Piren’s Bluff
Size hamlet (conventional)
Population 210
Type isolated (96% human, 2% halfling, 1% elf, 1% other races)
Authority Figures
Baron Galdur Vendikon, leader of the town;
Dreyxor Almir, scion of the House of Almir;
Guard Captain Blacklock, head lawman;
Tandifel Sathrun, master of the Hunter’s Guild
The town of Piren’s Bluff looks like a traditional Lost coast town, with a walled keep acting as the seat of power and the rest
of the town sprawled out around it. The wooden palisade provides adequate protection against most threats. And when it
doesn’t, the town folk can retreat inside the keep to defend themselves. Piren’s Bluff is large enough that strangers can mingle
with the town folk without calling attention to themselves. As a border town, standing as it does on the border with
wilderness, Piren’s Bluff sees a lot of traffic—merchants, adventurers, hunters, and trappers who ply their trade in the
Mountains and Forests.
P1. Almir Estate
The ancient estate of the House of Almir, an old family long among the ranks of nobility, is called the House of the Crescent
Star. The massive manor house stood at this spot long before Piren’s Bluff grew up around it. Several generations of Almirs
have occupied the House of the Crescent Star.
The current owner, Dreyxor Almir, carries on the traditions of his forbears, rarely ever leaving the privacy of his estate and
never involving himself with local politics unless it interferes with business. He is attended by a family of live-in servants
who tend to the estate so he can study the hundreds of books his family has amassed. Lord Dreyxor Almir is the last scion of
this oncedecadent house. The venerable Lord Almir has no loyalty to anyone. His only concern is commerce and furthering
the interests of his numerous mining operations in the Mountains.
P2. Baron Vendikon’s Keep
Sitting atop a craggy bluff, Vendikon Keep is comprised of a two-story keep proper, with narrow windows designed for
defense, and an octagonal tower with a slate shingled roof that rises to a sharp point. Built nearly three centuries ago,
Vendikon Keep stands atop the highest point of Piren’s Bluff, The keep is made of granite blocks carved from the
surrounding mountains and encircled by a thick curtain wall with tall parapets and fortified towers.
P3. The Black Candle
Near the front entrance of this ivy-covered building stands a large iron arm, its skywardfacing palm holding a large black
candle burning brightly. The Black Candle specializes in popular herbal remedies for common ailments and injuries. The
shop’s owner, Viaren Danis, known locally as Viaren the Apothecary, is a raven-haired beauty with black eyes and pale skin.
Her shop is always open, since there’s no telling when her remedies may be needed.
Viaren’s popularity means she must constantly replenish her supplies of herbs, other plants, and various other minor
alchemical substances. This makes her shop the most popular destination for bored adventurers passing through town.
P4. The Bucket & Bellows
This squat brick building echoes with the sound of metal striking metal. Town blacksmith Smaar Janderfut, an old retired
adventurer and widower, runs the Bucket & Bellows with the help of his five sons who range in age from 9 to 18.
P5. The Conqueror’s Blade
This stone and mortar building looms over the surrounding homes and shops. Fiendish suits of armor propped next to the
wide entrance seem to stand guard. The tavern housed here is popular with the Baron’s soldiers and other fighting men. The
taproom is dominated by a broad hearth near the middle of the room. A retired bard named Rhasper owns this establishment
and is served by his greedy barmaids Elka, Mairen, and Treesa.
P6. The Dead Well
A two-story building of stone and timber, this inn bears a sign near its entrance depicting a stone well surrounded by weeds.
Built around a dried-up well as an oddity and curiosity, the owner of the Dead Well, an alleged gambler named Ben Willhuff,
retired to Piren’s Bluff to enjoy his spoils. It didn’t take long for Ben to gain a reputation as the luckiest man in town. He
claimed his good fortune came from the old well, which led locals to begin tossing coppers into the dry well and making
P7. Forest Bounty
A sign over the open doors of this building depicts a satyr holding a cornucopia spilling fruits and vegetables. Rows of bins
and shelves within are filled with a variety of food items from produce to pickled pork feet and kegs of ale and wine. Forest
Bounty is the town’s one and only grocer and is owned by the Tuckets, a cheerful family of halflings who sell their goods
with a 10% discount from the average prices. Forest Bounty is renowned in Perin’s Bluff as an excellent place to overhear
P8. The First Light
this tall, angular building of white marble slabs stands atop a lonely spot of ground. A steeple topped by a timeworn statue is
the makeshift aerie for pigeons, and their droppings cover the face and shoulders of an effigy that has faded out of importance
for the people of Piren’s Bluff. An aged elven cleric of Aroden named Tulrin Endessell spends his days scuttling about the
nave armed with cleaning rags and a bucket of soapy water, waging a hermit’s war against the dirt and grime that constantly
threaten the temple interior.
P9. The Lodge
Simply known as The Lodge, this is the Piren’s Bluff guildhall of the Aspodell Rangers. It is also a cantina, where miners,
hunters, and rangers from the other wild places of Avistan come to share stories or warm themselves by the hearth. New
visitors who identify themselves as something other than the kind of men who gather here are bluntly advised to seek what
they’re looking for at The Conqueror’s Blade or The Dead Well.
P10. Pact Hall
This temple to § was built in recent years, after the baron converted to the faith. The temple’s priestess, Shiyara the High
Mediator, is a tiefling with the gentlest features of her parents, showing only pointed ears, a pattern of dark spots along her
neck and shoulders, and overly large eyes of burnished gold. Some wrongly assume she has elven ancestry, and Shiyara does
little to correct the misconception. Shiyara is served by the imps Barseq and Mesrop, who are bound to the temple and who
usually hide in plain sight in the forms of ravens.
P11. Terron’s Yard
Terron Redgrove, Jr. is the town’s hostler and recipient of his late father’s business selling mounts and beasts of burden.
Terron specializes in long-haired mountain horses. He also supplies a wide selection of regular horses and ponies. Terron
sells his long-haired mountain horses for no less than 15 sp a head.