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Suorineni-Dilution I

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A Dilution-based Stability Graph

for Open Stope Design

F T Suorineni1, A Papaioanou2, L Baird3 and D Hines4

The Mathews et al (1981) stability graph was developed to provide guidance in the determination
of stope sizes to control dilution in bulk mining of large orebodies. Longhole and sublevel open
stoping (LHOS and SLOS) are the lower end in scale of underground mass mining with panel and
block caving (PBC) at the higher end. Currently, the stability states of stopes in the stability graph
are described qualitatively as stable, unstable or cave. The alternative quantitative option to the
qualitative stability graph is the Equivalent Linear Overbreak Slough (ELOS) stability graph. The
ELOS stability graph only applies to narrow vein orebodies. It is easy for the Mathews et al (1981)
and the ELOS stability graphs to be applied outside the limits of their databases. What is currently
referred to as ‘stable’ in the present stability graphs has diverse interpretations at different mines
depending on their acceptable dilution values. In 2014, a research program was conceptually
conceived at the UNSW Australia School of Mining Engineering to develop a quantitative
dilution-based stability graph independent of orebody width to address some industry concerns
on the use of the stability graphs. A dilution-based stability graph provides the mining engineer
the flexibility to determine open stope sizes based on what dilution amounts are acceptable. The
graph also unifies both the Mathews et al (1981) and ELOS stability graphs for wide and narrow
vein orebodies, thus, eliminating their potential misapplications. To date, the concept is proven
with case studies from metalliferous underground mining operations located across Australia.
This paper presents the dilution-based stability graph concept, the initial results and future plans
to account for other critical factors and increase confidence in its application with the addition of
more data outside Australia.

The history behind open stope mining in North America is Open stope mining is a bulk or mass mining method.
given in Tatman (2001) and summarised here. Between 1970 Hustrulid (2000) arbitrarily defined large underground mines
and the late 1980 there was a rapid decline in underground as those producing greater than 5000 t/d with the following
mining in North America in favour of open pit mining, as mining methods:
open pit mining made near surface low-grade ore deposits • panel/block caving
economic. In the early 1990s underground mining rejuvenated • sublevel caving
in part due to environmental concerns emanating from the • longhole/sublevel stopping.
destruction caused by open pit mining and the consequent Brown (2004) puts large underground producing mines as
community and government pressures. The consequence those producing about 10 000 t/d or higher.
of the mining industry shift from underground to open pit
In the move from open pits to underground mining, practices
mining was loss of most expertise in underground mining
that proved effective in open pit mining were transferred
to open pit mining. Hence, the about turn from open pit to directly to the new underground mines (Tatman, 2001).
underground mining in the early 1990s implied employing Obviously, not all of the practices transferred from open pits
miners with little underground mining experience but with to underground proofed effective in these environments and
expertise in open pit mining. These employees were used there was a need to effectively manage the resulting adverse
to large volume mining in open pits and unconscientiously effects such as unplanned dilution.
transferred that experience to underground mining.
The development of the stability graph coincided with the
The mining of large tonnages with underground mining period when most mines preferred open pits and marked
methods is now rightly termed bulk mining methods. The the beginning of the transition from open pit mining to
mass mining conference series refer to these bulk mining underground mining with the tendency to employ experience
methods as mass mining methods. from the open pit mining underground. A critical factor

1. MAusIMM, Professor and Chair of Mine Geotechnical Engineering, UNSW Australia, Kensington NSW 2052. Email: [email protected]
2. SAusIMM, Student, UNSW Australia, Kensington NSW 2052. Email: [email protected]
3. SAusIMM, Student, UNSW Australia, Kensington NSW 2052. Email: [email protected]
4. SAusIMM, Student, UNSW Australia, Kensington NSW 2052. Email: [email protected]


governing the effective use of open pit mining expertise original charts for determining these factors can be found in
underground is the management of dilution. Increasing Potvin (1988). Mathews et al (1981) noted that while the small
production capacity with the objective of lowering costs to database was adequate in proving the concept of the stability
increase profits is only true if dilution is properly managed to graph it was not sufficient to calibrate the method including
an acceptable level. factors A, B and C.
Potvin (1988) increased the original database from 26 case
The stability graph histories to 175 case histories from 34 mines and calibrated
The stability graph is the outcome of a study that was the original chart and factors A, B and C. When the Potvin
commissioned by the Department of Energy, Mines and (1988) calibrated factors A, B and C are used in computing the
Resources in Canada in 1980 to determine information stability number N, it becomes N-prime (N’) in Equation 1.
required to predict stable spans for open stopes at mining The calibrated factors A, B and C are determined from
depths below 1000 m (Mathews et al 1981). By adopting this empirical charts in Figure 2 and the corresponding stability
strategy, dilution could be managed. Open stopes are large
graph is referred to as the modified stability graph (Figure 1)
openings produced by a non-entry mining method (Mathews
with different transition zones compared to those in the
et al 1981) called open stope mining. The term ‘non-entry’ in
original stability graph.
description of open stopes is important as it implies some
degree of instability can be allowed. Same cannot be accepted
in entry mining methods such as cut-and-fill mining. A
In open stope mining the stopes must remain open until all
the ore is extracted with acceptable dilution from wall and back
overbreak. Open stope mining continues to get more attractive
as stope sizes can be increased with continued improvements
in drilling, blasting and ground support technologies, given a
suitable orebody size and ground condition.
The stability graph (Figure 1) is an empirical method
developed for designing open stopes. The original stability
graph by Mathews et al (1981) is a plot of a stability number
N (Equation 1) against a shape factor S or hydraulic radius
HR (Equation 3):

N = Q' # A # B # C (1)

Where Q’ (Equation 2) is modified, Barton, Lien and Lunde

(1974) Tunnelling Quality Index (Q) with joint water reduction
factor Jw and stress reduction factor SRF are each set to 1: B

Ql = # (2)
Jn Ja

Area of stope surface investigated

S or HR = (3)
Its perimeter
Note that in the stability graph, each of the stope surfaces is
assessed separately and independently.
In Equation 1, A is defined as stress factor, B critical joint
orientation factor and C gravity factor. A, B and C were
conceptualised in the development of the stability graph and
proven adequate using 26 case histories from three mines. The

FIG 2 – Empirical charts for the determination of factors (A) stress

FIG 1 – Stability graph (modified from Nickson, 1992). factor A; (B) joint orientation factor B; and (C) gravity factor C.


In this study, the Potvin (1988) calibrated stability graph

factors is used to calculate the stability number N’ except the
suggested footwall gravity factor, which has been recently
acknowledged by Potvin (2014) to be illogical.
The stability graph method for open stope design is
internationally accepted. The authors greatly acknowledge
the contributions of the following to the advancement of the
method following its initial inception: Potvin (1988), Stewart
and Forsyth (1995), Pakalnis and co-workers (Nickson, 1992;
Milne, 1997; Clark, 1998; Caceres, 2005), Diederichs and Kaiser
(1996), Hadjigeorgiou and co-workers (Hadjigeorgiou, Leclair
and Potvin,1995; Germain, Hadjigeorgiou and Lessard, 1996)
and Trueman and co-workers (Mawdesley, Trueman and
Whiten, 2001; Mawdesley, 2002; Trueman and Mawdesley
2003; Stewart, 2005; Stewart, Trueman and Lyman, 2007) and
Villaescusa (2014). Suorineni (2010) provides a comprehensive
review of developments on the stability graph since its FIG 3 – Equivalent linear overbreak slough stability
inception over three decades ago. graph (Clark and Pakalnis, 1997).
Several different versions of the stability graph have emerged
since 1981, aimed at improving its predictive reliability or which dilution is indirectly measured by the average depth
providing other uses of the graph. The stability graph versions of overbreak:
aimed at improving its predictive reliability either modify
Volume of wall slough
the locations of the transition zones, as in Potvin (1988), ELOS = (5)
Wall surface area
Nickson (1992), Stewart and Forsyth (1995), and Trueman and
Mawdesley (2003) or the stability graph factors A, B and C as Table 1 provides a summary of the various definitions of
in Milne, Pakalnis and Lunder (1996), Diederichs and Kaiser dilution from Canadian mine practices. Scoble and Moss (1994)
(1999), Suorineni, Kaiser and Tannant (1999a, 199b) and Mitri, reported that Equations 5 and 6 in Table 1 are commonly used
Hughes and Zhang (2011) or both. Other authors (Potvin and in the Canadian hard rock mining operations. Pakalnis, Poulin
Milne, 1992; Diederichs, Hutchinson and Kaiser, 1999) have and Hadjigeorgiou (1995) suggest that Equation 5 be adopted
adopted the stability graph for cable bolt design. A complete as Equation 6 is insensitive to wall sloughage. Other mines
catalogue and further details of the various developments are around the world (including Australia) will inadvertently use
given in Suorineni (2010) while Suorineni (2011, 2012) provide one of these definitions for its dilution calculation. Clearly,
critiques of the use of the stability graph. the table shows dilution is normally measured as a percentage
One of the earlier major complaints from industry on the use of waste in ore or extra muck above the planned tonnage. The
of the stability graph was that the method does not account multiple definitions of dilution in Table 1 also shows different
for major adverse structures, such as faults and or shear zones mines can have different definitions of unplanned dilution
close to stopes under investigation. In such cases such stopes which presents a challenge in what dilution really means as
classified as stable but tended to be unstable or cave when these definitions can give entirely different values for the same
put into production. In order to account for faults close to volume of waste overbreak. This poses a question on what
open stopes Suorineni (1998) introduced a fault factor F for reconciliation achieves. For example, according to Henning and
incorporation into the stability number (Equation 4): Mitri (2008) a 2:1 sloughage to ore ratio produces a 66 per cent
dilution according to Equation 6, whereas Equation 5 gives a
N l = Q' # A # B # C # F (4) dilution of 200 per cent. A similar problem with dilution values
calculated based on ELOS (Equation 9) from two orebodies
The fault factor F was calibrated against case histories from with different widths but same ELOS arises.
Kidd Mine (Suorineni et al 2001). In this study, the fault factor In this paper, dilution refers to per cent unplanned waste
will be applied to the stopes in one Australian mine practising overbreak to separate it from planned dilution or overbreak in
open stoping in which the stopes are generally influenced by ore (Figure 4).
faults and shear zones. Further details of this case study can
be found in Baird (2015). The quantitative dilution-based THE PROBLEM AND OBJECTIVE
stability graph is applied to the stopes of this mine with and The stability graph was developed for bulk mining of wide
without the fault factor to further evaluate its impact on orebodies. The word ‘dilution’ is not mentioned in the graph
improving the stability graph predictive reliability. can only vaguely be qualitatively deduced. By the qualitative
definitions it can be deduced ‘stable’ implies acceptable
Dilution dilution; unstable means manageable dilution and cave
One of the primary objectives of the stability graph is to representing unacceptable or unmanageable dilution. In this
determine open stope sizes that will minimise dilution. context, the word ‘Stable’ which is equivalent to acceptable
Unfortunately, this objective is not explicitly conveyed in the dilution is vague as individual mines or even the same mine
stability graph. The stability graph is qualitatively divided will have different acceptable levels of dilution depending
into stable, unstable and cave zones by two transition zones on cut-off grade, what is mined and orebody characteristics.
as shown in Figure 1. Clark and Pakalnis (1997) developed This fluidity in what is acceptable dilution has the tendency
an indirect quantitative measure of dilution based on what to cause chaos in the industry in a manner similar to what
is known as the Equivalent Linear Overbreak Slough ELOS led to the introduction of the rock mass classification systems
(Equation 5) stability graph (Figure 3). Figure 3 is developed in geomechanics. One of the objectives for the introduction
from a database of narrow vein orebody open stopes in of rock mass classification systems is to ensure we have a


Various definitions of dilution in Canadian mines (Pakalnis, 1986).

Parameter Equation Equation number

Dilution 1 (%) ]Tons waste minedg (6)
# 100
]Tons ore minedg + ]Tons waste minedg

Dilution 2 (%) ]Tonnage muckedg - ]Tonnage blastedg (7)

]Tonnage blastedg
# 100

Dilution 3 (%) ^Backfill tonnage placedh - ^Theoritically required backfillh (8)

# 100
^Theoritically required backfillh

Dilution 4 (%) ^Hangingwall ELOSh + ]Footwall ELOSg]mg (9)

# 100
^Orebody widthh]mg

Dilution 5 (%) Waste tons mined # 100 (10)

Ore tons mined
Dilution 6 (%) Undiluted in situ grade reserves (11)
# 100
Mill headgrades from same tonnage

Equations 6 and 10 are the most widely used for calculation

of dilution. Equation 10 was recommended as a standard
measure of dilution (Pakalanis et al 1995), as it was more
sensitive to wall sloughage.
To express dilution independent of stope width, Dunne
and Pakalnis (1996) suggested that dilution values be
calculated in terms of average metres of wall slough per
square metre of wall (m/m2). However, the ELOS stability
graph (Figure 3) is based on average depth of failure and the
definition of dilution (Equation 9) is based on ELOS and is
orebody width dependent.
FIG 4 – Differentiating between planned and unplanned
The mining industry traditionally quotes dilution in
dilution (Henning and Mitri, 2008).
percentages and immediately gets a feel for the impact of
common language of communication among practitioners the number on their operation. Bawden (1993) shows the
and academics in geoscience, mining and civil engineering economic impact of dilution on an operation (Figure 5).
such that when one says a rock mass quality is ‘good’, all the Papaioanou and Suorineni (2015) argue that a generalised
stakeholders understand the implication. Based on the above quantitative dilution-based stability graph has more attached
observations the term ‘stable’ will mean different things to value to miners and mine planners as they appreciate dilution
different mines. Mines have different levels of acceptable numbers more and their implication to the profitability
dilution and so different standards for what means ‘stable’. of their operation than merely knowing whether a stope
is stable, unstable or cave in the case of the conventional
The introduction of the ELOS stability graph by Clark and
stability graph by Mathews et al (1981) or the average depth of
Pakalnis (1997) tends to improve the qualitative nature of the
failure ELOS. It is also clearly demonstrated above that what
stability graph to an implicit indirect quantitative assessment
is acceptable dilution and hence ‘stable’ varies from mine to
of dilution. The ELOS stability graph is for narrow vein open
mine. Equation 9 in Table 1 also shows dilution obtained from
stopes assessment while the stability graph by Mathews et al is
for the assessment of stopes in wide orebodies. Unfortunately,
as to when the modified stability graph or ELOS stability
graph should be used tends to be a matter of preference in
practice, rather than based on the databases from which
they were developed and has the tendency to lead to wrong
designs and conclusions. This observation implies there is a
need to unify the definition of dilution.
Narrow and wide orebodies produce different values of
dilution based on Equation 9 in Table 1. For example, if both
the hanging wall and footwall of a steeply dipping 1.5 m-wide
tabular deposit (narrow vein) contributes 0.3 m of overbreak
from each wall, then an unplanned mining dilution of
40 per cent results based on Equation 9 in Table 1. If this ore
zone was 6.0 m thick (wide orebody) and mined in the same
ground conditions, the resulting dilution becomes ten per cent.
Scoble and Moss (1994) based on survey on dilution
calculation practices in Canadian mines observed that FIG 5 – Economic impact of dilution on an operation (Bawden, 1993).


ELOS is orebody-width dependent. Figure 6 further confirms APPROACH

this dilution orebody-width dependency without the impact
The determination of dilution for the development of the
of ground condition. Ground condition dictates potential for quantitative dilution-based graph is based on CMS. CMSs
sloughage and is a function of rock mass quality and stress, enable volumes (tonnages) of waste rock to be determined
including gravity effects. and compared with original stope designs to calculate
Obviously, the definition of dilution is not unique in the dilution percentages.
mining industry and poses a challenge in the development of We hypothesis that because ELOS is not orebody size
a dilution-based stability graph. However, this challenge can independent it can be misleading when applied to orebody
be overcome by careful validation of observed dilution values widths outside the database from which it was developed
against the various definitions and through cavity monitoring (narrow vein orebodies). Also, the term ‘stable’ in the
surveys (CMSs). conventional stability graph is ambiguous as it is in reality
dependent on what is acceptable dilution at a mine. In
The objective of this paper is to develop a quantitative
Figure 6, the amount of dilution for same ELOS depends on
dilution-based stability graph independent of orebody size,
orebody width when calculated from ELOS definition using
here referred to as a unified stability graph. A unified stability
Equation 9 in Table 1.
graph has the benefit of preventing misuse as well as creating
immediate impact in the minds of mining engineers of the Development of a dilution-based stability
consequences of their designs if not adequately prepared.
Additionally, a quantitative dilution-based stability graph
gives the mine or geotechnical engineer the ability to The development of a quantitative dilution-based stability
determine stope sizes based on what the operation considers graph requires the compilation of a new database from mines
as acceptable dilution. A dilutions-based stability graph also practising open stoping. Data collection was undertaken at a
number of mines in Australia starting in May 2014 to date and
eliminates the inherent ambiguity in the term ‘stable zone’ in
is continuing.
the conventional stability graph as it is dependent on what is
acceptable dilution. As much as possible the data in Australian mines was
collected firsthand at the mine sites via stope notes,
geotechnical reports and CMSs. At each site, a baseline
FAULT FACTOR data set was developed with input from geology, planning
The other problem identified earlier by industry with the and the geotechnical engineering departments to allow for
conventional stability graph is that the graph does not benchmarking and validation of all other data provided,
account for the effects of adverse major geological structures, bearing in mind the issues raised earlier on the different
such as faults and/or shear zones when close to a stope. The methods used for calculation of dilution. Underground visits
Suorineni (1998) fault factor F was developed to account were also undertaken to understand firsthand the geotechnical
for this limitation. The fault factor was calibrated against ground conditions.
observed stope performance at Kidd Mine (Suorineni et al
2001) and Detour Lake Mine (Suorineni, Tannant and Kaiser, Proof of concept
1999a, 1999b) but rarely used in practice. The concept of a quantitative dilution-based stability graph
was proven using 226 case histories of open stope performance
Recent developments show there is growing realisation for
data collected between May and July 2014 at a number of
the importance of the use of the fault factor in the stability mines in the New South Wales Central West.
graph. The first author of this paper, who is the developer of
Data validation was undertaken to identify and further
the fault factor, F has recently received a number of requests
investigate causes of any outliers within the database. Such
from Canada, South America and Australia on how to use
outliers were discussed with site geotechnical engineers
the fault.
and planners to understand the causes of the anomalies and
The validity and effectiveness of the fault factor is rectified. For consistency, all data in the proof of concept
independently tested in this study at a mine where there are database were determined using the prescribed calibrated
obvious observations that the presence of shear zones and stability number parameters and procedure. The gravity
faults has adverse effects on open stope performance. factor for sliding is ignored in this study following concerns
raised in Potvin (2014) on its validity.
As the study is focused on the development of a dilution-
based stability graph, all dilution values provided at
the various mine sites were assessed for reliability and
independently validated. This was achieved by the following
• As much as possible, all N’ and HR values were determined
from mine plans and final stope shapes from CMSs and
confirmed though discussions with mine staff.
• In most cases, dilution was determined by a comparison
between planned stope shape and the final resultant
stope shape measured by CMS. Geovia Surpac™ was
used to determine the difference in volumes between
planned and final stope sizes to calculate a dilution
value (Figure 7) illustrates the method. This approach
implicitly uses the definition of dilution in Equation 6
in Table 1 and is practical. Indirectly, the dilution is
FIG 6 – Orebody width dependent dilution (Pakalnis, 1986). defined as difference between observed stope geometry


• <5 per cent

• 5–10 per cent
• 10–15 per cent
• 15–20 per cent
• >20 per cent.
Objective definition of the boundaries between the dilution
categories is best achieved with the use of statistical tools rather
than ‘eyeballing’. Two well-known statistical tools in defining
boundaries between data clusters are the Bayesian likelihood
statistic and the logistic regression method. Suorineni (1998)
used the Bayesian likelihood statistic to statistically analysis
the stope stability states in the stability graph. Details of the
procedure can be found in Suorineni, Kaiser and Tannant
(2001). Mawdesley (2002) on the other hand adopted logistic
regression to define the boundaries between stable stopes
and failed/major failure stopes and between failed/major
failure stopes and caving. Further details of the logistic
regress method can be found in Mawdesley, Trueman and
Whiten (2001).


Proof of concept results
FIG 7 – Procedure for determination of dilution using cavity monitoring Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the results for the Bayesian
surveys and stope plans (Papaioanou and Suorineni, 2015). likelihood statistic and the logistic regression as applied to the
proof of concept database.
and planned stope geometry divided by observed stope Figure 8 and Figure 9 both show that the concept of a
geometry. This definition is also similar to Equation 7 in quantitative dilution-based stability graph is plausible as
Table 1 (assuming time is ignored). The authors recognise distinct clustering of the defined dilution groups are clearly
that these definitions are based on drilling accuracy and observed in the two figures. Either figure can be used for the
blasting practices. selection of open stope sizes depending on what a mine will
• When availability of site data allowed, the most consider as its acceptable dilution level. The two figures are
appropriate dilution equations were used to cross independent of orebody widths and are therefore less likely
reference dilution values determined from CMS and to be misused.
ELOS (noting the deficiency of ELOS dilution definition).
Comparisons were made between the calculated dilutions Expanded application of the quantitative
and site provided stope dilution as a check. dilution-based stability graph concept
Defining dilution boundaries Expanded database
In the proof of concept database, the dilution boundaries were Following the successful proof of concept, additional mine
established by arbitrarily grouping dilution values into the sites using open stoping have been visited across Australia in
following categories: 2015. As expected, expansion of the database to include more

FIG 8 – Dilution-based stability graph with boundaries between dilution categories derived from logistic regress: proof of concept (Papaioanou and Suorineni, 2015).


FIG 9 – Dilution-based stability graph with boundaries between dilution categories derived from
Bayesian likelihood statistic discriminant analysis: proof of concept (Papaioanou and Suorineni, 2015).

mine sites implies encountering diverse geology. One of the

mine sites that uses longhole open stoping is characterised A
by faults and shears (Figure 10) that cannot be ignored in
the evaluation of stope stability and estimation of dilution
as suggested by Suorineni (1998). This mine data is first
presented in the following section and later combined with
other mine sites data to give a dilution-based database for
improved definitions of the dilution categories boundaries.
Addition of more data is still welcome to fine-tune the current
dilution level boundaries.

Effects of faults and shear zones

The fault factor (Suorineni, Tannant and Kaiser, 1999a, 199b)
was applied to stopes affected by faults and shear zones
at the studied mine to further validate its impact on the
stability graph. Figure 11a shows dilution values plotted on
the conventional stability graph without correction for faults
while Figure 11b shows dilution values with corrections for
faults using the fault factor F. Obviously, Figure 11a and b
show that there is merit in the use of the fault factor when
faults and shear zones are close to a stope. However, it is
evident that for stope backs affected by faults the fault factor
is not efficient in adjusting N’ to move stope backs to their
appropriate stability states. The reason for this will be given
in the discussion section of this paper.
Figure 12 shows the data in Figure 11b (after adjustments for
faults) replotted (but without stope backs) with boundaries
based on dilution levels/categories.

Combined and expanded database

Having proven and validated other sources of data, the proof
of concept data was combined with other sources of data
within Australia. More data continue to be collected within
Australia. We have also received data from outside Australia
and work is continuing to include data from mines in North
and South America. The combined current data and eyeballed FIG 10 – Role of shear zones on open stope performance (Baird, 2015). (A) Plan
dilution boundaries for the purposes of this paper is presented view of shear zone intersection stopes at 6 level; (B) Intersection of shears with
in Figure 13. a stope. Failure of stope can be seen as a deviation of final size from planned.


FIG 11 – Mathews stability graph for stopes affected by faults and shear zones with (A) no adjustment for faults and (B) adjustments for faults.


FIG 12 – Quantitative dilution-based stability graph from an independent mine confirming the concept.

FIG 13 – Quantitative dilution-based stability graph from combined data.

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS dilution categories can be defined. Such dilution categories

can then be used by mine operators to design their open
Arguments have been advanced in this paper for a quantitative
stopes according to what the mine considers as its acceptable
dilution-based stability graph independent of orebody width.
It was hypothesised that such a graph can be obtained by dilution. This approach has the added value of being robust
collecting and compiling dilution values from various open and foolproof against misuse as it represents a unified stability
stope operations together with the modified stability graph graph applicable to both narrow vein and wide orebodies.
parameters N’ and HR and that by classifying the dilution A proof of concept database consisting of 226 case histories
values and plotting them in the stability number N’ and (Figure 8 and Figure 9) showed unambiguously that the
hydraulic radius HR space, boundaries between various concept of a quantitative dilution-based stability graph is


indeed plausible. The concept has been applied to the data and efforts are continuing to establish confidence in the use of
from a different mine in a different geological setting in which the dilution-based stability graph.
faults play a major role in the stability of open stopes.
Experience in the use of the Mathews et al (1981) and its Conclusions
derivatives showed that the graph had a major deficiency by The following conclusions are drawn from the study:
not accounting faults when such discrete structures are close • The concept of a quantitative dilution-based stability
to stopes. In order to offset this deficiency Suorineni (1998) graph is plausible based on results on 226 case histories
introduced a fault factor F to be incorporated into N’. used for the proof of concept.
Figure 11 and Figure 12 show that the fault factor is successful • A quantitative dilution-based stability graph is robust and
in accounting for faults when these structures are close to an eliminates inappropriate use that is always likely with
open stope. However, the fault factor is seen to be ineffective either the ELOS stability graph or the Mathews stability
when the fault occurs in a stope back as shown in Figure 12. graph and its derivatives such as the extended Mathews
This deficiency has also been observed in stopes in a mine in stability graph as each of these graphs can only be applied
Chile (Vallejos, personal communication). The fact that this is to a certain orebody size. The quantitative dilution-based
so is not surprising as in the original development of the fault graph is a unified stability graph that is orebody size
factor F, faults in stope backs were not considered. Figure 14 independent.
shows the fault/stope geometry situations considered in the • The expanded proof of concept quantitative dilution-based
fault factor development and clearly shows that the presence graph further improves the dilution category boundaries
of faults in stope backs was not considered. More details on and confirms the concept.
the development of the fault factor can be found in Suorineni, • It is shown that the word ‘stable’ in the stability graph
Tannant and Kaiser (1999a, 1999b) and Suorineni et al (2001). is ambiguous as what is a stable stope depends on the
Future work will be directed at accounting for faults in stope individual mine acceptable dilution level. A quantitative
backs, as well as managing stopes completely established in dilution-based stability graph gives mining engineers the
shear zones. Another issue often overlooked is the role of flexibility to decide their stope sizes based on what they
undercutting in causing stope instability and dilution as well consider their acceptable dilution.
as the change in HR from previous stope surface failures. • Application of the fault factor to stopes adversely affected
The latter will also be considered in subsequent studies. by faults and shear zones shows that the fault factor is
Obviously, the effect of time on stope stability remains a effective for hanging walls and footwalls but ineffective
challenge and will be considered in future studies. when the faults are in stope backs.
In this paper the dilution category boundaries in the • The role of undercutting in causing stope instability and
combined data dilution graph are not objectively defined using dilution as well as the change in HR from previous stope
statistics but eyeballed. Future work will employ Bayesian surface failures needs to be further studied.
likelihood statistics and logistic regression objectively defined • Drilling accuracy and blasting practice on wall stability
these boundaries to minimise bias. and dilution are important factors to be considered in the
determination of dilution and stope sizes.
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • There remains no unique method for the calculation of
The paper has taken a fresh look at the stability graph. While dilution and this poses a challenge in the development of
this method has been useful in the selection of open stope the dilution-based stability graph.
sizes to manage stope stability, the qualitative nature of the
approach exposes it to some confusion in the mining industry. Recommendations
Hence, a quantitative explicit dilution-based stability graph is The following recommendations stand out from the research:
introduced to counter some of the difficulties and minimise • Use of the quantitative dilution-based stability graph
the confusion in the use of the method. More work lies ahead is recommended based on its merits over the Mathews
stability graph and its derivatives.
• The use of discriminant statistics to define the dilution
category boundaries in the expanded dilution-based
stability graph to remove any subjectivity from eyeballing
is recommended in the future.
• It is recommended that additional data be collected
and the dilution boundaries fine-tuned to improve the
predictive reliability of the graphs. It is also recommended
to continue the research using the Bayesian likelihood
discriminant method because of its capacity to account for
data category in-balances.
• The use of the fault factor in determining the stability
number N’ when a stope is close to the influence of a fault
or shear zone is highly recommended.
• Future work will focus on expanding the database for
the quantitative dilution-based stability graph and the
extension of the fault factor approach to cover faults in
stope backs.
• Finding a unique definition for dilution is recommended
but remains a challenge. This challenge must be born in
FIG 14 – Fault factor F logic schematic illustration (Suorineni, 1998). mined in using the dilution-based stability graph.


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