Hera C. Aphrodite D. Artemis E. Functional Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model D.
Hestia 179. She is the goddess of crafts, war Osgood and Schramm‟s Interactive Model E.
and wisdom. A. Athena B. Hera C. Aphrodite D. Berlow‟s SMCR Model
E. Hestia 180. In Roman Mythology, he is the
ruler of the gods. A. Saturn B. Jupiter C. Mercury
D. Mars E. Bacchus Which part of the sentence A. Dance‟s Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson
is erroneous? 181. My friends and my neighbors Functional Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model D.
cooperates in the livelihood project. No error. A Osgood and Schramm‟s Interactive Model E.
B C D E 182. Either Porfirito or the engineers Berlow‟s SMCR Model
extends assistance to the aged and the sick. A B
C D No error. E 183. President De Leon present
the accomplishments of the University A B C 192.
annually. No error. D E 184. I am sorry. I am
already tired. I cannot walk any further. No
error. A B C D E 185. Several was invited but few A. Dance‟s Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson
attended the birthday party. No error. A B C D E Functional Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model D.
Osgood and Schramm‟s Interactive Model E.
Berlow‟s SMCR Model
186. The following statements about
communication are true except one. A.
Communication is a continuous process. B. Directions: Read the following poem of Sappho.
Communication is a multilevel of activity. C. Use the theory of Longinus in analyzing its
Communication is unpredictable. D. Messages, content and structure. Then synthesize its
not meanings are communicated. E. Every pronouncements/stand in the art of poetic
communication has two messages, a content aesthetics. Ode to a Loved One (1) He appears
message and a relational message. to me like unto the gods, (2) That man, who
opposite you (3) Sits and to you speaking a
sweet word. (4) He replies, (5) To your lovely
187. It is the most effective medium of daughter. Truly that (6) Flutters my heart in my
communication. A. Act of Speech B. Listening C. breast
Language D. Speech E. Communication 188. It is
the process of shaping the words, the sounds
into voice and the energy to interpret by means (7) For when I look at you for a moment‟ (8) I
of speech organs. A. Language B. can not speak. (9) But my tongue is broken
Communication C. Act of Speech D. Speech E. right then (10) Over my skin a light fire races,
Listening Directions: Identify the name of the (11) I see nothing with my ears, my ears rumble,
communication model shown in the figure by (12) And sweat pours over my trembling (13)
choosing the letter of the correct answer. 189. Seizes me entire, greener than grass (14) I am,
Just about to die (15) I see to me.
D 18. D 19. B 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. E 24. B 25. D
26. A 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B
193. The first line of the poem uses A. 34. E 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. B 40. B 41. D
Metaphor B. Irony C. Simile D. Personification E. 42. E 43. E 44. A
Anti-thesis 194. How many characters are
45. D 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. E 50. D 51. C 52. E
interesting in the poem? A. one B. two C. three
53. A 54. B 55. E 56. D 57. E 58. C 59. E 60. C
D. four E. more than four 195. How does the 61. B 62. A 63. E 64. D 65. C 66. C 67. C 68. C
persona to whom the poet is addressing affect 69. E 70. A 71. A 72. C 73. D 74. D 75. D 76. C
the latter? A. The poet feels happy B. The poet 77. D 78. A 79. E 80. D 81. C 82. E 83. C 84. B
85. D 86. A 87. A 88. B
feels angry C. The poet feels guilty D. The poet
feels jealous E. The poet feels envious 196. The 89. A 90. D 91. D 92. E 93. E 94. B 95. C 96. C
poem addressed to a _______. A. man B. woman 97. C 98. B 99. B 100. D 101. D 102. A 103. E
C. both man and woman D. Sappho E. Does not 104. C 105. D 106. A 107. A 108. A 109. B 110. C
tell 111. B 112. A 113. E 114. A 115. C 116. A 117. C
118. A 119. D 120. B 121. B 122. C 123. B 124. E
125. D 126. A 127. D 128. A 129. B 130. C 131. B
132. A 133. C 134. D
197. What vehement emotions are expressed
by the poem in lines 13 and 14? A. love B. 135. A 136. C 137. E 138. B 139. D 140. B 141. C
jealousy C. awe D. envy E. anger Directions: 142. A 143. A 144. C 145. D 146. E 147. A 148. A
149. E 150. E 151. C 152. D 153. A 154. B 155. D
Read the excerpt. Answer the questions after it
156. C 157. B 158. E 159. D 160. A 161. C 162. B
by encircling your choice. “I like the one who 163. A 164. C 165. E 166. D 167. A 168. E 169. C
fights back, he said, pleased with himself, “At 170. D 171. B 172. A 173. B 174. E 175. C 176. C
least, my son-inlaw is going to stand up and 177. B 178. D 179. A 180. A
fight”… You wonder why can I talk freely? I have 181. C 182. C 183. B 184. D 185. B 186. C 187.
influenced and, most important, money. These C 188. D 189. C 190. E 191. D 192. A 193. C
give me a sense of true freedom. I see nothing 194. C 195. D 196. B 197. B 198. D 199. C 200. A
wrong in appreciating money. Every priests
appreciate money.” -
Answer Key 1. C 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B
9. A 10. B 11. C 12. E 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. B 17.