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© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

Design and Development of Automatic Coconut

De-husking and De-shelling machine
Rishikesh V. Gaikwad, 2 Prasad P. Bagadi, 3 Suyash B. Kamble, 4 Javed J. Gadakari,5 Indrajeet D. Burase
Student , 2 Student, 4 Student, 3,5 Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Depart ment,
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Kolhapur, India

Abstract— Today there is many methods used for de-husking and de-shelling of coconut. These methods are widely used for
removing of the coconut husk but these methods have many problems and limitations while operating these machines. These
problems affect the production rate of de-husking the coconut. Also these methods are more hazardous and harmful to user. To
overcome the limitations and problems occurring in the present machine there is need of the method to be automatic and less
harmful to the user. This paper presents the design and development of the automatic coconut de -husking machine. This mach ine
eliminates the problems and limitations to a greater extent. In this way the production rate increases compared to the present
coconut de-husking machine.
Keywords: coconut, de-husking, de-shelling, automat ic,


The machine proposed in this work basically does two processes. They are de -husking and crown removing, de-husking is the
process of removing the husk fro m the nut. Majority of de-husking is carried out manually by machete or a spikes, it shows that
there are no superior machines develop to handle the coconut. Coconut de -husking is the most fundamental issue in terms of
finding labor and improving productivity.
The main aim o f this project is to reduce the human efforts and to increase the rate of de-husking the coconut. This
mach ine takes into consideration the dangers, hazards and risks involved in de -husking the coconut which will be efficient,
productive, environmentally friendly, less labors, easy to use and most important ly cost effective in production, maintenance and
The main purpose of coconut de-husking machine is to eliminate the skilled operator involved in de-husking the coconut
and to completely automate the de-husking and crown removing process. Although coconut de-husking machines have already
been demonstrated in the work and also in some s mall scale industries, the process is either manual or semiauto matic. A
completely automated machine with manual loading and unloading of coconuts will yield productivity higher than the existing
process. Because of that, the current work is main ly focused on an automated machine for de -husking and crown removing. Also,
we can yield lot of useful and commercial p roducts fro m coconut at various stages of its lifecycle.
Today there are various techniques are used for de-husking the coconut. These techniques have many limitations in
process. Despite of that these techniques are widely used for de-husking. Those techniques are,
1. Manual de-husking:
a) By using machete or spike
b) By using traditional tool
2. Pedal operated de-husking
3. Hydraulic operated de-husking
4. Pneu matic operated de-husking

Many problems occur while operating these machines or methods. In the automatic coconut de -husking machine eliminates or
reduces the problems and limitations present in these techniques. These problems might be injurious, hazardous for operator. But
in the automatic coconut de-husking machine these problems are eliminated in tremendous amount. This leads to the safety and
ease in removing the coconut husk.

Fig.1 Spike Fig.2 Traditional tool Fig.3 Pedal operated machine

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© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

Fig.4 Hydraulic machine Fig.5 Pneumat ic machine


Venkataramanan S, Abhinav Ram B, Rahul R discussed the design and analysis activities involved in developing an automated
coconut de-husking and coconut crown removal machine. The main purpose of this machine is to eliminate the skilled operator
involved in de-husking the coconut and to completely automate the de-husking and crown removing process [1]. Y. Prashant, C.
Gop inath, Vignesh Ravichandran discussed to design and develop a coconut fiber extraction machine for farmers and small scale
coir industries in India to provide an effective solution to the difficulties in e xisting process, reduce time and labour cost[2].
Mr.Vinod P. Sakhare, Mr. Ketan K.Tonpe, Dr. C. N. Sakhale discussed in “Performance Analysis of Hydraulically Operated
Coconut De-husking Machine” paper that, we have many methods to de-husk the coconut. It is by manually, mechanically and
also by the use of machines. Manual de-husking with knife is a common practice and there are also different methods of de -
husking of coconut using machines such as two blade coconut de-husking machine and coconut de-husking by two roller
mach ines[3]. S. D. S. Piyathissa, P. D. Kahandage discussed in “Introducing an appropriate mechanical way for coconut de -
husking” paper that a preliminary experiment was carried out with hundred coconut selected from a properly maintained c oconut
plantation in order to find out the average measurement such as height and width of coconut, thickness of husk, height and width
of nut[4]. M r. Varad V. Bhalekar, M r. Shubham M. Langarkar, Mr. S. B.Kamble d iscussed in “AUTOMATIC COCONUT DE-
HUSKING A ND DE-SHELLING MACHINE” paper the data about the present coconut de-husking methods their limitations and
the need of the automatic coconut de-husking [5]. Stephen Kwasi Adzimah, Samuel Oppong Turkson, discussed in “Conceptual
design of coconut de-husking machine” fro m this paper we get various traditional methods of de-husking the coconut as well as
application, advantages and limitations of mach ine[6].


In the present coconut de-husking machines many problems and difficult ies are faced d uring the de-husking operation. These
problems cause adverse effect on the working and productivity of the machine. It also affects the operator operating the coco nut
de-husking machine.
Many limitations are present in the previously occurring machine. Those limitations decreases many parameters of the
mach ines such as productivity, durability, efficiency, ease of operation, etc. Also it tends to increase the human fatigue to the
operator operating the coconut de-husking machine.
The limitat ions in present machines are,
1. Possibility of accident:
Due to the human interference in the operation of the machine there may be possibilities of accidents. In de -husking the
coconut with spike or machete it may cause inju ry to human because of carelessness.
2. Less production rate:
In previous coconut de-husking mach ines the idle time required is mo re and takes more time for de -husking operation.
Also the interference of the human is more so it takes more t ime for operation, so that the production rate is le ss.
3. More time is required for de-husking the coconut.
4. Skilled labor required :
To de-husk the coconut manually i.e. by using spike or machete is risky operation. So there is need of concentration
during the operation, otherwise it is harmful to the operator. So the skilled labor is required.
5. Idle time is more.


Scope of Machine
At present, the de-husking of coconut is carried out by various machines like spike, t raditional tool, pedal operated machine,
hydraulic and pneumatic mach ines, etc.
Fro m all above methods of coconut de-husking we understood that there are many limitations which creates difficu lties
during coconut de-husking. To overcome these difficu lties and to increase production rate , we have decided to make “ Automatic
coconut de-husking machine.” And also for remov ing the shell of coconut, the special attachment is provided. The problems or
limitat ions in the present machine and the imp rovements are represented in the follo wing table

IJEDR1702073 Internatio nal Journal of Engineering Development and Research (www.ijedr.org) 425
© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

Li mitations of previ ous machines Improvement

Accident occurs. Accidents are eliminated.
Less production rate. Increase in production rate.
More time is required. Time required is less.
Skilled labour required. Fool proofing.
Nasty system. Clean system.
Idle time is more. Idle time is reduced.

Objecti ves
The coconut de-husking is one of the most difficult post harvesting operation. In India coconut is cultivated on a large scale. To
process such a large number of production of coconuts some suitable mechanis m needs to be identified or developed. Several
attempts have been made to mechanize the de-husking of coconut. Some of them were manually operated and others were power
operated. These mechanisms have their own advantages and limitations. Few of them required skill worker. So me of them were
bulky, time consuming, power consuming, uneconomical. There is a need to develop some mechanis m wh ich would work
satisfactory and must be economical. Depending upon the necessity the suitable mechanis m needs to be selected.
Coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of India. Coconuts are known for its versatility as
seen in many uses of its different parts. It also has cultural and religious significance in many societies. Copra is the dried meat or
kernel of the coconut. Traditionally coconut shell is operated manually to get copra out. But it consumes more time and more
Physical Exert ion of workers, so the main objective is to reduce time consumption and Physical Exert ion by introducing a
mach ine to break coconut shell. It should be to operate with less wastage of copra. This machine reduces the accidents that may
happen during de-shelling manually.
The present work involved the design, development and testing of a coconut de -husker which overcomes the drawbacks
of the previously reported implements. The design and developmental stages called for a closer look at the magnitude and
direction of the de-husking forces and their generation mechanisms. Details of a simple, sturdy and efficient hydraulic de -husker
unit, financially beneficial to laborers and producers, are given here.. Cost benefit analysis indicates that it should be
commercially viable.
Main purpose of manufacturing coconut de-husker is to reduce the human effort and increasing efficiency.
 To reduce human effo rt.
 To increase continuous work capacity.
 To increase efficiency than conventional system.
 Less harmful to user.


After studying all present coconut de-husking mach ines, we got ideas to eliminate the difficulties and limitations occur in those
mach ines and imp rove production rate.
Ti me Study
We studied all the present machines used for coconut de-husking. By studying the processes and and methods used for
coconut de-husking, we co llected the time required for production per hour.
Machine used Coconut de-husked per hour
By spike 8 Qty
Traditional tool 15 Qty
Pedal operated machine 30 Qty
Hydraulic machine 80 Qty
Pneumatic machine 90 Qty

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© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

Root Cause Analysis

The root cause analysis is the way to analyze
the need of the machine. In the root cause
analysis method the question WHY is asked at
every stage of the point. This way gets us to
the main cause which is creating the
limitat ions in the machines. After analyzing
the data we get the right approach for the
mach ine manufacturing.

Selection of proper specified component for coconut de -husking machi ne

There are various components used in the coconut de-husking machine. Such as gears, shafts, bearings, frame, dru m, spikes ,
motor, cutter, metal sheet and hopper.
Different factors are to be considered while selecting the components of machine, viz., material properties, factor of
safety, speed, torque, different types of loads, capacity to sustain the load. For designing the gear, the factors are to be considered
such as speed reduction ratio, module, diameter, nu mber of teeth, etc. Various loads are acting on the shaft, so by consideri ng
these loads shafts and bearings to be selected. For proper mounting of bearing, the pede stal bearing is preferred. Motor is selected
on the basis of speed, torque, load, capacity and working hours. On the basis of material to be used spikes are designed and the
number of spikes considered according to drum length.
The coconut de-shelling machine was developed based on the following consideration: The availability of materials
locally to reduce cost of production and maintenance of the machine. The de -shelling rod was introduced in between and near to
disc cutter without touching the disc cutter and smoothly conducts the operation. It is desired that the coconut fruits should be
well de-shelled without nut breakage and also that cobra extracted should not be distorted, thus pulleys were carefu lly
designed/selected to meet the required synchronized speeds of the de-shelling.

Assembl y of components
Main part of the machine is frame which carries the total load of assembly. The material for frame is cast iron. Frame is to be
joined by welding. The gears are fitted on the shafts by means of key and the shaft is fitted in the bearing. The pedestal bearing is
fitted on the angle bar of frame by nut and bolts. The motor is mounted on the another angle bar of the frame by nut and bolts.
The extra attachment is provided for de-shelling of the coconut. For de-shelling the cutter is used. One of the shaft is
extended and taken outside of the frame whose speed is suitable for de -shelling and the cutter is mounted on extended shaft
outside the frame. The dru ms are mounted on top most shaft of the assembly a nd the spikes are welded on drums. The hopper is
placed above the drum. The sheet of metal is riveted on the frame wh ich plays role of walls and the whole assembly becomes
closed, for the safety purpose.


This is the catia model of the automatic coconut dehusking
machine. The machine contains various components which are
mainly used for de0husking of the coconut. The components are,
1. Frame
2. Rollers
a) With spike,
b) Without spike
3. Gears
4. Pulleys
5. Bearings
6. Motor
7. Gearbox.

These components are ess ential in working process of the

automatic coconut de-husking machine


1. Making of frame

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© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

2. Selection of shaft and bearing

3. Develop ment of two ro llers - 1) with spike 2) without spike
4. Selection of motor and gearbox
5. Selection of de-shelling cutter
6. Design and development of spike
7. Selection of pulley and belt drive
8. Assembly of all co mponents


First of all machine is started by using electric supply and the coconut is placed on two rollers. A spike roller is co nsidered as the
main mechanis m of the machine. The lever is used to apply small force on coconut for piercing of spikes into husk. The roller
without spike would rotate the coconut and the spike on the roller piercing in the coconut husk due to continue ro tation. The
spiked roller will grip the husks and tear the husks from nut. In this way the coconut de -husking takes place. During operation
small vibrations are occurred so machine sometimes changes its position on plane surface, thus the special arrangeme nt for
removing the wheels is provided.
To have this kind of operation, the coconut should be placed horizontally into the mach ine. For de -shelling the coconut, the
de- husked coconut is placed in front of the teeth of cutter. Due to rotation of the cutt er the teeth of cutter is imparted on shell of
coconut. Thus the breakage of shell takes place and the coconut de-shelling is carried out.

1. It is simple and fast process.
2. No need of skilled labor.
3. Accidents are eliminated.
4. Increase in production rate.
5. Time required is less.

1. Initial cost is high.
2. Machine is bulky.

1. Coconut Oil Industries:
The coconut oil industries occupied a large space in industrial area. The requirement of coconut oil has increased vastly
in recent years.
To get the oil fro m the coconut it is required to make some operations on coconut such as, removing the husk and
de-shelling the coconut. These operations were carried out manually and also some other machines were present for
conducting those operations. These processes have more limitations. But the automated coconut de -husking machine has a
strong impact in the coconut oil industries. The automated coconut de -husking mach ine can make revolutionary and
productive changes in coconut oil industries.
2. Coconut Farming:
Agriculture forms the backbone of our country economy. About 50-60% of cit izens are depending on agriculture. For
developing our country means providing our farmers with mo re advanced technology or tools, which would reduce overall
time and cost required for work. Th is would make work more easy and comfortable.


W ith this mach ine we can,
 Reduce human effort.
 Increase continuous work capacity.
 Increase efficiency than conventional system.
 Less harmful to user.
 Fool proofing.
A power operated coconut de-husking and de-shelling machine was designed and developed. Coconut de-husking and
de-shelling machine wh ich de-shell coconuts without nut breakage and machine is easy to operate and perfo rm with an
average de-husking capacity of appro ximately 200-250 nuts per hour. An automated mach ine for coconut de-husking and de-
shelling has been developed for the small scale farm holder in the agriculture and rural areas. The operation of machine is
simp le, fool proofing and the maintenance of the machine is not expensive.

IJEDR1702073 Internatio nal Journal of Engineering Development and Research (www.ijedr.org) 428
© 2017 IJEDR | Vo lu me 5, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939

[1] Venkataramanan S, Abhinav Ram B, Rahul R, “Design and Development of Automated Coconut De-husking and Crown
Removal Mach ine”.
[2] Y. Prashant, C. Gopinath, Vignesh Ravichandran, “DESIGN AND DEVELOPM ENT OF COCONUT FIBER
[3] Mr.Vinod P.Sakhare, Mr..Ketan K.Tonpe, Dr.C.N.Sakhale, “Performance Analysis of Hydraulically Operated Coconut
De-husking Machine”
[4] S. D. S. Piyathissa, P. D. Kahandage, “Introducing an appro priate mechanical way for coconut de-husking”
[5] Mr. Varad V. Bhalekar, M r. Shubham M. Langarkar, Mr. S. B.Kamb le , “AUTOMATIC COCONUT DE-HUSKING
[6] Stephen Kwasi Adzimah, Samuel Oppong Turkson, “Conceptual design of coconut de -husking machine”

[7] Mr. Pan kaj K. Panda, “Design and fabrication of coconut de-shelling mach ine” 2016 IJEDR, Volu me 4, Issue 2, ISSN:

[8] Albert L. M ix, Battle Creek, Mich., “Coconut de-shelling mach ine” US patent 2,783,801, March 5, 1957.
[9] B. N. Nawan kwo jike, “development of coconut de-husking machine for rural s mall scale farm holdew”, international

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