02 - Metode Tambang Bawah Tanah
02 - Metode Tambang Bawah Tanah
02 - Metode Tambang Bawah Tanah
Ore is an economic concept. It is defined as a concentration of
minerals that can be exploited and turned into a saleable product
to generate a financially acceptable profit under existing
economic conditions. The definition of ore calls for afterthoughts.
Ore does not properly exist until it has been labeled as such. To
name a mineral prospect an ore body requires more information
than needed to establish metal grades. Sufficient knowledge of
the mineral deposit, mining technology, processing methods, and
costs is needed for undertaking a feasibility study and proving the
prospect worthy of being developed into a mine.
The expression “existing economic conditions” deserves an
explanation. “Run-of-mine’’ore is a mix of valuable minerals and
worthless rock in which each ingredient is priced separately. Run-
of-mine ore is treated in the dressing plant and processed into
different concentrates. Where the ore contains more than one
metal of value, separate concentrates of, for example, copper,
zinc, and lead are produced. The value of in situ ore can be calcu-
lated by applying market prices to metal content and deducting
costs for treatment and transportation of concentrates and
smelter fees. The balance must cover direct mining costs and
leave a margin for the mine operator.
Metal prices are set on international metal market
exchanges in London and New York and fluctuate from day to
day, depending on the supply-and-demand situation. An over-
supply builds stocks of surplus metal, which is reflected in a drop
in the market price. The profit margin for a mine decreases as the
values of its products drop. As costs for processing, transport,
smelting, and refining remain constant, the mine must adjust to a
reduced income. The mine operating on a narrow margin must
be prepared to survive periods of depressed metal prices.
One tactic to deal with such a situation is to adjust the bound-
aries of the area being mined and draw these boundaries at a
higher cut-off grade. This will increase the value of the run-of-mine FIGURE 1.1 The underground mine-basic infrastructure
product, and the mine will maintain its profit. Another way is to
increase the efficiency of mine production. Modifymg the mining
method and introducing new, more powerful machines are actions
that should raise the efficiency of work procedures. The mine must 1.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS
remain a profit generator, which is not a simple task in an environ- To better understand the material presented herein, some of the
ment of increasing labor costs and demands for better living. more common mining terms are defined in the following para-
This chapter describes and explains methods for the under- graphs. Figure 1.1 further clarifies some of the terms.
ground mining of mineral deposits. The descriptions are general- Adit: Horizontal or nearly horizontal entrance to a mine.
ized and focus on typical applications. Examples chosen illustrate Back: Roof or overhead surface of an underground
types of mining practices as of 1999. However, every mineral excavation.
deposit, with its geology, grade, shape, and volume, is unique. As Chute: Loading arrangement that utilizes gravity to move
methods are described here, please bear in mind that rock is vari- material from a higher level to a lower level.
able, miners have ideas, and the world of mines will always Cone: Funnel-shaped excavation located at the top of a
display special features. raise used to collect rock from the area above.
4 General Mine Design Considerations
FIGURE 1.9 Sublevel open stoping FIGURE 1.10 Longhole rig with slide posltioning, remote control, and
tube carousel, Willlams gold, Canada
rn A raise from the haulage level passing through the of ore, known as crown pillars, are also left to support mine work-
undercut to the main level above to provide access and ings above the producing stopes.
ventilation to the stope. Enlarging stope dimensions influences mining efficiency.
The development of the bottom section of the stope can be Miners therefore aim for the largest possible stopes. The stability
simplified in the same way as for sublevel stoping-the finger of the rock mass is a limiting factor to be considered when
raises are deleted, and the cross-cuts are developed for drawpoint selecting the sizes of stopes and pillars. Sublevel stoping is used
loading. for mining mineral deposits with following characteristics:
Drilling and blasting are carried out as overhead stoping. I Steep dip-the inclination of the footwall must exceed
The rough pile of ore in the stope prevents the use of mechanized the angle of repose,
equipment. Standard practice is to use air-leg rock drills and rn Stable rock in both the hanging wall and the footwall,
stoper drillers.
The traditional ore handling system in shrinkage stoping I Competent ore and host rock,
entails direct dumping of ore into rail cars from chutes below the I Regular ore boundaries.
finger raises. Shovel loaders are more effective in conjunction
with a drawpoint loading system. Sublevel drifts for longhole drilling are prepared inside the
Shrinkage stoping was a common and important method in ore body between main levels. These are strategically located
the days when few machines were employed in underground since these are the points from which the longhole rig drills the
mining. Its advantage is the fact that the ore could be dumped blast pattern. The drill pattern specifies where blastholes are to
directly into cars through the chutes, eliminating hand-loading. be collared and the depth and angle of each hole, all of which
This is of little importance today, and the drawbacks-that is, the must be set with great precision to achieve a successful blast.
method is labor intensive, working conditions are difficult and Drawpoints are excavated below the stope bottom for safe
dangerous, productivity is limited, and the bulk of the ore mucking with LHDs, which may be combined with trucks or rail
remains stored in the stope for a long period of time-have cars for longer transport. Different layouts for undercut draw-
resulted in the replacement of shrinkage stoping by other points are used. The trough-shaped stope bottom is typically
methods. Sublevel stoping, vertical retreat stoping, sublevel accessed through loading drifts at regular spacings.
caving, and cut-and-fill mining are methods that usually can be Developing the set of drifts and drawpoints underneath the
applied under similar conditions. stope is an extensive and costly procedure. A simpler layout is
Shrinkage stoping remains, however, as one of the methods gaining in popularity as an alternative to the conventional draw-
that can be practiced with a minimum of investment in machinery point-and-muck-out system. Here, the loading level is integrated
and yet is still not entirely dependent on manual capacity. with the undercut. Mucking out is done directly on the stope
bottom inside the open stope. The LHD works inside the open
1.3.5 Sublevel Open Stoping stope and, for safety reasons, is operated by radio control by an
In sublevel open stoping (Figures 1.9 and l.lO), ore is recovered operator based inside the access drift.
in open stopes normally backfilled after being mined. Stopes are Sublevel stoping requires a regular shape of stopes and ore
often large, particularly in the vertical direction. The ore body is boundaries. Inside the drill pattern, everything qualifies as ore. In
divided into separate stopes. Between stopes, ore sections are set larger ore bodies, the area between the hanging wall and the
aside for pillars to support the hanging wall. Pillars are normally footwall is divided into modules along strike and mined as
shaped as vertical beams across the ore body. Horizontal sections primary and secondary stopes.
8 General Mine Design Considerations
Detail of
coal mining
with drum shearer
and sen-advancing
.hydraulic support
FIGURE 1.23 Twin boom rig for fan drilling, with operator’s cabin,
tube handling, and drill automatics, Kiruna, Sweden
the front, transporting it on the sublevels, and dumping the ore size, and
into ore passes. These are ideal conditions for LHDs as they can A surface that is allowed to subside.
be kept in continuous operation. When one face is mucked clean,
the LHD is moved to a nearby drift heading and mucking These rather unique conditions limit block caving to partic-
continues. Sublevels are designed with tramming distances ular types of mineral deposits. Looking at worldwide practices,
matched to particular sizes of LHDs. one finds block caving used for extracting iron ore, low-grade
Dilution and ore losses are drawbacks for sublevel caving. copper, molybdenum deposits, and diamond-bearing kimberlite
Extensive scientific investigations have been made to determine pipes. The large tonnage produced by each individual mine
the flow of ore in a cave and to identify means of reducing ore makes block-caving mines the real heavyweights when compared
losses and minimizing dilution. Dilution varies between 15%and to most other mines.
40%, and ore losses can be from 15% to 25%, depending on local
The development of block caving when conventional gravity
conditions. Dilution is of less influence for ore bodies with diffuse flow is applied (Figure 1.24) involves
boundaries where the host rock contains low-grade minerals or I An undercut where the rock mass underneath the block is
for magnetite ores, which are upgraded by simple magnetic sepa- fractured by longhole blasting,
rators. Sulfides, in contrast, must be refined by costly flotation I Drawbells beneath the undercut that gather the rock into
processes. finger raises,
Sublevel caving is repetitive both in layout and working
procedures. Development drifting, production drilling, charging, I Finger raises that collect rock from drawbells to the griz-
blasting, and mucking are all carried out separately. Work takes zlies,
place at different levels, allowing each procedure to be carried I A grizzly level where oversized blocks are caught and
out continuously without disturbing the others. There is always a broken up,
place for the machine to work.
Underground Mining Methods and Applications l3
1.4.4 Efficiency Ratings prevents misunderstandings and is the best way to the correct
Efficiencies of mining operations are rated in tons per man-shift choice.
or kilotons per man-year (with reference to underground workers The development of new products and improvements to
only). Efficiency varies from mine to mine and should not be existing equipment is enhanced through regular contacts
given much weight except when considered as a general charac- between the end-user and the manufacturer. A continuing
teristic. Each mining method provides certain conditions for effi- dialogue ascertains that introduced products meet requirements
ciency, from 1 ton per man shift for a complex method to 100 from both management and operators.
tons per man-shift for an efficient room-and-pillar mine. Effi- Output and Size. Typical mining machines are offered in a
ciency relates to costs per ton. Where the ratio of tons per man- range of sizes distinguished by output or ability to perform speci-
shift is low, ore grades must be high. fied procedures. The potential buyer should be able to make a
first choice of a machine for his application without too much of a
1.4.5 Utilization and Output problem. It is advisable to select a larger rather than a smaller
Work Time and Schedules. Work time in mines is often model. Extra capacity is always a safety margin, adding to flexi-
based on schedules of 8 hours per shift, three shifts a day, 7 days bility in production planning, and a heavy-duty design increases
a week all year around. Other schedules may include a 6-day resistance to wear and tear in a tough underground environment.
week or 11-hour shifts with two shifts per day. Evidently ambi- Capability. Qualifications of a machine are documented in
tions are to keep production going by utilizing the available time the technical specification pages. Here, the important data, such
in the most efficient manner, considering public and religious as engine power, weight, length, width, etc., should be found.
holidays. The specification sheet should be studied carefully before a deci-
Even if the work schedule is continuous, few machines sion is made on a new machine. The machine must meet expecta-
operate more than 70% of the time. Machines that can be kept in tions, in terms of both performance and capability, and it must fit
operation much of the time are those directly involved with inside the mine’s drift openings.
production-longhole drill rigs, LHDs, and mine trucks. For other Options and Extras. Specifications come with a list of
demands, such as development drifting and rock bolting, 30% options and special features that can be added to a basic machine
use would be considered normal. The machine itself is a tool for at additional cost. Each option should be checked and analyzed
doing things in a practical way that minimizes manual efforts. with regard to selecting the basic machine. Some options will be
Multipoint Attack. The mining method influences condi- necessary for the proper function of the basic unit, while others
tions for use of mechanized equipment. Drill-blast rock excava- may seem to be fancy gadgets without real justification. As the
tion involves a cycle featuring frequent changes of techniques and basic machine represents the major share of the capital to be
machinery. Where several attack points lie within a reasonable invested, the options may add valuable qualities to the basic unit
distance of one another, machines can be kept busy shuttling at marginal extra cost. The value of option-services integrated
from one workplace to the next. A drill rig, charging truck loader, into the basic unit should be assessed by the end-user.
and other machines should be scheduled to minimize delays 1.5 SUMMARY
while they are changing places.
Work Specialization. Carrying out the continuity and In the preceding sections, the author has tried to present conven-
volume of a specific procedure without interruption is important. tional underground mining methods as clearly as possible. Natu-
Sublevel stoping, VCR mining, and sublevel caving are methods rally, there are additional considerations that cannot be included
in which drilling, charging, blasting, and mucking out are inde- within the scope of this text.
pendent procedures. The longhole drill rig keeps hammering in Some readers may miss the inclusion of more detailed
the same drift for long periods of time, promoting output from an figures in the text. However, the variations in ore deposits are so
elaborate and capital-intensive machine. As longhole drilling is great and the state of mining technology so dynamic that being
independent of mucking out, blastholes can be drilled and main- too specific could mislead the reader. Every ore body is unique.
tained until the production schedule calls for more tonnage. The successful application of a mining method requires more
than textbook knowledge; it also requires practical reasoning
1.4.6 The Machine-A Versatile Tool with a creative mind that is open to new impressions. The appli-
Selecting Machines. Selecting a machine for a specific cation of a mining method is a distinct challenge to any mining
purpose is a complex procedure. The application is rarely engineer.
straightforward, but includes special requirements and restric- The author wishes to express his gratitude to Atlas Copco
tions. The machine itself is a complex device with capabilities that MCT AB for permission to use the material included herein and
are difficult to explain in specification sheets. A dialogue between for assistance in preparing the illustrations.
a mine’s technical staff and a manufacturer’s representative