Common Errors in Truss Design

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Common Errors in Truss Design

In todays competitive world of trusses, component manufacturers are always looking for ways to
generate more efficient truss designs. Occasionally, truss designs need to be changed in order to be
sealed and the objective of this document is to avoid truss design parameters that are sent to engineers to
be designed and sealed, but then must be changed. The following is a list of some of the most common
problems MiTek engineers see when reviewing customer truss submittals.
1. Wrong building or wind codes.
Be familiar with what building code your state requires and be sure to use a wind code compatible with
the building code you are using. IBC2006 / IRC2006 and IBC2009 / IRC2009 Codes are based on ASCE
7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures; IBC2012 / IRC2012, FBC2010 /
FRC2010 and IBC2015 / IRC2015 Building Codes are based on ASCE 7-10. ASCE 7-10 has separate
wind speed maps based on the Occupancy Category. For example, according with ASCE 7-10 the
minimum velocity for Occupancy Category II, is 115mph; Category I (agricultural) 105mph; and
Categories III and IV (more than 300 people or essential occupancy) is 120mph for most of the same
regions where 90 mph wind speed applied in ASCE 7-05. See our full article on this topic Wind Velocity
in 2012 Codes available on our Engineering homepage.
2. Special connection required to distribute bottom chord loads equally between all plies.
Be sure it is possible to transfer loads from one ply to the next on girder trusses.
Each ply of a girder is designed to carry an equal amount of load. When load is attached to one face, a
portion will have to be transferred to the other plies. If the loads cannot be transferred, depending on the
software version, the warning Special connection required to distribute bottom chord / top chord / web
loads equally between all plies or Ply to ply nailing inadequate will appear in note #1 on the truss
drawing. Try going into Design Info - Nails/Screws/Bolts and check the Use verticals for load
distribution box. This feature will often fix this problem if there is a single large point load with a
vertical web at the tie in location.

You can also try changing the type of nail or fastener you are using. Structural screws can transfer more
load than nails. In addition, always try to add vertical webs directly above large concentrated loads. If
these options do not fix the problem, submit the truss to your MiTek Design Engineer for help.
3. Bearing undersized.
Many times you will come across trusses that give the warning Required bearing size at joint(s) are
greater than input bearing size. This is due to the bottom chord and/or top plate crushing from the
reaction of the truss.
One way to correct this problem is go into Design Info, click on Bearing Design Options, and check any
of the options available. These options include upgrading lumber, using a bearing block, or using a truss
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Common Errors in Truss Design

bearing enhancer. If you have these options checked, the program will attempt to fix the undersized
bearing problem. If the bearing is still too small you may need to either increase the actual size of the
bearing or add a ply to the truss.
If a vertical member comes down directly above a bearing, like a web at an interior bearing or at a raised
heel, you may be able to run the vertical through the bottom chord, so the end grain of the vertical
member is sitting directly on the bearing, which gives a much higher crushing value. Be aware this will
fix the crushing on the truss only and not the top plate of the wall. The program assumes you are using
the same material on the top plate as the bottom chord of your truss unless set up otherwise.
When using the Bearing Block option to fix an undersized bearing, care must be taken on trusses with
long scarf cuts at the heel. The Bearing Block ignores the scarf cut when calculating the nailing
requirements. The nailing pattern and quantity of nails shown may be impossible to achieve. Also note
bearing blocks are assumed to be the same lumber grade and species as the bottom chord. When in doubt,
have these trusses reviewed by an engineer.

4. Gable end trusses run as interior wind zone.

If a truss is at the end of the building, be sure the roof zone is set to exterior or gable end zone in the wind
loading tab if applicable.

5. Corner girders missing load.

Many times, on cantilevered corner girders, you will need to make sure additional load for framing and
fascia loads are added at the end of the girder or cantilevered section. Since framing is often used instead
of trusses, layout does not put this additional load on the end of a corner girder. If a structural fascia is
being used, a concentrated load will need to be added at the end of the corner girder and also at the end of
the other truss which will be supporting the other end of the fascia. For detail how this can be achieved
for symmetric corners with Girder Loading in MiTek Engineering software please refer to Cantilever

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Common Errors in Truss Design

Corner Girder Loading Tool technical article on MiTek website in Engineering Technical Articles
Helpful Design Tips.

6. Thermal factor needs to be selected correctly

Thermal factors should only be set to 1.0 if the roof trusses will be heated and kept above freezing at all
times. This may occur in some commercial buildings where a drop ceiling is used. If drywall and/or
insulation is being used on the bottom chord of the roof truss (most residential) the thermal factor or Ct
factor should be set to 1.1 because the heat from the building will not escape into the enclosed truss area.
For unheated agricultural buildings, a Ct factor of 1.2 should be used.

7. Manually changing heel conditions such as wedges or sliders (turning heel solving off).
Make all changes to the heel of the truss through Edit Heel Options instead of using VersaTruss. If you
do make a change in VersaTruss, the heel solving will be turned off and the heels may not be checked
properly. Instead, make all changes using the Edit- Heel Options tool and leave Solve Heels turned on.
This will insure the proper size plates, wedges, and sliders at the heels. If you dont use heel options you
may get a note saying Heel reinforcement inadequate or the heels simply may not be checked. As an
aside, if Multipoint Heel Analog is turned on in Design Info, sliders of a predefined length less than of
the heel panel may be used in heel options.

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Common Errors in Truss Design

8. Raised heel valley trusses.
Valley trusses will not have sheathing applied to one of its faces to stabilize it so be sure to add a web and
triangulate at least one end of a valley truss with raised heels. If semi-rigid joints are used, this can be
ignored if lateral loads are not assumed to be transferred through the valley trusses.

9. Flat trusses with a parapet.

If a truss with a flat top chord is on a structure with a parapet surrounding it, additional loads may need to
be added to the top chord for snow drifting. Also, make sure that either Components and Cladding or
Hybrid wind method is used and ensure that the parapet member is defined as a top chord and end
vertical(s) must be exposed to wind. Finally, select (2) Components and Cladding load cases.

10. Large trusses not triangulated at the heels.

In order to cut costs, sometimes designers leave out webs that form the triangles which make a truss
structurally sound. While these trusses may run, some designs may not be structurally viable and should
be avoided or reviewed by an engineer. To avoid this, add webs to triangulate trusses, especially at the
heels if the truss span is 20 or longer. Also, make sure you use Semi-Rigid joints or use the Advanced
Stiffness Method anytime you have an un-triangulated truss. These options are found under Design Info.

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Common Errors in Truss Design

11. Long bearings that end in the middle of a truss panel.
If you have a long bearing where the end of that bearing is not located at a joint (i.e. the end of the
bearing is in the middle of a panel and there is no joint number associated to the end of the bearing), the
program may not be checking the truss for induced shear and bending at that location.



If you see one of these long bearings with no joint number at its end, it may be necessary to add an
additional smaller bearing at the end of the larger bearing. This is especially true for girder trusses. An
example of how to check this is as follows:
If you have a 6-0-0 bearing ending in the middle of a truss panel, you can input a new 0-3-8 bearing at
6-0-0 and aligned at the end of the longer bearing.
The two bearings will actually overlap as you can see in the right picture. You will notice a new joint
number (15) being inserted at the new bearing location and it will now give a reaction at the end of the
bearing. To insure proper truss designs submitted for review, the truss designer should always ensure that
the truss model accounts for a bearing point at the inside edge of any bearing wider than 12 inches.
An easy way to avoid this is to run a web down to the end of a large bearing.
12. Bearing is located close to a joint but is not under the joint.
Another bearing issue that often causes design problem occurs when a bearing location is automatically
shifted by the design software to a joint, when in reality the bearing is located away from the truss joint.
This usually happens when a bearing is located close to a joint but is not under the joint as shown in the
example below.

Bearing analog shifted to joint

When this condition exists, the truss designer may need to shift the bearing left or right or adjust the
bearing width so as to force a separate joint for the bearing location away from the truss web joint as
shown in the example below.

Bearing analog in correct position

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Common Errors in Truss Design

In short, when designing trusses, always check to ensure the analog bearing conditions used for member
design reflect the actual conditions in the field. If there is doubt as to whether the bearing is close enough
to a joint to be modeled at the joint the designer should contact his or her engineer at MiTek to confirm
the design model.
13. Top chord bearing floor trusses.
When using top chord bearing floor trusses, it will usually be required to have a double top chord above
the bearing. Be sure the stacked top chord extends far enough into the truss so it can be attached with at
least 2 plates. If it does not plate the stacked member with at least two plates, extend it in VersaTruss until
a second plate is added or simply run it back to the next vertical web.



14. No room load on attic trusses.

When you create an attic truss be sure to define the truss as an attic under Truss Application in Truss
Basics. This will ensure your attic has the required additional load added to the attic room area. If an
attic truss is created using VersaTruss, you will need to manually add the additional loads to the floor and
ceiling area.

Also, if you remove a section of bottom chord in a room or you have sloping walls in an attic, the
program will not add any load to the room even if it is defined as an attic in Truss Basics. Load will need
to be added manually to the floor, ceiling, and walls on these truss types.
15. Splicing in heel panels and two splices in the same panel.
While the program checks all of the following properly, it is still recommended to keep top and bottom
chord splices out of the first panel of a truss. Try to move the splices beyond the first web so the chord
member will be attached by at least two plates before the splice occurs. It is also recommended to keep
from having multiple splices in the same truss panel and to avoid placing multiple splices in an Attic
room. Finally, avoid a splice in the top chord of an attic truss in the slopped ceiling area of the room.
These rules are not required when the truss is designed with semi-rigid joints or the Advanced Stiffness
16. Maximum of one lumber size change at mid panel splices.
While the program checks all of the following properly, it is still recommended to avoid splicing a
member to another member that is two lumber sizes larger or smaller than itself in the middle of a panel.
For instance, if a splice falls in the middle of a truss panel you can splice a 2x4 to another 2x4 or a 2x6,
but not to a member larger than 2x6. A 2x6 may be spliced to a 2x4, 2x6, or a 2x8, but not a 2x10.

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Common Errors in Truss Design

Not so good


If you are required to change more than 1 lumber size at a splice location, move the splice to the next joint
location as shown in the example below.

17. Valleys and piggy backs with large vertical web spacing.
For valley and piggy back trusses, be sure the vertical studs do not exceed a 4-0-0 on center spacing.
Piggy back trusses with a maximum top chord total load not more than 30 PSF may have a stud spacing
up to 6-0-0 on center.
18. Uplift for first load case exceeds limits.
Occasionally you will get this note on trusses due to gravity uplifts that exceed 1000lbs. This is usually
caused by having two bearing locations very close together on one end of the truss. The interior bearing
acts as a pivot point causing the short end of the truss to want to pull up. You can either connect the truss
for the large amount of uplift or you can try to eliminate the uplift by removing the outside bearing and
running the truss as a cantilever or using the Release bearing feature on the bearing with the high uplift.

If this doesnt solve the problem, submit the truss for review.
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Common Errors in Truss Design

19. Allowable Top Chord Reaction Exceeded.
This error can occur on floor trusses with a raised bearing. When the bearing is raised, the truss will be
analyzed as top chord bearing. If the first diagonal web coming off the end of the truss starts on the
bottom chord, the allowable top chord reaction is very low. Try reversing the first diagonal web so it
starts from the top chord and proceeds downward to the next joint. This will greatly increase the
allowable reaction limit at that location.

Maximum Reaction = 800 lbs

Maximum Reaction = 1800 lbs

This will occasionally happen on roof trusses also. Try reversing the first web in this situation as well.
Also please note that the software does not check top chord bearing reactions at mid-span bearings and so
they must be checked manually.
20. Top chord bearing roof trusses/raised bearing truss.
If you have a top chord bearing truss or a truss with a raised bearing sitting on a block, you will have two
end verticals. Be sure to define the member sitting on the bearing as a block and define the member
stacked next to it as a top chord. This will ensure proper loading and plating. This is handled
automatically if you use the top chord bearing feature in the program.

21. Maximum panel lengths.

For roof trusses, use the maximum panel lengths set in the software. The software will give you a
warning if you exceed these limits.
For 4x2 floor trusses use a maximum 30 top chord panel length and 48 for 2x4 floor trusses.
22. Insufficient Scab nailing.
If you are using the scab feature and get the note Special connection required between scab the
scab does not work because there is not enough room to nail for the forces. Try extending the scabs
length or switching the type of nail used until the program is able to call out a nailing pattern for the scab.
If these options do not work, the truss should be reviewed by an engineer.
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Common Errors in Truss Design

23. Incorrect dimension lines
All joints and pitch breaks must be properly dimensioned. The engineering program will automatically
add the dimensions at the proper locations when creating a truss. However, if joints are moved or added
or an attic room size is changed using VersaTruss, the dimension lines may no longer reference the proper
locations. If any of these design changes are made using VersaTruss, you will need to delete the old
dimensions and add the new dimensions at the proper locations.

In Summary:
The above mentioned items comprise the majority of design issues that MiTek engineers must resolve
when a job is sent for seals. The good news is that they are easily accounted for when considered in the
original design stage. By looking for these conditions during component design and addressing them at
the beginning of the design process we, as engineers and designers, can continue to provide quality
engineered designs that account for true field conditions. For additional information, or if you have
questions please, contact MiTek Engineering department.

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