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Designing Shotcrete As Primary Support in


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30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Designing Shotcrete As Primary Support inTunnels
Behdeen Oraee-Mirzamani
Centre ForTavassoli,M.
London, UnitedKingdom

Mahdi Tavassoli
Mining EngineeringDepartment
Tarbiat ModaresUniversity

Kazem Oraee,Professor
Department ofManagement
University ofStirling
Stirling, UnitedKingdom

ABSTRACT Rehabilitation of conventional rock bolt and mesh support can

be very disruptive and expensive. Increasing numbers of these
Since the advent of New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), excavations are being shotcreted immediately after excavation.
shotcrete as a primary means of support in tunnels has been Trials and observations suggest that shotcrete can provide effective
widely applied. Its most important features are durability, speed support in mild rock burst conditions (McCreath and Kaiser, 1992;
of application and cost effectiveness. This paper introduces some Langille and Burtney, 1992). While the results from these studies
tables that provide guidelines for the thickness of shotcrete required are still too limited to permit definite conclusions to be drawn, the
in some common situations of mineroadways. indications are encouraging enough that more serious attention will
probably need to be paid to shotcrete support in thefuture.
In order to devise such tables, two different arch sections,
together with three different overburden types, were considered. In spite of increasing importance of shotcrete, a complete
Geotechnical parameters such as apparent cohesion and angle of guidance reference for its application, in which shotcrete is
internal friction of surrounding rocks were chosen, based on the designed as primary support in different conditions, is not yet
five-category classification of Bieniawski. Two K0 factors (the ratio available. The supports proposed by experiment classifications are
of horizontal stress to vertical stress) and an average rock density also based on the databases in which a steel frame is dominated
were utilized. Using numerical methods, 60 models were then and suggested shotcrete thickness by them should be reconsidered.
devised in thisway. These factors made the authors analyze tunnel stability in some
common geotechnical conditions by numerical methods and using
By applying interaction diagrams of axial force and the FLAC software; in each case, appropriate thickness of shotcrete as
bending moment for different thicknesses of shotcrete, appropriate a primary support issuggested.
shotcrete thickness for these models were calculated. The results
of this research, as well as the methodology applied, can be IN-SITUSTRESS
used in mining roadway support design and all types of civil
engineeringtunnels. Before digging underground spaces, adjacent rocks are
already under stress. As a matter of fact, the stress imposed after
INTRODUCTION drilling is in direct relationship with that primitive stress; hence,
it is necessary to determine the initial stresses at the first step of
Having popularized the NATM technique, shotcrete as the underground excavation support design. Different techniques
first choice for primary support in tunnels has been extensively for measuring in-situ stresses are presented namely over coring,
applied. Reasonable prices, quick and simple installation and hydraulic failure and flat jacking. All of these methods require
permanence are some features that make this type of support most an access way, drilling very expensive boreholes or pilot tunnels,
preferable amongst all kinds of supports in the new tunneling and these studies are economically feasible only for tunnels of
method. Reviews of the development of shotcrete technology considerablelength.
have been presented in some papers (Rose, 1985; Franzn, 1992;
Morgan,1993). In-situ stresses based on the amount of tunnel overburden, the
average density of rock surrounding and the ratio of horizontal
Although the use of shotcrete as support for underground stress to vertical stress (K0) is estimated (Equation 1). Measuring
excavations was pioneered by the civil engineering industry, vertical stress in construction and mining projects around the world
the mining industry has become a major user in recent years. An confirms theequation.
important area of shotcrete application in underground mining is in
the support of permanent openings such as ramps, haulages, shaft v(Pa) = (N/m3)Z(m) H = V k0 (1)
stations and crusherchambers.

30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
In 1952, Richard and Terzaqy presented a relationship between
vertical and lateral stresses (x and x) in areas where sedimentary
rocks and sequences of layers are intact and horizontal and their
dimensions have remained unchanged. This relationship is shown
in Equation2.

x = z = H = v/(1-v) v (2)

Hook and Brown in 1978, and Herget in 1988, showed that K0

depends on depth and its value decreases with an increase in depth.
Sheory also confirms this relationship and presents Equation 3, in
which Z is depth (m) and is the average deformation modulus
(GPa) measured in the horizontal direction (Sheory,1994).

k0 = 0.25 + 7Eh(0.001+1/Z)  (3)

In this paper, the in-situ stress is calculated according to the Figure 1. Simplified sketch of a typical dry mix shotcretesystem.
values of 1 and 0.7 for K0, the average density of 2,500 kg/m3 (156
lbs/ft3) for neighboring rocks and overburdens of 50, 100 and 150
m (164, 328 and 492ft).



Shotcrete is the generic name for cement, sand and fine

aggregate concretes which are applied pneumatically and
compacted dynamically under highvelocity.

Dry MixShotcrete

As illustrated in Figure 1, dry shotcrete components which

may be slightly pre-dampened to reduce dust are fed into a
hopper with continuous agitation. Compressed air is introduced
through a rotating barrel or feed bowl to convey the materials in Figure 2. One typical type of wet mixshotcrete.
a continuous stream through the delivery hose. Water is added to
the mix at the nozzle. Gunite, a proprietary name for dry-sprayed Steel Fiber-ReinforcedShotcrete
mortar used in the early 1900s, has fallen into disuse in favor of the
more general term shotcrete (Mahar et al.,1975). Steel fiber-reinforced shotcrete was introduced in the 1970s
and has since gained world-wide acceptance as a replacement for
Wet MixShotcrete traditional wire mesh-reinforced plain shotcrete. The main role
that reinforcement plays in shotcrete is to impart ductility to an
In this case, shotcrete components and water are mixed otherwise brittle material (Papworth,2002).
(usually in a truck-mounted mixer) before delivery into a
positive displacement pumping unit, which then delivers the Mesh-ReinforcedShotcrete
mix hydraulically to the nozzle where air is added to project the
material onto the rock surface (see Figure2). While steel fiber-reinforced shotcrete has been widely accepted
in both civil and mining engineering, mesh-reinforced shotcrete
The final product of either the dry or wet shotcrete process is is still widely used and is preferred in some applications. In very
very similar. The dry mix system tends to be more widely used in poor quality loose rock masses, where adhesion of the shotcrete to
mining because of inaccessibility for large transit mix trucks and the rock surface is poor, the mesh provides a significant amount of
also because it generally uses smaller and more compact reinforcement, even without shotcrete. Therefore, when stabilizing
equipment. This can be moved around relatively easily in an slopes in very poor quality rock masses or when building bulkheads
underground mine environment. The wet mix system is ideal for for underground fill, mesh is frequently used to stabilize the surface
high production applications in mining and civil engineering or to provide reinforcement. In such cases, plain shotcrete is
where a deep shaft or long tunnel is being driven and where access applied later to provide additional support and to protect the mesh
allows the application equipment and delivery trucks to operate on againstcorrosion.
a relatively continuous basis. Decisions to use dry or wet mix
shotcrete processes are usually made on a site-by-site basis (Mahar Kirsten (1992, 1993) carried out a comprehensive set of
et al.,1975). laboratory bending tests on both mesh and fiber reinforced
shotcrete slabs. The loads versus deflection curves that he obtained
were similar to those reported by Kompen (Kirsten, 1992, 1993;

30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Kompen, 1989). He found that the load-carrying capacity of the the safety factor for pressure area and pure bending is 0.7 and 0.9,
mesh and fiber-reinforced shotcrete samples were not significantly respectively. The reason for this difference is the fact that pressure
different, but that the mesh-reinforced samples were superior in failure is more sensitive to fluctuations of shotcretes compressive
bending with both point loads and uniformly distributed loads. He strength as compared with tensile failure (Tahuny,1990).
concluded that this was due to the more favorable location of the
mesh reinforcement in the slabs subjected tobending.

Kirsten also concluded that the quality control required to

obtain a consistent dosage and uniform distribution of fibers in
shotcrete is more easily achieved in civil engineering than in
mining applications. This is a reflection of the multiple working
headings and access difficulties common at mines. Under these
circumstances, more reliable reinforcement will be obtained with
mesh-reinforced rather than fiber-reinforced shotcrete. However, in
large mines, in which many of the permanent openings are similar
to those on large civil engineering sites, these problems of quality
control should notarise.

In this research, only mesh reinforced shotcrete is applied as

tunnel support in different conditions (Papworth,2002).

Technical Characteristics ofShotcrete

Figure 3. Interaction diagrams of axial force and the
Some of the technical and engineering traits of shotcrete used
in support design are compressive strength, tensile strength, elastic
modulus and inertia moment. Elastic modulus is related to the DesignDiagrams
compressive strength and increases over time in consistence withit.
In this support design study, four shotcrete thicknesses are used:
In this study, elastic modulus, compressive strength and tensile 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm (2, 4, 6 and 8 in). To determine the suitable
strength for shotcrete are respectively assumed at 20 GPa (2.9 thickness, interaction diagrams of axial force and the bending
million psi), 280 and 20 kg/cm2 (3,983 and 285 lb/in2). Because moment for the shotcrete thicknesses of 10, 15 and 20 cm (4, 6
of the great length of tunnels compared with their width and, and 8 in) are plotted (see Figure 4); for the 5-cm (2in) thickness,
hence, considerable stiffness in the direction of the tunnel length, Equation 4 is the criterion for the support design beingconsidered.
the strain in this direction can be ignored and all designs are
done under two-dimensional strain circumstances. Under these 450
conditions, tunnel length is considered as length unit. Shotcrete 400
inertia moment is like a rectangular cross-section where length unit 350
and width equal the shotcrete thickness (Hook and Brown,1978).
Axial Force (Ton)

300 10-cm Thickness

15-cm Thickness
Interaction Diagrams of Axial Force and the BendingMoment 20-cm Thickness

Final strength calculation of a cross-section when axial force 150

and the bending moment are combined is complicated. This 100

combination creates an area ranging from the pure axial force 50

(M=0, P=Pno) to pure bending moment (M=Mno, P=0) including 0

pressure control area, balanced failure state and tensile control area. 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

These areas are easily detectable if final strength calculation results Bending Moment (Kg.m)
are shown by interaction diagrams of axial force and the bending
moment. Such diagrams are suitable means for quick and proper
supportdesign. Figure 4. Interaction diagrams of shotcrete thicknesses of 10, 15
and 20 cm (4, 6, and 8in).
For a cross-section with certain dimensions, the interaction
diagram will generally look like that in Figure 3, where the
vertical and horizontal axis is axial force and the bending moment F A M .C I  (4)
corresponds. Each point on the graph, such as point A, represents
a combination of Pn and Mn that, according to the theory, show 
the disruptive point of the cross-section. The diagram begins from In which F, A, M, C and I is axial force, the cross-section area,
the point O with the pure axial force of Pno (M=0). Ob-related the torque, the distance between axial force and neutral line, and
area belongs to the pressure control zone. Point B represents the inertiamoment.
balanced failure state and the bc-related region is the tensile control
area. Finally, C shows the end point of flexural capacity, Mno, at According to regulations of ACI, total proportion of mesh cross-
the pure bending moment (P=0). According to ACI regulations, section area to the total cross-section area should be one to eight

30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
percent. The reason for the one percent limit is that it prevents
sudden failures, and the limit of eight percent is used because of
installation matters and keeping a minimum distance between
longitudinal meshes. In this study, meshes are symmetrically placed
in a shotcrete cross-section and they cover up 11.5% of total
cross-section (Tahuny,1990).


FLAC software is fitting for the modeling and analysis of soil

and stone structures behavior, which have the same behavior
as continuous structures. As long as the displacement of rock
along the joint surface compared with rock mass displacement is
negligible, this software can be utilized formodeling.
Figure 6. Tunnel displacement or stress discharged before
installing thesupport.
In this study, two types of tunnels have been studied (see
Figure5): NumericalModeling

Using the five categories of rock, three overburdens, two

K0s and two tunnel cross-sections, 60 models were created and
analyzed. It should be noted that modeling is done under a large
deformation mode. The modeling process is asfollows,

According to the tunnel geometry and overburden, geometry

of a model is determined in order not to influence the stress
distribution around the tunnel, and be located in regions where
stresses are the same as in-situstresses.
Tunnel geometry, rock properties, boundary conditions, in-situ
stresses and gravity acceleration are applied to the model, and
Figure 5. (A) Geometry of road tunnel (m); (B) geometry of ground static conditions are also modeled beforedrilling.
mining tunnel(m). A tunnel is excavated and allowed to be displaced to about 40
percent of the total displacement, then a support is installed
and, finally, the model is rotated to reachequilibrium.
A. A road tunnel where geometry is chosen based on typical roads The determination of appropriate shotcrete thickness, axial
with two ways, and where every line has a width of 3.65 m force and the bending moment created in the support are
(12ft). compared with the corresponding interaction diagram. If the
B. A mining tunnel where the geometry is chosen based on typical proper support was not installed (i.e., if corresponding points
main tunnels in undergroundmines. of axial force and the bending moment were located outside
the interaction diagram or had a far distance to the interaction
Determination of Stress Released Before SupportInstallation diagram), all previous stages would be repeated with another
thickness in order to obtain the optimal shotcretethickness.
Determination of tunnel displacement or stress discharged before
installing a support is not a simple issue, and three-dimensional CONCLUSION
modeling is required. Chern and his colleagues analyzed the
performance of instruments installed in different tunnels to achieve The results of modeling based on the tunnel geometry and
results, and Hook presented their results in a graph (see Figure 6) overburden are shown in Tables 27. In some conditions which
(Chern et al.,1998). are filled with aster, even the 20 cm (8 in) shotcrete thickness is
insufficient, and lattice or a steel frame should be also used.
Rock Mass GeotechnicalParameters According to the data represented in these tables, the following
In this comprehensive research, geotechnical parameters of outcomes can also beachieved.
rock mass are selected based on the classification of Bieniawski.
Bieniawski has classified rocks into five categories: very good, Overburden plays a major role in determining the appropriate
good, moderate, weak and very weak and for each category, shotcrete thickness for weak and very weak rocks; the height
apparent cohesion and angle of internal friction are suggested. of crushed rocks in these rocks increases in accordance with
Table 1 shows the average amount of these parameters for each overburdenheight.
category (Farooqh Hosseini,2000). Changing K0 from 0.7 to 1 has a little effect on the required
thickness of shotcrete. Increasing K0 has both a positive and
negative effect; the positive effect is making the uniform
stress distribution around the tunnel, and the negative effect is
increasing lateralstresses.

30th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
Table 1. Geotechnical parameters of rockmass.
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
Apparent Cohesion (K Pa) 400 350 250 150 100
Angle of Internal Friction (Degree) 40 35 30 20 15
Deformation Modulus (G Pa) 20 15 10 5 2

Table 2. Shotcret application for mining tunnels with the 50-m (164-ft) over burden(Cm).
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 5 10 20
K0 = 1 5 5 5 10 20

Table 3. Shotcret application for mining tunnels with the 100-m (328-ft) over burden(Cm).
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 5 15 ***
K0 = 1 5 5 5 15 ***

Table 4. Shotcret application for mining tunnels with the 150-m (492-ft) over burden (Cm)
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 5 *** ***
K0 = 1 5 5 5 *** ***

Table 5. Shotcret application for road tunnels with the 50-m (164-ft) over burden (Cm).
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 5 15 20
K0 = 1 5 5 5 15 20

Table 6. Shotcret application for road tunnels with the 100-m (328-ft) over burden (Cm)
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 5 20 ***
K0 = 1 5 5 5 20 ***

Table 7. Shotcret application for road tunnels with the 150-m (492-ft) over burden (Cm).
Rock Mass Description Very Hard Hard Moderate Weak Very Weak
K0 = 0.7 5 5 15 *** ***
K0 = 1 5 5 15 *** ***

Proceedings of the Rock Support in Mining and Underground

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