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unit Cut and make

Teacher’s Notes
Topics Optional activities
Course characters
Lesson Six stories
• Children can use their finger puppets to act out the
Functions stories in Lesson Six of each unit.
To introduce the Family and Friends 1 characters
Speaking activities
• Children who are less confident about speaking may
Printable Resources p. 2
find it easier to conduct speaking activities through
Colored pencils or crayons
their finger puppets, so you can encourage this in future
lessons if you like.
Glue or tape

1 Color, cut, and stick. Grammar activities

• Hold up the page and point to the characters. Ask Who’s • When teaching new grammar structures, you can have
this? Elicit the characters’ names and point to them on the children use their finger puppets to ask and answer
front of the Student Book. Explain that Rosy, Tim, and Billy questions in pairs, e.g. (A: [using finger puppet to point to
will be the characters that children will see throughout a pen] What’s this? B: It’s a pen.).
their course books this year, and will be helping them to Team games
learn English.
• Alternatively, you can divide the class into two teams
• Demonstrate how to color the characters, then cut along and invite children from each team in turn to use their
the dotted lines. Show children how to stick the tabs
finger puppets to ask a question to the other team, e.g.
together with glue or tape to make a ring that fits around
(A: [using finger puppet to point to something red] What
their finger.
color is it? B: It’s red.).
• Move around the class as children make their finger
puppets. Monitor and help if needed.
• Encourage children to put on their finger puppets and
say Hello! I’m (Rosy).

2 Play.
• Hold up the page and point to the speech bubbles. Read
out the example exchange and ask children to hold up
the correct finger puppet (Tim).
• Hold up your finger puppets and act out conversations
with them, as in the example exchange.
• Act out the exchange with confident children, using their
finger puppets.
• Children can then use their finger puppets to act out
exchanges. Monitor and help if needed.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 1 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Circle the odd-one-out, point, and say.
Character names • Hold up the page and point to the first set of pictures.
Greetings Elicit the names of the characters.
Functions • Ask children to say which character is the odd-one-out
To practice the character names and common greetings (which character there is only one of ).
• Show the class the example circle around Tim in item 1.
Printable Resources p. 3 • Children complete the activity individually. Monitor and
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 04 help as needed.
Flashcards 1–5 • Go over the answers with the class.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. ANSWERS
Song: Play a warm-up song. Children circle and say: 1 Tim 2 Billy 3 Rosy

Warmer 3 Point and say.

• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into • Hold up the page and point to the pictures of Tim. Ask
the classroom. the class what they think Tim is saying in the pictures
(Hello and Goodbye).
• Say Hello! and ask the class to point to the correct picture.
• Display the flashcards around the room. Repeat for Goodbye!
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track • Children then work in pairs, taking turns to point to the
04) with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to
pictures and say the correct words.
each word as they hear it.
• Invite children to wave hello (miming arriving) to the class
• Encourage children to say the chant with you. and say Hello!, or to wave goodbye (miming leaving) and
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first say Goodbye!
slowly and then more quickly.
1 Look, connect, and say. Children point and say: Hello!, Goodbye!

• Hold up the page, point to the characters on the right

and elicit the names.
• Point to the outlines on the left and ask children to say
who they think each picture shows.
• Point to the outlines and ask children to find Rosy. Ask
children to find the picture of Rosy on the right. Show the
class the example line leading through the maze.
• Children complete the activity individually, finding routes
through the maze to match the outlines to the pictures,
and then saying the character name. Monitor and help
if needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children connect and say: 1 Rosy 2 Tim 3 Billy

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 2 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Invite volunteers to demonstrate the activity for the class
Greetings to observe.
Classroom language ANSWERS
1 Hello. I’m Tim.
Functions 2 Hello. I’m Billy.
To greet people 3 Hello. I’m Rosy.
To understand simple classroom instructions
3 Ask and answer.
Materials • Ask a pair of volunteers to read out the example
Printable Resources p. 4 exchange, completing the second speech bubble with
Student Book Audio Tracks 04, 06 the name of the second speaker.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Ask the question to children around the class.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
• Children can practice asking and answering the question
Warmer in pairs.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book • Have children ask and answer the question in rolling pairs
(track 04) with the class. around the classroom.

Children’s own answers
• Sing the song from the Student Book (track 06) with
the class.

1 Match, point, and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the pictures. Ask children
to say the instructions. Alternatively, if children need more
support, you can say the instructions and ask them to
point to the correct pictures.
• Point to the first picture and ask the class to find the
matching bottom half of the picture. Show the class the
example line.
• Children draw lines to match the halves of the pictures.
• Children can then work in pairs, taking turns to point to
a picture and say the instruction, or point to a picture for
their partner to say the instruction.
1 e Stand up. 2 a Line up. 3 b Sit down. 4 d Listen to your
teacher. 5 c Raise your hand.

2 Point and say.

• Demonstrate the activity by pointing to one of the
characters and saying Hello. I’m (Tim).
• Children work in pairs, taking turns to point and say
Hello. I’m …

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 3 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 3 Look, count, and color.
Numbers • Hold up the page and point to one of the apples. Ask
Functions What’s this? Elicit the answer apple. Point to the number
Writing practice: 1, 2 in the top of the box and ask How many? Elicit the answer
Identifying numbers two. Encourage children to count two apples together.
Counting Say Two apples.
• Have children work individually to look at the numbers,
count the correct number of apples and color them.
Printable Resources p. 5
• Monitor and help as needed.
Student Book Audio Track 11
Colored pencils or crayons • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. going over the answers with the whole class.
Song: Play a warm-up song. ANSWERS
Children color: two apples, one apple
• Sing the numbers song from the Student Book (track 11)
with the class.

• Draw lots of numbers one and two on the board, in
different sizes and styles. Call in different children to come
to the board and circle a number one and a number two.

1 Trace and write the numbers.

• Hold up a pencil and ask How many? Hold up two pencils
and repeat. Repeat with other items.
• Hold up the page and point to the writing staves. Ask
children to point to the numbers 1 and 2.
• Children trace and write the numbers.
Children trace and write: 1, 2

2 Count, follow, and trace the correct number.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask How
many? Elicit the answer two.
• Show the class how to follow the line from the first
picture to the matching set of numbers. Ask children to
say the numbers, then point to the first picture again and
ask How many? Elicit the answer two again.
• Children follow the lines and trace the correct number for
each picture.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children trace: 2, 1

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 4 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics Optional activities
Sounds and letters
Say and trace
Functions • Hold up a phonics card and have children tell you which
Writing practice: Aa, Bb letter it is.
Writing practice: lines
• Have children trace that letter in the air with their fingers.
Materials • Repeat with other letters in random order.
Printable Resources p. 6 • Then invite a child to come to the front to select and hold
Phonics cards 1–4 up a card. The class says the letter and traces it in the air.
Colored pencils or crayons
• Repeat as many times as you wish.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song. Race to write the letter

Warmer • Have children work in teams of five or six students. One

child stands in front, facing the board, and the others line
• Sing the alphabet song with students.
up behind him or her.
Lead-in • Give a phonics card to the child at the back of the line
• Draw a big dotted outline of a smiley face on the board. and tell them not to say the letter out loud. That child
• Then connect the dotted lines on the board and traces the letter on the back of the child standing in front
complete the picture. of him or her. The second child traces the letter on the
• Draw more dotted outlines of other simple pictures, for back of the third child, and so on.
example, a car or a house. Have a child come to the board • When the child at the front of the line knows what letter
to connect the lines and complete the picture. their team has, he or she goes to the board and writes
• Finally, write the name Rosy in big letters with dotted lines the letter on the board.
on the board. Have four children come to the board to • If children need more support, they can say the letter and
connect the dots and complete the letters. you can write it on the board.
• Ask children what the word is (Rosy). • The first child holding the card tells the team if they have
got it right.
1 Trace the lines.
• Point to the dotted lines and trace the outline of the 3 Match and say.
rectangles with your finger. Children trace the rectangles • Hold up the page and point to the letters. Ask children to
with their fingers on the page. follow them with a finger while you read each one.
• Hand out colored pencils or crayons and have children • Then point to the pictures and say the words for each
connect the dots and trace the rectangles on the page. slowly, encouraging the class to follow them with a finger
and join in.
2 Trace and write the letters.
• Point to the first uppercase A and trace the letter with • Point to the letters Aa above, and say /æ/. Say Let’s match!
Ask the class to find a matching word that starts with
your finger. Children trace the letter with their fingers.
that letter. Show the class the example line and say /æ/
• Trace the second uppercase A with your finger, and have
– apple. Use your finger on the page to match Aa with the
children do the same.
image of the apple.
• For the third uppercase A, point out to children that they
• Repeat with the other letters and pictures, ensuring that
must complete, or write, the letter on their own.
children match and say the words.
• Point to remaining letters: a, B, and b, and hand out
colored pencils. Individually, children connect the dots Aa: apple, Annie
and trace or write the letters on the lines. Bb: bat, boy

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 5 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Values: Greeting people
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Go through the other pictures with children and elicit
Greeting people which pictures should get a check mark and why.
1 1st picture
To learn the most appropriate manner for greeting people 2 2nd picture
3 1st picture
Printable Resources p. 7 Discuss
Hello and Goodbye flashcards • Ask children why it is usually best to greet other people.
Colored pencils or crayons Why might someone not greet another person? Do they
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. know more words for saying hello and goodbye? If yes,
Song: Play a warm-up song. write them on the board.
Warmer 2 Color and say.
• Hold up the Hello and Goodbye flashcards and read the • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Elicit from
words to the children. children what’s happening (a girl is arriving at a friend’s
• Have children say the words out loud chorally. Then call house with cakes).
on individual children to say the words as you hold them • Ask children What are the two girls saying in the first
up, alternating between the two cards. picture? (Hello.)
• Then hide the flashcards behind your back. When you • Then point to the second picture, and ask children what’s
show the Hello card, children wave their hands up high. happening (the same girl is leaving her friend’s house).
When you show the Goodbye card, children wave their • Ask children What are the two girls saying in the second
hands down low. picture? (Goodbye.)
Lead-in • Practice a few more times, pointing at the picture and
• Have children stand and make two large circles, one circle having children say the appropriate word. If children
inside the other. The children in the inside circle turn know other ways of saying hello and goodbye, this is a
around and face a child standing in the outside circle. great time to practice.
• Play some lively music. Start one circle moving slowly, • Then have children color the pictures.
walking in a clockwise direction. Have the other circle
move slowly, walking counter clockwise.
• Every time children meet a new student they say Hello.
• Then have the circles change directions. When children
meet a new student this time, they say Goodbye.

1 Look and check (✔).

• Point out the first two pictures and ask children What’s
happening in these pictures? Why is there a check mark for
the first picture? (because the children are exchanging
greetings in the first picture, but not in the second).

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 6 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
unit Starter unit test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Look and match. • Have children work individually to go through the
• Hold up the page. Point to the first silhouette on the left remaining pictures and match the correct pictures by
side of the page. identifying the dotted detail in pictures 2–4.
• Say What is the match? Look puzzled, as though you don’t • Monitor and help as needed.
know the answer. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Trace the path of the line from left to right with your going over the answers with the whole class.
finger until you reach the correct match. ANSWERS
1 b Raise your hand.
• Repeat and have children trace the line with their fingers 2 d Stand up.
on their page. 3 a Sit down.
• Children trace the line with a pencil or crayon. 4 c Line up.
• Have them match the other silhouettes with the pictures 4 Look and circle.
on the right side. • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Point out
• Monitor and help as needed. to children that the uppercase A is circled.
ANSWERS • Ask children Why is the uppercase A the correct answer?
1c 2a 3d 4b
(The picture is of Annie; names always start with an
2 Listen and circle. uppercase letter.)
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of characters. • Have children work individually to go through the
• Play the first part of the recording (track 01). As the remaining pictures and choose the correct answers.
recording says What’s your name?, turn one hand up as • Monitor and help as needed.
though you are asking a question you don’t know the • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
answer to. Then in time with the answer (I’m Tim.) on the going over the answers with the whole class.
recording, point to the picture of Tim. Children listen and ANSWERS
point to the appropriate picture. 1A 2b 3b 4a
• Play the recording all the way through for children to 5 Count and circle.
listen and circle the answer.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
• Repeat as many times as needed. children to count with you as you point to each circle in
• Go over the answers with the class. the first picture. Ask How many circles? (2) Point out that
the number 2 is circled as the correct answer.
Transcript (Track 01)
1 What’s your name? I’m Tim. • Have children work individually to go through the
2 What’s your name? I’m Rosy. remaining pictures, counting and circling the correct
3 What’s your name? I’m Billy. answers.
4 Goodbye. • Monitor and help as needed.
ANSWERS • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
1b 2b 3a 4a going over the answers with the whole class.

3 Look and match. ANSWERS

12 21 31 42
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Point out
to children the girl’s dotted hand and the matching line
to the hand in picture b.
• Ask children What classroom instruction is this? (Raise your

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Starter Unit 7 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Color. Point and say.
Colors • Say Show me (red / green / blue / black / yellow). Children
Functions hold up the correct colored pencils or crayons.
To practice the color words • Explain to the class that they need to choose one correct
color for each item and use that color to color it in. Point
to the first picture of the banana, hold up a blue pencil or
Printable Resources p. 10
crayon, and ask the class Blue? Shake your head and elicit
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 16
the answer No. Then hold up a yellow pencil or crayon,
Flashcards 6–10
and ask the class Yellow? Nod your head and elicit the
Colored pencils or crayons
answer Yes. Demonstrate coloring in the banana with the
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
yellow pencil or crayon.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
• Repeat with the other items, making sure children are
Warmer thinking about what color the things are in real life.
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the • When children have finished coloring, they can take turns
classroom. to point to their colored pictures and name the colors.
1 yellow 2 green 3 blue 4 red 5 black
• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 16)
with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to each
word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Color. Swap and color. Then match and say.

• Say Show me (red / green / blue / black / yellow). Children
hold up the correct colored pencils or crayons.
• Explain to the class that they need to choose one of these
colors for each paintbrush and use that color to color
the paintbrush.
• When children have colored the paintbrushes, they swap
worksheets with a partner. They use one of the colors to
color each of the paint pots on their partner’s worksheet.
• Children then swap worksheets back again, and draw
lines to match the paintbrushes to the correct paint pots.
Demonstrate the activity for the class before allowing
children to complete the activity individually.
• Invite children to hold up their worksheets, point to the
matching paintbrushes and paint pots and say the color
Children’s own answers

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Unit 1 8 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Repeat with the other items, making sure children are
What color is it? It’s (red). thinking about what color the things are in real life.
Children can then ask and answer questions in pairs, as in
the example.
To practice the structure: What color is it? It’s (green).
• When children have finished, point to items around the
Materials class and ask children the question.
Printable Resources p. 11
Student Book Audio Tracks 16, 18 1 What color is it? It’s blue.
Colored pencils or crayons 2 What color is it? It’s black.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. 3 What color is it? It’s yellow.
4 What color is it? It’s red.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
5 What color is it? It’s green.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 16)
with the class.

• Sing the colors song from the Student Book (track 18)
with the class.

1 Choose and color. Point and say.

• Say Show me (red / green / blue / black / yellow). Children
hold up the correct colored pencils or crayons.
• Explain to the class that they need to choose one of these
colors for each paint splodge and use that color to color
the paint splodge.
• When children have colored the paint splodges, they can
work in pairs, taking turns to point to the paint splodges
and say It’s (green).
• Monitor and help if needed.
• Ask children to show their finished activities to the class,
point to the paint splodges, and say sentences with the
correct colors.
Children’s own answers

2 Ask and answer.

• Explain to the class that they need to look at each of the
five items and think about what color the things are in
real life. Point to the first picture, hold up a red pencil or
crayon, and ask the class Red? Shake your head and elicit
the answer No. Then hold up a blue pencil or crayon, and
ask the class Blue? Nod your head and elicit the answer
Yes. Invite volunteers to read out the example exchange
for item 1.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Unit 1 9 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Count and match.
Numbers • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
Functions What’s this? Elicit the answer bat. Ask How many? Elicit the
Writing practice: 3, 4 answer four.
Identifying numbers • Show the class how to draw a line to match the four bats
Counting to the number 4.
• Children draw lines to match the pictures to the numbers.
Printable Resources p. 12 • Monitor and help as needed.
Student Book Audio Track 22 • Go over the answers with the class.
Colored pencils or crayons ANSWERS
Worksheet 1: Draw the number Children match: bats – 4, cars – 3
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. 3 Count and trace the correct number.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Hold up the page and point to one of the cats. Ask What’s
Warmer this? Elicit the answer cat. Ask How many? Elicit the answer
• Sing the numbers song from the Student Book (track 22) three. Show children how to trace the correct number in
with the class. the first pair.
• Have children work individually to count the items and
trace the correct numbers.
• Review the numbers learned by clapping your hands
• Monitor and help as needed.
three times. Say What number? Encourage the class to
shout out three.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
• Do the same for one, two, and four in random order.
• Invite children to clap a number for the class to guess. Children trace: 3, 4
1 Trace and write the numbers. Worksheet 1: Draw the number
• Hold up three pens and ask How many? Hold up four • Hand out the worksheet, one for each child, plus colored
pens and repeat. Repeat with other items. pencils or crayons.
• Hold up the page and point to the writing staves. Ask • Explain to children that they should draw one item in the
children to point to the numbers 3 and 4. outline for the number 1, for example, one cat.
• Children trace and write the numbers. • Children can continue, drawing two items in the
ANSWERS number 2, for example two baseball bats; three items
Children trace and write: 3, 4
in the number 3; and four items in the number 4.
• Encourage children to draw whatever is fun for them.
• When children have finished, call out a number. Have a
child stand, point to her worksheet, and say what she has
drawn, using Vietnamese as needed.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Unit 1 10 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Worksheet 1: Draw the number
Teacher’s Notes
Draw one item in the number 1; two items in the number 2; three items in the number 3; four items in the number 4.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Unit 1 11 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Trace the second uppercase C with your finger and have
Sounds and letters children do the same.

Functions • For the third uppercase C, point out to children that they
Writing practice: Cc, Dd must complete, or write, the letter on their own.
Writing practice: lines • Point to remaining letters: c, D, and d. Have children work
individually, using pencils to connect the dots and trace
or write the letters on the lines.
Printable Resources p. 13
Phonics cards 5–8 Optional activities
Colored pencils or crayons
Listen, point, and say
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
• Place phonics cards for Aa, Bb, Cc, and Dd around the
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer • Call out a letter, e.g., Aa. Children point to the correct
• Draw dotted outlines of A, a, B, and b on the board. phonics card and say the letter. Continue calling out
• Connect the dotted lines for the first letter, A. Ask children letters in random order as many times as you wish.
Is this an uppercase or lowercase letter? (uppercase). • Alternatively, walk around and point to each phonics card
• Have a child come to the board to connect the lines for as children say the letter.
the letter a. Ask children Is this an uppercase or lowercase • Finally, invite a child to say or point to a card for the class
letter? (lowercase). to repeat chorally.
• Repeat with two more children coming to the board to
connect the dotted lines for B and b.
• Organize children into four groups. Hand a phonics card
Lead-in Aa, Bb, Cc, or Dd to the first child in each group and tell
• Hold up the phonics cards for Aa, Bb, Cc, and Dd one at a them not to show anyone. This child whispers the letter
time. Say the letters out loud and have children repeat. to the child next to him or her.
• Divide the class into four groups and give each group one • Children continue whispering the letter to the child next
of the phonics cards. to him or her until the letter reaches the final child.
• Then assign each letter an action. For example, Group A, • The final child says the letter out loud, and the first child
clap your hands; Group B, stomp your feet; Group C, jump holds up the phonics card to see whether the letter and
up and down; and Group D, turn in circles. the card are the same.
• Call out the letters in random order. Each group does the
3 Match and say.
action when they hear their group’s letter.
• Hold up the page and point to the letters. Ask children to
• After several rounds of actions, groups can exchange
follow them with a finger while you read each one.
letters and do a different action if you wish.
• Then point to the pictures and say the words for each
1 Trace the lines. slowly, encouraging the class to follow them with a finger.
• Point to the dotted lines and trace them with your finger. • Point to the letters Cc above, and say /k/. Say Let’s match!
Children trace the lines with their fingers on the page. Ask the class to find a matching word that starts with that
• Hand out colored pencils or crayons and have children letter. Show the class the example line and say /k/ – car.
connect the dots and trace the lines on the page. Use your finger to match Cc with the image of the car.

2 Trace and write the letters. • Repeat with the other letters and pictures, ensuring that
children match and say the words.
• Point to the first uppercase C and trace the letter with
your finger. Children trace the letter with their fingers. ANSWERS
Cc: car, cat   Dd: duck, dog

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Unit 1 12 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
1 Values: Be clean and tidy
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 3. This is the way you pick up toys, pick up toys, pick up toys.
Being clean and tidy This is the way you pick up toys, so early in the morning.
(Children mime picking up toys from the floor and
placing them in a pretend toy box.)
To learn important habits of being clean and tidy
4. This is the way you clean your room, clean your room, clean
Materials your room.
Printable Resources p. 14 This is the way you clean your room, so early in the morning.
8–10 classroom items, such as crayons, pencils, notebooks, (Children mime putting clothes away or making a bed.)
and books
1 Look and match.
Colored pencils or crayons
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Point to the first picture of the messy dishes and ask
Song: Play a warm-up song. children What’s this?
• Then trace the line with your finger to the picture of the
soapy water in a kitchen sink. Ask Is this a match? (Yes.)
• Tell children they are going to help you “clean up” Why? (We clean the dishes with the soapy water.)
your desk.
• Go through the other pictures with children and elicit
• Place 8–10 classroom items, such as crayons, pencils, which pictures match and why.
paper, notebooks, and books on your desk or a desk
• Have children draw the lines to match the pictures.
at the front of the room. Place items in a random,
• Monitor and help as needed. Go over the answers with
messy way.
the class.
• Play some lively music. Hand out the items on your desk
to children, one at a time. Children continue passing the 1b 2d 3a 4c
items around the class.
• When the music stops, children holding the items must
get up and place the item back on your desk in a careful, • Write tidy and messy on the board, making two columns.
tidy way. • Using Vietnamese as needed, ask children When are you
• Ask the class Is the desk now clean and tidy? tidy and when are you messy? Write their answers in the
columns under the appropriate heading. For example,
• Play again and as many times as you wish.
children may be tidy when they are in school, and they
Lead-in may be messy when they are playing outside.
• Sing “This is the way …” with children (words below). • Ask children Why is it important to clean up after an art
• Help children to understand what wash hands, wash project? (because it is respectful to others; so that the art
dishes, pick up toys, and clean your room means, using materials are available for others or for the next project; so
Vietnamese as needed. that the materials don’t make everything else messy).
• Have children mime the actions as you sing the song. 2 Color the tidy room.
Repeat and encourage children to sing with you.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture at the
1. This is the way you wash your hands, wash your hands, wash
bottom of the page. Ask Tidy? (Yes.)
your hands.
• Point to the second picture. Ask again Tidy? (No.)
This is the way you wash your hands, so early in the morning.
(Children mime rubbing their hands together.) • Hand out colored pencils or crayons. Tell children to color
2. This is the way you wash the dishes, wash the dishes, wash the tidy room.
the dishes. • After children have finished coloring, ask them to raise
This is the way you wash the dishes, so early in the morning. their hand if their room at home is 1. tidy or 2. messy.
(Children mime washing dishes.)

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1 Unit 1 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Listen and check (✓). • Have children work individually to go through the
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures, 1a remaining pictures, counting, and checking the correct
and 1b. answers.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 02). As the • Monitor and help as needed.
recording says What color is it? It’s yellow., point to the • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
pictures again and ask Which picture is yellow? Children going over the answers with the whole class.
point to the picture of the banana. Point out the example ANSWERS
check mark. 13 23 34 44
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and check the answers. Make sure children are
thinking about what color the things are in real life (e.g., a
leaf is green; a tomato is red).
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 02)
1 What color is it? It’s yellow.
2 What color is it? It’s red.
3 What color is it? It’s black.
4 What color is it? It’s green.
5 What color is it? It’s blue.
6 What color is it? It’s yellow.
7 What color is it? It’s green.
1a 2a 3b 4a 5a 6b 7b

2 Look and circle.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Point out
to children that the lowercase c is circled.
• Ask children Why is the lowercase c the correct answer? (The
picture is of a cat, and cat starts with the letter c.)
• Have children work individually to go through the
remaining pictures and choose the correct answers.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
1c 2d 3c 4d

3 Count and check (✓).

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
children to count with you as you point to each apple in
the first picture. Ask How many apples? (3.) Point out that
the number 3 is checked as the correct answer.

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2 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Invite children to hold up their pictures, point and say the
School things correct words.
Children draw and say:
To practice the school words 1 chair 2 desk 3 pencil 4 notebook 5 crayon
Printable Resources p. 17
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 27
Flashcards 11–15
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the

• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 27)
with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to each
word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Point and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the groups of items. Ask
children to say what items they can see in each group.
• Ask children to say why the crayon is circled in the first
group (there is only one crayon).
• Children work individually to circle the different item in
each set.
• Go over the answers with the class.
• Ask children to point to the items they have circled and
say the words.
Children circle:
1 the crayon 2 the desk 3 the pencil 4 the chair
5 the notebook

2 Draw and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the incomplete items. Ask
children to say what each item is.
• Children complete the drawings individually. Monitor and
help as needed.

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2 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Ask and answer.
What’s this? It’s a (notebook). • Hold up the page and point to the silhouettes. Ask
Functions children to say what each item is.
To practice the structure: What’s this? It’s a (notebook). • Ask volunteers to read out the example exchange. Ask the
class to point to the correct item.
• Children ask and answer in pairs, as in the example.
Printable Resources p. 18
Student Book Audio Tracks 27, 29 • Monitor and help as needed.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. ANSWERS
1 What’s this? It’s a chair.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
2 What’s this? It’s a notebook.
Warmer 3 What’s this? It’s a crayon.
4 What’s this? It’s a desk.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 27) 5 What’s this? It’s a pencil.
with the class.

• Sing the school words song from the Student Book (track
29) with the class.

1 What’s this? Draw and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the puzzles. Ask children if
they can guess what any of the items are.
• Children work individually to complete the pictures.
• Point to the speech bubble and read it out. Ask the
class to point to the correct picture. Point to a different
picture and ask the class to say a sentence about it, as in
the example.
• Children can work in pairs, taking turns to point to
pictures and say sentences.
1 It’s a pencil.
2 It’s a desk.
3 It’s a notebook.
4 It’s a crayon.
5 It’s a chair.

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2 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Trace, count, and circle.
Numbers • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
Functions this? Elicit the answer crayon. Ask How many? Elicit the
Writing practice: 5, 6 answer five. Repeat with the picture of the pencils.
Identifying numbers • Point to the number in the first item. Ask children to say
Counting which picture has five items. Show the class how to circle
the correct picture.
• Children trace the numbers, count the items, and circle
Printable Resources p. 19
the correct pictures.
Student Book Audio Track 33
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Monitor and help as needed.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Go over the answers with the class.
Children circle: five crayons, six boys
• Sing the numbers song from the Student Book (track 33)
with the class.
3 Look and draw. Count and say.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer apple. Ask How many? Point to the
• Review the numbers learned by clapping your hands six number and elicit the answer six. Show children how to
times. Say What number? Encourage the class to shout draw the correct number of items in the box.
out six.
• Have children work individually to draw the correct
• Do the same for one, two, three, four, and five in random number of items.
• Invite children to show their pictures to the class, count
• Invite children to clap a number for the class to guess. the items and say, e.g. six apples.
1 Trace and write the numbers. ANSWERS
Children draw: 6 apples, 5 eggs
• Hold up five pencils and ask How many? Hold up six
pencils and repeat. Repeat with other items.
• Hold up the page and point to the writing staves. Ask
children to point to the numbers 5 and 6.
• Children trace and write the numbers.
Children trace and write: 5, 6

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2 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics Optional activity
Sounds and letters
Say a word
Functions • Hold up phonics cards 1–12 one at a time, say the letter,
Writing practice: Ee, Ff and have children repeat chorally.
Writing practice: lines
• Hold up one of the cards, for example, Bb, and ask What
Materials word starts with B or b? (boy, bat, Billy, black).
Printable Resources p. 20 • Continue to hold up cards and have children tell you a
Phonics cards for apple, bat, cat, dog word that starts with the letter.
Phonics cards 1–12 • After going through the letters once, repeat. Challenge
Colored pencils or crayons children to come up with new words for each letter.
Worksheet 1: Bingo!
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. A Annie, apple
Song: Play a warm-up song. B Billy, bat, boy, black
C cat, car, crayon, chair
Warmer D dog, duck, desk
• Hold up the phonics cards for apple, bat, cat, and dog one E elephant, egg
at a time. Say the words and have children repeat. F farm, fish, four, five

• Assign each word an action, for example, bite into an 3 Match and say.
apple, swing a bat, meow like a cat, and bark like a dog. • Hold up the page and point to the letters. Ask children to
• As you hold up the phonics cards in random order, follow them with a finger while you read each one.
children do the actions and say the words. • Then point to the pictures and say the words for each
Lead-in: What’s missing? slowly, encouraging the class to follow them with a finger
and join in.
• Display the phonics cards 1–12 on the board. Point to each
one at a time for children to say the letters. • Point to the letters Ee above, and say /e/. Say Let’s match!
Ask the class to find a matching word that starts with that
• Ask children to close their eyes and put their heads down
letter. Show the class the example line and say /e/ – egg.
on their desks. Remove a card.
Use your finger to match Ee with the image of the egg.
• Display the cards again and ask What’s missing?
• Repeat with the other letters and pictures, ensuring that
1 Trace the lines. children match and say the words.
• Point to the dotted lines and trace them with your finger. ANSWERS
Children trace the lines with their fingers on the page. Ee: egg, elephant
Ff: fish, farm
• Children connect the dots and trace the lines.
Worksheet 1: Bingo!
2 Trace and write the letters.
• Hand out Worksheet 1 and a pencil to each student.
• Point to the first uppercase E and trace the letter with
your finger. Children trace the letter with their fingers. • Write A, b, C, d, E, f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the board.
• Trace the second uppercase E with your finger, and have • Have children write one letter or number in each square
children do the same. in the worksheet grid.

• For the third uppercase E, point out to children that they • Call out words from the letters and numbers in any order,
must complete, or write, the letter on their own. distinguishing between upper- and lowercase letters.

• Point to remaining letters: e, F, and f, and hand out • Children cross off the letters and numbers in their grids as
colored pencils. Children work individually to connect the they hear them. The first child to complete a line of four
dots and trace or write the letters on the lines. shouts Bingo!

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2 Worksheet 1: Bingo!
Teacher’s Notes
• Write the letters and numbers in random order in the grid: A, b, C, d, E, f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• Shout Bingo! when you get four in a row.

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2 Values: Play respectfully
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Continue the game until there is one winner left standing,
Playing respectfully or a group of winners if you prefer.

Functions 1 Look and draw.

To learn appropriate and respectful ways of playing • Point out the first picture on the page and ask children
Materials What’s happening in this picture? (One girl took a doll from
Printable Resources p. 21 another girl.) Ask Why is there a frown face next to this
Colored pencils or crayons picture? (because taking a toy away from someone is not
Flashcards respectful playing).
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Go through the other pictures with children and elicit
Song: Play a warm-up song. which pictures should get a smiley face, which a frown,
and why.
Warmer: What doesn’t fit?
• Draw two simple faces, one with a smile and one with a 1 frown 2 smile 3 frown 4 frown 5 smile 6 smile
frown, some distance apart on the board.
• Put a set of flashcards on the board under the face with
• Lead children in a discussion about respectful playing
the smile. Include one ”odd” word from another set, for
and classroom rules. Ask children What is respectful
example, pencil, desk, notebook, and yellow.
playing? Why is it important? What rules are important for a
• Point to each card one at a time and say the word for the
respectful classroom?
class to repeat in chorus.
• Write children’s rules on a large sheet of paper and display
• Ask the class Which card doesn’t fit? Take away the odd
for the class.
card from the board and place it under the face with
the frown. 2 Color and say.
• Repeat with different cards. This time ask a child to • Hold up the page and point to the picture. Elicit from
identify the card that doesn’t fit for the class. children what’s happening in the picture. (Children are
• Repeat as many times as you wish with different word respectfully drawing, playing, and writing at their desks in
sets. Possible word groups are: colors, classroom items, a classroom. The boy is sharing his crayon with the girl.)
and words that start with B, C, etc. • Ask children What are the boy and girl probably saying?
Invite children to share their ideas. For example, the girl is
Lead-in: Simon says …
may be saying May I borrow the crayon? Or Thank you! The
• Ask children to stand at their desks. boy may be saying Would you like to use this crayon? Or
• Explain that you are going to give instructions, in Sure, here you are!
Vietnamese as needed. If the instruction begins with the • Elicit more ideas about the picture and have children
words Simon says …, children must do as you say. If not, practice saying the words with you as a class and then
they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. with a partner.
Any child who gets this wrong is out of the game and has
• When you are finished, children color the picture.
to sit down.
• Give an instruction that is relevant to the values of
respectful playing, e.g., Simon says … whisper quietly.
Simon says … walk quietly forward and back. Simon says …
smile at your neighbor.
• Intermittently insert an instruction that is not preceded
by Simon says … and does not support the idea of
respectful playing, for example, … stomp your feet loudly.

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2 Unit 2 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Look and match. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Hold up the page. Point to the first picture. going over the answers with the whole class.
• Say What is the match? Look puzzled, as though you don’t ANSWERS
1e 2f 3f 4e
know the answer.
• Trace the path of the line from the top to the picture 4 Count and circle.
below with your finger until you reach the correct match. • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
• Repeat, and this time get the class to trace the line with children to count with you as you point to each dot in
their fingers on the page. the first square. Ask How many dots? (5). Point out that the
• Children trace the line with a pencil or crayon. number 5 is circled as the correct answer.

• Repeat with the remaining pictures. • Have children work individually to go through
the remaining pictures, counting, and circling the
• Monitor and help as needed.
correct answers.
1 chair 2 pencil 3 crayon 4 notebook • Monitor and help as needed.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
2 Listen and check (✓) or cross (✗).
going over the answers with the whole class.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 03). As the 15 26 35 46
recording says What’s this? It’s a notebook., point to the
picture again and ask Is this a notebook? (Yes.) Point out
that there is already a check mark next to that picture.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and add a ✓or an ✗ next to the pictures.
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 3)
1 What’s this? It’s a notebook.
2 What’s this? It’s a pencil.
3 What’s this? It’s a chair.
4 What’s this? It’s a crayon.
1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✗

3 Look and match.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
children What is it? (elephant). Ask What letter is at the
beginning of the word? (e).
• Trace the line that goes from the elephant to the
lowercase e and have children trace the line on the page.
• Have children work individually to go through the
remaining pictures.
• Monitor and help as needed.

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3 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Monitor and help as needed.
Toys • Go over the answers with the class.
Functions ANSWERS
1 teddy bear 2 robot 3 plane 4 balloon 5 puppet
To practice the toy words

Printable Resources p. 24
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 38
Flashcards 16–20
Colored pencils or crayons
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the

• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 38)
with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to each
word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Color the shapes with a dot. Point and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the puzzles. Demonstrate
coloring the sections of the first puzzle which have dots
in them. Ask the class to call out the word for the item in
the picture as soon as they can tell what it is.
• Children complete the remaining puzzles individually.
Monitor and help if needed.
• Ask children to hold up their worksheets, point to the
completed puzzles and say the words.
1 plane 2 teddy bear 3 puppet 4 robot 5 balloon

2 Match. Point and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the wrapped teddy bear.
Ask What’s this? Elicit the answer teddy bear. Ask the class
to find the teddy bear on the right. Show the class the
example line.
• Children draw lines to match the gifts to the toys, then
work in pairs, taking turns to point to the toys and say,
e.g. It’s a (teddy bear).

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3 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Invite volunteers to model the activity for the class to
Is it a (plane)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. observe.
1 Is it a puppet? Yes, it is.
• To practice the structure: Is it a (plane)? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 2 Is it a teddy bear? Yes, it is.
3 Is it a balloon? Yes, it is.
Materials 4 Is it a plane? Yes, it is.
Printable Resources p. 25 5 Is it a robot? Yes, it is.
Student Book Audio Tracks 38, 40
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book
(track 38) with the class.

• Sing the toys song from the Student Book (track 40) with
the class.

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Ask and answer.

• Hold up the page, point to the items and ask children to
name them.
• Point to one of the teddy bears in the first box and ask Is
it a teddy bear? Elicit the answer Yes, it is. Repeat with the
other teddy bears in the first box. Then point to the plane
in the first box and ask Is it a teddy bear? Elicit the answer
No, it isn’t.
• Children work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer
questions to find the odd-one-out in each set of pictures.
• Go over the answers with the class.
The odd-ones-out are:
1 plane 2 teddy bear 3 puppet 4 balloon 5 robot

2 Ask and answer.

• Hold up the page and point to the wrapped puppet. Ask
the class to guess what it is. Ask questions to prompt
them, e.g. Is it a (balloon)?
• Invite a pair of volunteers to read out the example
exchange. Ask the class to point to the correct picture.
• Children ask and answer in pairs about what the gifts are.
• Monitor and help as needed.

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3 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Ask the class to point to the correct number. Show the
Numbers class how to follow the line from the girl to the two
numbers and circle the correct number.
Writing practice: 7, 8 • Children count the items, follow the line, and circle the
Identifying numbers correct numbers.
Counting • Monitor and help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Printable Resources p. 26
Children circle: 8, 7
Student Book Audio Track 44
Colored pencils or crayons 3 Trace, count, and match.
Worksheet 1: Match the numbers • Hold up the page and point to one of the apples. Ask
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. What’s this? Elicit the answer apple. Ask How many? Elicit
Song: Play a warm-up song. the answer eight. Ask children to point to the number 8
above the pictures. Show children how to draw a line to
match the number to the picture.
• Sing the numbers song from the Student Book (track 44)
• Have children work individually to trace the numbers,
with the class.
then draw lines to match the numbers to the pictures.
Lead-in • Monitor and help as needed.
• Review numbers 1–6 by unfolding your fingers and • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
counting them. Encourage the class to count with you. going over the answers with the whole class.
• Unfold two more fingers in sequence for 7 and 8 and ANSWERS
model the new words for children to repeat. Children match: 8 apples, 7 teddy bears, 7 dogs, 8 fish
• Ask eight children to come to the front of the class and Worksheet 1: Match the numbers
stand in line. Each child has a number from 1 to 8, which
• Hand out the worksheet, one for each child, with colored
they say in sequence to the class.
pencils or crayons.
• Draw dotted outlines of the numbers 7 and 8 on the
• Count the items in the top picture out loud and have
board and demonstrate how to write them. Children
children count with you (five hats). Then trace the line to
draw the numbers in the air.
number 5. Have children trace the line on the page.
1 Trace and write the numbers. • Children continue, drawing lines to match the pictures
• Hold up seven pens and ask How many? Hold up eight and numbers.
pens and repeat. Repeat with other items. • Monitor and help as needed.
• Hold up the page and point to the writing staves. Ask • When children have finished, have them color the items
children to point to the numbers 7 and 8. and numbers.
• Children trace and write the numbers.
Children trace and write: 7, 8

2 Count, follow, and circle.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer girl. Ask How many? Count with the
class and elicit the answer eight.

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3 Worksheet 1: Number match
Teacher’s Notes
Count the items in the picture. Draw a line to match it to the number.

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3 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics Optional activities
Sounds and letters
Find your partner
Functions • Give phonics cards Aa–Ii to individual children around
Writing practice: Gg, Hh, Ii the classroom. Give the corresponding phonics cards to
Writing practice: lines different children (apple, bat, cat, etc.).
Materials • Ask children with the phonics cards to stand up one at a
Printable Resources p. 27 time and say the sounds on their cards.
Phonics cards 1–18 • Children with the phonics cards listen. If the sound begins
Colored pencils or crayons their word, they stand up, show the card to the class, and
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. say the letter and word.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Race to write the letter
Warmer: Jump
• Have children work in teams of five or six students. One
• Ask children to stand at their desks. child stands in front facing the board, and the others line
• Hold up a phonics card from Aa–Ff and say the letter. up behind him or her.
• If the letter is the same as the card, they jump. If it isn’t, • Give a phonics card to the child at the back of the line
they stay still. and tell them not to say the letter out loud. That child
Lead-in traces the letter on the back of the child standing in front
of him or her.
• Hold up the phonics cards for Gg, Hh, and Ii one at a time.
Say the letters and have children repeat. • When the child at the front of the line knows what letter
the team has, he or she writes the letter on the board.
• Then hold up the phonics cards for girl, hat, and insect.
Say the words out loud and have children repeat. • The first child holding the card tells the team if they have
gotten it right.
• Write the letters on the board. Have a child come to
the front and match the letter g with the card for girl. • Repeat with different letters and teams.
Continue with the others matching h / hat and i / insect. 3 Match and say.
• Repeat in the same way with guitar, horse, and ill. • Hold up the page and point to the letters. Ask children to
1 Trace the lines. follow them with a finger while you read each one.

• Point to the dotted lines and trace them with your finger. • Then point to the pictures and say the words for each
Children trace the lines with their fingers on the page. slowly, encouraging the class to follow them with a finger.

• Hand out colored pencils or crayons and have children • Point to the letters Gg above, and say /g/. Say Let’s match!
connect the dots and trace the lines on the page. Ask the class to find a matching word that starts with
that letter. Show the class the example line and say /g/
2 Trace and write the letters.
– guitar. Use your finger on the page to match Gg with
• Point to the first uppercase G and trace the letter with the image of the guitar.
your finger. Children trace the letter with their fingers on
• Repeat with the other letters and pictures, ensuring that
the page.
children match and say the words.
• Trace the second uppercase G with your fingers, and have ANSWERS
children do the same. Gg: guitar, girl
• For the third uppercase G, point out to children that they Hh: hat
Ii: insect
must complete, or write, the letter on their own.
• Point to remaining letters: g, H, h, I, and i, and hand out
colored pencils.

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3 Values: Be kind to others
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Have children work with a partner to circle the
Being kind to others good actions.

Functions • Monitor and help as needed. Go over the answers with

To learn and practice ways of being kind to others the class.
Materials Good actions: playing respectfully, sharing a cake with the
Printable Resources p. 28 whole group, helping to clean up, sharing candy with a
Blank paper friend, giving a gift (teddy bear)
Colored pencils or crayons Discuss
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Using Vietnamese as needed, lead a discussion on
Song: Play a warm-up song. kindness. Ask children Why is it important to be kind? Who
Warmer is kind to you?
• Write the following words in English and/or in Vietnamese • Then ask What are some good actions you can take to be
on the board: kind, care, share, help. kind to your family, friends, and community?
• Divide the class into four groups and assign each group • Write children’s ideas on the board. Encourage children to
one of the words. think of an action they can do for someone and to set a
• Then assign each word an action, for example, kind, clap goal to actually do it in the next few days. Follow up with
your hands; care, raise your arms; share, open hands face children in a later class if possible.
up; and help, link arms with a partner. 2 Choose a present for your friend. Color.
• Call out the words in random order. Each group does the • Hold up the page and point to the pictures at the bottom
action when they hear their group’s word. of the page. Elicit from children what the pictures are:
• After several rounds of actions, groups can change words robot, teddy bear, car, plane.
and do a different action if you wish. • Tell children they can choose any of the pictures to give
Lead-in as a gift to a friend.

• Ask children if they ever send or receive cards in the mail. • Hand out colored pencils or crayons. Have children color
Do they like getting cards? Do they like sending cards? the gift they have chosen.

• Tell children they will be making a card for someone • After children have finished coloring, ask them to say
special. It could be for their mom or dad, a friend, or which gift they chose and who it is for, if appropriate.
anyone they want to show kindness to.
• Hand out paper and crayons. Show children how to fold
the paper to make a card. Have children work individually
to draw and write a card, using words in English if
possible, or using Vietnamese.
• When children are finished, they can take them home or
deliver them.

1 Look. Circle the good actions.

• Point to the picture and ask What’s this? (a class party). Ask
What are good actions? (kind things we do for others).
• Go through the picture with children and have children
point to and describe the good actions. Children can also
point to and describe the bad actions.

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3 Unit 3 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Look and match. • Monitor and help as needed.
• Hold up the page and point to the first row of pictures. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
Ask children What do you see? (puppet, robot, puppet, going over the answers with the whole class.
robot). Ask What comes next? (puppet). ANSWERS
• Trace the line from the first row to the picture of the 1h 2g 3i 4h
puppet in the right column (b). Children trace the line on 4 Count and check (✓).
the page. • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
• Hand out colored pencils or crayons. Have children draw children to count with you as you point to each teddy
lines, matching the pattern of pictures on the left with bear in the first picture. Ask How many teddy bears?
the picture that fits on the right. (7). Point out that the number 7 is checked as the
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before correct answer.
going over the answers with the whole class. • Have children work individually to go through the
ANSWERS remaining pictures, counting, and checking the
1b 2d 3a 4c correct answers.
2 Listen and check (✓) or cross (✗). • Monitor and help as needed.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Tell • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
children these are gifts, wrapped up with paper and going over the answers with the whole class.
ribbons. ANSWERS
• Play the first part of the recording (track 04). As the 17 28 38 47
recording says Is it a balloon? Yes, it is., point to the picture
again and repeat the question Is it a balloon? Have
children answer Yes, it is. Point out that there is already a
check mark next to that picture.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and add a ✓ or an ✗ next to each picture.
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 04)
1 Is it a balloon? Yes, it is.
2 Is it a plane? No, it isn’t.
3 Is it a teddy bear? Yes, it is.
4 Is it a puppet? No, it isn’t.
1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✗

3 Look and circle.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Point out
to children that the lowercase h is circled.
• Ask children Why is the lowercase h circled? (The picture is
of a horse; the letter h is the first letter in the word horse.)
• Have children work individually to go through the
remaining pictures and choose the correct answers.

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Fluency Time! 1 Worksheet 1
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Match, point, and say.
Science: Classroom language • Hold up the page and point to the first picture (eyes). Ask
Functions What are these? Elicit the answer eyes.
To practice the CLIL language • Point to the picture of the girl looking through a
magnifying glass and ask (in Vietnamese if necessary)
What is she doing? Elicit the answer Look!
Printable Resources p. 31
• Show the class how to draw lines to match the facial
Student Book Audio Track 01
features to the actions.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Children complete the activity individually. Monitor and
help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the
classroom. 1c 2a 3b
Lead-in 3 Play a game.
• Point to your mouth and say Mouth. Say! Encourage • Address the class. Say Look! Encourage children to mime
children to do the same as they say the word and the action. Repeat with Listen! and Say! (children can call
classroom instruction. out Hello!).
• Elicit the other language from the CLIL lesson in the same • Address individual children in the same way. When
way: Ears. Listen! Eyes. Look! everyone is confident, children can play the game in
• Then call out either Eyes/Ears/Mouth or Look!/Listen!/Say! pairs. Monitor and help as needed.
and encourage the class to call out the matching word or • If you like, you can divide the class into two teams and
classroom instruction. invite children from each team in turn to call out one of
1 Draw and say. the instructions for the other team to mime.
• Hold up the page and point to the incomplete picture of
the mouth in the first picture. Ask What’s this? Elicit the
answer mouth.
• Point to the remaining two pictures and ask What’s this?
Elicit the answers eye and ear.
• Tell children to complete the pictures. When they have
finished, ask them to show their pictures to the class and
say the correct words.
1 mouth 2 eyes 3 ears

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Fluency Time! 1 Worksheet 2
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Talk about your poster. Point and say.
Science: Classroom language • Invite children to show their posters to the class.
Functions Encourage them to point to the pictures on their poster
To make a poster using the CLIL language and talk about it and say words, e.g. ears, mouth, eyes – Listen! Say! Look!
• Hold up the page and point to the ears of the boy who is
listening. Ask What are these? Elicit the answer ears.
Printable Resources p. 32
• Point to other facial features or actions in the poster and
Student Book Audio Track 01
elicit the words.
Colored pencils or crayons
Captions written on adhesive labels: Look! Listen! Say! • Children work in pairs, taking turns to point to
A large sheet of paper for each child facial features or actions in their posters and say the
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. correct words.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • If you like, you can have children play a game in pairs,
taking turns to point to items in the poster for their
partner to say the words.
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the

• Point to your mouth and say Mouth. Say! Encourage
children to do the same as they say the word and
classroom instruction. Repeat for Ears. Listen! and
Eyes. Look!
• Then point to your mouth, ears, or eyes and encourage
children to call out the word and classroom instruction,
varying the speed at which you point at your facial

1 Make a poster for your classroom.

• Hold up the page, point to the first picture, and say Draw.
Mime drawing, or draw a simple picture on the board.
• Point to the second picture and say Color. Mime coloring
a picture, or color the picture you have drawn on
the board.
• Point to the third picture and say Cut and stick. Hold up
the pre-prepared captions (Look! Listen! Say!) written on
adhesive labels. Demonstrate how to cut out a caption
and stick it on a piece of paper.
• Make sure everyone is confident about the stages of
the activity.
• Hand out sheets of paper and the captions on adhesive
labels. Make sure children have pencils or crayons.
• Children can discuss their ideas in pairs or small groups
before making their posters.

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Summative test 1
Teacher’s Notes

Listening • Monitor and help as needed.

• Invite pairs of children to model questions and answers
1 Listen and circle.
for the class to observe.
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures. ANSWERS
• Play the first part of the recording (track 05). As the 1 What’s this? It’s an apple.
recording says What’s your name? I’m Rosy., ask Which is What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
2 What’s this? It’s a hat.
Rosy? Children point to the picture of Rosy.
What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
• Play the whole recording while children complete the 3 What’s this? It’s a car.
activity. Go over the answers. What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
4 What’s this? It’s a desk.
Transcript (Track 05) What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
1 Boy What’s your name? 5 What’s this? It’s a plane.
What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
Rosy I’m Rosy.
6 What’s this? It’s a notebook.
2 Woman What’s this? What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
Boy It’s a crayon.
Woman What color is it? Reading
Boy It’s black.
3 Look and match.
3 Man What’s this?
Girl It’s a toy. • Point to one of the cats. Ask What’s this? Elicit It’s a cat. Ask
Man Is it a teddy bear? How many? Count the cats together. Say Four cats.
Girl No, it isn’t. It’s a robot. • Point to the numbers around the pictures. Ask children
4 Woman Is it a balloon? to point to the correct number (4). Children trace the line
Boy Yes, it is. that matches the picture of the four cats to the number 4.
Woman What color is it? • Individually, children complete the activity. Monitor and
Boy It’s black. help as needed.
5 Man Let’s count the pencils. Say! • Go over the answers with the whole class.
Girl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Six pencils! ANSWERS
6 Woman What’s this? Is it a chair? a4 b6 c5 d7 e2 f3
Boy No, it isn’t.
Woman Is it a desk? Writing
Boy Yes, it is.
4 Trace the correct sound.
1a 2b 3b 4b 5a 6b • Point to the first picture. Ask What’s this? Elicit It’s a boy.
Ask children to sound out the word boy.
Speaking • Point to the letters under the picture. Ask children which
letter starts the word boy. Sound out the word and
2 Color. Ask and answer.
encourage children to copy you.
• Point to the first picture. Ask What’s this? Elicit It’s an apple.
• Children point to the correct letter (b).
• Color the apple on your page and show the class. Ask
• Individually, children complete the activity. Monitor and
What color is it? Elicit the answer It’s (green).
help as needed.
• Use colored pens to elicit red, green, blue, yellow, and
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
• Children color the pictures on their pages, then ask and
answer in pairs. 1b 2e 3g 4i 5f 6d

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4 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Trace and circle.
Animals • Hold up the page and point to the animals. Ask children
Functions to name them.
To practice the animal words • Point to the words and ask the class to read them out.
• Point to the first word and ask the class to find the hippo
in the first pair of animals. Show the class the example
Printable Resources p. 35
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 51
Flashcards 27–31 • Children trace the words, then circle the correct picture in
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. each pair.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Ask children to show their circled animals to the class and
read out the words.
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the Children circle: 1 hippo, 2 bear, 3 bird, 4 crocodile, 5 tiger

• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 51)
with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to each
word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Circle the odd-one-out and match.

• Hold up the page and point to the groups of animals. Ask
children to say what animals they can see in each group.
• Ask children to say which animal is the odd-one-out in
the first group (the bird).
• Children work individually to circle the odd-one-out in
each set, then draw lines to match this animal to the
correct word.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
1 bird 2 bear 3 crocodile 4 tiger 5 hippo

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4 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Ask and answer.
What are they? They’re (bears). • Hold up the page and point to the first jigsaw piece.
Functions Ask the class to guess what the animals are.
To practice the structure: What are they? They’re (bears). • Invite volunteers to model the example exchange.
• Children ask and answer in pairs about what the
animals are.
Printable Resources p. 36
Student Book Audio Tracks 51, 53 • Monitor and help as needed.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Invite volunteers to model the activity for the class
Song: Play a warm-up song. to observe.
1 What are they? They’re crocodiles.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 51) 2 What are they? They’re bears.
with the class. 3 What are they? They’re tigers.
4 What are they? They’re birds.
Lead-in 5 What are they? They’re hippos.
• Sing the animals song from the Student Book (track 53)
with the class.

1 Trace and match.

• Hold up the page and point to the animals. Ask children
to name them.
• Point to the sentences and ask the class to read them out.
• Point to the first sentence and ask the class to find the
matching picture. Show the class the example line.
• Children trace the words on the writing staves, then draw
lines to match the sentences to the correct pictures.
• Ask children to show their lines to the class and read out
the sentences as they point to the correct animals.
1c 2e 3a 4b 5d

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4 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 3 Count, match, and write.
Numbers • Hold up the page and point to one of the keys. Ask
Functions What’s this? Elicit the answer key. Ask How many? Elicit the
Writing practice: 9, 10 answer ten.
Identifying numbers • Ask the class to point to the correct number word.
Counting Show children how to draw a line to match the word to
the picture.
• Ask the class to point to the correct number in the
Printable Resources p. 37
box. Show the class how to write the number in the
Student Book Audio Track 57
correct box.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Have children work individually to draw lines to match
the words to the pictures, then write the numbers from
Warmer the word pool in the boxes.
• Sing the numbers song from the Student Book (track 57) • Monitor and help as needed.
with the class.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
Lead-in going over the answers with the whole class.
• Write numbers 1 to 10 on the board, pausing each time, so ANSWERS
that children can supply the words for you. Then say the Children match (and write): nine boys (9), ten keys (10)
numbers again, pointing to each number on the board
and encouraging children to draw the number in the air.

1 Trace and write the numbers.

• Hold up nine pencils and ask How many? Hold up ten
pencils and repeat. Repeat with other items.
• Hold up the page and point to the writing staves. Ask
children to point to the numbers 9 and 10.
• Children trace and write the numbers.
Children trace and write: 9, 10

2 Count and trace the correct number.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer insect. Ask How many? Elicit the
answer ten.
• Ask the class to point to the correct word under the
picture. Show the class how to trace the correct word.
• Children count the items in the pictures, then trace the
correct words.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children trace: ten, nine

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4 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics to connect the dots and trace or write the letters on
Sounds and letters the lines.

Functions Worksheet 1: Matching pairs

Writing practice: Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm • Children work in pairs. Hand out a set of cards to each
Writing practice: words pair of children.
Materials • Children should arrange the cards face down on
Printable Resources p. 38 their desk.
Phonics cards for jug, key, lion • One child turns over a card and then tries to turn over the
Phonics cards 1–26 matching picture or word. For example, if a child turns
Colored pencils or crayons over a picture of a kangaroo, he would win the pair if he
Worksheet 1: Matching pairs (Before class, cut the cards out – can turn over the word kangaroo.
one set for every pair of children) • Children take turns turning over two cards at a time.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • The child with the most pairs at the end of the
Song: Play a warm-up song. game wins.
Warmer: Musical letters 2 Trace the words and say.
• Play lively music. Hand out the phonics cards that • Hold up the page and point to the first picture and word,
children have learned so far, Aa–Ii, to different children jug. Trace it with your finger. Children trace the word with
around the class in random order. They pass the cards to their fingers on the page.
children next to them around the class while the music
• Repeat with the remaining words, key, lion, and man.
is playing.
• Hand out colored pencils. Have children work individually
• Stop the music suddenly. Ask children who are holding to connect the dots and trace the words.
cards to hold up their letters. Starting with Aa, children
read out their letters. Optional activities
• Play the music and continue in this way. Smiley face
Lead-in: That’s it! • Think of a word and draw a short line for each letter on
• Write the word jug on the board. Say the word aloud. the board, one next to the other.

• Put the phonics cards Aa–Mm in a pile and hold them • Ask children to guess the letters that are in the secret
up so that children can only see the facing card. When word, one-by-one.
children see the phonics card Jj, they shout That’s it! • If a child guesses a letter correctly, write the letter on the
• Repeat with the rest of the words in the set: jug, juice, key, correct line.
kangaroo, lion, lollipop, man, mango. • If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the
board with a cross through it. Then draw a large circle
1 Trace and write the letters.
to represent a face. With each letter that is guessed
• Point to the first uppercase J and trace the letter with incorrectly, add another feature to the face (two eyes, a
your finger. Children trace the letter with their fingers on
nose, a smile, two ears, a neck, and hair).
the page.
• The game continues until either the word or the face is
• Trace the second uppercase J with your fingers, and have complete. If the word is completed, the class wins. If the
children do the same.
face is completed, the teacher wins.
• For the third uppercase J, point out to children that they
must complete, or write, the letter on their own.
• Point to remaining letters: j, K, k, L, l, M, and m, and hand
out colored pencils. Have children work individually

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4 Worksheet 1: Matching pairs
Teacher’s Notes
• Cut up the sheet on the dotted lines. Turn the cards face down. Match the words to the pictures.

kangaroo key

jug juice

lion lollipop

man mango

elephant guitar

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4 Values: Be kind to animals
Teacher’s Notes
Topics Discuss
Being kind to animals • Lead children in a discussion about being kind and
Functions having appropriate behavior with animals. Ask children
To learn appropriate and kind behaviors with animals Do you have pets at home? If yes, What kinds of pets? What
kinds of behaviors are important to keep your pets happy
Materials and healthy? If some children don’t have pets, they can
Printable Resources p. 39 talk about friends or relatives who have pets and how
Blank sheet of paper for every child they need to behave with these animals.
Colored pencils or crayons
• Hand out a blank sheet of paper to each child along with
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
crayons. Have children choose an animal – a house pet
Song: Play a warm-up song.
or a zoo animal – to draw. Then have children write the
Warmer: What’s the picture? animal word on the drawing and, if possible, what they
• Invite a child to come to the front of the class and can do to be kind to that animal.
whisper the name of an animal he or she has to draw. • Monitor and help as needed.
• The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of • Alternatively, children may also report on his or her
the class to guess what it is. animal and the care it needs.
• The first child to guess the animal correctly comes to the 2 Count the animals and write the number.
front of the class to draw the next picture.
• Hold up the page and point to the word hippos at the
• Repeat as many times as you wish. bottom of the page. Ask children How many hippos?
Lead-in: I see • Then point to the first picture at the top of the page
• Write the following incomplete sentence on the board: of the hippos in the zoo. Point to each hippo, and with
I see a ______ in the zoo. Then complete the sentence as children, count the number of hippos in the picture (4).
an example, I see a hippo in the zoo. • Finally, point to the number 4 that has been crossed out
• Choose a child, and have him or her complete the in the word pool and written in the box at the bottom of
sentence, adding on to the previous answer, for example, the page.
I see a hippo and a lion in the zoo. Children use Vietnamese • Hand out colored pencils. Give children time to count
as needed. and then write the numbers for the remaining animals,
• This child then chooses another child, who says the referring to the word pool for support.
sentence, adding another word to complete it. ANSWERS
• Continue the game until you run out of ideas, or until hippos 4, ducks 9, birds 3
someone forgets the words in the chain.

1 Look. Check (✓) or cross (✗).

• Point out the first picture and ask children What’s
happening? (a boy is throwing a hotdog to the hippos in
the zoo). Why is there an ✗ for the first picture? (because the
boy should not be feeding the hippos).
• Go through the other pictures with children and elicit
which pictures should get a ✓, an ✗, and why.
1✗ 2✓ 3✗ 4✗ 5✓ 6✗

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4 Unit 4 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Listen and check (✓). 3 Look and match.
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures. • Hold up the page and point to the first letter. Say the
• Play the first part of the recording (track 06). As the sound and then point to the pictures on the right side.
recording says It’s a crocodile., point to the pictures again • For each picture, ask children What is it? Ask What letter is
and ask Which picture? Children point to the picture of the at the beginning of the word?
crocodile. Point out the example check mark. • When they find the matching word with j, children trace
• Play the recording all the way through for children to the line that goes from the lowercase j to the picture of
listen and check the answers. the jug.
• Repeat as many times as needed. • Have children work individually to go through the
• Go over the answers with the class. remaining letters.
• Monitor and help as needed.
Transcript (Track 06)
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
1 It’s a crocodile.
going over the answers with the whole class.
2 It’s a bear.
3 It’s a hippo.
1c 2a 3d 4b
4 It’s a bird.
ANSWERS 4 Listen and check (✓).
1b 2a 3a 4b • Hold up the page and point to the first picture and pair of
2 Read and match. numbers.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture (two • Play the first part of the recording (track 07). As the
hippos). Then point out the question next to the picture. recording says Ten tigers., point to the numbers again and
Say each word slowly as you point at them one at a time. ask Which number? Children point to the number 10. Point
Have children point to the words on the page and repeat out the example check mark.
the question after you: What are they? • Play the recording all the way through for children to
• Trace the line with your finger and read the sentence it listen and check the answers.
leads to. (They’re hippos.) Have children trace the line with • Repeat as many times as needed.
their fingers and repeat the sentence with you. • Go over the answers with the class.
• Have children continue with the remaining pictures, Transcript (Track 07)
matching the questions with the sentences.
1 Ten tigers
• Monitor and help as needed. 2 Ten lollipops
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before 3 Nine lions
going over the answers with the whole class. 4 Nine keys
1 They’re hippos. 1 10 2 10 3 9 4 9
2 They’re bears.
3 They’re birds.
4 They’re tigers.

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5 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Trace and match.
Parts of the body • Hold up the page and point to the picture of the robot.
Functions Ask the class to point to the hands / arms / legs / face /
To practice the parts of the body words fingers / nose.
• Point to the words on the labels and ask the class to read
them out and point to the correct body parts.
Printable Resources p. 42
• Children trace the words on the labels, then draw lines to
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 62
match the labels to the correct body parts.
Flashcards 32–37
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Monitor and help as needed.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Go over the answers with the class.
Children label: fingers, hands, face, nose, arms, legs
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the

• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track 62)
with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to each
word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Look and circle.

• Point to the pictures and ask the class to name the body
• Point to the first pair of words and ask the class to read
them out. Ask the class to say the correct word. Show the
class the example circle around the word fingers.
• Children look at the remaining pictures and circle the
correct words.
• Go over the answers with the class.
1 fingers 2 nose 3 face 4 legs 5 hands 6 arms

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
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5 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
This is my (nose). These are my (arms).

• To practice the structure: This is my (nose). These are
my (arms).

Printable Resources p. 43
Student Book Audio Tracks 62, 64
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book
(track 62) with the class.

• Sing the parts of the body song from the Student Book
(track 64) with the class.

1 Trace and circle.

• Hold up the page and point to the pictures. Ask children
to name the body parts.
• Ask a volunteer to read out the first sentence. Ask the
class to point to the correct picture. Show the class the
example circle.
• Children trace the words on writing staves to complete
the sentences, then circle the correct picture to match
each sentence.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children circle:
1 arms 2 fingers 3 nose 4 legs 5 hands 6 face

2 Draw. Point and say.

• Point to the words in the box and ask the class to read
them out and point to the correct parts of their bodies.
• Children draw a picture of themselves.
• Read out the example. Encourage children to talk about
their pictures. Children say sentences about their picture.
Children’s own answers

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5 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Look, color, and trace.
Numbers • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
Functions this? Elicit the answer hat. Point to the number and ask
Writing practice: 1–5 (review) How many? Elicit the answer two.
Reviewing numbers • Show the class how two of the hats have been colored.
Counting • Ask the class to find the word two in the box. Focus on
the example word two next to the pictures.
Printable Resources p. 44 • Children count and color the correct number of items in
Colored pencils or crayons each set, then write the number words from the box.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Monitor and help as needed.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Go over the answers with the class.
Children color (and write): two hats (two), five crayons
• Review the numbers 1–5 by clapping your hands three (five), four bats (four), one apple (one), three balloons
times. Say What number? Encourage the class to shout (three)
out three.
• Do the same for one, two, four, and five in random order.
• Invite children to clap a number for the class to guess.
• Write the numbers 1 to 5 on the board.
• Stand with your back to the class and demonstrate how
to write the numbers in the air. Children copy you and
draw the numbers in the air, too.

1 What’s missing? Write.

• Count to five with the class, as many times as necessary
for them to feel confident. Hand numbers of items from
1 to 5 to children around the class. Ask them to count the
• Hold up the page and point to the rows of numbers. Ask
children to say what number should go in the first gap.
Show the class the example.
• Children complete the sequences.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children write: 2, 4 / 1, 3, 5

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
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5 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Point to the letter A above, and say /æ/. Say Let’s match!
Sounds and letters Ask the class to first find the lowercase version of the
letter, and then find a matching word that starts with
that letter. Show the class the example line and say
Review initial sounds and letters Aa–Hh
/æ/ – /æ/ – apple. Use your finger on the page to match
Practice end sounds b, d, f, g
the uppercase A with the lowercase a, and then the
Writing practice: Aa–Hh
image of the apple.
Materials • Repeat with the other letters and pictures, ensuring that
Printable Resources p. 45 children match and say the words.
Phonics cards 1–26
Colored pencils or crayons A – a – apple
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. B – b – boy
Song: Play a warm-up song. C – c – cat
D – d – duck
2 Trace the correct sound.
• Write the upper- and lowercase forms of the letters a–h
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
on the board in random order for children to match.
this? Elicit the answer hat. Elicit the first sound of the
• Ask individuals to draw a matching line between two
word. Show children how to trace the correct letter in the
first pair.
Lead-in: Tracing on backs • Have children work individually to look at the pictures
• Have each group make a line, with the first child standing and trace the correct sounds.
near the board and the last child standing near the back • Monitor and help as needed.
of the classroom. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Pass out a phonics card (1–26) to the last child of each going over the answers with the whole class.
line, but don’t have them look at the card until you ANSWERS
say, Go. 1h 2f 3g 4e
• Have children “Write” the letter very slowly on their 3 Trace the words and say.
classmates’ backs with their fingers.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture and word,
• The first child goes to the board, writes the letter, and tub. Trace it with your finger. Children trace the word with
says the sound. The quickest group with the correct letter
their fingers on the page.
and pronunciation wins.
• Repeat with the remaining words, bird, leaf, and dog.
1 Match and say • Hand out colored pencils. Have children work individually
• Hold up the page and point to the upper- and lowercase to connect the dots and trace the words and then copy
letters. Ask children to follow them with a finger while them on the lines provided.
you read each one.
• Then point to the pictures and say the words for each
slowly, encouraging the class to follow them with a finger
and join in.

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5 Values: Take care in the sun
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 1 Look. Check (✓) or cross (✗).
Taking care in the sun • Draw a picture of the sun on the board. Draw a face
Functions without sunglasses beneath the sun and another with
To learn how to take care in the sun sunglasses next to it. Point to the picture without
sunglasses and ask Good or bad? (bad). Draw an ✗ next to
Materials it. Point to the picture with sunglasses and ask Good or
Printable Resources p. 46 bad? (good). Draw a ✓ next to it.
Colored pencils or crayons
• Ask children to look at Activity 1, and draw their attention
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
to the first set of pictures. Ask them to point to the good
Song: Play a warm-up song.
picture and then the bad picture. Ask them to check their
Warmer answer with the people around them. Monitor to check.
• Write the following words in English and/or in Vietnamese Show them the ✗ in the first picture. Ask them to draw a
on the board: shade, sun hat, sunscreen, sunglasses. ✓ in the second picture.
• Divide the class into four groups and assign each group • Draw children’s attention to the second set of pictures.
one of the words. Ask them to point to the good picture and then the bad
• Then assign each word an action, for example, shade, picture. Ask them to check their answer with the people
place an arm over your hand, as though it’s a tree; sun around them. Monitor to check. Ask them to write a ✓ in
hat, pretend to put on a hat; sunscreen, pretend to put on the first picture and an ✗ in the second one.
sunscreen; and sunglasses, pretend to put on glasses. • Children complete the activity individually.
• Call out the words in random order. Each group does the • Divide the class into pairs. Children check their answers
action when they hear their group’s word. with their partner.
• After several rounds of actions, groups can change words ANSWERS
and do a different action if you wish. 1✗✓ 2✓✗ 3✗✓ 4✗✓

Lead-in Discuss
• Ask children to stand at their desks. • Using Vietnamese as needed, lead a discussion on taking
care in the sun. Ask children Why is it important to take
• Explain that you are going to give instructions, in
care in the sun? How can we take care in the sun?
Vietnamese as needed. If the instruction begins with the
words Simon says …, children must do as you say. If not, • Then ask What are some good actions you can take when
they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. you’re out in the sun?
Any child who gets this wrong is out of the game and has • Write children’s ideas on the board. Encourage children
to sit down. to think of an action they can do when outside in the sun
• Give an instruction that is relevant to the value of taking and to set a goal to actually do it in the next few days.
care in the sun, e.g., Simon says … sit in the shade. Simon Follow up with children in a later class if possible.
says … put on your sun hat / sunglasses. Simon says … put 2 Draw a poster.
on sunscreen. • Ask children to draw a big sun in the top corner of the
• Intermittently insert an instruction that is not preceded poster. Ask them to point again at the good actions in
by Simon says … and does not support the idea of taking Activity 1.
care in the sun, for example, … run around in the sun. • Tell them to draw these actions on the poster.
• Continue the game until there is one winner left standing, • Children then color their poster.
or a group of winners if you prefer.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
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5 Unit 5 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Look and match. 4 Look. Count and write.
• Hold up the page and point to the picture. • Hold up the page and point to the picture of the robot.
• Point to the words around the picture and have children Point to its body parts and elicit their names and how
repeat them after you. Then point out the example many of each it has.
matching line from the word face to the boy’s face in the • Then point to number one and the picture of the leg.
picture. Elicit leg and ask How many? Children look at the picture
• Have children draw matching lines from the remaining of the robot’s legs and count (one). Point out to children
words to the boy’s correct body parts in the picture. that the word one has been written on the writing staves
• Go over the answers with the class. and crossed out in the word pool.
• Have children work individually to go through the
2 Look and circle.
remaining pictures and choose the correct number word
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Read out from the word pool to complete the sentences.
the sentence in full, and point out to children that This is
• Monitor and help as needed.
is circled.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Ask children Why is ”This is” the correct answer? (because
going over the answers with the whole class.
face is singular).
• Have children work individually to go through the 1 one 2 five 3 three 3 two
remaining pictures and choose the correct answers to
complete the sentences.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
1 This is 2 This is 3 These are 4 These are

3 Listen and check (✓).

• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 08). As the
recording says /b/, /b/ … bird, point to the pictures again
and ask Which picture? Children point to the first picture
of the bird. Point out the example check mark.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and check the answers.
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 04)
1 /b/, /b/ .... bird
2 /e/, /e/ .... egg
3 /g/, /g/ .... goat
4 /b/, /b/ ... bat
1a 2b 3b 4a

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6 Words
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Look and trace the correct word.
Foods in a lunchbox • Hold up the page, point to the pictures and ask the class
Functions to say the correct words.
To practice the foods in a lunchbox words • Point to the traceable words under the pictures. Tell the
class that they need to trace the word that matches the
picture. Show the class the example.
Printable Resources p. 49
• Children trace the words individually. Monitor and help
Student Book Audio Tracks 01, 74
if needed.
Flashcards 38–43
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. • Go over the answers with the class.
Song: Play a warm-up song. ANSWERS
Children draw and say:
Warmer 1 cookie 2 drink 3 sandwich 4 banana
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the

• Display the flashcards around the room.
• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track
74) with the class. Children can follow along, pointing to
each word as they hear it.
• Encourage children to say the chant with you.
• Say the chant together as many times as you wish, first
slowly and then more quickly.

1 Look and write the numbers.

• Hold up the page and point to the picture. Point to
each numbered item in order and ask What’s this? Elicit
the answers.
• Ask the class to read out the words alongside the picture
and say the number of the corresponding item in the
• Show the class the example number 6 next to drink.
Explain that they need to write the correct number of the
item in the picture next to the words.
• Children look at the picture and complete the activity
individually. Monitor and help as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
drink 6 sandwich 1 pear 4 banana 2 cookie 5
lunchbox 3

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
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6 Grammar
Teacher’s Notes
I have a (banana) / two (sandwiches).

To practice the structure: I have a (banana) / two

Printable Resources p. 50
Student Book Audio Tracks 74, 76
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Say the vocabulary chant from the Student Book (track
74) with the class.

• Sing the foods in a lunchbox song from the Student Book
(track 76) with the class.

1 Trace and match.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask the
class to say what the girl has got (an apple).
• Focus on the example and make sure children
understand the activity.
• Children trace the words to complete the sentences, then
draw lines to match the sentences to the pictures.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Ask children to point to the pictures and say the
1d 2a 3e 4b 5c

2 Draw. Point and say.

• Point to the words in the box and ask the class to read
them out and point to the correct items in Activity 1.
• Children draw a picture of their lunch.
• Read out the example. Encourage children to talk about
their pictures. Children say sentences about their picture.
Children’s own answers

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
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6 Numbers
Teacher’s Notes
Topics • Point to the first number (8). Ask children to say the
Numbers number. Ask the class to find which item there are eight
of (robots). Children can work in pairs to count the items
and find the correct set of pictures. Show the class the
Writing practice: 6–10 (review)
example line from the number 8 to the eight robots.
Reviewing numbers
Counting • Ask the class to find the word eight in the box. Show the
class the example word eight.
• Children count and match the remaining numbers to the
Printable Resources p. 51
pictures, then write the number words.
Colored pencils or crayons
• Monitor and help as needed.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Go over the answers with the class.
Warmer Children match (and write): 10 crocodiles (ten), 6 planes
• Review the numbers 6–10 by clapping your hands seven (six), 8 robots (eight), 9 birds (nine), 7 balloons (seven)
times. Say What number? Encourage the class to shout
out seven.
• Do the same for six, eight, nine, and ten in a random order.
• Invite children to clap a number for the class to guess.
• Write the numbers 6 to 10 on the board.
• Stand with your back to the class and demonstrate how
to write the numbers in the air. Children copy you and
draw the numbers in the air, too.

1 Write the numbers in order.

• Count to ten with the class, as many times as necessary
for them to feel confident. Hand numbers of items from
6 to 10 to children around the class. Ask them to count
the items.
• Hold up the page and point to the numbers in the
box. Ask children to say what number should go in the
first gap.
• Children write the numbers in order.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Children write: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Count, match, and write.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer crocodile. Ask How many? Elicit the
answer ten.

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6 Sounds and letters
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Trace the correct end sound and say.
Sounds and letters • Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask
Functions What’s this? Elicit the answer mom. Elicit the end sound
Review initial sounds and letters Aa–Mm of the word. Show children how m has been traced as
Practice end sounds k, l, m an example.
Writing practice: Aa–Mm • Have children work individually to look at the pictures
and trace the correct end sounds.
• Monitor and help as needed.
Printable Resources p. 52
Phonics cards 1–26 • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
Colored pencils or crayons going over the answers with the whole class.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. ANSWERS
1m 2d 3k 4f 5g 6b 7l
Song: Play a warm-up song.

Warmer 3 Write the capital or small letters.

• Write a few of the upper- and lowercase forms of the • Say the letters A–M with the class in order, as many times
as necessary for them to feel confident. Hand phonics
letters a–m on the board in random order for children
cards 1–26 to children around the class. Ask them to say
to match.
the letters and try to line themselves up in order.
• Ask individuals to draw a matching line between
two forms.
• Hold up the page and point to the letters in the clouds.
Ask children to say what letter should go in the first gap,
Lead-in: Tracing on backs and whether this should be a capital or small letter.
• Have each group make a line, with the first child standing • Children write the letters in order. They can refer to their
near the board and the last child standing near the back Student Book if needed.
of the classroom.
• Go over the answers with the class.
• Pass out a phonics card (1–26) to the last child of each ANSWERS
line, but don’t have them look at the card until you Children write: a b C d E f g h i J K l m
say, Go.
• Have children “Write” the letter very slowly on their
classmates’ backs with their fingers.
• The first child goes to the board, writes the letter, and
says the sound. The quickest group with the correct letter
and pronunciation wins.

1 Write and say.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer key. Elicit the first sound of the
word. Point out the example.
• Have children work individually to look at the pictures
and write the correct letters.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
1k 2m 3i 4l 5j

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6 Values: Share with others
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Read, draw, and color.
Sharing with others • Ask children to look at Activity 2. Draw their attention to
Functions the first speech bubble. Ask a child to come to the front
To learn the value of sharing with others of the class and draw two bananas and a pear on the
board. Ask the class to hold up the correct colored pencils
Materials for the picture (yellow and green).
Printable Resources p. 53
• Tell children to draw two bananas and a pear in the box
Blank paper
and then color them.
Colored pencils or crayons
• Children complete the activity individually.
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song. • Draw a big box on the board. Ask different children to
come and draw in the box. If you have appropriately
Warmer colored board pens, ask them to color the fruit as well. If
• Ask the class to name all the foods they can think of, not, ask children to hold up the correctly colored pencil
either in English or Vietnamese. for each food.
• Write the foods on the board in a list and encourage ANSWERS
children to say the words in order. Then rub out one of Children draw and color:
the words and challenge children to say the list in full. 1 two yellow bananas, one green pear
2 a drink and three red apples
Carry on rubbing out one word at a time until there are
no words left on the board, and children are reciting the
full list from memory.

• Ask what sharing means. (Giving other people your things
when they need them.) Ask why it is important. (It’s polite
and makes other people happy.)

1 Look and draw h or k.

• Ask children to look at Activity 1, and draw their attention
to the first picture. Ask them if the picture shows an
example of sharing. Ask them to check their answer with
the people around them. Monitor to check. Show them
the h next to the picture.
• Children complete the activity individually.
• Divide the class into pairs. Children check their answers
with their partner.
1h 2h 3k

• Using Vietnamese as needed, lead a discussion on why
sharing is important. Ask children Why is it important to
share? How does it make other people feel?
• Write children’s ideas on the board. Encourage children to
think of a time when they can share.

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6 Unit 6 test
Teacher’s Notes
1 Look and match. 4 Look. Count and write.
• Hold up the page and point to the picture. • Hold up the page and point to number one and the
• Point to the words around the picture and have children picture of the bananas. Elicit bananas and ask How many?
repeat them after you. Then point out the example Children look at the picture of the bananas and count
matching line from the word lunchbox to the lunchbox in (six). Point out to children that the word six has been
the picture. written on the writing staves and crossed out in the
• Have children draw matching lines from the remaining word pool.
words to the correct items in the picture. • Have children work individually to go through the
• Go over the answers with the class. remaining pictures and choose the correct number word
from the word pool to complete the sentences.
2 Listen and check (✓) or cross (✗).
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Hold up the page and point to the picture.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Play the first part of the recording (track 09). As the going over the answers with the whole class.
recording says I have a banana., point to the picture again
and ask Is this correct? Children say Yes. Point out the 1 six 2 ten 3 eight 4 seven
example check mark.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
listen and check or cross the answers.
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 3)
1 I have a banana.
2 I have a pear.
3 I have an egg.
4 I have three apples.
1✓ 2✗ 3✓ 4✗

3 Look and write.

• Hold up the page and point to the first picture.
• Ask children What is it? Ask What letter is at the beginning
of the word? Point to the word below and show children
how the letter i has been written on the writing stave to
complete the word ill.
• Have children work individually to go through the
remaining pictures, writing the missing letters on the
writing staves.
• Monitor and help as needed.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
going over the answers with the whole class.
1i 2j 3m 4k

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Fluency Time! 2 Worksheet 1
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 3 Play a game.
Math: Shapes • Invite a child to come to the front of the class. Use your
Functions finger to ”draw“ a shape (circle, square, or triangle) on
To practice the CLIL language the child’s back. Ask What’s this? Elicit the sentence
It’s a (square). Repeat with other children, using the
Materials other shapes.
Printable Resources p. 56
• When everyone is confident, children can play the
Student Book Audio Track 01
game in pairs, taking turns to ”draw“ a shape on their
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
partner’s back for their partner to guess. Monitor and help
Song: Play a warm-up song.
as needed.
Warmer • If you like, you can divide the class into two teams and
• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into the invite children from each team in turn to ”draw“ a shape
classroom. on a child from the other team’s back. Award one point
for each correct guess.
• Say a shape and have children use their fingers to make
the shape.
• Then, you make the shapes and children call out the
correct word.

1 Circle the correct word.

• Hold up the page and point to the triangle. Ask What’s
this? Elicit the answer triangle. Show the example circle
around the word triangle.
• Point to the remaining two shapes and ask What are
these? Elicit the answers square and circle.
• Point to the two words under the first picture. Ask
children to read out the words, then say which word
is correct.
• Children look at the pictures and circle the correct words.
• Go over the answers with the class.
1 triangle 2 square 3 circle

2 Trace and match.

• Hold up the page and point to the first word. Ask children
to read it out. Ask children to point to the correct shape
(the circle). Show the class the example line.
• Children trace the words, then draw lines to match the
words to the shapes. Monitor and help as needed.
• Ask children to show their lines to the class and say the
correct shape words.
1c 2a 3b

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Fluency Time! 2 Worksheet 2
Teacher’s Notes
Topics 2 Talk about your pictures. Point and say.
Math: Shapes • Invite children to show their pictures to the class.
Functions Encourage them to point to the shapes in their pictures
To recognize shapes in everyday items, and draw and talk and say the words.
about these shapes using the CLIL language • Hold up the page and point to the window. Trace the
square outline and ask What’s this? Elicit the answer
It’s a square.
Printable Resources p. 57
• Point to and ask about other shapes in the pictures and
Student Book Audio Track 01
elicit sentences.
Colored pencils or crayons and rulers
A large sheet of paper for each child • Children work in pairs, taking turns to point to shapes in
Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather. their pictures and ask and answer.
Song: Play a warm-up song.

• Play the Hello song (track 01) as children come into
the classroom.

• Point to your mouth and say Mouth. Say! Encourage
children to do the same as they say the word and
classroom instruction. Repeat for Ears. Listen! and
Eyes. Look!
• Then point to your mouth, ears, or eyes and encourage
children to call out the word and classroom instruction,
varying the speed at which you point at your facial

1 What shapes can you see? Draw.

• Hold up the page, point to the first picture and say Look.
Walk around the classroom, looking and pointing at
things that are squares, triangles, or circles. Encourage
children to name the shapes.
• Point to the second picture and say Draw and color. Draw
a circle on the board and color it in, saying Draw. as you
draw and Color. as you color.
• Point to the third picture and say Write. Write the word
circle on the board under your picture.
• Make sure everyone is confident about the stages of
the activity.
• Hand out sheets of paper and make sure children have
colored pencils or crayons and rulers.
• Children can discuss their ideas in pairs or small groups
before choosing items, drawing and coloring their
pictures, and labelling them with the shape words.

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Summative test 2
Teacher’s Notes

Listening ANSWERS
Student A: I have two apples. Here you are.
1 Listen and circle. Student B: Thank you.
Student B: I have two bananas. Here you are.
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures. Student A: Thank you.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 10). As the Student A: I have two sandwiches. Here you are.
recording says Look! Sandwiches! Yes. I have two Student B: Thank you.
Student B: I have two cookies. Here you are.
sandwiches., point to the pictures again and ask Which
Student A: Thank you.
picture is the sandwiches? Children point to picture a. Student A: I have two drinks. Here you are.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to Student B: Thank you.
Student B: I have two pears. Here you are.
listen and circle the correct pictures.
Student A: Thank you.
• Repeat as many times as needed.
• Go over the answers with the class. Reading
Transcript (Track 10) 3 Circle the word that begins with the same letter.
1 Look! Sandwiches! • Point to the word in the box in item 1 (jug). Sound out the
Yes. I have two sandwiches. word and encourage children to copy you.
2 What are they? • Encourage children to sound out the remaining words in
They’re tigers. item 1 together. Ask children which word starts with the
3 Look! This is my nose. same sound as the word in the box (juice).
• Have children work individually to go through the
4 Oh! What are they?
remaining items and circle the correct words.
They’re hippos.
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
5 Look! These are my fingers!
going over the answers with the whole class.
Yes! Ten fingers!
6 Oh! I have two apples. ANSWERS
1 juice 2 man 3 farm 4 horse 5 kangaroo 6 boy
Yum yum!
1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a
4 Look, match, and trace.
Speaking • Hold up the page. Show the line to the sentence that
2 Talk with your friend. matches the first picture: I have two pears.

• Hold up the page and point to the pictures. Ask What’s • Children match the picture and the sentence, then trace
this? about each of the food items and elicit the words. the word pears in the sentence.

• Indicate yourself and say I’m A. Indicate a confident child • Children match the pictures to the sentences and tracing
and say You’re B. Point to the pictures for Student A and the words to complete the sentences.
say I have two apples. Point to the pictures for Student B • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
and elicit the sentence. I have two bananas. going over the answers with the whole class.
• Ask children how we make and accept offers (Here you ANSWERS
1 I have two pears.
are. Thank you.). Model the speaking task with children
2 These are my arms.
around the class. 3 They’re birds.
• Children carry out the speaking task in pairs. 4 I have two drinks.
5 They’re crocodiles.
• Invite pairs of children to model exchanges for the class 6 These are my hands.
to observe.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: Summative test 2 53 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
End of Year test
Teacher’s Notes

Listening 3 Look! What are they?

They’re balloons.
1 Listen and complete the words. What color are they?
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. They’re red.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 11). As the 4 What’s this?
recording says lion, point to the picture again and ask It’s a desk.
What’s the first letter? Encourage children to sound out the What color is it?
word. Elicit the answer l. Show the example answer. It’s green.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to ANSWERS
listen and write the first letters. Children color:
1 the pears yellow 2 the teddy bear blue
• Repeat as many times as needed. 3 the balloons red 4 the desk green
• Go over the answers with the class.
3 Listen, count, and circle.
Transcript (Track 11) • Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures.
1 lion lion Ask children to count the items in each of the pictures.
2 apple apple
• Play the first part of the recording (track 13). As the
3 hat hat
recording says Look! Girls! Yes. Six girls. One, two, three, four,
4 duck duck
five, six., point to the pictures again and ask Which picture
ANSWERS is it? Children point to the picture of six girls.
1l 2a 3h 4d
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
2 Listen and color. listen and circle the correct pictures.
• Hold up the page and point to the first picture. • Repeat as many times as needed.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 12). As the • Go over the answers with the class.
recording says Look! What are they? They’re pears. What
Transcript (Track 13)
color are they? They’re yellow., point to the picture again.
1 Look! Girls!
Pause the recording and ask What are they? Elicit the
Yes. Six girls. One, two, three, four, five, six.
answer pears. Ask What color are they? Elicit the answer
2 Look! Bats!
yellow. Children color the pears yellow.
Yes. Three bats. One, two, three.
• Play the recording all the way through for children to
3 Look! Birds!
listen and color the pictures.
Yes. Eight birds. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
• Repeat as many times as needed. 4 Look! Hats!
• Go over the answers with the class. Yes. Nine hats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
Transcript (Track 12) eight, nine.
1 Look! What are they? ANSWERS
They’re pears. Children circle:
1 six girls 2 three bats 3 eight birds 4 nine hats
What color are they?
They’re yellow.
2 What’s this?
It’s a teddy bear.
What color is it?
It’s blue.

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: End of Year test 54 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
End of Year test
Teacher’s Notes
4 Listen and check (✓) or cross (✗). ANSWERS
1 What’s this? It’s a puppet.
• Hold up the page and point to the first pair of pictures. 2 What are they? They’re dogs.
• Play the first part of the recording (track 14). As the 3 What’s this? It’s a cat.
recording says What’s this? Is it a bear? No, it isn’t! It’s a 4 What are they? They’re insects.
5 What are they? They’re eggs.
hippo!, point to the pictures again and ask Which picture
is it? Children point to the picture of the hippo. Show the 6 Color. Ask and answer.
example check mark. • Hold up the page and point to the pictures. Ask What’s
• Ask Is it a bear? Elicit the answer No (, it isn’t). Children this? about each of the items and elicit the words.
point to the ✗ next to the picture of the bear. • Have children take out their red, green, blue, yellow,
• Play the recording all the way through for children to and black pens. Say Show me (red). Children hold up the
listen and ✓and ✗ the correct pictures. correct colors.
• Repeat as many times as needed. • Children color the pictures on their pages, then ask and
• Go over the answers with the class. answer in pairs.

Transcript (Track 14)

• Monitor and help as needed.
1 What’s this? Is it a bear? • Invite pairs of children to model exchanges for the class
No, it isn’t! It’s a hippo. to observe.
Oh, yes! It’s a hippo! ANSWERS
2 What’s this? Is it a robot? 1 What’s this? It’s a fan.
What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
No, it isn’t! It’s a plane. 2 What’s this? It’s a gift.
That’s right! It’s a plane! What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
3 What’s this? Is it a key? 3 What’s this? It’s a pineapple.
No, it isn’t! It’s a kite. What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
4 What’s this? It’s a cake.
Oh, yes! It’s a kite! What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
4 What’s this? Is it a crayon? 5 What’s this? It’s a ball.
No, it isn’t! It’s a pencil. What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
Yes! It’s a pencil!! 6 What’s this? It’s a banana.
What color is it? It’s [children’s own answers].
1 hippo ✓ bear ✗ 2 robot ✗ plane ✓ 3 kite ✓ key ✗ 7 Read and match. Ask and answer.
4 crayon ✗ pencil ✓ • Hold up the page and point to the first question. Ask
What’s your name? to children around the class and elicit
Speaking true answers.
5 Ask and answer. • Point to the answers in the second column. Ask children
• Hold up the page and point to the pictures. Ask What’s to find the answer to the question What’s your name?
this? / What are these? about each of the pictures and elicit Elicit the answer I’m Anna. Children trace the example
the answers. matching line to match the question to the answer.
• Model the speaking task with children around the class. • Children match the rest of the questions and answers,
• Children carry out the speaking task in pairs. then carry out the speaking task in pairs.

• Monitor and help as needed. • Monitor and help as needed.

• Invite pairs of children to model exchanges for the class • Invite pairs of children to model exchanges for the class
to observe. to observe.
1d 2a 3e 4c 5b

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: End of Year test 55 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
End of Year test
Teacher’s Notes

Reading Writing
8 Read and match. 11 Count and write 5, 6, 7, or 8.
• Hold up the page and point to the word in item 1 (chair). • Hold up the page. Point to the circles and ask children to
Sound out the word and encourage children to copy you. count them.
• Ask children to find the picture of the chair on the right. • Show children the number 5 in the box.
• Children trace the example matching line to match the • Have children work individually to go through the
word with the picture. remaining items, counting the shapes and writing
• Have children work individually to go through the the numbers. Monitor and help as needed.
remaining items and match the words with the pictures. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before going over the answers with the whole class.
going over the answers with the whole class. • For extra practice, ask children to count groups of items
ANSWERS (between 1 and 10) in the classroom.
1 chair 2 plane 3 tiger 4 nose 5 lunchbox 6 banana ANSWERS
15 26 38 47
9 Look and circle the correct word.
• Hold up the page and point to the picture in item 1. Ask 12 Complete the words.
What’s this? Elicit the answer pear. Sound out the word • Hold up the page. Point to the first picture and ask What’s
pear for children to copy. this? Elicit the answer (It’s an) elephant.
• Ask children to find the correct word in the set of three. • Point to the gapped word. Sound out the word elephant
Show the example circle around the word pear. for children to copy. Show children that the letter e from
• Encourage children to name the items in the remaining the word pool has been written to complete the word.
pictures, then have children work individually to go • Have children work individually to go through the
through the remaining items and circle the correct words. remaining items, completing the words with the letters
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before from the word pool. Monitor and help as needed.
going over the answers with the whole class. • Have children discuss the answers with a partner before
ANSWERS going over the answers with the whole class.
1 pear 2 hippo 3 robot 4 notebook ANSWERS
1 elephant 2 leaf 3 lollipop 4 juice 5 yak 6 guitar
10 Read and check (✓) or cross (✗).
• Hold up the page and point to the picture in item 1. Ask 13 Look and trace. Then read the sentence.
What’s this? Elicit the answer (It’s a) pencil. • Hold up the page. Point to the first picture and ask What’s
• Read out the sentence in item 1, then point to the picture this? Elicit the answer (It’s a) cookie.
again and ask Yes or no? Elicit the answer Yes. • Show children that the word cookie has been traced in
• Explain that children need to look at the pictures, read the writing stave.
the sentences and put a ✓ in the box if the sentence is • Have children work individually to go through the
correct and an ✗ in the box if the sentence is incorrect. remaining items, tracing the words. Monitor and help
• Have children work individually to go through the as needed.
remaining items and put a ✓ or an ✗ in each box. • Then ask children to read the sentences. Do this as a class,
• Have children discuss the answers with a partner before encouraging children to repeat the sentences after you
going over the answers with the whole class. say them.
1✓ 2✓ 3✗ 4✓ 5✗ 6✗ 1 cookie 2 bears 3 plane 4 chair 5 finger 6 pears

TIẾNG ANH 1 Family and Friends National Edition © Oxford University Press
Printable Resources Teacher’s Notes: End of Year test 56 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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