Amp Hail

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 Ulvinhand Smithy – a smithy run by a retired

Amphail Waterdhavian soldier.

Damn! Your party is going to Amphail, a small
settlement a few days north of Waterdeep, but  Blodhlar’s Wares – a general goods store run by
what are you going to do with a town of an eccentric, amateur tiefling taxidermist.
vacationing nobles and horse-breeders? Fret not,  The Earth and Coin – a temple to Waukeen and
this quick location guide is here to help. On the Chauntea owned by dwarven siblings.
following pages we’ll expand and elaborate on the
town of Amphail, providing you with interesting
locations, rumors and events to fill out a session The Stag-Horned Flagon
and make your party’s stay in Amphail a This tavern is homely and boisterious, a favorite
memorable one. among locals as well as visitors. It’s also home to
Arleosa Stonehenge (NG female human
The Overview commoner), an old carnival colleague of Miros
Xelbrin (another inn proprietor from Goldenfields,
The town of Amphail is detailed on page 72 of the p. 47 and 251).
Storm King’s Thunder campaign book, as well as Description. The Stag-Horned Flagon is a stone-
on page 43-45 of the Sword Coast Adventurer’s and-timber tavern in two stories. The first floor is
Guide. Below is a short summary. one large common room and a small kitchen, while
Amphail has around 700 inhabitants, with the the upper floor is Arleosa’s private home. The
addition up a few hundred more who live in facade is decorated with stag antlers carved in
mansions or farms in the grassy hills around the polished wood. The common room is nice, but
town. The town is a member of the Lord’s Alliance, simple, with plain wooden chairs circling round
which means that it has a say in the grander tables.
politics of the Sword Coast, and is under the Characters. The inn’s proprietor, Arleosa
protection of the nearby metropolis of Waterdeep. Stonehenge, “was born in a wild magic zone and
It is primarily a farmer and horse-breeder has the innate magical ability to cast the alter self
community, but caters heavily to the young, spell three times per day. In her youth, she was a
spoiled nobles of Waterdeep, who use the town as member of a traveling carnival and used this power
a sort of resort and playground. to entertain folks. She no longer cares about using
Amphail is run by three noble families – House the ability, and no one in Amphail knows she even
Amcathra, Ilzimmer and Roaringhorn – who take has it.” (Storm King’s Thunder p. 72).
turns filling the position of Lord Warder, Arleosa has gray hair, mild eyes and a pleasant
switching once a year during the holiday known as demeanor. She’s a notorious flirt, and her wry
Shieldmeet. The current Lord Warder is Dauner sense of humor is known to put even the most
Ilzimmer, a tall, thin man with a strong nose for arrogant nobles in their place. During her time in
good business. Besides these noble families, there the carnival she’s seen a bit of everything, so she’s
are several other prominent nobles in town, many quick to welcome even the most odd-looking
of which are the offspring of grand noble houses in adventurers. She’ll warmly recount her days with
Waterdeep. the carnival, speaking fondly especially of Miros
‘the Yeti’ Xelbrin, although she prefers to keep her
Locations part in the carnival a secret.
Trivia. Old folklore dictates that if you kiss the
In this document we’ll go over five locations that bar – the actual wooden bar, upon which
can be found in Amphail: beverages are served – you can ask a single
 The Stag-Horned Flagon – a cozy tavern run by question of the nature goddess Mielikki, and once
a retired carneval performer. in a while the goddess will grant a truthful,
omniscient answer. Whether this is just a drunken
 The Stone Stallion – an oversized inn owned by
rumor or an actual truth, is up to you.
a couple of would-be nobles.
The Stone Stallion Blodhlar’s Wares
Amphail’s only inn caters to the rich and the Amphail’s general goods store has mostly anything
wealthy, although it occasionally also draws in a traditional adventurer might have a fancy for, as
unfortunate travelers with nowhere else to go. It’s well as quite a few things that should interest more
run by the Tlassalunes, who’ve owned it for untraditional adventurers as well.
generations, and is named after the statue of a Description. Blodhlar’s Wares is a wide single-
stallion that stands in the center of Amphail. story building made of stone and old timber. It’s
Description. The Stone Stallion is massive by the separated into several storage rooms, with Yarnik
standards of Amphail, standing four stories tall and Blodhlar’s personal chambers behind the counter
built from duskwood boards. Each of the four in the main room. Scattered on the shelves among
stories have twenty rooms, most of which are the mundane wares are many stuffed beasts, birds
empty. The inn’s interior is a clumsy attempt at and insects.
sophisticated elegance, with large tapestries and Characters. Yarnik is an odd-looking man of
carpets covering nearly every square inch. perhaps 30 years (N tiefling commoner). He’s pale,
Characters. The Stone Stallion is run by the lanky, with long red hair and two small, black
middle-aged couple Bert and Dortha Tlassalune horns protruding from his brow. He’s soft-spoken,
(LN male and female commoners). They’re not but speaks with weird off-beat pauses and has a
very nice, nor very service-minded, and prefer to head that always seem to be slightly tilted.
stay very far out of their guests’ business, a family Trivia. Besides selling all manners of adventuring
tradition that has been passed down from the goods, Yarnik is also an amateur taxidermist. He
Stone Stallion’s original owner. Any violent noise, stuffs ordinary beasts, but relishes the opportunity
including full-scale combat, erupting from the to work with more monstrous creatures. He keeps
upper stories is likely to go completely unnoticed, his more valuable collectables in a locked
or ignored. sideroom, but might sell to a sufficiently impressed
connoisseur. He’s always interested in buying
Ulvinhand Smithy corpses of rare and exotic creatures. Besides the
The Ulvinhand smithy is the best, and only, smithy many mundane beasts that fill the shelves of his
in Amphail. It caters to horse-breeders first, picky store, Yarnik has two bloodhawks, a dire boar, a
nobles second, selling everything from horseshoes carrion crawler, a quaqqoth and a basilisk in his
to fashionable rapiers and breastplates. exotic collection.
Description. This simply smithy is a two-story
building with an open front. The anvil and forge The Earth and Coin
stand outside, while the valuable wares are kept in This temple to Chauntea and Waukeen is the
a shop inside the stone building. spiritual center of Amphail, and serves both the
Characters. Ilyssa Ulvinhand is a broad- town’s farmers and its wealthy nobles.
shouldered woman (NG half-elf veteran) who has Description. The Earth and Coin is a dualistic
a short temper and a brutish manner. She used to place, filled with contrasts. On the outside it’s a
serve in Waterdeep’s city guard. square marble building of the finest make, with
Trivia. Ilyssa holds firm to her military values, ornate inscriptions of dancing women (one
although a knee injury took her out of commission. voluptuous and smiling warmly, one slender and
If a character has the soldier background, or a graceful), coins and trees. On the inside, sprouts of
similar military backstory, she’ll give them a 25% vegetation have burst through the beautiful, tiled
discount on anything and everything. If such a floors nearly everywhere, going so far as to create
character asks for more special equipment, or a full copse of small trees in one end of the temple’s
Ilyssa takes a liking to that character, she can be main prayer room.
persuaded to sell her old Sentinel Shield (DMG p. Characters. The Earth and Coin is run by the
199) for only 500 gold pieces, even though it was a twin sisters Amaella (CG dwarf druid) and Elitha
gift from a Waterdhavian love interest. (LN dwarf priest) Crownbearer, who are as much
in contrast to one another as their shared temple.
Amaella is kind, warm and welcoming, Elitha is This rumor could send your party towards the city
reserved, dignified and proud. Elitha spends much of Yartar (STK p. 115), where the nefarious Kraken
of her time clearing away unwanted growths from Society are kidnapping young nobles in an attempt
‘her corner’ of the temple, while Amaella spends to take control of the city. That initiates an
an equal amount of time planting new seeds. adventure written for Storm King’s Thunder that
A character can purchase spellcasting from can be found here: Kraken’s Gamble. Your party
Elitha, who also has a stock of 1d4+2 potions of might pick this up from any gossiping nobles
healing at any time. She’s a tough bargain, around town, or at the Stone Stallion.
however, and doesn’t give any discounts – Berth and Dortha Tlassalune. At some point
although she respects and enjoys a good haggle. during the party’s stay at the Stone Stallion, they’ll
Her standard fare is 100gp per level of the spell hear the two siblings talking loudly. They are both
she’s expected to cast, and 100gp for a single potion notorious gossips when it comes to the affairs of
of healing, but her prices quickly go up if she true nobles, and can be heard to say: ‘Oh, dear, a
senses that the other part really needs her services Rossolio gone missing? That’s not something you
(which might cause Amaella to intervene, if the hear every day. I always heard that Yartar was a
situation is dire enough). Amaella doesn’t charge dangerous place, but this is something else!’
for her services, but will only make her If questioned on the information, the siblings can
spellcasting available to a character she likes, tell that they received a letter from their aunt in
Emerald Enclave members, or to save innocent Yartar (who’s also a gossip!), who says that the
lives. Coin and threats can’t persuade her. young lord Artan Rossolio has gone missing. The
Rossolios are an old and wealthy noble family –
Rumors surely something nefarious is going on!

Here are three rumors tailor-made to send your Kryptgarden Forest

party towards one or more destinations in the This rumor could send your party to visit the
Savage Frontier. Use these if your party are having ancient green dragon Old Gnawbone in
trouble deciding what to do next, or if you just Kryptgarden Forest (STK p. 95), who can in turn
want to give them additional adventure hooks. lead them towards the Eye of the All-Father. The
party might hear this rumor at Blodhlar’s Wares.
Goldenfields Yarnik Blodhlar. If the party engages the off-
This rumor could send your party towards the putting tiefling in conversation, especially about
nearby farming settlement of Goldenfields (STK p. his stuffed animals, he might confide with the
44), where they might arrive right in time to fend party: ‘I’ve always wanted to stuff a dragon. It
off a giant attack, help break the siege of the town would be my crown jewel. I’ve heard that there’s a
or clean up after the attack. The party might hear green dragon in Kryptgarden Forest, not far from
about Goldenfields at the Stag-Horned Flagon. here. But that one is supposed to be ancient, so it’ll
Arleosa Stonehenge. As she spots the adventurers probably be too big to fit in here. Probably should
coming into the tavern, and takes their orders, the start with something smaller. Plus, it’s supposed to
middle-aged woman says: ‘Welcome, strangers. know everything there is to know, so it’d probably
You coming in from the east?’ If the players ask be hard to catch, don’t you think?’
why, she replies: ‘My old friend Miros Xelbrin Yarnik’s ramble concludes with an odd tilt of his
owns an inn over in Goldenfields, and I heard head, as if expecting the party to volunteer for the
they’d had trouble with giants a few weeks back. job. He can tell the party that he’s heard the dragon
I’m desperate to find out if he’s alright.’ She can called ‘Old Gnawbone’, and that it supposedly has
give no more details than a travelling merchant a collection of crystal balls it uses to stay apprised
told her that hill giants and goblinoids had of what happens on the Sword Coast. It’s also
attacked Goldenfields a few weeks ago, and there’d rumored to not eat everyone it encounters, and
been many hill giant sightings in the region. even answer questions from time-to-time!
Events of it and let the houseguards do the dirty work.
The guards don’t draw blades until the party does,
The Young Noble - Ammakyl so it might end up as nothing more than a fist-
A fun little scenario that could create some tension fight. Whether it’s a life-or-death scenario, or an
and conflict during your party’s stay in Amphail, is invigorating scuffle, a squad of Amphail guards
a chance encounter with a puffed-up lordling. arrive to break up the combat before too much
Young Lord Terrence Ammakyl (CN male noble) havoc can be wrought. Unless the party were
is the youngest son of one of Waterdeep’s particularly over-zealous in dealing with Terrence
wealthiest families. He’s also arrogant, haughtish and his crew (such as casting a devastating spell
and a bully. like fireball or harming innocents) Amphail’s
Terrence has been send to Amphail for a guards will call it even, and order the two groups
vacation, and he’s going around town bothering to dissipate. Terrence will round up his men and
everyone and anyone, with his equally obnoxious leave, throwing insults all the while.
buddies Karl-Johan and Valdemar (LN male If the party manage to somehow kill Terrence
nobles) and four Ammakyl houseguards (LN before combat can be stopped, Amphail’s guards
Chondathan male and female veterans). The party will probably seek to arrest the party. Have a
might meet Terrence Ammakyl in several different sympathetic NPC – the farmer or waitress they
scenarios – here are some examples to consider: came to the aid of, perhaps – plead for the party to
 Terrence is harassing the waitress at the Stag- flee, before all of Amphail descends on them. You
Horned Flagon for being a clumsy oaf, because can also spring the hill giant attack to give the
she spilled expensive Waterdhavian wine on party a chance to clear their names in defense of
his expensive silk shirt. the town, or give them an opportunity to flee.
 Terrence is verbally assaulting a farmer who Developments. If the encounter ends with
accidently bumped into him on the street. The threats or violence, the party has made a dangerous
farmer’s children are watching on in wide- enemy. Terrence (or his father, Lord Anaster
eyed horror, worried what might happen to Ammakyl, if Terrence perishes) has nearly
their father. unlimited wealth, and a lot of time to plot
 Terrence is loudly commenting on one of the vengeance. Use this during the campaign to spring
more odd-looking members of your party, exciting traps and dangerous assassins on the party.
such as a dragonborn, dark elf or gnome, Treasure. Terrence and his goons carry the
saying awfully racist things. following wealth: three jewel-encrusted rapiers
(100gp each), four gaudy rings (50gp each), and a
Regardless of how the party runs into Terrance and
combined sum of 55pp, 38gp and 24sp.
his cronies, the young noble is quick to throw his
name around if they engage him in conversation.
The Nameday
He’ll spout clichés such as: ‘Don’t you know who I
This encounter is briefly detailed in the Storm
am?’, ‘I’ll have you know, my father is Lord
King’s Thunder campaign book on page 72.
Ammakyl’ and ‘why don’t you scurry out of here
Summarized, the event starts when one of the most
before I have my guards beat you bloody?’
powerful lords of Amphail, Tylandar Roaringhorn,
The situation can be de-escalated without
decides to celebrate his nameday with a grand
violence, either by giving the young upstart the
outdoors banquet, in the middle of Amphail.
respect and fear he so desperately craves
During the height of the party, the festivities are
(Persuasion DC 13), a sufficiently scary display of
interrupted by three hill giants who’ve come to
power (Intimidation DC 15) or a particularly
steal food for Chief Guh.
clever lie, perhaps about being affiliated with even
If you decide to use this encounter, it’s a good
more powerful nobles, or being old friends of
idea to either a) have preparations for the banquet
Terrence’s father (Deception DC 17).
underway when the party arrive, and put the party
If the encounter turns sour and violence erupts,
during the evening or the following day, or b) have
Terrence and his two friends prefer to stay far out

the party arrive while the banquet is already has eaten, but resets to 10 if a character spends two
underway. minutes eating a pie, instead of one (basically
When the banquet starts, describe how most of taking a one minute breather). The participant
the town’s inhabitants seem to be assembled who has eaten the most pies at the end of the 10
around Amphail’s centre, with both nobles and minutes win – but remember, a character that
simple farmers sitting at longtables sharing pukes is out of the contest! The prize is 30 gold
expensive wine and luxurious foods, all of them in pieces and an ugly brass trophy depicting a slice of
a merry mood. Lord Tylander Roaringhorn is the pie.
centre of the party, striking a notable figure as a The Hill Giant Attack. At some point during the
rotund, merry man with impressive greying festivities, when you think it’s appropriate, three
sideburns and a boisterous laugh. hill giants barge into the pavilion tents, grabbing
To spice things up before the giant’s attack, allow food and throwing commoners. If three hill giants
the party to mingle with the citizens and involve seems to be too dangerous a challenge for your
themselves in small, friendly contests. party, have a handful of guards aid the party in
Archery Contest. The archery contest takes place their defense of Amphail. If you’ve run the Young
down one of the side streets to the city center. Noble encounter during the Nameday, you can
Three citizens – Jane, Unger and Bill ‘Triple- also use the hill giant attack to break the tension,
Threat’ Tonnasen – participate, plus any characters offering the party a way-out of a dangerous
who want to pay the 5gp admission. Jane and situation (or even capture by the guards!).
Unger have a +3 attack bonus with their longbows, On the next page is a map and some descriptions
while the retired half-orc adventurer Triple- created for the hill giants’ attack on Amphail, also
Threat has a +5 attack bonus. featured in the Storm King’s Thunder Map Pack 1.
The contestants stand 60 ft. from the wood-and-
hay bullseye-target they’re shooting at, and they
take their shots simultaneously on Lord
Roaringhorn’s call. An attack roll of 9 or less scores
0 points, 10-14 scores 5 points, 15-19 scores 10
points and 20+ scores a bullseye: 25 points. Each
round, the participant with the lowest combined
score is out of the competition. If there’s a tie,
everyone continues to the next round. When
there’s only one participant left, they’re declared
the winner and rewarded a 100gp prize purse,
personally given by Lord Tylandar Roaringhorn.
Eating Contest. The eating contest takes place at
a table set with all manner of pies (meat pies,
blueberry pies, apple pies, and so on). The contest
is to eat as many pies as possible, within 10
minutes, without throwing up. Any character who
wants to participate must pay a 2gp fee to do so,
and will eat alongside Reewe and Leila Leagallow.
Reewe is an ordinary farmer with a Constitution
saving throw of +2, while the deceptively small
halfling Leila Leagallow has a Constitution saving
throw of +5.
A contestant can eat one pie in one minute, but
must succeed on a DC 10 saving throw at the end
of the minute, to keep from throwing up. This DC
increases by 2 for each consecutive pie a character
Amphail Running the Encounter
You can find the details of Amphail and the
Platform. The large platform in the north end of
suggested encounter on page 72 of Storm King’s
the map is 5 feet tall. If a creature doesn’t use the
Thunder. Below is a brief suggestion on how to run
stairs on either side, it must succeed on a DC 10
the encounter.
Strength (Athletics) check to climb onto the
While the town is gathered to celebrate Lord
Tylandar Roaringhorn’s Sixty-Third birthday,
Pavillion Tents. The many pavillion tents raised
three hill giants barge into town. Each go for a pile
for the occasion are indicated by the black tent
of provisions. When they reach them, they use an
posts and the shadows they cast.
action to fill their arms before running off again. If
Longtables. The many longtables can provide
attacked, or a creature stand in their way, they will
half-cover, or be flipped over as an action to
fight back, while still focusing on getting the food.
provide three-quarters cover.
If dropped to below half its hit points, a hill giant
Provisions. The barrels, sacks and crates of drink
either becomes enraged and starts fighting
and food are of the highest quality.
furiously, or drops whatever it is carrying and

Hill Giant Commoner Noble
Huge giant, chaotic evil Medium humanoid (any race) Medium humanoid (any race)
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Armor Class 10 Armor Class 15
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) Hit Points 4 (1d8) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Str Dex Con Str Dex Con
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Int Wis Cha Int Wis Cha Int Wis Cha
5 (-3) 9 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Skills Perception +2 Senses passive Perception 10 Skills Deception +5, Insight +4 Persuasion
Senses PP 12 Languages any one language (usually +5
Languages Giant Common) Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 0 (10 XP) Languages Any two languages
Actions Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
bludgeoning damage. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1)
piercing damage.

Actions Reactions
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub
Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC against one
melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
noble must see the attacker and be wielding
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 +
a melee weapon.
5) bludgeoning damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 +
5) bludgeoning damage.
Squash. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one Medium or smaller
creature. Hit: 26 (6d6 + 5) bludgeoning
damage, the giant lands prone in the
target's space, and the target is grappled
(escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the
target is prone. The grapple ends early if
the giant stands up.

Veteran Guard
Medium humanoid (any), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race)
Armor Class 17 (splint) Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
Str Dex Con Str Dex Con
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Int Wis Cha Int Wis Cha
10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2 Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Actions Actions

Multiattack. The veteran makes two Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3
longsowrd attacks. If it has a shortsword to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one
drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack. target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3)
+3 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit:
slashing damage, or 8 (1d10+3) slashing
6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
damage if used with two hands.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
piercing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+3 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d10) piercing damage.

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