Journalnx Design
Journalnx Design
Journalnx Design
Abstract— This work focused on the design and does not fulfill the market demand because it was very
fabrication of a groundnut shelling and separating time consuming process. It was also a boring work for
machine electrically powered by a 0.5hp motor. The the worker. Traditional method of separating nuts from
machine has the capacity of shelling 60kg of groundnuts by Putting the peanuts in a cloth bag and
groundnut per hour with a shelling and separating rolling over it with a rolling pin. This technique did a
efficiencies of 80% and 85% respectively. The good job of cracking the shells (deleting the painful
machine was fabricated from locally sourced fingers problem), but we still had to pick the peanuts out
materials, which makes it cheap and easily since they didn't come all the way loose. This is not a
affordable and also easy and cheaper to maintain. It reliable method for shell a ground nut due to this crack
is also of light weight and comprises of the hopper, the ground nut and nuts mixed with shell.Introduction
crushing chamber, separation chamber and the gives knowledge that the traditional method is not a
blower unit. During the process of testing, it was sufficient method for separating the groundnut. Due to
observedthat majority of the groundnut pods that this manual process, identify some major problem & to
came out unshelled or partially shelled were the over-come this problem some idea or concepts
oneswith one seed per pod and those with two small generates. According to generated ideas deciding
seeds in their pods. objective of project. Formers and small businessman are
Keywords— Design and fabrication, groundnut facing following main problems:-
shelling, separating machine, locally sourced
materials. (1) Currently base process is manually operated ( pedal
operated )
INTRODUCTION (2) Nuts & husk (outer covering of groundnut) is mixed
The purpose of this paperis to understand the after crushing (shelling operation).
knowledge of design andfabrication mechanism of (3) Low productivity & time consuming.
groundnut Sheller machine.The design is an
environment friendly and uses simple mechanism PROBLEM FORMULATION
properties such as shelling system, blowering The aim is to design & develop a low cost ground nut
mechanism and automation separating system etc. In shelling machine which will help farmer to sell finished
this, some crushing force is needed to crush the (shelled groundnut) instead of unshelled groundnut.
groundnut. The design is so done that the knowledge of Considering the above problems we are going to design
designing, mechanism and forces are increased. This and fabricate such a machine that will eliminate most of
project consists of designing and fabrication of an the problems from previous available manually shelling
automatic groundnut Sheller machine considering machine, so human effort is reduced and getting more
various important parameters. In this project, designing productivity, earn more profit to former. The machine
& development of a machine to crush or shell groundnut shown in figure below is the modeling of groundnut
so the farmers can gain high profit by selling groundnut Sheller machine.
direct in market. As well as the study of manufacturing
was very important in order to carry out this project to Concept
ensure that what are needs to do. This project involves Introducing low cost automation was to overcome
the process of designing and fabrication of different problems with the current manual traditional method.
parts of this shelling machine considering forces and The concept of the work is,
ergonomic factor for people to use. This project is mainly (1) Observe the manual methods to identify the
about generating a new concept of groundnut shell important process variables.
(crush) that would make easier to bring anywhere and (2) Quantify the important method.
easier to crush groundnut. After the design has (3) Develop a prototype automation system which could
completed, it was transformed to its real product where control over all of the process.
the design is used for guideline. (4) Investigate all areas of automated forming.
(5) Produce a specification for a low cost automated
In the beginning the peanuts were separated from its (6) Refined design of the machine & fabricate the
shells by the workers. They simply decoct the groundnut machine, as this plays a major role in rural area.
by their hands and separate the peanuts from its shell.
The output got from this method, was very low and it
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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Objective By making motorization (semi-atomizing) productivity
The main aim of this project is to overcome the improve with minimizing time consuming and damages
traditional method. of nuts, capacity also improve. The approach will be
(1) To reduce wastage due to crack or crushed synthesis, design, development & testing of the machine.
groundnut. By keeping the point in our mind, we think that we
(2) To increase the efficiency. should make such a machine, whose production capacity
(3) To reduce the hard work and To reduced time to is more & machine gets operated on 1 H.P. electric motor
shell the groundnut. instead of manual work. The new and small former or
(4) To develop a low cost machine which can be used by business man can start their business by investing less
farmer to convert their semi-finished (shell groundnut) capital. As last system is manually operated it is now
into finished product (groundnut). modified by automatic one.
(5) It satisfies the need of village people to earn more
Groundnut SHELLER is operated on the shearing action
blowering action and separating action. Firstly the inputs
i.e. the groundnut are fed to the machine through the
hopper. Then groundnuts come in contact with the two
members, one is semicircular net and another is roll
shaft. Semicircular net is a stationary member while the
roll shaft is rotating member. When the groundnut
Modeling & Fabrication B.
comes in contact with these two members then the
After that design complete semi-automize machine, then
shearing action takes place here. Due to shearing action
regarding development done on shelling machine.
(crushing) the groundnuts gets shelled and divided into
Parameters will be selected according to objectives. 3D
two parts. i.e. in the peanut and outer shell of the
diagrams & photos of each components and assembled
groundnuts. There clearance is provided between the
machine and line diagrams with labeling. Main objectives
net and roll shaft. The clearance provided is depends
of this project were to develop the first prototype of an
upon the size of the groundnuts which is to be decocted.
easy to use, low priced and efficient ground nut
After shelleing the groundnut the peanut and shells of
decorticator and test its performance. Taking leads from
the groundnut gets dropped from the semicircular net, in
previous researchers following design constraints were
downward direction then a centrifugal force is applied
established. Design should be easy to maintain and
by a fan on the peanut and shell of the groundnut. Due to
should not require highly skilled labor, which is difficult
more weight, the peanuts gets moved downward and
to befound in rural areas.Design should be based on
collected in the separator. But due to lighter weight the
easily available material in rural areas.Manufacturing
shell of the groundnuts are thrown outside the machine
process should be simple and based on locally available
and which are collected from the backside of the
machines in rural areas. The various instruments used
machine. From the shelling chamber the unshelled
for fabrication of machine. Following are the main
groundnuts also gets dropped in the tray (7% to 10%).
components of machine:-
This groundnut gets dropped from the clearance made
(1) Hopper
among the grill. The three kinds of the nets can be used
(2) Semicircular Net
with different size of capsule slots, size vise small,
(3) Roll Shaft
medium and large for various size of groundnuts. In this
(4) Fan Shaft
way the “GROUNDNUT SHELLER” works.
(5) Pedestals Bearing
(6) Pulleys
(7) Foundation Frame
Research methodology deals with design &fabricated all
(8) Fan Cover
of component which are to be used in the machine with
required modification. Firstly synthesis the all the
problem which are consult with project. After that
design complete atomize machine, then regarding
development done on shelling machine. Parameters will
be selected according to objectives.2D & 3D diagrams of
components and assembled machine and line diagrams
with labeling. The various instruments used for
fabrication of machine.As seen on last project, it is based
on manually operated (paddle operated). Existing
project will be modified by making motorized (semi-
automize). Another problem is that nuts and husk is
mixed coming after shelling operation, this problem will
be remove by using blower or other mechanism to
separate nuts and husk (outer covering of a ground nut).
185 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Assembly 9. S.G.Mane,P.R.Sawant “analysis of solar steam
The arrangement of various component of “Groundnut generation device and efficacy of black coating for
SHELLER” is being done are as follows: receiver
(1) The foundation frame is being selected which carry
the entire load of the machine.
(2) The roller shaft is mounted on the top face of the
foundation frame with the help of pedestals bearing
which is fasten using nut and bolt.
(3) The fan shaft is mounted at the back face of the
foundation frame with the help of pedestals bearing
which is fasten using nut and bolt.
(4) The semicircular net mounted on the support
provided at inner side of the foundation frame.
(5) The hopper is mounted on foundation frame
covering rolling shaft, and permantely fastened at one
side using hinged, and other side is temporary fasten for
time to time change of semicircular net.
(6) Fan cover fastened using nut and bolt to back side of
foundation frame, which cover fan shaft.
(7) End of foundation frame (top face) carry the electric
motor, which provide necessary power.
(8) 18 inch, 9 inch, and 3 inch pulley is mounted on
roller, fan and motor shaft respectively, over which belt
is mounted for transmission of power.
(9) The above arrangement ensure that all element of
the project are balanced and also center of gravity of the
assembly is on axis as that of the center of gravity human
body that is on spiral cord. labels. Use words rather than
symbols or abbreviations when writing Figure axis labels
to avoid confusing the reader. As an example, write the
quantity “Magnetization,” or “Magnetization, M,” not just
“M.” If including units in the label, present them within
parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the
example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization
(A ( m(1),” not just “A/m.” Do not label axes with a ratio
of quantities and units. For example, write “Temperature
(K),” not “Temperature/K.”
The preferred spelling of the word
“acknowledgment” in America is without an “e” after the
“g.” Avoid the stilted expression “one of us (R. B. G.)
thanks. Instead, try “R. B. G. thanks...”. Put sponsor
acknowledgments in the unnumbered footnote on the
first page.
1. S.P Sukhatme, J K Nayak, “Solar Energy”
2. V.K.Krishnan and T.Balusamy, “studies on
concentrating type solar cooker
3. Ibrahim ladan mohammed, ‘‘Design and
development of a parabolic dish solar thermal
4. Gavisiddesha, Dr. P. P.Revankar, and M. B.Gorawar
Rajendra C
5. Patil M. M Rathor Concentrating type solar cooker.
6. P. A. Jeeva , S. Narayanan “Black coating for solar
energy storing system”
7. J. Takadoum “black coating materials.
8. V.K.Krishnan, and T.Balusamy, studies on
concentrating type solar cooker Coatings
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